The church of St. Andrea Bobola
and other churches of Milicz
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Updated: 2022/11/17
< The latest update: INTRO, #G1d

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Motto: "There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God - children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God. The Word became flesh ..." (Quotation from the Biblical Gospel according to St. John 1:6-14.)

The Catholic Church dedicated to the saint Andrea Bobola from the Polish town of Milicz is the only one in Poland about which I know with certainty that the Bible foretells the essence and confirms the truth of several scientific discoveries very important for humanity, made by a Polish researcher and author of this web page, who experienced the honour of his first Holy Communion in that very church
. So I am going to start this web page about the church of Andrea Bobola in Milicz from a summary of a pair of the newest examples of these discoveries, and from a reminder of the older discovery (made in 1985) but being the most fundamental among them, because due to its potential to remove evil from our planet, it is until today (means already for over 37 years) hidden and blocked from dissemination by institutions of "official atheistic science" and by "Internet".
       (1) The newest of these discoveries, to accomplish of which God inspired me in 2022, I had the honour to publish firstly in #H4 to #H4b from the web page named will.htm, while later, on 2022/11/1, in the post number #353E to blogs of totalizm (addresses of which are provided in item #Z3 of this web page). This discovery is the crowning achievement of the results of my many years long research on the role of today's very ill-designed "Internet" as the carrier of NOT only evil in all its forms, e.g. lies, slander, injustice, unearned income and money, supporting example for monopolies, enriching already rich people at the cost of already poor people, computer viruses, the so-called "cookies", etc., but also the bearer of the biblical numerals of the Beast "666", i.e. the digits described in verse 13:18 from the Book of "Revelation" in the Bible. As the reader probably already heard, some powers increasingly loudly spread the rumours around the Earth, as well as since the times of the German reformer of Christianity named Martin Luther (born in 1483, died in 1546), some branches of Christianity wrongly claim, that the Pope is the bearer of these prophetic numerals "666". This is because after adding together the Roman numerals contained in the official papal title "VICARIUS FILII DEI" (in Latin meaning: Representative of the Son of God) their sum expresses just the number "six hundred sixty-six" - which fact in English explains e.g. about 10 minutes of video from Fortunately, just I discovered and described it in detail in the paragraph marked with the label [The Wisdom of Coding the Bible] and also in the first paragraph from item #H4 of my web page named will.htm, that God very wisely and farsightedly encoded the hidden message in the same verse 13:18 from the "Revelation" in the Bible, which message informs the researcher using "wisdom" that these numerals "666" indicating the actual carrier of the of the mark "666" must be counted for the number 18 which is the sum of the numerals 18 = 6+6+6 (and NOT counted from the number "six hundred sixty-six"). Thus, highly fortunately for us Catholics, this requirement of counting the numerals 666 out of the number 18, and also several other requirements described in the Bible - a part of which I also indicate in item #H4 to #H4b from my web page named will.htm, the Pope does NOT fulfil at all. Moreover, in these #H4 to #H3b I explain in engineering way, "how" and "why" the requirement to count the numerals of Beast "666" from the number 18 = 6+6+6 and other requirements described in the Bible, are perfectly fulfilled by the present institution of the "Internet", in which the foundation of its operation is the so-called computer "word" (also in a coded manner explained in the Bible in directly NOT referring to God remarks from verses 1:2-9 of "Gospel according to St. John") which computer "word" consists of just 18 "bits". This in turn means that believers in God should be beware of the Internet and try as soon as possible to undertake rational, objective and characterized by respect and desire for mutual benefits for all interested parties and people, as well as guided by the wisdom, farsighting, and knowledge of "how", works on removing from the Internet these unfortunate for humanity elements of its design (and there are many of them). This is because if we do NOT do this, then most probably it is the "Internet" (or someone governing over the Internet) that will be this Beast "666", which soon will become one of the greatest tormentors and persecutors of the entire humanity that is to make it impossible for people persecuted by it to buy or sell anything (i.e. to starve to death) - about which, regardless of the Bible, artists inspired by God have us warned, for example, in the entire series of movies "Terminator". So it is a pity that so few people read results of my research, and it is also a pity that the Catholic Church (and probably the Pope himself) are NOT aware that I have just annulled these centuries-old and erroneous accusations of the Pope and that I carry many more such findings in my mind, only that I do not have the time and publishing capabilities to spread them around the world, and therefore I really need someone's help and support. After all, the Catholic Church and its priests have an organization, people and powers to support my lonely fight against evil forces - unfortunately they prefer to stick to the "rejection of knowledge", as warned them verses 4:4-9 from the biblical "Book of Hosea". After all, if they accept the knowledge of my newest scientific discoveries, which, despite several decades of trying, still no-one managed to scientifically undermine, it could be the Catholic Church that would then be able to prevent not only the calamities that the carrier of the numerals "666" will bring to humanity, but also to reverse the impending cataclysm of complete disruption climate of the Earth (it could accomplish it e.g. by rallying people for undertaking the construction of my telekinetic battery operating on the principle of "perpetual motion" that utilises the everlasting mobility of "God Drobinas" from the counter-world), and also to end the period when "... the root of all evil is the greed of money" (see the Bible, verse 6:10 from "1 Timothy") by implementing example of Jesus life and by the complete elimination of "money" from the use due to replacing it with the "Nirvana System", the rewarding of productive work in which would be managed by God personally - as it is explained in item #C7 from my web page named nirvana.htm.
       (2) A slightly older my discovery, but also made in 2022, is the finding that in the Bible the symbolic "[Ω] Seal of God" foretells and confirms the essence and truth of everything that is most important for the good of people - in this number it also prophesies and confirms every future important and truthful scientific discovery. Just such a very important discovery, the essence and the truth of which the Bible confirms in two verses, I made in February 2022. So with this discovery I fulfilled the prophecy from these verses of the Bible over 2000 years after these verses were written. And because my family belonged to the parishioners of this church from Milicz, and I received my first holy communion in there, the honour and distinction of the fulfilment of the prophecy contained in the Bible verses also covers this church and all its parishioners. The discovery discussed here, the essence and the truth of which is confirmed in verses of the Bible, is already explained thoroughly in item #I5 and in Fig. #I5a from my English web page named 1985_theory_of_everything.htm and also in the Polish version of this web page, named 1985_teoria_wszystkiego.htm - then I also summarized them in posts #346E and #345E to blogs of totalizm. It was this prophecy, and also the confirmation in the Bible of this one as well as several other my scientific discoveries, that led me later to try to put into words of modern language the formulations of laws described in the Bible that govern effective praying regarding our requests that God promises to fulfil - the most important of which I explained in #A3 to #A3abc from my web page named 1964/klasa_uk.htm (describing graduates of 1964 from the Lyceum in Milicz) and in post #352E to blogs of totalizm. So I am NOT going to repeat them here. I will only add that these discoveries and their confirmation in the Bible have many far-reaching consequences. For example, some of these consequences brought to religions are discussed partially in the INTRODUCTION to my web page named bible.htm, and from another point of view, partially also on the entire web page describing my "Theory of Life of 2020". In turn some consequences that they bring to science and to history are explained in {9} from item #B8.2 of my Polish web page named rok.htm - which discusses my year of studies at the Wrocław University of Technology, where I gained knowledge after completing my education in the class of Madam Hass from the General Education High School in Milicz. After all, being born in a poor family from the hamlet of Stawczyk (i.e. a part of village Wszewilki), the town of Milicz and its high school were enough close as the place of my education, that despite the chronic lack of "money" by my poor parents, I could still get an education in Milicz. In turn, thanks to this education, plus later due life experience and wisdom that I gained while working hard and productively in many countries of the world, now, like my patron saint John (in Polish spelled "Jan"), as I can I testify concerning that light. This is why, with the discovery discussed here, I have the courage to oppose the deception of people by the present "official atheistic science" and for example scientifically prove that neither the "elapse of time" nor "time" and its aging action do NOT exist in "nature" but they have been "invented" by God, then wisely pre-programmed only into the created by God our "world of matter" - i.e. neither "time" nor "elapse of time" physically exist in the counter-world in which God lives and our souls reside, hence everything that in this world of God takes place must occur in there with infinite speed (for example telepathy or telekinetic motion are always carried out with an infinitive speed). In turn these timeless truths about the invention of time by God, confirmed e.g. in the Bible by the mentioned "[Ω] Seal of God", I document in items #I1 to #I5 from the web page 1985_theory_of_everything.htm indicated above, and in posts #346E and #345E to blogs of totalizm (addresses of these blogs are provided in item #Z3 at the end of this web page), while almost every person is make aware of them, e.g. due to repetitive experiencing the phenomenon of the so-called "deja vu".
       (3) Of course, there are many more my discoveries confirmed in the Bible by the "[Ω] Seal of God", but I am NOT going to describe them all here. Those readers who wish to read them, will find a list, short summaries, and links to full descriptions of the most important among them, in item #B8.2 from my Polish web page named rok.htm.
       (4) The most important discovery made by me in 1985 (although until now cleverly hidden and blocked by some hostile towards people force from being disseminated via the Internet), was the development of the "Theory of Everything of 1985". This is because having the theory of everything allowed me later to gradually work out all my other discoveries and scientific findings. But most importantly, it also allowed to formulate the first in the world whole series of irrefutable formal scientific proofs that God does exist with reliable methods of proving which for centuries have been proven in action as irrefutable. The reader can find this evidence described in items #G2 and #G3 from the web page named god_proof.htm and in other publications linked from there. Of course, the reader probably did NOT hear about them yet because of the imposition of a strict blockade on them both by the present "official atheistic science" as well as by the "Internet", so if someone accidentally mentioned it, probably spoke unfavourably about them. However, it is worth remembering that no properly conducted scientific proof loses its validity only because someone showers it with insults or slanders and blocks it, but it maintains its validity indefinitely - unless someone is able to formally prove its contradiction, i.e. in this case to prove that God does NOT exist - a formal proving of what, however, is practically impossible simply because God does exist (while NO lie can correctly be proven to be truth, as it would also break the truth of the Bible).
       My name is Jan (i.e. Polish for John) and I welcome you to my ethnic web page which presents mainly old stories about churches of the town Milicz. I prepared this web page on 2004/8/15 in order to present in it mainly stories of ancient people about the churches of Milicz. Only a small proportion of what is presented on this web page originates either from my personal life experience, or from scientific research which I carry out. In turn the majority of information provided here originate from stories of old-timers which I overheard in years of my youth and which I am repeating here.
       How much correct are these stories of old-timers that I overheard in my childhood, I am unable to estimate. Some of them were quite extraordinary and controversial. For example, at the beginning of 20th century the folklore of the vicinity of Cieszków, Stawiec, and Wszewilki cla8imed, that operated in there someone named "Sapieha" - who supposedly was a "wizard" - i.e. a male version of "witch". (According to this folklore, a "wizard" supposed to be a creature with supernatural powers, similar to powers of present "UFOnauts", or the magician David Copperfield. Typically they had a character that was extremely hostile towards people. These creatures used to enjoy torturing, persecuting, and inflicting suffering to people. The only difference between them, and other "supernatural" creatures known then and called "devils", was that "wizards" lived amongst people, looked exactly the same as people do, and everyone around them knew them, as well as knew their past. Therefore people considered them to be evil humans who only acquired supernatural powers through studying secret knowledge from "forbidden books". However, in present times when we already know well that there is purposely simulated a race of evil UFOnauts which look identically to humans, agents of which are simulated as if they mix with people - so that they can spy and control the humanity much better, now we would rather consider these "wizards" to be UFOnauts.) Still in times of my youth, means in late 1940s and early 1950s, at that are children were scared by whispered warning "Sapieha flies" (he supposedly used to fly like a huge bat - so he was a blueprint for characters from the American movie "Batman"). More information about the "wizard" named Sapieha is provided in item #G1 below on this web page. Other stories of old-timers are more verifiable. For example the story, that by the present dam on the Barycz river there used to be an old watermill, I was verifying myself as a teenager. In fact I saw remains of a dam, pond, waterwheel, etc., still then existing in there. Similarly various facts support old stories that one of branches of the ancient "Amber Route" passed by the present Krotoszyńska Street of Milicz, and then via this dirt road to Stawiec. (I.e. the same dirt road by which just after the World War Two four nameless graves of German soldiers were left, described on the web page with the story of the Battle of Milicz.) The fact which supports this, is the significant lower level of this dirt road to Stawiec, in comparison to the level of fields that surround this road. In some places the level of this road is lower by almost 2 meters in comparison to the level of fields surrounding this road. This in turn means, that this extremely old road was intensely used for very long time. Such a long use, combined with the location of it on a small slope, caused that the level of it was so much lowered after all these years. (Notice that the same folklore states that another branch of the "Amber Route" led by the very old church in Stawczyk.)

