A demo prototype of the virtual keyboard "all-in-one"
for calculations, editions, Latin and Russian transliterations, etc.
(bilingual: in English For English version click on this flag and Polish Dla polskiej wersji kliknij na ta flage)

12 December 2012

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(Also here in English:)

Russian keyboard

Greek keyboard

Download "all-in-one"




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Koncept Dipolarnej Grawitacji

O mnie (dr Jan Pająk)

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Here is the list of all my web pages from all servers. These are arranged primarily by language (i.e. as web pages in Polish, English, German, French, Spanish, and Italian.) For each language web pages are arranged by their subjects. Choose the page that interests you by dragging scroll bars, then click on this page to run it:

Here the page menu.htm should be displayed.

(The same list can be displayed by clicking on the item "Menu 1".)



Explanations for users:
#1. Free offer. Here is a free offer of a virtual keyboard named "all-in-one", which I programmed for your use and convenience. In the form which is offered above, this keyboard allows you to use it like a standard or a scientific calculator, means carry out with it the arithmetic, engineering, or scientific calculations - similarly as you would do with the use of any calculator. It allows also to convert Arabic numbers into Roman numbers, and vice versa, and to change any physical units (measure, weight, speed, fuel consumption, etc.) into any other physical units. It also allows the calculations and conversions of dates. In addition to this, it allows to process and to edit texts which use the English, Latin, Polish, Russian (Cyrillic), and Greek alphabets, their coding into HTML, their transliterations into two official Romanized standards, and much more. After given texts are typed, the keyboard allows to copy and paste them into the required documents, wordprocessors, or text editors. The user instruction in English, which explains how to use this keyboard, is to appear after you click on the "Help" button located under the Russian alphabet. You can resize this user instruction to any size and shape by grabbing it with the mouse by the bottom-right corner, and you can also shift it with the mouse to any new location by dragging it by the blue top. Note that this keyboard have also a user instruction in Polish (which appears after you click on the button marked "Pomoc"), and have a user instruction in Russian (which appears after you click on the button marked "Помощь"). There is also a Greek version of a prototype of this keyboard (slightly older), which is to run after you click on the button "Greek". This keyboard you can use either "on-line" for free, means use directly from the internet, or you can use it (also for free) after downloading it into your own computer (recommended when you need it frequently - as sometimes internet may be unavailable, and also a frequent use of internet induces costs). In order to copy the source version of this keyboard into your own computer click on the key "Download all-in-one", then follow the copying instructions, finally "unzip" the folder "archive_pajak" in which are located all files required by this keyboard for operation. In order to run it later in your own computer you just need to click on the file named "all_in_one.htm".
* * *
#2. "All-in-one" a new idea in computing. These readers, who make programs for computers, know well that there are two basic categories of calculations and computing tasks, namely (a) repetitive tasks (e.g. balancing of funds by a bank), and (b) tasks which are only carried out one time (e.g. calculating during our shopping in a supermarket, which product on the offer is more beneficial to us in terms of price to weight). Tasks which are repeated many times are worth to be computerized through writing programs. After all, the large contribution of labour for the completion of programs is returned for them later when these programs are utilized. However, tasks carried out only one time (or just a couple of times) are not suitable for programming. After all, the large input of labour for programming would never be returned, if this program is used a single time only. Thus, computing of tasks which are completed only a single time, usually is completed either with calculators, or manually. The enormous processing power of present computers is not harvested for them. This is quite a regretful situation, as there is a large potential being lost.
* * *
#3. History of the "all-in-one" idea. On 21 May 2005 I started to develop a kind of virtual keyboard for universal applications. I realized then, that this keyboard can be made almost infinitively universal, and that it can obtain almost all calculating powers that a given computer has. In the result, such a small keyboard can receive practically all capabilities, which presently are embedded into the most advanced programming languages and computers. But it still is going to maintain simplicity of a calculator, and still can be used just as a calculator - means just for completing single-use jobs. In this manner, a new idea of computerization was born. I named it "all in one". This new idea boils down to a design of a keyboard, which in a simplest possible form supplies users with all capabilities of data processing that normally are offered only by complex and sophisticated programming languages and computers. In this way the powerful calculation abilities of present computers can be made accessible for these people who wish to carry out tasks for only single uses. Immediately after this idea evolved in my mind, I started