is the list of all web pages which should
be available at this address (i.e. from this
server), arranged by language (in 8 languages).
It represents a more frequently updated version
of "Menu 1". Choose below the page that interests
you by dragging scroll bars, then click on this
web page to run it:
(The same list can also be displayed
from "Menu 1" by clicking
Menu 2.)
Here is the list of addresses of all
totaliztic web sites that still worked
at the date of the most recent update
of this web page. At each of these addresses
should be available all totaliztic web pages
listed in "Menu 1" or
"Menu 2",
including also their different language versions
(i.e. versions in languages:
Polish, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian,
Greek or Russian.) Thus firstly select
the address which you wish to open by dragging
scroll bars in small window below, then click on
this address to run it. When opens the web
page which represents this address, then choose
from its "Manu 1" or
"Menu 2"
the web page which interests you and click on it
to view that page:
(The above list can also be displayed
from "Menu 1" by clicking
Menu 4.)
Each time when I open a television set and see increasingly
doomed picture of the world, which because of the current
neo-medieval epoch
is already uncontrollably reprogrammed by
forces of evil
that govern over the Earth, I dream of happy humanity and Earth.
I dream that people are able to live in mutual harmony and not
murder mutually each other under some immoral excuses. I also
dream that every inhabitant of Earth have guaranteed a job and
deserved rewards for it, so that he or she does not need to be
afraid what is going to happen tomorrow. I dream that people
obtain opportunity to live in peace amongst similar to themselves,
without someone emphasizing continuously their differences
in comparison to other people, nor without problems which
stem from these differences. I dream that everyone without
obstacles could state and implement moral ideas in which
he or she believes, while other people would NOT compete
in holding these ideas back when they are unable to prove
that these ideas are immoral. I also dream of countries
the citizens of which are safe from being enslaved and
exploited due to an increase of corruption, monopolies,
greedy individuals, immoral politicians, bureaucracy,
unfair taxes, etc. While analysing my dreams I realise,
that accomplishing all of them is not only realistic, but
also very simple. After all, we have in our disposal the
with guidelines of God Himself as to how we should
live and behave, as well as the enormously moral,
peaceful, constructive, and progressive philosophy called
(the one spelled with letter "z" inside). In spite that both
of them are derived from completely different sources,
both of them for a long time indicate to us how exactly
all these goals could be accomplished. So this web
page presents just such recipes indicating how our
personal, social, family, and political lives could be
in a simplest possible manner, thus enabling us to
accomplish the goals described above. So perhaps
it is about a time to begin reforming key komponents
of our public lives, starting from most important of them
that I described more comprehensively in blog #362E
and in items #I1 to #L6 from my web page named
while below on this web page I started to explain in item #Y2.
* * *
The content of this web page is authorized by
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
that is by a researcher, discoverer and inventor
of New Zealand and Poland and
WorldCat Identity
(see the web page,
the course of whose life is briefly described at the autobiographical web page
By profession Dr Eng. Jan Pająk is an academic teacher who
lectured and carried out research at 10 tertiary educational
institutions of the world where he lectured numerous subjects
in two different disciplines, i.e. in the discipline of Mechanical
Engineering and Machine Construction, first at his native
Wrocław University of Science and Technology,
then at the universities of New Zealand (Canterbury),
Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) and Borneo (Kuching), as
well as in the discipline of Software Engineering and
Programming Languages at four New Zealand tertiary
educational institutions (i.e. at Invercargill College,
Dunedin University, Timaru Polytechnic, and Wellington
Institute of Technology) and at universities in Cyprus
(Famagusta) and Korea (Suwon). At as many as four
among these universities (i.e. at universities in Cyprus,
Malaysia, Borneo and Korea) he was employed as
university professor. In the early part of the 21st
century, Dr Eng. Jan Pająk distinguished himself
from the group of still alive at that time discoverers
and inventors who simultaneously were citizens of
Poland and/or New Zealand, that he became among
them the most widely known in the world, most
variously interpreted, and moreover, the most productive -
in spite of conducting his research without funding and
on the principles of alleged a private scientific "hobby",
forced by the official disapproval of the areas of knowledge
and truth he researches, and in spite that the results of
his research constitute knowledge and truth that in present
world is one of the most fiercely overpowered and blocked
from getting known by people.
Only a brief illustration and summary of the most important
of his discoveries, inventions and scientifically indisputable
formal proofs with the use of teaching movies, required
the preparation of a series of half-hour video presentations
available for free on the Internet: either in three languages,
namely i.e. in Polish, English and German, all of which listed
from newest to oldest are linked from the web page named
djp.htm -
examples of which can be: the movie entitled
"Dr Jan Pajak portfolio"
while the English version of which can be viewed at
and the movie entitled
"Future Propulsions"
the English-language version of which
is disseminated from the address;
or English and German 4-minute video
"How big is the Magnocraft"
disseminated from the address;
or videos disseminated with narration in Polish but with
subtitles in English - for example the quest movie entitled
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój nirwany",
the title of which means "The Nirvana System: World That Rid Of Money", available at
and the warning movie entitled
"Zagłada ludzkości 2030",
the title of which means "The Massive Purification of Humanity in 2030s", available at
(note that these English subtitles can be turned "on" or "off"
by clicking on the icon "cc", i.e. "subtitles/closed
captions", located at the bottom-right of given movie).
Unfortunately, the results of his breakthrough research
to-date illustrate how perfectly the today's situation
with truth, knowledge and monopolistic "official atheistic
science" is reflected in the life wisdom of the Bible verses
from Matthew 13:57, Luke 4:24 and John 4:44, as
well as in the folk wisdom contained in the saying
"truth hurts".
After all, e.g. in New Zealand until today almost
no-one wants to know about the existence and
outcomes of his research. In turn, e.g. in Poland,
in order to invalidate, deny, silence, and combat his
discoveries, inventions and formal proofs, many compatriots
conspire into gangs that act as monopolies distorting
the truth and forgetting about God (as, for example,
it is documented from #A5 to #A5bc from the web page named
while trying to leave for future generations only lies,
rubbish, polluted water, air and soil, and devastated nature.
It is also worth knowing that the
print size of this web page as well as many of the author's other
web pages, can be increased up to about 300%.
This in turn allows it to be read easily without the use of glasses.
This is because every software used to display it has a built-in so-called
"zoom". For example, in "Google Chrome" this "zoom" is revealed
by clicking on the vertical "three-dot" in the upper right corner of the screen,
then the print can be increased or decreased by clicking on the plus or minus
of this "zoom". "Firefox" reveals the same "zoom" by clicking there on a
three-line dash, while "Internet Explorer" reveals by clicking a "cog" over
there. Photos of this and other web pages
of the author can also be enlarged up to 500% of their original size -
which allows e.g. to carefully examine the face of someone who interests
us. The easiest way to enlarge a photo in such a way is to first click on it -
so that it appears in a separate window. Then one should (also by clicking)
show it to oneself from this separate window on the computer screen. In
turn having it on the computer screen, one can open for it the "zoom" which
I described above for enlarging the print size of this web page, then by
clicking on the + or - of this zoom, one can freely increase or decrease
this photograph on the screen.
Part #A:
Introductory information of this web page:
Goals of this web page:
The main goal of this web page is to present
detailed methods for improving the situation
of people on Earth, which methods were
proposed by the new science called the
"totaliztic science"
(see the description of it provided in item
#B1 from this web page). This new science
was in a position to develop effective methods
for improving the current situation of humanity,
because it was born out of currently the most
moral philosophy of the world called the
philosophy of totalizm,
because its findings developed scientifically
and based on empirical evidence appear to
be consistent with the statements of the
Bible authorized by God Himself
(and hence, among others, independently
confirming in a scientific manner the truth
of claims from the Bible), because it examines
the reality from a different philosophical
approach called "a priori", that is described
in item #C1 from my web page named
and in item #A2.6 from my web page named
as well as because this new science identified
effective methods for improving the situation
of humanity by eliminating the "monopole for
knowledge and for education" overused by the
existing old and erroneous "atheistic orthodox
science", and by attempting to introduce these
improvements into the operation of today's
societies - in spite that the introduction of these
improvements is still forcefully blocked by the
monopoly of old, deviated and erroneous official
The history of this web page:
"The humanity will suffer for so long, until people begin to understand, that they
are intentionally created as highly imperfect, and until into every procedure of human
acting they introduce adjustements intended for the compensation of human imperfections."
The formulation of this web page was my reaction
to the fact established during my journey around
the world in search of bread, that every nation on
Earth is troubled by almost always the same set
of problems resulting from the human immorality,
greed, aggression, lust for power, avoidance of
etc., etc. The first formulation of this web page I
published on 15th November 2005. Unfortunately,
in that first formulation I was in the situation of
doctors before the time of the discovery of the
existence of bacteria and viruses. I mean, I knew
that humanity as a whole is sick, I also
knew that some of human actions are effective
cures for the symptoms of this illness. Thus, I
was able to suggest the use of whatever eliminates
these symptoms, but I was unable to identify the
reasons of the illness or methods to eliminate
those reasons.
However, in 2007 I experienced a breakthrough
in my thinking - obout which, however, I am NOT
going to dwell here, because this breakthrough
is already described in more detail on a number
of my publications (e.g. see the final part of
subsection W4 from volume 18 of my newest
monograph [1/5],
or see 35 minutes long film "Dr Jan Pająk
portfolio" available for free in
while described comprehensively on my web page named
and mentioned in item #Z4 from this web page).
One of the consequences of this breakthrough
in thinking was the gradual discovery that the
source of all problems of mankind is the innate
imperfection of people deliberately inscribed into
their nature and linked to such procedures of
human acting, as if people were absolutely perfect.
As a result of this discovery I reformulated
this web page to its current formulation, in
which contained are detailed guidelines of the
philosophy of totalizm
as to what corrections aimed at the human
imperfections should be inserted into all procedures
of the human activities.
The repetitive cyclicality (periodicity) in historical epochs of human
development and the "Periodic Table of Epochs in the History of Mankind":
"Whatever is most obvious, it is the hardest to notice."
(This item #A3
is still in the process of development and editing
- thus the translation of it from Polish to English
will be undertaken only when the writing of it is
finished. However, the caption under "Table #A1"
below is already in its final version, and is alredy
translated into English. But if you wish to read
more than just that "Table #A1" and the caption
under it, then you need to visit this item again
after a month or two.)
O tym, że poszczególne epoki w historii rozwoju
ludzkości są uformowane na regularny i powtarzalny
sposób i stąd zapewne układają się w rodzaj "Tabeli
Okresowości" podobnej do Tabeli Mendelejewa (tej
obowiązującej dla odkryć pierwiastków chemicznych),
logika powinna nam podpowiedzieć już dawno
temu. Wszakże owa logika, a także angielskie
przysłowie, od dawna nam mówią, że "wszystko
co idzie do góry, musi potem spaść na dół". Czyli
ludzkość NIE może zawsze rozwijać się ku lepszemu,
a cyklicznie musi przeżywać swe wzloty i upadki.
Ponadto, formalne dowody naukowe na istnienie Boga
opisywane w punktach #G2 i #G3 mojej strony o nazwie
implikują że jeśli ludzkość ma cyklicznie wznosić
się i upadać, wówczas ów mądry Bóg nada tym
wzlotom i upadkom jakieś cechy regularności -
tak aby ludzie byli potem w stanie je odnotować.
Wszakże Bóg rządzi upływem ludzkiego czasu -
tak jak wyjaśniają to opisy "omniplanu" zawarte
w punktach #C4 i #C4.1 strony o nazwie
immortality.htm -
stąd Bóg łatwo jest w stanie nadać historii ludzkości
przebieg jaki sobie zażyczy. Na dodatek, kiedy przed
1989 rokiem dokonywałem badań tzw.
"eksplozji Tapanui",
wówczas empirycznie też odkryłem, że na Ziemię
właśnie nadchodzi nowa epoka, którą z uwagi
na jej podobieństwo do średniowiecza nazwałem
"neo-średniowieczem". Jak też przekonałem
się później, owo "neo-średniowiecze" faktycznie
nadeszło na Ziemię w dniu 11 września 2001 roku -
czyli w 12 lat po tym jak przewidziałem jego niedługie
już nadejście. Dopiero jednak na początku lutego
2015 roku, podczas dokonywania badań składających
się na treść punktu #C4.7 ze swej strony o nazwie
zacząłem zdawać sobie sprawę, że owo właśnie
nadchodzące "neo-średniowiecze" jest jednym
ze składowych aż pięciu kolejnych, nawzajem podobnych
do siebie, cyklicznych wzlotów i upadków, w jakie Bóg
układa rozwój ludzkości. Wszakże mam już doświadczenie
w wykrywaniu cykli rozwojowych - to przecież ja
odryłem i sformułowałem "Tabelę Cykliczności
dla Napędów Ziemskich" zilustrowaną i opisaną w "części #B" (tj. w puntach #B1 do #B4)
mojej odmiennej strony o nazwie
Już więc na początku lutego 2015 roku, te historyczne
cykle rozwoju ludzkości wstępnie omówiłem,
kiedy przygotowywałem opisy "neo-średniowiecza"
zawarte w punkcie #K1 swej strony o nazwie
To dlatego początkowo około 7 lutego 2015 roku,
w niniejszym punkcie dokonałem też bardziej
szczegółowego opisania tzw. "Tabeli Cykliczności
dla Epok Historycznych" - potem zaś około
21 czerwca 2016 roku dodałem tutaj swoje
rozważania na temat wskazówek o dalekiej
przyszłości ludzi, jakie zdają się wynikać z owej
tabeli. Wszakże owa tabela ilustruje nam graficznie
wyraźne regularności w historycznych cyklach
rozwojowych ludzkości, z kolei owe regularności
pozwalają na dosyć precyzyjne dedukowanie co
może się stać w przyszłości jaka ma dopiero nadejść.
Tę niezwykłą tabelę pokazuję poniżej jako
"Tabelę #A1". Rzucając na nią okiem
proszę jednak pamiętać że Tabelę tę czyta się
"wznosząco" - czyli poczynając od dołu, jej wiersz
po wierszu, idąc w kierunku ku górze.
Ową "Tabelę Cykliczności dla Epok Historycznych"
opisałem już dokładniej w punkcie #K1 swej
odmiennej strony internetowej o nazwie
Aby jednak NIE przerywać toku czytania niniejszego
punktu zmuszniem czytelnika żeby teraz tam zaglądnął,
poniżej w skrócie powtórzę najważniejsze informacje
o owej tabeli. Wszakże informacje te są istotne dla
zrozumienia tego ci stanowi najważniejszą część
niniejszych opisów, mianowicie dla zrozumienia tego
co w punkcie #D4 swej strony o nazwie
nazwałem "teorią o żołnierzach
Boga" - czyli opisów cech, przebiegu szkolenia,
oraz przyszłej roli owych 144 tysięcy starannie wybranych
przez Boga ludzi, którym już po "sądzie ostatecznym"
i po "końcu obecnego świata" nadane zostaną nieśmiertelne
ciała (a wraz z nimi zupełnie nowe wymagania i obowiązki).
Oto więc skrótowe powtórzenie opisów owej tabeli.
Zgodnie z moim ustaleniami, na pełny rozwój
obecnej śmiertelnej ludzkości, składa się aż 5
cykli rozwojowych. Każdy zaś z tych cykli stanowi
odmienną erę rozwojową. W każdym też z owych
5 cykli, lub er, pojawiają się 4 epoki rozwojowe.
Dwie pierwsze z tych epok, w "Tabeli #A1" oznaczane
literami "a" i "b" i zapisane dwoma odcieniami
niebieskiej trzcionki, reprezentują "wzrosty ludzkości".
Powodują one bowiem odbudowę, umoralnienie
i wzrost ludzkości. Dwie zaś następne epoki, w
"Tabeli #A1" oznaczone literami "c" i "d" i zapisane
dwoma odcieniami czerwonej trzcionki, reprezentują
"upadki ludzkości". Powodują one bowiem coraz
głębsze uniemoralnienie ludzi, połączone z ich
krzywdą, wyzyskiem, cierpieniami, śmiercią, chaosem,
anarchią, wojnami, upadkiem, itp. Każdy nowy cykl,
lub era, zaczyna się od rodzaju "odrodzenia". Po
nim zaś przychodzi rozkwit technologiczny. Dopiero
po zakończeniu rozkwitu następują dwie epoki upadku.
Każdy też cykl, lub era, jest zapoczątkowany jakimś
"historycznie przewrotowym" zdarzeniem, którego
opisowa nazwa w "Tabeli #A1" przytoczona jest jako
w przedłużeniu swojej "umownej daty" wypisanej na
lewej pionowej "osi czasu" owej Tabeli. Odnotuj, że
po ostatniej, piątej erze, obecna forma ludzkości będzie
zastąpiona nową formą, w której indywidualnie wybrane
przez Boga osoby otrzymają nieśmiertelne ciała i staną
się nieśmiertelne. (Pozostali ludzie staną się wówczas
niepotrzebni i będą zanihilowani w czasie końca obecnego
świata.) Aby jednak owa era mogła nadejść, ludzie
najpierw muszą poznać wiedzę związaną z budową
i działaniem czasu, czyli muszą najpierw zbudować moje
wehikuły czasu,
potem zaś poużywać je przez określony czas. Szczególnie
muszą poznać empirycznie do czego prowadzi "korupcja
wymogu osiągnięcia totaliztycznej nirwany" przed
wybraniem się w podróże w czasie - co wyjaśniam
szerzej np. w punkcie #F3 swej strony o nazwie
Najlepszym zaś sposobem poznania tej wiedzy, jest
doświadczenie przez ludzkość ostatniej epoki (oznaczonej
(5c) w Tabeli #A1), podczas której ludzie praktycznie
wywołają ową "korupcję wymogu nirwany" i "posmakują"
na sobie jej owoców.
Esencją opisywanej tu mojej Tabeli Cykliczności jest,
że ujawnia ona regularności i powtarzalności
w rozwoju ludzkości - których uprzednio NIE odnotował
ani odkrył żaden inny badacz (tj. co dodatkowo
potwierdza to, co na temat Polaków staram się wyjaśnić
czytelnikom w punktach #I1 do #I7 ze swej strony o nazwie
a także w punkcie #E1.1 swej strony o nazwie
Przykładowo, tabela ta ujawnia, że w każdej z pięciu
er każda z epok oznaczonych tą samą literą, tj. np.
literą (a), (b), (c) lub (d), wykazuje bardzo podobne,
a niekiedy dokładnie takie same, cechy charakterystyczne.
Stąd znając te cechy, oraz
wiedząc o istnieniu regularności opisywanych tą Tabelą,
można z góry przewidzieć "co" i "kiedy" nadejdzie dla
ludzkości w przyszłości. Ponadto, Tabela ta przykładowo
ujawnia też empirycznie, że długość każdej z epok 4-tej
ery "nowożytność" (tj. ery, której ostatnia z epok w Tabeli
nazywana "neo-średniowiecze" rozpoczęła się w dniu
11 września 2001 roku), jest około 10 razy krótsza niż
odpowiadająca jej era z poprzedniej, 3-ciej epoki "starożytność" -
prawdopodobnie ponieważ ludzie bardziej energicznie
podejmują w niej walkę z niemoralnością jaka by wydłużała
jej epoki.
Najbardziej moim zdaniem fascynujące regularności
zawarte w opisywanej tutaj mojej tabeli cykliczności
są spowodowane współistnieniem na Ziemi aż
dwóch odmiennych rodzajów czasu. Mianowicie,
aż do bibilijnego potopu wszystko na Ziemi istaniało,
żyło i starzało się zgodnie z tzw. "nienawracalnym
czasem absolutnym wszechświata" - opisywanym w punktach #C4 i #C4.1 mojej strony o nazwie
a także we wstępie i w punkcie #G4 mojej strony o nazwie
Natomiast począwszy od czasu potopu, ludzie (i wszelkie
istoty żyjące) zostali przeprogramowani na życie i starzenie
się w sztucznie zaprogramowanym przez Boga, nowym tzw.
nawracalnym czasie softwarowym", natomiast
minerały, skały, pierwiastki chemiczne, itp., nadal istnieją
i starzeją się w owym czasie absolutnym, w którym z istot
żyjących obecnie istnieje tylko Bóg. Ponieważ ów "nawracalny
czas softwarowy" upływa około 365000 razy szybciej niż
"nienawracalny czas absolutny", wiedząc od kiedy on się
rozpoczął, można więc obecnie już wyliczać z którego roku
przed potopem pochodzą np. dane odkryte przez kogoś
skamienieliny, kości dinozaurów, składowe węgla kamiennego,
Przez "czas softwarowy" będzie też spowodowany
ostatni upadek ludzkości. Nastąpi on bowiem głównie
ponieważ ludzie zaczną korumpować w/w wymóg
osiągania tzw. "totaliztycznej nirwany" - zanim
cofnięci będą do swych lat młodości aby osiągać stan
tzw. "uwięzionej nieśmiertelności" - tak jak wyjaśniam
to szerzej np. w punktach #H1 i #H5 mojej strony o nazwie
oraz w punkcie #F3 swej strony o nazwie
Owo zaś skorumpowanie wymogu osiągania nirwany
przed cofnięciem się w czasie do lat swej młodości
spowoduje, że na Ziemię nadejdzie zjawisko tzw.
"wieczystego potępienia"
opisywane szerzej w punkcie #H3 z mojej strony
Owo zaś zjawisko, w połączeniu z tendencją zeźlonych ludzi
(tj. ludzi coraz niemoralniej postępujących) do skłaniania
się ku religijnemu fanatyzmowi, wywoła ostatnią epokę
(5c) upadku całej ludzkości.
Przejdźmy teraz do omówienia korzyści wynikających
z poznania owych fascynujących regularności wyrażonych
opisywaną tutaj moją "Tabelą Cykliczności dla Epok
Historycznych". Najbardziej moim zdaniem istotną z
nich jest, że ujawnia ona sobą to, co już wkrótce nadchodzi
na Ziemię, tj. zdziczenie i wyludnienie spowodowane
właśnie nadeszłą "epoką neo-średniowiecza", a
także iż wskazuje ona sposoby na jakie ową niszczycielska
epokę daje się skrócić (np. poprzez jak najszybsze zbudowanie moich
oraz innych przyszłościowych urządzeń technicznych
jakie opisują moje strony internetowe, monografia, a
także jakie ilustruje krótki, 35-minutowy film z
o tytule
"Dr Jan Pająk portfolio").
Ponieważ jednak sprawę owej niszczycielskiej epoki "neo-średniowiecza"
omówiłem już na sporej liczbie swoich stron internetowych,
jej ponowne omówienie tutaj pominę. Zainteresowani
nią czytelnicy mogą bowiem poczytać sobie na jej
temat np. z punktu #K1 mojej strony o nazwie
z punktów #T1 do #T8 mojej strony o nazwie
z punktu #B3 mojej strony o nazwie
punktu #D4 mojej strony o nazwie
oraz z innych moich stron i opracowań wskazywanych w
powyższych punktach i stronach, a także wskazywanych na stronie
Korzyścią wynikającą z poznania regularności
wyrażonych opisywaną tutaj moją "Tabelą Cykliczności
dla Epok Historycznych", która mnie osobiście
najbardziej fascynuje, jest możliwość spekulowania
na temat tego co będzie się działo z ową armią
144 tysięcy "żołnierzy Boga", którzy po końcu
obecnego świata (tj. w erze jaką owa tabela
oznacza jako VI era ludzkości) będą zabrani
na pokład latającego miasta, które w Biblii jest
opisane pod nazwą "Nowe Jeruzalem".
Owe bowiem spekulacje układają się w ogromnie
fascynującą "teorię o żołnierzach Boga"
wstępnie już opisywaną w punkcie #D4 mojej strony o nazwie
Teoria ta ma za zadanie wyjaśnienie jakie będą cechy,
losy, przebieg szkolenia, itp., dla owych 144 tysięcy
wybranych ludzi, którym po końcu obecnego świata
Bóg nada nieśmiertelne ciała i zabierze ich w podróż
po wszechświecie na pokładzie latającego miasta
o nazwie "Nowe Jeruzalem". Dokonajmy więc
teraz w punktach przeglądu najważniejszych
elementów jakie będą się składały na ową teorię.
Potrzeba posiadania przez Boga własnych "żołnierzy Boga".
Potrzebę tę wyjaśniłem już szczegółowo w punkcie #B1.1
mojej strony o nazwie
a także w punkcie #D4 swej strony o nazwie
Wspominam też o niej w punkcie #F3 swej strony o nazwie
oraz w punkcie #J3 swej strony o nazwie
Nie będę więc tutaj rozpisywał się więcej na jej temat.
Cechy owych przyszłych ludzi o nieśmiertelnych
ciałach (tj. owych "żołnierzy Boga"). Najważniejsze
z cech owych 144 tysięcy "żołnierzy Boga", to ich wartości
duchowe i moralne. Wszakże pod tym względem każdy
z nich będzie reprezentował sobą szczególny rodzaj
ludzi, którzy w Biblii nazywani są "sprawiedliwymi".
(Odnotuj więc tutaj, że "sprawiedliwi" z Biblii, przez
totalizm typowo są nazywani "żołnierzami Boga" - niektóre
zaś z opisanych w Biblii co istotniejszych cech moralnych owych
"sprawiedliwych" starałem się wyjaśnić punkcie #I1 swej strony
Chociaż jednak ich cechy fizyczne będą dopiero drugorzędne
do ich jakości moralnych i duchowych, ciągle i te też będą
niezwykłe. Przykładowo, z treści Biblii wynika dosyć
klarownie, że owi "sprawiedliwi" będą mieli nieśmiertelne
ciała, tzn. że będą w stanie żyć nieskończenie długo.
Z tego co Biblia wzmiankuje można wydedukować,
że ich nieśmiertelne ciała i nieskończone życie będą
potrzymywane poprzez zjadanie owoców ze specjalnego
drzewa rosnącego w owym latającym "Nowym Jeruzalem",
które to drzewo będzie odpowiednikiem "drzewa życia"
istniejącego kiedyś w bibilijnym Raju - co oznacza,
że w przypadku utraty dostępu do owego drzewa i owoców,
ich ciała mogą jednak utracić swą nieśmiertelność. Można
też wydedukować, że pod względem wyglądu ich ciała
będą bardzo podobne do owych śmiertelnych ciał jakie
mieli w obecnym życiu na Ziemi - wszakże ich wygląd
ma być podobny do wyglądu jaki mieli w najpiękniejszym
czasie swego uprzedniego życia (w przeciwnym przypadku
NIE mogliby nawzajem się rozpoznać). To zaś oznacza,
że w procesie podróży po wszechświecie ich ciała też
będą mogły ulec wypadkom i zniszczeniu - prawdopodobnie
jednak ich szkolenie obejmie też umiejętność jak po
każdym takim wypadku i zniszczeniu, lub nawet śmierci
ich ciała, będą oni w stanie natychmiast sobie je
zregenerować, lub też odtworzyć na nowo. Już
jednak wiadomo na pewno, że w jednym istotnym
szczególe ich ciała będą się różniły od ciał obecnych
ludzi - mianowicie będą oni bezpłciowi. O bezpłciowości
owych ludzi Jezus dosyć jednoznacznie informuje
w bibilijnej Ewangelii wg sw. Mateusza, wersety
22:23-30, stwierdzając tam
"Przy zmartwychwstaniu
bowiem nie będą się ani żenić, ani za mąż
wychodzić, lecz będą jak aniołowie Boży w niebie."
Innymi słowy, NIE będą już mogli się rozmnażać,
tak jak płciowo czynią to dzisiejsi ludzie (co jest
zgodne z logiką, bowiem można sobie wyobrazić
co by się działo we wszechświecie gdyby osoby o
nieśmiertelnych ciałach mogły się swobodnie rozmnażać).
Ciekawe, że we Włoszech ktoś miał spotkanie z
takim bezpłciowym UFOnautą - spotkanie to opisuje
artykuł [1JG9.1] pióra Waltera Rizzi "Bliskie spotkanie
w Dolomitach", opublikowany w polskojęzycznym
kwartalniku UFO numer 2(30), kwiecień-czerwiec
1997 roku, strony 51 do 59. (Referencje do tego
artykułu "Bliskie spotkanie w Dolomitach" zawarte
są w 16 z punktu #J3 mojej strony
oraz w punkcie #D5 mojej strony o nazwie
a ponadto w tomach 8, 14 i 16 mojej
monografii [1/5].
W żadnej z nich jednak NIE zacytowałem z artykułu
owej istotnej informacji o bezpłciowości tego UFOnauty -
zaś moja kopia tego numeru "UFO" w międzyczasie
mi zaginęła.) Nie ma tu jednak powodów do niepokoju,
że ich życie pozbawione będzie intensywnej przyjemności
fizycznej. Faktycznie bowiem na pokładzie swego
latającego miasta będą oni przeżywali nieustającą
"totaliztyczną nierwanę", jaką to nirwanę
odczuwa się właśnie tak jak orgazm, który trwa bez
końca - co wyjaśniam dokładniej w punkcie #B1 swej strony o nazwie
(Faktycznie zaś, tak jak wyjaśniam to w punkcie
#F3 wyżej wymienionej strony o nazwie
a także w punkcie #I1, #H2 i #H1 swej strony o nazwie
nieustające zapracowywanie i utrzymywanie się w stanie
"totaliztycznej nirwany" przez ludzi żyjących nieskończenie
długo będzie zapewne wręcz wpisane w ich codzienne
obowiązki i wymogi życiowe.)
Konieczność odbycia bardzo trudnego szkolenia na latających
i nieustannie przemierzających kosmos "wehikułach czasu".
Konieczność ta wynika logicznie z cech, jakie "żołnierze Boga"
muszą u siebie wypracować. Wszakże aby móc praktycznie
przetrenować radzenie sobie z wszelkimi możliwymi sytuacjami
z jakimi ich przyszłe żołnierskie obowiązki mogą ich skonfrontować,
kandydaci na owych żołnierzy muszą podróżować do najróżniejszych
planet, a także do odmiennych pól bitew z ludzkiej przeszłości, poczym
szkolić się tam w nabywaniu wymaganych od nich cech i umiejętności.
Wszakże Biblia poucza (patrz "2 Tymoteusz", werset 2:3): "Weź udział
w trudach i przeciwnościach jako dobry żołnierz Chrystusa Jezusa!"
To dlatego ich latające miasto w Biblii zwane "Nowe Jeruzalem"
musi mieć zdolność do podróżowania przez czas, czyli musi być tzw.
wehikułem czasu.
(Aby więc ludzkość mogła poznać praktycznie jak działają takie
"wehikuły czasu" i jakie są ich cechy, moim zdaniem koniec
obecnego świata NIE nastąpi przed tym zanim ludzkość nauczy
się właśnie budowania i używania "wehikułów czasu", czyli
budowania i używania "Magnokraftów Trzeciej Generacji" -
jakie ja wynalazłem). Kilka dalszych informacji o wehikule
czasu w Biblii nazywanym "Nowe Jeruzalem", w którym owi
"żołnierze Boga" będą zamieszkiwali podczas odbywania swego
1000-letniego szkolenia, zawartych jest w punkcie #J3 mojej strony
Przebieg i wymogi szkolenia ludzi na przyszłych "żołnierzy
Boga". Szkolenie to musi być bardzo złożone. Częściowo
opisałem je już w punkcie #B1.1 swej strony
Przykładowo, żołnierze ci będą musieli praktycznie opanować
proces umierania i ponownego rodzenia się, lub szybkiego
regenerowania swego ciała, aby w przyszłości móc poprawnie
wykonywać swe żołnierskie obowiązki. Będą też musieli nabyć
doświadczenia w pokonywaniu najróżniejszych trudności,
o jakich istnieniu obecnie nawet NIE mamy pojęcia, ani jakich
obecnie NIE są w stanie wydumać nawet twórcy filmów
"science fiction". To dlatego zamieszkiwanie i podróżowanie
"żołnierzy Boga" w wehikułach czasu pozwoli im ponownie
odwiedzać wszystkie epoki jakie zaistniały w dziejach Ziemi
i przykładowo obserwować przebiegi wszelkich historycznych
wojen, a niekiedy nawet brać czynny udział w walkach z owych
wojen jako zwykli żołnierze. Czytałem kiedyś o przypadku żołnierza
walczącego w Wietnamie, który po stąpnięciu na minę i utracie
sporej części swego ciała, niemal na oczach innych żołnierzy
szybko zregenerował swe uszkodzone ciało - tłumacząc im
potem, że użył mocy jakich się nauczył od mnichów Buddyjskich.
Czy więc faktycznie był on żołnierzem żyjącym w czasach
trwania wojny w Wietnamie? Także być więc może, iż to
właśnie ich wehikuły czasu obserwowały przebieg największej
bitwy czołgowej czasów drugiej wojny światowej, bowiem
literatura UFOlogiczna wspomina, że podczas słynnej czołgowej
bitwy pod Kurskiem
niektórzy uczestnicy owej bitwy widzieli na niebie sporo ogromnych
wehikułów UFO. Na dodatek do tego, śmigłość i szybkość wehikułów
czasu, w jakich owi "żołnierze Boga" będą szkoleni, pozwoli im
też odwiedzać praktycznie wszelkie planety z naszego świata
fizycznego. Na owych planetach Bóg może zaś przygotować
dla nich symulacje wszelkich możliwych istot i sytuacji, w jakich
pokonywaniu owi "żołnierze Boga" powinni zostać przeszkoleni.
Rola jaką (po starannym wyszkoleniu) owi "żołnierze Boga"
mają wypełniać w bardzo dalekiej przyszłości. Rolę tę
już omówiłem relatywnie dokładnie w punkcie #D4 swej strony o nazwie
a także w punkcie #B1.1 swej strony o nazwie
Nie będę więc już tutaj opisywał jej ponownie.
(Rozwijanie i udoskonalanie
opisów tego punktu będzie kontynuowane - proponuję
więc zaglądnąć tu ponownie za jakiś czas.)
Table #A1:
"The Periodic Table of Epochs in the History of Mankind".
It is a kind of the "Mendeleyev Table" (also called the "Periodic Table
of the Elements), but instead of regularities in the construction of
chemical elements, it illustrates regularities in the historical epochs
arranged in consecutive cycles of the development of humanity.
This is the second kind of "Periodic Table" which I had already
discovered and described – i.e. another after the previously
discovered and developed in 1972 my "Periodic Table for
Propulsion Systems" - whose appearance is illustrated,
among others, on "Fig. #1" from my web page named
as well as in the "Table B1" from volume 2 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
The development of the above my Periodic Table for the
second kind of human development cycles (i.e. this time
for the historical cycles), quite clearly documents to us,
that the development of almost everything is highly
intelligently pre-programmed by God on principles
of repetition and periodicity, and that now God strictly
controls these developments with the use of the
"reversible software time" described in items
#C4 and #C4.1 from my web page named
This in turn practically means, that the more perceptive
"totaliztic researchers" one day will be able to
discover and to develop similar "Periodic Tables" for
almost everything else - provided, of course, that the
level of their personal morality, according to God's
judgement will be high enough to bestow to them
the grace of make discoveries of such important truths.
(Click on this Table to see it enlarged.)
In contrast to normal texts which one should read "descendingly"
(i.e. from top to bottom), the above Table is designed so that
one should read it "rising from down upwards" - i.e. from bottom
to top. After all, human development "rises" to ever higher levels
of civilization, so it would be symbolically inappropriate to write
and to read this Table in the direction of "falling" down.
The reader viewing the above Table may be intrigued
by the question "how
is it possible that this Table shows that the Earth,
the universe and the humanity were created by
God about 6000 years ago, when e.g. in April 2015
scientists said that e.g. the universe has been in
existence for around 14 billion of years (plus rather
than minus "the error of scientific dating"), and that
the humanity is only a little younger than the dinosaurs?".
(I am purposely providing here the date of "April 2015"
by these 14 billion of years - when, according to scientists,
14 billion was the correct value, because this age is
constantly being changed. For example, just a couple
of years earlier the researchers assessed the age of the
universe at around 13 billion of years, while in the near
future this age probably will be estimated at 15 billion of
years or even more - for further details on this topic see
item #A3 from this my web page, and see item #C4.7 from
other my web page named
The answer to this question is that both outcomes
of the dating state the same truth only with different
kinds of time - although the atheistic worldview of the
present official science, and its lucrative monopoly
on research and on education, yet for many further
years will NOT allow it to officially accept this truth.
(The work of the lucrative monopoly of official science
as a brake that is impeding the progress of human
knowledge, is discussed in greater detail, e.g. in item
#E2, from my web page named
Truth of the simultaneous validity of both these results of dating,
i.e. the dating from the above Table stating that the
universe was created around 6000 years ago, and
the dating of the official science which in April 2015
stated that the age of the universe was about 14
billion of years ago, is confirmed by my immensely-important
discovery, stating that on
Earth prevail simultaneously as many as two
completely different kinds of time -
briefly described, amongst others, in the introduction
and in item #G4 from my web page named
while thoroughly explained in the introduction, item #C4,
and in item #C4.1 from another my web page named
The first of these two times is the naturally elapsing in the
universe, the so-called "irreversible absolute time
of the universe". On Earth, in accordance with this
time, however, are ageing only rocks, fossils (e.g. the
bones of dinosaurs, coal, etc.), and all inanimate matter.
It passes smoothly and much faster than our human
time. The speed of its elapse nobody has measured,
but according to the Bible it is about 365,000 times faster
than the speed of the elapse of that another time, in
which people are ageing. The second of these two different
times prevailing on Earth, is the artificially introduced
by God some 4,000 years ago, (i.e. about a half of the
length of the biblical flood), the so-called "reversible
software time". It elapses in fast jumps - in a very
similar way as in cinemas and on screens of our TVs
elapse individual "frames" from movie films. (In our
consciousness, these fast jumps of the software time
merge together to form in us the impression that the
passage of our time is continuous and smooth.)
This "reversible software time" controls life and ageing
of all living human organisms and also all living organisms
of other living creatures with DNA. The Bible states that the
elapse of this human time is about 365 thousand times
slower than the elapse of the "irreversible absolute time
of the universe" that rules the fate of minerals and inanimate
nature. Since by the April 2015 (i.e. by the date when
I wrote this paragraph) the mankind lived in the
"reversible software time" already for about 4000 years,
in the meantime, the universe, as well as our rocks,
minerals and fossils - all of which are aged by "irreversible
absolute time of the universe" in some cases could get
older by 365000x4000=1.46 billion years. In other words,
actually the dating from the above
Table is fully consistent with the experimental dating
determined by the official science (plus rather than
minus the "dating errors" made by the official science),
and the only difference between these two ways of dating results
from the stubborn rejection by the official science the results
of my "hobby" scientific discoveries, revealing, among others,
the existence and work on Earth (and in the universe) as many
as two different kinds of time - i.e. it results from
the rejection by the official science of my scientific discoveries
that I accomplished in my own time, at my own expense,
without charging for it any salary or remuneration, which
I carried out despite of various pressures, scoffing,
accusations and persecutions that I experience because
of my research, and the results of which discoveries and
research I always disseminate and make available completely
for free to every interested person or institution.
Notice, that on this web page I am showing this Table
in order to be able to describe it thoroughly. But this
Table is also shown as "Table #K1" on my other web page named
tapanui.htm -
because in item #K1 of that other web page I am referring
to my discovery and development of it.
Moreover notice also that the copying of this Cyclic
Table is NOT blocked. Thus, the reader can copy it for free -
only that at the same time the author appeals for
respecting the "copyrights" described for it in item
#Z6 of this web page (especially respect the part
of my "copyrights" which requires to always provide
details of my publication from which given results of
my research were taken). To copy this Table, just
click on any of the following green links, i.e. on (1)
cr/cycles_of_history.pdf - to copy it in the PDF format, or (2) on
cr/cycles_of_history.jpg - to copy it in the photo-format named JPG,
and then store in your computer the file in the format
resistant to computer viruses which is then is to appear
on your screen. Alternatively, you can pass the mouse
over the Table, click on the copy icon which in some
browsers then it will be shown, and then carry out the
instructions that the browser displays to you.
Although the above Table looks humble and modest,
it has the potential to change the fate of our civilization.
After all, it reveals what and when approximately is to
come. Thus, it allows us to be prepared, while in cases
of "collapsing epochs of mankind" (i.e. epochs as these
marked above as "c" and "d" - such as the current (4d)
"neo-medieval epoch" that arrived to Earth on
11th September 2001) - to develop an effective defence
against these collapses. In terms of its scientific meaning,
this Table is just as important as my previous "Periodic
Table for Earth's Propulsion Systems" - which many
years before anyone else allowed me to predict the
arrival, as well as the design and functioning,
of the starships of my invention called the
Magnocraft and the
Time Vehicle.
This crucial importance of the above Table is NOT decreased
even by the fact, that it was developed by an imperfect man
(means by myself), and thus, by definition, it probably still
contains in itself some minor errors and mistakes (e.g.
inaccurate dates or imprecise names) - which, however,
"totaliztic researchers" motivated by learning the
truth will be able to remove in the future. (As I believe,
researchers of the old "atheistic orthodox science", which
currently exists only in order to be able to use its monopoly
on knowledge and on education in order to obtain further
funding for its massive lying to humanity, are to NEVER
recognize the merit of my Cyclic Tables and will ignore
these Tables indefinitely - similarly as they have NOT
recognized the merit of my
theory of everything called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
and have NOT recognize the merit of my
philosophy of totalizm.
Therefore we should NOT count that any of them will ever
make any discoveries or improvements relating to these tables.)
Part #B:
How and why the piling of lies by the official science caused that the humanity got lost:
The absolute "monopoly for knowledge and education" of the so-called
old "atheistic orthodox science" founded on erroneous philosophical
foundations and also lying to humanity to maintain its lucrative monopoly:
"The present official science stands on lies and supports itself with frauds."
On a number of totaliztic web pages, I try to
direct the attention of people, that one of the
most destructive kind of organizations on Earth
are called monopolies (as well as are
also the based on the "collusion" their hidden
versions called "cartels"). In addition to item
#H1 from this web page, into a devastating
effect of monopolies I also direct the readers
attention, among others, in item #F1 from the web page named
in items #C5 and #B5 from the web page named
in item #D5 from the web page named
in item #C1 from the web page named
and in item #A2.6 from the web page named
Monopolies are so destructive, that their
unlishing from tethering in just a few years
managed to turn one of the countries with
the highest standard of living, which once
was New Zealand, into a country with
currently one of the poorest standard
of living in the developped world.
The problem with monopolies devastating the
humanity is that one of the most important and
most expensive public institutions on Earth,
which the official science is also a monopoly
(i.e. is the official science, popularly called the
"atheistic orthodox science"
is also one among these highly destructive
monopolies). This ios because this science now
is holding the absolute "monopoly on knowledge
and on education" - while its highly false beliefs
and claims have already become only ones that
the majority of people must learn in their schools
and colleges. (After all, the teaching young people
any different views on the reality that surrounds
us, e.g. those developed by the new so-called
totaliztic science
and defined in item #C4 from the web page named
in many countries of the world has become illegal.)
But this official, old "atheistic orthodox science" is
a kind of "palace on the ice". This is because it was
built on the foundations of the philosophically wrong
so-called "Occam's razor" described in items #F1.1
and #F2 from the web page named
and on the so-called "a posteriori" approach to research
(i.e. the approach "from effects to causes"). This
"Occam's razor" forces the official science to "cut God"
out from its deliberations, and pushed it into the attempt
to take the place of God, as well as to the daily use
of this wrong approach to research by philosophers
called "a posteriori" (which approach limits the learning
capabilities of science - e.g. it completely prevents the
science from learning about God). In this way, the
imperfections of the official science resulting from
the fact that this science is the "monopoly", have
been further amplified at that fact that science
has been founded on such philosophically completely
erroneous foundations. As a result, instead of
spreading the truth, nowadays the official science
disseminates only lies - as it is explained in item
#B2 from this web page. So instead of the fulfilling
the function for the fulfillment of which it has been
created, that is, instead of promoting the progress,
this science has already turned its function around
and currently it is blocking the progress and withdraws
humanity back in its civilization advancement - as
this is explained in (B1) from item #E3 of my web page
and also illustrated on an example in item #D3 from the web page
In turn since such a deeply corrupt, incorrect and misleading
science governs and directs virtually every aspect of life of
mankind, it is no wonder that mankind has strayed so much,
as we currently see it around us.
One among the consequences of taking the control
over lives of pople by the completely erroneous and
deceitful official science, is that this science is overgrown
around by a collection of various procedures, attitudes,
habits, etc. - that cause a chronic lying to humanity
and the leading people astray. Several examples from
that collection has been discussed in item #B2 of this
web page and e.g. also in item #C2 of the web page named
One of the most dangerous for humanity is the
"culture of lying" and the culture of false
the so-called "scientific morality" which
this atheistic science implements in everyday life -
for more details see item #B2 on the web page
The most dangerous is that in the name of various
petty desires (e.g. in the name of maintaining their
lucrative monopoly on research and on education),
the official science will be chronically deceiving and
lying to people virtually until the time when it is
either somehow forced to start behaving responsibly
(e.g. through the official creation of the competitive
toward it the new "totaliztic science"), or it will be
completely destroyed and replaced by a different
institution that is more oriented toward truth.
However, until that time the official science will
remain a kind of a bad tree that is to produce
only bad (toxic) fruits about the harm of which
for humans are warning us gently statements of the
Bible -
for details see item #C4.7 from my web page named
#B2, blog #274E.