* * *

The content of this web page is authorized by Dr Eng. Jan Pajak that is by a researcher, discoverer and inventor of New Zealand and Poland and WorldCat Identity (see the web page, the course of whose life is briefly described at the autobiographical web page pajak_jan_uk.htm. By profession Dr Eng. Jan Pająk is an academic teacher who lectured and carried out research at 10 tertiary educational institutions of the world where he lectured numerous subjects in two different disciplines, i.e. in the discipline of Mechanical Engineering and Machine Construction, first at his native Wrocław University of Science and Technology, then at the universities of New Zealand (Canterbury), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) and Borneo (Kuching), as well as in the discipline of Software Engineering and Programming Languages at four New Zealand tertiary educational institutions (i.e. at Invercargill College, Dunedin University, Timaru Polytechnic, and Wellington Institute of Technology) and at universities in Cyprus (Famagusta) and Korea (Suwon). At as many as four among these universities (i.e. at universities in Cyprus, Malaysia, Borneo and Korea) he was employed as university professor. In the early part of the 21st century, Dr Eng. Jan Pająk distinguished himself from the group of still alive at that time discoverers and inventors who simultaneously were citizens of Poland and/or New Zealand, that he became among them the most widely known in the world, most variously interpreted, and moreover, the most productive - in spite of conducting his research without funding and on the principles of alleged a private scientific "hobby", forced by the official disapproval of the areas of knowledge and truth he researches, and in spite that the results of his research constitute knowledge and truth that in present world is one of the most fiercely overpowered and blocked from getting known by people. Only a brief illustration and summary of the most important of his discoveries, inventions and scientifically indisputable formal proofs with the use of teaching movies, required the preparation of a series of half-hour video presentations available for free on the Internet: either in three languages, namely i.e. in Polish, English and German - examples of which can be the movie entitled "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio" while the English version of which can be viewed at and the movie entitled "Future Propulsions" the English-language version of which is disseminated from the address; or English and German 4-minute video "How big is the Magnocraft" disseminated from the address; or videos disseminated with narration in Polish but with subtitles in English - for example the quest movie entitled "Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój nirwany", the title of which means "The Nirvana System: World That Rid Of Money", available at and the warning movie entitled "Zagłada ludzkości 2030", the title of which means "The Massive Purification of Humanity in 2030s", available at (note that these English subtitles can be turned "on" or "off" by clicking on the icon "cc", i.e. "subtitles/closed captions", located at the bottom-right of given movie). Unfortunately, the results of his breakthrough research to-date illustrate how perfectly the today's situation with truth, knowledge and monopolistic "official atheistic science" is reflected in the life wisdom of the Bible verses from Matthew 13:57, Luke 4:24 and John 4:44, as well as in the folk wisdom contained in the saying "truth hurts". After all, e.g. in New Zealand until today almost no-one wants to know about the existence and outcomes of his research. In turn, e.g. in Poland, in order to invalidate, deny, silence, and combat his discoveries, inventions and formal proofs, many compatriots conspire into gangs that act as monopolies distorting the truth and forgetting about God (as, for example, it is documented from #A5 to #A5bc from the web page named totalizm.htm), while trying to leave for future generations only lies, rubbish, polluted water, air and soil, and devastated nature.

It is also worth knowing that the print size of this web page can be increased up to about 300%. This in turn allows it to be read easily without the use of glasses. This is because every software used to display it has a built-in so-called "zoom". For example, in "Google Chrome" this "zoom" is revealed by clicking on the vertical "three-dot" in the upper right corner of the screen, then the print can be increased or decreased by clicking on the plus or minus of this "zoom". "Firefox" reveals the same "zoom" by clicking there on a three-line dash, while "Internet Explorer" reveals by clicking a "cog" over there. Photos of this web page can also be enlarged up to 500% of their original size - which allows e.g. to carefully examine the face of someone who interests us. The easiest way to enlarge a photo in such a way is to first click on it - so that it appears in a separate window. Then one should (also by clicking) show it to oneself from this separate window on the computer screen. In turn having it on the computer screen, one can open for it the "zoom" which I described above for enlarging the print size of this web page, then by clicking on the + or - of this zoom, one can freely increase or decrease this photograph on the screen.

Part #A: Introductory information of this web page:


#A1. What is the goal of this web page:

Motto of this web page: "In order to see the future, it is necessary to look carefully into the past."

       The major goal of this ethnic web page about the church of St. Andrea Bobola (in Polish "pod wezwaniem Świętego Andrzeja Boboli") and also about other churches of Milicz, is to present folkloristic stories on their subject. Means it is to describe "what old-timers used to tell about these churches". A lot of information provided on this web page would be very difficult to verify in historic sources. Until today no much documents survives which would support these stories. However, still it is worth to learn what the verbal folklore tradition used to tell us about these churches.
       An additional goal of this web page is to indicate links to other web pages which have a similar subject areas as this one. The most vital amongst these other web pages is the page about the village of Wszewilki. It describes further details about these churches of Milicz, especially about this extremely old Roman church from the village Wszewilki near Milicz. Another web page also on the subject similar to this one, is the web page about sightseeing in Wszewilki and Milicz (unfortunately it still awaits to be translated into English). In item #8.2 that web page describes "unofficial sight-seeing tracks" within and around the village of Wszewilki. One of these "tracks" allows to see a huge hole in the ground which is left until today after the removal of very old Roman church of Wszewilki, together with several levels of cellars which in past existed under this old church. Other web page, also on a similar topic, is about Wszewilki of our tomorrow". It describes my dreams about the future rebuilding of the original central square of Wszewilki - including also this old Roman church that originally existed in there.

#A2. Why the church in Milicz under the invocation of Saint Andrea Bobola, can be called my "family church":

       My own fate, as well as the fate of my family, is closely linked to the church of St. Andrea Bobola described here. After all, it was in this church that I attended my lessons of religion - thus from it originates my knowledge of Christianity. It was in it that took place all vital religious events which I remember - including my first holy communion. Also in it I participated in all masses during times when I lived in Stawczyk. If I remember correctly, this church was then the parish church for the village of Stawczyk, and it was its priest that visited my family house during Christmas solicit.

Part #B: Conditions in which churches of Milicz operated:


#B1. Milicz - the town of "hotel services" for the ancient so-called "Amber Route":

       According to what was explained on the web page about Milicz, by being a kind of "hotel town" on a hugely important ancient "Amber Route", with the elapse of time Milicz has transformed in to a provider of all types of services for travelers. It provided travelers with hotel and accommodation services, it protected them, it supplied them in food, horses, and spare parts, it also supplied spiritual services. Merchants and travelers stayed for night in Milicz, rested in there, ate, drink, make sales, refurnished their supplies, repaired damaged equipment, buried their dead, while in times when the Christianity spread over the Europe, also prayed in churches of Milicz for a happy course and outcome of their trips. So churches in Milicz were not only places of prayers for locals, but additionally provided vital spiritual services for numerous travelers who passed through this town. So Milicz has relatively lot of churches (and cemeteries) in relationship to the number of its inhabitants. According to my present state of knowledge on this subject, in Milicz itself almost always were two churches and two cemeteries working simultaneously, while after 1714 there were three of these. Furthermore, two further churches were available not far from Milicz, namely in nearby Wszewilki and in Karlow. Brief descriptions of histories of these five churches of Milicz and the vicinity of it are provided in Part #C of this web page. The biggest out of these 5 churches with the elapse of time become the church of St. Andrea Bobola, to the description of which this web page is devoted.
       The reader perhaps may ponder, how such a small place as Milicz could have 5 churches. The reply to this is provided by the analysis of this Amber Route which passed through Milicz. This is because Milicz lied on a branching point of that route. From the northern gate of Milicz (Called the Gniezno Gate) emerged a branch of the Amber Route which led to a nearby village Stawiec, then through Rawicz, Poznań, Gniezno, until Gdańsk. In turn from the eastern gate of Milicz emerged another branch of the Amber Route. This one led through a bridge on Barycz which existed by the old watermill of Milicz, then through the villages of Wszewilki, Pomorsko, to Cieszkow, Zdun and further to Gniezno and Gdańsk. On the other side of Milicz this Amber Route also branched. This branching was located by the church of St. Anna in Karlow. (In old times on every crossing of vital tracks churches and chapels were build. They performed many functions. For example they served as a unique kind of "traffic signs", they attracted local people - so that travelers always had someone to ask for further way, they provided a shelter in case of bad weather, they calmed travelers spiritually, etc.) One branch of the Amber Route led from the church of St. Anna towards the south via Oleśnica. The second branch led towards the south through Trzebnica and Wrocław. Because of these branches of the Amber Route located in Milicz, this town become an important point for travelers. Many of them stayed in in Milicz for some time. So "spiritual services" were very sought for in there.

Part #C: History of five churches of Milicz:

       In years from 1290 to 1358 the owner of the castle and land of Milicz was the Bishop of Wrocław. Thus it should not surprise, that having such religious traditions, and also being a "town of hotel services" for travelers from the "Amber Route", for the majority of its existence the tiny Milicz had as many as two churches. Only at the beginning of its existence it had a single church, while in years from 1714 to 1945 in the Milicz itself operated three churches. Independently from these, in two villages which are closest to Milicz, namely in Karłów and in Wszewilki, two further churches did exist. So in total Milicz and the vicinity of this town had five different churches. The first church of Milicz was build in years when Milicz was taking its shape and erected the defense walls. This first church was build from so-called "paddock ore". In turn the second church of Milicz was build from bricks probably around a half of 14th century. Each of these two churches of Milicz with the elapse of time kept changing its location. So let us now review briefly their history. Please notice that in item #8.4 of a separate web page Wszewilki-Milicz (so-far available in Polish only), a circular (unofficial) walking track along historically significant points of Milicz and a nearby village Wszewilki is described. Through following this walking track one can see present remains of these churches of Milicz. If someone plans to drive through Milicz, then perhaps it would be worth to take into the trip a printout from the web page on "Wszewilki-Milicz".