to construct a prototype keyboard, which implemented practically this idea of "all in one". Unfortunately, shortly afterwards, this work was interrupted for objective reasons (i.e. my redundancy from the academic job in IT). Until this interruption, I managed to contribute towards the development of the "all-in-one" keyboard only around two months of occasional programming and thoughts. On the other hand, in order to develop such a powerful software tool to a reasonable level, in my opinion it requires at least a year of continuous research, thinking over, testing, and programming by a single researcher. Shown above is the prototype of "all-in-one" virtual keyboard, which was accomplished during these first two months of research and development. You are welcomed to use it, to test it, or to develop it further (should you decide to develop it further, please do not forget to give me a credit for creation of the original idea). At the moment I have no condition to develop this keyboard any further (after all, for over a year I am just seeking a next academic job). However, should I find an academic position in IT, I will introduce improvements to this keyboard which are explained in item #4 below. Therefore, I recommend to visit this web page again in a few months of time, then perhaps a much better version of this keyboard will already be available here.
* * *
#4. Future improvements. While using this tool please bear in mind that it is only a second demo prototype of this "all-in-one" keyboard. Thus, it leaves a lot to wish for, regarding the ergonomics, user-friendliness, and calculation power which it already received. But it still illustrates well what this new idea "all in one" is all about. So by checking here how it works, the reader obtains quite a good understanding as to how this new idea "all in one" is able to facilitate all calculations for only a single use. After all, the reader is able to realize from this prototype, that in future implementations of this idea both text boxes can be made adjustable - so that they accommodate whatever the user wishes, that both alphabets (i.e. present Russian and present English + Polish) can be made replaceable - so that the user could switch/exchange them into Japanese, Korean, Thai, Arabic, Jewish, Greek, or any other alphabet in existence in the world, that the edition capabilities of this keyboard can be increased until they reach these from the WORD or WORD PERFECT, that the algorithm of calculations and processing carried out on this keyboard can be memorised automatically, so that later it can be simply repeated for another set of data, like a computer program, that the number of mathematical functions and physical conversions can be increased to practically unlimited extent, that the calculations carried out can be simplified and facilitated further by adding the capability to "recognize" in the text values that should be subjected to calculations, and by writing the results in any place that the user indicates, that to the processing power of this keyboard can be added graphics, animation, and whatever someone wishes, etc., etc. Out of the above improvements of this virtual keyboard planned for the future, the most attractive seems to be the memorising on a disk, and later automatic running from the disk file but for a new set of data, the algorithm of any calculations and data processing carried out on this software tool. Therefore, this particular improvement I plan to introduce in the first priority, immediately after I find a next academic job. After all, such a possibility of memorising, and later recreation for new data, the routines of calculations already carried out, will allow for an extremely simple preparation of computer programs by people who do not know any programming language - but just know how to carry out calculations on a calculator. This is because by carrying out any calculations in a manner identical like with a calculator, in reality these people would simply prepare for themselves repetitive computer programs with this "graphical programming language" that takes the illustrative form of a calculator. After the final development, this keyboard can also be installed in cellular telephones. In this manner owners of such phones would receive extremely powerful, although very simple in use, graphical programming language which would work on their phones. As we can see from the above explanation, after the full implementation, this new idea of "all in one" in fact would allow users to carry out with this single simple keyboard practically every type of calculations and data processing that present computers are able to do, and that are on offer only in the form of complex programming languages. And we know that there is a lot of such capabilities. Actually, even in the present, far from perfection form, this keyboard is already able to be utilised for facilitating an entire range of computing tasks, including calculations, conversions, transformations, translation, editing, typing, transliteration, etc. Furthermore, it provides us with an idea (a concept) which can be developed further e.g. by assigning to it diploma projects and doctor dissertations from computer sciences. In turn, after it is developed further to the practically useful level, it will be able to enhance the work and life for a large number of people, who need to computerise and simplify all the "one-off" type of activities that they carry out.

Copyright 2005 by Dr Jan Pajak
Date of starting of this web page: 21 May 2005. Most recent update: 12 December 2012.
(Check at addresses from the "Menu 2" whether there is even a more recent update!)

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