Examples of lies spread by the
monopolistic official science,
which (lies) have proven to be the most fatal for the humanity:
"The results of every research that ignores the impact, which
on the subject of this research exerts the morality of all the people
in any way linked to this subject of research or to the process
of conducting the research, represent the lie that is only
to deceive those people who are to entrust in these results"
(the main conclusion from logical deductions presented
in item #B3 of my web page named
In order to maintain its lucrative monopoly
on research and on education, the official
science piles up ever higher tower of alleged
knowledge, which (the tower) actually is
erected from increasingly fatal lies. Already
now this tower is so high, that around the
year 2040 this tower of lies must crumble,
crushing and burying under its rubbles
the entire present human civilization - as
explained in "part #H" from my web page
as well as illustrated in my biographical film from
entitled "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio"
(i.e. the film available at the address,
while described on my web page named
As a result, the piling of these official lies is
to prove itself fatal to almost all of humans
that live today - including you, the reader,
as well as all your close ones whom you
love the most.
All lies of today's official science could NOT be
described on any web page because there is
such a vast number of these. After all,
almost everything
about which today officially speaks the science
meets the definition of "a lying statement"
explained in item #B3 from the web page named
while summarized in the motto to this item. However,
there is a group of lies of the official science, which
proves itself to be particularly fatal to our civilization.
It is because they are aimed against God and almost
border with blasphemies. In turn, as reveal this my
research, God does NOT tolerate such kind of lies
and punishes them very harshly - for examples see
my descriptions in items #H2 to #H7 from the web
page named
Thus, although because of their large number it is
NOT possible to discuss here all of the lies disseminated
by the present official science, below in subsequent
numbered paragraphs I am going to indicate several
examples of at least these most fatal among them,
so that the reader gains a better understanding regarding
the acceptance, repeating or referencing of which lies
of the official science he/she should strongly avoid -
according to the dictates of the Eastern so-called
"Four wise monkeys"
described in item #B1.1 from my web page named
which illustrated and reminded on a daily basis the
recommended to us by God maxim
"do NO evil, speak NO
evil, see NO evil, hear NO evil".
So here are examples of these lies of today's official
science, the consequences of which prove themselves
to be the most disastrous to the entire our civilisation:
The lie that God does NOT exist. That most clearly
it is just a lie, and that in reality God
exists for sure, it is revealed on my web page, which
presents the formal scientific proof and the supporting evidence
for the existence of God - i.e. on my web page which has the name
This lie caused that almost the entire present humanity
increasingly more blindly is breaking the laws and ordinances
of God, turning the whole Earth into counterparts of the
Biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Of course, the
consequence of this is that almost all of humanity will
experience also the fate of the cities of Sodom and
Gomorrah, and also the fate of many other immorally behaving
cities - e.g. these described in items #H2 to #H7 from my web page named
and in "part #H" from my web page
The lie that in the universe there is the lack of a place,
in which God could live. This lie is abolished by my
theory of everything
called the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" - the complete
descriptions of which are provided in volumes 4 and 5 from my
monograph [1/5],
while the brief summary of which provides my web page named
As it turns out, regardless of our so-called "physical
world", which is the only world known to Earth's
official science, there are still two more worlds of the
characteristics of a "liquid computer", that my Concept
of Dipolar Gravity calls the "counter-world" and the
"virtual world". God resides in that "virtual
world", in which apart from God is also stored
our memory and
our souls.
The most important information regarding the location
of God in the universe is presented on a number of
my web pages and monographs, for example in item
#C2 from my web page named
in item #D4 from my web page named
in item #B5 from my web page named
in item #B1 from my web page named
or in item #I6 from my autobiographical web page named
Spreading of that lie by the official science closes
for the humanity an access to the entire ocean
of very substantial knowledge, which is able to
completely change the civilized status of mankind,
raising us to the level at which the possibilities
are so vast, that they escape even from the grasp
of our present imagination. (E.g. the embracing
of possibilities of only
time vehicles of my invention, or even just the
so-called "reversible software time" in which as we grow older,
already exceeds the limits of the imagination of many
among today's scientists, so what these scientists
would have said about the possibility of e.g. the creation
instead of producing, rejuvenation instead of repair,
transformation of the body instead of healing,
dematerialization instead of disposal, etc., etc. -
for details see subsection H11 from volume 4 of my
monograph [1/5].)
The lie that the universe has a finite size and time of
existence, and that it continues to expand. This
lie is refuted, among others, by explanations presented
in item #D4 from my web page named
This is because presented in there is the evidence
that in fact the universe has infinite dimensions and
infinite time of its existence, while any change in its
size and volume, including the change which announces
the "fashionable" now "theory of a big bang" falsely
promoted by the official science, would cause the
disappearance of all the life (that is, among others,
would cause the death of the entire humanity, and
probably also the death of God who created us).
This lie turns the humanity into prisoners of their
very primitive worldview, which can be compared
only to the slightly larger-scaled medieval beliefs
of some ignorant people that we live on a "flat earth"
and that the "edge of the world" does exist somewhere.
The lie that there is a so-called "continental drift".
In the best way this lie is revealed by findings presented
at a point situated about one hour and 28 minutes from
the beginning of the film (in Polish), which in July 2016
one could see for free on YouTube at the address,
and which carried the title "Kod Piramid 2. Cz. 1 i 2 -
Czy świat Zbudowano Na Kłamstwie ?" (i.e. "The Code
of Pyramids 2, parts 1 and 2 - Is the world built on a lie?" -
(This film has also an English version, available at the address,
which had the title "Secrets of the Egyptian Pyramids HD" -
and which also disappeared from its address
To sum up this film, it mainly illustrates (although without
knowing about this nor informing about this the viewer)
with the empirical evidence the fact, which I have stressed
up for a long time in a number of my publications, namely
that when creating the first people God created for them
also the first stone cities, buildings, and even the furniture
and household equipment that they needed, and only
then God settled these people in there. A lot of those
created by God cities, buildings and household appliances
exists until today. They display features so unusual,
that even today's people are unable to produce similar
objects. For example, cities, buildings, and even kitchen
utensils were made of hard granite or stone and with
the precision, which today's humanity has not yet reached.
Thus, in spite that e.g. the huge blocks of stone from
which their walls were constructed often contact each
other along crooked surfaces, still they are so closely
matched that even a razor blade cannot be inserted
between them - e.g. see "Fig. #I1" from my web page named
In addition, the most important among these cities and
buildings God placed along a strip only around 100
kilometres wide that then was running along the equator
of the Earth - in the course of this equator that existed
at the time of the creation of our planet and humanity.
The central building on that strip of towns and buildings
created by God was the pyramid - nowadays called the
"Great Pyramid of Giza", or erroneously the "Pyramid
of Cheops". (Notice here that only this one pyramid
was created by God in Egypt - because other Egyptian
pyramids are only the imitations built later by very
ambitious pharaohs.) Other structures also created
by God along the original course of the Earth's equator,
included, among others, Machu Picchu in Peru, stone
statues of "Moai" from the Easter Island, the temples
of Cambodia, Mohenjo Daro in Pakistan (where they
found radioactive human skeletons), Petra in Jordan,
and many others with similar characteristics to these.
Unfortunately, until today the Earth crust had to be
subjected to some deliberately caused corrective
slips, so that the original course of the equator
of the Earth has changed and tilted by about 30
degrees in relationship to the present position of
the Earth's equator. (One among these deliberate
corrective slips, amounting to only around 7
degrees, was carried out relatively recently,
because in 1178 AD, through the so-called
Tapanui explosion -
described, among others, on my web page named
I have a theory which explains why it has been necessary
to carry out these slips of the Earth's crust already after
the creation of Earth and humanity - I summarized
this theory briefly in the paragraph provided after
the end of discussion of this lie here. But what is
most interesting about all these numerous slips of
the Earth's crust, that none of them changed the
amazing dimensions nor dimensional and numeric
proportions existing between the originally created
by God stone cities and buildings, nor changed the
original dimensions and dimensional proportions
embedded into the construction of these buildings
themselves. Thus, these dimensions and dimensional
proportions are maintained until today with a truly
divine accuracy. Therefore, they provide us with a
clear proof that the
so-called "continental drift" deceitfully forced upon
the humanity by the official science, never has
occurred, thus the surface of the planet Earth
today retains its configuration originally given
to it by God - only that now it is tilted by about
30 degrees in relationship to the present equator
by consecutive corrective slips of the Earth's crust.
Unfortunately, while disclosing a lot of evidence about
the actual absence of the "continental drift", the
above film still expresses the biased and erroneous
opinions. For example, it still tries to convince the
viewer that these unusual stone buildings were
allegedly created by "aliens" and NOT by God.
Also it overlooks, or covers with silence, a lot
of evidence that confirms the presence in them
of the knowledge and the hand of God. For example,
it ignores the fact, that in spite of the repetitive
changes in the position of Earth's poles and
repetitive slips of the Earth's crust, the orientation
of the Great Pyramid is always
by someone so adjusted that it is always turned
with its sidewalls precisely toward the current (at
a given point in time) geographical poles of Earth -
so that its other side walls, deliberately split in half
into two clearly concave half-walls, twice a year
indicate the existence of significant astronomical
phenomenon called the
equinox -
when one of those half-walls for a few seconds is
already illuminated by the sun, while the second
half-wall from the side wall of the pyramid still
remains black. However, only God has the power
and the knowledge required to make so precise
and repetitive tuning of the orientation of the
entire immense pyramid, periodically deflected
from its original location with subsequent corrective
slips of the Earth's crust. In addition, for example
the so-called
"Pyramidion" -
i.e. the top of the Great Pyramid carved from a
monolithic stone and shown on the film, once
possessed dimensions precisely based on the
length of today's earthly "meter", although also
mapping the dimensional proportions of the
Great Pyramid. In this way it has proved whatever
I have explained in the introduction and in item
#G4 from my web page named
dipolar_gravity.htm -
namely, that God controls the future, knows
the future and has a precise "omniplan" which
states exactly what the future will bring. This
is because only by knowing the future God
already knew in times when He erected the
discussed here stone buildings and the Great
Pyramid, that the humanity in the distant future
will use the today's "meter" as the international
unit of length measure. However, in 2008 it was
noted that someone mysteriously changed the
shape and dimensions of this "Pyramidion" (this
change is well documented even on photographs) -
i.e. similarly like myself I noted in my previous
research on UFOs, that someone mysteriously
changed the evidence which I pinpointed in my
publications. In turn, this change of shape of the
"Pyramidion" also proves to us, that God at any
time can change what already has happened,
or what already was made even in the distant
past - as I noted this long ago on the example
of the Church tower from the New Zealand town
called "Oamaru" and then I described, amongst
others, in item #D2 and in "Fig. #D2" from my
web page named
while later I again noted it on a number of other
examples described, among others, in items
#D6 to #D6.1 from my web page named
Of course, the consequences of the described
herein lie of the official science, that the so-called
"continental drift" supposedly took place, only
plunge the humanity into ever deeper swamp
of official lies and deception, which completely
prevent the official return to the truth and into
the light of correct knowledge.
The description of above lies of the official science
(about the alleged existence of so-called "continental
drift" - which (drift) supposedly drastically rearranged
the shapes and relative positions of different continents)
should be complemented here with a short explanation
why after the creation of Earth and settling the humanity
on it, it was necessary to correct the orientation of the
Earth's crust by making a series of slips which slanted
the original course of the equator by 30 degrees in
relation to the current course of the equator. It turns
out that the reason for this necessity was probably
the "overdoing" with goodness of conditions in which
God originally populated Earth with the humanity.
Namely, when creating Earth, God has planned that
the most favourable conditions for people's lives will
be prevailing along the equator - i.e. a warm climate,
the rapid growth of the food, the life-giving qualities
of the environment surrounding humans, etc.
Therefore, He so created the Earth, that the original
course of the equator coincided with the longest
overland belt on which human settlements could
be built. However, as it reveals to us the ancient
mythology from the area of present India, after
the settlement of this equatorial belt by people,
it began to emerge, that masses of its population
keep leaving these centres of civilization that were
personally managed by God through His representatives
(i.e. through the beings that on the web page named
are called "changelings"), and then this population
escapes into uninhabited by humans "wilderness" with
a more temperate climate than the equator. Soon it also
turned out, that those valuing their freedom "packs" of
humans roaming the "wilderness", began to display
more favourable for God characteristics than the population
of those created and managed by God centres of civilization.
For example, members of these wild "packs" proved to
be more resourceful, more seeking of knowledge and
more disciplined in making up their communes, than
the population of these centres of civilization. In addition,
people spreading throughout this cooler "wilderness",
in their actions were guided more by logic than by emotions,
while the population from the centres of civilization
was mainly governed by feelings in everything they
did (not for nothing that in Poland we have a saying
"hot-headed"). Moreover, that differences
in the characteristics of the population from tropic
and from cooler climate we see even today. (This
is probably why none among the tropical countries is an example
of success, in spite that God flooded countries of
tropics with all sorts of natural resources.) As a result,
in spite that these created by God civilization centres
were also protected by God (e.g. to protect the centres
existing in the southern part of today's China, God
has even created an enormous defence structure
now known as the "Great Wall of China" that spanned
from Pacific to the Black Sea - a similar structure God
created also in Southern America), continuously one
after the other these centres collapsed either by themselves,
or were conquered by these wild "packs" of people
from a colder climate. As a result, after analyzing the
knowledge that provided to God the experience with
these centres of civilization, God came to the conclusion
that the establishment of a course of Earth's equator
through the maximum land area is a waste of valuable
land on the people who are only "consumers" (not
"generators") of knowledge that is necessary to God,
and therefore it is better if God gives this strip of land
under occupation of people gathering knowledge rather
than merely consuming it (i.e. the people fulfilling the
task explained by the so-called "theory of Superior
Beings" described in item #B4 from my web page named
item #B1 from my web page named
subsection A3.2 from volume 1 of my newest
monograph [1/5],
while summarized in item #I6 from my web page named
The results of this analysis have inspired God to gradually
so adjust the orientation of the Earth's crust, that the equator
runs now through approximately a maximum of oceans and a
minimum of useful for people land masses, while the former
course of the equator is now located in more moderate climate
zones. Such a situation we see on Earth currently. Also note
here, that the formal proving of this my theory on the intentional
correcting slips of the Earth's crust, would introduce various
implications that are to reach far beyond the invalidation of
the "continental drift".
The lie that the people rose as a result of "natural evolution".
The shortest deduction which refutes this lie is presented
in item #D4 from my web page named
In turn the broader descriptions of the impossibility of the
existence of human evolution are presented on the entire
my web page named
In item #B8 of that web page is even provided a formal
scientific proof that "God created the first couple of people,
i.e. the first woman and the first man" - which proof was
formulated in accordance with principles of formal proving
with methods of mathematical logic. Consequences of the
official lie, that humans are the product of a completely
random natural evolution, is that many people deceived
by it are parting from God, which parting in turn brings for them
consequences explained in the Bible, while the entire of
humanity this lie plunges into the increasing immorality
and the resemblance to the biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
The lie of official science, that both ages of the universe, i.e. that
indicated by the Bible, and that indicated by the official science,
supposedly differ from each other, while only the official science
stated this age correctly. On the other hand, the truth on
this subject is highly embarrassing for the official science,
because it shows a shocking ignorance of today's leading
scientists. This truth stems from the discovery, which my
web pages named
immortality.htm and
disseminate for many years - but the recognition of which
the official science stubbornly refuses even till this day
(this is because the recognition of it would completely
ruin false philosophical foundations on which the official
science stands). More detailed explanation of this truth
contains, among others, the caption under "Table #A1"
from this web page, and the caption under "Table #K1"
from the web page named
while on a different example it is also explained in a
fragment of item #E2 from my other web page named
Namely, the difference in the digital expressing of this
age stems from the use by the Bible and by the official
science two different units of the passage of time,
both of which units, however, are called "year" ("years").
What is even worse, the official science still claims
that both these units are equal, although the
(already available for about 2000 human years) does
NOT hide from the people, that the differences between
the two different types of "years" reach approximately
the level of 365,000 times. Namely, in the Bible the
passage of time is expressed in "human years" (in my
publications called the "reversible software time"),
while in the official science the passage of time is
expressed in the "years of God, minerals and inanimate
matter" (in my publications called the "irreversible
absolute time of the universe") . Also, as the Bible
states, these "human years" elapse approximately
365000 times slower than the "years of God, minerals
and inanimate matter" - which fact I am explaining,
among others, in the "introduction" to the web page named
Thus, all that incompetent accusation of the Bible by
scientists regarding the age of the universe, is just a
"storm in a teacup", which can be compared, e.g. to
the bickering about the distance, taking place between
incoherently and messily gabbling to each other Englishman
and a Polish person, who are unable to understanding
each other, and therefore compare the distance by one
of them expressed in miles, while by the second
in millimetres. Of course, the consequence of this
lie of the official science is that its blatant promotion
in today's mass media reduces the respect of people
to the truths of the Bible - if these people are unable
to develop their own views. In turn, the decline in
this respect to the truths of the Bible leads to the
situation, which in today's "neo-medieval epoch" we see
around us, and which could be summarized with a
sarcastic old Polish saying "carouse soul hell is
NOT" (in Polish "hulaj dusza piekła NIE ma") -
i.e. a situation in which almost the whole of
humanity has already been warped into widespread
immorality, lies, selfishness, greed, intolerance,
aggression, wars, terrorism, savagery of customs,
the lack of any brakes,
etc., etc.
The lie that nuclear energy is useful for people and it
can solve the energy problems of mankind. On a
number of my web pages I explained, that because of
the work of so-called "moral laws", absolutely everything
that originates from the tradition of immorality, lies, death
and destruction, forever is to remain useless for people,
means remain a kind of tree that grows only bad fruits.
Nuclear energy is an example of something that just
originates from such a tradition of evil, destruction and
lies (similarly like is e.g. the rocket propulsion, and also the
present official science). After all, it slowly and secretly
turns our entire planet into radioactive garbage dump, in which
the life is to become impossible. Hence its uselessness
and harmfulness for people is emphasized on a number
of totaliztic web pages - for example, in item #C4.7 from my web page named
in items #B2.1 and #H3 from my web page named
or in items #D5 and #J2 from my web page named
The proof of the enormous dangers of trying to generate nuclear
energy from nuclear fuels, is provided by the burning-radioactive
raindrops, which at random fall already in the entire world
mixed with normal raindrops, and which almost certainly
cause skin cancers ("melanoma") in humans, mutations
of birds illustrated on "Fig. #T1abcd" and "Fig. #T2" on
my web page named
as well as mutations and burning of plants. Descriptions
how I discovered in New Zealand the existence of these
individual raindrops burning with their radioactivity everything
that they touch, are provided in item #F5, and illustrated
on "Fig. #F1abc" and "Fig. #F2", from my web page named
It is also worth adding, that the radioactivity tends to slowly
accumulate wherever it falls. Hence, probably it is these
burning-radioactive single raindrops, falling rarely and at
random in a large mass of normal rain, that caused the
already described in items #F1 and #F3 of the web page
and in item #M1.1 from the web page
the radioactivity and unfitness for consumption of German
meat from wild pigs, and probably also the meat from wild
pigs of many other countries of the world today, residents
of which have NOT use radioactivity meters to check the
edibility of meat which they hunted down. Therefore, the
further dissemination of this lie of the official science will
probably cause, that before people realise, these deadly
raindrops are to pollute with the radioactivity the soil all
over the planet so strongly, that every kind of food (including
even all kinds of grain, as well as meat and milk from cows
that feed us), will become as radioactive and inedible as
the meat from the German wild pigs.
The lie that the phenomena that destroy human settlements
and cities are just "accidental" freaks of nature. But
in fact, my research of natural disasters reveals that in
every case of their occurrence, these phenomena and
destructions that they cause actually represent punishments
intentionally and selectively served for unacceptably high
in the eyes of God departing of inhabitants of these
settlements and cities from the commandments and
requirements described in the Bible (i.e. from the criteria
of "true morality"). In the best way my results of this
research are summarized at the end of item #H6 from
the web page named
Thus, the broadcasting of this lie holds back many people
from taking seriously the warnings of the Bible, which
remind us, that in whatever we do carelessly we should
"fear God."
The lie of the official science, that all human problems
and illnesses have physical (material) origins, and thus
may be eliminated or treated with physical (material)
ways and means. Thus, in a very simple approximation,
e.g. a lie that social problems stem from e.g. underfunding
of social services, that crime stems from e.g. a lack
of the required number of police and prisons, that
congestion is solely due e.g. to the lack of required
number of roads, or negligence in maintaining the
required quality of roads, that drug abuse is e.g.
due to the ease of accessing drugs, that diseases
are resulting solely from e.g. infections by bacteria
or viruses, etc., etc. - and thus that all of these can
be eliminated through implementation of costly
constructions, repairs, hospitals, medication taking,
etc. Meanwhile, using the research methods of the
new "totaliztic science" I had the privilege to discover
the extremely important principle of God's acting, described,
amongst others, in item #A2.2 from the web page named
totalizm.htm -
which clearly confirms that absolutely all the problems
and human illnesses have a spiritual origin, and come
from the wrong (i.e. not complying with the criteria of
so-called "true morality") beliefs (and thus also behaviours
resulting from these beliefs) of the people concerned.
Hence, to permanently eliminate these problems and
illnesses, it is necessary to change the beliefs (and resulting behaviours) into
more correct. In contrast, treatment of these problems
or illnesses with physical (material) remedies can only
treat, or temporarily eliminate, the symptoms of their
existence, but if it is NOT supported by the change
of beliefs (and thus behaviours), then it never permanently eliminates the
sources of these problems or diseases, so over time
some symptoms their existence will reappear with
a much greater force. The best proof of the truth of
this my discovery, that these are wrong beliefs (and
behaviours resulting from these beliefs) that
are the source of all problems and illnesses, and
thus at the same time also the best proof of the
lying nature of the scientific claims about the physical
(material) origin of problems and diseases, is the
reliability, efficiency, and flexibility of methods of
eliminating these problems and illnesses based
on the change of human beliefs - which method
I described in more details in the abovementioned
item #A2.2 from my web page named
as well as in the entire "part #G" from my other web page named
Problem with the described here deceptive lie of
the official science regarding the physical (material)
origins of human problems and diseases, is that
the dissemination of it around the world prevents
people from implementation of methods for permanent
(and typically free) elimination of human problems
and diseases, which methods are based just on
the change of human beliefs into more correct ones.
In the result of this lie, a temporary (and usually
very expensive) elimination with physical (material)
means of the symptoms of problems or illnesses,
only gives a temporary relief, but it does NOT
eliminate the danger that some symptoms of
this problem or illness are to return with much
greater force after some time - typically killing
then the person, institution, or nation which entrusted
the lie of official science about the physical
(material) manner of such eliminating.
The broadcasting by official science the untrue principle
of the "survival of the fittest" (applicable only to the animal
world) rather than applicable to all the people principle
of the "survival of most moral". Both of these principles,
and the harm of lacking in humans a detailed knowledge
about their work, are described, among others, in item
#G1 from my web page
and, among others, in item #B1 from my web page
On the other hand, the irresponsible dissemination by the
official science exclusively this supposed evolutionary
principle of the "survival of the fittest" leads to such
distortions as, for example, Nazism, or to the situation
as, for example, the one currently prevailing in the
Middle East, or held around the world regarding nuclear
weapons, the aggression hidden under the excuse of
supposed providing of military aids, the global warming,
exploitation, human slavery, etc., etc.
The intentional avoiding by the official science (means "lying") of emphasizing,
demonstrating, teaching, and using by themselves, the
principle that everything that is new brings with itself NOT
only the advantages but also many drawbacks, and that
the wealth, prosperity, and an easy and comfortable life
does NOT bring only beneficial consequences.
After all, the Bible (consider the famous: "It is easier
for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for
a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven" - St. Matthew,
19:24), as well as the
philosophy of totalizm,
and even the old folk wisdom, they all prove that both
"there is NO such bad that would not turn into good"
and also "there is NO such
good that would not born some form of evil".
Examples of work of these bi-directional principles are
indicated on a number of totaliztic web pages - e.g. see
item #F3 of the web page
item #C4.2.1 of the web page
item #B2 of the web page
item #B3 of the web page
item #E2 of the web page
and a few still other among my publications. It is
precisely to avoid these unwanted consequences
(evil) from whatever is new, that the
philosophy of totalizm
recommends that countries which cannot afford
the absolutely safe security, or which scientists
are too incompetent to act responsibly and safely,
should NOT carry out any testing or deployment of
whatever in the still unknown form is (or can be)
highly dangerous, e.g. bacteria, nuclear energy,
new medicines,
technical telekinesis, etc.
In addition, this philosophy also recommends to
abandon all research that are aimed at "improving"
of what is absolutely necessary to people (e.g. food,
nature), because it has been already created by
God as the maximum perfect, and hence every human
attempt to "improve" it only spoils it - as this is explained,
among others, in items #A1 to #A5 from my web page named
Of course, it is impossible to summarise here even
briefly this ocean of miseries which both on the whole
of humanity, as well as on the individual people, brought
the non-compliance with the described here principles
in everything that we do (as an example consider the
cataclysmic consequences of imprudent introduction
to general use, e.g. pesticides, antibiotics and the theory
of relativity - described in item #J1 from my web page
The lying avoidance of stressing, that all the people
(in this number also all scientists and all politicians)
are highly imperfect and have an innate tendency to
make mistakes, to cause distortions, to
etc., and thus that the progress of human science, politics
and statehood always runs along the path of a highest error.
In turn this deceitful avoidance is motivated by attempts
to make impossible for nations to build into human laws
various safeguards which allow to correct these errors
and distortions introduced by scientists and politicians -
through e.g. the official establishment of competitive
towards the old, the new "totaliztic science"
which would prevent further impoundment of scientific
lies (as it is explained in item #C2 (problem #E1) from my web page
or through the official introduction of offices which would
check for the compliance with the criteria of "true morality"
of all governmental decisions and all conducts of politicians
(as the introduction of such an office is proposed in item
#B1 and in other parts from my web page named
The lying recommendation by the official science, that in
order to obtain the correct type of adult citizens, the upbringing of children
and young people we must curry out by avoiding to discipline
them and to impose onto them requirements and obligations,
but by using only "psychological" appealing and explanations,
by gentle and protecting care for, by stimulated with praises
only the formation of their nature, etc. In other words,
according to the official science the desired kind of citizens
should be brought up in the exact opposite way than it is
recommended by the Bible, means in a way that is called
the "wrapping in cotton wool". On the other hand, as it is
disclosed in item #A3 from my web page named
the upbringing of youth in accordance with these distorted
instructions of the official science, generates present packs
of egoists and molluscs with long lists of psychological problems,
with having the unrealistic expectations toward the society
and with distorted views about their own level, who even
in their adult life live with their parents until the parents
can no longer serve them, who ruthlessly throw out their
parents into the care of state institutions immediately when
these parents are unable to take care of themselves, who
break down because of any encountered difficulty, and
who only are waiting to commit a suicide under some kind of
excuse. That is why the philosophy of totalizm recommends
the upbringing of children and young people as the Bible commands
it to us - see item #B5.1 from my web page
i.e. through disciplining and imposing obligations onto them
which are appropriate for their age. Furthermore, totalizm
recommends and realizes, to use by ourselves as an effective
educational tool God's method of upbringing described
under the name of "principle of reversals" in item
#B1.1 from my web page named
as well as to understand and to accept the need for this tool in
any situation when the consequences of such God's educational
method reveals to us that it was used on us or on our loved ones.
The lying by official science, that "morality" and ethical
principles are established by the people themselves,
and over time can be changed by people. This
"morality" that the official science defines as established
by people themselves, I call the "scientific morality"
(to make it distinct from the "true morality" established
and required from people by God), while I described it
in more detail in items #B2, #B6 and #C4.7 from the web page
as well as in item #N2 from the Polish web page named
On the other hand, the definition of "true morality" I presented
in item #B5 from the same web page named "morals.htm".
How big is the difference between this falsely forced upon
us "scientific morality" and the strictly required from us by
God the "true morality", the reader can get an idea by
comparing what today's scientists and politicians do while
acting according to the "scientific morality", with what according
to the Divine "true morality" we are asked to do by the content
of the Bible. Meanwhile, only the "true morality" is the
key to everything. As a result, because of this lie of
the official science, the entire mankind must pay the penalties
meted out to it, must suffer the unwanted karma, self-inflicted
harms, damages, destruction, etc., etc. After all, it is for the
observance or violation of the criteria of the "true morality"
that the so-called "moral field" rewards or punishes us -
as this is explained, among others, in item #C4.2 from
the web page named
For example, for the chronic breaking of the criterion of
"voluntary moral activeness" the breaking people can be
severely punished with a kind of "forced passivity" described
in item #N2 from my web page named
Also it is the greed and corruption resulting from breaking of the
criteria of true morality that is the main cause of the collapse and
decay of entire present countries and nations - see descriptions
from item #E3 of the web page named
Every war in the final effect is always lost by the aggressor
(after all, any aggression is a highly immoral behaviour) -
see item #I2 and "Fig. #A1" from my web page named
In turn chronic breaking of a number of "true morality"
criteria can typically bring even premature death - as for
the chronic jamming of the organ of conscience by
undisciplined children it is described in item #G1 from the web page
and also bring the destruction to entire cities - as it is described in
items #H2 to #H7 from my web page named
(recently we can see a lot of cases of this particular punishment
meted out to residents of increasingly different countries). It is also
a fact of taking into account, or ignoring, the impact of true human
morality in all official research, that determines whether the results
of these research are truth or a notorious lie - as this is explained
in item #B3 from my web page named
while is summarised in motto from this item here.
* * *
To descriptions of further (slightly less fatal)
lies spread by the present official science, is
devoted a whole range of items in still other
my web pages. Their examples the reader
will find e.g. in item #B3 from my web page named
in items #K1 and #K2 from my web page named
in items #I3 to #I7 from my web page named
in item #K1.1 from my web page named
in item #E1.1 from my web page named
in item #C4.7 from my web page named
and still in several further my publications.
Reading about all these lies irresponsibly disseminated
by the official science, and therefore increasingly
and fatally ruining our civilization, the reader probably
asks himself/herself the question: what makes this most
expensive institution on Earth, created and maintained
for protecting our civilization against committing whatever
is destructive to people, to actually lure the humanity
towards a self-destruction? The answers to this question
I have provided in item #B3 from my web page named
Namely, the source of all the lies disseminated by the
official science desperately clinging and seeking to extend
indefinitely its lucrative monopoly on research and on
education, is the fundamental error which today's scientists
make in their research and which I additionally emphasized
in the "motto" and in the content of this item. This is because
scientists do NOT take into account in their research the
matter which exerts the most significant impact on the results,
namely they do NOT take into account the impact of so-called
"true morality" (i.e. the impact of morality defined
by the philosophy of totalizm as a "level of obedience in
keeping the commandments and the requirements of God
described in the Bible"). But God warns in the Bible that,
among others, we should NOT use the fruit born of lies
(see item #C4.7 from my web page named
After all, to each person is well known the truth, that if one
uncritically consumes a poisonous fruit, then the only thing
that will come out of this consumption is a self-inflicted death.
The new
totaliztic science
and its principle that "if we really love and respect
someone, then we should give him/her a chance
to progress and to improve by revealing truth and
nothing but the truth to him/her":
Fortunately, there is a way out from this trap
of the "culture of lies" into which drives the
humanity the old "atheistic orthodox science".
This way out is the official establishment of
the new "totaliztic science", which
is based on completely different philosophical
foundations (i.e. on the
philosophy of totalizm)
and which practices a completely different
approach to all research - by philosophers
called "a priori" approach. One of the principles
of this new science is that it eliminates the
"culture of lies" through making people aware
of the fact, that without
learning the truth there is no progress -
for details see item #F1 from the web page named
In turn, the realization of this fact allows people
to understand that if someone really loved
and respected, then we try to give him/her a
chance to self-improve by telling him/her the
truth and only the truth. (Note, however,
that as in every case, totalizm recommends
to apply this principle in an intelligent way,
which does NOT endanger the person's speaking
the truth. As if
in fact it is known that the one we love, for
words of truth typically responds with repressions,
then totalizm recommends, however, to remain
either silent, or to reveal the truth to him/her
in a manner that does not impair repressions.
After all, the totalizm dictates that "only those
ideas are worth our support, which require that
we live and grow for them, insted of sufferring
or dying for them.")
Behind every action of
hide superior reasons and goals:
Ludzie w swoich działaniach nadal czasami
błądzą bez celu. Tymczasem jeśli przeanalizuje
się postępowanie Boga, wówczas się okazuje
że za wszystkim co Bóg czyni kryje się dobrze
zdefiniowany, nadrzędny cel i powody. Taki
cel wytyczał również i powody dla których
Bóg stworzył człowieka, zaś obecnie zarządza
istnieniem i losami całej ludzkości.
The new "totaliztic science" has determined
that the reason for creating the people by
God is the "gathering of knowledge":
Nowa "nauka totaliztyczna" ustaliła
jaki był ów nadrzędny cel i powody dla których
Bóg stworzył człowieka i ludzkość. Celem tym
okazało się nim być "przysparzanie wiedzy"
niezbędne dla nieustannego rozwoju inteligentnego
wszechświata. Z uwagi na wyjątkową istotność
filozoficzną celu Boga w w stworzeniu człowieka,
cel ten omawiany jest i dyskutowany aż na całym
szeregu totaliztycznych opracowań. Przykładowo,
dalsze informacje na jego temat podane są
w podrozdziałach A3, A3.1, A3.2 i A7 z tomu 1,
oraz NF5 z tomu 12, mojej najnowszej
monografii [1/5].
Skrótowo cel ten omawiany jest także
w punkcie #B2 i #B4 totaliztycznej strony o nazwie
w punkcie #B1 totaliztycznej strony o nazwie
w punktach #B4 i #C1 strony o nazwie
w punkcie #F1 strony internetowej
oraz w punktach #B4, #C1, #C2, #C6 i #K1 totaliztycznej strony o nazwie
#C3, blog #211E.
Wysoce niedoskonali ludzie "przysparzają
wiedzę" efektywniej niż ludzie doskonali:
Jak każdy zapewne jest tego świadomym,
aby przysparzać wiedzę koniecznym
jest popełnianie błędów. Jednak ludzie
którzy są już doskonali NIE popełniają błęów,
a stąd NIE przysparzają wiedzy. Dlatego aby
móc przysparzać wiedzę, Bóg zmuszony był
stworzyc ludzi aż tak niedoskonałych jak to
tylko było możliwym. Wszakże tylko wysoce
niedoskonali ludzie popełniają dużo błędów,
a stąd umożliwiają najefektywniejsze przysparzanie
Fakt, że Bóg stworzył wysoce niedoskonałych
ludzi, ma poważne następstwa dla ludzkości.
Przykładowo, aby poprawiać swój los, w każdą
procedurę swego działania ludzie muszą wbudować
poprawkę na własną niedoskonałość - w przeciwnym
wypadku realizacja owej procedury da niewłaściwe
#C4, blog #211E.
Wszelkie problemy ludzkości wynikają z faktu, że w swoim
postępowaniu ludzie błędnie zakładają, że są doskonali:
Niestey, jeśli przeanalizować procedury
działania ludzi, okazuje się że niemal każda
z nich jest ciągle tak zaprojektowana i realizowana,
jakby ludzie byli absolutnie doskonali. Z kolei
działanie przy założeniu że ludzie są doskonali,
prowadzi do nieustannych porażek, błędów,
pomyłek, cierpień, niesprawiedliwości, itp.
Dlatego jest ogromnie istotne, aby tak szybko
jak to możliwe, ludzie wypracowali efektywne
poprawki do swoich procedur działania, tak
aby następstwa ludzkiej niedoskonałości
wreszcie zaczęły być eliminowane i neutralizowane.
Part #D:
Co się stanie jeśli ludzkość NIE zmieni swoich nawyków,
nie wypracuje wymaganych poprawek dla swoich
metod działania, oraz dalej będzie podążała obecną drogą:
Na końcu drogi którą ludzkość obecnie podąża czeka samozagłada:
Ludzkość obecnie się zachowuje jak autobus
z kierowcą zaślepionym tym co wypił lub
zażył. Jeśli NIE zmieni ona swoich działań
wówczas przyszłość jest już jasno widoczna.
Będzie nią samozagłada. Taka samozagłada
jest zresztą przewidziana dla ludzkości starymi
polskimi przepowiedniami - po szczegóły patrz
punkt #H1 na stronie o nazwie
Przepowiednie te stwierdzają, że "ludzie sami
sprowadzą na siebie taką zagładę i wyludnienie,
że potem człowiek będzie całował ziemię w miejscu
gdzie zobaczy ślady innego człowieka".
Part #E:
Jak "uwypuklanie ludzkiej niedoskonałości" oraz branie "poprawki na ludzką niedoskonałość" we
wszystkim co czynimy, jest w stanie ponaprawiać i stopniowo wyeliminować wszelkie ludzkie problemy:
Ludzkość będzie błądziła, upadała i samowyniszczała się przez aż tak
długo, aż ludzie nauczą się naprawiać skutki ludzkiej niedoskonałości:
Nieuświadamiane założenie że "ludzie są
doskonali" wpisane wpraktycznie każdą
procedurę ludzkiego działania prowadzi
do sytuacji że niemal każde działanie kończy
się porażką i czyimś nieszczęściem. Ten
stan będzie trwał aż tak długo, aż ludzie
wypracują i wdrożą w życie poprawki na
swoją niedoskonałość.
Generalna procedura udoskonalania i naprawy sytuacji ludzkości:
Generalna procedura udoskonalania i naprawy
sytuacji ludzkości dałaby się zdefiniować następującymi
słowami: w każdą procedurę działania ludzi
należy wbudować najróżniejsze zabezpieczenia
i poprawki jakich celem będzie neutralizowanie
następstw ludzkiej niedoskonałości.
Konkretny przykład wskazywany przez "naukę totaliztyczną"
jak ludzkość może naprawić "kulturę nieodpowiedzialności i
kłamstwa" ugruntowywaną przez "ateistyczną naukę ortodoksyjną":
Konkretny przykład jak w rzeczywistym życiu
należy wbudować zabezpieczenia i poprawki
na ludzką niedoskonałość, wypracowany został
przez naukę totaliztyczną dla obecnej "kultury
nieodpowiedzialności i kłamstwa"
praktykowanej i ugruntowywanej przez
dotychczasową "ateistyczną naukę ortodoksyjną"
badającą rzeczywistość z błędnym podejściem
"a posteriori".
Zabezpieczenie to jest bardzo proste. Wymaga
ono tylko aby dotychczas monopolistycznej
oficjalnej nauce dodać efektywną "konkurencję"
poprzez oficjalne ustanowienie jeszcze jednej
nauki, tj. "nauki totaliztycznej" która prowadzi
swoje badania przy odmiennym podejściu
"a priori". Wszakże po oficjalnym stworzeniu
takiej konkurencji, obie nauki będą wzajemnie
"patrzyły sobie na ręce" oraz stopniowo eliminowały
swoje niedoskonałości. Więcej informacji na
temat konieczności oficjalnego stworzenia takiej
"konkurencji" dla dotychczasowej nauki zawiera punkt #C1 na stronie o nazwie
oraz punkt #A2.6 na stronie o nazwie
Dokonajmy teraz przeglądu najważniejszych inklinacji (wad) ludzkich
które są przyczyną iż ludzkość nieustannie błądzi i wpada w kłopoty:
Aby ludzie byli aż tak niedoskonali jak tylko
to możliwe, Bóg wbudował w naturę ludzką
cały szereg instynktów, inklinacji, pożądań,
nawyków, trendów, itp. Skutki działania niemal
wszystkich z nich powinny być kompensowane
w procedurach postępowania ludzkiego. Dlatego
w następnych częściach tej strony opiszę teraz
najważniejsze z owych przejawów ludzkiej
niedoskonałości, oraz wskażę jakie metody
ich kompensowania są na obecnym poziomie
naszej wiedzy zalecane do wdrożenia przez
nową "naukę totaliztyczną".
Part #F:
Wyeliminowanie Boga z naszego życia:
Tylko moralność ludzka bazująca na miłości do wszystkiego
prowadzi ludzkość ku lepszej przyszłości:
"Moralność jest kluczem do wszystkiego, zaś
filozofia totalizmu
jest kluczem do moralności."
Bóg jest nieporównanie bardziej rozumny
od ludzi. W swojej nieograniczonej mądrości
Bóg już dawno odnotował, że ludzie mogą
wieść szczęśliwe i spełnione życie tylko
jeśli w swoim postępowaniu wypełniali oni
będą cały szereg określonych wymagań
i zasad. Dlatego Bóg zdefiniował te zasady
i wymagania i przekazał je ludziom w treści
nakazów religijnych. My ludzie ów zbiór
nazywamy "moralnością" - co wyjaśnia
szczegółówiej punkt #B5 na stronie o nazwie
"Brzytwa Occam'a" jako najszkodliwszy postulat filozoficzny w dziejach ludzkości:
Niestety, ludzie "wygolili" Boga ze swojego
życia za pośrednictwem filozoficznej doktryny
znanej w świecie pod nazwą "brzytwy
Occam'a" - opisywanej dokładniej w
punktach #F1.1 i #F2 totaliztycznej strony o nazwie
W rezultacie tego "zgolenia Boga z siebie",
dotychczasowa oficjalna nauka stała się
nauką całkowicie ateistyczną - stąd jej
popularna nazwa "ateistyczna nauka
ortodoksyjna" wyjaśniona już w punkcie
#B1 powyżej. Ponieważ zaś nauka
jest wiodącą siłą w życiu ludzkości,
razem z nauką ateistyczna stała się
także całą ludzkość. Po zaś zaakceptowaniu
"ateizmu jako swoją codzienną religię",
ludzkość zaczęłą eliminować z życia
niemal wszystko to co Bóg jej nakazywał
z pomocą religii - czego wynikiem stał
się upadek moralności. W rezultacie,
np. wszystko to co Jezus kiedyś czynił,
w dzisiejszych czasach jest już nielegalne
i karalen przez prawo - co dokłądniej wyjaśnia
punkt #G3 strony o nazwie
W świecie w którym działają "prawa moralne" zaś "moralność" jest definiowana jako
"wymagania i zasady życiowe nakazywane ludziom przez Boga", odwrócenie się od
Boga wnosi nieobliczalnie katastroficzne konsekwencje:
Powyższe wyjaśnia, że adoptowanie przez
oficjalną naukę "brzytwy Occam'a" do swoich
fundamentów filozoficznych, całkowicie
zrujnowało moralność ludzkości. Z kolei
ruina ludzkiej moralności zniszczyła ludzką
zasobność i poziom życia na Ziemi.
Oficjalne ustanowienie "nauki totaliztycznej" przywróci równowagę i moralność do życia ludzkości:
Aby przywrócić teraz ludzkości moralność
i balans, konieczne jest oficjalne powołanie
"nauki totaliztycznej" - tak jak wyjaśnił to już
punkt #E3 tej strony.
Part #G:
"Kultura kłamania" jako jedno z najważniejszych źródeł zła na Ziemi:
Dlaczego ludzkość "tkwi po uszy" w "kulturze kłamania":
Ludzka potrzeba uznania innych i wysluchiwania
pochwał, połączona z wysoką niedoskonałością
ludzi, powoduje że tam gdzie jest brak merytu dla
wypowiedzenia pochwały, ciągle ludzie chwalą
poprzez zwykłe kłamanie. Stąd kamstwa pojawiły
się w praktycznie niemal każdym wypowiedzianym
zdaniu. "Jak pięknie Pani dziś wygląda", "życzę
Panu dobrego dnia", "do następnego spotkania",
itd., itp. Kłąmstwa są obecnie tak powszechne,
że przestaliśmy je odnotowywać kiedy są wypowiadane.
Są zaś one już aż tak mocno wpisane w obecną
kulturę ludzką, że przestaliśmy czuć zażenowanie
kiedy je wypowiadamy.
W rezultacie tego szerzenia zakłamania, w wielu
krajach zachodnich np. w szkołach nauczycielom
całkowicie zabrania się już krytykowania wyników
pracy uczni - bez względu na to jak złe owe wyniki
by NIE były. To z kolei odziera ludzi w poczucia
krytyczności, oraz nakłania młode pokolenie do
wierzenia, że ich miernota jest już doskonałością.
"Ustawy Prywatności" oficjalnie wzmacniające "kulturę okłamywania":
Upowszechnianie przyjemnie brzmiących
kłamstw zamiast inspirujących do pracy nad
sobą prawd, jest już stopniowo wpisywane
nawet w ludzkie prawa. W chwili obecnej
istnieje już aż cały szereg ludzkich praw które
prześladują prawdę oraz faworyzują kłamstwo.
Najpowszechniej działające takie prawa są
znane pod nazwą "ustaw lub praw o prywatności".
To z ich powodu np. w Nowej Zelandii sądy
niemal bez przerwy utajniają nazwiska co
bardziej wpływowych przestępców, pozostawiają
jednak bez ochrony tożsamości ofiar tychże
przestępców. Fachowo nazywa się to
tam prawem do "name suppression" (tj.
"utajnienia nazwiska"). W rezultacie szerokiego
stosowania tego prawa, kiedy np. jakiś
seksualny maniak zgwałci kobietę, wszyscy
mogą poznać nazwisko zgwałconej kobiety,
jednak za ujawnienia nazwiska gwałciciela
grożą kary. W rezultacie zgwałcona obrywa
podwójnie, najpierw od gwałciciela, potem
zaś od społeczeństwa które "wytyka ją palcami".
Podobnie gdyby np. jakiś wpływowy
narkoman wdarł się do mieszkania bezbronnej
staruszki i ją obrabował, wówczas prawdopodobnie
sąd utajniłby nazwisko owego markomana,
jednak każdy mógłby poznać nazwisko owej
staruszki. W rezultacie, kiedy następnym razem
temu lub innemu narkomanowi zabrakłoby
pieniędzy na narkotyki, wiedziałby on doskonale
do kogo ma się udać aby łatwo mógł go obrabować.