#C1. The first church of Milicz under the invocation of Saint Michael Archangel:

       Earliest records of the first Catholic church of Milicz that I heard of, originate from 12th century. Already in these times Milicz had not only its own church, but even its own priest. In records survived even his name. This first church of Milicz was located within the defense walls of the town, close to the Eastern Gate to the town, at a small square that was designated as a cemetery. This square was adjusted to the central square of Milicz, in the north-east corner of this central square. The location of this square-cemetery and the first church of Milicz in fact imitated the configuration of the central square in the Wrocław city, and also the square in Paczków. After all, in the north-west corner of the central square in Wrocław a church of Saint Elisabeth Hungarian is located, while in the north-east corner exists a similarly old church. Both these churches from wrocław also were located on similar small squares, which originally were also cemeteries. All signs also indicate, that at these times all towns of the Lower Silesia were constructed according to this single plan. with the church and a cemetery in the north-east corner of their central square. The miniature cemetery which surrounded the first church of Milicz, was soon filled up. After all, in these times many people kept dying during trips, either from wounds received in clashes with bandits, or because of difficulties of travel and the lack of hygiene. (I personally believe, that at these times on cemeteries of Milicz more travelers were buried than local inhabitants of Milicz.) So soon this small cemetery needed to be shifted beyond town walls. The new location of it was not far from the first church, but already outside of the eastern gate of the town, means in the area on which presently a "small" church of Milicz is located under the invocation of Saint Michael Archangel. In this new location, the cemetery also was not used for long, because it again filled up soon. In turn the river Barycz which used to run behind it made impossible its extensions. Soon later this eastern cemetery of Milicz needed to be shifted again into the third location. This time it was located on the western side of the exit road from Milicz to Wrocław, means into the area where now is the church of Saint Andrea Bobola from "Fig. #2 (29)". As time elapsed it was extended onto the eastern side of the same exit road from Milicz to Wrocław, into the area where for a long after the war a building of the Post Office of Milicz was located. In the result of this extension, in 17th century the exit road from Milicz to Wrocław looked similarly like the famous "Via Apia" by Rome - means on both sides it had cemeteries of Milicz of that time. Presently in the areas of these cemeteries living quarters are located - no wonder that in times of my youth inhabitants of some of these buildings claimed that at nights in these buildings ghosts show up.)
       This first church of Milicz, similarly like all other original building and defense walls of Milicz, was build from "paddock ore". Furthermore, it was constructed in the shape of semi-defense Roman castle - with low ceiling, thick walls, and small windows for shooting. So when Milicz acquired its own brick manufacturing facility from nearby village Stawiec, this church become an eye-saw to inhabitants of the town. They decided to shift it into a new place and locate in a new, more beautiful building. In 15th century citizens of Milicz built a more "modern" gothic church. After it was ready, they shifted to it the first church, while empty walls left from it they dismantled soon afterwards. The place which it occupied was later made available for housing. Presently neither this first church of Milicz, nor the miniature cemetery on which it used to stand, does NOT exist in their original locations. On their former place there are buildings now. The only their remain which is visible until today, is seemingly illogical widening of the exit road at the north-east corner of the central square from Milicz.
       In the new, second location and architectural version, this first church of Milicz was constructed from bricks in the gothic style. It was erected in 15th century within boundaries of the second cemetery of Milicz. Already at times when this church was build, the cemetery was NOT used anymore. Of course, after being shifted into a new location this first church of Milicz remained the Roman-Catholic temple. But with the elapse of time, also it again become old and making not good impression on travelers. Therefore, in 1821 on its place a new neo-renaissance church was erected - still under the invocation of Saint Michael Archangel. During building of this new church, the old was NOT removed completely. Until today remained from it the presbytery, underground crypt, and the christening dish from 1561. This next, historically third architecture version of the original first church of Milicz, build in 1821, serves Christians until today standing not far from the central square, at the eastern boundaries of the town, just by former eastern gate to the town (which presently does NOT exists any more).

#C2. The second church of Milicz under the invocation of Saint George:

       Around 14 century the bishop of Wrocław build a second church of Milicz. It was under the invocation of Saint George. During the construction of it the spiritual needs of numerous travellers were taken under consideration, and also the fact that the original church of Milicz was then quite old. This second church of Milicz was already build of bricks. It was located on the south-east area of the old town, in the area which currently is occupied by the street that runs towards the old baths (means opposite to the location of fire brigade from Milicz). At end of 19th and beginning of 20th century this second church become so old, that it was not for use. Thus it can be deduced, that around 1930s probably it was shifted to a new location and building.

#C3. Third church of Milicz under the invocation of Saint Andrea Bobola:

       Independently from two above original Catholic churches of Milicz, in 1714 this town build still another church. It was just the evangelical church, in 1945 turned into a Roman-Catholic under the invocation of Saint Andrea Bobola (means the church to the description of which the entire this web page is devoted). It is worth to mention here, that in initial years of 20th century, Milicz was already inhabited by a decisive majority of Evangelic citizens - in spite that its existence Milicz started as a town of Catholic bishop from Wroclaw and that it remained a town of Catholics until the power was taken by Prussians. In the change of faith of inhabitants of that town into Evangelism the key role was performed by this present church of Saint Andrea Bobola. This is why around 1920s the Evangelic church discussed here was hugely popular, which both Catholic churches were almost empty. As my mother was telling us, Catholics were then so few in Milicz that all of them knew each other by name, while on Sundays after holy mass they had meeting by coffee and cakes in one of their homes. In fact Catholic remained then almost exclusively people of Polish origins which still lived in the vicinity of Milicz - most of them in the present village Wszewilki (although in that times these people used almost exclusively German language for everyday conversations).
       An interesting question which I always ask myself in the matter of the church of Saint Andrea Bobola described here, is whether its historically rather excellent fate results from the good "Feng Schui" of the location in which it was constructed. It appears that, oppositely to the fortified castle from Milicz - which was constructed in the location with rather "bad Feng Schui" and thus it was always troubled by various disasters, the church of Saint Andrea Bobola was build in the place which had quite a "good Feng Schui", and thus which in the passage of centuries seems to always be encountering the beneficial for it course of events. Another question, which also is connected with this church, is whether the mentioned in item #E2 below the natural capability of undergrounds of if to cause a self-mummification, i.e. to work like interior of Egyptian pyramids, also is caused by its location in the area of a "good Feng Schui".

Fig. #C3.

Fig. #C3: Here is a real historic treasure. Shown above is the scan from an old architectural project dated in 1709 (the date it was prepared is visible above the tower). Courtesy "Miliczanin-1931". The project shows the predicted appearance of the future Evangelic church in Milicz under the invocation of Holy Cross. At present this church is known in Milicz as the Catholic church under the invocation of Saint Andrea Bobola. (Click on this diagram to see it enlarged or to shift it to a different area of the screen.)
       Notice that this church was build in 1714 - see "Fig. #D2" below on this web page. The above project of 1709 shows how the architect designed the appearance of this church before works on the construction of this church were undertaken.
       On the above project a number of details attracts the attention. For example the year it was prepared (i.e. 1709). It not only means that the project currently is over 300 years old, but also that it is the oldest architectural document of Milicz that is accessible to public scrutiny. Everyone should also be puzzled by the solid and high fence which then was defending the access to this evangelic church. It had its justification. At that time Milicz was inhabited predominantly by Catholics of Polish origins, at which the above evangelic church was imposed by Prussian authorities. Thus, the authorities were seriously afraid that the new church and the foreign faith imposed by authorities - which this church represented, can be greeted with hostilities and vandalised by locals. Therefore the church was designed almost like a kind of small fortress of Teutonic Knights - the feature which is clearly visible by the fencing that surrounds it. As we probably remember, Prussian authorities draw their traditions of imposing new faith from rules of Albrecht von Hohenzollern-Ansbach (shown and commented in "Fig. #M3c" from the totaliztic web page day26.htm), and still earlier from the Order of Teutonic Knights who practiced spreading the new faith with sword on Slavic Prussians and on inhabitants of the Holy Land. In turn the history of Albrecht von Hohenzollern-Ansbach illustrates to us quite well what traditions these were. After all, it was him who liquidated the Order of Teutonic Knights and in 1525 changed this Order into the Duchy and later Kingdom of Prussia - from which with the elapse of time Hitler's Germany grew up. It was also him who undermined with his kingdom the influence of the Catholic Church through the official adoption of Lutheranism and through making all his subjects to change into Lutheranism. Another matter that hits our eyes on the above project are old dresses of inhabitants of Milicz. Looking at their clothing one can have an impression that looks at the scene from old Rome or Paris, not from Milicz. Still another curious feature of the above drawing is this tree with strange roots from the right-lower corner of the project. Looking at this tree I recall that this tree is authentic (i.e. is NOT just a creation of the architect). It was still growing after the Second World War (i.e. in times of my childhood). It was located on the opposite to the church side of then the exit road from Milicz to Sułów. In turn the real existence of it means that the above project is not just an artistic vision, but also a historic document prepared on the basis of thorough research on the actual location.
* * *
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#C4. A small church under the invocation of Saint Anna in Karłów near Milicz:

       Some people include into the list of churches from Milicz also the church of St. Anna in nearby village Karłów. This church was built in years 1807-1808 near the fork of two main ancient roads towards south, one of which led to Wroclaw, and the second to Olesnica. The place in which it stands was once famous from many "miracles" and revelations. (At the present time they would be explained as frequent observations of UFO vehicles and UFOnauts.) To commemorate these revelations, in the last Sunday of July, since immemorial tines annual carnivals are held at the church. More details about the church of St. Anna in Karłów is presented on the web page named milicz_uk.htm.

Fig. #C4 (20).

Fig. #C4 (20): The church of Saint Anna in Karłów near Milicz. Photographed in July 2004. Notice that the name "Karłów" of this vilage, in the old Polish language actually means "place of little humanoids" (also known as "dwarfs"). In addition to claims of local folklore, and to the relatively recent sightings of UFOnauts (the cases of of which I still remember and described on myr web pages), this name "Karłów" also confirms the existence in that area of numerous sightings of supernatural miniature beings, nowadays called "UFOnauts".
       It is here that in the past ocurred many miracles, miraculous healings, and restorations of female fertility. Shown are the front doors to the church, photographed in the direction from north to south. Behind this church, next to the wall of the altar, once grew a very old oak tree, on branches of which were sighted three strange little beings (today we would take them for three miniature female UFOnauts, but in old days they were taken for manifestations of St. Anna). This oak was later the source of many miraculous healings. To the right from the church once stood the "angel stone" with strange marks melted like if a technological origins. It also eventually became a cult object. It was claimned about it in past, that it too is a source of healings, and that it restores fertility. Unfortunately, sometimes between 1981 and 2004, the stone mysteriously disappeared from its previous position. Perhaps it is the same stone, the fragment of which presently is under the cross visible on the left side of the above photo, and is also shown enlarged in the photograph from "Fig. #D22" of the web page about the town of Milicz. (However, I personally have not been able to identify it from the external appearance, nor dig up from the ground to see whether it has the technological melting that I remember on it. I also did NOT notice in the vicinity of it any UFO landings that would certify that UFOs are still interested in it.)