Owo "name suppression" przez nowozelandzkie
sądy jest tam aż tak upowszechnione, że udzielane
jest już nawet w przypadkach kiedy obwinieni wcale
go NIE chcą otrzymać - po przykłady patrz artykuł
o tytule "Name suppression a shameful farce" (tj.
"Utajnianie nazwiska haniebną farsą") ze strony
A26 nowozelandzkiej gazety
Weekend Herald,
wydanie datowane w sobotę (Saturday), January
28, 2012.
Najróżniesze prawa blokujące upowszechnianie
prawdy działają też już obecnie w aż całym szeregu
innych dziedzin. Drugim co do popularności
obszarem w którym dają się one ludziom we
znaki, to internet. Najróżniejsze kraje wprowadzają
bowiem obecnie w życie coraz ostrzejsze prawa
jakie ograniczają możliwość publikowania prawdy
w internecie. Przykład opisu następstw działania
takich praw zawarty jest w artykule "Blogger
shut down over Rena posting" (tj. "blogger zamknięty
za prezentacje na temat Rena") ze strony A3
nowozelandzkiej gazety
Weekend Herald,
wydanie datowane w sobotę (Saturday), November
12, 2011.
Jeden z bardziej szokujących przykładów oficjalnego
wytłumiania prawdy przez prawodawstwo i przez
sądy, opisany został w artykule "Jail for juror who
discovered defendant's rape case on net" (tj.
"Kara więzienia dla ławniczki która odkryła w
internecie popełnienie gwałtu przez
oskarżonego") ze strony A19 gazety
Weekend Herald,
wydanie datowane w środę (Wednesday), January
25, 2012. W artykule tym opisywany jest przypadek
kiedy ławniczka w sądzie odkryła dzięki internetowi,
że dany oskarżony już uprzednio popełnił gwałt -
jednak było to zatajone w danym procesie. Po
uświadomieniu tego faktu sądowi, na karę więzienia
została skazana owa ławniczka - a nie ów przestępca.
Dla mnie ów przypadek jest już niemal symbolem
parodii jaką ze sprawiedliwości uczyniły wypaczenia
dzisiejszego prawodawstwa ludzkiego.
Następstwa szerzenia się "kultury kłamania":
Następstwem szerzenia się kultury kłamania
jest że ludzkość zatrzymała się w rozwoju, a
w niektórych obszarach cofa się już do tyłu.
Wszakże bez
poznania prawdy NIE ma psotępu.
Aby wyeliminować "kulturę kłamania" każdy musi zrozumieć
korzyści z totaliztycznej zasady iż "jeśli kogoś kochasz, daj
mu szansę udoskonalania się poprzez mówienie mu prawdy i tylko prawdy":
Faktycznie mówienie kłamstw, nawet tych
najbardziej niewinnych, jest wysoce szkodliwe.
Dlatego warto przyjąć zasadę, że tzw.
"komplementy" i "miłe słowa" (czyli rodzaje
codziennych kłamstw) trzeba rezerwować
tylko dla wrogów. Natomiast tym których się
kocha i szanuje trzeba mówić prawdę i tylko
prawdę. Tylko bowiem w ten sposób stwarza
im się szansę na poprawę i własne udoskonalanie.
Part #H:
"Monopole" i "kartele" oraz ludzki instynkt "wyłączności w posiadaniu":
Dlaczego wszelkie "monopole" i "kartele" są ogromnie niszczycielskie dla ludzi:
Nie ma na Ziemi nic społecznie bardziej
niszczycielskiego niż tzw. "monopole". Wszakże
monopole powodują zasiedziałość i "pójście
na łatwiznę". To z kolei obniża wydajność
i jakość produktów pracy, co podbija cenę
i zaniża konkurencyjność. Wyższe ceny przy
niższej jakości oznaczają dewaluację pieniędzy.
Dewaluacja oznacza coraz droższe i trudniejsze
życie. To zaś oznacza coraz większe cierpienia,
niesprawiedliwość, wyzysk, ucisk, itd., itp.
Jeszcze groźniejsze od otwartych monopoli
są tzw. kartele. Definicję kartelu
można sobie poznać z dowolnej publikacji
na ten temat, przykładowo ze strony,
gdzie jest on zdefiniowany w następujący
sposób - cytuję w moim wolnym tłumaczeniu:
"kartel - międzynarodowy syndykat, zrzeszenie,
lub zmowa uformowany specjalnie aby regulować
ceny i produkcję w jakimś obszarze businesu"
(w oryginale angielskojęzycznym: "cartel -
an international syndicate, combine, or
trust formed especially to regulate prices
and output in some field of business.")
Pod tym samym hasłem tzw. "słownik kulturalny"
(tj. "Cultural Dictionary") wyjaśnia pojęcie
kartel jeszcze innymi słowy, mianowicie jako
"zmowa w której producenci podobnego lub identycznego
wyrobu starają się uzyskać monopol na sprzedaż
tego wyrobu" (w oryginale angielskojęzycznym
"An association in which producers of a similar
or identical product try to obtain a monopoly
over the sale of the product.")
Wyjaśniając powyższe nqaszymi słowami,
"kartel" jest to rodzaj sekretnej "zmowy"
pomiędzy kilkoma instytucjami lub businessami,
które powinny ze sobą "konkurować", jednak
które formują rodzaj sekretnego monopolu
poprzez zmówienie się ze sobą jak i kiedy
mają one podwyższać ceny w sposób podobny
jak czynią to monopole. Kartele są nawet
bardziej niebezpieczne od monopoli i
nawet szybciej niż monopole doprowadzają
kraj do ruiny. Powodami tego jest, że są
one niemal niemożliwe do wykrycia i do
zlikwidowania, oraz że typowo ich apetyt
na powiększanie cen i na obniżanie produkcyjności
jest nawet jeszcze większy niż u monopoli.
Przykład Nowej Zelandii jako kraju stopniowo "zaduszanego" przez monopole i kartele:
Kiedyś Nowa Zelandia była krajem o jednym
z najwyższych standardów życia na Ziemi.
Ja ciągle pamiętam jak pod ogromnie
mądrymi rządami najmoralniejszego przywódcy
kraju pod jakiego rządami dane mi było żyć -
czyli niejakiego Sir Roberta Muldoon (opisywanego
także w punkcie #B1 strony o nazwie
Nowa Zelandia była istnym "rajem na ziemi".
Sir Rober Muldoon doskonale znał swoich ziomków
oraz ich tendencje do kumoterstwa i do "popierania
swoich". Walczył więc z monopolami z iście
"żelazną ręką". Przykładowo, dla wszystkiego
co produkowane było w Nowej Zelandii zawsze
dodawał "cenową konkurencję" poprzez albo
otwieranie taniej produkcji tego produktu w rządowych
zakładach, albo też poprzez importowanie
taniego zagranicznego odpowiednika danego produktu.
Niestety, w 1984 roku Sir Robert Muldoon
przegrał wybory i utracił władzę. Z kolei następne
rządy Nowej Zelandii zaprzestały podejmowania
"anty-monopolowych" działań i zaczęły niemal otwarcie
"popierać" swoich znajomków i koleżków.
Kiedyś np. ze zdumieniem się dowiedziałem
że jeden z rządów Nowej Zelandii w całości
był uformowany z byłych koleżków którzy
wszyscy ukończyli tą samą szkołę. Jednym
z manifestacji tego "popierania swoich" było że wielu instytucjom pozwolono uformować
monopole. W rezultacie nastały czasy "monopoli"
które kompletnie zrujnowały ten "mlekiem i
miodem płynący", wspaniały kraj. Obecnie praktycznie
niemal wszystko jest tam albo czyims "monopolem",
albo też "kartelem". Natomiast gazety nowozelandzkie
aż roją się od artykułów w rodzaju:
"Turners & Growers continue to attack Zespri's
export monopoly after poll results" (tj. "firma
Turners & Growers kontynuują swój atak na
monopol eksportowy Zespri po wynikach plebiscytu")
ze strony C1 nowozelandzkiej gazety
The Dominion Post,
wydanie z poniedziałku (Monday), April 18, 2011.
(Więcej informacji o owej monopolistycznej instytucji
która wsławiła się niszczeniem poszukiwanych
owoców "kiwi" aby utrzymać wysokie ceny owych
owoców, zawarte jest w punkcie #D5 strony o nazwie
"Monopoly threat moves carpet maker to look
overseas" (tj. "groźba monopolu zmusiła producenta
dywanów do przeniesienia się za granicę"),
ze strony C3 nowozelandzkiej gazety
The Dominion Post,
wydanie z piątku (Friday), November 25, 2011.
"Call to end Sky TV's 'content monopoly' " (tj.
"wezwanie aby zakończyć 'monopol treści' dla
telewizji zwanej Sky") ze strony C9 nowozelandzkiej gazety
The Dominion Post Weekend,
wydanie z soboty (Saturday), December 10, 2011.
"It's high time to put an end to monopolies at
our airport" (tj. "najwyższy już czas aby zakończyć
monopole na naszym lotnisku") ze strony B4 nowozelandzkiej gazety
The Dominion Post,
wydanie ze środy (Wednesday), December 28, 2011.
Jednym z najgorszych następstw tolerowania monopoli i karteli
jest że nieustannie zwiększają one ceny oraz zaniżają
wydajność produkcji. Owo zaś nieustanne podnoszenie
cen praktycznie wszystkiego w Nowej Zelandii już
spowodowały że "normalni" turyści przestali ją odwiedzać
bowiem wyceniła się ona całkiem z rynku turystycznego.
Z kolei "zwykłych" mieszkańców tego kraju przestaje
być już stać nawet na takie podstawowe dobra jak
mieszkania, mleko czy chleb. Przykładowo domy w
Nowej Zelandii są już ponad 10 razy droższe niż ich
faktyczna wartość, zaś np. krajowa konsumpcja mleka
w owym kraju - który jest przecież największym w
świecie producentem mleka, z powodu nadmiernych
cen corocznie spada tam obecnie o około 1% na rok.
Z kolei monopolistyczna instytucja jaka uniemożliwiła
zakup mleka przez zwykłych ludzi z powodu nieustannego
podwyższania cen tego mleka, zmuszona jest już
do uciekania się do najróżniejszych "tricków" aby
przyzwyczajać przyszłych obywateli do konsumpcji
ich produktu (tj. mleka) - np. patrz artykuł "Free
School milk for 14,000 kids in trial run" (tj. "próba
rozdawania darmowego mleka dla 14000 dzieci
w szkołach") ze strony A6 gazety
Weekend Herald,
wydanie datowane w sobotę (Saturday), December
17, 2011. Chodzi bowiem o to, że takie "rozdawanie"
mleka dzieciom w szkołach pozwala owemu monopolowi
"upolować 3 ptaki jednym kamieniem". Mianowicie
(1) "wychowuje" sobie on przyszłych konsumentów
ze smakiem na mleko, (2) pozbywa się nadprodukcji
mleka której nie ma gdzie sprzedać, oraz (3) ciągle
będzie za to opłacana, bowiem w przyszłości zapewne
wystawi rządowi "rachunek" za mleko które rozdała,
zaś ów rachunek będzie zapewne musiał być opłacony
z podatków obywateli. (Odnotuj że problem nadmiernego
podwyższania ceny mleka przez ów mleczny monopol
Nowej Zelandii dyskutuję także w (11) z punktu I3 strony o nazwie
Jak naprawiać i eliminować zło zasiewane przez monopole:
Naprawa ta jest prosta. Każdemu monopolowi
trzeba wystawić konkurencję. Jak to uczynić
w przypadku dzisiejszej nauki, opisałem to już
w punkcie #E3 powyżej. Jak wyeliminować monopol
małżeński na usługi seksualne, opisałem to już
w punkcie #J2.2.2 oddzielnej strony o nazwie
Z kolei dla ekonomicznych monopoli klucz mają
w kieszeni politycy. Jedyny więc problem jaki
nam pozostaje, to wypracować i wdrożyć eliminację
monopolu polityków. Rozwiązanie jednak dla
tego problemu opiszę na stronie o nazwie
Part #I:
Ludzka "zachłanność" (po angielsku "greed" lub "corporate greed"):
Istnienie "najniższej stawki godzinowej" jednak brak "najwyższego dozwolonego zarobku":
W dzisiejszym świecie ludzka zachłanność
już NIE ma granic, zaś ludzkie prawa tylko
popierają jej eskalowanie. W rezultacie, istnieją
instytucje których dyrektorzy i zarządzający
pobierają pensje jakie są czasami odpowiednikami
tysięcy pensji zwykłych robotników tam zatrudnionych.
Jednocześnie jednak, wzrost i osiągnięcia tychże
instytucji są niemal zerowe, a czasami nawet
ujemne, ponieważ osoby które otrzymują te
astronomiczne pensje są głupolami jacy NIE
potrafią się wylegitymować żadnymi faktycznymi
osiągnięciami ani wydajnością pracy która byłaby
wysza od najmizerniejszych konkurentów.
Jak więc moralnie uzasadnić taką ekstrawagancję.
Dlatego moim zdaniem moralność i postęp
wymagają aby wprowadzone zostały prawa które
ograniczają "najwyższy dozwolony zarobek" - tak
aby zarobek ten nigdy NIE przekraczał ludzko-osiągalnej
wydajności najzdolniejszych wykonawców danego
zawodu w porównaniu do wydajności najmniej zdolnych
wykonawców tego zawodu - którzy jednak legitymują
się tą samą edukacją i doświadczeniem.
Przykładowo, dla programistów u których występuje
najwyższa znana na Ziemi różnica pomiędzy
"najlepszym" i "najgorszym" zawodowcem,
ustalona obiektywnymi badaniami różnica
pomiędzy najlepszym i najgorszym programistą
o tym samym wykształceniu i doświadczeniu
zawodowym, nigdy NIE przekracza 1:50 - co
oznacza, że najlepszy programista nigdy NIE
powinien zarabiać więcej niż odpowiednik 50
zarobków najgorszego programisty. Jednak
już np. dla maszynistek (tj. osób piszących
teksty na klawiaturach) różnica ta nigdy
NIE przekracza 1:3 - tj. najlepsza maszynistka
nigdy NIE jest lepsza o więcej niż 3 razy od
najgorszej maszynistki o tym samym wykształceniu,
praktyce i doświadczeniu zawodowym. Również
np. dla ekonomistów i dla menagerów różnica
ta też jest znacznie mniejsza niż dla programistów
i faktycznie nigdy NIE przekracza ona 1:5 - co
oznacza, że najlepszy manager nigdy NIE powinien
zarabiać więcej niż 5 najgorszych managerów
o tych samych kwalifikacjach i doświadczeniu.
Ponieważ zaś najgorsi menagerowie, najgorsi
programiści, a także najgorsi przedstawiciele
dowolnego zawodu, zwykle otrzymują pensje
w okolicy średniego zarobku danego kraju, to
praktycznie oznacza, że żaden zarobek
indywidualnej osoby nigdy NIE powinien przekraczać
50-ciu średnich zarobków danego kraju -
co oznacza że np. najwyższe zarobki w Nowej
Zelandii nigdy NIE powinny przekraczać około
2 milionów NZ$ - podczas gdy faktycznie sporo
ludzi otrzymuje tam nawet aż kilkakrotnie wyższe
zarobki. Jeśli zaś ktoś zarabia więcej niż owa
najwyższa racjonalnie-uzasadniona wartość,
jego zarobki są faktycznie podyktowane
chciwością i pozbawione racjonalnego
uzasadnienia. Jako zaś takie - są one
wysoce niemoralne i ludzkość nigdy NIE
powinna dopuścić aby one zaistniały!
Chociaż narazie niemal żaden kraj NIE ma ograniczeń
co do najwyższego dozwolonego w nim zarobku,
prawie wszystkie kraje powprowadzały już ograniczenia
co do "najniższej dozwolonej stawki godzinowej".
W rezultacie wielu ludzi którzy chcieliby się
zatrudnić na stawce niższej od owej najniższej
dozwolonej prawem, NIE otrzymuje szansy na
zatrudnienie. Przykładowo w czasach kiedy
byłem bezrobotnym, ja chętnie zatrudniłbym
się nawet na zerową stawkę, tj. do pracy za
której wykonywanie wogóle by mi NIE płacono -
jeśli tylko ów rodzaj pracy pasował by do
moich zainteresowań, np. gdybym znalazł
bezpłatne zatrudnienie jako naukowiec
lub wykładowca uczelni.
Wszakże pracując zamiast siedząc jałowo w
domu, utrzymywałbym swój umysł "na ruchu",
poznawałbym co nowego się dzieje w mojej
dziedzinie, zwiększałbym swoje doswiadczenie,
miałbym więcej okazji dla znalezienia dla siebie
innej pracy zarobkowej niż siedząc w domu,
itd., itp. W podobnej jak ja sytuacji, zapewne
znajduje się wiele więcej ludzi. Jednak prawa
które definiują "najniższą dozwoloną stawkę
godzinową" uniemożliwiają tym wszystkim
ludziom znalezienie pracy - ponieważ ich
potencjalnych pracodawców po prostu już
NIE stać na zatrudnienie dodatkowych
pracownikó i na płacenie im tejże najniższej
stawki godzinowej. To zaś niepotrzebnie
zwiększa ceny wszelkich towarów, indukuje
dewaluację walut, psuje ekonomie krajów,
itd., itp. Dlatego w żywotnym interesie
moralności i ludzkości leży całkowite obalenie
owej "najniższej dozwolonej stawki godzinowej".
Następstwa "odbierania biednym i dawania bogatym":
"Jeśli znalazłeś się w dziurze NIE niszcz swej drabiny."
Najlepszym przykładem tych następstw jest
to co stało się w 2008 i 2009 roku z bankami.
Wszakże w owych latach światowy kryzys ekonomiczny
spowodowany został właśnie chciwością (po
angielsku zwaną "corporate greed") i marnotrawstwem
owych banków. Cóż więc uczyniły rządy wielu
krajów? Ano dały owym bankom więcej pieniędzy
zabranych uprzednio od podatników - tak aby
banki te mogły jeszcze bardziej eskalować swoją
chciwość i marnotrastwo. Innymi słowy, wiele
rządów starało się przywrócić dobrobyt w swoich
krajach poprzez "odbieranie biedym i dawanie
bogatym" - skąd my już znamy tę zasadę działania
i skąd wiemy że nigdy NIE będzie ona efektywna?
Jak zaradzać następstwom ludzkiej zachłanności:
Trzeba ustanowić racjonalnie uzasadniony
"najwyższy zarobek", zupełnie znieść "najniższą
stawkę godzinową", oraz wprowadzić system
bezprocentowych pożyczek rządowych dla
osób które na nie zasługują.
Part #J:
"Żądza władzy" przy jednoczesnym braku odpowiedzialności za podejmowane decyzje,
a także wywołane tym "wyżywanie się" na innych (po angielsku zwane "bullying"):
Niemal każdy człowiek chciałby mieć władzę nad innymi, jednocześnie jednak NIE ponosić żadnej odpowiedzialności za decyzje które sprawujący taką władzę powinien podejmować:
Aby zaspokajać swoją "żądzę władzy" a
jednocześnie NIE ponosić niebezpiecznej
odpowiedzialności za decyzje które sprawujący
władzę powinni podejmować, ludzie narazie
wdrożyli do powszechnego uzycia tylko dwa
rozwiązania. Mianowicie, owi rządni władzy
albo (1) stają się tyranami którzy
zabijają każdego kto usiłuje im wytknąć
błędy w podejmowanych decyzjach, albo
też (2) podejmują decyzje "demokratycznie"
(czyli zbiorowo), tak że odpowiedzialność za błędy
w decydowaniu "rozmyje" się potem na wszystkich
uczestniczących, czyli że praktycznie nikt
NIE ponosi odpowiedzialności za to co zadecydowano.
Okazuje się przy tym, że oba te już wdrażane
rozwiązania są niemal tak samo szkodliwe
i wiodą do niemal takiego samego upadku
moralnego i ekonomicznego danej społeczności.
Z powodu właśnie owej szkodliwości obu juz powdrażanych
rozwiązań dla ludzkiej "żądzy władzy bez odpowiedzialności",
filozofia totalizmu ma obowiązek upowszechnienia
wynalezionego przez siebie jeszcze jednego rozwiązania -
które pozbawione jest wad obu powyższych rozwiązań.
Rozwiązanie to jest bardzo proste. Mianowicie sprowadza
się do podejmowania decyzji które są zgodne z wymaganiami
faktycznej moralności. Filozofia totalizmu ustaliła bowiem,
że wszystkie decyzje absolutnie zgodne z nakazami
faktycznej moralności zawsze okazują się być poprawnymi
decyzjami jakie długoterminowo NIE wnoszą sobą niepożądanych
konsekwencji. (Przez "faktyczną moralność" rozumiana
jest tu "moralność" zdefiniowana w punkcie #B5 strony
Jak zaś podejmować takie decyzje zgodne z nakazami
"faktycznej moralności", wyjaśnione już zostało w punkcie
#A2.1 strony o nazwie
Tutaj zaś będzie ono dodatkowo przedyskutowane w terminie
nieco późniejszym. "Polityczna
partia totalizmu"
stoi więc teraz przed zadaniem wdrożenia w rzeczywistym życiu
tego totaliztycznego rozwiązania dla problemu podejmowania
właściwych decyzji.
Doskonałe angielskie określenie "bullying" (czyli "wyżywanie się" na
innych) jakie odzwierciedla jeden z bardziej ponurych instynktów ludzkich:
Jednym z najbardziej ponurych i szatańskich
trendów i instyktów jakie rządzą ludzkim
zachowaniem, jest coś co Anglicy nazywają
"bullying", a co manifestuje się prześladowaniem
osób słabszych od siebie. Najwyraźniej ów
instynkt ujawnia się u dzieci i nastolatków, którzy
całkiem otwarcie maltretują wybraną wcześniej,
słabszą od siebie ofiarę. Jednak w świecie
dorosłych owo "bullying" jest tez manifestowane,
chociaż przyjmuje ono tam bardziej "subtelne"
i ukryte formy. Stąd u dorosłych najłatwiej je
zaobserwować w miejscach pracy - szczególnie
tych z krajów jakie są wiodące w świecie w
owym "bullying" (tj. takich jak Taiwan czy Nowa
Zelandia). W dalszych punktach tej
części opiszę najbardziej odrażające formy
tego szatańskiego instynktu ludzkiego.
Zmuszanie dzieci do pracy zarobkowej, jest równie niemoralne jak pobicie słabszego:
W wielu krajach dzieci zmusza się do pracy
zarobkowej, czasami zaś nawet do prostytucji.
Powstały nawet całe organizacje które walczą
z tą formą "bullying" słabych dzieci.
"Modna" ostatnio "eksploatacja staruszków" poprzez zmuszanie osoby po 60-tce do pracy
zarobkowej, jest też wyrazem "wyżywania się" polityków ("bullying") na bezbronnych staruszkach:
Ten problem omawiany jest już aż na całym
szeregu totaliztycznych publikacji - jako przykład
patrz punkt #C8 na stronie o nazwie
punkt #E1 na stronie o nazwie
punkt #B1 na stronie o nazwie
czy patrz punkt #108 w podrozdziale W4 z tomu 18 mojej najnowszej
monografii [1/5].
Wojny jako przejaw "wyżywania się" niemoralnych polityków nad słabszymi krajami:
Szczególnie dobrze to "wyżywanie się"
jest widoczne po najnowszych agresjach
i ostatnio rozpoczętych wojnach. Do świadomości
polityków NIE dotarło bowiem jeszcze to
co jasno wynika z ustaleń punktu #B1 na
stronie o nazwie
i co podkreślone zostało w punktach #I2 i #E3 strony
mianowicie, że w świecie stworzonym
i mądrze rządzonym przez wszechmogącego
Boga, agresor zawsze przegrywa każdą
rozpoczętą przez siebie wojnę. Dlatego
nadal istnieją na świecie politycy którzy
wierzą, że na przekór życia w świecie
rządzonym przez sprawiedliwego Boga,
ciągle mogą bezkarnie wyżywać się
nad słabszymi krajami. Jednak
którą działania tych polityków generuje,
pomału zaczyna być zwracana ich krajom.
"Wyżywanie się" nad słabszymi można powstrzymać
poprzez zrozumienie czym ono dokładnie jest i poprzez
natychmiastowe powstrzymywanie tych niemoralnych
ludzi którzy usiłują nad kimś się wyżywać:
Jeśli dokładniej przyglądnąć się krajom w
których owo "bullying" jest na najwyższym
poziomie na świecie, wówczas się okazuje
że głównym powodem dla którego ono tam
kwitnie, jest że nikt NIC tam aktywnie NIE
czyni aby je zwalczać i eliminować. Chociaż
bowiem mówi się tam i pisze dużo na jego
temat, jednak owe powodzie słów NIE są
popierane niemal żadnymi faktycznymi
działaniami. Tymczasem każde aktywne
działanie w tej sprawie (jako przeciwieństwo
jedynie narzekania, pisania i mówienia) jest
kluczem do wyeliminowania następstw tej
szatańskiej skłonności ludziej - zgodnie z
chińskim przysłowiem "w zamku oblazłym
przez szczury, kulawy kot jest lepszy od
najśmiglejszego konia".
Part #K:
Wrodzone lenistwo ludzi:
Każda osoba jest wrodzenie leniwa - tyle że niektórzy ludzie nauczyli się lenistwo to pokonywać:
Lenistwo wcale NIE jest czymś wyjątkowym.
Praktycznie każda osoba ma je wbudowane
w swoją naturę. Tyle tylko, że niektórzy ludzie
potrafili wyrobić w sobie motywacje aby je
pokonywać w każdej sytuacji którą uważają
za wystarczająco istotną aby lenistwu NIE
Part #L:
"Popieranie swoich" - czyli gdy "liczy się kogo znasz, a NIE co wiesz i potrafisz":
Nepotyzm, kumoterstwo, faworytyzm, kronizm, "kindship", "old boys network", itp.:
Faktycznie ogromna większość wszelkich
działań ludzkich wcale NIE jest dokonywana
"ponieważ to powinno być uczynione", a
właśnie "pownieważ my osobiście znamy
kogoś kto będzie korzystał z owego działania".
Oczywiście, to jest wysoce faworyzujące
postępowanie które promuje i rozwija w
ludziach najróżniejsze formy wypaczeń,
lenistwa, korupcji, niesprawiedliwości, itp.
Jest absolutnie konieczne aby ludzkość powdrażała mechanizmy
które promują "meryt" w podejmowaniu działań, a nie nepotyzm,
kumoterstwo, faworytyzm, kronizm, "kindship", "old boys network", itp.:
Sporo takich mechanizmów już zostało
wynalezionych. Przykładowo, należą do
nich "konkurencja" (jako przeciwieństwo
promujących kumoterstwo "monopoli"),
"przetargi" (jako przeciwieństwo przyznawania
kontraktów znajomkom i kumotrom),
"konkursy i egzaminy wstępne" (jako
przeciwieństwo "faworytyzmu"), itd., itp.
Niemal więc jedyne co teraz konieczne,
to upewnić się że owe mechanizmy zostaną
powdrażane do praktycznie każdej dziedziny
Part #M:
Zamienienie edukacji w dochodowy business i tegoż następstwa:
Edukacja dla ludzkości jest jak "głowa dla węża" (tj. gdzie owa głowa się skieruje, tam reszta węża natychmiast podąży):
Po więcej szczegółów na ten temat - patrz
punkt #E1 na stronie o nazwie
Jak naprawiać problemy z wypaczoną edukacją:
Trzeba w tym celu wdrażać w życie "polski
model edukacyjny" też opisywany w (1) z
punktu #E1 na stronie o nazwie
Part #N:
Wiara w autorytety:
Dlaczego autorytety są dokładną odwrotnością tego za co ich się uważa:
Mechanizm decydujący o tym "kto w dzisiejszych
czasach zostaje autorytetem" okazuje się być
odwrotnością mechanizmu tzw. "przekleństwa
wynalazców" opisanego, w punkcie #B4.4
strony o nazwie
Dlaczego ludzie autorytetu boją się podjąć jakąkolwiek decyzję:
Realizacja każdej decyzji może zakończyć
się porażką. Każda zaś porażka naraża
decydenta na utratę autorytetu. Dlatego
niemal żaden z autorytetów NIE ma odwagi
podjąć jakiejkowiek decyzji - chyba że
decyzje te podjęte są "zbiorowo" przez
jakieś ciało w którym odpowiedzialność
za wyniki tej decyzji calkowicie się rozmyje.
Dla każdego z nas to czego sami jeszcze NIE przeżyliśmy a co tylko dowiedzieliśmy się od innych
jest "tylko teorią" którą akceptujemy lub odrzucamy zależnie od filozofii jaką aktualnie praktykujemy:
"Gdyby każda mrówka miała własną opinię na temat jak należy zanieść do gniazda daną ciężką zdobycz,
wówczas mrówki wymarłyby już dawno temu. Fakt jednak, że wszystkie mrówki wyznają dokładnie tą samą
opinię jest powodem iż mrówki nigdy nie dorobiły się np. własnych samochodów ani własnej telewizji."
W środę dnia 4 grudnia 2013 roku o godzinie
18 wieczorem zostałem zaszokowany rodzajem
nagonki jaka została wszczęta równocześnie
w dwóch nadawanych wówczas wieczornych
dziennikach telewizyjnych z kanałów 1 i 3
telewizji nowozelandzkiej. Mianowicie, na
obu tych kanałach zaatakowano relatywnie
młodego polityka niedawno wybranego do
parlamentu, ponieważ polityk ten na pytanie
"czy Amerykanie wylądowali na Księżycu"
odpowiedział coś w rodzaju, że NIE jest pewien
ponieważ NIE jest ekspertem w tej dziedzinie.
Gro osób jakie następnie komentowały ową
odpowiedź natychmiast potępiło owego polityka
za jego brak pewności i stwierdziło niemal jednogłośnie,
że ów polityk NIE nadaje się na członka parlamentu,
ponieważ NIE jest pewnien tak oczywistego faktu (tj.
faktu, że w ich własnej opinii Amerykanie rzeczywiście
wylądowali na Księżycu). Innymi słowy, zgodnie
z przeważającą opinią panującą w Nowej Zelandii,
posiadanie prywatnej opinii jaka różni się od tej
upowszechnianej oficjalnie jest oznaką wypaczenia
umysłowego i dowodem czyjejś nieudolności do
sprawowania jakiejkolwiek odpowiedzialnej funkcji.
Część komentarzy do tamtej wypowiedzi polityka
można sobie wysłuchać w internecie pod adresem,
ponieważ zaraz po zakończeniu tamtych dzienników
telewizyjnych temat owej odpowiedzi został podjęty do
dodatkowego przedyskutowania w programie [1#N3]
o nazwie "Campbell Live" - jaki w owym dniu nadawany
był na kanale 3 telewizji nowozelandzkiej.
To przekonanie o niedozwoloności posiadania
własnej opinii jakie powszechnie panuje wśród
Nowozelandczyków, dosyć drastycznie koliduje
z niedawno ujawnionym w Nowej Zelandii też
powszechnie panującym przekonaniem iż np.
ciche zdradzanie własnej żony przez polityka
jest OK - znaczy jest tylko jego prywatną sprawą
jaka wcale NIE powinna być nawet rozważana
przy analizie jego przydatności do urzędu
do sprawowania jakiego ten polityk został
demokratycznie wybrany. Ów fakt, że wierność małżeńską
i oszukiwania własnej żony gro Nowozelandczyków
traktuje jako tylko prywatną sprawę polityków,
wyszedł na jaw kiedy kochanka burmistrza
największego miasta Nowej Zelandii wybranego
w powszechnym głosowaniu do sprawowania
tego urzędu, ujawniła publicznie iż uprawiała
stosunki seksualne z owym żonatym burmistrzem -
po szczegóły patrz np. artykuł [2#N3]
o tytule "Aucklanders would bring back Brown -
survey", ze strony A7 gazety
"Weekend Herald",
wydanie datowane w sobotę (Saturday),
October 19, 2013. Ponad połowa ludzi
wypytywana wówczas o opinię w tej sprawie
uważała że powinien on nadal sprawować swój
urząd - co też się stało.
Nie jest trudno wydedukować sobie z analiz
historii, że wszystko co ludzkość dotychczas
osiągnęła oryginalnie wyniknęło z prostego faktu,
że jakiś tam wynalazca czy odkrywca miał własną
opinię w jakiejś sprawie i NIE zgadzał się z tym
co oficjalnie się uważało. Jednocześnie od czasów
Heleny Trojańskiej miliony ludzi zostało zabite i wiele
krajów uległo zniszczeniu, tylko ponieważ ktoś tam
przy władzy miał ochotę na stosunek seksualny z
kobietą jaka NIE była jego żoną. Na przekór tego w
Nowej Zelandii seks pozamałżeński jest OK, jednak
posiadanie własnej opnii jest natychmiast publicznie
atakowane. Czyż owa sytuacja NIE jest kolejnym
potwierdzeniem tego co wyjaśniam w punkcie #C6
swej stronu o nazwie
Jako twórca
filozofii totalizmu
ja obserwuję z największą fascynacją zdarzenia
podobne do tych opisanych powyżej. Powodem
jest, że jestem zaintrygowany jak to się dzieje, iż
na przekór takich opinii, a także na przekór iż np.
poziom powszechnej wiedzy i edukacji wynosi w
Nowej Zelandii zaledwie tylko około 1/10 tych z
komunistycznej Polski (jakie to poziomy doskonale
znam, bowiem kiedyś osobiście je doświadczyłem w
obu tych krajach), dobrobyt, jakość usług publicznych
i wolność słowa w Nowej Zelandii są nieporównanie
wyższe niż były i są w Polsce. To zaś powoduje, że w Nowej
Zelandii zyje się nieporównanie przyjemniej i swobodniej
niż w Polsce. Czyli ów fakt, że Nowozelandczycy
tępią ludzi z własną opinią - co z kolei powoduje, że
w Nowej Zelandii praktycznie nigdy NIE wypracowano
ani NIE wdrożono żadnego nowego wynalazku ani
nowego odkrycia naukowego o światowym żnaczeniu,
w praktyce NIE ma wpływu na poziom życia zamieszkałych
ten kraj ludzi. Fakt więc, że wszyscy mają niemal identyczne
poglądy, oznacza, że tak jak grupa mrówek ciągną oni
zgodnie swoją zdobycz do gniazda, w sumie osiagając
wyższy standard życia niż narody znane z różnic w opisniach
swych obywateli. To zaś zaczyna zwracać naszą uwagę
na powody dla których niektóre narody, na przekór poziomu
wiedzy i edukacji jakie osiągnęły, NIE są w stanie wypracować
u siebie akceptowalnego poziomu dobrobytu. Okazuje się
bowiem, że im wyższe są różnice opinii i poglądów
u poszczególnych obywateli danego kraju, tym wyższa
niezgodność w sprawach jakie wymagają jedności, a tym
samym tym niższa szansa na wypracowanie dobrobytu.
W Malezji słyszałem kiedyś dowcip na temat Indyjczyków,
że tam gdzie trzech Indyjczyków zbierze się razem, tam
natychmiast istnieje 9 opinii na każdy temat. Przy takim
zaś poziomie niezgodności NIE można się dziwić, iż na
przekór bycia jednym z najbogatszych krajów świata,
Indie mają w swoim kraju jedną z najwyśzych proporcji
biednych ludzi. Aczkolwiek NIE slyszałem podobnego
dowcipu o Polakach, posądzam, że także tam gdzie
zbierze się trzech Polaków, też panują co najmniej 3
opinie na każdy temat. W tej sytuacji NIE może dziwić,
że najwyższy w swych dziejach, bo poziom 10-ty w świecie,
Polska osiągnęła jedynie w czasach "zamordyzmu" za
panowania Edwarda Gierka. Wygląda bowiem na to, że
najłatwiejszy sposób na osiągnięcie relatywnie zgodnego działania
od ludzi o odmiennych opiniach, jest wymuszanie i użycie
siły. Wszakże inny sposób wymagałby wyeliminowania
różnic w opiniach - tego jednak NIE daje się osiągnąć
w sytuacji powszechnej niemoralności, zakłamania, oraz
prześladowań tych co starają się ujawniać prawdę.
Part #O:
Stawianie emocji ponad rozumem:
Nasz świat jest ciągle rządzony emocjami:
Aby wyeliminować emocje z ludzkich decyzji,
powinien istnieć i być stosowany specjalny
"protokół podejmowania decyzji", zaś żadna
istotna decyzja NIE powinna być podejmowana "od ręki":
Part #P:
Tendancja do unikania zmiany i poszukiwania lepszych rozwiązań:
Unikanie zmiany wiedzie do zasiedziałości, zastoju, stangancji, korupcji, itp.:
W naturze ludzkiej leży tendencja do tzw.
"stabilności" pod którą to nazwą większość
ludzi rozumie "unikanie jakiejkowiek zmiany".
Tymczasem owo unikanie zmiany staje się
powodem narastającego wygodnictwa, które
potem jest siłą napędową korupcji, szukania
władzy i zysku, eksploatacji innych, kumoterstwa,
Aby wyeliminować efekty zasiedziałości należy zmusić ludzi
aby nieustannie dokonywali zmiany i szukali lepszych rozwiązań:
Ludzkie społeczności powinny więc wypracować
i wdrożyć mechanizmy które zmuszą ludzi
do okresowych zmian. Zgodnie z moimi
ustaleniami, zmiany takie muszą mieć mniejsce
NIE rzadziej niż co 5 lat - w przeciwnym wypadku
ludzie stają się "zasiedziali" i inicjują korupcję.
Dlatego np. każda praca i zatrudnienie powinna
być na co najwyżej 5 lat, każdy przywódca kraju
i polityk powinien być zmuszany do zmiany
zajmowanego stanowiska już po co najwyżej
5 latach, każda rodzina powinna być zmuszana
do zmiany miejsca zamieszkania po co najwyżej
5 latach, itd., itp.
Part #R:
Korupcja i pasożytnicze efekty zasiedziałości w tej samej instytucji:
"Nowa miotła dobrze miecie" - ale NIE przez dłużej niż 5 lat:
Już tylko po upłynięciu około 5 lat, każda
praca przekształca się w rutynę. To zaś
wiedzie do lenistwa, poszukiwań skrótów,
kumotertwa, itp.
Aby wyeliminować korupcję NIE wolno zatrudniać ludzi w tej samej instytucji przez dłużej niż 5 lat:
"W idealnym świecie każde zatrudnienie i każda pozycja zatrudniałaby tą samą osobę na co najwyżej 5 lat."
Szerzej wyjaśniam to w punkcie #V4 poniżej.
Part #S:
Inwestowanie w nieroby, obiboki, nieuki, marnotrawców, niedorajdów,
chronicznych zawalaczy, itp. (tj. w ludzi po angielsku zwanych "loosers"):
Zamiast nagradzać ludzi którzy dają najlepsze wyniki (tj. tzw. "high achievers")
w dzisiejszym świecie nagradza się marnotrawców i miernoty (tj. tzw. "loosers"):
Np. zamiast rozdzialać nagrody tym co coś
osiągnęli, największe wydatki przeznaczane
są na leczenie nałogowców, wygodne życie
więźniów, rozwiedzione (samotne) matki,
szkoły do nieuprzywilejowanych, itp.
Tymczasem jeśli inwestuje się w marnotrawców
i miernoty, z góry wiadomo iż będą to stracone
inwestycje. Jesli zaś zainwestuje się w przodowników
i najlepszych, każda taka inwestycja będzie
przynosiła zwrot wielokrotnie wyższy od swej
wartości. Tylko więc inwestowanie w tych co
dają najlepsze wyniki jest drogą do postępu
i do zamożności.
Part #T:
The elimination of immoral taxes:
#T1, blog #232E.
Every tax is immoral and should be abolished, but the taxes
on the purchase of goods and services (named "VAT", "GST", etc.)
are most immoral, because they are ruining whole countries:
"Show me even a one person in which the payment of own taxes would
NOT arouse an inner resistance, rebellion and desire for a change."
As everyone can deduce it for himself, taxes
do NOT need to exist. A lot of today's countries
copes well without imposing taxes. The standard
of living of residents in many of them is above
the average standard of living of our planet.
Numerous examples of these remarkable
countries can be found described in the
internet after giving to a search engine the keywords
countries with no taxes.
However, in order to not disturb the reader's
line of thoughts, I have already found-out the
first twenty most commonly indicated examples
of such countries - of course in the world
there are more than 20 of them. Here are
these examples in alphabetical order:
Andorra, Anguilla,
Bahamas, Bahrain, Bermuda, Brunei Darussalam,
British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, North
Korea, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Maldives, Monaco,
Oman, Qatar, San Marino, Saudi Arabia,
Turks and Calicos, United Arab Emirates,
Vanuatu. (I wonder if the reader
already noted quite a striking regularity in
this list?) It is not difficult to determine, that
paying any kind of tax, is for the economy
of a given country what throwing sand is for
the moving parts of a working machinery.
Also, if one checks with criteria of the
philosophy of totalizm,
whether gathering any tax from people is
a moral activity, or if one matches taxes to
requirements of the definition of true "morality"
provided in item #B5 from the web page named
then it turns out that the imposition by the
governing bodies of any form of taxes is
a highly immoral human behaviour
that was tolerable in epoch of slavery, but
deserves the damnation in present times.
It happens that wise God so controls each immoral
human behaviour, that it acquires the ability
to "self-regulate" - i.e. the ability described
more accurately in item #B3 and #B3.1 from the
web page named
and depending on the "combating
of immorality by immorality itself"
(means, working according to the principle implemented
by wise God in the world which He created, stating
that "every problem caused
by the immoral behaviour of people must contain
in itself the own solution for that problem").
In turn, one amongst external manifestations of
that ability to "self-regulate", that characterises
all immoral activities of people, is, amongst others,
that every immoral human behaviour is displaying
a whole series of features (rather unpleasant for
the perpetrators), which have long been indicated
to us due to the research on the
"parasitism" - means on the philosophy of immorality.
For example, every immoral behaviour: (a)
is continuously escalating, (b) always
ends in a disaster - if is NOT abandoned on time,
(c) allows to avoid the final disaster (to
which it always leads) only if on time is completely
abandoned, and (d) the total abandonment
of a given immoral activity requires contributing to
it the effort of climbing uphill in the moral field
along the so-called "line of the highest intellectual
resistance" - which effort is proportional to the
harm of the final disaster to which this immoral activity
is leading. These features every reader can personally
detected in any immoral activities the full course
of which is known to him. For example, if someone
watches liars, then he finds out (a) that their lies
always are escalating over time, (b) that if their
lies are not abandoned, then they lead to a disaster
such as imprisoning, divorce, job or property loss,
etc., (c) that liars can avoid this disaster only if they
totally abandon given lying, but (d) that the total
abandonment of their lying requires from them
to put so much intellectual effort, how big is the
harm of the final disaster to which their lying is leading -
for example, to avoid a divorce requires from liars
the contribution of the same amount of humiliation
and pain as does the divorce itself. These characteristics
every reader can also detect in every other immoral
human activity, for example in stealing, drinking alcohol,
drug abuse, aggressive behaviour, murders, wars of entire
aggressive nations, etc., etc.
Since the tax collecting is also an immoral activity,
the above features of immoral human activities
are also present in taxes. And so, (a) taxes tend
to constantly escalate their level, (b) if taxes
are NOT stopped, then they lead to a disaster such
as riots, revolutions, the collapse of governments,
and sometimes even the change of political system
of the country, (c) the only way to eliminate the
devastating consequences of taxes is the abandonment
of their collection, and (d) the abandonment of tax
collection is so difficult, that the turning to a social
unrest and even to a revolution or the change of
political system, usually comes much earlier than
the abandonment of these taxes which have brought
on the people so much misery and discontent that
these initiated the social revolts.
Out of all kinds of taxes imposed by governments
in present times, one is the most immoral and
destructive. This is because it ruins entire countries
and nations. In turn, this feature of it probably is to
cause, that the tax is likely to be the most primary
cause (though perhaps unrealized by victims) of
the turbulent social changes that are clearly coming
upon mankind. That most destructive and immoral
tax, is the tax on the purchase of goods and services -
in most countries called "VAT" (in New Zealand it
is called "GST", while in the U.S. it is called a
"purchase tax"). I wonder if the reader noticed that
during the economic
depression which sweeps the world since 2008,
these countries which have either not yet adopted
a tax of the "VAT" type, or in which this tax is small (i.e.
not greater than 10%) were NOT affected by the
depression at all. At the same time,
the countries that fall into the highest trouble during
this depression, turned out to be simultaneously the
same that have this "VAT" either the longest, or at
the highest level. (For example, the population of the
Greek island of "Cyprus", the savings of which in
March 2013 have been cut down by more than 30%
due to the collection of government which needed
to compensate the greed of some of their bankers,
the VAT was 20% from the amount of each transaction.)
Because of this highest destructiveness of VAT, it is
worth to try to prevent a possible social catastrophe
which clearly is coming, just by the elimination of
this dangerous tax. After all, in the interest of every
country and nation that loves peace and social stability,
is to get rid of causes for future social unrests -
means to get rid of the VAT. The descriptions that follow
are to explain why and how is to best go about it.
#T2, blog #232E.
Why the tax of the "VAT" type is "immoral" and
it ruins countries in which it was introduced:
The tax of "VAT" type is very immoral and highly
detrimental to a whole array of reasons. Let
us list here the most important amongst these:
It kills the economic initiatives of people. Namely,
many people would undertake various economic initiatives
that would improve the welfare and living standards of
the population, but they are afraid of legal issues and
formalities connected with the need to collect the "VAT"
and remit it to their government. As a result, rather than
pursue these initiatives, these people just abandon them
and do nothing. For example, to me repeatedly turns out a
lot of people asking that I sent them paper copies of
my publications. I, however, in every such a case, am
compelled to deny them this favour, explaining that I cannot
afford to send to them a free copy, at the same time I do
not intend to wrest with the legal problems and formalities
relating to the New Zealand equivalent of "VAT", which
tax, as I believe, I would have to collect from them and
pay to the state - if I sent to them paid copies of my
publications. Similar is the situation with many other
people who without a VAT would help, entertain and raise
the quality of life of others, however, who do NOT
have the strength and desire to overcome mountains
of formalities connected with this tax, thus who instead
of productively working for the good of others, simply
remain idle.
It discourages to try new ideas. After all, before
someone takes on the implementation of new ideas,
or starts to produce something new, he or she first
must go through various legal and bureaucratic formalities.
Meanwhile, the "VAT" is surrounded by so many formalities
and so complex and continually changing laws, that many
people never have the power and perseverance to break
through all these obstacles.
It holds-back the progress. If the implementation
of progress, requires first to break through the sea of
formalities and laws, one does NOT have the strength
nor desire to make progress. Thus, one of the consequences
of the introduction of VAT, is the escalation in a given
country of the so-called inventive impotency described,
among others, in items #G1 and #H1 from the web page named
It turns decent citizens into criminals. Because
of the existence of VAT, almost every citizen begins
to consider how he could sell or buy something, but
avoid paying this tax. As a result, in the light of existing
laws, almost everyone becomes a criminal, while in
the country habits are growing, that avoiding the obedience
to law is a natural thing which is to be done normally
each time whenever one is not watched by a representative
of authorities. Thus, with the elapse of time the rule of
law is being gradually eroded amongst citizens, morality
collapses, and the country slips down into the grip of
rising crime.
It increases the number of people actively supporting
"immorality". Research conducted by the new
"totaliztic science" (i.e. this science which is referred
to in item #B2 above) determined, that the active supporting
of any form of immoral act, in the final end is always
discreetly punished by God (i.e. punished in a way
that does NOT deprive the "free will" of outside witnesses
of this punishment). The evidence and descriptions of
this discreet punishment, the reader can learn e.g.
from item #G1 of the web page named
item #B2.1 of the web page named
item #I3.1 of the web page named
and from a number of other totaliztic publications.
On the other hand, the existence and gradual increase
of VAT (as well as other taxes), constantly increases
the number of people who, in accordance with the
criteria of the philosophy of totalizm, as well as with text of the
actively undertake immoral actions that set them precisely
onto this discreet divine punishment. After all, these people
are involved, for example, in adopting the VAT, or in its
increasing, collecting, etc. So before one turns on the
actions that actively support the VAT, I would advise him
or her to ask the question of how in the moral sense these
activities differ, e.g. from the production and sale
of cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, etc.
It urges the Government to repetitively increase the
amount of VAT. When VAT is once introduced,
features of it incline politicians to repetitive increase
its value. After all, the ambitions of today's politicians
know no bounds. In turn the easiest way to meet these
ambitions, is to increase the value of VAT. So whenever
government accounts become empty, while with the
morality of today's politicians this happens surprisingly
often, immediately a member of the government proposes
the increase of VAT. For example, in New Zealand, the local
equivalent of VAT (called GST) was introduced on
1 October 1986, in the amount of 10% from the price
of all goods and services. Although the entire government
propaganda of that time indoctrinated the population,
that GST will only bring benefits to the nation, in fact
this introduction resulted in a 10% increase of true
prices of almost everything, and the same in 10% drop
of real wages of every person. But soon afterward,
on July 1, 1989, the GST was increased to 12.5%,
resulting in a further proportional decline in real
wages of the population. The rulers, however, did
not stop at that, and on October 1, 2010, they again
increased GST to 15% - causing a further significant
decline in real income of the population. I'm willing
to bet everyone, that this latest increase is also NOT
going to be the last one.
It inspires the politicians to invent increasingly more
and more taxes. Seeing how easy it is to collect
tax via the VAT, politicians in power spend a significant
amount of their time on trying to invent which yet another
tax could be introduced, to squeeze money out of their
nation as easily as with VAT. For example, in New
Zealand in 2003 the politicians came up with the
idea to tax farts - because farting supposedly emits
gases which cause warming of the Earth's climate.
However, the proposed tax that was called by people the
"fart tax",
provoked so much public ridicule and laughter, that
the politicians of that time gave up and abandoned
the introduction of it. However, to this day a mystery bothers
me personally, as to how these politicians intended
to measure exactly how much one should pay of this
"tax on farting". In turn, in March 2013, one amongst
New Zealand's politicians came up with the idea, that there should
be also a tax from perks - including a tax for internet
access. Fortunately, also this tax caused such a public
outcry that the government was forced to abandon its
It turns the "spiralling" of money between people, which
invigorates the economy, into their increasingly idle
oscillation "from the government to the people and back
to the government". Without the tax of "VAT" type, the
people between themselves exchange goods and services
for money, so that their money is generating a lot of wealth
and comfort before they are frozen in government vaults.
However, after the introduction of "VAT", money no longer
"spirals" between people, but it oscillates between
the government and the population. Furthermore, in that
oscillations, the key financial role start to be performed
by the unproductive bureaucrats, mainly because their
salaries are paid-for by taxes. So the government can
return the money back to the people, only when the
country employs a huge crowd of unproductive
bureaucrats who themselves do not produce almost
anything, but only make life difficult for other citizens
who work productively. As a result, instead of generating
goods and services, in such a sterile oscillations between
the government and people, money promotes idleness
and bureaucracy. The production of goods and services
immediately falls down, and the standard of living of the
population is getting increasingly worse. As we also know,
these are just such idle oscillations of money between the
government and the people, that once have already been the
original cause of the collapse of the communist system.
It tempts the rulers to increase the number of professional
politicians living at taxpayer expense. The ease with
which due to VAT, governments can increase their income
by simply increasing the amount of that tax, causes that
rulers begin to be tempted to increase the number of members
of the government and professional politicians paid from taxes.
After all, each amongst them has a lot of classmates and
friends, whom the nation did NOT chose in elections and do
NOT want, but who would be useful to the rulers as politicians
e.g. who vote for them in parliament. Thus, in countries that
introduced VAT long ago, typically adopted are parliamentary
systems such as MMP, in which regardless of the politicians
elected by the people, to the government and to the parliament
are appointed by their party colleagues, numerous additional
politicians that people did NOT elect, because the nation does
not like them. In this way, the number of members of the
government and members of parliament is practically almost
doubled, while in the government are beginning to sit people
who do NOT feel to represent their constituents, because in
fact they have NOT been elected by the people. Then, such
politicians appointed by their colleagues and NOT representing
anyone, enact laws and make decisions that NOT only no-one
wants and that are commonly opposed, but which also drastically
run against the requirements of true morality, and sometimes
even explicitly act to the detriment of the nation. As an example
of just such laws and decisions, consider the law enacted in
New Zealand and described in item #B5.1 from the web page named
which under the threat of imprisonment for parents, prohibits
to discipline their own children, or consider other New Zealand
law described in item #I3.1 from the web page named
which gives to homosexuals the right to officially marry, or
consider the New Zealand government's decision to allow
the spy agency to spy on own citizens of this country - as
described in the article "New spy laws comparable to Big
Brother", from page A12 of the newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Monday, April 22, 2013; or consider the
activities of the New Zealand institution called CYF,
which in the glory of law does the actions described
in the article "Russians claim CYF kidnapped hurt
baby". from page A3 of newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Tuesday, April 23, 2013. Of course,
the above examples of laws and decisions from New
Zealand I provide here only because this particular
country I know the best and have the easiest access
to information as to what happens in it. In turn the
learning of specific examples should open the reader's
eyes to similar situations that happen in his own country.
teaches us, that "without the knowledge of truth
there is no progress".) However, I have travelled
a bit around the world, and thus I am sure that practically
in almost every country from the today's increasingly
immoral world, politicians act in almost the same way.
After all, politicians are people, while to all the people
God has given a similar set of human imperfections -
as it is described in item #B2 from the web page named
For example, in April 2013 a considerable consternation
raised in Germany decisions of their government
(which, incidentally, also is elected by MMP system,
similarly as the New Zealand government) to "save"
at the expense of the German taxpayer inhabitants
of Mediterranean countries from their financial problems
caused by too extravagant life, when it turned out that
ordinary Germans are on average at least twice poorer
than those whose standard of living "beyond their means"
those Germans are forced to "rescue" financially by the
German government - for more details see the article
"Germans poorer than Cypriots", from page B2 of the newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Monday, April 22, 2013. Similarly, when
in 2008 because of greed of some bankers, several American
banks were close to bankruptcy, the government gave
them taxpayer money so that these bankers could still
continue to pay themselves astronomical bonuses.
It deepens the financial "inefficiency" of all governmental
institutions and enterprises. In engineering is used
the term "efficiency", understood as the ratio of what one
gets to what one must put in order to get a given something.
In addition, engineering uses also the term "inefficiency"
defined as the opposite of "efficiency". Thus, e.g. the latest
electric motors have this efficiency close to 99%, the
older combustion engines have this efficiency at the
level of 50%, while steam locomotives (today considered
to be almost ancient propelling devices) have this
efficiency at the level of around 20% (i.e. steam locomotives
have the "inefficiency" rate in the order of around 80%).
If concepts of "efficiency" and
"inefficiency" are also used in relation to the financial
ventures of people, institutions, and governments,
then these concepts in extreme ranges of their values
would in addition reveal also "morality" and "immorality"
of such ventures. As it turns out,
such a financial "efficiency" calculated for the
ventures of today's governments, is at the level of just
a few percent - which is even much lower than if the
today's states were driven by these steam locomotives
considered by everyone to be almost ancient propelling devices.
For example, when in New Zealand the election was
lost by the most moral of all the leaders known to me,
that is by the Prime Minister named Sir Robert Muldoon
(described also in item #B1 from the web page
the government which took over the power from him
began to massively sell all assets that were previously
owned by the state, means the land, factories, power
plants, railways, etc. The assets sold then were worth
billions of dollars. Some time later I was shocked to
hear on television, that to the state coffers went from
these sales just only around 3% of their value - means
the rest must be somehow "blown by wind". The same
trend seems to continue in New Zealand until today.
For example, in the article "Seized millions fail to help",
from page A20 of newspaper
The New Zealand Herald
(issue dated on Friday, April 26, 2013) is described
the result of requisition by state of properties owned
by several criminals. These properties have brought
$150 million, of which $27 million was transferred to the
state, but only $10.2 million went to the state coffers -
which gives at the most 7% of "efficiency" of this
example of the "government activity". In turn for
the rebuild of Christchurch, according to the
article "Canterbury rebuild figure rises extra $10 b",
from page A18 of newspaper
The New Zealand Herald
(issue dated on Monday, April 29, 2013), the cost
of this rebuild was estimated at $40 billion in April
2013. (Notice, that immediately after the earthquake
described e.g. in item #P5 from the web page named
the destruction of the city was estimated at around
$2 billion.) In these $40 billions, the originating from
taxes contribution of the government is to reach $15
billions - means 37.5%, or slightly over 1/3rd. So one
should expect, that every third building in Christchurch
should be rebuild from the taxpayer money. But
if one watches news from the press and television,
then practically almost everything that is build
in Christchurch seems to be paid from
non-governmental sources, i.e. by private
owners, institutions, insurances, from rates of
inhabitants of that city, etc. Thus, these and other
similar examples which the reader may know, are
illustrating, that today's
governments are probably the only institutions
which are able to last and to be maintained by
people, in spite that they are the most "inefficient"
and financially wasteful institutions in the entire
history of mankind. The reader
may be bothered by the question, where this
unjustifiably-low financial efficiency of all
governmental projects comes from, since it is
more suitable to times of paganism and slavery
than to today's supposedly modern and computerized
market operations? I'm willing to bet, that the answer
to this question is "from the ease with which governments
collect taxes". After all, taxes flow into the state coffers
without any effort or endurance on the part of politicians -
means according to the saying "easy come, easy
go". Thus, the existence of taxes, especially that
VAT which is extremely easy to raise, does NOT urge
politicians to reckon with the spending of every penny,
as they would have to reckon if for their expenses they
would need to earn with their own effort of inventing,
establishing, maintaining, and supervising of various
government business and commercial activities, and
if at the same time a falling into deficit would mark the
end of their term of governing and the end of their political career.
#T3, blog #232E.
What are consequences of prolonged exposure to that immoral
"value added tax" (VAT, GST) with a gradually increasing level:
"Immoral taxes are a growing problem, which if not on time resolved peacefully by politicians,
then taxes themselves will trigger much more painful solutions, that are embedded into consequences of their impact."
Typically unaware by people implications of the
VAT, include, among others, the gradual withering
away of economic life in the country and the
continuing increase in social tensions. Because
of VAT, people in the country become more
and more apathetic and deprived of initiative,
while at the same time growing is the bureaucracy,
corruption, economic crime, and various
methods of getting rich quick in immoral ways.
As a result, the country gradually declines,
the economy is depressed and self-emptying,
the gap between rich and poor increases,
sense of security fades, etc. This means,
that the standard of living of almost all of
its population rapidly decreases. What's
the worst, it can begin to build up social
tensions, which, if they are ignored by the
rulers, may in time lead to the outbreak of
riots - means to the social disaster. For this
reason, in the interests of politicians and
the population of each country is the elimination
of some of the most immoral taxes as soon
as possible - before the dissatisfaction and
desire to rebel induced by them throws
people into chaos of even more immoral
activities, from which almost no-one will
benefit, but nearly everyone become a victim.
#T4, blog #232E.
Countries without taxes are possible and will be more perfect than
today's ones, while our civilization should strive to accomplish them:
If one carefully considers the matter, then
it turns out that the tax is mainly needed by
politicians, so that it can satisfy their ever-increasing
ambitions. On the other hand, the number
of politicians can be reduced to a minimum -
as this is the case e.g. in Switzerland, or in
countries which have not introduced taxes yet.
After all, the public functions that today are
carried out by crowds of politicians, may
even better be filled by small governmental
teams. In turn, if the number of politicians
is reduced to just small democratically elected
teams of governors and decision-makers,
then it turns out that the whole country can
exist and thrive completely without taxes.
Let us now review here various key functions
fulfilled by today's swarms of politicians,
and let us explain briefly here how the
same functions could be successfully
completed by small governmental teams
not receiving any taxes from the public.
Schools and education. Almost the entire
social spending, already ceased to be covered
from taxes since a long time. Instead, it is charged
from the public fees relating to a given expenditure.
For example, a significant proportion of schools
and universities already is funded by their
users, as well as churches or organizations
that host them. Other could be funded by
the province, cities, or factories that will
obtain their residents and employees from
the graduates of these schools and universities.
Health Care. Hospitals, medicine and health care
have long time been paid either directly by the user,
or from insurance, or from donations of the nation.
Furthermore, the "health care" truly devoted to
the treatment of people, i.e. such as we know
it from the old days, gradually ceases to exist.
From the "health services" it gradually turns
into the "killing or addiction services", which
people are forced to use only if they absolutely
have NO other choice. For example, in
today's hospitals, clinics, and health centres,
have multiplied so many bacteria resistant to
antibiotics, that if someone goes in there with
a very sick and weakened body, then these
bacteria usually attack such a person and
cause the death. On the other hand, today's
doctors, trained by the old and erroneous so-called
"atheistic orthodox science", typically do NOT
know other treatments apart of prescribing
antibiotics. Even if someone has a strong
body and is not afraid of those bacteria resistant
to antibiotics, still for the reasons described in
items #I1 and #I2 from the web page
typically rather than to cure the disease, today's
doctors condemn this patient to a lifelong use of
medications that only alleviate symptoms, but
secretly induce addictions and dependencies.
Retirements and unemployment benefits. In many
countries pensions are already paid from old-age insurances
that are separate than taxes, or from additional contributions
of employers and employees. Similarly are also paid disability
and unemployment benefits.
Laws, justice, and prisons. Laws that swarms of
today's politicians and members of parliaments are
enacting, are NOT useful at all. After all, in most cases,
these laws run exactly opposite to principles of morality
required from people by God, while these God's principles
of morality are completely sufficient for all the humans
to accomplish the moral, prosperous and righteous lives
- if only they are obeyed properly. (Which fact I try to
emphasize in a number of my web pages.) In turn legal
costs are already paid for by those ones who have lost
their trials. The maintenance of police and prisons used
to be (and can again start to be also in the future) paid
for from products of prisoners labour and from work of
punished people, from the sale of offenders' properties,
as well as from the additional income sources such as
fines, tickets, penalties, etc.
Salaries for the government. Salaries for members
of a quantitatively small government can be paid from
sources completely different than taxes - for example,
from the income of industry owned by the government.
After all, every self-respecting government should form,
and maintain, various companies, the existence of which
lies in the interests of the country and the nation. For
example, if a country has some natural resources, then
the government should form their own (national) companies
for the exploitation of these resources. This is because if
the exploitation of natural resources is given in the hands
of multinational corporations, the country and the nation
is robbed by these corporations. As it is well known, when
multinational corporations are to build and maintain for
example gold mines, they never pay for the gold that
they have mined, but only pay the salaries for the workers
and some symbolic taxes. The same is also valid for any
other natural resource being extracted, such as oil, coal,
diamonds, ores, etc. Also, every government has a duty
to fight with monopolies. Thus, if an enterprise begins to
produce something in a given country, for which product
there is a lacks of competition, the government is obliged
to either set up a similar company that also produces a
competitive product, or to establish a business that imports
a competitive product from abroad. Of course, there is more
cases when a given government should form and run
own profitable businesses. For example, the promotion
of progress and innovation should be expressed through
the formation of such businesses, the unique needs of
the country should be satisfied through them, etc., etc.
In turn, all such businesses and companies together
with other activities of the government that generate
profits, such as charging for the granting of licenses,
permits, visas, quotas, etc., should be sufficient to satisfy all
the needs of government for salaries, fees, funding,
investment, etc.
The management of the country. The collective
decisions which for dissolving responsibilities are
currently being taken by quantitatively large governments
typically composed of politicians without the knowledge
of the subject area about which they make these decisions,
usually do not meet criteria of the true morality and, therefore,
with the elapse of time these decisions always turn out to
be wrong. After all, present governments make decisions
only when they were forced to do so, and they always
choose the solutions that run downhill of the moral field
along the so-called "line of the least intellectual
resistance" (thus, as such, already from the definition
these decisions are immoral). On the other hand, the
philosophy of totalizm
teaches us, that correct and NOT requiring later
repairs are only these decisions which are
"moral", means which run uphill in the moral field
along the so-called "line of the greatest intellectual
resistance" - for more details see item #A2.1 from the web page
Thus, the same decisions can be made more effectively
and more correctly by small governments composed just
of a few persons. After all, then at least it will be known
who is personally responsible for the consequences of
these decisions. This in turn will immediately mobilize
governments to verify each their decision being made
as to whether it meets the requirements of the so-called
"true morality" - i.e. that morality which is defined in
item #B5 from the web page named
After all, according to findings of the philosophy of totalizm,
only decisions which are pedantically
moral, i.e. which meet all the requirements and precepts of
true morality, are decisions which over time will prove to
be correct and appropriate. On the other hand,
decisions contrary to the precepts of true morality, with
the passage of time always lead to problems, while their
impact must be repaired later - although at the first glance
they may look as if they brought some temporary benefits.
Construction and repair of roads, dams, power plants,
public buildings, etc. Such activities of governments
have long been paid entirely from fees of their users,
e.g. from the cost of gasoline, tolls, electricity prices,
public contributions, separate budgets of cities, etc.
The maintenance of army. In the world created and
justly ruled by almighty God, the army not only that is NOT
needed by anyone, but the possession and use of it causes
that a given country and nation starts to accumulate an
undesirable karma,
that at some stage later must be paid back rather painfully.
After all, carrying out an aggression against any other
countries is forbidden and severely punished by God.
Thus, the organising the army to make an aggression
on a different country or a different nation is highly
immoral activity which is severely punished by God.
On the other hand, if some other country is to make
an aggressive onto us, then God acts in accordance
with the divine principle that every
war is always lost by the aggressor, which
principle is explained in more detail on several totaliztic
web pages, e.g. in item #I2 and #E3 from the web page
So actually keeping an army should NOT cost anything,
because nowadays no civilized country should have an
aggressive army, while the defence trainings can be
organized on the basis of self-defence subjects taught in
schools, or as a hobby funded by interested hobbyists.
* * *
As the above reveals, in modern societies,
taxes actually are NOT needed. In fact they
create more harm than good. In order to
eliminate them completely, just suffices to
reduce the number of politicians to the size
of an "effectively operating governmental team",
for example, to about five democratically
elected people (this is because from the
research on the work of teams stems, that
an effectively functioning team should NOT
be larger than 5 persons). On the other
hand, to curb appetites and personal ambitions
of these politicians, just suffices to introduce
laws which correct human imperfections
and immoral tendencies - for example, introduce
the law stating that the government is dissolved
and elections of a new one are announced,
if the government has caused the deficit and
the lack of money to pay for governmental
spending, before it finished its, for
example, five-year normal term in office.
#T5, blog #232E.
Then who and how can peacefully make changes in principles
of governing, which are to release the nation from taxes and
swarms of politicians that encumber it:
"The improvement of our situation can only be achieved through
investing the required efforts into morally untarnished actions."
To improve situation of the humanity it is
necessary to cause changes in the principles
on which our governments are operating.
Unfortunately, neither today's governments
nor political parties have what it takes to
make such an effort and to take the risk
of such changes. I mean, they do NOT have
the moral authority, power, nor traditions
that are required for such an important task.
Therefore, to make the peaceful transition
of principles of governing, a new political
organization should be established in the
country, the thoroughly prepared and
consulted with the entire nation statute
of which have been based solely on
principles of the true morality ordered
to people by God, and thus which,
because of the philosophy adopted for itself,
would represent the moral authority required
that the public entrusted it with the proper carrying
out the required changes. The proposal of
just such a political organization with the high
moral authority based on the
philosophy of totalizm
already have been postulated. It is disseminated
under the name of hypothetical
party of totalizm.
In order to peacefully bring about the change
that will create the country's political conditions
for the birth of new rules of governance without
immoral taxes and without swarms of politicians
whose actions do NOT document that their behaviour
is governed by the moral compass built by God
e.g. in the content of the Bible or in the human
conscience, it is only need to:
Establish officially an entirely new political
party of totalizm
with the moral authority recognized by the nation
and with morally correct and workable statute.
This is because only such a new political party
with unblemished moral authority is able to make
the necessary changes in the rules of governance.
Reduce the government to just a few democratically
elected persons with previously proven expertise, who
behave and act pedantically morally, and who displayed
the personal responsibility for their decisions and actions.
I.e. to replace the today's "quantity" of politicians with
the future "quality" of politicians.
So redraft the laws and procedures of governance, that
these repair the consequences of human imperfections
and immoral tendencies, for example, that they cause
that the government will never be allowed to borrow money,
and that its own expenses it would cover from its own sources
of government revenue. In other words, to implement for the
government the humorous, although in practice highly effective,
recommendation "trust the people,
however, take their jewels for pawn" - the author
of which supposedly was Vladimir Lenin himself.
Gradually build up the prosperity and happiness of the
country's population through bringing the principles of
the operation of that country close to the requirements of true
morality imposed on people by God. This is because
when the today's immoral (and thus erroneous) decisions
of governments are to be replaced by the transparent to everyone
decisions that actually are moral (and thus correct), then
the prosperity and happiness will return to the nation just
by itself (or more strictly - just by God's discreet intervention).
* * *
Of course, it is not difficult to predict that,
given the enormity of the reforming effort
that will have to be implemented to eliminate
firstly the VAT, and then all other taxes,
many countries and nations (if not all) will
ignore this advice and warnings, while instead
of undertaking the elimination of the amount
of taxes, the taxes rather become escalated.
This in time will inevitably lead to social tensions
and to various unrests, and perhaps even to
the situation described on web pages named
antichrist.htm and
After all, every change to the existing rules on
which a given country operates, can be brought
about not only peacefully, but also by strikes,
street fighting, social unrest, and even revolution.
Unfortunately, history shows it to us, as well
as illustrates it via the most recent developments
in countries in which the patience of nations
has been exhausted, that the bloody and chaotic
revolutions or civil wars are NOT beneficial to almost anyone,
and typically are NOT making any real improvement.
How could from fighting originate anything that
is really moral and good, as fighting, killings and
destructions, are themselves very immoral and evil.
After all, evil is only able to raise even more evil.
Thus, in order to NOT commit again the same error, which
the humanity has previously committed thousands
of times, I personally would like to recommend,
that people start to trust in the moral power of the
philosophy of totalizm,
and they establish officially the
party of totalizm -
so that it is this party which is to introduce
the required changes in a peaceful manner,
i.e. with the least possible disruptions to the
principles of governance and life to which
we are accustomed, and which have been
enjoying our full approval and support.
Part #U:
Moralny upadek spowodowany oddaniem w ręce "poniżej-progowo
niedoskonałych" kobiet prawa do wychowania następnego pokolenia:
Szokujący paradoks wychowania ludzi: "doświadczanie dobra nas psuje, doświadczanie zła nas uszlachetnia":
Ludzkość jako całość NIE może jakoś przyjąć
do wiadomości lekcji jakie Bóg im serwuje w
sprawie zasad wychowania dzieci. Przykładowo,
na przekór że w
autoryzowanej przez siebie Biblii
Bóg z naciskiem i aż wielokrotnie powtarza iż
dzieci trzeba wychowywać i dyscyplinować
z użyciem "rózgi", żeńscy politycy wprowadzają
w życie np. "przeciw-klapsowe prawa" w rodzaju
tego opisywanego w punkcie #B5.1 ze strony
zaś męscy politycy są już zbyt zniewieściali i zastraszeni
aby wprowadzaniu takich praw się przeciwstawić.
Tymczasem faktyczne życie powtarzalnie nas uczy,
że w odniesieniu do wychowania dzieci obowiązuje
paradoksalna zasada iż serwowanie dzieciom
dobra je psuje, zaś serwowanie dzieciom zła je
uszlachetnia. Faktyczne działanie tej zasady
w rzeczywistym życiu jest potwierdzone przez
niezliczone przykłady. Przykładowo, to właśnie
z powodu działania tej zasady w dawnej Anglii
niemal wszystkie co bogatsze rodziny odsyłały
swoje dzieci do tzw. "boarding schools" - gdzie
żelazna dyscyplina, liczne obowiązki, oraz
systematyczne serwowanie kar cielesnych
wychowywały te dzieci na wartościowych i moralnych
obywateli. Do czasu kiedy tradycja odsyłania dzieci
do owych szkół była tam żywa, Anglia pozostawała
mocarstwem światowym w którym "słońce nigdy NIE
zachodziło". Kiedy jednak adoptowano tam zniewieściałe
metody dzisiejszego wychowania, nagle to mocarstwo
"zeszło na psy". Innym przykładem działania zasady
że "dobro psuje, zaś zło uszlachetnia" jest faktyczne
działanie w zyciu chińskiego przysłowia opisywanego
w punkcie #B2 strony o nazwie
a stwierdzającego, że "dobrzy mężowie zawsze
mają złe żony, zaś źli mężowie zawsze mają dobre
żony". Jak bowiem się okazuje, dobry mąż NIE
jest w stanie wychowywać swej żony poprzez serwowanie
jej dobroci. Za to zły mąż nieustannie wychowuje sobie
żonę i udoskonala jej charakter.
Problem z opisywanym tutaj paradoksem wychowawczym,
że "dobro psuje, zaś zło uszlachetnia" jest że faktycznie
jest on odpowiedzialny za problemy moralne w jakie
ludzkość obecnie weszła. W chwili bowiem kiedy
tzw. "emacypacja kobiet" spowodowała że to kobiety,
a NIE mężczyźni, zaczęły dyktować jak nastepne pokolenie
ma być wychowane, owe kobiety "postawiły na głowie"
sprawy wychowania dzieci.
Jak "poniżej-progowa" niedoskonałość kobiet i ich instynkty spowodowały nadejście obecnego upadku moralnego ludzkości:
W punkcie #B2 odrębnej strony internetowej o nazwie
wyjaśniłem, że Bóg nadał kobietom "poniżej-progowy"
poziom niedoskonałości. Tłumacząc to na nasze,
aby kobiety pozostawały "stabilne moralnie", muszą
one być uzależnione od mężczyzn - tak jak oryginalnie
Bóg zaplanował rase ludzką. Tymczasem ostatnio
eskalująca się "emancypacja kobiet" spowodowała
że to kobiety zaczęły dyktować mężczyznom zasady
jak dzieci mają być wychowywane.
Jedną z cech kobiet jest, że niemal wszystko biorą
one "na uczucia" (zamiast "na rozum"). Na dodatek
często swoje własne niedobory zaspokajają one za
pośrednictwem swych dzieci. Stąd z chwilą kiedy
kobiety zaczęły dyktować jak dzieci mają być
wychowywane, rezultatem tego "kobiecego dyktotariatu"
jest, że dzieci są niesamowicie "rozpieszczane".
Kary cielesne stały się już nielegalne i zabronione -
stąd nikomu już NIE tylko że NIE wolno serwować np.
klapsa w szkole za to że dane dziecko NIE odrobiło
swojego zadania dowomowego, ale nawet NIE wolno
już własnym dzieciom serwować klapsa we własnym
domu - tak jak takie serwowanie klapsów pod karą
więzienia zakazuje np. nowozelandzkie "prawo
przeci-klapsowe" opisane w punkcie #B5.1 strony o nazwie
Co nawet gorsza, kobiety rozpętały taką histerię w
sprawie wychowania dzieci, że obecnie w szkołach
przestaje nawet być wolno jakiekolwiek krytykowanie
prac dzieci. W rezultacie, nawet najgorsze prace
muszą być wychwalane w szkołach, zaś dzieci
wyrastają zupełnie pozbawione obiektywizmu co
do poziomu swoich dokonań. To zaś prowadzi do
całkowictego upadku moralnego naszej cywilizacji,
oraz do paradoksów moralnych jakie coraz częściej
widzimy teraz dookoła siebie. Najwyższy więc czas
aby zacząć sprawę korygować - tak jak postuluja to
nam zasady jakim ma służyć przyszłościowa
polityczna partia totalizmu.
Jak więc naprawić sytuację i podnieść poziom moralny ludzkości:
Istnieje aż kilka środków zaradczych, których
podjęcie w efekcie końcowym byłoby w stanie
spowodować podniesienie poziomu moralnego
ludzkości. Najważniejszym z nich jest (1)
ponowne odebranie spraw wychowania następnego
pokolenia z rąk "poniżej-progowo" niedoskonałych
kobiet i ponowne oddanie tego wychowania
"w ręce mężczyzn" - tj. uzależnienie spraw
wychowania od męskich decyzji. Kolejnym
środkiem zaradczym byłoby (2)
celowe wprowadzenie obowiązkowych "obozów
wychowaczych" dla dzieci, na których to obozach
dzieci byłyby poddane surowym rygorom twardego
życia i wychowania przez pracę oraz wypełnianie
swoch obowiązków. Jeszcze inny środek zaradczy
polegałby na (3) przywróceniu "kar cielesnych"
do szkół. Jeszcze jeden taki środek polegałby
na (4) przywróceniu "szkół wyłącznie
internatowych" w których młodzież żyłaby w
internatch gdzie poddawana byłaby twardemu
rygorowi prac, obowiązków i niemal militarnej
dyscypliny. Ostetecznym zaś "środkiem zaradczym"
byłoby (5) dalsze "NIE czynienie niczego"
i dalsze pozwalanie niemoralnym politykom,
skorumpowanym decydentom, oraz niedoskonałym
kobietom aby eskalowali obecną sytuację aż do chwili
kiedy Bóg osobiście zainterweniuje poprzez zesłanie
na Ziemie "nauczyciela" znanego nam pod nazwą
"Antychryst", a opisanego dokładniej na stronie o nazwie
W tym miejscu warto też dodać, że powyższe
kroki zaradcze mogą tylko uprzedzić to co
samo przyjdzie do ludzkości (jeśli ludzie NIE
udoskonalą swej moralności) w następstwie
zadziałania "samoregulujących się mechanizmów
moralnych" jakie Bóg ustanowił właśnie dla
podobnej jak dzisiejsza sytuacji kiedy moralność
ludzkości całkowicie upadnie. Owe
"samoregulujące się mechanizmy moralne"
są opisane szczegółowiej w punkcie #B3.1 strony o nazwie
oraz w punkcie #B5 strony o nazwie
Generalnie, działanie
"samoregulujących się mechanizmów moralnych"
sprowadza się do stopniowego wzrostu
niesprawiedliwości, krzywdy i trudności życia
społecznego w miarę jak moralność ludności
spada, z kolei owo coraz trwadsze życie ludzi
spowoduje samoczynny wzrost moralności ludzi.
Zadziałanie owych "samoregulujących się mechanizmów
moralnych" już widzimy obecnie, kiedy nadmierna
zachłanność bankierów i menagerów już sprowadziła
na Ziemie kryzys ekonomiczny jaki zaczyna uczyć
ludzi prawd życiowych na swój "twardy i nieprzyjemny
Part #V:
How the unleashing of the "subtractive" nature built into
women's psyche, combined with the "sexual monopoly"
of women guaranteed by human marital rights, caused
a worldwide "pandemic" of the decline of marriages, the
breakdown of family life, and the lonely lives of people:
#V1, blog #365.
The permanent elimination of evil from our world of matter
due to implementing the revolutionary principles of life taught
by Jesus and the philosophy of Christianity that command
us to act exactly opposite to the motivations or desires of
human bodies and the emotions resulting from the needs
of these bodies, and including, among other things, the voluntarily
"giving" instead of selfishly forced "taking" from others (e.g.
see the Bible, verses 20:35 from the Acts of the Apostles or
6:38 from Luke):
Summary: Dear reader. In this item #V1 of the web
page "humanity.htm" I discuss marriages as one among
a number of the most important life obligations strictly
defined for people by God, and I also remind the revolutionary
commandments of Jesus regarding marriages, which, together with
other commandments of God, ultimately allow for the complete
elimination of the existence of evil from our "world of matter"
before God will be able to give immortal bodies to people who meet
Jesus' requirements (as described in verses 13:41-43 from "Matthew"
in the Bible - note that I standardly quote verses from the Polish
Catholic "Millennium Bible", available on-line e.g. at the address: ).
I also explain the benefits of these revolutionary commands of
Jesus using the example of the effects of changing relations
in marriages between men and women - which are the only
marriages recognized by God. We achieve this change in relations
through the strategy of removing the unilaterally forced "taking"
temporary of bodily "pleasure" cleverly pre-programmed into
many marriages by the "powers of evil" secretly operating on
Earth, which "taking" has dominated marriages until today, and
replacing this "taking" with mutual and voluntary "giving". As logic
and practice prove, adopting voluntary and mutual "giving" as the
strategy for the operation of a given marriage, allows this egoistic
and momentary "pleasure" of the body, which characterizes the
quality of the one-sided effects of "taking", to be transformed
into a lasting spiritual sense of mutual "happiness and fulfilment" -
that is, to be transformed into wonderful qualities that the inhabitants
of our civilization increasingly lack. I will end explanations
from this #V1 with an example of a sterile baobab flower shown
on Fig. #V1a below to discuss and remind the role
of "inspiration" as a foundation for learning and for
proper use of the reality that surrounds us, and as a way for
God to examine us from the level of our morality.
Motto: "Whatever you do in your
life, always try to do it in a way that is contrary to the dictates
of your body and the dictates of emotions originating from the
body, and it will change your life to be incomparably happier and
more fulfilled." (For example, instead of "lying", always
try to speak, write, seek and promote "truths" - even if these are
disapproved by many and if some people avoid learning them - see
the Bible, e.g. verses: 20:16 from the Book of Exodus, 19: 11 from
the Book of Leviticus, 15:2 from the Book of Psalms, 12:19 from
the Book of Proverbs, 13:8 from 2 Corinthians. Instead of selfish
"taking", always try to voluntarily "give" - see the Bible, e.g. verses:
20:35 from Acts of the Apostles and 6:38 from Luke. Instead of
vengeful "eye for eye and tooth for tooth" always try to "forgive"
or "turn the other cheek" - see the Bible, e.g. verses 5:38-41 from
"Matthew". Instead fulfilling of only some of God's commandments
(e.g. only "Thou shalt not kill"), fulfil all 10 commandments voluntarily
and out of love for God, neighbours and nature in equally pedantic manner -
see the Bible, e.g. verse 11:23 from Luke, interpreted in more detail
in item #K5 from web page named
and in post #364E to blogs of totalizm. Instead of doing everything
along the "line of the least moral effort", always try to do it along
the "line of the highest moral effort" - as I explained it e.g. in #C1
and #A2.1 from the web page named
The above revolutionary principles of life taught by Jesus and
the philosophy of Christianity ended the pre-Jesus period of
exclusively parasitic interpersonal coexistence, characterized
by the custom (that still is legalized by human laws) of "taking"
from others by force, bribery or deceit, everything they had
useful and that to someone with power or wealth appeared
to be desirable although he or she either did NOT want to
earn out this useful thing, or accomplishing it is NOT within
his/her capabilities. After that period of exclusively
parasitic coexistence,
there came a "transitional period" that still lasts today,
in which humanity tries to implement the revolutionary principles
of coexistence taught by Jesus and described in the Bible.
Unfortunately, humanity still does NOT succeed in overcoming
the resistance of the anti-God and parasitic "powers of evil"
that I described in my blogs #364 to #359. To this day, there are
many reasons why humanity has been implementing these principles
of Jesus almost unsuccessfully for so long and with such miserable
results. The most important of these reasons I have already described
in detail in these posts to blogs of totalizm numbered from #364 to
#359, and in the publications from which these posts were adapted
(the reader can read these posts e.g. from "volume N" of my free
publication [13]
or from the addresses provided in item #Z2 below on this web page).
One of the most significant of these reasons is the forcing of humanity
into its current situation, when, using the superior technique of
telepathic and post-hypnotic commands, these "powers of evil"
manage to obtain the approval of an increasing number of people
who accept their reprogramming to insist on selfish satisfaction
of their needs by "taking" forced on others or even on the husband
or wife, while fewer and fewer people still try to voluntarily "give"
in the way recommended by Jesus and described in the Bible.
Therefore, in this item #V1 of the web page "humanity.htm" I will explain why
voluntary "giving" out of love for God, neighbours and nature is
an incomparably more beneficial way of acting both for each
individual person and for the entire humanity, than forced
"taking" in any manner that suits us.
Voluntary "giving" is one of the actions ordered to us by Jesus
and described in the Bible, which ultimately serves to eliminate
all evil from our "world of matter" before God decides to give
immortality to people chosen by Him (see Bible, 13:41-43 from
" Matthew"). Some of these actions I have detailed in the
"motto" to this item #V1. The implementation of all these actions
by any civilization is an absolutely necessary condition for this
civilization to be able to last and flourish for an infinite period
of time, without blowing itself up - just as, among the ancestors
of humanity, blew themselves up the inhabitants of the planets
Nerra and Whistheen described in paragraphs numbers {5500}
and {5450} from subsection #B3 of our free treatise [3b] entitled in Polish
"Kosmiczna układanka" -
which title means the "Cosmic puzzle". (And it is worth remembering
here that having nuclear weapons, humanity is already very close
to the possibility of blowing itself up, e.g. due to madness or
excessive inflation of its own "ego" or ambition by one of its rulers.)
As an explanation of "why" NOT following these Jesus rules of conduct
always leads to complete collapse, death and destruction, let us consider
the vengeful principle of "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth"
which is still practiced by most individual people as well as leaders
of states and even entire governments, instead of practicing the
"forgiveness" or even "turning the other cheek" required by God.
After all, if the vindictive and parasitic principle of "an eye for an
eye and a tooth for a tooth" is practiced, then the mutual removal
of these symbolic "eyes" or "teeth" never ends. If we look around,
we notice that human nature is such that whenever someone deprives
someone else of something, then some excuses are always found
to take it back from the depriver or to take something at least
equivalent. As a result, we see how NOT only individual people,
but also entire families, gangs, and even entire nations or countries,
have a deep resentment towards someone and a desire for revenge,
because something was taken away from them in the past. And it
should be noted that during the period of implementation of this
vindictive principle of "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth"
there is practically NO such person, family, gang, nation or country
from which someone would not at some point of time take something
away by force, deception, or unjust bribery. Hence, in some cases,
this desire for revenge has lasted for centuries, and sometimes even
thousands of years, while in the current culture of people's parasitic
beliefs, it can only be ended by the almost complete murder of the
participants of one of the parties taking revenge on each other. (It
is also worth remembering here that in the event of continuation of
revenge and hostile confrontations between two parties, each of these
parties has a 50% chance of being completely murdered. Therefore,
the more consistent with God's intentions, more logical and
eliminating evil because it leads to mutual survival, is to accept
what even today seems to be too-drastically revolutionary, namely to accept the
recommendation of Jesus from the Bible "to forgive" -
instead of, for example, taking "an eye for an eye".)
All of the rules of conduct described in the above "motto" work similarly.
For example, in the case of forced "taking" from others instead of
voluntary "giving", this taking will require more and more force and
ruthlessness of coercion, because the party from whom something
is taken will be developing and growing more and more reasons and
ways of resisting this taking. After all, "taking" is a kind of coercion,
and hence also a kind of "evil" - while every evil has this feature
that "evil begets evil" (which fact is explained in the
Bible by Matthew 7:17-19, Luke 6:43-45 and James 3:11-12 on
the example of fruit, while by my research in #D1 from web page
To illustrate this with a simplified example, let's consider how
the situation may develop if both participants in a modern
marriage act on the principle of forced "taking". Then, for
example, the wife of the so-called "good husband" (i.e. a husband
with characteristics consistent with the Chinese proverb stating
"bad husbands always have good
wives, while good husbands always have bad wives" -
see blog #364E) will quickly realize that because of the "marital
monopoly" which is given to her by current human laws (see item
#J2.2.2 from my web page named
or from post #203E to the blogs of totalizm), she may refuse to
perform her marital duties and thus "take" from her husband the
increasingly greater submission and service. This "taking" in turn
gradually suppresses the "manly" version of the human trait
desired by everyone (especially by women) in English called
"masculine containment"
(which into Polish translates as "męskie powstrzymywanie
zła" meaning "manly containment of evil") because it boils
down to "actions of males keeping something harmful under
control or within limits". What exactly this "masculine containment
of evil" is, best expresses symbolically the English proverb:
my home is my castle .
This means, for example, deterring burglars or rapists, repairing
everything that is broken, work requiring muscles and strength,
teaching children order by strictly demanding that everything
taken is returned to its original and proper place, keeping children
disciplined, etc. In turn, when by this "taking" she completely
subjugates her husband, then typically such a wife will lose all
respect for her husband, considering him to be a "wimp" and
a "henpecked" who does NOT have this desired "masculine
containment". Even women themselves are aware of the existence
of these devastating consequences of the "subtractive"
nature of women, typically striving to lose respect for
their husbands - as revealed by the 1-minute English-language
video "What ALL women want" with the address .
In turn, this wife's self-induced loss of respect for her husband
may tempt her to find someone else who will be more "masculine"
in her eyes. And when she gets bored with the other one, or he
gets rid of her, then she can look for someone else - after all, as the
Polish saying goes, "there are always amateurs for free plums",
while almost nothing is so addictive as gaining sexual pleasures through
frequent changes of partners. As a result, the number of her past
partners will increase (which has a highly devastating effect on her
psyche, on her reputation and on the health of her body), while her life
with her husband simultaneously begins to be characterized by the phenomenon of
marital habituation.
This, in turn, over time leads her to the development of full-blown
female "narcissism",
which is to result in the phenomena described in item #V2
below on this web page, most of time leading to the breakdown
of the marriage, the loss of its achievements, and probably
also to loneliness full of bitterness and regret.
It is worth adding here that in old times a female version
of the same feature was also known - which could be called
"feminine containment". But unfortunately, it has got
almost completely extinct to this day. This feature caused
that husbands were eager to return home to their wives after
work, because they knew that there was NOT an avalanche
of grumbling, complaining and reproach waiting for them in
home, but love, sincerity, care, moral support, etc., awaited
them in there - i.e. awaited this everything that once made women
the best mothers and nurses just by birth, and which was very
well expressed by an old English saying, about which I remember
from my youth that it also had a Polish version but currently this Polish
version is NOT available on the Internet anymore, informing that
men make houses women make homes
(in Polish: "mężowie wznoszą budynki ale żony przemieniają je w domy" -
meaning "husbands erect buildings but wives turn them into homes").
So let's define what Jesus described as "giving" and
what distinguishes this voluntary "giving" from momentary "taking". My
analyzes of what the Bible tries to convey to us under the name
"giving" in those verses associated with this name through the
"cause and effect chains", after translated into today's language
and expressed in a modern and more descriptive and understandable
way, allow the biblical definition of "giving" to be expressed e.g.
as follows. "Giving is an action resulting
from love for God, neighbours, or nature, and depending on the
voluntary and intentional overcoming by giver of any resistance caused
by needs, habits, or the action of the givers' body (e.g. by the so-called
laziness), in order to enrich the chosen recipients of this giving
with both bodily and spiritual experiences that will arouse or increase
in them the faith in God and in good intentions among people."