#C5. A small church in Wszewilki near Milicz:

       If into the list of churches in Milicz the small church of St. Anna in Karłów is included, then on the same principle should also be included the ancient Catholic church in Wszewilki. The church from Wszewilki originally stood near the crossing of two main roads through Wszewilki, namely the old road leading from Milicz to Sulmierzyce, and another old road leading from the Pomorska (Pomeranian) to the watermill on the Barycz river and further continued through the bridge existing in past by the wheel of this watermill, un to the town of Milicz. Initially the church in Wszewilki was surrounded by a tiny cemetery, which, however, quickly filled up. When this cemetery ceased to be used because of this filling up, it fell into disuse and gradually disappeared. Until the end of the existence of this church survived only tombstones set onto the walls at the inside of the church - such tombstones shows and explains "Fig. #F1" from the web page wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm. The church in Wszewilki fell into disrepair and was demolished during the construction of the railway line through Wszewilki, which took place shortly before the year 1875. The rubble from this church and from its deep cellars, as well as all the material from the tiny cemetery that surrounded this church, was used for the construction of the railway embankment running between Wszewilki and the railway station in Milicz. Once old people used to say that the unusually high number of fatal accidents on that short stretch of railway line is due to the fact, that it buries mortal remains of many of the former inhabitants of Wszewilki whose eternal rest was disrupted. Currently, the site where once stood the church bears only a big hole in the ground. At the time when this church was demolished, it was unused for about 100 years. At that time it was probably the oldest building still standing in the vicinity of Milicz.
       The exact place where was this ancient church of Wszewilki, is clearly visible until now. The reason is its several-storey deep basement. So while removing it also could be removed the remains of these cellars and foundations, in the place where it once stood people had to dig a huge hole. The hole exists in there until today. So the location of that church can be clearly identified by checking where that hole is the deepest. Its exact location is pointed out in item #D2.2 from the web page (in Polish) named wszewilki_milicz.htm - with the tourist goide through Wszewilki and Milicz, and also in item #E1 from the English web page named wszewilki_uk.htm.
       The exact date of construction of the church in Wszewilki is not known to me. However, from the descriptions of its appearance, which I have heard, I gather that it was very old - perhaps even as old as the original church of St. Michael the Archangel in Milicz. It definitely was built significantly before the fourteenth century, because the material used for its construction was "bog ore". In turn the use of bog iron ore to build this church means that it was built before the 14th century, means before the time when Milicz began operating the first brickyard in today Stawiec. Once I was told that the church in Wszewilki was a low walled structure made of iron ore. It looked almost like a fortress with tiny windows for shooting. Its main axis was oriented from east to west, with the altar to the east and with the tower on the west end. It had a bell tower sticking out from the main building. This bell tower was quite interesting, because in the lower parts it expanded linearly, as do some of the old chimneys. At the top was kind of like a structure made of beams, on which hung a bell (the bell was not covered with a roof). Some other information about that church from Wszewilki are also included in items #C1 and #D1 of the web page named wszewilki_uk.htm and in caption under "Fig. #F1" from the web page named wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm.
       One curiosity of folk stories about the ancient Roman church of Wszewilki can be verifiable. Namely, they claimed that in the initial stage of its existence the church was to be also used for defensive purposes. When a danger approached, local residents barricaded themselves in the church. But in order to allow for eventual escape in case of attack or siege, from the basement of this church led a small tunnel. That tunnel was supposed to lead up to one of the tombs in the cemetery of Wszewilki. In this tomb supposed to be a secret way out of this tunnel. The tunnel was supposed to take place just a few meters east of the old road that once led from the front door of the church in Wszewilki to the cemetery of Wszewilki. (That old road is described in item #8.2 from the web page (in Polish) about visiting Wszewilki and Milicz, and in item #C2 from the web page named wszewilki_uk.htm.) The tunnel was supposed to be only about 2 meters below the surface. Apparently, it was so low, that to move through it, one needed to resort to move on all fours. It is worth noting that this folklore information should be scientifically verifiable. If this tunnel actually existed, then now it should be possible to detect the residues of it (e.g. using the so-called "ground penetrating radar").
       In connection with that church in Wszewilki demolished for the construction of the railway line through Wszewilki, it is worth to ask the question: where are its books (church records) and some accessories, e.g. the bell. It is known that in those days they had the habit of carrying such valuables from the old church is a very newly built one. Because shortly before the demolition of the church in Wszewilki just has been built the church of St. Anna in Karłowo (i.e. in the place of dwarfs), I suspect that these valuables from the church in Wszewilki then landed either in the church of St. Anna of Karlowo, or in already an established "small" military Catholic church (dedicated to St. George). Might be worth checking the year of casting the bell in St. Anna (in old days there was a tradition of writing this year in a cast model of the bell). If in fact this year is much earlier than the year 1807 to 1808 - when they built the church of St. Anna, then most likely the bell is actually the former Catholic church bell from Wszewilki.

Fig. #C5

Fig. #C5: Here is the repetition of photograph "Fig. #F1" from the web page wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm. It illustrates how ruins of the Catholic Church from Wszewilki looked-like around 1870, means shortly before its walls and cellars were demolished, while rubbles from it were used for building the railway embankment which now passes through the place of its former location. A row of tombstones cemented to its walls, which were visible through its door-holes and window-holes, probably exists until today hidden somewhere inside of the railway embankment between Stawczyk and the railway bridge over the Barycz river. If one day these tombstones become unearthed, they become a kind of archaeological treasure and the confirmation that this church really existed. A similar confirmation may also become remains of a low tunnel which linked the church in Wszewilki with cemetery in Wszewilki.

Part #D: Historical fracts regarding the church of Saint Andrea Bobola in Milicz:


#D1. History of the church of Saint Andrea Bobola in Milicz:

       When under the Altranstad Act of 1707 of the Emperor of Austria, six "Grace" churches were decided to be build for the Silesian Protestants, the choice for the location of one of them just fell on Milicz. At that time Milicz still was an important center for hotel services for people traveling between the south and the north of Europe. Money for the construction of this church was founded by Margrave Henry Maltzan, the then owner of the palace in Milicz and owner of the surrounding estates. For the location of this church was selected the place where once stood an ancient wooden cemetery chapel, which, however, ceased to exist long before the construction of the church. Around this chapel extended undeveloped areas of the medieval cemeteries of Milicz, at that time also no longer used. (The cemetery which in times of construction of this church was used, was located on the opposite side of the road to Wrocław, in the area which after the Second World War was occupied by the post office, police station, primary school No. 1, and the former town hospital.) For the development of the newly constructed church, rectory, auxiliary buildings, and churchyard, the land was allocated which included the entire area of ??this former medieval cemetery. Margrave Henry Maltzan, who founded the church, ordered also to construct a secret tunnel leading from his palace to the basement of the church. This tunnel was still in the era after the Second World War. But then it was walled up. He had a connection to the entire network of medieval tunnels running under Milicz.

#D2. Construction of the church of Saint Andrea Bobola in Milicz:

       The construction of the evangelical church in Milicz started in 1709. The design was prepared by G. Hoffmann of Oleśnica. The church was oriented in an east - west direction, with the altar facing east, and the square tower at heights of 49 meters wagered on the west side. The church was decorated with baroque beam construction founded on a Greek cross. It is a one-nave, with a polygonal sanctuary, and a range of later outbuildings on the ground level. In the middle of a three storey wooden Ampora. Most of the gabled roof are two-staged, however, in several places it has the three-staged roofs. The square tower is finished with a triple helmet that faithfully mimics his appearance detached configuration of UFOs coupled from a number of second generation UFOs - for details see subsection G3.1.3 of my monograph [1/5]. (UFOs of the second generation are identifable because of the octagonal Oscillatory Chambers used for propelling them.) The construction of the church was completed by 1714. In 1718 it has been suplied with 33-pipe organs with a very beautiful sound, built by W. Sauer. These organs funded baron Salish. The church had also his own rectory and ancillary buildings. As an evangelical church he served until the end of the Second World War. Soon after the Second World War, in 1945, it was renamed into the Roman Catholic church dedicated to St Andrew Bobola and given into the governance of the bishop of Wrocław.

Fig. #D2 (29).

Fig. #D2 (29): The present Catholic church of Saint Andrea Bobola in Milicz - and the former Evangelic church of Milicz. It was constructed in 1714 in the architectural style in English called "tudor". (Poles usually call this architectural style by the name "Mur Pruski" - meaning the "Prussian Wall".) A curiosity of this style is, that most probably it originates from a folklore developments of nearby village Wszewilki, and only later it was copied and disseminated by academically educated architects - as I explained it in item #G2 from the web page on the village of Wszewilki.
       (Notice, that in the Menu is indicated a separate web page (in Polish) named Wszewilki-Milicz that tries to inform how to explore the nearby town of Milicz and the nearby village Wszewilki. This web page shows informal hiking trails along which you can explore the more interesting historical sites of both the village and the town, including churches of Milicz described on this web page. It provides contact information for local hotels. Moreover, it also explains that the most favorable month for exploring the town is July. It is because in July flourishes there a wealth of flowering lime trees (in Polish "lipa") filling up the air with exciting flavors of life and love. So it is worth to have a look to that web page, if someone is interested in the history of places and objects described here.)
       Currently this church is of the Roman-Catholic denomination, under the name of Saint Andrea Bobola (in Polish: Świętego Andrzeja Boboli) - formerly Holy Cross (in Polish: Świętego Krzyża). The above photograph was taken in 2003. The lens of the camera was directed from east towards west. On the foreground is shown the eastern wall of the presbytery of this church, behind which a carved altar is located. This web page named Św. Andrzej Bobola tries to describe a complete history of this particular church. During a nearest visit in Milicz it is worth to see and to photograph this church thoroughly. After all, in the light of cases of purposeful, although secretive, destructions of all objects which are carriers of the history of the village Wszewilki, described in item #E1 of the web page wszewilki_uk.htm, it can be expected that soon this church will mysteriously disappear from the surface of Earth under some clever excuse.
       The location of the church coincides with the place where before it was an old cemetery chapel, while in the days still before the establishment of the Milicz cemetery in that place - stood yet even older "church of road signs" that determines the place where the road to Trzebnicy is separated from the road to Sułów and to Żmigród.

#D3. The famous and very beautiful, late-baroque wooden "pulpit" and also a "font" (or christening dish) of the same style from the church of Saint Bobola in Milicz:

       With the elapse of time, the church became famous for a very beautiful, late-baroque pulpit and baptismal font dated 1720. However, after the Second World War, in 1955, this pulpit and baptismal font were transferred to the cathedral in Poznań, where they are until today. In my personal opinion, this transfer turned out to be rather beneficial for Milicz, because in Poznan, these objects can be admired by a lot more visitors and tourists than in Milicz. In this way, these objects make Milicz famous literally all over the world. Many viewers of these objects in Poznan just learns from them about the existence of a town called Milicz. Also, almost all foreign guides already contain information that these objects originate from the town of Milicz. Nowadays, promotion and advertising are the key to success. In Poznan these objects perfectly promote and advertise the town of Milicz. Therefore, in my opinion, for as long as Poznań is to grant credit to Milicz for the creation of so beautiful objects, these objects should stay in Poznan and Milicz can still be proud of them.

#D4. Famous altar of the church of St. Andrea Bobola in Milicz:

       The church over time has also been furnished with an elaborate wooden altar made ??with the breath-taking beauty. The altar in the church survived the war intact. Hence the post-war faithful Milicz inhabitants had the opportunity to admire it during every mass. From what I remember about it, the altar very faithfully imitated the side view of the main oscillatory chamber from the average type of UFOs, which chamber is sighted and remembered by people abducted to UFOs. In the center it had a container which imitated the oscillatory chamber. The container was surrounded by control devices and indicator lights. By it passed columns that imitated pillars of magnetic and telekinetic field produced by each propulsor UFOs. It had also fragments of bowls of the UFO cover that glowed with golden sparks induced by the magnetic field generated in this propulsor. All together, the appearance of this original and very beautiful altar from the church of St. Andrew Bobola in Milicz, very accurately illustrated what today people abducted to UFOs report as the sighting of the main propulsor of these unearthly vehicles.
       Indeed, the altar was NOT an exception in imitation of the interior and of the furnishing of UFO vehicles. As this is explained in item #D16 of the separate web page about the city of Wrocław, and also in items #D17, #D18 and #D19 from the separate pages about the town of Milicz, virtually every old Christian church on earth faithfully imitated by itself what people abducted to UFOs noted and reported in the interiors of these otherworldly vehicles.