In other words, giving only includes actions and situations when
what we give requires our voluntary, personal and self-initiated
contribution to at least emotional (and often also physical) overcoming
some significant resistance that exists within us, and, moreover,
it often also requires a contribution of: effort, learning, skills, listening,
understanding, knowledge, active action, courage, etc. So "giving"
understood in this way is NOT, for example, the case when someone
rich (e.g. a millionaire) gives a tip to a waiter or a banknote to a
beggar. The reason is that when one has a lot of money, giving
someone a banknote does NOT require overcoming any significant
resistance or putting in e.g. effort. However, giving would be, for
example, if this millionaire gave the same amount to someone in
noble need, whose views were different from his own and whom
he would first have to personally find somewhere on the other
side of the world (because this situation requires overcoming of
the internal reluctance towards a person with opposing views, as
well as the will to work and to put effort into personally finding the
recipient, thus together these would make it "giving" in Jesus'
definition). Also the "giving" is, for example, when a wife voluntarily
and personally is cooking his favourite dish (or even the entire
dinner) for her husband when he returns tired from work, even
if the cooking wife is also tired. (Overcoming it through fatigue and
personal execution, as well as the knowledge that must be put
into making the dish that is her husband's favourite, tasty, and
that it DOES NOT contain the health-damaging and life-shortening
chemicals now ubiquitous in cans, bottles and flashy packaging
of factory-processed food, is what her action would make "giving"
in line with the ideas of Jesus.) It should also be mentioned here
that marriages that operate on the principle of "giving" should
not respond with the word NO. This is because the answer
NO also originates from forcing, i.e. from "taking", means from evil -
and as I have already emphasized above, the Bible tries to teach
us that "evil begets evil". So if factual and objective research were
carried out, then it would probably turn out that many, if not most,
divorces result from answering too often with the word NO. Therefore,
especially in marriage, and in general also in other life situations, one
must learn to use other (e.g. conditional) expressions that are no
longer a definitive evil, e.g.: "tomorrow is better, because it will be
the beginning of our holidays", or "YES, but let's first pay off our current
loan", etc. After all, the Bible also emphasizes that good has this
effect in that "good produces good" (which is also explained
to us using the example of fruit by the Bible in Matthew 7:17-19, Luke
6:43-45 and James 3:11-12, while by my research in #D1 from web page
Unfortunately, we must also remember that when in the case of
marriages, the husband and wife do NOT cooperate with each
other "in partnership" for the happiness and for good of their
family, e.g. by using voluntary "giving", but they parasitically
treat each other as a kind of enemies or opponents that
must be defeated in the life game "whose ego is bigger", then
they can turn their married life into a kind of "vestibule of hell" -
as this is illustrated in a short video at
that humorously presents the destructive tendency of women to
"win" every game against their husbands. This is why
it is worth putting special attention, knowledge and efforts NOT
only into choosing the right person to be your husband or wife -
as I explain it below in truth (#3) , but also to prepare
oneself at a young age to play a "partner" role in marriage (and
NOT the role of an enemy or adversary in the game of life).
In turn, the definition of "taking" based on the statements of the
Bible can be formulated as follows. "Taking
is a behaviour resulting from selfish love of oneself and being almost
effortless, that is, it does NOT require one's own contribution of work,
knowledge, agreement, compromise, etc., but depends on satisfying
some need or momentary whim of one's body that on another neighbour
(or a whole group of neighbours) is imposed by force, authority, payment,
fraud, subterfuge, crime, etc. - and hence that in this neighbour (or
neighbours) causes the feeling of being forced, while the implementation
of which requires from this neighbour the overcoming of at least one
of the internal resistances existing in this neighbour."
Examples of "taking" are, for example, long-term employment for a
lowest wage, visiting a prostitute, or protested by the recent
"me too" movement
the seducing of one's secretary or e.g. a beautiful actress - in return
for which, by the decision of the person doing the "taking" she will be
offered, for example, a salary increase, or a role in a film. Fortunately,
if both participants of the marriage really desire, then with the help
of God and the knowledge taught by the Bible and Jesus, they can
transform any evil, including "taking", through the joint effort of both
of them into the good and everyday happiness of the entire family.
However, the key to success here is partnership, or as someone
wise put it nicely: "the only problem is that both of them want
this at the same time" - that is, the efforts of only one of them
will NOT be able to heal and make the marriage happy, unless God
gets involved and miraculously helps him/her when hearing prayers.
In cases where both parties involved in the partnership practice
these revolutionary principles commanded by Jesus and described
in the Bible, the situation develops completely differently. For
example, in a marriage both sides are to voluntarily try to "give"
and NOT just "take". Although this will probably shock many,
the satisfaction of "giving" is embedded in the
software of soul
in both women and men. Hence, with an appropriate moral
attitude and submission to Jesus' idea of mutual "giving" (see
the Bible, e.g. verse 5:21-33 from Ephesians), both of them
will derive both bodily pleasure and spiritual happiness as well
as life satisfaction and a sense of fulfilment from this voluntary
"giving". The fact that voluntary giving is also highly satisfying
for women is confirmed by the words of a woman from the so-called
Feminine Latina Schools of Modern Woman
documented, for example, in a short free video at ,
where the woman and mother of sons shown in it states - I am quoting:
"as a woman I believe there's nothing more
satisfying than giving pleasure to your men". The same
principle is illustrated by the
monument called "Unconditional Surrender" from the USA -
an interesting story of which is widely described on the Internet after
searching for it with English keywords: Unconditional Surrender .
It is worth noting here that there is NO greater satisfaction also
for a man than voluntarily "giving" pleasure to his woman.
"Giving" in accordance with Jesus' recommendations also brings
many other benefits if it is practiced by both parties in a given
relationship. For example, in the case of husbands and wives,
"giving" instead of "taking" with the simultaneous presence of
mutual communication which allows avoiding "giving" what the
other party no longer wants, and replacing it with "giving" what
the other party needs, allows for the replacement of today's
marital struggle into a kind of series of eternal happiness for
both parties. Moreover, "giving" allows the negotiation of changes
and choosing what is best. At the same time, it allows to avoid
guessing and attempts to "mind reading" that lead to incorrect actions.
Unfortunately, in addition to what is good for our lives,
everything around us is also influenced by the so-called "powers of evil".
These powers try hard to spoil everything that serves good -
including our marriage and family life. So it is worth knowing
what methods of spoiling these "powers of evil" most often
use. And so, all the most important of them have been described
in the Bible for about 2000 years - and in practice they remain
valid until today. In the first place in the descriptions from the
Bible there is "temptation" - that is, luring us into
doing something that takes advantage of our weaknesses and
ends up in a tragedy for our lives. For example, nowadays the
most common object of temptation is "money" - that is, a way
for the tempted person to get rich quickly and easily. Another
object of temptation is "sex" - the source of often extramarital
adventure. Another frequently used method of the "power of evil"
also described in the Bible, but typically ignored by people of today,
although nowadays even more often implemented than in ancient
times, is the so-called demonic "possession" - see blog
#363E or #M1 to #M5 from my web page named
The problem with such "possessions" is that priests detached from life
forget that the "powers of evil" highly experienced in making frauds
deliberately and skilfully changed the names used in the Bible
during the approximately 2000 years that have passed since the
Bible was written. Hence, these material beings, which nowadays
intensify their hidden invasion and exploitation of the Earth and
humanity that has been going on for thousands of years, in
practice still carry out "possessions" until today. Only that while
most often called "demons" in the Bible, they currently
are known to people under completely different names - i.e.
popularly and traditionally as "UFOnauts" or "aliens".
There are even videos proving that these material UFOnauts,
looking like people, can emerge from, or penetrate into, the
bodies of living people. In engineering terms "how"
exactly this penetration into and emergence from bodies of
people is carried out by UFOnauts, is described in detail in
(2) from item #M2 of my web page
In there I also provided link and explained in more detail
around 50-second-long video with which someone managed
to document just such an emergence of a UFOnaut in a
"state of telekinetic flickering" from a human
body and its subsequent re-entry into the body of the
same human - see in there the video entitled "Jinn rescues
man from being attacked" from the address: .
(Note that this extraordinary video is presented on Internet
under several different titles and addresses - e.g. see also: or .)
Unfortunately, at the same time agents of these UFOnauts
are already working on Earth to change their current name
"UFOnauts" and again
renaming them into yet other
names (after all, "with the more names one describes the
same thing, the greater the confusion among people" - e.g.
see the confusion caused by the forced by UFOnauts onto people
the use of the name "totalism" - i.e. the one spelled with "s", instead
of name "totalitarianism", as if both of them had the same meaning,
which cunningly imposed forcing I explained in item #A5 from the web page
Despite being ignored today, "possession"
is the source of a significant proportion of temptations and marriage
breakdowns. After all, during the 2000 years that
have passed since the Bible was written, material beings carrying
out "possessions" (i.e. UFOnauts - see blog #363E) have learned
many new tricks which make today possessions much more difficult
to detect and their effects more harmful to people. Women, in
turn, are particularly susceptible to secretly becoming "possessed" -
this is where the name
"demon of narcissist"
comes from, which nowadays is becoming a real plague that destroys
marriages (for details see item #V2 below on this web page), while
for the defence against which it is necessary to develop a wise strategy.
In addition to the above, the "powers of evil" also have dozens of
other methods of turning life into a kind of "vestibule of hell" -
all of which are demonstrated to us nowadays. Their examples
include the devaluation of money and the increase in the cost of
living, political and economic unrest, wars, cataclysms secretly
caused by advanced UFO technology, poisoning of oceans, drinking
water, soil and food, increase in crimes, reprogramming of people's
morals with technical telepathy and hypnosis and changing their
customs into new and impossible to control today, etc.
Marriage is one of our most important and longest-lasting commitments
in life. For example, there is NO retirement from marriage -
just like it is, for example, from our professional work, while God and
tradition impose on us the obligation to ensure that it lasts for the
rest of our lives. In many cultures and religions, it is placed third on
the list of the most important life obligations (right after serving God
and the obligation to care for aging parents). Of course, being one
of the most important obligations, it requires preparation, study and
expertise. Meanwhile, fewer and fewer young people believe that they
need to prepare for married life. Once again, women are leading in
disregarding this preparation. A large proportion of women believe
that it is enough for them to be women. As a result, as
the English say, this type of women:
bring nothing to the table
(i.e. "they do NOT bring anything to the family table" - notice that
this symbolic "table" is NOT only a table for food or decisions about
the wise distribution of earnings, but also advice for husband, wife
and children, ideas and discussions on how to solve family problems,
mutual communication, agreeing on compromises in case of differences
of opinion, common and harmonious implementation in family life
of the 10 commandments of God and the revolutionary ideas of
Jesus - e.g. the "giving" discussed here instead of "taking", etc.,
etc.) In fact, nowadays rarely any youth is somehow prepared
by their parents for a future marriage - just as in ancient times,
generations of parents traditionally did it for millennia. Meanwhile,
the fact that today we already have
mobile phones and computers does NOT mean that the essence
of life's realities and requirements is different than before.
As many people today discover with shock, having a "mobile phone"
or a "computer" does NOT change neither the requirements and
actions of God, nor biology, nor nature, nor the life needs of man.
We still have to treat God, our neighbours and nature with love and
care, earn a living, eat, start a family, have children, properly raise
our descendants, take care of aging parents, bury the dead and
prepare for our old age. This means that the knowledge and life
truths that humanity has accumulated over thousands of years
of existence cannot be ignored without suffering painful consequences.
Here are some examples of very important truths in life which
are related to marriage through the previously mentioned "cause
and effect chains", and which truths I am describing below in
numbered items from (#1) to (#7) because it is worth knowing
them at the very beginning of life - that is, when the readers are
still single and previously unmarried:
Truth (#1) That for important reasons,
explained in more detail, among others, in item #B2 of the web page
or in post #211E to the blogs of totalizm, God created all of us people
as highly imperfect, and thus committing many sins.
(Meanwhile, human laws and the entire life of nations, countries and
humanity are still formulated as if people were perfect and did NOT
commit any sins - for example, almost nothing still includes preventions
and security measures against the effects and consequences of various
human imperfections and sins - which fact becomes fatal e.g. if a highly
imperfect egoist manages to slip into the leadership of a nation.) It is because
of this, as my father used to say, we have an obligation and must be
willing to learn all our lives, and even then we will die still "knowing
that we know virtually nothing." Therefore, from the time of our youth,
we should assume that throughout our marriage we will learn from each
other, including learning how to "give" correctly. This requires us to
get used to discussing and communicating with each other, to making
decisions together at the family "conference table", to compromise and
NOT imposing our will or views on the other party, to avoid the word
NO, to remember that all people are equal and quantitatively significantly
imperfect (although their imperfections usually reveal themselves in
areas and features different from ours), that each person is endowed
by God with some gifts that generate good - hence this good usually
compensates for their imperfections, that both the wife and the husband
have an equal contribution to the future and the good of the family
and descendants, that e.g. "being raised without a father" actually
causes the increase of significant distortions of character - which
experienced people warned us about in old times, etc., etc.
Truth (#2) That everything that
is material in our lives, starting from taking every step, through lifting
a spoon with our hand, and even piloting a plane or driving a car, is
actually done in software way by God, only that God always immediately
reads from our mind what we are trying to do, and then equally immediately,
but with morally measured physical resistance and effectiveness for a
given situation, God does it as if with His own "hands".
This immediate, i.e. simultaneous with us, action of the "hands of God"
results from the fact that in another "virtual world", in which lives God's
Program (i.e. the so-called Holy Spirit), neither "time" nor the "elapse
of time" exist - for details, see e.g. blogs #345E, #346E and #354E,
or descriptions on my web page named
from which these three blogs are adapted. Detailed engineering
descriptions of "how" really in the "world of matter"
are carried out by the "hands of God" all activities and actions
of people and all other living creatures (including even the actions
of God's enemies) are provided in post #299E to the blogs of totalizm
and in #J5 to #J5g from the web page called
Truth (#3) That choosing a husband
or wife is the most important decision of your entire life.
Meanwhile, today's world is full of ill-educated youth who are more and
more often described with the English expression
"damaged goods".
For examples of the views of such young people, watch, for example,
short (i.e. running less than 6 minutes) free English-language videos , , , , or .
(It is worth knowing that if the enemies of God and humanity that secretly
manage the Internet, i.e. UFOnauts, detect from the address which launches
a video that the command to run it comes from my web page or from my
blog, then they with their "sabotage loop" (see blog #359E) may cause
the video to NOT run. So if such startup problems occur, it is better to
copy the address of the video to the search engine from your computer,
and then run it as if you had searched yourself for it.) This is why
nowadays is increasingly needed the knowledge, experience, teachings
and help of both God and parents as well as the entire family and friends
who support us in order to avoid the life mistake of taking such "damaged
goods" as a wife or husband, while choosing to accompany us for the
rest of our lives someone who, following the Bible together with us,
will learn, build and help maintain family happiness and defend the
whole family against all evil. This is why we need to choose someone
who is the best candidate to learn with us how to be the best combination
of husband and wife that fulfils the revolutionary ideas of Jesus.
Truth (#4) That God always first
offers to everyone a life partner who, with God's supernatural omniscience,
is best suited to his/her characteristics and the future life fate pre-planned
by God. This is why first love is the most important, and
the first husband or wife turns out to be the best. This is also why the
best candidate for a husband or wife is often met as a teenager, and
the happiest and most durable marriages in English are described as
highschool sweetheart and her heart-throb -
i.e. as objects of first love from high school. If, in turn, anyone of a given
couple chosen by God as objects of mutual love, either due to their
own fault, or due to the plots of the "power of evil" ruling over humanity
(as e.g. this happens with the sacred Baobab tree from Fig. #V1ab
below) causes the breakup of this couple or prevents them from
getting to know each other and developing love, then God selects
further candidates for each of them, guided by the wise so-called
the moral "law of the partnership ladder" described in
more detail in #6C from subsection I4.1.1 of
volume 5 of monograph [1/5].
This moral law states that: "if we
had already but changed partners, our next partner will be more
moral than the previous one - if in the previous partnership we
were more moral than our partner (and therefore less guilty of
the breakup), or he/she will be less moral than previous partner -
if in our last partnership we were less moral than our partner
(i.e. we were more guilty of the breakup)".
In other words, the one who is responsible for the breakdown
of the partnership offered to us by God ends up in a much
worse situation than he/she was in that broken partnership.
In turn, the one who was innocent of this breakdown, because
he/she actively tried to prevent it, though unilaterally or
unsuccessfully, ends up in a much better situation.
Truth (#5) That punishment for not
fulfilling God's commandments and requirements described in the Bible
is carried out by the method of gradual "termination of privileges".
This method is best described in #I5 from the web page named
and from post #362E to blogs of totalizm. Practically, this means
that the older we are, and therefore the more sins we have committed
by NOT fulfilling God's commandments and requirements, the fewer
privileges we have in methods of God acting, and thus the greater
the influence of the "power of evil" on the course of our lives.
Meanwhile, our failure to fulfil the commandments and
requirements of God described in the Bible does NOT
result from their difficulties, but from our subconscience
being bombarded by our parasitic relatives from the planets of Orion
that are material as we are (see e.g. post #364E to totalizm blogs)
and that transmit technically probably from orbit around the Earth
or from the Moon, the telepathic (and perhaps post-hypnotic) orders
to NOT do what the Bible tells us to do, but to do the exact opposite.
(Strangely enough, around Earth periodically rotate miniature and
extremely "weird" rocky moons usually not larger than 1000 meters
in diameter, about history of discoveries of which there is the
excellent free video in English around 10 minutes long and entitled
"Earth Has More Than One Moon and They Are Really Weird!", disseminated at -
which mini moons could be an excellent cover up for hiding an alien
station for broadcasting telepathic or hypnotic commands that are
to reprogram the views of majority of humans. This explains why
every now and again within humanity various mass tendencies appear
when everyone seems to hypnotically be made almost crazy about
doing something, like currently sniffing narcotics, while just after the
Second World War having own combustion car and with pleasure
sniffing the smell of gasoline or car exhaust fumes - as I explained this
in several of my publications,
e.g. explained in post #360E to blogs of totalizm and in #D1 from web page
On the other hand, in practice, learning
and fulfilling God's 10 commandments is simpler and easier than,
for example, learning and obeying road rules. However,
almost every driver's license holder learns and strictly follows the
road regulations, and at the same time usually DOES NOT fulfil all
10 commandments of God with equal pedantry. Therefore, with
my publications I try to make readers aware that it is in their
own interest to understand and accept that there is a made of mater
enemy of God looking and created like us (described in the Bible
and by UFO researchers) and that in order NOT to succumb to
its hidden and deceptive techniques, one must symbolically
explain to oneself that e.g. the 10
commandments of God are a kind of road rules for how to
travel as safely as possible on all roads and paths of our lives
(current and future), and that learning and following these
10 commandments of God for "everyone who wants" comes
easier than road rules, and at the same time learning to fulfil
them voluntarily with love for God, neighbours and nature
guarantees us safe travel on the paths of life for all eternity.
Truth (#6) That seeing
human reluctance in learning and fulfilling the 10 commandments
of God, on the occasion of sending Jesus to Earth, God started
supplying each person at the moment of his or her birth with
an additional counter-material (i.e. carrying in the software of
our soul ) the so-called organ of "conscience" (called
"heart" in the Bible). I explained more about God
supplementing the programming of people's souls with this
organ of "conscience" in item #A1 from my web page named
and in post #316E to blogs of totalizm. This organ,
in a way that does NOT violate anyone's
free willquietly whispers to each person directly
into his/her mind whether what this person is doing or intends to
do is consistent with God's commandments and requirements,
or whether he or she is breaking these commandments.
Moreover, in the most important moments of this person's life,
conscience also whispers to him or her tips and warnings that
are important for his or her life, popularly known as "intuition"
in humans, and as "instinct" in animals. Unfortunately,
people often learn to suppress the
whispers of their "conscience" organ already in their youth.
I explain quite a lot about the consequences of this jamming
of conscience in my publications - e.g. see item #D3 from
the web page named
or see post #218E to totalizm blogs. Most often, learning this
deadening of conscience takes place among young people from
rich homes where women often rule, i.e. young people who are
NOT subjected to discipline advised by the Bible and typically
enforced by their father, of the type described in items #B5.1,
#G1 and #G4, from the web page named
as well as among young people from morally deviant homes.
The result of this suppressing of their conscience is always that
these people do NOT see what is coming and what is most
important for their lives. After all, the importance of what
is coming is informed by the "whispers" of conscience - which,
unfortunately, is already muted out in them. As a result,
people who have suppressed their conscience show features
that the Bible describes, e.g. in verses 6:9-13 from Isaiah or
13:14-17 from Matthew (i.e. that they look but do NOT see).
Thus from among them come scientists, politicians and
members of the elite who are blind to obvious truths (such
as the existence of an absolutely just God and human souls
that are able to live forever if only God grants them
eternal life justly) or who are NOT able to
notice the significance of what immediately strikes people's
eyes (such as this important, inspiring detail which I discuss
in the caption under Fig. #V1a below). It is from the group
of such individuals who are deaf to the whispers of conscience
that people we know, e.g. from the Internet or encyclopaedias,
are said to supposedly have been inventors or creators of
theories or ideas, but about whom, according to Bible verses
4:22 from "Mark" or 10:26 from "Matthew", we later learn
that they were, for example, exposed by the history of
humanity as examples of stealing inventions, ideas,
views, or discoveries from other people, and then describing
or patenting them as their own without giving moral credit
to those neighbours from whom they got them, because
they themselves are NOT able to see what is most important,
and at the same time their nature does NOT allow
them to accept that others have invented or discovered
something important in a matter that has been under their
noses for years, but they themselves were NOT able to
notice this importance.
Truth (#7) That the most
important thing in life and in marriage is to remember that in
every way we are dependent on God for protection, help and
inspiration. However, in order to deserve such
protection, help and inspiration from God, it is necessary
to learn the commandments, requirements and methods of
God's actions and to learn to fulfil them. After all, as
I have already emphasized in truth (#2) above:
(#7a) everything that happens
in our lives is accomplished by God with His own "hands"
(although always at the thought intentions of what is being
started by someone's "requests" expressed with mind of
either ourselves, or e.g. those who try to harm us) - as I
explained it in detail in the above-mentioned post #299E
to the blogs of totalizm and in #J5 to #J5g from the web page named
It is also in order to educate each of us in fulfilling the
commandments and requirements of the Bible that eliminate
evil from our lives, God is able to use various methods
that He created for people and for the "world of matter",
and which use a hard method of tapping the truth
into our memory. Examples of these methods of
God include, among others: (#7b)
shifting each person back in time in order to re-experience
events that he/she wrongly experienced or to open his/her
eyes to the truth about the operation of "reversible software
time". The totaliztic interpretation of such
shifting of people in time described in the Bible, which
I learned from verses 33:25-30 in the "Book of Job", is
discussed in item #B4.1 of the web page
In turn that such a shifting back in time really often takes
place was experienced both by me personally (as I discussed
it e.g. in description 1 from item #D6 of the web page
as well as by my friends personally well known to me, who
later told me about their shifting back in time, while I described
it all in my publications - e.g. see the last paragraph of item
#4d from subsection I4.1.1 in
volume 5 of my monograph [1/5].
Another example of God's methods is e.g. (#7c)
repeating the lives of individual people in the eternally existing
bodies of previously or later living people - most
often called "reincarnation". This repetition of life
in other bodies is confirmed by evidence in many ways, e.g.
historical knowledge from a short video available on YouTube, e.g. at ,
or e.g. by my descriptions from items #J1 to #J4 of the web page called
or from post #233E to the blogs of totalizm (discussing the
strange consequences of my duel with the commander of
the Teutonic Knights besieging the castle in Polish Olsztyn -
who claimed that he allegedly killed me dishonourably when
I was the commander of the Polish knights defending this
castle, and also confirmed by the reincarnation of my
colleague from work who previously lived as the daughter
of an Inca potter from ancient Peru). Thanks to such
methods, and also others that are still waiting to be
scientifically identified and researched, God always makes
sure that each person receives several chances to earn
salvation through his or her behaviour.
Fig. #V1ab (flower):
Here is the extremely ephemeral flower of the sacred Baobab
tree, which lasts only for one night. Baobabs produce the
largest flowers of all flowering trees - their flowers reach 15
cm (i.e. 6 inches) in diameter. The above photo of this flower
also managed to clearly document an important detail that is
probably responsible for the natural infertility of some solitary
baobabs (usually considered "male") - the possibility of avoiding
the problem of infertility that this detail inspires, I described
in the fifth paragraph of this photo caption. What gives us a
lot to think about is the fact that I have NOT found this particular
detail so clearly documented in any of the photos of baobab
flowers published on the Internet. Is it possible that UFOnauts
who secretly manage the Internet and are hostile to God and
to people (that is, our parasitic relatives from Orion) make it
so difficult for people to learn the truth with the help of which
the poor inhabitants of the tropics could generate a lot of the
food they lack by eliminating the infertility of baobabs,
which infertility probably results from this particular detail,
that these UFOnauts carefully censor the Internet and do
NOT allow photos illustrating this particular detail to be shown
on the Internet? Therefore, I suggest to the reader to test his
or her perceptiveness by trying to find out what this detail is,
without first looking at my explanation, but only by comparing
the above photo of an infertile baobab flower with photos shown
on the Internet and searched for, e.g. with the command .
(After all, if the reader confirms his/her own perceptiveness on
this previously unknown problem, then it will give him/her the
courage to solve other life problems on his/her own - as the
correct solution of each of them typically requires high perceptiveness.)
This self-examination will also confirm the truth of the
warning of the Bible, e.g. from verses
6:9-13 from Isaiah or 13:14-17 from Matthew about the existence
of people who look but do NOT see - as I explained it with
the truth (#6) above (i.e. because they suppressed their organ of
conscience, hence while looking at something, they do NOT hear
that then, using their conscience, God informs them that they just are
looking at something very important for them - which is also described,
for example, in my blogs #218E or #316E). This is why many of
today's scientists-atheists who have already managed to silence
their organ of conscience: either disseminate false descriptions
of the reality surrounding us, or resort to "plagiarism" by taking new
ideas from others without giving them due moral credit, because
they themselves are NOT able to notice emphasized by God through
this silenced conscience, inspirations regarding new ideas about the
reality that surrounds them. (Click on the link of a selected
photo to enlarge it or view it in more detail.)
On the island of Madagascar, where God originally
created the sacred Baobabs, these sacred trees are called
"The Tree of Life"
(in Polish meaning "Drzewo Życia"). The reason is that God
designed them so wisely that they meet all the most important
human needs, including the possibility of living in their huge
tree holes, accumulating drinking water (as they usually grow in
dry areas), producing tasty and highly nutritious fruits which are
edible for humans, useful leaves, wood and bark, and the healing
abilities of each of their components that allow baobab trees to
cure almost all existing diseases including cancer, malaria, and
malignant viruses. What's most strange, if in order to scrape the
baobab wood, a piece of the tree's bark is mutilated, the baobab
tree quickly heals its wounds and overgrows the damaged area
with new bark - which causes that, in addition to cutting huge
holes in them for living, people often carve images and inscriptions
on baobab trees - an example of which I showed in Fig. #J1
and described in item #J3.1 from the web page named
Apart from the holy Baobab, I know only one more holy kind of trees, which
is the Coconut Palm - which alone is also able to satisfy
all human needs. Why the Coconut Palm is considered a sacred
tree, I explained it in #D1 to #D1b from my web page named
In fact, if someone has unrestricted access to any of these sacred
trees (e.g. is the owner of at least one mature one of them), then
he/she is NOT in danger of dying from either hunger or thirst. For
example, in Africa, families who own baobabs get most of their food
and everything they need from them, and there is still a lot left for
nature, animals and birds to use. However, shown above in Fig. #V1a
a photo of a highly ephemeral baobab flower, as well as a photo
of the baobab tree itself from Fig. #V1b below, were taken on a
lonely and apparently the only baobab tree in the whole of Malaysia
growing in there on the island of Penang, i.e. on the same island
of Malaysia which also has a mysterious
"Penang Snake Temple"
(in Polish called: "Świątynia Węży") - especially to see
which extraordinary kind of place, tourists from all over the world
(including me) come in there. I showed this Snake Temple in
Fig. #J2a while I described it in #J2 from the web page named
and from post #344E to blogs of totalizm.
I was apparently inspired by God Himself to publish the
photos shown here of this lonely sacred Baobab tree from the
Malaysian island of Penang, because He probably used me as a
tool to inspire other people. When, while on vacation in Malaysia
in 2011, I learned that there was a lonely baobab tree on the
island of Penang, then together with a group of friends from
the university where I had previously held my professorship,
we organized an expedition to see it and at the same time visit
the island of Penang. We stayed there for 3 nights, i.e. from
Monday 2011/7/25 to Thursday 2011/7/28. Thanks to this,
we even managed to take a photo of the tree's fleeting flower,
which dies after existing for one night only. What struck me
in this lonely baobab from the island of Penang was the fact
that it blooms but never bears fruit. Because I have already
learned about the tree of the most delicious fruit in the world
(which is also probably the most smelly fruit in the world), i.e. about
the Malaysian durian fruit, which has different male
and female trees and inflorescences - see its descriptions and
photos e.g. in items #G1, #D1 and #C2 from my web page
I started to speculate that the sacred Baobab must also have
different male and female trees and flowers, while the lonely
baobab from the island of Penang has only flowers of one
of these sexes. After returning from my vacation, the
fact of the lack of fruit and
reproduction of this baobab tree growing alone and at a
long distance from other baobab trees, still generally unknown
by the luminaries of the "official atheistic science" residing
in their "ivory towers", was described in item
#F4.4, and also in caption under Fig. #F1ab from
my web page named
and in #C1 to #C1ab from my other web page called
This is because I believed that the dissemination of this information
was the reason why God inspired me and my friends from the
University of Kuala Lumpur to this private research and tourist
expedition. As it later turned out, my
publications probably inspired numerous scientific research into
the secrets of masculinity and femininity of baobabs -
the reader can search for the current results of these research,
e.g. using the keywords:
baobab male and female .
However, it is a pity that, while probably inspired by one of my
publications, professional scientists publishing these results in
atheistic scientific literature, as usual, "forgot" to
mention, in compliance with the copyrights contained in each
of my web pages, whose study inspired their researchand and
where it was published. Nevertheless, let us hope that if it
was my inspiration and they omitted giving me moral credit,
then history will be able to "correct" this truth one day, in
accordance with the Bible's promise from verse 4:22 from
"Mark" and 10:26 from "Matthew" stating that
"There is nothing hidden that will
not be revealed".
I purposely remind here to at least mention my publications
with one e.g. "thank you" sentence if someone has been inspired to
further research whatever I have established and described. There are
numerous important reasons for doing this, all of which are NOT resulting
from my "ego", but resulting, among others, from spiritual premises
about the existence of which the reader is probably NOT aware. For
example, the reason (1) is that my
publications are currently the only ones on Earth that combine the
truth about the formally proven existence of God and about new
knowledge that allows us to get to know God better, with objective
and substantive scientific research and previously unknown new
theories consistently confirmed by the previously mentioned the
most important "three witnesses" - which
I described in detail in (1) to (1c) from item #H1 of the web page named
(these 3 witnesses also include the Bible inspired by God Himself).
At the same time, the enemies of God and humanity who are controlled
by this other "god" and "ruler of this world" made of matter, secretly
managing humanity and also described in the Bible, interfere as much
as they can with the promotion of my publications - e.g. see #A5 of
the web page named
This is why if someone, citing my publications, directs other readers
to them, then without knowing about it, he or she performs the so-called
a "good deed" that may result with these other readers
returning to the path of reliable knowledge and truth about God.
Note from the above truth, which is currently forcedly forgotten
by many, that in addition to the true
God - the existence of which I have formally proven, our planet
Earth is secretly ruled by another "god" made of flesh and matter
(i.e. the above-mentioned UFOnauts), who today is served by
many people in power, which causes that today the Earth and
humanity are still almost as barbaric as in the times of Jesus,
who in the Bible is called by many names and emphasized that
he is currently the "ruler of this world" (see the Bible, verse 12:31
from "John"), whose the existence and hidden occupation of
humanity I also empirically proved, while the evidence of the
activities of which on Earth I present, among others, in blogs
#364E to #359E. Another important reason (2)
is that I was born in Poland, and after emigrating from it I noticed
that Poland and Polish citizens are described by some other nations,
among others, in ways that we know from history were once the
beginning of the path leading to concentration camps and to wars.
Hence, although, according to the Bible, we are all imperfect and
sinful, it is worth learning, in the name of love for God, neighbours
and nature, to avoid describing and judging any people, nations or
countries in any negative way. This is because in every place of
the world, God-fearing, truthful, peaceful, hard-working and creative
people can be born, live and work - about this I wrote at length, e.g., in
item #I4 of my web page named
and I additionally expanded it in "Part #I" of that web page. Thus,
by pointing out my achievements and scientific contribution to our
civilization, or by giving thanks for it, one realizes, using the example
of Poland and Polish citizens, that in
every nation and country there is a mixture of more and less
talented people, and even the most underestimated people have
been endowed by God with some unique gifts and talents that
in a different situation, without oppression and persecution,
these could bear wonderful fruits. So instead of judging, it is
better to learn to focus on helping the inhabitants of every
country, including our own, to obtain a social opportunity
to learn the truth and serve society with their unique talents
that God has given them. Yet another important
reason (3) is the spiritual existence of the so-called
cause-and-effect "chains of knowledge
and truth" which I described in detail in item
#B2 of the web page
and in post #337E to blogs of totalizm, and the origin of which
I explained in item #I2 from my blog #330E and the autobiographical
web page named
These are such "chains of knowledge and truth" that make
"truth beget truth and lies beget lies", which is also
confirmed by the previously mentioned Bible verses, i.e. in
Matthew 7:17-19, Luke 6:43-45 and James 3:11-12. The point
is that truth, knowledge, goodness, etc., are gradually built up
like a kind of building, starting from the spiritual foundations
that begin with God, and then rising layer by layer, each one of
which is either inspired by, or results from, or is also
an extension of the previous layer. So if someone who is forming
another of these layers "forgets" to thank and mention
his/her predecessor on whom he/she built his/her new layer,
then he/she loses the spiritual connection with the truth of his/her
predecessor, and hence the
"demon of lies"
(see blog #363E) is able to creep into his/her layer in various ways -
which in turn will then become the beginning of a new chain of lies
(of the kind that we see in our civilization arose, e.g. from the initial
insignificant lie of the "theory of relativity", "theory of evolution", or
"big bang theory" ). One more important reason (4) is
God's warning contained in the previously quoted verses 4:22 from
"Mark" and 10:26 from "Matthew" of the Bible, that because of God's
intervention everything will be revealed in time to come. Namely, if,
despite copyrights, someone forgets to thank or mention someone's
inspiring role, then he or she commits a kind of "plagiarism", which
is a kind of sin, which will also be revealed with the elapse of time
and which history will also "correct" later. The proof that such a
correction will inevitably come, is the current intensification of
corrections, e.g. who was really the author of stolen inventions,
impersonations of someone else's discovery, etc. At the same time,
after the correction by history, people who "forget" to mention
the inspiring role of what they took their inspiration from will then
face a kind of "historical defamation" - because of which (I
am sure) entire nations that allowed it will suffer in the future, and
which could have been easily avoided by immediately mentioning
the source's inspiring contribution at least in one short (e.g. thanking)
sentence. After all, historians in the future will be able to check the
dates, times and details of everything that will suggest plagiarism and
spiritual evil, e.g. the dates of taking photos, issuing publications,
patenting inventions, etc. In turn, the computerization of information
will allow to cause the correction of lies into the truth with the simultaneous
disclosure of e.g. "plagiarism" or other frauds and will soon be possible
to commit almost as soon as they are detected and confirmed - means
NOT, as before, only when the next edition of e.g. encyclopaedias or
textbooks is printed.
If these descriptions are read by any of the inhabitants
of the island of Penang who recognize the power of God and truth,
or by any of the inhabitants of Africa or Australia residing not far
from the sterile baobab tree which blooms but typically produces
"zero" fruit and is therefore considered "male" - although in fact
its flowers show features that also allow for self-pollination,
then I would suggest him/her to perform a simple experiment that
will check the truth of my thesis below - which I have no way of
checking myself, because in New Zealand, where I live, there is
NO such baobab tree. Namely, from my theoretical considerations
it follows that this avoidance of self-pollination of
hermaphroditic baobab flowers
is caused by differences in the shape of the female components
of these flowers in individual baobab trees, and by the repeatability
of the methods of obtaining nectar by "fruit bats".
(From Fig. #V1a it follows that the genetics of some
baobabs is intentionally directed by God to invest in the "male"
component of its flowers by causing their female component to
grow significantly to the side and stick out significantly beyond
the ball with its pollen and nectar.) Hence, if
at the beginning of the one-night life of this flower, someone
rubbed the tip of this protruding female part of the flower with
a ball with pollen from another flower of the same tree, then
through self-pollination with a human hand this flower would
perhaps be able to be pollinated and bear fruit.
After all, the almost identical
problem of infertility of vanilla beans
(also illustrated by numerous videos searched for e.g. with the phrase:
hand pollination of vanilla beans in Africa )
imported to Africa from Central America, was solved by one of
the ordinary workers of such an infertile plantation by inventing
a way of hand pollination by humans. However, in order to be
successful also for the baobab tree, manual pollination would
have to be performed on many (i.e. as many as one can reach)
flowers of a single or "male" baobab tree (i.e. the one with zero
fruit), and in case of success, DO NOT break God's commandments,
e.g. by "forgetting" to give me in at least one short sentence
thanks for my inspiration - doing so in accordance with the
copyrights on my web pages.
Fig. #V1b (a lonely Baobab tree from the tropical island of Penang - click on this link to view it).
This lonely sacred Baobab tree from the island of Penang
in Malaysia (brought in there from Abyssinia in 1871 by an
extraordinary "soldier of happiness" - descriptions of whom
actually indicate features consistent with verse 13:2 from
the biblical "Letter to the Hebrews"), can be a symbol of
fate almost each one among people. Its symbolic role is
NOT only limited to inspiring research revealing previously
unknown truths, such as the truths described above, but
also to symbolizing the course and outcomes of people's
lives. For example, it came to Penang from afar, just as
the ancestors of each person came to Earth from "Eden"
which, according to Hebrew mythology, was a K7 type
starship with a structure and operation identical to my
Magnocrafts -
for mythical descriptions of "Eden" see subsections P6.1
to P6.5 from volume 14 of my free
monograph [1/5].
Although this lonely sacred Baobab tree is in a situation
that allows it to live for many years (good soil and proper
climate), and these trees can live to be at least 2,000 years
old (some authors claim that up to 5,000 years), unfortunately
it lacks the "second baobab trees" on its side which would
enable it to fulfil all the reasons why God created it. Similarly
to it, unfortunately, due to the technical separation of us from
God by the plots of the "powers of evil" described above in
item #V1, and also the separation from everything that is
most important in life, we people are also unable to correctly
fulfil all the functions for which God created us. For example,
because of reasons described in #V1 above and in #V2 below on this web page,
more and more women and men are unable to find a life
partner, without whom life is fruitless. Due to the oppression
of these "powers of evil" and their successes in reprogramming
some people to break God's commandments and requirements,
still practically all of us cannot fully develop our creative power,
nor contribute to the technical and spiritual progress of the world
of matter in which we live. So if, as a civilization, we do NOT
quickly learn to overcome the hidden harm by the "powers of
evil", due to this programming of us with the advanced technology
of these parasitic creatures into lying, immorality, exploitation
of others, killing and constant aggressive wars - each of which
wars may end up as a world nuclear war, soon, like our ancestors
from the stars, from Atlantis on Earth, and from
Mohenjo Daro in Pakistan,
we will also blow ourselves up.
A lot of interesting facts about the lonely baobab
tree shown here, which has excellent living conditions such
as the excellent soil of the tropical island of Penang in Malaysia
and a lot of "fruit bats" whose feeding on the nectar of its
flowers, according to the claim of our "official atheistic science",
should pollinate these flowers, the reader can learn from 3
in item #F4.4 and also from the caption under Fig. #F1ab
on my web page named
or from item #C1 and from the caption under Fig. #C1ab
on my other web page called
I recommend visiting them.
"How" and "why" should be avoided the highly destructive consequences of
women's "illnesses of the soul" currently described, for example, under the names
toxic version of "feminism" ,
female "narcissism" ,
"hookup" culture ,
which all result from breaking the commandments and requirements
of God and from acquiring motivations that are opposite to those
postulated in the Bible and in item #A2.12 of the web page
Summary: This item #V2 reports, among others, "how" the
mechanisms of "self-regulation"
embedded in everything that God created and manages, cause (among
other things) "self-punishment" of those people, who in any way sow
evil on Earth by their behaviour through breaking the commandments
and requirements of God expressed in Bible verses. To increase the
understandability of these explanations, this item #V2 uses the example
of women affected by the "illnesses of the soul" described therein, with
manifestations related to
"female narcissism".
This narcissism, often combined with the hidden in the current
toxic version of feminism
the threat of inducing an increase in the
war of the sexes and separating women from men,
resulted in the creation and widespread dissemination
of a sexual culture in English called the
"hookup culture".
Meanwhile, this "hookup culture", which, in accordance with today's trend of
"political correctness"
insisting on "NOT calling the truth by its name", linguists called with
the rather misleading term "hookup culture", which actually hides
with this name the characteristics of the animal world rather than
the humanity of the delighting in
one-time sexual intercourse with a different partner each time -
and the side effect of which was the induction of an almost
worldwide "pandemic of
sexual starvation of marriages and breakdowns of families".
Therefore, I personally believe that instead of misleadingly calling it
"hookup culture" it should rather be called "addiction". The descriptions
of this item #V2 are my third report intended to reveal
the principles of operation of "self-regulation" mechanisms, tested
on real-life examples. Here, I gradually examine and describe each
of these principles. Using specific examples of situations with verifiable
documentation, I am trying to establish and report an explanation
of "how" with the "self-regulating" mechanisms
built into everything that surrounds us, God wisely and gradually
eliminates evil from acting in our "world of matter". Unfortunately,
research for this presentation of this topic is progressing very
slowly due to its novelty and level of difficulty, as well as the
existence of obstacles in the availability of factual and objective
publications with data for this research. Moreover, bearing in
mind that in the current
"neo-medieval era"
truth-revealing reporting of the results of research currently treated
as "forbidden", especially research on the methods of God's action
that correct the behaviour of women that violate God's commandments,
introduces a lot of risk and therefore requires very careful editing.
The first of my reports on the principles of operation of
"self-regulating" mechanisms is already published in #N to #N3b
from my web page named
and in post #357E to totalizm blogs. In turn, the second
of these reports is published in #F13 to #F13ab from the web page named
and in post #358E to totalizm blogs.
Motto: "In His superior knowledge,
God formulated the Bible so wisely that even researchers who study
it throughout their entire professional lives have NOT managed
to decipher most of the truths, recommendations, knowledge,
discoveries and secrets encoded into its verses."
(This motto tries to explain why studying the Bible should include
NOT only reading it, but also learning the knowledge and truths
that other people studying the Bible have already discovered in
its verses - which especially applies to "priests who reject
knowledge", whom the Bible verses 4:4-9 from the "Book
of Hosea" warns about the consequences of their rejection of
knowledge. Moreover, this motto tries to reveal that the information
about the existence of "self-regulation" mechanisms
was very wisely encoded by God in the verses of the Bible and
in the fate of people. Hence, the results of the operation of these
mechanisms today are described with engineering "how"
could be expressed e.g. in the following words: "all
performers of every case of fulfilling God's commandments
and requirements expressed in Bible verses are rewarded, while
all perpetrators guilty of breaking these commandments
and requirements are punished shortly thereafter, by allowing
them to bring this fulfilment or violation of the due upon themselves
them rewards or punishments". This rewarding
or punishing is caused by the release of the moral
"Boomerang Law",
or any other mechanism for them - the research of "how" it works,
and making today's people aware of it, was undertaken by my
Theory of Everything from 1985, my
philosophy of totalizm from1985, and my
Theory of Life from 2020.)
We currently live in very dangerous times. Constant lying
is forced onto people NOT only by the culture of avoiding
saying unpleasant things, but also by human rights and
requirements such as
privacy rights
or by practices like the so-called
political correctness.
After all, a large proportion of the truth is typically so
unpleasant for the listeners (e.g. consider the old Polish
proverb "the truth hurts in the eyes" - in Polish: "prawda
w oczy kole") that the Bible indicates seeking and telling
the truth as one of the main duties of people - e.g. see
verse 8:31-32 from "John ", or 4:25 from "Ephesians".
Nowadays, telling the truth can even land you in prison.
After all, today's courts base everything on the opinion
of the so-called "experts", and their opinions are modified
by atheistic knowledge and views, hence they are increasingly
moving away from the truth. No wonder that more and
more people are troubled by "illnesses of the soul"
that are caused by breaking God's commandments and
departing from the truth, i.e. by lies. Unfortunately, these
"illnesses of the soul" lead at least to the distortion of one's
life, and sometimes even to death. However, since today's
science and medicine do NOT recognize the existence of
a "soul", it also does NOT recognize the existence of
"illnesses of the soul" nor the destructive consequences
of these illnesses. So if their existence, research,
explanation and methods of treatment are NOT
undertaken by the
philosophy of totalizm from 1985,
then there is practically NO one or anything else
that, or who, would consider it their duty to reveal
them. After all, revealing and implementing hidden
or previously unknown truth is one of the main
ideas and goals of totalizm - see Fig. #V2a
below. In this item #V2, let us try to discuss together
at least the most important aspects of these versions
of soul illnesses that mainly afflict women, describing
them below in numbered items {1} to {7}. And so:
(The rest awaits to be translated from Polish to English.)
{1} Co to takiego owe "choroby
duszy"? Najprościej możnaby je
zdefiniować jako fizykalne następstwa łamania
przykazań i wymagań Boga opisanych w Biblii, a
ściślej fizyczne kary jakie na łamiących przykazania
i wymagania Boga automatycznie nakładają
mechanizmy "samoregulowania się" zła
powpisywane we wszystko co Bóg stworzył i
czym zarządza. Czym zaś są owe mechanizmy
"samoregulowania się" wyjaśniłem to już dokładniej
w szeregu innych swych opracowań na jakie tutaj
będę się powoływał - np. patrz wpisy #358, #357,
#318 i #310 do blogów totalizmu, lub patrz strony
internetowe z treści jakich wpisy te zostały adaptowane.
Wpisy te czytelnik może też znaleźć pozestawiane w internetowej
i upowszechnianej za darmo w bezpiecznym formacie PDF mojej
publikacji [13].
{2} Dlaczego nabycie przeciwstawnych niż
rekomendowane Biblią cech osobowości, nowocześnie nazywanych
"motywacjami", są główną przyczyną powstawania chorób duszy?
Problem z wiedzą zawartą w Biblii polega na tym iż jej
treść jest wyjaśniana głównie przez "kapłanów". Kapłani
zaś (podobnie jak np. politycy, naukowcy, czy pracownicy
biurowi) NIE wykonują produktywnej pracy fizycznej,
stąd NIE mają okazji aby nauczyć się inżynierskiego
"jak" identyfikowania prawdy jaka jest najbardziej
istotna, oraz wyrażania tej prawdy w dzisiejszej terminologii,
tak aby była ona zrozumiała dla wszystkich. (Po szczegóły
owego inżynierskiego "jak" ujawniającego prawdę a będącego
przeciwieństwem słownikowego "co" ukrywającego prawdę - patrz #G3 strony
lub wpis #341 do blogów totalizmu.) W rezultacie kapłani
NIE bardzo są w stanie wyjaśnić wyrobienia jakich "motywacji"
Biblia nam zaleca ani "jak" nabyć takie właśnie motywacje (po
wypracowaną filozofią totalizmu z 1985 roku metodę nabycia takich
wymaganych przez Biblię motywacji - patrz punkt #A2.12 ze strony
lub patrz wpis #339 do blogów totalizmu). W skrócie wyjaśnię
więc tutaj o co tu chodzi. I tak, np. w Biblii łatwo się
doczytamy iż krótko przed ukrzyżowaniem (tj w czwartek)
Jezus mył nogi swych Apostołów. W dzień później (w Wielki
Piątek) umarł na krzyżu za nauczanie prawdy tych
wszystkich ludzi, którzy z własnej woli go wysłuchiwali. Gdyby
więc opisane Biblią motywacje nauczane przez Jezusa wyrazić
dzisiejszą terminologią, wówczas możnaby stwierdzić iż:
główną motywacją życiową ludzi
powinno być przynoszące dobro służenie bliźnim i prawdzie.
Czyli nasze motywacje powinny uwypuklać "dawanie" zamiast
"zabierania" - wszakże Biblia podkreśla iż ci co dają
otrzymają od Boga nagrody. Takie przynoszące dobro
"dawanie" poprzez służenie bliźnim i prawdzie są też
podkreślane przez wszystkich wartościowych filozofów
jako najważniejsze jakości człowieka podnoszące jego
poczucie szczęścia i spełnienia życiowego. To dlatego
praca fizyczna w służbie dobra bliźnich i prawdy pozwala przeżywać
oszałamiającą szczęśliwość zapracowanej nirwany.
To także dlatego zupełne wyeliminowanie z użycia
służących "zabieraniu" pieniędzy i ustanowienie "dającego"
Ustroju Nirwany
ilustrowanego np. naszym filmem o tytule
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany"
zmieni losy ludzkości i zamieni naszą planetę w rodzaj raju na Ziemi.
Niestety, motywacje przeciętnego dzisiejszego człowieka są dokładnie
odwrotne. Dziś bowiem motywacje "brania" dominują nad "dawaniem".
Niemal więc każdy domaga się aby to jemu bliźni służyli, oraz aby mu
mówili wyłącznie komplementy i pochlebstwa - czyli nieprawdę. Innymi
słowy: główną motywacją życiową
niemal każdego dzisiejszego człowieka jest wymuszanie w swych
bliżnich nawyku i wymogu aby bliżni ci służyli powiększaniu
jego materialnego dobra oraz aby mówili wyłącznie słodko lub
ładnie brzmiącą nieprawdę. Czyli w praktyce
motywacje jakie kierują ludźmi są dokładnie odwrotne do
tych jakimi zgodnie z informacjami zawartymi w wersetach
Biblii ludzie powinni kierować się w swym życiu. Przykładowo
zamiast uległości ludzie praktykują opór, zamiast posłuszeństwa -
opozycję, zamiast służenia bliźnim - ich eksploatowanie, zamiast
miłości - odrzucanie, zamiast szacunku - znieważanie, zamiast
umożliwiania wyrażania poglądów - zamordyzm, itd., itp.
Oczywiście, ta odwrotność motywacji życiowych praktykowanych
przez dzisiejszych ludzi w porównaniu do wymagań Boga, NIE
stwarza innej możliwości niż powodowanie właśnie "chorób duszy".
Na szczęście poznanie powyższej prawdy ujawnia nam też pierwszą
z metod leczenia opisywanych tutaj żeńskich chorób duszy.
Metoda ta stwierdza: naucz się opisywanego w punkcie #A2.12 strony
motywowania swoich działań zaś w wyniku unikniesz tych chorób duszy
lub je wyleczysz.
{3} Jak mechanizmy "samoregulowania
się" zła powodowanego przez opisywane tu najpowszechniejsze
żeńskie choroby duszy korygują zło powodowane ich nabywaniem.
Korygowanie to ma charakter między-generacyjny. Mianowicie
młodsza generacja kobiet obserwuje co się staje ze starszymi
kobietami jakie swymi motywacjami i postępowaniem sprowadziły
na siebie te choroby, poczym widząc przerażającą naturę owoców
tych motywacji i postępowań, jak tylko będzie mogła tak będzie
unikała popełniania poznanych przez siebie błędów tych starszych
kobiet. Pod względem zasady działania mechanizmy te stają się
więc podobne do samoregulowania się liczby drapieżników i ich
ofiar - jakie opisałem w streszczeniu do część N strony
oraz we wpisach #357 i #351 do blogów totalizmu. Wszakże
uleganie omawianym tu chorobom duszy prowadzi np. do rozwodów
i rozpadu rodzin, szerzenia chorób wenerycznych i uszkodzeń
narządów rozrodczych, dziwactw charakteru przez folklor ludowy
opisywanych jako zachowania "starej panny", do spędzania
starości w samotności, do goryczy, żalu, nieprzychylnej reputacji,
a czasami nawet do przedwczesnej śmierci - na wszystkich którzy
je poznają mają więc wpływ wysoce zniechęcający. Poznanie więc
tylko tego już ujawnia nam też drugą z metod unikania lub leczenia
opisywanych tutaj żeńskich chorób duszy (odnotuj iż niemal każdy z
punktów niniejszego wykazu zawiera informacje na bazie jakich czytelniczki
same mogą wypracować sobie kolejną taką metodę - jednak ja NIE będę
poniżej już opisywał dalszych z takich metod). Ta druga metoda stwierdza:
NIE czyń tego o czym linkowane tu widea omawiające te choroby ostrzegają.
Stąd, dla lepszego zrozumienia na czym polegały błędy tej starszej
generacji kobiet, wysoce przydatne okaże się też dokładne poznanie
co niniejszy punkt #V2 wyjaśnia.
{4} Jakie rodzaje "chorób duszy" są
źródłem największych problemów rodzinnych w dzisiejszych
czasach - tj. źródłem problemów takich jak niewierność
małżeńska, rozwody, wypaczanie charakterów dzieci, samotna
starość, itp. Jak to wyjaśniam w niniejszym punkcie #V2, najwięcej
problemów w dzisiejszych czasach powodują trzy z tych żeńskich
chorób duszy, mianowicie:
toksyczna wersja "feminizmu",
żeński "narcyzyzm",
a także zjawisko po angielsku nieco myląco ludzi nazywane
"hookup culture" -
które z upływem czasu zwykle przekształca się w rodzaj
nałogu seksu.
Intrygujące iż na te rodzaje chorób duszy największe szanse zapadnięcia
zdają się mieć "nowocześnie" dziś wychowywane młode kobiety, które
typowo NIE zaznały w trakcie swego wychowania: ograniczeń i barier,
trwałych obowiązków, dyscypliny, motywowania zarówno nagradzaniem
jak i karaniem, ani rodzinnego pokierowania i rad - np. pochodzące
z dobrze sytuowanych rodzin, NIE posiadające starszego od siebie
rodzeństwa (np. jedynaczki), których rodzice byli zbyt zajęci aby
ukierunkowywać ich nawyki, myślenie i emocjonalne dojrzewanie stąd
które wychowują się same np. na wzorcach czerpanych z telewizji i internetu.
{5} Wyjaśnijmy więc najistotniejszą
wiedzę jaka pozwoli nam pokonywać omawiane tu żeńskie
"choroby duszy". Wszakże dla każdej kobiety
mechanizmy "samoregulowania" będą działały nieco odmiennie,
a stąd także sposoby i metody ochotniczego pokonywania w
sobie skłonności do ulegania tym chorobom muszą być nieco
odmienne. Poniżej w ponumerowanych punktach {5a} do {5g}
streściłem najbardziej fundamentalne składowe owej wiedzy
ujawnionej dzięki wskazówkom Biblii i mojej
Teorii Wszystkiego z 1985 roku -
która to wiedza miejmy nadzieję pozwoli lepiej zrozumieć to
co ma znaczenie dla omawianych tu "chorób duszy" oraz ich
ogromnie niszczycielskiego wplywu na przebieg naszego życia.
{5a} Istnienie odwrotności dla każdego
zjawiska. To zaś powoduje iż zasiewanie dobra
i zbieranie owoców dobra ma swoją odwrotność w zasiewaniu
zła i wywoływaniu nim złych następstw jakie, między innymi,
powodują właśnie pojawianie się opisywanych tu "chorób duszy"
i ich kar. W rezultacie w naszym "świecie materii" od tysiącleci
toczy się nieustająca wojna "dobra ze złem" w jaką
wciągani są praktycznie wszyscy ludzie. Dobro w tej wojnie
czynią ludzie jacy sumiennie wypełniają przykazania Boga opisane
w Biblii. Natomiast jej zło wywodzi się z aż dwóch źródeł.
Główne jego źródło wynika ze skrytego okupowania i eksploatowania
ludzkości i Ziemi przez moralnie upadłych krewniaków ludzi z planet
Oriona, ktorych skrótowo opisuję w {11} z punktu #H2 swej strony
i z wpisu #354 do blogów totalizmu, zaś niektóre przykłady zmyślnych
niecności jakie popełniają oni na ludziach opisuję np. w #A5 strony
i w #K1 do #K4 strony o nazwie
Oczywiście, ci nasi upadli krewniacy wiedzą o działaniu "praw moralnych",
karmy, oraz opisywanych tu mechanizmów "samoregulowania się" zła.
Stąd oni sami nigdy NIE dokonują zła w sposób uwidoczniony dla
pokrzywdzonych tym złem ludzi, bowiem wiedzą iż wizualny kontakt
pomiędzy sprawcą i ofiarą zła powoduje przekazanie karmy za owo
zło od ofiary do sprawcy - tak jak wyjaśniają to #F1, #A4, #A1 strony
Jeśli więc NIE są w stanie wysługiwać się w zrealizowaniu danej formy
zła przez posłusznych ich podszeptom ludzi (którzy to ludzie na siebie ściągną
w ten posób karmę i karę za zło jakie z ich powodu się dzieje), wówczas zło to
wyrządzają skrycie, np. po zahipnotyzowaniu swych ofiar oraz w połączeniu ze
starannym wymazywaniem pamięci tych ofiar. Na szczęście dla poszkodowanych
przez nich ludzi, nawet wówczas cała ich grupowość (cywilizacja) przejmuje na
siebie "karmę zbiorową" typu opisywanego np. w punkcie #F2 strony
oraz we wpisie #288 do blogów totalizmu. Z kolei nagromadzenie się
takiej karmy zbiorowej w czyniących zło cywilizacjach jakie trwają w
tzw. "nieistniejącym istnieniu" opisywanym np. w #H5 strony
spowoduje iż kiedyś one same wysadzą się w powietrze.
W rezultacie kiedy nasze Magnokrafty lub Wehikuły Czasu dotrą do
ich planet, zastaną tam jedynie ruiny zaawansowanej cywilizacji wymarłej
już dawno temu licząc czas w "nawracalnym czasie softwarowym" - tj.
ruiny podobne do tych jakie na Ziemi istnieją np. w Peru czy w Egipcie.
Drugim więc źródłem zła na Ziemi są ludzie którzy nauczyli
się zagłuszać organ swego "sumienia". Szerzą oni zło ponieważ
akceptują telepatyczne podszepty i nakazy naszych diabolicznych
krewniaków poddających ich np. zaprogramowaniu na zło z użyciem
technicznej hipnozy lub telepatii ogromnie zaawansowanych urządzeń
w dyspozycji tych moralnie upadłych krewniaków ludzi. To zaś kusi
tych ludzi ignorujących sumienie do podejmowania działań, które
łamią przykazania i wymagania Boga mądrze i przezornie pospisywane
w Biblii. Aczkolwiek moc Boga pozwalałaby na łatwe anihilowanie
z istnienia tych naszych szatańskich krewniaków, problem z nimi
polega jednak na fakcie iż narazie Bóg używa zarówno dobro jak
i zło jako narzędzi edukacji i udoskonalania ludzkości przy
jednoczesnym utrzymywaniu u ludzi tzw.
"wolnej woli".
Stąd dla wzrostu i postępu naszej cywilizacji Bóg zmuszony
jest pozwalać na istnienie na Ziemi NIE tylko dobra, ale także
określonego procentu zła - jakim przykładowo karani są inni
ludzie szerzący zło zaś motywowani ludzie czyniący dobro. Cała
więc trudność owej "wojny dobra ze złem" polega na utrzymywaniu
na Ziemi wymaganego balansu pomiędzy ilością dobra i ilością
zła. Niestety krótkotrwałość życia poszczególnych ludzi, a także
nieustannie zmieniające się warunki na Ziemi, powodują iż ów
balans pomiędzy dobrem i złem wygląda jak ruchy "wahadła".
W jednych czasach społeczeństwa są dominowane przez dobro,
w innych zaś czasach, takich jak dzisiejsze, dominuje je zło.
Na szczęście opisywane tu mechanizmy "samoregulowania
się" dobra i zła, jakie Bóg wprogramował we wszystko
co stworzył i czym zarządza, zawsze są w stanie ową dominację
zła samo-uregulować. Tak zaś się dzieje, że jednym z co bardziej
skomplikowanych procesów tego "samouregulowania się" są
czyniące zło kobiety. Dla bowiem niemal każdej kobiety potrzebne
jest zaprogramowanie zupełnie odmiennego działania mechanizmów
tego jej "samouregulowania się". Tymczasem nawet choćby tylko
bardzo zgrubne opisanie najbardziej typowych działań tych
mechanizmów doskonale uzupełniłoby wiedzę czytelników o zasadach
ich działania jaką już uprzednio zdołałem ujawnić w linkowanych
niniejszym #V2 innych moich opracowaniach. Stąd na przekór
trudności i zagrożeń jakie stwarzają badania tego tematu, liczę
tu na zrozumienie u czytelników znaczenia jakie wolność wyrażania
swych poglądów ma dla wrostu wiedzy i dla postępu i niniejszym
podejmuję tu dokonywanie i raportowanie tych badań. Wierzę
bowiem iż na ich poznaniu skorzysta wielu czytelników - włącznie
właśnie z kobietami jakie poznając stąd normalnie ukrywaną prawdę
będą mogły na jej wynikach lepiej planować i budować lepszą dla
siebie przyszłość.
{5b} Czy istnieje inny materiał
dowodowy niż ten wypracowany przez autora niniejszej
strony zaś krótko streszczony poniżej w {5c}, który
obiektywnie potwierdziłby telepatycznie i hipnotyczne
indukowanie zła na Ziemi manifestujące się, między
innymi, opisywanymi tu chorobami duszy kobiet?
Tak, taki materiał dowodowy faktycznie istnieje. Moim
zdaniem najbardziej obiektywne źródła go raportujące
obejmują Biblię oraz tradycje kościoła chrześcijańskiego -
stąd w tym {5b} ograniczę się do wskazania moim zdaniem
tych najistotniejszych jego przykładów. I tak zarówno badacze
Biblii jak i większość chrześcijan zapewne się zastanawia
dlaczego w Palmową Niedzielę tłum Izraelitówi chciał
ukoronować Jezusa na króla Izraela, zaś już w kilka dni
później tłum ten podczas sądzenia Jezusa wrzeszczał do
Pontiusa Piłata "ukrzyżuj go", "ukrzyżuj go"! Odpowiedzią
jest właśnie zaawansowana technika naszych upadłych
krewniaków z Oriona, która pozwala aby techniczną wersją
hipnozy i telepatii sterować zachowywaniem się tłumów.
W tradycji chrześcijaństwa zachowały się bowiem raporty
naocznych świadków, że przez cały czas sądzenia oraz
krzyżowania Jezusa, w powietrzu wisiały dwa gwiazdoloty
UFO które nadzorowały i z pewnością zdalną techniczną
telepatą i hipnozą sterowały tłumem i przebiegim zdarzeń.
W obu tych gwiazdolotach artysta pokazał nawet ludzkie
twarze naszych upadłych krewniaków uważnie oglądających
ukrzyżowanie (czytelnik łatwo odnotuje te twarze patrzące
w dół przez przeźroczyste podłogi obu gwiazdolotów UFO
jeśli powiększy to zdjęcie w sposób jaki opisałem na końcu
WSTĘPnej części niniejszej strony). Najbardziej jednoznacznie
owo zawisanie doskonale widocznych ponad miejscem ukrzyżowania
Jezusa dwóch gwiazdolotów UFO (wraz z upadłymi krewniakami
ludzi na pokładzie) ilustruje obraz religijny pokazany i opisany jako
Fot. #I1
zaś wyjaśniany dokładniej na stronie o nazwie
oraz pod Rys. V7 z tomu 17
monografii [1/5].
Ciekawe iż widoczność tamtych gwiazdolotów UFO dokumentuje iż w owym
czasie nasi upadli krewniacy NIE byli jeszcze w stanie ukrywać swej obecności
np. zasłonięciem swych wehikułów UFO za pomocą "soczewki magnetycznej" -
tak jak to czynią w dzisiejszych czasach zaś przykład istnienia, działania
i dzisiejszego używania której to soczewki magnetycznej ilustruje np.
Fot. #R2c
dokładnie opisana na stronie o nazwie
a także soczewkę tę pokazuje
Rys. P25
z tomu 14
monografii [1/5].
Oczywiście, ukrzyżowanie Jezusa NIE jest jedynym źródłem takiego materiału
dowodowego. Innym są np. pokazane na obrazach religijnych nadzorowanie
i indukowanie przez gwiazdoloty UFO co bardziej istotnych wydarzeń
religijnych. Najlepsze zestawienie i podsumowanie tych obrazów religijnych
zaprezentowała dobra znajoma autora tej strony, Pani Daniela Giordano
w swej angielkojęzycznej książce - fragmenty której
cytuje ona i omawia w swym 48:14 minutowym wywiadzie internetowym
nagranym dnia 2020/12/21, pokazanym w pod adresem:
(niestety, UFOnauci zarządzający Ziemią zasabotażowali głos tego
jej wywiadu - na szczęście co dokładnie Pani Daniela mówi jest
powtórzone na piśmie w formie napisów "cc" pod obrazami tego
jej wywiadu). Jeszcze innym jest imitowanie elementów UFO w
budowlach sakralnych - ich przykłady pokazuje np. strona
Oczywiście swoje sterowanie zdarzeniami na Ziemi nasi upadli
krewniacy rozciągają praktycznie na wszystkie istotne zdarzenia
i masowe trendy - w tym także na zaindukowanie epidemii opisywanych
tutaj chorób duszy. Wszakże wszędzie tam gdzie ludzie zaprzestają
wypełniania przykazań i wymagań Boga natychmiast mają możność
wślizgnąć się przeciwnicy Boga ze swymi technikami skrytego
perswadowania ludziom zła swą zaawansowaną techniką zdalnej hipnozy
oraz telepatii (Biblia obie te techniki nazywa jednym słowem "kuszenie").
{5c} Jaki materiał dowodowy dokumentujący
sterowanie przez naszych upadłych krewiaków z Oriona wydarzeniami
na Ziemi zdołał zgromadzić autor niniejszej strony? Ów
materiał dowodowy faktycznie jest ogromny i rozciągający się na
wszelkie obszary ludzkich działań. Moim zdaniem najważniejszym
jego fragmentem jest formalny
dowód na istnienie UFO
najszczegółowiej opisany w rozdziale P2 z tomu 14
monografii [1/5].
Na szczęście dla nas, wszystkich tych ludzi co wypełniają przykazania
i wymogi opisane w Biblii Bóg swą nadprzyrodzoną mocą chroni przed
złym wpływem technicznej perswazji tych naszych upadłych krewniaków.
Wszakże wszystko co zachodzi w naszym "świecie materii" stworzonym
przez Boga, w tym również procesy zdalnej telepatii i hipnozy, są ściśle
kontrolowane przez Boga i przez prawa jakie Bóg ustanowił a jakie tym rządzą.
{5d} Odejmujące skłonności żeńskiej
duszy. W punktach #K1 do #K2 strony o nazwie
wyjaśniłem swoje przełomowe odkrycie, potwierdzone
mądrze zakodowaną w Biblii
"[Ω] Pieczęcią Boga",
a ujawniające iż budulcem z jakiego Bóg stworzył nasz
"świat materii" są dwa rodzaje wieczyście
istniejących i nieprzerwanie ruchliwych miniaturowych istotek
samouczących się, jakie nazwałem dodatnimi (dodającymi)
męskimi Drobinami Boga, oraz ujemnymi
(odejmującymi) żeńskimi Drobinami Boga.
Istotki te wyglądają jak mężczyzna i kobieta. Ich zaś
funkcjonowanie w całości "Ciała Boga" można porównywać
do funkcji pojedyńczych komórek z ciała ludzkiego. To dlatego
w werset 1:27 z "Księgi Rodzaju" w Biblii Bóg mądrze zakodował
dla nas prawdę potwierdzoną "[Ω] Pieczęcią Boga"
przybijaną tymże wersetem 1:27, że na wzór i podobieństwo
owych "Drobin Boga" stworzył potem mężczyznę i niewiastę.
(Niepoznane wcześniej przez ludzi informacje o owym
podobieństwie wyglądu Drobin Boga i ciał ludzi, mądrze
zakodowane przez Boga w ów werset 1:27 z biblijnej
"Księgi Rodzaju" interpretuję i dokładnie wyjaśniam
w wielu punktach swej strony
2020zycie.htm -
np. patrz tam (e) z punktu #H3 lub z wpisu #331 do blogów
totalizmu. Z kolei wyjaśnienie "[Ω] Pieczęci Boga"
zawarłem w punkcie #I2 swej innej strony o nazwie
i we wpisie #345 do blogów totalizmu o adresach podanych
w punkcie #Z2 niniejszej strony). Niestety, owe dodające
męskie i odejmujące żeńskie Drobiny Boga miały w sobie
już zaprogramowane naturalne skłonności zdefiniowane ich
dodającą naturą u męskich Drobin Boga oraz odejmującą
naturą u żeńskich Drobin Boga, obie które to natury znacznie
ilustratywniej opisałem i udokumentowałem w punktach
#C2 do #C4 ze swej strony
oraz w punktach #E1 i #E2 ze swej strony
używając tam przykładów "atmosferycznego wyżu" i "atmosferycznego
niżu". Wszakże taką dodającą naturę u męskich Drobin Boga
każdy "atmosferyczny wyż" ilustratywnie i wyraźnie
potwierdza formowaniem przez wirowanie męskich Drobin Boga
dodającego ciśnienia w centrum zawirowywanego przez niego
słupa powietrza. Z kolei odejmującą (ujemną) naturę u żeńskich
Drobin Boga podobnie potwierdza odejmujące ciśnienie w centrum
zawirowywanej przez te drobiny kolumnie przeciw-materii jaka
jest powodem uformowania każdego "atmosferycznego niżu".
Ponieważ jednak męskie i żeńskie "Drobiny Boga" są NIE
tylko budulcem dla stworzenia materii - z której powstają
ciała mężczyzn i kobiet, ale także są nośnikiem programów
"dusz" jakie dopiero w chwili łapania pierwszego oddechu
(patrz wpisy #342 i #194 do blogów totalizmu lub patrz np. (e)
z punktu #H3 strony o nazwie "2020zycie.htm") Bóg wprowadza
do noworodzących się ciał i jakie nadają danej rodzącej się
osobie męskiej lub żeńskiej tendencji zachowań, wówczas
owe dodające i odejmujące cechy dusz mężczyzn i kobiet
powodują iż po narodzeniu się całkowici ludzie, czyli związek
ich duszy i ciała przez Biblię określany jako "żyjąca dusza",
także naturalnie wykazują owe dodające lub odejmujące
cechy. Tyle iż wymogiem owego wykazywania zgodnej z daną
płcią cech jest aby dana osoba NIE sprowadziła uprzednio
na siebie kary otrzymania "duszy" jakiej płeć jest odwrotna
do płci jej ciała. Stąd od zarania dziejów istnieje jakby
ukryta tendencja walki i "wojny płci" pomiędzy
mężczyznami - którym z powodu ich wrodzonej cechy
dodawaczy Bóg nadał przywilej przewodzenia
i głów (np. rodzin, instytucji, krajów, itp.), oraz kobietami -
którym z powodu ich odejmującej natury Bóg
nadał odmienne niż mężczyznom role wyjaśniane w Biblii,
a ściślej role jakie uzupełniają i poszerzają (zamiast np.
kopiować - tak jak usiłują tego żądać feministki) role
wypełniane przez mężczyzn. Stąd jeśli owa "wojna płci" zostaje
zdominowana właśnie przez feministki negatywnie nastawione
do roli jaką Bóg nadał mężczynom a NIE im, lub przez żeńskie
narcyzystki, wówczas staje się ona jednym z wielu możliwych
źródeł zła często zdolnego zniszczyć nawet całe rodziny
oraz nadwyrężyć fundamenty formowania małżeństw, reguł
i obowiązków, działania społeczeństwa, religii, rodzin, itp.
Wszakże jeśli dana kobieta NIE neutralizuje swej odejmującej
tendencji jakimś dodającym nastawiemiem umysłu lub nawyku
zgodnych z Biblią motywacji, wynikających przykładowo z religijności
akceptującej rolę jakiej wypełnianie przez kobiety nakazuje im
Biblia, albo nabytym poprzez właściwe wychowanie zwyczajem
pozytywnego konsultowania z partnerem swoich zamierzeń i
działań, wówczas kobieta taka zacznie podcinać swą negatywnością
pozytywne aspekty swego męża, usiłując go podporządkować
swej woli, zaś kiedy jej się to udaje, traci do niego respekt i szuka
ucieczki z danego małżeństwa. To zaś niemal zawsze kończy się eskalacją zła.
{5e} Narzędzia używane przez
Boga do neutralizowania złych następstw tej "wojny dobra
ze złem", która w omawianym tu przypadku przyjmuje formę
"wojny płci". Od czasu stworzenia ludzi Bóg
po ojcowsku przekazuje ludzkości najróżniejszymi metodami
(np. osobiście zakomunikowanych nakazów, 10 przykazań,
wersetów Biblii, podszeptów sumienia, karmy, przysłów -
np. rozważ staropolskie "źle się dzieje domowi gdzie krowa
przybodzie bykowi", mądrości ludowej, itp.) dokładne
wytyczne, jakie precyzyjnie role życiowe mają wypełniać
mężczyźni a jakie kobiety. W obecnych czasach role te są dokładnie
spisane i wyjaśnione w wersetach Biblii zaś nieustająco podpowiadane
też każdemu z nas przez przeciw-organ zwany "sumienie".
Niestety, w dzisiejszych czasach galopującego ateizmu oraz zakłamania,
sporo ludzi zaprzestało być posłusznymi Bogu i wypełniać to co
wersetami Biblii i podszeptami sumienia Bóg po ojcowsku dla
ludzkiego dobra nakazuje ludziom wypełniać. W tym zaprzestaniu ludzie
uparcie trwają na przekór iż coraz precyzyjnej jest dokumentowana
prawda mądrze zaszyfrowana także w wersetach Biblii, a stwierdzająca
iż absolutnie każdy wykonawca dobrego uczynku
realizującego to co czynić Biblia nam nakazuje jest odpowiednio nagradzany,
a jadnocześnie iż absolutnie każdy
sprawieciel zła wynikającego ze złamania nakazów i wymagań Boga
wyrażonych w Biblii jest odpowiednio ukarany. (Wzięte
z życia przykłady filmowego udokumentowania takiego nagradzanie
każdego dobrego uczynku i karania każdego spowodowanego zła
coraz łatwiej jest znaleźć w - tyle iż nadal trzeba ich
tam wyszukiwać. "Jak" zaś takie wyszukiwania są np. realizowane
przez oprogramowanie internetu może wskazywać polecenie: -
które wraz ze swoim przeciwieństwem zapewne celowo uniemożliwianym
przez internet jest opisywane dokładniej w punkcie #A5 mojej strony
W dalszej części niniejszego punktu #V2 postaram się wyjaśnić jak
owo narastające nieposłuszeństwo w wypełnianiu nakazów i wymagań
Boga prowadzi do obecnego rozpadu małżeństw, do niewierności
i rozwodów, oraz do "narcyzyjnie" egoistycznego i samotnego
życia coraz większej liczby kobiet i mężczyzn, a także jak
mechanizm "samoregulowania się zła", wbudowany
we wszystko co Bóg stworzył i czym zarządza, eliminuje
nadmierny rozrost zła, w tym między innymi karaniem i kobiet
za nieposłuszeństwo w wypełnianiu roli dla jakiej Bóg je stworzył.
Odnotuj iż przygotowanie podobnego artykułu o karaniu mężczyzn
za typowe dla nich przypadki niewypełniania nakazów i wymagań
Boga wpisanych w ich życiowe role planuję podjąć w jakiś czas
po zakończeniu i opublikowaniu niniejszych badań na blogach
totalizmu. Wszakże jak wszyscy ludzie, mężczyźni też powinni
pracować nad udoskonalaniem swoich cech i ułomności, co wymaga
aby byli ich świadomi, zaś obowiązek ujawniania prawdy o jakich totalizm
też bierze na swoje barki. Przykładowo, u mężczyzn znacznie częściej
niż u kobiet manifestuje się choroba duszy nowocześnie nazywana
albo "nałóg seksu". Oczywiście istnieje też żeńska wersja tej choroby znana pod nazwą
prawdopodobnie po nazwie "nimfy" w folklorze opisującej okupujące
ludzkość trzypalcowe UFOnautki po polsku najczęściej zwane "zmora"
zaś opisywane i ilustrowane szerzej w K1 do #K1c ze strony
To właśnie owe UFOnautki są znane z lubowania się w gwałceniu nocami
pod głęboką hipnozą głównie młodych chłopców, choć niekiedy też
i niektórych podobających się im mężczyzn - dowodami zajścia których
to gwałtów są głównie sińce pozostawione na penisach i znane pod
nazwą uszczypnięcia ducha .
{5f} Pochodzenie omawianego tu zła.
Zgodnie z moimi obserwacjami i analizami cały ten ogromny dzisiejszy
problem małżeńskiego zła został stworzony w odległej przeszłości
przez jeden nieprzemyślany nakaz Papieża, jaki chrześcijanom
zakazywał poślubiania więcej niż jednej żony. Aby
zrozumieć jak bardzo był on niemoralny, wystarczy wiedzieć
iż nakaz ten był spowodowany zwykłą chciwością -
bogacze NIE chcieli aby liczne potomstwo płodzone przy
większej liczbie żon rozczłonkowywało ich majątki, co jednak
NIE powstrzymywało ich aby "rozsiewać swój dziki
między innymi ustanawianiem dla siebie przywilejów w rodzaju
"prawa pierwszej nocy dla władców feudalnych" -
nazywanego także Droit du seigneur lub right of the first night.
(NIE na darmo werset 6:10 z biblijnego "1 listu do Tymoteusza"
stwierdza - cytuję: "Albowiem korzeniem
wszelkiego zła jest chciwość pieniędzy".) W Biblii
bowiem Bóg NIE zabrania poślubienia tylu żon na utrzymanie
ilu kogoś stać. Ten zakaz NIE czynił zbyt wiele zła przez tak
długo jak długo niemal wszyscy chrześcijanie byli religijni.
Niestety, w obecnych coraz
bardziej ateistycznych czasach i społeczeństwach pojawiły
się nowe trendy spowodowane biologiczną zdolnością kobiet
aby nieporównanie dłużej niż mężczyźni wytrzymywać bez
odbywania stosunku seksualnego i dodatkowo wzmocnione
w większości krajów utrzymywaniem mocy praw stwierdzających iż wolno
poślubiać tylko jedną żonę - które spowodowały zjawisko jakie pod nazwą
"monopol małżeński" opisałem w #J2.2.2 ze stronymorals_pl.htm -
zaś jakie nasza cywilizacja jak najszybciej powinna starać się usunąć.
Z kolei ów "monopol małżeński" oddaje w ręce żon ogromnie
potężną broń, jaką jest wymuszanie posłuszeństwa od mężów
poprzez - jak mawiają po angielsku:
refusing to open legs for own husband,
czyli poprzez zagłodzenie mężów przez żony zablokowaniem
dostępu do małżeńskiego seksu. To zaś rodzi liczne problemy,
włącznie z frustracją, niewiernością, rozwodami i rozpadem
rodzin, jakie najlepiej opisują widea ilustrujące obecną światową
epidemię zjawisk o oficjalnych nazwach
"kobieta narcyz" czy
"kultura podłączania seksualnego".
{5g} Ewolucja motywacji kobiet
od uprzedniego "wymuszania" w przyszłe "ochotniczenie" - jako
dobro które może wyniknąć z opisywanych tu chorób duszy.
Jedno z bardzo istotnych i dobrze znanych staropolskich przysłów,
które w rzeczywistym życiu działają aż tak niezawodnie iż
totalizm podniósł je do rangi jednego ze swoich kanonów,
stwierdza: NIE ma takiego złego co
by na dobre nie wyszło. (Totalizm ustalił iż równie
niezawodnie działa w życiu też jego odwrotność stwierdzająca:
NIE ma takiego dobra, które by
nie zrodziło sobą jakiejś formy zła.) Zgodnie z tym
kanonem, także choroby duszy będące jedną z form zła, w swym
efekcie końcowym też przyniosą pojawienie się jakiegoś dobra.
Już obecnie daje się nawet przewidzieć co będzie owym dobrem.
Mianowicie dzięki następstwom tych chorób duszy motywacje niektórych
kobiet z przyszłych pokoleń będą zwolna ewoluowały się z obecnej
"opozycji" do tego co zaleca Biblia, do przyszłej "ochotniczości".
Np. rozważ cechę zwaną "uległość", czyli następstwo
"posłuszeństwa". (Dziś "uległość" kobiet jest zawzięcie zwalczana przez
nosicielki wszystkich trzech chorób duszy omawianych tutaj. Stąd
mężczyźni jacy są z nią skonfrontowani mogą usiłować ją przełamywać
albo "wymuszaniem" albo też "przekupstwem". Dlatego też staje się
ona źródłem największych problemów małżeństw trapionych opisanymi
tu chorobami duszy.) Tymczasem "uległość" jest siostrą "posłuszeństwa"
i "obowiązkowości". Stąd jest ona cechą wymaganą od wszystkich
ludzi, w tym wymaganą też od mężczyzn - tyle iż wobec mężczyzn
nazywa się ją innymi słowami. Wszakże aby życie przebiegało
harmonicznie wszyscy z nas powinni być posłuszni Bogu, rodzicom,
swoim przełożonym z pracy i np. z wojska, wymaganiom praw, itp.
Inne możliwe dobro jakie też ma szansę wyniknąć z opisywanych tutaj
chorób duszy stanowi zalegalizowanie wielożeństwa. Wszakże
usunęłoby ono "monopol małżeński", zaś już sama możliwość iż przy
niewypełnianiu przynależnych ról mężowie (lub żony) mogą legalnie
poślubić kogoś drugiego, już samo w sobie zmieniłoby motywacje wielu -
tak jak zalety wielożeństwa opisałem w punkcie #J2.2.2 ze strony
oraz we wpisie #203 do blogów totalizmu.
{6} Jak Bóg zaprogramował procedurę
"samoregulowania się" typową dla omawianego tu rodzaju zła.
Wszakże niemal każdy odmienny rodzaj zła wymaga użycia innej
zasady działania mechanizmów jego "samoregulowania" - co
doskonale ilustrują opisy ze wpisów #358, #357, #318 i #310
już wskazywanych powyżej w {1}.
{6a} Przebieg "samoregulowania się"
typowego dla omawianego tu rodzaju zła. Wysoce
wymowna i interesująca jest procedura za pośrednictwem jakiej
ustanowione przez Boga mechanizmy "samoregulowania się"
typowo przywracają balans zła wyrządzanego przez ową część
kobiet jakie łamią nakazy Biblii wskazujące im wytyczne do życiowej
roli na wypełnianiu jakiej powinny się koncentrować. Mianowicie
w obecnie otaczającej nas rzeczywistości łatwo odnotować, że
takie kobiety w okresie kiedy ich młode ciała czynią je ogromnie
atrakcyjne (tj. w wieku od około 18 do 30 lat) są traktowane
wyjątkowo przez mężczyzn zabiegających o ich wdzięki. Nic dziwnego
iż mają wówczas znaczny wybór partnerów i możliwości. Stąd przechodzą
przez cały łańcuch krótkotrwałych małżeństw lub związków owego typu
To jakby ich upewniało iż wszystko im wolno i to dosłownie na każde
ich skinienie - czyli jak w Polsce wówczas mawiali "każda potwora
znajdzie swego amatora". Kiedy jednak ich wiek
przekracza 35 lat,
który dla mężczyzn poważnie myślących o założeniu rodziny wprowadza
ostrzeżenie o możliwych problemach ze spłodzeniem potomstwa z tak
już podstarzałą kobietą, lub kiedy na ich twarzach zaczynają pojawiać
się zmarszczki, wówczas zwolna wszyscy owi "amatorzy" poznikają.
To ich znikanie dodatkowo przyspieszają i eskalują najróżniejsze inne
czynniki, przykładowo poznanie przeszłości i reputacji danej kobiety
jaka się upowszechni zaś o jakiej potencjalni kandydaci na mężów
zawsze jakoś się dowiedzą (patrz Biblia, werset 4:22 z "Marka" - cytuję:
"Nie ma bowiem nic ukrytego, co by nie
miało wyjść na jaw", lub patrz werset 10:26 z "Mateusza":
"Nie ma bowiem nic zakrytego, co by nie
miało być wyjawione, ani nic tajemniczego, o czym by się nie miano
dowiedzieć"), a także przyspiesza np. wysoce racjonalny
i logiczny sposób myślenia mężczyzn - którzy chociaż mogą flirtować z
praktycznie każdym rodzajem kobiet jednak na żony wybierają te co
mają im do zaoferowania najwięcej wartości podnoszących jakość owoców wspólnego pożycia.
Najzabawniej tę życiową prawdę ilustruje ok. 4-minutowy film piosenki
"la cholera las mamis"
dostępny w internecie pod adresem,
który jest aż tak zgodnie z życiem nagrany iż NIE trzeba znać hiszpańskiego aby
zrozumieć jak doskonale obrazuje on cechy i losy dzisiejszych "hookup" kobiet.
Stąd niemal jedyne co pozostaje dostępne dla kobiet w wieku
ponad 35 lat, to albo zadowolenie się rolą "kochanki", albo też
poślubienie sporo od nich starszego "emeryta z odzysku" -
obie które to możliwości typowo są przez nie odrzucane.
W rezultacie takim zachowaniem same sprowadzą na siebie spędzanie
starości w samotności. Owa zaś samotność na stare lata z
upływem czasu uświadomi następnej generacji kobiet widzących ich
losy i znających ich reputację oraz problemy, że NIE warto podążać
ich śladami - co stopniowo przywróci wymagany balans dobra i zła.
Szczególnie iż bez względu jak bardzo by się NIE psioczyło na wady
mężczyzn, fakt iż mąż-mężczyzna dzieli życie z daną kobietą ciągle czyni
jej losy nieporównanie lepsze od losów samotniczek. Wszakże ma ona
wówczas towarzysza który ją wesprze kiedy potrzebuje jakiejkolwiek
pomocy lub życzliwego ramienia do popłakania i wyładowania żalu
lub przykrości, będzie chronił ją przed wszelkimi przestępcami i
włóczęgami jacy wybierają właśnie domy lub mieszkania samotnych
kobiet, poprawi finansową sytuację ich obojga, NIE odstraszy od
niej innych małżeństw w sprawie zaproszenia jej wraz z mężem,
a stąd ułatwia obojgu życie towarzyskie (jak się bowiem okazuje,
samotne kobiety i samotni mężczyźni są rzadko zapraszani przez
małżeństwa z domyślnych powodów), umożliwia właściwe wychowanie
dzieci którym obecność ojca i męża jest absolutnie konieczna dla
niewypaczonego charakteru i emocjonalnego życia, itd., itp. - patrz
np. angielskojęzyczne 8:42-minutowe wideo o tytule i adresie
Are Women Expecting too much from Men? On Jedediah Bila Live.
{6b} Najbardziej typowe powody cyklu życiowego
kobiet dla których zostają one złapane w spiralę tego rodzaju zła.
Niezależnie od wbudowanej w "dusze" kobiet tendencji do
"odejmowania", ich trudności z akceptowaniem swej roli oraz
adoptowaniem wymaganych Biblią motywacji, a także działania
omamiającej kobiety perswazji publikatorów i sławnych innych kobiet,
kolejnym z powodów generowania zła opisywanego w niniejszym
punkcie #V2, jest typowy przebieg życia każdej z kobiet. Przebieg
ten opiszę tu w formie bardzo uproszczonego modelu, jaki
uwypukli cel niniejszego punktu #V2, za to pominie złożoność
życia wielu kobiet - oczywiście w formułowaniu tego modelu
musiałem przyjąć kilka założeń upraszczających bazujących
na moich obserwacjach jakie też mogą zawierać błędy. I tak,
w przeciwieństwie dawnych metod wychowawczych które
pracą, obowiązkami i surowością uczyły prawdziwego życia,
dziś rodzicom NIE wolno wymagać do swych dzieci wykonywania
żadnej pracy ani cieleśnie (tj. "rózgą" - jak Biblia nakazuje
zaś jak podsumowałem to w punkcie #K1 ze swej strony
karać ich za nieposłuszeństwo - tak jak skrycie wypaczają
ludzkość zwodniczo wymyślone przez naszych diabolicznych
krewniaków "prawa antyklapsowe" jakie opisałem w punkcie #B5.1 strony
Ponieważ coraz trudniejsze życie czyni obojga rodziców coraz
bardziej zajętymi i zmęczonymi, młodzież obecnie wychowuje się
sama na internecie, telewizji i SMSach. Te zaś uczą je aby w życiu
spodziewać się nieustannej rozrywki, braku obowiązków, ciągłego
polepszania wszystkiego, dużego wyboru możliwości, itp. Dzieci te
dziś NIE mają nawet ulubieńca-zwierzątka aby uczyć się przywiązania
uczuciowego, obowiązku opieki, długotrałego związku, itp.
Tak dorastają do wieku około 20tu do 30tu lat, kiedy każda
kobieta przeżywa szczyt swej atrakcyjności, jaki NIE
pokrywa się ze szczytem jej dojrzałości i doświadczenia
życiowego. W rezultacie tego szczytu swej atrakcyjności,
niemal każda kobieta ponownie uczy się brania przyjemności
bez odwzajemnienia wzięciem za cokolwiek odpowiedzialności -
ponieważ doświadcza wówczas szczytowego zainteresowania
ze strony mężczyżn, o jakim NIE jest świadoma iż jest to
zjawisko krókotrwałe oraz wzbudzające w niej zwodnicze
nawyki i życzenia. W rezultacie spora proporcja kobiet,
szczególnie tych co bardziej atrakcyjnych, zaczyna jakby
stwarzać dla siebie nierealistyczny obraz swej przyszłości.
W rezultacie formują one sobie wizję swej przyszłości
w jakiej one formułują
jedynie wygórowane żądania, zaś ich przyszli mężowie
mają służyć spełnianiu tych żądań.
I tak częścią owej przyszłości jest jakiś "bajkowy
książę", który podobnie do innych mężczyzn o
ich wieku będzie je uwielbiał, zgadywał ich życzenia
i zaspokajał wszelkie ich emocjonalne potrzeby przez
całą resztę ich życia. Z tego co obserwuję na
przykładzie krajów angielskojęzycznych, najważniejszą
cechą owego "księcia" w oczach kobiet dzisiejszych
czasów wychowanych na filmach i błyskotkach telewizji,
jest jego "portfel". Czyli musi on być bogaty
o wielocyfrowych zarobkach jakie jest gotów wydawać
wyłącznie na nie, własnym mieszkaniu lub domu, drogim
samochodzie, dobrym smaku w wyborze restauracji, a
także młody i przystojny z drogim ubiorem i przyjemnym
zapachem najdroższych kosmetyków, oraz na
dodatek silny, odważny, o przywódczych zdolnościach,
sławny, itd., itp., (jednym słowem "bohater filmowy"
który w rzeczywistym życiu NIE istnieje). Niestety,
niemal nikt z mężczyzn jacy je otaczają nawet NIE zbliża
się do ideału takiego "księcia". Ponadto mężczyźni realistycznie
patrzący na dzisiejsze kobiety odnotowują iż te "kobiety z
hookup reputacją" mają wygórowane wymagania, a jednocześnie
większość z nich NIE wnosi do partnerstwa niemal żadnych
wartości liczących się w codziennym rzeczywistym życiu. Stąd
niemal każdy ze spotykanych przez nich mężczyzn widzi je i siebie jedynie jako
przejściową przyjemność na ich "bucket list" jaką porzucą wkrótce po jej zaznaniu.