#D5. Who was Saint Andrea Bobola - the present patron of my "family church" in Milicz and the patron of Poland:

       Saint Andrea Bobola ("Andrzej Bobola" in Polish) is one amongst several saints charged with the holy patronage of Poland. From what I am aware of, Poland has an array of such saintly patrons. The oldest patron of Poland is Saint Adalbert ("Wojciech" in Polish) - the same one who was killed by ancient Slavonic pagans which originally were called Prussians (i.e. these Slavonic Prussians for the "Christianising" of which the Polish king invited Teutonic Knights to settle in Malbork, which knights later, after annihilating these Slavonic Prussians, themselves adopted the name Prussians.) The body of that Saint Adalbert, purchased from Slavonic Prussians for the amount of gold that was equal to his weight, was later buried in the bishop's church from Rydzyn near Leszno (in Poland), where it remains until today miraculously conserved. Another saint patron of Poland is Saint Stanislaus ("Stanisław" in Polish) - the former bishop of Kraków. As I believe, Andrea Bobola is one amongst newest such saintly patrons. After all, for the patron of Poland was acknowledged only on 16 May 2002.
       A well written and informative article about the Saint Andrea Bobola is provided in the book "Encyklopedia Katolicka" TN KUL, volume I, Lublin 1973, szpalta 534-535. Data which I am stating below about this saint, represent a summary of documents on his topic, which were posted for me to New Zealand by my countryman, Mr Jerzy Miazgowicz (E-mail
       Saint Andrea Bobola was born in Strachocin near Sanok, Poland. For the date of his birth is given 30 November 1591. At young age he studies in Jesuit school from Braniewo, while after finishing it he joined the convent of Jesuits. In 1623 he become a priest, then he was a preacher in a range of churches from Wilno and vicinity. His fiery and talented masses and preaching were hugely popular. He brought with them to Catholicism many Orthodox church goers whom on his territory were an ethnic majority. However, with this he angered against himself chief priests of local Orthodox church. So when on his territory erupted a popular Cossack uprising of Chmielnicki, the hostility of Orthodox priests to Bobola and to Jesuits transformed into an open acts of aggression. In 1657 a troupe of Cossacks captured Andrea Bobola and on 16 May 1657 they put him to death publicly on the central square of the town named Janów. He was subjected to a very slow death of a martyr, through stripping him from his skin and through slow inserting two swards into his body - one sward in his left hand, while the other one in his neck. These two swards were later illustrated as symbols of his martyring on his icons. After the death his body was deposited in a crypt of the Jesuits’ church from Pińsk, then he was forgotten.
       By an accident in 1702 it was discovered, that the body of Andrea Bobola went through some miraculous mummification and after many years it still looked as if he was killed just several hours earlier. Thus his body become a kind of curiosity, puzzle, and exhibit. It was transported from place to place, everywhere inducing a sensation. In 1808 his body was brought to Płocko, while in 1922 was shipped to Moscow where it was exhibited on the Fare of Citizens' Commissariat of Health. In 1924 it was shipped to Rome, where in 300 anniversary of his death the Pope Pius XII issued the encyclical devoted to him Invicti athletae Christi. After becoming canonised into a saint, the reliquaries of this Saint returned to Poland on 17 June 1938. In Poland initially he was placed in Warszawa in church of Jesuits at Rakowiecka Street. After war erupted, churches in which his body was kept were destroyed and burned several times, but the coffin with body of Andrea Bobola always by some miracle survived untouched - only that there was a need to shift it to another place. After the war, on 17 April 1988, the body of Andrea Bobola was deposited in specially erected for him Sanctuary at Rakowiecka Street - where he rests until today.
       The Saint Andrea Bobola become one of the leading personalities of the Catholic Church in establishing the so-called "Cult of Maria". (But, as emphasize this e.g. items #G1 and #J2.2.2 from the totaliztic web page named morals.htm, or items #J3, #D1 and #C7 from the web page named malbork_uk.htm, the "Cult of Maria" is contradictive to commandments of God.) This is because the most vital fruit of his life, which fruit later decided about adopting him for the Saint Patron of Poland, was causing by him that Mother Mary was crowned the Queen of Poland. The event which directly lead to this crowning, was the divine revelation experienced on 17 August 1617 by then 80-years old Italian Jesuit Missionary, father Julius Mancinelli. Namely, Mother Mary appeared in front of that father and ordered him to call her the "Queen of Poland". When the news of this divine revelation spread over the world, Andrea Bobola took it to heart and started to announce in his inspirational masses that Mother Mary wishes to become the Queen of Poland. By a coincidence, in 1655 the Polish Częstochowa (i.e. a convent in Poland where is located a painting of Mother Mary considered to be extremely holy) was defended from Swedish army - according to opinions of that times this happened because the supernatural support from Mother Mary. This in turn triggered a whole chain of events which on 1 April 1656 fruited with taking the "Lwów Vows" in which the Polish King named Jan Kazimierz for the first time publicly called Mother Mary the "Queen of Polish Crown". The content of these vows was designed, developed, and written, by Andrea Bobola. Already after the death of Boboli, in 1764 Polish Parliament in its laws named "Queen of Poland" the Mother Mary from Częstochowa. In 1920 the role of Mother Mary as the "Queen of Polish Crown" was officially confirmed by Vatican. In this way, due to activities initiated by Andrea Bobola, in spite of becoming a Republic and a democracy, Poland in fact until today has own Queen, to which role volunteered Mother Mary. As also everyone can learn this from the history, in difficult times (which Poland has surprisingly many), this Queen demonstrates that she does NOT leave Poland without a help. In turn Andrea Bobola become the saint patron of my "family church" in Milicz. His contribution to the history will remain that in the result of his actions Mother Mary was crowned to be the "Queen of Poland".
       When I formulated the philosophy of totalizm I noted since a long time, that whatever God does, He always does it in a manner which is to inspire people to ask the question of the type "why", "how", "what confirms it", etc., and then inspires to finding replies to these questions. As it is easy to notice, the life of Saint Andrea Bobola inspires strongly to asking such questions. After all, the first of these which immediately comes to mind, is "why someone who turned out to be so instrumental in crowning Mother Mary for the Queen of Poland, must die in such painful and prolonged way?" After all, every person who would cause that any - even the least grateful living woman, was crowned to be the Queen of Poland, probably would spend the rest of his life in prosperity and comfort. While Mother Mary has much greater capabilities of showing her gratefulness than any living woman. So if Andrea Bobola, in spite of his contribution, was NOT spared from the painful death, most clearly God needed his example to inspire in us this extremely vital question "why" and inspire searching answers to this question. I also seek the answer to this question - as an example see the content of item #D1 from the web page malbork_uk.htm. Perhaps that I even find a partial reply to this question "why" - and that I described it either in item #G3 of the web page eco_cars.htm, or in item #B1.1 of the totaliztic web page named antichrist.htm. But the learning the reply to this question "why" is clearly so vital for the entire our civilisation, that God inspires searches for it through meaningful directing fate of the entire Poland soon after Mother Mary become the Queen of Poland. This is because soon after she become the Queen, Poland started to be continually troubled will all possible disasters. Almost continually it is blooded by aggressions, wars, partitions, uprisings, dictatorial governments, etc. For some period of time Poland ceased even to exist. Atheists probably would argument here, that even the least capable living Queen, if she pays a bit of attention for the good of country over which it rules, would be able with her rules prevent Poland and its citizens from the arrival of as many and so fatal disasters. So there must exist some extremely vital reason for which the fate of Poland become so full of suffering after Mother Mary took the crown of it. I personally believe that this reason is to direct the attention of people to facts which I explained in item #G3 of my web page eco_cars.htm and in item #B1.1 of the totaliztic web page named antichrist.htm. Therefore we should finally understand that for as long until every person on the Earth gains the personal certainty about the existence of reply to this hugely vital question "why", and starts personally implement this reply in everyday life, fates of many more people on the Earth, and also fates of many countries of our planet, will repetitively copy the fate of the Saint Martyr Andrea Bobola, and also the fate of ever tormented country called Poland.

Part #E: Curiosities and folklore about the church of St. Andrea Bobola in Milicz:


#E1. Remains of medieval cemetery around the church of St. Andrea Bobola in Milicz:

       The fact that on the area surrounding the present church of St. Andrew Bobola in fact existed once a medieval cemetery, is confirmed by the accidental discovery from around the year 1955. During the earthworks on the occasion of installmont of some underground installation, excavated were medieval chamber graves with the full their content. These tombs were shaped like elongated small cellars with the cellings and side walls shaped into Romanesque arches. The material used to build them was local "paddock ore". This in turn meant, that they came from a period before the first brick factory in Milicz, that is, from the period before the 14th century. In addition, their shape and formation were quite unusual for Poland. For me personally it is NOT known a case that prior to the 14th century this type of chamber tombs were built in Poland. The only place where I saw exactly the same tombs was the Northern Cyprus. This in turn probably means that in these tombs were buried some merchants and travelers that came to Milicz from somewhere in the Mediterranean area, and whom either died on their way, or who had been mortally wounded by bandits from the vicinity of Milicz.
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       Unfortunately for our knowledge of the history of Milicz, the discovery of these old chamber graves occurred at the time when such findings were treated with contempt and no-one invited archaeologists to investigate them. So after the discovery that they stand in the way just-laid installation, they were simply crushed, while their debris were removed. Whatever survived the destruction was later re-covered with soil. Their splitting, however, allowed an accidental view of their content by outsiders curious people (like me). If I remember correctly, these old graves were located approximately in the area, which in "Fig. #D2 (#29)" above, is currently occupied by a small lawn that you can see at the right margin of that photo.

#E2. Supposed "treasure" from the sphere on top of the church of St. Andrea Bobola in Milicz:

       In times immediately after the Second World War, among the people of Milicz stories circulated regarding an alleged "treasure" which supposedly was to be inside of a large brass ball which is placed at the very top of the tower of the church of St. Andrew Bobola (this ball is used as the basis for the peak cross). Someone supposed to read or hear somewhere that the original construction of this church, to this ball was inserted the original "act of foundation" along with a full set of contemporary gold and silver coins and medals. (Estimating from the amount of silver and gold coins and medals which were in circulation between 1709 to 1714, this "treasure" would probably contain several pounds of these valuable metals.) At that time Milicz was a kind of town, where almost everyone knew everyone. So whatever was in mind of one person, soon was on the lips of all the other people. So during the opportunity of the repair of the roof in the tower of that church, which took place around the year 1957, this sphere was removed and its content was examined. From what I have heard, apparently it turned out that only old newspapers were contained in it. No gold nor silver coins nor medals were found in it. Interestingly so, whether this "treasure" has already been found by someone else, or indeed to confuse potential prospectors, publicly was written that it is in this sphere, when in fact it was hidden in another more secret place of the church.
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       By the way, those balls or disks which are suspended above the roof of almost every church, actually come from ancient UFO sightings. (In the old days, UFOs and UFOnauts were regarded as supernatural beings - as explained on the website about UFOnauts, and also in subsection V9.1 from my older monograph [1/4] which contains the formal scientific proof that "religious devils are present UFOnauts".) Namely, these balls or discs mimic the spherical or discoid UFOs of small types, which used to be sighted as they were hovering over main propulsors of "cigars" composed of many UFOs of larger types, and which were imitated by towers of churches. It is for this reason, that tops of the towers in churches (and in Muslim shrines) are always likened to the appearance of the so-called "detached configurations" or "semi-attached configurations" coupled from several UFO vehicles described in subsection F3.1.3 and F3.1.2 of my monograph [1/4] ??available free of through via this web page. The most correct imitation of UFOs on these church towers are visible on the photograph from "Fot. #D1" on the web page about the Cathedral in Polish city of Wrocław. These discs on tops of both towers from the Cathedral in Wroclaw imitate not only the shiny appearance of discoidal UFOs of the second generation, but also the appearance of the black octagonal oscillatory chambers visible in the center of the main propulsors of these UFOs.

Part #F: Undergrounds of the church of Saint Andrea Bobola:


#F1. Underground town under Milicz, and its links with the church of Saint Andrea Bobola:

Motto: "A second underground town is hidden under Milicz."

       If in a small Milicz the ground has suddenly become transparent, then surprised people would see that under the foundations of their town hides actually yet another whole town. It is the labyrinth of underground tunnels that secretly connect with each other the most important buildings of Milicz. At the /time when I was a little boy, about this maze of tunnels people were speaking openly in Milicz. There still were then many open entrances into it. Then these entrances have gradually been walled up. Until some mid-1960s was unleft open even one of them. Furthermore, people who visited these tunnels, or knew something important about them, disappeared from this world in various mysterious ways. Was all this just a coincidence of circumstances - I will try to explain this in item #F3 from this web page.
       As I explained this earlier, in the basement of the church of St. Andrew Bobola in Milicz, immediately after the war there was an entrance to the underground network of tunnels under the town of Milicz. However, this entrance has been bricked up in the 1950s. The entire this labyrinth of tunnels under Milicz is described on a separate web page about the town of Milicz - see in there items #D4 and #D5, and captions under "Fig. #D3", "Fig. #D5", "Fig. #D7", "Fig. #D8", "Fig. #D28", and "Fig. #D29". (Especially see the caption under "Fig #D29" which describes a connection of this entire labyrinth of tunnels under Milicz with cellars of the church of St. Andrew Bobola.)
       I should add here, that the small tunnel also is to be found in the village Wszewilki - near to Milicz. In Wszewilki that tunnel ran straight as an arrow from the former Romanesque church of Wszewilki to centre of the cemetery in the woods near Wszewilki, where its secret exit was hidden in one of the tombs. A description of this small tunnel is included, among others in item #C2 from the separate web page about the village of Wszewilki, and also in item #C5 above on this web page.

#F2. Cellars under the church of Saint Andrea Bobola in Milicz, and their connection with the system of tunnels from under Milicz:

       In the days just after the Second World War, undergrounds of the Protestant church in Milicz (the one shown in "Fig. #D2 (#29)" above) were accessible for the curious people. Except that in that time the church had already been renamed into the Roman Catholic Church dedicated St. Andrew Bobola. These people who entered into these undergrounds told that the basement is filled up with pilles of old coffins.
       At that time there was one gruesome detail which hit their eyes at that church's basement. It was a dried and mummified body in a German uniform, pinned with the bayonet from a Russian rifle to one of the coffins. This German was probably a member of a miniature German garrison, which in Milicz defied the advancing Russians. While his comrades in arms were killed - as this is described in detail in item #C1 from the separate web page dedicated to the Battle of Milicz, he probably run out of the city-hall via underground tunnel which at that time linked the town-hall with the Evangelic church. Then he was hiding from Russians in the basement of this church. Unfortunately for him, it was not a far-sighted move, since it is known that after the capture of a town marauders from the victorious army of always pillage churches in search of liturgical gold (after all, churches they can find most easy because of their towers). So unfortunately for this German, he was discovered by Russians. Russians pinned him with a bayonet to stack of these wooden coffins. Then the bayonet was broken, so that the body that German soldier was hanging out of coffins. Shortly thereafter it dried up like a mummy. Over the next few years this dead person in a German uniform was a macabre attraction for visitors to these undergrounds.
       Highly interest in these events is the revealing of the phenomenon of this natural capacity of the undergrounds from the church of St. Bobola to mumify human corpses. Not every place and not every undergrounds on Earth have this capability. In fact, it is rather unique. For example, the ancient Egyptians believed it to be so valuable, that in order to form in a technical way they were in there tediously build giant pyramids. I wonder what in the church from Milicz causes the appearance of this rare phenomenon.

Fig. #F2 (5b).

Fig. #F2 (#3): Appearance of a typical underground tunnel from the medieval period.
       This tunnel is accessible to the public in Kłodzko. Entrances to it are by the Kłodzko town-hall and by the Klodzko fortress. It is well lit, secured against getting lost, and full of medieval exhibits, so it is worth of seeing - I highly recommends seeing it. A whole labyrinth of underground tunnels similar to the above is also under Milicz. In the days until the end of World War II, these tunnels were accessible and kept in good condition. There was then an open tunnel connection between basements from all churches in entire Milicz, including the Evangelical Church from the photograph "Fig #D2 (#29)" above, and the whole system of remaining tunnels under Milicz township. However, later the entrances from these churches undergrounds to that tunnel system were bricked up.

#F3. Rich treasures, or extremely important secret - what really is hidden in undergrounds of Milicz:

Motto: "The more strongly a given fortress is defended, the more valuable content it has."

       I personally believe that something very important was well hidden in a maze of underground tunnels from Milicz. It is something so important that someone already continually for over 70 years puts out a lot of effort to stop people from finding it. Of course, one need to ask the question, what facts confirm that there is indeed something so important hidden in these undergrounds. Well, there are numerous such facts. None of them contradicts neither the rules of engagement ("modus operandi") of Werewolves underground organization described in item #E2 from the web page named wszewilki_uk.htm, nor contradicts historical facts that are already known to us. Let us review these facts. Here they are:
       1. Persistent rumors that undergrounds from Milicz hide something very important and valuable. Immediately after the war among the people of Milicz numerous rumors circulated that hidden in underground tunnels was something very precious. As the source of these valuables historical events were indicated, for example the Hussite invasion of Milicz - after which no one survived from those who know where were bricked up the the valuables of the rich (because owned by the bishop) town of Milicz (see item #D30 from the separate web page named milicz_uk.htm). Also indicated was the escape of Maltzan family - who did not manage to take their valuables, and apparently also bricked them up in the undergrounds (although I have heard, that in the basement of their palace, not in tunnels of Milicz - unless they mean the Milicz tunnels that are running under the palace). Moreover, in last minutes of the war, in Milicz undergrounds upposedly was also hidden something extremely valuable by German militaries. Immediately after the war many people from Milicz were looking for these valuables - but I have never heard that someone actually found something really worthwhile. More interestingly, the secret search was carried out in those dungeons even by the communist authorities - and they probably had at their disposal a source of information on which they could rely.
       2. Mysterious disappearance of all entrances to tunnels under Milicz. Entrances to the system of underground tunnels under Milicz in some strange way, suddenly disappeared. But in times of my starting the elementary school (i.e. in the 1950s) there was a lot of these entrances. However, until the time when I graduated from that school and I started the high school, survived only two of them (i.e. in ruins of the castle and the burned town-hall cellars). But even those were gone by the time I graduated from the high school. The disappearance of these entrances very clearly reminds me of a rapid disappearance of entrances to the tunnels under the Babia Góra Mountain - which according to legends, also conceal some important secret for the mankind (for the descriptions of these tunnels - see the Polish treatise [4c] about tunnels under Babia Góra.
       Out of accesses to the tunnels under Milicz which I still remember, the most commonly used and the most tidy one was located in the basement of a house located approximately opposite the bookstore used in Milicz in time of my youth, which in old days was located on a one-way outlet street from the Milicz central place - for more details see item #D5 from my web page named milicz_uk.htm. But this entrance has been bricked up but back in the 1950's. Other frequently used entrance was a kind of "staircase" from the interior wall of the Milicz Castle (not to be confused with the Palace in Milicz), in the south-east corner of the castle. It also was piled high with rubble in the 1960s. There was also the entrance to the tunnel in the well from the castle in Milicz (this well was collapsed and damaged in the 1960's) - the well was located in the courtyard of the Milicz Castle. Other entrance to the tunnel was in the basement of the town-hall burnt down in the last stage of the war (for details see item #C1 from the web page named bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm. Now this basement is concreted under the central market of Milicz. Further entrances were in the basement of the Church of St. Andrew Boboli, in the basement of the Palace in Milicz, and in the tomb of Margrave Maltzan. All these entrances have been systematically destroyed. At the moment the situation is such, that in order to get into these tunnels, it would rather be necessary to "trench" (dig) into them, instead of looking for their destroyed entrances. Thus, for example, one would need to first find their location with the help of so-called "ground-penetrating radar", and only then could "dig" down to them.
       3. Unexplained deaths of all these people who knew too much about these tunnels. In a very systematic way, almost all natives of Milicz who knew anything about these tunnels, were murdered one by one. Their secret murders are described on the separate web page named wszewilki_uk.htm. What is even more suspicious, is that it looks like also the people who searched these tunnels in the days immediately after the war (when they still were accessible) were expedited at lightning speed to the other world still in the days of their youth. For example, at a young age has died also, amongst others, Zbyszek about which I wrote in the caption under "Fig. #D3" from the web page named milicz_uk.htm.
       4. "Planting the forest around the tree that one wants to hide". In Poland sometimes is used a strategy, the best description of which is the saying "if you want to hide a tree, then plant a forest around it." Now, if someone watches closely what is going on in various forums on the internet, then there should be no doubt, that around the case of tunnels under Milicz is just planted a whole forest. As an example, it is worth to have a look on the forum
* * *
       In my view, the above evidence strongly suggests that something really important is hidden in the underground tunnels Milicz. But is it a treasure - I am not sure. After all, instead of hiding it - someone would rather stole it. I personally believe that this something is rather some concealed heavy objects (such as historical church records, or large historical museal artefact objects), that confirm the past of Milicz and Wszewilki - e.g. objects hidden by Maltzans, or military equipment used by the organisation of "Werewolves". After all, one can easily imagine what would happen if e.g. the information about "Werewolves" provided in item #E2 from the different web page named wszewilki_uk.htm, suddenly was confirmed by the discovery of such artefacts. How then would look like the opinions of those detractors who on the Internet laugh now regarding that matter.

Part #G: Touches of supernatural from the area of Milicz:


#G1. Sapieha - means a bat-like flying mischievous "wizard" from the area of Milicz town in south-west part of Poland:


Motto: "In every story hides a grain of truth."