W rezultacie tylko niektóre z takich młodych kobiet zostają żonami,
reszta zaś nadal poszukuje swego "księcia" kiedy lata szybko
im przybywają. Nagle więc ze strachem albo zobaczą swoją
pierwszą zmarszczkę, albo też odnotują iż owi uprzednio
liczni wielbiciele gdzieś poznikali - jak na tamtej piosence z
Wpadają więc wówczas w panikę i albo wychodzą za tego który
nadal pozostaje wolny - jednak który dla nich jest zupełnie
nieodpowiedni, albo też rozwijają swoją zawodową karierę
i nadal poszukują swego "księcia" na coraz mniejszym
"rynku małżeńskim" odpowiednim dla ich wieku. Niestety,
te których do małżeństwa popchnęło wpadnięcie w panikę
i stąd wyszły za "pozostałego wolnego" nadal i to zwykle
już niedługo po ślubie zaczynają ich przymierzać do swych
uprzednich wielbicieli - jakich jednak zupełnie NIE znają ze
żmudnego i nudnego codziennego życia a jedynie z rozrywki
podniecających randkowych spotkań. W rezultacie tego
przymierzania dochodzą więc do wniosku iż ich małżonkowie
są sporo poniżej "randkowej normy" - dlatego trzeba ich
nieco poudoskonalać. W celu tego udoskonalania zaczynają
więc "edukować" swych mężów zwalczając w nich wszystko
co uznają za leżące poniżej owej randkowej normy. Ponieważ
naturalną metodą edukowania przez kobietę jest metoda
"marchewki i kija" polegająca na dawaniu w
rzadko zaistniałą nagrodę "marchewki" jeśli ktoś spełni
oczekiwania, zaś bardzo częstym karaniu kijem kiedy
ktoś oczekiwań tych NIE spełnia, w rezultacie
mężowie są coraz bardziej karani,
zaś żony coraz bardziej zdeterminowane. W końcowym
efekcie obie strony zwykle lądują na rozprawie rozwodowej.
{6c} Efekty działania praw moralnych
oraz metod postępowania Boga. Większość ludzi
(w tym kobiet) wcale NIE wie iż w jedna z metod działania Boga
polega na najpierwszym konfrontowaniu danych osób
z kimś kto w sumarycznym efekcie dla ich obojga jest najlepiej
dobraną przez Boga wersją tego co w danym momencie
czasowym może im obu być zaoferowane. Chodzi bowiem
o to iż aby przyszłe pożycie było szczęśliwe, wówczas oboje z
małżonków muszą w równym stopniu pracować nad uczynieniem
go szczęśliwym - jeśli zaś tylko jedna strona pracuje nad ich
szczęściem, zaś druga unika komunikowania się i udoskonalania
swych motywacji, a stąd trwa w swoich chorobach duszy, wówczas
małżeństwo albo się razpada, albo staje się pasmem udręki. Stąd
dzięki działaniu mechanizmów i Omniplanu opisanych w #J5 strony
przykładowo najbardziej odpowiednich kandydatów dla
obojga partnerów życiowych spotyka się zwykle jako swoją
pierwszą miłość - czasami jeszcze w trakcie szkoły średniej, a
zwykle najpóźniej do połowy swych lat 20-tych. Nie na darmo
w krajach angielskojęzycznych krąży powiedzenie iż najszczęśliwsze
i najtrwalsze małżeństwa to te kiedy mężczyzna poślubia swoją tzw.
"highschool sweetheart"
(tj. swoją miłość ze szkoły średniej). Jeśli jednak owa pierwsza
oferta Boga na partnera życiowego danej osoby zostanie odrzucona
przez którąkolwiek ze obu stron, wówczas uwalniane jest działanie
moralnego "Prawa Drabiny Partnerskiej" opisywanego w #6C z
podrozdziału I4.1.1 w tomie 5 mojej monografii [1/5].
To zaś moralne "Prawo Drabiny Partnerskiej" powoduje iż owa strona,
która została odrzucona, jako następną ofertę od Boga otrzymuje już
kogoś kto pod naistotniejszym dla danej roli życiowej aspektem (np.
gotowości do udoskonalenia swoich motywacji i dyskutowania problemów
ich związku) okaże się nawet znacznie bardziej odpowiedni dla tej strony -
aczkolwiek nastąpi to kosztem innych aspektów danego związku. Z kolei
ta strona która jest winna odrzucenia danej oferty Boga, jako następną
swą ofertę otrzymuje od Boga kogoś znacząco mniej odpowiedniego dla
niej. Czasami zaś już po pierwszym, a zawsze już po kilku takich kolejnych
odrzuceniach, osoba ta jest zupełnie pozbawiana jakiejkolwiek oferty. W
rezultacie te kobiety, które odrzucą jednego lub kilku kandydatów na zawarcie
małżeństwa, potem widzą jak wszyscy owi odrzuceni przez nie kandydaci
spotykają i poślubiają kogoś kto wygląda na znacznie od nich lepszego,
one zaś same lądują coraz niżej, a czasami zupełnie samotnie. Nic dziwnego
iż wiele kobiet o uprzednich skłonnościach do feminizmu zwykle gorzko żałuje,
ląduje jako smotniczki, popłakuje i wszystkim demonstruje swój żal iż praktykowały feminizm.
Z kolei widok takich sytuacji, oraz narastająca reputacja osób nieuzasadnienie
odrzucających kolejnych kandydatów, służy następnej generacji jako
przykład czego oni sami powinni w życiu unikać - zwolna "samoregulując"
tym dany rodzaj zła.
{6d} Wybieranie partnerów metodą
porównywania do siebie ich klasy. W obecnych
czasach publikatory (szczególnie reklamy kosmetyków) uczą
kobiet wysoko wierzyć w swoją "klasę" - przykładowo hasłami
"you are worth it"
(znaczącymi: "jesteś tego warta").
W rezultacie, zwykle na bazie swego wyglądu, dzisiejsze młode
kobiety zakwalifikują siebie same do jakiejś klasy - typowo
opisywanej skalą od 1 do 10. Potem zaś są gotowe randkować
tylko mężczyzn których one same, zwykle w konsultacji ze swymi
koleżankami, także zakwalifikują do wyższej lub tej samej co one klasy.
Ta metoda jednak ma sporo wad, jakich one NIE widzą. Przykładowo,
mężczyźni NIE używają tych samych wymagań co kobiety podczas
rozważania kobiet jako kandydatek do randkowania. Stąd ci których
one uznają za godnych randki, mogą uznawać je za nadające się
np. tylko do jednorazowego
Ponadto kobiety NIE są obiektywne w swych zaklasyfikowaniach
siebie samych - tj. zwykle je zawyżają. Przykładowo czynią to bez
uwzględnienia czego mężczyźni faktycznie poszukują w kobietach,
a także co ich od kobiet odstrasza. Bardzo też rzadko mężczyzna poważnie
rozważy kobietę przyporządkowującą siebie do klasy 10 jako kandydatkę
na swoją żonę, z powodu jaki najlepiej opisuje japońskie powiedzenie:
mąż pięknej kobiety i właściciel sadu winogron
posadzonych przy ruchliwej drodze konfrontują ten sam problem.
Dlatego np. kobiety które zakwalifikują siebie do klasy 10 lub 9 mają
jakieś szanse życiowe tylko jeśli podejmą randkowanie mężczyzny
rankowanego co najmniej o 4 klasy niżej niż one.
{7} Jakie zjawiska powodują,
że dla kobiet które NIE podjęły ochotniczej zmiany swoich
motywacji, mechanizmy "samoregulowania się" zła zamieniają
ich życie w przykład dla następnej generacji kobiet nakłaniający
do zarzucenia praktykowań tego typu zła. Tych
zjawisk jest wiele. Poniżej wymienię tylko najważniejsze i
najbardziej już poznane z nich, aczkolwiek ponieważ w tej wojnie
dobra ze złem "oficjalna nauka ateistyczna" staje po stronie
zła, nauka ta NIE uznaje istnienia i działania tych zjawisk.
{7a} Opóźnienie czasowe kiedy sytuacje
życiowe zaczynają danej kobiecie uświadamiać błąd jej motywacji
i jego następstwa dla dalszego życia. Przykładowo,
dla większosci kobiet sytuacje takie pojawiają się dopiero w wieku
około 35 lat - kiedy to uprzednia chmara ich wielbicieli nagle znika.
Tymczasem aby ochotniczo zaradzić sprowadzaniu na siebie zła
owych chorób duszy, kobiety powinny swe wysiłki nad zmianą
swoich motywacji mieć już znacząco zaawansowane NIE później
niż w wieku około 25 lat. Czyli opóźnienie czasowe (w totaliztycznych
opisach działania Prawa Bunerangu i działania oprogramowania
nazywane "czasem zwrotu") w tym wypadku wynosi co najmniej
10 lat. To opóźnienie czasowe w zadziałaniu mechanizmów "samoregulowania
się" tej kategorii zła jest celowe. Chodzi bowiem o to aby ewentualna
zmiana motywacji przez daną osobę była ochotnicza, a NIE wymuszona
przez sytuacje życiowe w jakiej ktoś się znalazł. Bóg NIE chce bowiem
aby nawrócenie się na wskazywaną przez niego i przez Biblię drogę
było wymuszone, a chce aby było ochotnicze. Wszakże wszystko co
wymuszone typowo zanika kiedy wymuszająca siła ulży swój nacisk.
Natomiast wszystko to co ochotnicze trwa z przekonania i na zawsze.
{7b} Problem przyszłej niemożności
szczśliwego współżycia z tylko jednym mężczyzną, tj. z jednym
mężem - oraz wynikająca z niego niewierność
małżeńska takich kobiet, kończąca się rozwodami, rujnowaniem
stabilności życia, niepewnością jutra, dziećmi bez biologicznego
ojca, itp. Problem ten wynika z nabycia przez nie przyzwyczajenia
iż podniecenie i przyjemność takie kobiety uzyskują z fizycznej
niezwykłości coraz to nowego partnera, zamiast z duchowej
intymności związku, oddawania siebie i dzielnia życia z pokrewną
do swojej żyjącej duszy swego męża i partnera życiowego.
{7c} Problem reputacji formowanej
"kulturą hookup".
Niestety, każde ludzkie zachowanie NIE uchodzi uwadze innych ludzi.
Stąd nabycie "choroby duszy" jaka z czasem przekształca się w rodzaj wręcz
stanie się znane w danym kręgu, a stąd ewentualni kandydaci na męża
takiej kobiety z pewnością o jej reputacji się dowiedzą i będzie to ich
odstraszało od nawet rozważenia wspólnej z nią przyszłości.
{7d} Problem przeprogramowywania
ovule przez programy spermy każdego partnera.
Problem ten omówiłem już dokładniej w ostatnim paragrafie
punktu #L1 swojej strony o nazwie
Skrótowo mówiąc polega on na tym, że każdy seksualny partner danej
kobiety pozostawia w jej jajnikach, a także w jej uczuciowych inklinacjach,
trwały zapis swoich cech. Szczegolnie trwały z tych zapisów pozostawia
sperma pierwszego partnera, który odbiera dziewictwo danej kobiecie.
To i dlatego Biblia radzi aby poślubiać dziewice. Wszakże przykładowo,
jeśli dana kobieta i jej przyszły mąż będzie blondynem, zaś jej poprzednim
partnerem był ktoś o rudych włosach, wówczas potomek jej i jej męża
też może urodzić się z rudymi włosami. Z powodu zaś niszczycielskiej
natury takich przypadków burzącej zgodność małżeńską, przypadki
tego typu były uważnie badane w przeszłości - niestety dziś bardzo
trudno odnaleźć publikacje jakie je raportują. Minęły zaś już czasy,
kiedy matka tak odmiennego od niej i od jej męża potomka mogła
sprawę wytlumaczyć z pomocą dawnego przesądu o tzw. "zapatrzeniu
się" w jakim odmienne szczegóły anatomiczne lub nawet
odmienną rasę ich potomka kobiety wyjaśniały "zapatrzeniem się"
np. w obrazek murzynka na opakowaniu importowanej kawy.
* * *
Boleśnie domagający się umiejętności szybkiego
rozwiązywania problem
narastającej ogólnoświatowej "pandemii" rozpadu lub
unikania małżeństw z powodu chorób duszy takich jak
"kobiecy narcyzyzm"
(po angielsku prezentowanego na wideach wyszukiwanych słowami kluczowymi:
female narcissist ), a także
toksycznego "feminizmu"
( toxic feminism ) i nałogu zwanego
kulturą podłączania seksualnego"
( hookup culture )
oraz powodowanego przez te kobiece "fochy" typowo wiodącego do rozwodów
zagładzania pożycia brakiem malżeńskiego seksu
( sex-starved marriage )
kończącego się rozpadem małżeństw i rodzin, obecnie jest też
coraz usilniej omawiany na wideach prezentowanych w YouTube -
niestety większość z tych wideów jest w języku angielskim. Tym
więc z czytelników, których temat ten interesuje, rekomenduję
pooglądanie wideów na ów temat wyszukiwanych rozkazami jakie
na niniejszej stronie wyróżniam
kolorem zielonym.
Wszakże zgodnie z tym co wyjaśniłem w #C9 do #C9a z mojej strony internetowej
oraz we wpisie #351 do blogów totalizmu, jeśli
ludzkość szybko NIE rozwiąże tego problemu rozkładu małżeństw i trendu
wiodącego do samotniczego trybu życia ludzi, wówczas mechanizmy
"samoregulowania się zła" spowodują iż problem ten sam się rozwiąże
na najboleśniejszy dla ludzi sposób.
Rys. #V2a. Oto logo
filozofii totalizmu z 1985 roku -
czyli wizualny symbol (pieczęć) wszystkich
fundamentalnych idei i prawd wynikających z istnienia
Boga i definiujących życie ludzi oraz zjawiska naszego
"świata materii", które pomimo naszej obecnej niedoskonałości,
omylności i ograniczenia umysłów już jesteśmy w stanie
opisać i rozumieć, jednak prawdy i następstw których
NIE daje się ustalić bez poznania cech, natury, działania,
celów i metod Boga, a także budowy i zasad działania
światów składających się na wszechświat w których
Bóg żyje i tworzy oraz którymi zarządza. Niezależnie
od wytyczania ludzkich celów oraz dróg osiągania
kompletnej i logicznie sprawdzalnej na materiele
dowodowym wiedzy na temat Boga, a także
wskazywania ludziom niepodważalnych dowodów
istnienia, działania, oraz wszechmocy Boga, logo to
symbolizuje także ponadczasowe idee zakodowane przez
Boga w Biblię, które dowodami i logiką są potwierdzane
przez teorie i materiał dowodowy wypracowywane dzięki
wskazaniom filozofii totalizmu z 1985 roku, zaś ku wdrażaniu
których w swym życiu powinniśmy zdążać, przykładowo symbolizuje
także idee takie jak: wiedza o Bogu, prawda, modlitwa, moralność,
ochotnicze spełnianie wymagań moralnych, wszechwymiarowa
wolna wola, sprawiedliwość, eliminowanie źródeł wszelkiego
zła - w tym pieniędzy, cierpienia i śmierci, życie i postęp w
pokoju, eliminowanie wszelkich przeszkód, zastępowanie
dotychczasowej walki i konkurencji przez bezwarunkową
współpracę, itp. Ponadto logo to jest także wizualnym
symbolem ludzkich idei bazujących na pojmowaniu nieskończoności
wszelkiej przyszłości jaką już dziś wytycza, wskazuje i udowadnia nam
filozofia totalizmu z 1985 roku
za pomocą obu fundamentalnych i potwierdzanych Biblią
teorii naukowych, które dzięki totalizmowi autor tej filozofii
dotychczas zdołał wypracować, tj.
Teorii Wszystkiego z 1985 roku, oraz
Teorii Życia z 2020 roku.
Przykładowo symbolem ludzkich idei takich jak postulowana
przez filozofię totalizmu niekończoność rozmiarów wszechświata
(już potwierdzona logicznymi wywodami z punktu #D4 strony
oraz ze wpisu #273 do blogów totalizmu) w którym więc to
rozmiarowo nieskończonym wszechświecie dla wszystkich
i dla każdego jest wystarczająco dużo miejsca - stąd którego
mieszkańcy, w tym i my ludzie, NIE powinni nawzajem się
wykorzystywać ani mordować wojnami o owo miejsce, a
nawzajem współpracować nad znajdowaniem sposobów
i urządzeń jakimi mogą wyszukiwać i zasiedlać miejsca
jeszcze NIE zajmowane przez nikogo, tj. sposobów i
urządzeń takich jak np. moje wynalazki
Magnokraftu czy
Wehikułu Czasu.
Logo to jest też symbolem idei nieskończoności wiedzy jaka pozostaje
dla nas do odkrywania i opanowania oraz idei twórczej nieskończoności
z jaką daje się udoskonalać wszystko co już istnieje (patrz #J do #J3 ze strony
lub z wpisu #349 do blogów totalizmu). Ponadto jest ono także
symbolem idei nieskończoności tworzenia i wynajdowania
tego co nadal jeszcze NIE istnieje (np. poznaj moją
"Tablicę Cykliczności dla Napędów Ziemskich"
rozwijaną w punktach #J4.1 do #J4.6 ze strony
oraz we wpisach #309, #311, #313, #315, #317 i #319
do blogów totalizmu, albo oglądnij nasz darmowy, półgodzinny
film dostępny w trzech językach o tytule i linkach
"Napędy Przyszłości" -
polskojęzyczna wersja którego upowszechniana jest z adresu
Logo to pamaga też ogarnąć ideę nieskończoności czasu dostępnego
dla użytku i rozwoju ludzi a także rozwoju wszelkich innych
istot rozumnych (patrz punkty #I1 do #I5 z mojej strony
lub wpisy #346 i #345 do blogów totalizmu) - jaki to czas możemy
i mamy obowiązek spożytkowywać dla udoskonalania siebie i wszystkiego
co nas otacza, pod warunkiem jednak iż stopniowo pokonamy
kolejne ze swoich własnych niedoskonałości i braków wiedzy
jakie generują zło i ograniczają nasze możliwości twórcze, rozwojowe
i czasowe. Zamiast więc przyczyniać się do eskalowania zła, módlmy
się do Boga o natchnienie i sami niestrudzenie wypracowujmy "jak"
możemy przyczyniać się do eliminowania zła. Ponadto módlmy się
o naszych jawnych lub skrytych wrogów czyniących zło, aby Bóg
dopomógł im przejrzeć przez zaślepienie i zrozumieć iż tylko unikanie
zła i czynienie dobra jest w stanie znacząco poprawić także i ich
losy oraz zaoszczędzić im samozniszczenia.
Z najróżniejszych punktów widzenia logo totalizmu
jest opisywane na wielu publikacjach. Przykładowo
jego historię i cechy raportuję w podrozdziale H1 z tomu 5
monografii [8] o tytule "Totalizm".
W podpsie zaś pod niniejszym Rys. #V2a
staram się podsumować ponadczasowe idee jakie
ono stara się wizualnie reprezentować i symbolizować.
Oczywiście promowanie prawdy wymaga także aby
obiektywnie informować iż podobnie też jak sam
totalizm oraz wszystkie moje idee i wyniki badań,
również logo totalizmu ma też swoich wrogów.
Przykładowo to ci wrogowie najpierw z użyciem pięknej melodii
"Doktor Jan Pająk to nasz przyjaciel"
a potem całego cyklu szydzących piosenek
"Ruch Oporu – Bity Nadśliskie full album"
starają się obrzydzać i powstrzymywać idee jakie logo to wyraża.
Motto: "Wszystko wokół nas, włącznie z
istnieniem odwiecznej walki dobra ze złem, jest dowodem na istnienie
Boga - aby jednak to dostrzec trzeba na wszystko patrzyć z inżynierskiej
perspektywy 'jak'." (Wszakże gdyby Bóg NIE istniał, wówczas
w myślach i sercu ludzi NIE byłoby ani "sumienia" zakazującego nam
czynienie zła, ani złożonych "wytycznych" w Biblii uczących "jak" prowadzić
moralne życie eliminujące zło. Tyle iż aby to wszystko logicznie pojąć
trzeba móc po inżyniersku dedukować "jak" zaistnienie owego sumienia
i wytycznych w Biblii jest możliwe tylko jeśli nastąpiły interwencje Boga
starające się trwale pozbywać zła ze "świata materii" jaki nasz Bóg stworzył -
po więcej szczegółów o sumieniu i metodach Boga patrz blog #316 i punkt #A1 ze strony
Dobrze byłoby aby czytelnicy niniejszej "części #V" już znali
wyniki moich badań opisanych w #H4 do #H4b strony
lub we wpisie #353 do blogów totalizmu jakie dotyczą związku pomiędzy
cechami dzisiejszego "internetu" a atrybutami nosiciela
złowrogich cyfr 666 - o wyniszczającym ludzkość potencjale o którym
ostrzega nas Biblia, a ponadto znali już treść punktu #B2 mojej strony
albo wpisu #211 do blogów totalizmu - które wyjaśniają dlaczego
Bóg stworzył ludzi maksymalnie niedoskonałymi i zróżnicował ich
cechy w obu płciach, oraz dodatkowo poznali też treść punktu #J2.2.2 ze strony
lub wpisu #203 do blogów totalizmu - omawiających problemy
z "monopolem małżeńskim" w chrześcijańskiej tradycji tylko
jednej żony jako zaprzeczenia zalet projektowanego przez Boga
i aprobowanego w Biblii legalnego "wielożeństwa" (poligamii).
Part #W, blog #333E:
Let us try to read together the "awakening prayer" quoted
here in unanimity and with attention, understanding and inner
wish for fulfilment, begging God for protection and for help
in what is soon to come:
Motto of this part #W of this web page:
"So give back to Caesar what is Caesar's,
and to God what is God's."
(Bible verses: Matthew 22:21,
Mark 12:17, Luke 20:25.)
#W1, blog #333E.
The beauty and wisdom of the words of selected prayers:
Similarly as the words of poems can be both
beautiful and wise, there are also many prayers
with beautiful and wise words. Due to the Internet,
we can now find them quickly and easily. Personally,
I am most impressed by the life wisdom contained
in the initial part of the English-language prayer
from 1951 by a certain Reinhold Niebuhr,
disseminated under the name
The Serenity Prayer -
which is translated into Polish as the
Modlitwa o pogodę ducha.
Its beautiful and wise words say:
"God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change; courage to
change the things I can; and wisdom to know the
difference" (in the Polish language:
"Boże, użycz mi pogody ducha, abym godził
się z tym, czego nie mogę zmienić, odwagi, abym
zmieniał to, co mogę zmienić, i mądrości, abym
odróżniał jedno od drugiego"). It was because
of the wisdom and beauty of these words that
Alcoholics Anonymous
adopted this prayer for their own. Of course,
in fact the above "prayer for serenity" is a beautifully
summarized essence of the most important goals
of praying, expressed in various verses of the Bible.
From the content of the Bible, I am personally very
impressed with the wisdom of prayer written in
verses 6:9-13 from the biblical "Gospel according
to St. Matthew". It is usually known to us under
the name "Our Father ...". The NIV
Bible quotes its words as follows:
"(9) Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name, (10) your kingdom come,
your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
(11) Give us today our daily bread. (12) And
forgive us our debts, (13) as we also have
forgiven our debtors. (13) And lead us not
into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."
Of course, these words are a translation of
the original Bible, hence different Bibles may
translate them slightly differently. Also when,
in my youth, we learned the Catholic version
of this prayer in the lessons of the catechism
preparing us for the First Holy Communion,
its words were also slightly different then (it
can be said that they used more "old-fashioned"
Polish, which slightly changed the meaning
of its content - e.g. consider the old words
"Thy will be done, on
earth as it is in heaven" with the
meaning explained in item #J2.7 from the web page
used then instead of e.g. the words of 6:10 from KJV:
"Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven"). Notice
that these earlier words contained very important message
(e.g. that in order to avoid distortions, collapse and destruction,
these are people that in everything should voluntarily implement
or copy solutions worked out by God) - wisely coded into these
words in the manner that was NOT too easy to be decoded by
lazybones, slackers, unbelievers, or careerists of all kinds - as
it is described in (1b) from item #H1 of the web page named
which vital knowledge in the new versions of these verses,
unfortunately, has been lost (intriguingly, this repeated
loss of essential knowledge and recommendations
in modern translations of the Bible looks as if it was
intentionally introduced by someone and secretly coordinated).
In the English-speaking culture, including NZ,
a short prayer before meals, referred to as
saying grace,
is very common. In the past, it was also commonly
said in Poland, for example, I remember as my
extremely religious grandfather, Edward Dzieciątko,
always used to say it. In the Polish language it is known as the
Modlitwa łaski przed posiłkiem.
In fact, each family and even each person can have
their own version of it. For example, its words were
anonymously composed into the following poem (in
Polish) that I found on the internet:
"Boże, dzięki Ci składamy,
za to co spożywać mamy.
Ty nas żywić nie przestajesz,
bądź pochwalony za to, co nam dajesz.
Such prayers, which contain beautiful words
and wise thoughts, usually have to be said
by reading them. After all, apart from a few
of them most frequently recited, such as
"Our Father" or "prayer of grace before a meal",
we do not remember the words of most of
them on a daily basis. And when we suddenly
pray for something, we ourselves have to
compose the words describing what we are
praying for as we say these words. But this
does NOT mean that God does not hear us
then. After all, as this is revealed to us in
verse 15:3 from the biblical "Book of Proverbs"
stating: "In every
place are the eyes of the Lord, they look for
good and bad" - the truth and
work of which I explained in (a) from item
#H3 of my web page named
due to the creation of all "matter" of our physical world
from "whirls" of independently living male and female
"God Drobinas"
which form like individual living "cells of God's body",
these eyes (and also ears) of our God contained in
each single "God Drobina", are present in practically
every place of the world, and even in our bodies.
Hence God always hears our every thought and
sees our every move. This is why all pious thinking
about God done at any moment of time also becomes
a kind of prayer. In turn, when we arrange our thoughts
or speech in the form of a spoken prayer, then no matter
with what words we are able to express it, or where
we took these words from, God still understands it.
Also so happens that the time has just come for
qualifying and choosing on whose side we place ourselves,
thus when if we either just think about God, or pray
to God, or even include God in everything we do, may
decide to which of the biblical categories of people we
will be classified.
#W2, blog #333E.
The time has come when our praying
together is becoming indescribably important:
There is no reason to hide it! Each of us separately,
and all of us together, have sinned a lot. After all,
each one of us individually, and our entire civilization
collectively, slowly turns away from God, so that apart
from rare occasions when we somehow "wandered"
to a church or by accident we open a religious program
on television, we almost never hear the God words
officially. We are also slowly forgetting how to pronounce
the word God, and we forget what the cross
looks like and of what symbol it is. When soon after
the Second World War I was still a young boy, everyone
commonly practiced the recommendation from the proverb
"there are NO atheists in foxholes" -
which practically meant that in difficult situations everyone
prayed for God's help in overcoming the situation in which
they found themselves. Today, however, most people do
exactly the opposite: the harder
times get, the more people turn their backs on God
and focus on worshiping the modern god - which is
That it is so, it is undeniably the personal fault of each one of us
(including myself), NOT just e.g. groups of: elites ruling over
us, atheistic scientists, personalities unleashing the power of
or priests "rejecting knowledge" (see verses 4:4-9 from
the biblical "Book of Hosea") - to all of which groups,
because of our passivity, conformist attitude, and lack
of objections, we allowed to bring-about on our behalf
such a regrettable state of affairs (as I explain it in items
#J1 to #J3 from my web page
After all, from events taking place in the reality that
surrounds us and from analyzes of the empirical
evidence that these events represent and provide to us, the
philosophy of totalizm
established that each
one of us is personally responsible for also all the
consequences of actions of "group intellects"
in which he/she is a component, and thus is
a co-creator of all good and evil caused by
these group intellects - for a more
detailed explanation of this our usually overlooked
moral responsibility for the behaviour of groups
to which we belong see items #E2 and #A2.8
from the web page named
or e.g. see item #F2 from another web page named
Therefore, since 2021/2/7 I started to develop
and publish on this web page
the text of provided in item #W3 below
"awakening prayer" -
the development of which now allows me to read
it repetitively in my free time. With this prayer
I am trying to express my constant repentance,
regret for what I have committed contrary to
the will of God, assurance about the perseverant
continuation of my efforts to repair the
evil that has already arisen, and hope that
God will NOT cease the grace with which
He previously treated both my person and
the fate of these "neighbours" the lives of
which are on my heart, together with the
countries of my birth and work, and
places the honour of living and creativity in which He blessed me so generously.
I also quietly hope that through the open
and public disclosure of the content of this
"awakening prayer" in item #W3 below,
I will create an example and add courage to openly
reveal my views to those "neighbours", who so far
seem to be ashamed
to acknowledge and publicly implement the irrefutable
scientific proofs that
God exists -
about the development and availability of which
I am reminding everyone and to which I am
linking in item #W7 below on this web page,
and who so far seem also to overlooked the primary
role that God plays in the life of each one of us.
Furthermore, I hope that I will convince these
"neighbours" to become adherents of prayer and
open recognition of my scientific proofs for the
existence of God and my discoveries of methods
God uses in managing the course of life of each
one of us - e.g. those methods which are described
in item #J5 from the web page named
Perhaps I will also inspire the readers of my
publications to join in saying this prayer.
After all, according to the promise of Jesus
from the Bible verses that I quoted in the
"motto" to the following item #W3,
our concordant prayer would increase the
power of our humbling ourselves before
God and our request for grace for ourselves,
for our "neighbours", and for our place of
residence and country.
Both "covid-19" in years 2020 and 2021, as well
as other cataclysms that are already intensifying,
prove that it is high time to restore the cunningly
plundered from us the old tradition of active cooperation
with God in pedantic implementing the fulfilment
of God's commandments and recommendations,
so that in everything we get back to our dependence
on God - as our ancestors did, and to stop being
ashamed of recognizing that everything in our lives
depends on God. In turn one of the ways how to
do this, is the repetitive reciting of a properly formulated
prayer. After all, a well-formulated prayer, among others
reminds us of what God is for us, what He does for
us, why we do not respond to Him by acting only in
the ways that He recommends to us with the laws
described in the Bible, and why we should ask for
forgiveness and inspiration to actually improve our
behaviour and character as well as to intensify the
love for "our neighbour" and care for the God-created
My formulation of the "awakening prayer"
quoted in the next item #W3, has been inspired by the
fate of the city and kingdom of Nineveh described
in the Bible in verses 3:4-10 from the "Book of Jonah".
After all, in the case of Nineveh: prayers, humiliation,
repentance and change of behaviour; caused God to
forgive them for the numerous sins they had committed.
In a similar manner verse 4:10 from the Biblical "Letter
of St. James the Apostle" promises - quote from the Bible":
"Humble yourselves before the
Lord, and He will lift you up."
Meanwhile, our civilization is just in the situation of Nineveh.
Simultaneously, most of us, instead of humbling ourselves
before God, prefer to exalt ourselves by pretending that
God does NOT exist, or even worse - publicly acting
as if God does NOT exist. In spite that the events of
"cleansing humanity", announced by my web page named
and by our film (in Polish) with the scenario of impending future entitled
"Zgłada ludzkości 2030"
(meaning "The Great Purification of Humanity in
2030s"), are quickly approaching, my careful
monitoring of what is happening in the world revealed
e.g. that from all numerous countries in the world only
Georgia is the sole country that officially recognized the coronavirus as a manifestation of God's anger and punishment,
through engaging in open, public and widely supported
prayers aimed at obtaining forgiveness from God.
And it is worth noting that Georgia is NOT the
country which caused the most of damages. Thus,
for the rest of us, the personal prayer is even more
necessary. For example, prayer would bring us all
together in a joint effort to ask for forgiveness,
grace and God's help in repairing of what we have
already spoiled with our sins, tolerating ignorance,
and rejection of truth and knowledge, as well as it
would also be an expression of our will to do whatever
is required for our countries and nations to survive this
quickly impending time of trial and purification, and
afterward to emerge better than we were before. So I hope that
I managed to refine the following prayer to become
worthy of fulfilling the intentions for which it was created.
So here I am providing item #W3 with the content
of my "awakening prayer". Independently
from this web page, I decided to publish this prayer
also on blogs of totalizm addresses of which I provided
in item #Z2 below. After all, it is time to publish the
posts number #333 and #333E in these blogs - means posts
which, from the point of view of numerology, symbolically
represent the "broken in half" number 666 meaning the
broken evil power of "antichrist", and thus which expresses
the symbolic will to overcome and get rid of the evil that
so-far tormented mankind (we remember that God coded
into the Bible information about the power of selected
numbers - as an example consider the sacred symbolism
of the number 7). On the formulation and elaboration
of this "awakening prayer", I,
Dr. Eng. Jan Pająk
(author of this page) have been working since 2021/2/7,
with the hope that other people of good will, as Jesus
inspires us to do so in the verses quoted in the motto
of item #W3, will join me in saying it by reading it carefully,
with understanding and the inner wish to be fulfilled,
then they will try to take its content into account in
everything they do. Alternatively, readers can also use
this example of the "awakening prayer" to write their
own versions (e.g. on own computers) and then return
to reading them repeatedly, implementing and improving
in appropriate moments.
#W3, blog #333E.
Here is the "awakening prayer" for the times to come,
to which I encourage the reader to pray together with
me (through reading it carefully with understanding
and with an inner wish it is fulfilled):
Motto: "Again, truly I tell
you that if two of you on earth agree about anything
they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in
heaven. For where two or three gather in my name,
there am I with them." (Jesus' promise
contained in verses 18:19-20 from Biblical "St. Matthew"
quoted from NIV Bible.)
"Creator of our world and God of everything
that lives, including my person. From the
Bible inspired by You, I know that you know my
name. I also know that although you manage
our gigantic physical world and the part of the
infinite counter-world occupied by our world,
you still with your innumerable eyes and senses
follow the movement of each person - including
me, and listen to every, even the innermost,
thought of each of us - including me. I also
know that You better than I do it myself know
all that I do, as well as all my shortcomings,
imperfections and deeds in which I have failed
you, God, by breaking, disregarding, or overlooking
what Your commandments and laws require.
I confess that I am aware of how significantly
I have sinned. I also admit that sometimes,
when I am experiencing the grace shown through, for
example, compliance with the proverb 'there is
no such bad thing that would not work for good',
then despite of the sense of humour and understanding
your God's intentions, I cannot very much show
that it makes me happy - which I hope you will
forgive me. I also know that the time is coming
slowly to make me accountable for what I have
done and do. So, God, hear my 'awakening
prayer', in which I firstly want to reassure
you, our Heavenly Father and Creator, that I regret
very much what I have done wrong and that sometimes
in oblivion I even cannot stop myself from doing it
again, that I will intensify my efforts to improve my
activities and character, and that I count immensely
on Your God's help and inspiration to make me aware
of my inadequacies and disabilities as soon as they
appear, and to reveal to me the ways how I should
prevent or eliminate them.
God, I am very grateful for the graces and
blessings that I have already received from You.
After all, I know that although you manage our
world and the counter-world (heaven), still I, a
tiny transient speck of dust in a huge world, owe
to You everything that I have, know and can.
After all, you gave me life, body and mind with
which I can faithfully serve you for the good of
my fellow human beings and nature. You led
me through my life full of dangers. You protected
me from what could be even more devastating to
me. You helped me learn the truth, the necessary
knowledge and experience. You taught and allowed
me to experience right from wrong. You have shown
me both the beauty of what you have created and
the ugliness of what has become distorted, and
also the deceptiveness of the whispers of evil. You
prevented me from falling into ignorance. I also
believe that you are with me at every moment and
that you only do what is for my good in long-term
action. So thank you so much for what you have
already blessed me with, and I hope that your favours
and blessings will continue.
However God, I am also full of various fears.
I can see where the world is heading in which me and
"my neighbours" are living and acting. I see evil is
dominating increasingly more and I know that either
with my personal contribution that tolerates or actively
spreads irresponsibility, iniquity, errors and ignorance,
or through my passivity and conformist attitude, I
am adding my own contribution to this evil. So I
inexpressibly regret that I am acting in this way
and that I am not trying harder. I also hope that
by returning to reading this prayer, I will remind
myself of my own inadequacies and deficiencies
in the conduct, and that these reminders will allow
me to avoid actions that cease to serve Your God's
glory nor do good to "my neighbours" or nature. I
also know and fully understand that as before,
whenever I do something wrong that I will NOT
be aware of, you, God, will remind me about it
in a way that I will NOT be able to overlook.
So I am asking You, God, to continue to inspire
and guide my life. Inspire me on the 'when' and
'how' to break through my imperfections and improve
my character, and help me quickly find ways to do it
most effectively and long-lastingly. Continue to lead
me through the experiences - conclusions and results
of which I will be able to turn for the good of "my
neighbours" and nature, and for Your glory, my God.
Let me also get to know You, my Creator and God,
increasingly more deeply, to better understand the
content of the Bible that you inspired, as well as to
understand and implement Your laws and recommendations
which pedantic observance I should learn increasingly
more diligently. At the same time, help "my neighbours"
to wake up from the present lethargy and lack
of will, to free themselves from the evil powers of "money"
that spreads hypocrisy, harm and fall, and to implement
the "nirvana political system" that builds truth,
growth, happiness and prosperity and to be able to
understand the good of knowledge and truth
and officially blocked inventions that were born due to
your divine inspiration, so that they would stop rejecting
knowledge and truth to date, learning of which has
the potential to free them from the presently enslaving
lies and bring them happiness, wealth, justice, and other
essential qualities of life and that they seek ways to transform
this knowledge and inventions into the greatness and
growth of their families, places of residence, nation and
country, and that by getting to know better You, our
God, and faithfully fulfilling your commandments, laws
and recommendations, as many of them as possible
survive through the time of penance and payment for
the already committed wickedness, distortions and
errors, then in a new and better world that has yet to
be born and accepted by people and wisely and lawfully
implemented into life, they could build truth, justice,
happiness, volunteerism, knowledge and progress of
future humanity. Amen!"
#W4, blog #333E.
If you, the reader, believe in the merit of renewal
which the author of this web page is trying to
initiate, join also me in the prayer for "protection
and defense against the attacks of evil forces"
provided in blog #362E and in #I3 from my web page
and also join me in the "prayer for directing us to
a narrow gate and a narrow road leading to life",
provided in item #Y1 from my web page named
This "prayer for directing us to a narrow gate
and a narrow path leading to life" you (the reader)
can find in item #Y1 from my web page named
Also there, in the motto to "part #Y", verses
7:13-14 from the biblical "Gospel of St. Matthew" are
quoted to the recommendations of which this prayer
refers. So if you, the reader, join me in carefully reading
that prayer with understanding and the inner wish for
fulfilment, then for such directing at least two of us
will already be requesting agreeably of our God who
arts in heaven.
#W5, blog #333E.
If you, the reader, have a sceptical nature (e.g. such
as by being a modern scientist and a retired university
professor I am obliged to have) then I recommend reading
my documentation as to how research and gathering
knowledge gradually convinced me to the supernatural power of the
holy area from Petone, NZ,
distant only about 400 meters from my flat, which
protects the township of Petone (and probably also the
whole of New Zealand) with a similar power as by
"Jasna Góra"
is protected the
Polish town of Częstochowa
(and perhaps also all of Poland):
Motto: "If you have grown up
from childhood years when 'the path you walked was chosen
for you by the orientation of the pants you wore', then do
NOT allow the views that someone previously forced onto
you prompting you to 'reject new or unfashionable knowledge'
that has the potential to decide about your entire future."
(A reminder of the author of this web page to NOT confuse
"caution and skepticism caused by the requirement to be objective"
with immature "rejection of all new or unfashionable knowledge.")
On a sunny autumn afternoon of 2018/4/25, on
a beach full of people from the small township of
located at suburbs of the New Zealand capital
of Wellington, I saw a flame emanating from
a seaweed bush thrown onto the beach, the
brightness of which from a distance looked
close to the strength of light of an electric welder -
only that it was shaped into a gracefully dancing
tongue of a flame, NOT like in a welder into
a strongly luminous point. My subsequent
research identified this flame as the revelation of a
"burning bush".
This "burning bush" glowed with a very strong red
light in the place which from old photos can be deduced
as the probable location of the provisional altar of
the first Presbyterian (i.e. Christian) open-air mass
in New Zealand held on Sunday, February 23, 1840.
Currently, the area located a dozen meters inland -
on which the crowds of people participating in this
mass were probably standing, is marked by a
Celtic stone cross,
the photograph of which I showed in "Fig. #W5"
below. Although in verses 3:1-5 from the "Book
of Exodus" in the Bible such a "burning bush"
is indicated as marking of location of the "holy ground",
my scientific-sceptical nature first took it for everything
other than what it actually was - and this in spite that
after arriving to Petone in 2001, with great delight and
amazement I started to document the scientifically
inexplicable uniqueness of this township - to life in
which I was initially forced by my incessant life journey
in "search for bread". Fortunately, the same sceptical
nature always forces me to repeatedly revise all
knowledge that in the meantime I have accumulated
on a given topic. In turn in the case of the "burning
bush" from the township of Petone, this knowledge
was already then huge, highly meaningful, and well
documented. For example, it involved the enduring
of my brick-built flat in Petone against the powerful
earthquake of 2016/11/13 which is described in item
#R2 and under "Fig. #R2ab" from the web page named
and which earthquake in my flat smashed into pieces
a bookshelf for books about UFOs sent to me from
Poland (I wonder whether it was symbolically trying
to tell me that to the content of these UFO books
the English saying applies
"it is not worth the paper it was written on"),
although it simultaneously left undamaged standing
next to it an identical bookshelf with Bibles and
with dictionaries, and which earthquake ruined
also a whole number of buildings from practically all
towns surrounding Petone, although in Petone itself
no house was torn down by it. I should add here that
because of my "scientific" scepticism, at the moment
when this earthquake happened, I did NOT notice the
extraordinary fact that from two identical bookshelves
that stood next to each other in identical orientation,
the one that contained books about UFOs was smashed
into pieces while to the one that contained equally heavy
Bibles and dictionaries nothing happened. Initially I put
these differences in their survival to the "coincidence"
and to the wave-nature of earthquakes, in which destructive
factors arrange themselves into a different spatial distributions.
However, recently I came across YouTube videos which
show situations when in the middle of areas completely
ruined by some disasters there are still standing untouched
temples devoted to God, so these videos made me realize
that the survival of my bookshelf with Bibles is NOT a coincidence
(I showed an example of the Polish-language video with the
surviving basilica as "Wideo #D3a" from my Polish web page named
while an example of the English-language video documenting
mosques-survivors among the plains full of ruins is shown and
linked in 2 from item #F3 of the Polish web page named
Other similar cataclysmic events that always omitted Petone
are listed in items #J1 and #J2 from my web page named
Under the pressure of the results of repetitive analyzes of
what actually happens in Petone, I gradually overcame my
unnecessary "scientific" scepticism, while now I privately
do NOT only believe strongly that in Petone, NZ, the area
marked by the commemorative Celtic stone cross shown
in "Fig. #W5" below, is a kind of "temple
under open sky" representing the Christian holy area
with a power similar to that of
"Jasna Góra"
from Polish town of
but I also do NOT hide these beliefs and openly disclose them
to others for possible checking, research, or simply accepting
from my descriptions presented in item #J3 (as well as illustrations
and videos attached to this item #J3) of the abovementioned web page named
From my analyses of the world views of other people,
I am aware that the so-called scepticism or atheism
in matters of God typically results from the fact that
unlike me, instead of continuing to accumulate new
knowledge on this subject, others are contented with
what they have learned a long time ago from only one
source - thus which led them to this scepticism or
atheism. Therefore, for other people as sceptical
as my "scientific me", I have here one universal advice,
namely: never base your entire
views on what you can learn from only one source,
but dispel your ignorance by drawing knowledge
from many different sources or from at least two
(or even better - three) unrelated "witnesses" -
as the Bible recommends it to us with verses that
I interpreted in item #C5 from my web page named
and a I do in my research while explaining it in (1) to (1c) from item #H1 of the web page named
In turn in matters of God, it is worth to start gaining
new knowledge from item #I2 from my autobiographical
web page named
and then expand this knowledge from the sources indicated in there.
Fig. #W5:
Here is my photo of a commemorative
Celtic stone cross
erected next to the beach in New Zealand township
of Petone that manifests evidence of getting a special
treatment from God.
A number of supposed "coincidences" which I
experienced in Petone seems to suggest that the
strange phenomena which I am listing and describing
in items #J1 to #J5 from the web page named
probably happen in connection with the meaning of
this cross. (Over there, e.g. in item #J5, I am explaining
in detail why in the world ruled far-sightedly by Almighty
God via the Omniplan, there is NO such thing as
"coincidences", but there are only comprehensively
planned actions of God.) For example, this
"Burning Bush"
(which at the time of my sighting, I first took for
a beach "prank" of bored local youth, then for a
"jack-o'-lantern", in English also called "ignis fatuus",
"ghost-light", "jack-o'-lantern", etc., and only
after pedantic research and checks I recognized
it as a "burning bush"), appeared on the beach
near that cross - means in the place where the
altar would be located during the historically first
Presbyterian (Christian) mass in NZ commemorated
with this cross. In turn on the opposite to the
beach side of this cross, i.e. on the narrow strip
of dried grass that exists between both lanes
of the Petonian street called "The Esplanade",
around February 2011 a UFO of the smallest type K3
landed, burning there in the grass the outline of the
"heart" commonly recognized as sign of "love" -
a photo of traces of this landing site is shown in
"Fig. #J3c" from the abovementioned web page named
Furthermore, since I saw the "burning bush" near
this cross, I noticed several further intriguing events,
some of which I documented on "Fig. #J3def".