       Every area of the world has its own manners of scaring children, which are slightly naughty, but not enough naughty to deserve for a slap. If I remember well, in years 1970s in Wrocław one could effectively scare almost every kid on a street through reminding a "black hand" to it. But why kids from Wrocław of that time were extremely scared of this "black hand" being reminded to them, it is always going to remain a mystery for me. In times when I was small, children from the vicinity of Milicz (i.e. from the area including Wszewilki, Stawiec, and Cieszków), were scared by the warning "Sapieha flies". However, this particular warning originated from much older times. From family stories it is known to me, that with the same warning in these areas children were scared already in times when my parents were children. This in turn means, that the flying "Sapieha" raged in areas of the present "gmina" Milicz not later than at the beginning of 20th century. (But equally well he could operate in there already much earlier - as it is NOT known to me with whom and how were scared parents of my parents when they were still children.) I searched for any written information about evil bahaviour of anyone from the family of Sapieha out of these areas - which behaviours would provide any indications as to the origins of this strange warning. But I found nothing specific. (If anyone amongst readers knows anything on this subject I would be grateful for letting me know.) The only thing that I managed to find, is the legend "About count Sapieha, cunning tailor, and devils" (in the Polish origin "O księciu Sapieże, chytrym krawczyku i diabłach") published, amongst others, on the web page, but originating from the book [F1] by Stanisław Świrko, "Orle gniazdo: Podania, legendy i baśnie wielkopolskie" (Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, Poznań 1969, strony 201-204). But I suspect that the Count Peter Sapieha from Koźmin, who is the main character of this legend, does not have anything to do with the warning "Sapieha flies" used in the area of Milicz - in spite that all these places lie within the "scope of patrolling flights of a single wizard".
       According what is known to me about this warning "Sapieha flies", this Sapieha supposed to be a local "wizard" (a "wizard" is a male equivalent to a "witch"). He lived somewhere in the area and was known to local people. He had huge wings like a gigantic bat. These wings were used at nights when he patrolled "his" area. In these patrolling flights he searched for lonely victims who either traveled alone at nights, or were forced to work alone at night. After finding a victim, he usually tormented it on many different ways, trying to cause the death of this victim. He caused this death NOT by personal killing the victim, but through either scaring it to death, (e.g. through causing a heart attack), or through making it to run until the victim fell to some bog, water, hole in the ground, or old well, where the victim drowned in the result of a panic escape. In winters he supposedly had the custom to draw his victims far from settlements, where they died out of cold, scare, or exhaustion. Supposedly he needed these deaths of innocent people in order to maintain his magical powers.
       The manner of murdering people by the "wizard" Sapieha corresponded to the presently known manner on which today UFOnauts murder people. As this is explained on web pages about destructive uses of UFO vehicles, and also about bandits in our midst, UFOnauts also almost never kill directly. Rather they induce or bring something, that is to cause death of a given victim. So that the responsibility for a given death always falls onto this something, not onto UFOnauts. Of course, this something that kills for UFOnauts also each time is different. For individual people it is either a deadly illness, e.g. cancer, or a cunningly arranged "accident". In turn for group deaths it always is either a catastrophe, or an appropriately controlled forces of nature. For example, in case of collapsing of the hall in Katowice by UFOs it was the smashing of the roof of this hall with magnetic forces, which was carried out by a UFO vehicle that remained invisible to human sight. In case of evaporation of WTC buildings by UFO vehicles it was a supposed terror attack. In turn in case of tsunami of 26th December 2004 induced by UFOs the real cause was an underwater explosion of a UFO vehicle.
       Similarly like a majority of us, when I already grew out of the age when this scaring had any effect on me, I treated this stories of old folks from the area of Milicz about the "wizard" named Sapieha, the same as each one of us treats them - namely with a big pinch of salt. But the matter got complicated when I emigrated from Poland and discovered that folklore stories about exactly the same evil creatures with bat-like wings are known in cultures of practically entire world. These creatures are known even on islands which were completely cut out of the rest of the world. What even more interesting, the majority of precise details of these creatures is repeated exactly the same in folklores of completely different parts of the world. Because logically it is difficult to imagine that old-timers living in such diverse parts of the world had a kind of conspiracy and agreed that all of them are going to describe the same creatures, the only other explanation for such an omnipresence of the same details of these evil creatures, is that such creatures actually existed. What even more interesting, various people claim that they meet these creatures sometimes even in present times.
       With the use of illustrations which I am providing below on this web page, I try to document that creatures of the type as this "wizard" Sapieha from the vicinity of Milicz in fact are known practically in all areas of the world. In all descriptions these creatures have the same key attributes - in spite that depending on the local culture these attributes can be illustrated on slightly different ways. So here are these illustrations:

Fig. #G1 (#4abc): Female "devil" with what looks like bat wings. In order to allow a better examination of her wings and system of 3+1 clawed fingers on hands and toes on legs, she is photographed from two directions. (Further explanations concerning this "she-devil" are provided on "Fig. #K2" from the separate web page about evolution.) Supposedly just such "bat wings" had a flying wizard popularly called "Sapieha", who in first years of 20th century used to terrorize people from the area of present administration of Milicz gmina. (Only that this "Sapieha" was a male, not a female.) Even in years of my childhood local autochthons scared children with a warning "Sapieha flies"!
       The above figure of a "female devil" originates from the culture of Pacific (i.e. a far east of the Earth), or more strictly from the city of Suwon in South Korea. But in Poland just such creatures that have only four clawed fingers, were also known. It is about just such a devil writes a famous Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz in his poem "Pani Twardowska" (i.e. "Madam Twardowski"), quote: "... he had chicken leg and cock fingernails ..." (in original Polish language "... kurzą nogę i krogulcze miał paznokcie. ..."). Looking at "cock legs" of this female devil one can easily work out who on Earth invented the fashion for women "high-hill shoes" - in order to hide in the hills of these shoes this inconveniently sticking out back claw. On the figure of the above devil attention captures a kind of "snake pattern" o her skin. (This pattern can be seen the best if one magnifies this photograph to the entire computer screen by clicking onto it.) This is probably because of the strange snake pattern that these creatures have, that many present UFO abductees claim that they saw a race of "lizards" on a UFO deck. This pattern is perfectly known to New Zealand Maoris. In order to somehow get sympathy from these intimidating creatures with magical powers, New Zealand Maoris make tattoo of a similar pattern on their faces. This Maori pattern tattooed on their skin on image of the pattern from skin of these "devils" or "wizards" is called moko. The real function of these "bat wings" in creatures that in past were called "devils" or "wizards", while presently are called UFOnauci, was explained only recently by newest findings of paragliders. It turned out that such "wings" assist in better maneuvering during flights in the air. In fact they are just made as special additions to the paragliders costumes. It is worth to notice, that the creature from the above photograph looks as if it has two pairs of hands. One pair of her clawed hands lifter up spreads her wings, while another pair is placed along side of the body thus giving her a human appearance. These two pairs of hands are simply an outcome of misunderstanding. These creatures have only a single pair of hands - similarly like people do. Only that the folklore was unaware that their "wings" are actually appropriately designed "pelerine" which only takes the shape of wings when during the flight this creature lifts her hands up. So old-timers believed that these creatures are like birds - means have wings that are separate from hands and legs. They overlooked that when these creatures walk on Earth with their hands hanging on sides of body, their "wings" simply turn into a kind of a coat with a pelerine. The cut of this coat until today is imitated by the upper part of official suits of dignitaries and orchestra conductors, popularly called "dress coat", "tails", "claw hammer", or "tuxedo". (Interestingly, the name "tuxedo" is just a "combination of sounds" which carries in itself the meaning "transportation clothing"; hence the word "tux" for it, which is used as an informal American name for "tuxedo" and which is closely related to the word "taxi".) Ordinary people noticed that these officials (or rather creatures which impersonated them), who in old times were having power and money, frequently worn just such "dress coat" with a pelerine. So ordinary people started to imitate the cut of these "tails" in the official clothing for Earthly humans.
       Fig. #4a (click on this "green" message in order to see the photo enlarged): The female devil-UFOnaut photographed in a side view. It reveals especially well the location and side appearance of clawed toes on legs of this creature. For this it is worth to have a good look at the left leg of this devil. Furthermore, the photo shows quite well the appearance of 3+1 fingered hand-palms. (Her true hands are these which she lifted up.) One must admit that these creatures do NOT belong to most pleasant in the appearance and interaction. No wonder that warrior-like Maoris were terrified of them really panicky. In Poland and in Europe the local folklore also knows such evil, three-plus-one digit female creatures, which independently from the expression "she devil" in old times were also described with names a "bad witch", "Baba Jaga", "duce", "imp", "elf", and a whole range of other names. Another photograph which also shows one of these 3+1 finger female creatures described by folklore of not only Europe, but also the rest of the world, is shown as the (click here) Fig. 7b on the web page about aliens.
       Fig. #4b (click on this "green" message in order to see the photo enlarged): The female devil-UFOnaut photographed in a front view. This time the photo reveals well the frontal appearance of their legs and hands with #+1 digits. I should add here that the above photograph, and also photograph "Fig. #4c", are shown and comprehensively explained also on the web page memorial. In turn, from a completely different point of view the above photograph is analyzed and discussed on web pages about evolution and castle in Malbork.
       Fig. #4c (click on this "green" message in order to see the photo enlarged): The empty space left after the speedy removal of the female devil-UFOnaut soon after this web page brought the attention of public (and UFOnauts) on the existence of this evidence and the meaning of it. This photograph of an empty space left after the speedy removal of the "female devil" shown here illustrates also perfectly how long are tentacles of our secretive occupants from space, and how thoroughly these occupants remove from the Earth all evidence of their existence about which the information break through to the public knowledge, without any regard to the historic, cultural, or sentimental (memorial) value of this evidence. After I took the above photographs and published them in Internet, around two months later by a chance I passed near the place where the sculpture of this "female devil-UFOnaut" was exhibited. Through some strange act of God just in that moment of time a pitch-black van with black (smoked) windows arrived at the area of this sculpture. Several old-fashioned clothed man in black with black sunglasses come out from the van. Looking at them I thought that they resemble typical "Man in Black" (MIB) and that I should take a photo of them. However, something immediately started to persuade me in my mind "why you try to endanger yourself by taking a photo of these individuals - they could be gangsters or some secret spies". This is because emanated from them a strong feeling of threat, danger, and hostility. Their facial expressions were also very hostile and repulsive. I found them quite threatening. I personally imagine, that similar facial expressions probably had, or one should expect that they had, faces of staff of concentration camps, professional executors, or mass murderers. So I have not taken their photos, but only watched what they are going to do next. They approached the sculpture and all like on a silent command started simultaneously and in silence watch it with strangely synchronized movements. They walked around it and examined it from all directions, then silently they sit into their van and drove away. Several days later I noticed that the sculpture was NOT there any more. When and how it was removed - I have no idea. What even more interesting, this sculpture added a charm to the place, while an empty space that that it left is hitting now like a hole after a tooth pulled out. It is now clear that the goal of these MIB was to identify that the sculpture was really the one that I described on this web page, and then to remove it immediately. If I know this when I saw these MIB, then for sure I would take the risk of recording them on a photo. This is because now I am certain that in fact these were UFOnauts (MIB) and that they arrived especially to destroy this next evidence of their activity on the Earth - as this is described on the web page memorial. As it can be seen the tentacles of the global organization of UFOnauts are long, which their grip on the neck of humanity - really iron. In this situation I suggest to make a copy of the above photographs, as it is easy to predict that they also soon will be destroyed somehow by UFOnauts - like it was done with all other evidence on the secretive occupation of the Earth by UFOnauts notoriously hidden from people.
       Of course, I am aware that if someone begins a discussion about the removal of this sculpture, changelings-UFOnauts will conveniently argue that the disappearance of it was just only a timely "coincidence" or "converge of unfavourable circumstances". After all, in their arguments every evidence for their secretive occupation of the Earth, and every meaningful event, is just such a "coincidence". In reply to such arguments I would like to explain here, that according to the philosophy of totalizm, in the physical world there is NO such a thing as a "coincidence". Everything has its causes and effects. Thus, without important reasons no-one removes sculptures which beautified a city, which are in perfect technical conditions, and which after the removal do leave an ugly hole that looks like a hole in frontal teeth of the city. In fact I saw in the world (and also in Suwon - where this sculpture was located) incomparably uglier sculptures in much worse technical condition and no-one was removing them - fact that these sculptures did NOT illustrate the bitter truth about the occupation of Earth by these "devils-UFOnauts".
       Fig. #G1d (lowest) - click on "green" link to see this photo in enlargement:: Here is a three-toed footprint of a female UFOnaut melted on 2022/5/24 near my New Zealand flat in the hard asphalt of the NZ pavement. The melting of this imprint was made in a cold autumn night by a UFOnaut from the "nightmare" race - with an appearance very similar to the Korean three-fingered/toed "devil" shown in the above sculpture. Notice that among her three toes, the longest and thickest is the middle one, NOT the inner toe as it is in humans legs. According to my calculations, this female UFOnaut was about 80 cm tall, which means she belonged to the same race of "devils" that Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz described in his poem entitled "Pani Twardowska". The question: what this female UFOnaut was doing at night on the sidewalk near my apartment? - is very disturbing for me. After all, I noticed many times that at night someone secretly makes malicious changes in my computer, eliminating or changing NOT only key words and information in already written texts, but sometimes even retouching photographs contained therein in order to minimize their evidential value. The above photograph is only one out of four that this UFOnaut melted in the pavement's hard asphalt with magnetic propulsors mounted in soft soles of her shoes. All these photographs are shown and described in more details in items #K1 to #K2a from my other web page named petone.htm and in entries #347E and #348E to blogs of totalizm based on these #K1 to #K2a (I suggest to have a look in there - this is because there is NO more objective evidence for the physical existence of UFOnauts, or devils, that harm people, than photos and films documenting them and their hidden activities on Earth).
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Fig. #G2a (#5a)
Fig. #G2b (#5b)
Fig. #G2c (#5c)