Personally, I also believe that other strange phenomena
described on that web page, e.g. the fact that
around Petone are concentrated these 10
"righteous" described in the Bible and that
fate (Omniplan) made me also live here, or
the fact that all cataclysms that affect the
towns in surrounding areas leave Petone
untouched, also have some connection with
the events and prayers commemorated with
that cross. After all, the verse 3:5 from the
Biblical "Book of Exodus" seems to suggest
that the emergence
of fire from a fragment of a dried seaweed
bush, without causing the burning or tarnishing
of this bush, indicates a place in Petone which
is a "Christian holy ground" - this
also explains the origin of such strange phenomena
bordering on miracles, the occurrence of which
I already noticed and documented in Petone, while
descriptions of which I provided on my web page named
#W6, blog #333E.
The importance of "volunteerism" and "group nature"
of human actions in accordance with the commandments
and recommendations of God expressed in the verses of the Bible:
If one carefully analyzes the Bible, it will be noted
that a significant weight or importance God
attaches to the "voluntary" actions of "groups"
of people in full compliance with God's
commandments and recommendations described
in the Bible - means to
the actions opposite to these commonly performed at
present during working for "money" and for personal
benefits, or when working on "orders" or because of
being forced to do so, and in manners that "break"
almost everything that God requires from us.
The significance of such voluntary group actions,
emphasized in various ways, is also confirmed
by all "three witnesses" which I describe
in (1) to (1c) from item #H1 of my web page named
For example, the Bible has skilfully encoded it in a
large number of its verses - as an example consider
verses 18:19-20 from the biblical "Gospel of St. Matthew",
which I quoted in the "motto" to item #W3 above.
In turn logically deduced findings of the
philosophy of totalizm
reveal this significance, e.g. in items #E2,
#A2.8, or even #A1 from the web page named
However, the most visible emphasizing of this
significance provides to us the empirical
evidence revealed by the meaning of
events that we currently observe in the world
around us. If we analyze these events, then
it becomes clear that e.g.
"group karma" influences
much stronger fate of individual people than their
"individual karma" - as on a specific
example it is illustrated and explained e.g. in item
#F2 from the web page named
or item #B2.2 from a different web page named
or as in the years 2020 and 2021 it is illustrated e.g.
by moves of governments on the "covid-19" pandemic.
Even more clearly than the "group karma", this
significance is emphasized by phenomena that
God programmed to allow the humanity to implement
the most ideal and most just as possible, the political
system briefly summarized in #C7 from the web page
and called the "political system
of nirvana". The phenomena that reward
the productive work performed in the system of nirvana
were so perfectly designed by God, that they NOT only
completely eliminate the source of the majority of evil
on earth, which is "money", and also in order to achieve
the commonly experienced in it extraordinary "happiness
of earned nirvana" each person NOT only will
voluntarily perform physical work according to the
commandments and recommendations of God,
but also in order to just begin with implementing
of this system of nirvana the majority of citizens
must first unanimously cooperate in the voluntary
effort of its democratic introduction to the nation
or country that intend to benefit from it. In addition
to the above, it can already be noticed empirically,
that e.g. individual actions undertaken by individual
people are only able to slightly change the fate of
themselves - while actions undertaken in accordance
with God's commandments and recommendations
by entire "groups of people" (even by groups as
small as only two or three people - see above
verses 18:19-20 from "St. Matthew" in the Bible)
are already able to change the fate of entire mankind.
Clearly, God tries to raise for Himself a group of
people (i.e. "God's soldiers") on whom He will be
able to rely, that although each one of them acts
and "acquires knowledge" as an independent and
individual creative personality, all together voluntarily
acting within "group intellects" kept in coherence
and consistency due to the pedantic fulfilment of
God's commandments and recommendations, will
behave similarly to these "God Drobinas" - the
perfection and efficiency of mutual synchronization
of actions of which are illustrated by "bird swarms"
of e.g. starlings shown in "Video #H3a"
from item #H3 of my web page named
About this importance of voluntary group activities
for the glory of God and the good of "our neighbours"
and nature, it is worth realizing when in our lives
we undertake any action aimed at influencing more
than just our own fate. So instead of continuing
the typical in these days behaviour of the type
struggles alone" (in Polish
expressed by the cheeky proverb: "każdy
sobie rzepkę skrobie") for "money" or for
other benefits or the fulfilment of "orders",
let us rather create "human teams" which
voluntarily unite in a concerted group
effort to achieve superior goals in
accordance with God's intentions.
#W7, blog #333E.
To what obliges us the fact that there is countless evidence
for the existence of God, while only the author of the above
"awakening prayer" managed to prepare two scientifically
irrefutable proofs that God does exist (in
and in
both of which additionally strengthen the meaning of a huge number
of other such proofs developed by a wide variety of researchers:
Planet Earth and humanity are under the control of
"evil powers" - about which fact even people who
are blind can still learn as to what is happening around
them from practically countless sources, including the Bible.
For example, for biblical references to these "evil powers"
see item #A3.4 from my web page named
In turn, the everyday empirical evidence of
the existence and work of evil powers is the
fact that humanity
is still subordinated to "money" and to powers
which manage "money" - although
for decades it has been known that God developed
an indescribably more perfect and oriented towards
causing good, instead of (like money) evil, system
of rewarding productive work. This system under
the name of "nirvana
political system" is briefly described
in item #C7 from the web page named
In spite of this omnipotence of evil, there is already
a multitude of highly convincing and scientifically
derived proofs for the existence of God. At the same
time, there is no single evidence which would
be able to scientifically prove that God does NOT
exist - although from the point of view of
logic, if something does NOT exist, then it is always
possible to prove its non-existence somehow (as
an example of just such a situation consider the
described in item #D3 from the web page named
the procedure of my proving that
'machines and objects
formed exclusively of "inanimate matter" cannot be
given the ability to "self-learn" and thus to initiate
"life", because they are deprived of the necessary
for this ability access to "soft software" composed
of "words" written on, and erasable from, some
information carrier'). Unfortunately,
the fact that the Earth and humanity so-far remained
under the control of the "evil power", causes that
if someone wishes to get acquainted with one of
these numerous proofs for the existence of God,
then it is extremely difficult for him/her to find
descriptions of the most convincing out of them.
On the other hand, inscriptions originating from
atheistic scientists, such as "There's probably no God.
Now stop worrying and enjoy your life", one
can sometimes see even on city buses - as it is
explained in (8) from item #A2 of my web page named
So in order to facilitate the finding of descriptions
of proofs that, contrary to the propaganda of these
evil powers, it has already been scientifically proven
that God does exist, below I am going to
provide links and a brief summary of two of them -
which I myself developed. (Notice that between the
years of their development elapsed a meaningful
number of "human years" amounting to twice the
number 7 - which is considered to be sacred by
the Bible.) These two proofs include:
2007: the scientifically
irrefutable proof for the existence of God, which I
derived during my professorship at the Ajou University
in Korea using the mathematical logic method, and
then published in items #G2 and #G3 from the web page namedgod_proof.htm.
This proof was derived from the empirical finding of
biological sciences, that the formation of bodies of
all living creatures is governed by the so-called
"genetic code" that fulfils all the characteristics
of intelligent codes. In turn, the so-called
"Claude E. Shannon's Theory of Communication" -
determined that all codes are varieties of
languages and all languages are formed by
intelligent beings. In turn, because this
"Theory of Communication" created the scientific
foundations for several extremely important
disciplines of science and technology, which
have already proved their correctness by achieving
countless implementation successes, for example
for such disciplines as Computer Science, Informatics,
Electronics, Genetics, or some branches of Philosophy,
hence only ignorant people who are utterly unreasonable
may attempt to question the findings of this theory.
So since the genetic code is a language that must
have been formed by some intelligent being, the
mere extent of dissemination of this code proves
that it must have been developed by God Himself.
In turn, if God developed a genetic code, it obviously
means that God exists.
2021: the personally
carried by every person and thus empirically irrefutable
proof for the existence of God, developed on the
basis of findings of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics
(Computer Sciences) while published in March 2021
in the township of
Petone from New Zealand -
means in the township which demonstrates evidence
of receiving from God a very special treatment -
which proof I described in more detail in items
#D1 to #D5 from my web page named2020life.htm.
This proof results from the findings of two disciplines
of present technology, namely from Mechanical Engineering
and Computer Science - in both of which God allowed
me to achieve the position of a professor at four different
universities of the world. Mechanical Engineering provides
this proof with the finding that no device nor object
with a purely mechanical structure formed exclusively
from inanimate matter (i.e. without access to any
"soft software" that would control its operation) is
able to form just by itself the ability to "self-learn"
leading in turn to the emergence of life. On the other
hand, the discipline of Informatics (Computer Science)
established that the ability to
"self-learn" is obtained only by programs composed
from some "words" written on an information carrier
which gives them the ability to "self-modify"
(which fact practically means that this ability to "self-learn"
is possessed by e.g. programs of "soul" recorded in
memories of so-called "God Drobinas"). So
taken together both these findings of the Mechanical
Engineering and Informatics (Computer Science) disciplines
lead to the discovery, that life could NOT evolve in
inanimate matter from our world, but must have
arisen in "drobinas of counter-matter" (i.e. in "God
Drobinas") from the counter-world - as I described
it in item #C5 of the web page named
In turn, together with these "God Drobinas" that
carry them, the seeds (programs) of life must be "breathed in" into our
bodies made of matter by
God only at the moment of catching the first breath
(see (e) from item #H3 of my web page named
In turn, because in accordance with the abovementioned
findings of these two disciplines, it turns out that
it was God who "breathed in" life into all of us,
what causes that the following statement which
is important for all of us becomes true:
"since I am
alive, this alone is enough for an
irrefutable proof that God exists".
In my personal opinion, it is really worth
knowing at least about the existence of the two
scientifically irrefutable proofs for the existence
of God described above, which add to the huge
number of other proofs developed by different
researchers - and which all together urge:
wake up from
lethargy, because God exists, and with His
countless eyes, He constantly looks for good
and for bad (see verse 15:3
from the Biblical "Book of Proverbs"). In
turn after learning these proofs, it is worth
remembering about them and in our everyday
activities to conscientiously implement everything
to which they oblige us, and to continue
our praying at every opportunity from
the remainder part of our lives.
Part #X:
So how to continually improve the situation of humanity
and eliminate these human trends and vices described in
previous parts of this web page:
Let us repeat here the most important methods of improving
the situation of humanity, already developed and indicated by
the "totaliztic science":
Although in every part of this web page a totaliztic solution
is indicated for given human imperfections discussed in that
part, it would also be worth to summarize here the most vital
out of these solutions".
Part #Y:
Justice, law, and order - let us reform them the same as
in blog #362E and in item #I1 to #I6 from my web page
the philosophy of totalizm urges to reform the judiciary and penalties system:
Let us cause that justice does NOT need to be purchased,
and that it can be afforded not only by richest people:
I wonder whether the reader considered
ever how just is the present system of
justice. Interesting results of research on
this subject were published in the article
"Cost of justice is too high", published on
page A1 of the New Zealand newspaper
"The Dominion Post",
issue dated on Wednesday, January 3, 2007.
This article states, amongst others, quote:
"Justice is the preserve of the rich,
a clear majority of New Zealanders
believe. Seventy per cent of respondents
to a Justice Ministry survey about the
court system, said the cost of going to
court was too high for most people."
And we need to remember that the
justice in New Zealand is proud of being
one of the best in the world. So what
about their own justice must be thinking
people from other countries which are not
so fortunate like New Zealanders? In turn,
when a justice needs to be purchased,
and it is affordable for only the most
rich people, then is it really decent to
call it "justice". On the other hand,
when the so-called "justice" is not
what it is called, then what is it?
Let us make life easier and let us improve prosperity by
the totaliztic reduction of numbers of laws and regulations:
The intriguing part of human laws is that
so-far it practically never went through any
structural improvements. In the result,
present human laws are only increased
in volume relatives of laws which existed
on Earth already thousands of years ago.
Means their structure, principles of formulation,
and also manners of presenting, are exactly
the same now, as they were in antiquity.
Of course, in the meantime almost all other
areas of human lives were improved structurally.
Laws, however, managed to resist of any
progress, and remain one of these rare
human creations, which are as old-fashioned
as this is only possible - means almost
the same old as humanity itself. Of course,
this introduces tragic consequences. Due
to the resistance to structural improvements,
laws currently begin to spread more injustice
than justice. Also people who generate
and implement these increasingly more
harming laws (i.e. lawyers), become
increasingly old fashioned. In many
countries they even dress in an ancient
manner. So they locked themselves in
shells like snails, and are not ready to
join the progress of the rest of the world.
In turn the old fashioned laws which they
continually multiply, increasingly stronger
tighten the loop around our necks. Of course,
lawyers are happy because of such a situation.
After all, they are entitled to ask for increasingly
higher payments for spreading promises
that they help us to save ourselves from this
suffocation by laws. But is really the increase
of income of lawyers the true goal for which
laws are created?
These readers who learned a bit of principles
of computer programming, probably remember
that there are two different approaches to
program preparation. One of these is very
old. It eventuated spontaneously soon after
the invention of computers. It is called the
"procedural programming - PP"
approach. It depends, amongst others, on
the preparation of a new, separate program from
the very beginning, for practically every problem.
In this way in old times every problem had
an own program, which was prepared separately
for it. In turn the world needed to increase
rapidly the number of programmers to cope
with this infinite production of multitude of new
programs. Lawyers on Earth work just like
this old procedural approach (PP) to programming.
Every separate matter is regulated so-far
by a separate law. In the result, so many
separate laws multiplied in the world, that
presently no-one is able to comprehend
them all - including into this also lawyers
who so eagerly produce these countless
laws. Laws are also so entangled, that whenever
any government wishes so, it is able to use
them for punishing practically every inhabitant
of Earth and for practically every activity
that this someone ever carried out.
In the meantime computer scientists specialising
in the so-called "software engineering" (i.e. the
discipline in which, amongst other,
I used to be
an university professor) managed to accomplish
a huge breakthrough in principles of programs
preparation. Namely these scientists gradually
developed a new approach, which is called the
"Object-Oriented Programming - OOP".
I should mention at this point, that I personally took
part in these efforts, as I was one of the first scientists
who from the very beginning participated in the
formation of OOP idea. For example, on 21 and 22
July 1979, I presented a refereed paper entitled
"System obliczeń inżynierskich przykładem
oprogramowania o zwiększonej efektywności
pracy" (i.e. "System of engineering calculations
an example of software with an increased effectiveness
of work"), on the scientific conference in Rydzyn
near Leszno, Poland. This paper proposed a kind
of new programming language for engineering
calculations. Although at that time I was unaware
of this, the system which I then proposed, displayed
the majority of attributes of present OOP systems
(and this was in 1979 - when in the world almost
no-one have heard of OOP). Well, according to
this newest OOP approach, new programs are
prepared only once to a completely new so-called
"class of objects". Then, just by using principles
of so-called "inheritance" and "polymorphism",
in a simple manner they are fast modified to all
similar classes of objects. Presently totalizm
proposes to utilise exactly the same OOP approach
to human laws. In such a case all non-criminal
laws, which describe precisely the operation of
a whole country, can be reduced to the volume
of a typical small "road codex". So every citizen
of a given country will be able to learn them
all without a greater difficulty. Thus, the need
ceases to exist for so many lawyers as presently.
After all, these OOP laws become so simple, that almost
no-one will be forced to use lawyers to understand
them and correctly apply them in life. Means, after
this implementation of this OOP approach, laws
cease to suffocate us like a huge boa snake, and
also cease to make our lives miserable. They
would also become so easy to learn, that everyone
could master them in their entirety. Of course,
such their improvements would also require
putting slightly more effort into generation of
new laws - after all, problems must be
appropriately re-formulated in OOP, before they
are expressed in the form of programs - so
that these problems fulfil several strict conditions.
However, it is no harm for lawyers to learn
contributing some thoughts into their work,
instead of just repeating avalanches of words.
Anyway, examples of such totaliztic "OO laws"
(i.e. "object-oriented laws"), which I am presenting
below and also presenting on a separate
web page in a form of statute for the political
party of totalizm,
reveal that this re-formulating of problems is
relatively simple for implementation, and almost
everyone (including lawyers) should be able
to carry them out easily.
Totalizm proposes to use this OOP approach
to the improvement of human laws, as one of
a whole array of offers to humanity, that the
possible formulation of the political
party of totalizm
is able to present to the society. These offers
generally state as follows: "if the nation is going
to support the political movement of totalizm,
then this movement in return is going to eliminate
everything that in present times torments
us and makes impossible for us to carry out
moral, happy, peaceful, prosperous, and
fulfilled life". After all, this web page illustrates
how everything that torments and destroys
our social life can be easily eliminated. It also
illustrates, how moral, happy, prosperous,
peaceful, and fulfilling life on Earth becomes
after this elimination. In the further part of
this item, I am going to illustrate
the principle on which totalizm proposes
to reform non-criminal laws with the use
of just such OOP approach. Please notice,
that everything that exists in a given country
then would be classified into two basic
categories, namely the "class of consumers"
(means people), and the "class of producers"
(means businesses). After such a re-formulating,
only a single general law would be developed,
which would regulate all "consumers" (means
all people), and another single law - which
would regulate all "producers" (means all
businesses). In turn all possible exceptions
would be regulated with the use of principles
of "inheritance" and/or "polymorphism".
So let us now analyse together, starting
from the very beginning and explaining
step by step, how all this would be accomplished
practically, and what would be main
benefits from such a historic reform
of laws.
* * *
Present laws are like a kind of constrictor
snakes, which gradually wrap around our
society and suffocate it. Therefore totalizm
states that the simplest method for the
significant improvement of life and for the
increase of prosperity, is to simplify drastically
these laws and regulations. In fact totalizm
indicates an easy manner of simplification
of laws and regulation to such a size, that
the laws ruling precisely the functioning of an
entire country, could be expressed easily in
the volume not bigger than a typical road
codex. After the simplification these laws
still would be able to regulate precisely the
entire non-criminal life of a given country.
In turn, after such a significant simplification
of laws is completed, the biggest nightmare
of our times will be removed. After all, then
also bureaucrats would disappear, who spoil
a significant proportion of our happiness and
eat up a significant percent of prosperity of
the nation. Also present parliaments and
gatherings, which are flooding the society
with these oceans of increasingly
incompetent laws, become unnecessary.
This in turn would cause, that parliaments
would finally stop wasting for this overproduction
of laws this proportion of the budget of the
country, which they used to eat up. Thus
societies would be able to utilise for more
moral goals their share of budgets. The
need would also cease for present number
of lawyers. After all, such laws of the size
of typical road codex almost everyone
would be able to learn in the entirety,
and use correctly wherever necessary.
There would also be no need for this large number
of various bodies, commissions, instances,
and institutions, which presently do nothing
else, but generate increasingly complicated
regulations and then torment people with them.
The totaliztic recipe for a drastic shortening
and improvement of laws and regulations
is very simple. It states, that
in laws it is
necessary to separate the function of
consumers from the function of producers.
In turn the key for both these functions
is the "right to sell". The class of
consumers according to
totalizm would include all these who
do not need the right to sell, and
whose right to sell makes so complicated
present legal system. To this class belong
for example all citizens of a given country,
means all people. (Belong also all
non-profitable societies, e.g. scouts.)
All functions of consumers boil down
to finding for themselves a single source of income,
and then purchasing or hiring for this
income goods that they wish to consume.
Totalizm proposes, that the consumers
would be allowed to gather their financial
income from only a single source.
This source could be either an
income-oriented employment in a business
(in a producer), or drawing dividends
from the business owned (but only
from the main one, even if a given
consumer would own several businesses),
or getting some form of financial
support from the government
(e.g. a retiring pension, scholarship,
unemployment benefit, etc.) After
purchasing goods and consuming
them, consumers would give out to
various businesses all "rubbish" that
would be left after their consumption.
Because consumers would not have
the right to sell, this "rubbish", means
everything that would be left from their
consumption, would be given for free
to appropriate businesses, e.g. to a
junk yard, to rubbish collectors, etc.
Consumers would not pay taxes
at all. After all, they themselves would
not be allowed to sell anything. But
they would have the right to own one
business, which in turn would have
the right to own any number of further
businesses. (Thus practically every
consumer could own an unlimited
number of businesses, mutually organised
into a hierarchical structure.) In turn
each one of these businesses would pay
taxes, so it would have a right to sell
for the owner anything that this owner
would order it to sell. Because of such
a simple functioning of consumers,
all of them, and also all their activities,
could be described by laws and
regulations which would be just
a few pages long.
A completely different from the class of
consumers would be the class of producers.
Producers would be a class which includes
all possible businesses, institutions, workshops,
factories, etc., that exists in a given country.
No matter what they would produce. Because
in totalizm all these producers (means all
businesses, institutions, etc.) would be
the same in the face of law, thus in a given
country would exist only a single law which
would regulate all of them. If in fact there
would appear a need to specially distinguish
a producer, then laws which regulate all
producers would be subjected to the principle
of "inheritance" and/or "polymorphism"
described by present so-called "Object-Oriented
Programming" from today Computer Sciences.
Due to including all producers in a single
law, this law could also be very simple.
Namely, every producer (means every
business, institution, company, etc.)
would have an owner. The owner could
be either a single person, or a family,
or a corporation, or shareholders, or
other producer, or government. The
owner would define the statute for this
producer, means the document
which would describe how it operates,
what does, what is its organisation,
what it supposed to do with the profit
earned, how much the director earns,
etc. The owner could give away (for free)
this business, or dissolve it (liquidate), or
announce it to be bankrupt. (Notice that
owners whose businesses bankrupted,
would be disallowed to create or to
purchase any new business for the
period of time depending on the amount
of debt at the time of bankruptcy.)
If the owner of a given business would
be another business, then this owner
would have also the right to sell all
businesses that it owns. But if the owner
would be only a "consumer", then could
NOT sell the owned business - because
consumers do not have the right to sell.
However, his/her, or another, business
would then be able to sell a given business
on his or her behalf. The owner would
decide what should be done with the
profit earned by a given business - i.e.
should it be paid to someone in dividends,
accumulated on a special account, or
given away to an indicated business.
Furthermore, the owner would always
hire and fire the director of a given
business. Of course, if the owner is
a private person and wishes so, he
or she could hire himself, herself,
a spouse, a son, a daughter, etc.,
for the director of a given business.
The director would be responsible for all
aspects of the operation of given business.
Means, would hire the personnel and
delegate duties to them, would define
salaries, would be the legal employer of
all people employed in a given business
(apart from himself, or herself, as the employment
of the director would always be done by the
owner of a given business), would represent
this business legally, would look after the
production, etc., etc. Every business would
have to employ at least the director which
would be responsible for it. Only then this
director would decide whether he or she
needs further employees, how many
of them, what salaries they receive, what
responsibilities and duties delegate to them,
etc. In his or her actions the director would
be responsible before the owner of a given
business, and before the law that prevails
in a given country. Every business would
have the right to carry out any possible
economical activity. So it could, amongst
others, sell owned or produced goods,
services, and businesses. But it would be
obliged to pay taxes to the government.
The functioning of all businesses that exist
in a given country would be described by
a single law which would rule all of them.
After all, due to the separation of consumers
from producers, all existing businesses would
operate on exactly the same principles.
The functional and legal separation of
consumers and producers - as described
above, would only enhance the functioning
of people. It would not disadvantage nor limit
them in any way.
For example, the same as presently, then
also every consumer could buy for himself
or herself everything that could afford, and
also sell everything that would wish. Only
that, in order to simplify and standardise
laws and regulations about sales, consumers
could not sell this by themselves, but would
be obliged to firstly donate it (for free) to
one of their own or someone's else
businesses, than this business would sell
it on the behalf of these consumers. But
the huge benefit of such a small reorganisation
of the sale, would be that all laws and regulations
would then be reduced drastically. After all,
then only a single law would be needed
to describe functioning of all businesses.
In turn this single law would regulate all
producers which exists in a given country.
Means that the present thousands of laws
would then be replaced by a single law.
It is worth to notice, that this complication
of present laws results just from the lack
of separation of consumers from producers
that is proposed by totalizm. This is because
if one joins together these two categories,
then the world becomes filled up with
hugely complicated system of various
configurations of consumers and producers.
In turn for each such configuration separate
laws and regulations are necessary. For
example, only in the category of retired
people then tens of different sub-categories
must be distinguished. To regulate each
one of them, completely different laws are
needed at present. And so, there must
exist retired people who do not have
anything, thus they do not sell anything.
There must also exist retired people who
have some property, thus who "sell"
various services that bring them incomes.
Further ones have funds in banks,
thus they "hire" these funds to banks.
Then there will be such who have some
products for sale, e.g. retired farmers
or factory owners. These also must be
regulated by separate laws. To all these,
further laws must be added for the
retired people who are paid from separate
sources, in different amounts, etc., etc.
So just only for retired people a huge
number of laws and regulations must
exist in non-totaliztic (old) systems of laws,
which (laws) even the best lawyers probably
ceased to comprehend completely.
In turn in the totaliztic laws, from the
legal point of view all of them would
be treated exactly the same as all
other consumers. Also the class of
producers would be then treated by
the totaliztic laws in an exactly the
same manner, means each one
of them would be treated the same
as all other producers.
The simplification of laws proposed by totalizm
would hugely simplify also the governing of
the country. In fact, the entire totaliztic country
would be governed by the government
which is similarly small like the government
of Switzerland. (It is almost sure that the
prosperity of Switzerland results from
the government of it.) For example, the
government of such a totaliztic country
could be composed of only one president
plus e.g. seven ministers, all democratically
elected by the entire nation every 5 years.
(In addition such a government would
need to have 3 electors. These electors
every 5 years would organise democratic
elections of governments of subsequent
cadencies. They would also keep eye
on members of the government to check
whether they do not break the constitution
e.g. by immoral actions or by abuse of
power. But these electors could be e.g.
presidents from last 3 "completed" cadencies
of the government, so they would not need
to be elected separately.) So the totaliztic
country would be deprived this "heavy
head" nourished by the slim body of the
nation, means would not have this huge
number of politicians present in present
governments, the only skill of which
sometimes is just spreading confusion
and avoiding responsibilities. Each out of these 8+3
members of the totaliztic government
would also be a legal owner (for the duration
of his or her cadence only) of several
governmental businesses which would
assist him or her in ruling the country.
For example, the minister of economy
would be the owner of taxing business
and the business of registration of
other businesses. In turn the minister
of foreign affairs would be the legal
owner of the passport business and
the business of managing embassies.
So the government would rule the country
through directors of these businesses.
There would be no need for present
governmental institutions nor for present
bureaucrats, and also for this whole mass
of laws that regulate operation of governmental
institutions and employees of government.
After all, businesses with the aid of which
the country would be governed, would be
regulated by exactly the same laws as
all other businesses of a given country.
In turn without governmental institutions
and bureaucrats, there would be no queues,
problems, disappointed citizens, harm,
injustice, etc. The totaliztic simplification
of laws described here would cause a
"snowball" effect of cumulative simplification
of everything, would return the control over
what happens in the country back to people,
and would impose the clarity and transparency
to all matters of a given country.
The separation of consumers from produces
proposed above, and the strict defining them
as general "classes", would introduce also
a whole range of benefits to all other areas
of life outside of laws. For example, in
economics this would limit the freezing of
capitals because of consumer savings. It would
also increase the vigour of the market
with thousands of these new producers.
After all, the government would then
assist every consumer in forming his
or her own business and with starting it.
In turn, after this formal side of forming
new businesses is solved, scores of
individual owners of these businesses
could intensify the market with their highly
competitive production and services.
In the social life this would eliminate the
present sources of injustice, and would
decrease the exploitation of one groups
of people by other groups. In the fight
with crimes this would take away the majority
of present sources of crimes. After all, it
would clarify who is responsible for what,
while e.g. in case of someone's criminal
bankruptcy it would force these truly responsible
to pay back their debts and would deprive
them the right for owning other businesses
for the required period. In
morality this would eliminate large groups
of people who presently live from making
lives of other people miserable. Etc., etc.
* * *
Of course, totalizm is able to carry out
not only reduction and simplification of
functional laws described above. It already
worked out principles of operation of much
more moral than presently criminal laws.
The essence of these totaliztic improvements
of criminal laws is explained in subsection
JD3 from volume 7 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
"Morality cancels illegality" - means we should demand
moral behaviours not turning all people into lawyers:
present governments are really extremely
productive in generating various bans. So
without a break they continually announce
increasingly more complex laws. Then for
our taxes they employ a whole pack of officials,
who make sure that citizens in the reach of
power of these governments learn these laws
in the entire their complexity and obey them
at every step they take. In the result,
present governments try to transform the
entire population into lawyers. So if someone
has no inclination to learning law, or (like me)
practices totalizm in his or her life and thus tries
to always act morally and according to his or
her own conscience - no matter what the human
law orders to do, then these governments make
life of such someone enormously miserable.
What is even worse, many out of these new
laws and rules do not even try to be moral.
Therefore, if someone in his or her life is
directed e.g. by the own conscience, then
must continually get on the collision course
with these countless legal requirements.
The result of all this is that
in present times
acting legal is placed in front of being moral.
Of course, according to totalizm this is
unacceptable situation. After all, it causes
that human laws are directed against moral
laws and moral field, which were established
by God and which people should obey in
the first instance at the highest priority.
personally believe that I probably have a higher
than average knowledge of human laws. After all,
I received a thorough formal education, many
matters I understand rather well, and in addition
I practice totalizm in my life, which disallows to
do anyone a harm. But in spite of this, I break
continually my nose on increasingly repressive
laws which limit our actions today. So how
these laws must trouble simple people
who do not received a formal training at my
level, and also who do not practice totalizm.
For ordinary people present laws must be
like a kind of slowed stoning carried out by
authorities for punishment that someone has
no ambition to learn exactly all laws that so-far
were issued by governments. In addition
bureaucrats carry out this stoning for the money
of victims - after all, these are taxes of ordinary
people which pay all the overproduction of
repressive laws, and also pay the operation of
institutions and salaries of bureaucrats which
enforce these laws on people. In the result,
present law mercilessly beats people
literally on every step they make, without
looking that victims of this law in fact did
not harm anyone and that their life ambition
is not to transform into lawyers.
order to provide here an everyday example of a
blind enthusiasm with which present laws make
our lives miserable even when we do not do
anything wrong, I describe here an event which
for almost a month affected me personally and
kept me busy, starting on 14 November 2005.
It was the time when over our planet dark clouds
of the so-called
"bird flu"
were gathering. So in order to assist somehow my
family in Poland, I decided to send them a whole
range of various herbal anti-flu medicines. One of
posted medicines were tablets of "Echinacea", means
the "immune booster" which in Poland supposedly is
unavailable, while in New Zealand it is overloading
shelves of almost every supermarket. The problem
with these tablets is, that originally they are sold in
glass bottles. So to prevent these bottles to break
during the transport through a half of the world, I
removed the content of two bottles into a plastic bag,
and to the parcel I packed this plastic bag instead
of the original bottles. In the bag I also placed a
label which explained exactly what exactly it contains.
The postage of this parcel (ED145101656NZ) to
Poland through an international express courier
service, cost me 55 NZ dollars. But immediately
after I posted it, I started to receive telephones
from New Zealand customs which required from
me the prescription for these loose tablets - because
they were out of the original package. I explained
to them, that tablets of "Echinacea" can be purchased
in every supermarket and I do not have a prescription
for them. I also explained to them, that the reason for
which I repacked these tablets of "Echinacea" in a
plastic bag was that I did not wish the bottles break
during so long trip. I also appealed to them, to not
send me the parcel back, but to let it go, because
the return of it will be synonymous with punishing
me in spite that I am not a criminal. In spite of my
explanations, on 24 November 2005 the entire
parcel was returned to me. After it arrived, it turned
out that the parcel was unpacked by customs, while
the content of it was thoroughly examined. Means
that custom officers knew that whatever I explained
to them about the re-packing is true, and that I do
not do anything immoral or harm anyone with my
parcel nor that what I posted is anthrax, explosives,
or a narcotic (if it would be a narcotic, custom officers
would not fail to send me immediately to a court).
They knew that I have not committed any crime,
while my only problem was that not being a lawyer
I have not learned the entire law relating to custom
matters of the country in which I live. Thus they knew
that only because of my lack of knowledge of all
custom laws (although according to my logic and
rational acting) I did not fulfil this their legal requirement
that the tablets of "Echinacea" are posted in original
bottles instead of a plastic bag. In spite of all this, they
punished me through returning me the parcel for
which I paid to be delivered to my family in Poland,
not to a local custom office and then back to me.
Is this punishing me for the "lack of knowledge" completely
"legal", "moral", and "fair"? According to human
law probably is "legal". After all, the New Zealand
custom office punished me in that way - and I am
sure that it has a whole pack of lawyers on the
service and it would not do anything of this is not
"legal". (It is neither the first, not probably the last,
time when human laws punished me for the fact
that I do not know all of them.) But according to
totalizm such an action of custom officers is NOT
"moral" nor "fair". After all: (1) the parcel which
I posted did not harm anyone, (2) custom officers
checked it and for sure knew that what I explained
about re-packing the tablets of "Echinacea" is true,
(3) I am also ready to bet that they analysed whether
what I am posting agrees with what I wrote on
the custom label of the parcel (after all, probably
the reason for which they opened my parcel was to
check whether I do not post any narcotics, anthrax,
or explosives) - so they were able to rectify easily
the problem by either removal from the parcel (with
my consensus - after all they discussed with me by
telephone the content of this parcel) and returning
to me only this part of it which induced their reservations,
or by sticking to the parcel some sort of their label
stating something along the lines "checked by the
custom office and does not contain any forbidden
substances", and also (4) for the activities of these
custom officers I already paid long ago with my
taxes which I pay systematically for many years -
so there was no need to charge me additionally
e.g. through not respecting my payment for the
delivery of this parcel to Poland (after all, I paid
$NZ 55 to deliver my parcel to family in Poland,
not to carry it out from the post office to local
custom office, and then back to the post office
from which I needed to collect it by myself).
Of course, after I received the parcel back,
for the sake of justice and fairness I wrote
an application to the post office for refunding
me these $55 which I paid for delivery of it
to Poland. On 10 December 2005 I received
an information that my payment in fact will be
refunded. A cheque with the refund arrived
to my hand on 21 December 2005.
When the first parcel returned back to me, I designated
further $NZ 55 for another parcel. From this second
parcel I removed the unfortunate tablets of Echinacea
which according to information of custom officers caused
previously the return of the first parcel. Just in case
I also removed from it all other less vital medicines
which I was posting previously. In this second parcel
I left only one pack of the anti-flu medicine, which I
considered to be the most effective. On 28 November
2005 I posted again to Poland this second parcel
with just only one pack of the most vital medicine.
But also the second time this another parcel was
intercepted by custom officers. On 1 December
2005 these custom officers telephoned to me and
requested that I post them a prescription for this
pack of medicine. So I spend another $NZ 5.50
for a fax and send them this prescription. After
sending it, a worrying long silence started. Because
of this silence I began to wonder whether I did not
commit a crime for which the "big brother" is
looking through laws to find out how to punish me.
Only on 5 December 2005 I discovered that
the medicine was finally released from New
Zealand. But it immediately got jammed in a custom
office in Poland. Polish custom officers attached
to the arrival of it so many formalities, as if it
was an import of a whole tank together with a
few years of supply of ammunition (they were
unimpressed that the same parcel was already
checked by the New Zealand custom office).
In order to comply with all these formalities,
my family in Poland needed another 4 days,
so that was able to collect the medicine only
on 9 December 2005.
As this is clear, in present times even such
banal matter as the postage of anti-flu medicine
to someone, is transformed into an enormous
legal problem which is almost impossible to
get through by a normal citizen. I will not discuss
here the situation, that the postage of a medicine
(which is aimed at good of people) through an
international express currier, in this case took
almost entire month. (For comparison, e.g. a
postage of a book on "Harry Potter", i.e. which
would mainly support the interests of UFOnauts
on Earth, via the same currier and at the same
distance, would take no longer than 3 days.)
So if this medicine is needed for a dying person
to save the life, it would not be allowed to arrive
even for the funeral of this person.
above event is only one out of a whole range of
similar cases which I experienced myself, and in
which various bureaucrats caused that
so far illogical legal requirements are always
placed before logical morality.
I am also sure, that every reader many times
broke his or her nose on own series of just such
cases. I personally believe that cases of such
ruthless, immoral, and non-fair behaviour of
bureaucrats existing supposedly to "assist" society,
with the elapse of time will only increase. Already
now they make our lives increasingly more difficult.
In future probably they will cause that everyone
will be forced to become a lawyer. After all, in present
situation ruthless bureaucrats have the right to punish
everyone who does not fulfil even the least vital
legal requirement. They are also allowed to punish
people countless number of times without checking
whether these legal requirements are "fair" and
"moral". This in turn allows bureaucrats to encourage
present governments and institutions to multiply
infinitively various laws which are immoral and unfair.
For example, if custom officers and post offices
produce a sufficient number of laws of the type
described in my previous example, then they
will be able to take payments for the delivery
of parcels, but they always will be able to find
some unfulfilled legal requirements which will
allow them to return these parcels without effort
and without the need to deliver them to addressees.
Therefore, according to the spirit of totalizm,
I believe that it is very urgent to introduce a
totaliztic principle, that morality
always invalidates the illegality.
This principle would state something along
the lines, that "in every case when someone
does NOT fulfil a legal requirement, but acts
morally and does not harm anyone, the fact
of this moral behaviour invalidates the requirement
of obeying the legal rules". If this totaliztic principle
is related to the case of missing on some legal
requirement for a simple reason of a lack of
knowledge of some highly specialised law, this
principle would state that "if because of a
lack of knowledge of some specific law someone
does not fulfil a legal requirement, but acted
morally and does not harm anyone through this
unfulfilled requirement, then such someone should
NOT be punished because missed on some legal detail".
This totaliztic principle would be in power in all cases
when ordinary people acting according to their
conscience still are being caught by increasingly
complicated laws, although they do not harm
anyone with their actions. After all, in each case of
such unfulfilment of some legal requirements, this
unfulfilment can easily be rectified by public services
which are paid with our taxes, and which already
put in a given matter appropriate amount of labour
to detect a given legal problem.
(For example, in the case which I described above, the
entire problem could be easily rectified without a need
for punishing me, and without further costs, e.g. by
sticking a custom label to the parcel on which it would
be explained that the parcel was checked by custom
office in New Zealand and it does not contain any
forbidden substance, or by removal from the parcel,
with my consensus, these unfortunate tablets of
Echinacea. So there was no need for punishing me
through sending me back the parcel.) In turn implementing
the principle that "moral behaviour cancels the legal
requirements missed out" would make easier lives of
thousands of normal humans who do not want to
be lawyers and who do not consider that live is
about learning thousands of complex laws which our
governments constantly multiply and change, but who
always make sure that they act morally and do not
harm anyone. In addition, this principle would assist
in the fast removal of unfeasible and immoral laws
which make our lives increasingly difficult. After all
it would direct the attention of people on these aspects
of such laws, which are most immoral and impractical.
Furthermore, it would force bureaucrats to find ways of
cancelling these immoral or unpractical aspects of
these laws. This in turn would encourage the removal
of the laws which turn to be immoral or unpractical.
Finally, what the most important, in the long term
action such a principle would eliminate the
widening discrepancy between moral laws or
moral field established by God, and human laws
imposed on us by governments. After all, the
goal of totalizm is to accomplish the situation
that with the elapse of time these two kinds of
laws merge together into a single law which
coincides with the intentions of God expressed
by the course of moral field, moral laws, and
the whispers of our conscience.
Part #?:
... (These parts of the web page are reserved for future use) ...
...(Items reserved for future use and writing)...
Part #Z:
Summary and final information of this web page:
Summary of this web page:
So far all attempts to improve systems of life
on the Earth seem to fail. The life in present
times is almost the same difficult and saturated
with suffering as it was in times of ancient
Romans and in Jesus times. However, the
problem with these older attempts to improve
the life on Earth was such, that they all assumed
erroneously that "people
are perfect beings", and thus they
all did NOT adopt "corrective measures for the
actual human imperfections" to the procedures
of actions and decision making that humans
undertake, and also that they never were based
on the "love your neighbour" principle nor on the
moral behaviour of politicians and decision makers.
So it is about time that for a change the
humanity tries just such a behaviour based on
moral laws
and on the recognition for the existence of human
imperfections, as on the major requirments imposed
onto all positions of responsibilities and decision
making (i.e. for politicians and for leaders) - as
this is postulated by the
philosophy of totalizm
and on the
political party of totalizm
which is based on this highly moral philosophy -
as comprehensively describes this web page.
Blogs of totalizm:
It is worth to know, that almost each new
topic that I finished researching with "a priori"
approach of the new "totaliztic science"
and then published on my web pages,
including the topic of this web page,
is subjected to public discussions at all
mirror "blogs of totalizm" still in existence.
In past there used to be as many as
5 such blogs. At the moment only two
blogs of totalizm still remain undeleted
by adversaries of the new "totaliztic
science" and enemies of the moral
philosophy named "totalizm".
These can be viewed at following internet
addresses: ("Small Print" 12 pt: posts from #89 = i.e. since 2006/11/11) (posts from #293 = i.e. since 2018/2/23) ("Large Print" 20 pt: posts from #293 = i.e. since 2018/3/16)
All posts to blogs of totalizm (half of which is in
English) are also available in my publication [13]
disseminated free of charge through the web page
How with the web page named
one can find totaliztic descriptions
of topics in which he is interested:
A whole array of topics equally interesting
as these from the above web page, is also
discussed from the angle that is unique to
the philosophy of totalizm. All these related
topics can be found and identified with the use of
content index
prepared especially to make easier finding
these web pages and topics. The name "index"
means a list of "key words" usually provided
at the end of textbooks, which allows to find
fast the description or the topic in which we
are interested. My web pages also has such
a content "index" - only that it is additionally
supplied in green
which after "clicking" at them with a mouse
immediately open the web page with the topic
that interest the reader. This content "index"
is provided on the web page named
It can be called from the "organising" part of
"Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would
recommend to look at it and to begin using it
systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds
of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to
of this web page (i.e. Dr Jan Pająk):
I have a pleasure to inform readers of my
web pages, that to commemorate the 70th
birthday of the author of this web page (i.e.
there was produced and published around 35
minutes long film by Dominik Myrcik, which
since May 2016 is available for free viewing in
The film is entitled
"Dr Jan Pająk portfolio"
and it presents graphically most important among
my scientific accomplishments. I am inviting readers
to view it. The working
green links,
Internet addresses, promotional leaflets in three
languages, and complete descriptions of all three
language versions (i.e. English, German and Polish)
of this excellently designed and produced HD and
HQ film, are available on my web page named
portfolio.htm -
which was especially prepared for describing the film.
Current email addresses to the author of
this web page, i.e. officially to
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak,
at which readers can post possible comments,
opinions, descriptions, or information which in
their opinion I should learn, are provided on the web page named
(for its version in the HTML language), or the web page named
(for the version of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.pdf"
in safe PDF format - which safe PDF versions
of further web pages by the author can also be
downloaded via links from item #B1 of the web page named
The author's right for the use of courteous
title of "Professor" stems from the custom that
"with professors is like with generals", namely
when someone is
once a professor, than he or she courteously
remains a professor forever. In
turn the author of this web page was a professor
at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them,
from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998,
as an "Associate Professor" from English-based
educational system, while on one university as
a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till
31 December 2007 - means at the last place
of employment in his professional life).
However, please notice that because of my
rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly
reply to emails which contain JUST time
consuming requests, while simultaneously
they document a complete ignorance of their
author in the topic area which I am researching.
This web page is also available in the form
of a brochure marked [11], which
is prepared in "PDF" ("Portable Document
Format") - currently considered to be the
most safe amongst all internet formats, as
normally viruses cannot cling to PDF. This
clear brochure is ready both, for printing,
as well as for reading from a computer
screen. It also has all its
green links
still active. Thus, if it is read from the computer
screen connected to internet, then after clicking
onto these green links, the linked web pages
and illustrations will open. Unfortunately, because
the volume of it is around a double of the volume
of web page which this brochure publishes,
the memory limitations on a significant number
of free servers which I use, do NOT allow to
offer it from them (so if it does NOT download
from this address, because it is NOT available
on this server, then you should click onto any
other address from
Menu 3,
and then check whether in there it is available).
In order to open this brochure (and/or download
it to own computer), it suffices to either click on
the following green link
or to open from any totaliztic web site the
PDF file named as in the above green link.
If the reader wishes to check, whether some other
totaliztic web page which he or she just is studying,
is also available in the form of such PDF brochure,
then should check whether it is listed amongst links
from "part #B" of the web page named
This is because links from there indicate all totaliztic
web pages, which are already published as such
brochures from series [11] in PDF format.
I wish you a fruitful reading!
If you prefer to read in Polish
click on the Polish flag below
(Jeśli preferujesz czytanie w języku polskim
kliknij na poniższą flagę)
The date of starting this page: 15 November 2005
The date of formulation this version of the web page: 17 October 2011
The date of the latest updating of this page: 3 December 2023
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)