Fig. #G2 (#5abc): Wooden figures carved by New Zealand Maoris with a primitive technique that did not know metals. All these figures clearly reveal that the intimidating "supernatural creatures" which in past visited and persecuted Maoris from New Zealand, used to have four fingers with claws on hands and on legs, and a strange "snake pattern" on the skin - i.e. exactly the same as it is visible on the more precise sculpture of a "female devil" shown in "Fig. #4" above. Although these figures originate from a different culture than the European one, still they illustrate exactly the same kind of "devils" which tormented also the entire Europe.
       The above figures illustrate quite well what actually was the anatomy of these "supernatural creatures" which in past show themselves up to Maoris, and also how looked like this "snake-skin pattern" on their skins, which become a blueprint for the Maori moko tattoo. In all Maori figures it is shown consistently that these creatures had (3+1) clawed fingers and toes. In Europe such vindictive and hostile towards people creatures most frequently were called "devils", while presently they are called "UFOnauts". But Maoris called them with the use of an entire array of other names, which usually do not have neither Polish nor English equivalents. An example of these names is the Maori god named "Uenuku" ("Uenuku" is described in item #D1 from the web page named newzealand_visit.htm) and the mob of his tribesmen and helpers. However, the name most frequently used by Maoris is "Taniwha". "Taniwha" hides actually two different categories of monsters, both of which the warrior-like Maoris are horrified. (Some Maoris claim that they see these "Taniwha" even presently.) I was very intrigued by this name "Taniwha". So I completed a research aimed at discovering what actually Maoris understood originally by this mystical name. This research revealed, that the name "Taniwha" was given by Maoris to both, (1) flying vehicles which we currently call "UFO vehicles", as well as to (2) diabolic crew members arriving in these flying vehicles, means to creatures which currently we call "UFOnauts". Further information about these Maori "Taniwha" can be found on the web page newzealand.htm - about New Zealand. Other name frequently used by Maoris for these mischievous, vindictive, and immoral creatures, was Patupaiarehe (tj. means "people of mist") and "Turehu" - i.e. equivalent to English fairies and elves. These names can be approximately translated as "devils". But they include also a whole array of other creatures hostile towards people, which our ancestors used to know, but about which we gradually forget. Their examples are "imps", "duces", "jins (e.g. this from the 'Aladdin Lamp')", and these "wizards" flying like huge bats. These creatures arrive to the Earth even currently. Only that they almost do NOT show themselves to people. Only sometimes in various victims of night abductions to UFOs are left on arms or legs four blue bruises from their four-digit hands, formed into a characteristic (3+1) pattern and sometimes having point punches of skin caused by their sharp crow-like claws. Here it is what subsequent photographs are showing:
       #G2a (#5a) - upper: Very old wooden figure, which I photographed in March 2006 in the Museum in Christchurch, South Island of New Zealand. But very similar Maori figures can also be found in practically almost every museum of New Zealand. As in all Maori figures of that type, it clearly shows that the creature which it immortalizes had 3+1 fingers. (Interestingly, on Tuesday, 3 June 2008, evening television news of New Zealand show imprint of a human-like foot on Mars, which (the footprint) had just 3+1 toes. (You can see this footprint if you type keywords "footprint on Mars" in Google images.) The question which can be asked in connection with this footprint, is whether it was imprinted by the same Yeti-like UFOnaut, the walking of which along the surface of Mars was captured on the photograph shown in item #E6 of the web page newzealand.htm - about mysteries and curiosities of New Zealand.) Furthermore, the above wooden figure emphasizes also unproportionally large genitals of the creature portrayed on it. (Such large, always erected penises are emphasized on many Maori figures of these 3+1 finger creatures.) As this is illustrated and explained in "Fig. #1" from the web page parasitism.htm - about parasitism means the philosophy of immorality, stagnation, aggression and unhappiness, UFOnauts use special plastic stiffening inserts in their penises, which cause that their penises are especially large and always in the state of continuous erection.
       #G2b (#5b) - middle: Wooden figure of the Maori Taniwha, which scares visitors to geysers in Rotorua. I also photographed it in March 2007 in the Museum of Geysers in Rotorua on the North Island of New Zealand. On the hand of this creature one can clearly notice 3 clawed fingers. Although from this direction of photographing it is not visible very clear, one still can notice that from special holes for claws in the front of their shoes, also only 3 claws are sticking out from each leg. In the Maori culture these Taniwha always are shown in a manner which supposed to induce fear. After all these were creatures that one should fear. Thus in their carving Maoris emphasize these attributes of the creatures, which induce fear. In this case it includes inhumanely long tang - these evil creatures could leak their own chest, three-plus-one fingers and toes, with dangerous, cock-like claws, this scary "snake" pattern "Moko" on their skin, and also this evil pet-lizard called "Moko-moko" that hanged over their chest.
       From my own studies it appears, that "Moko-moko" was in fact a kind of high-energy weapon, which these creatures used against Maoris. This weapon was always carried by Taniwha - hanging on their chests, means in the same way as people carry today machine guns in the readiness to shoot. Because during the use this weapon become like "alive" and obediently carried out orders of its owners, the Maoris who did NOT know technical devices explained it to themselves as a kind of pet-lizard which normally sleeps motionlessly, but on the command from the owner it rapidly becomes alive and "bites to death" the indicated victim.
       This green lizard hanging from the tang of this "Taniwha" just is a "Moko-moko". Notice that the mouth of this Moko-moko is directed towards intestines of its master, as if this lizard contemplated whether it should bite the intestines and only the fear stopped it from biting. Moko-is a very scary kind of monster. For Maoris it was the second god of death. The first god of death was for Maoris a gigantic female called "Hine-nui-o-Te-Po". She was the godess of ordinary parting with life. In turn the lizard "Moko-moko" was a god of a special (horrifying) way of dying, which presently we would describe with the name of "radiation illness". Maoris believed, that this terrible death was caused by such an invisible lizard eating up intestines of a given victim. In turn this lizard was, amongst others, an obedient pet of "Taniwha" (and "Uenuku") that obeyed commands of these creatures. About the "Moko-moko" comprehensive explanations are provided in subsection C1 monograph [5]. At this point I should reveal, that UFOnauts have a weapon of some sort which generates a high-energy beam (laser beam or ions). Effects of the use of this weapon are similar to these described by the Maori folklore as an outcome of being "bitten by a Moko-moko". On Thursday night of 15 Marc 2007, around 4 am, I was abducted to a UFO deck, where I was shot into my belly with the use of this horrifying weapon. More exact description of this shooting is provided in item #D3 (3) of the web page about karma. In the result of this getting shot, my body on the belly disintegrated, leaving a hole of a pencil diameter. I even took photographs of this hole, but it is too ghastly to be shown in public. This shooting me in belly was carried out within a whole string of various persecution that vindictive UFOnauts carried out on me for reasons described in item of the web page about Wszewilki of tomorrow.
       The reader probably wonders how it is possible that an inanimate object that is a kind of weapon used by aliens, could be interpreted by Maoris as a specially deadly-biting lizard. But if one considers carefully the situation in which Maoris were then, and also the knowledge that Maoris had, then immediately such an interpretation of the weapon ceases to surprise. After all, this weapon was able to get "alive" in hands of their "masters" and to "bite" the indicated person. But Maoris of these times did NOT know machines nor know the fact that machines are able to "become operational" similarly like living creatures do. Everything that surrounded Maoris, was then subdivided onto two categories only, namely onto inanimate objects, such as e.g. stones, and onto living creatures, such as e.g. fish or lizards. Because this weapon sometimes could become "alive" in hands of aliens, it could NOT be an inanimate object, but must be a living creature. Similarly believed primitive Europeans of ancient times, which considered UFO vehicles to be living creatures belonging to a kind of flying snakes called "dragons" or "serpents" - as I try to realize this to readers on the web page about evidence of UFO activities on Earth. (Speaking of "dragons", in cultures of countries which draw "dragons" on almost every object, e.g. China, Korea, or Mongolia, "dragons" most frequently are illustrated as kinds of flying lizards, the four legs of which have 3+1 clawed fingers-toes of the design identical to fingers-toes illustrated on the photograph from "Fig. #4".) The only problem that Maoris had with the weapon of aliens, was the kind of living creatures to which it needed to be qualified. Their choice was a deadly-biting "lizard" probably for several different reasons. Firstly, every weapon, even the one that projects a laser beam or a stream of ions, must have a kind of a "barrel" from which it delivers its deadly charges. In turn looking at such a barrel from the position of a future victim, one quite well sees the similarity of it to a lizard with an open mouth. After all, even our present kinds of weapon viewed from the direction of a person being shot at, also look like lizards - as an example see a photograph of "pepesha" PPSh-41 shown in "Fig. #1d" from the web page about the Battle for Milicz. Not mentioning that in many countries of the Far East, e.g. in Malaysia, China, Korea, or Japan, in old times e.g. small cannons were shaped in such a manner that in appearance they resembled sculptures of lizards, from the open mouths of which bullets were ejected. Another reason for which the weapon of aliens Maoris considered to be deadly-biting lizards, was the fact that most of time this weapon was inanimate, means it behaved as if it "sleeps". In turn in New Zealand there is a kind of lizard-like creatures called tuatara which for many hours can persist completely motionless, behaving as if it was an inanimate object. Finally every weapon emits a kind of sound during shooting. It is highly probably that the evil weapon of aliens described here emits during shooting a noise similar to that of chatting of lizards.
       #G2c (#5c) - lower: Also a very old wooden Maori figure from the museum in Dunedin, South Island of New Zealand. On the free hand with which this creature plays with its own weapon, one can clearly notice the set of 3+1 clawed fingers. Highly interesting is also the weapon itself with which this clawed creature plays. This weapon represents a motionless (means "sleeping") "Moko-moko". However, such a sleeping Moko-moko was called differently than Moko-moko in the alive state when it was "biting" the indicated victim. For example, it was called Wahaika, Patu, Kotiate, Maripu, Mere, etc. robably all these names immitate original names of various designs of the same basic weapon of these creatures. After all, our human firearms also are called on many different ways - depending on what design of it someone has. Some versions we call pistols, others machine guns, Kalashnikovs, or pepeshas, etc. Similarly as in our firearms, almost in all immitations of this alien weapon one can clearly distinguish a kind of a barrel and a butt. In immitations called Wahaika and Maripu one can even see triggers, and also remnants of a back-sight or view-finder. (These immitations with a religious accuracy were manufactured by Maoris, who carved them in wood, bone, or stone. Because they were copied now we can see them in museums or in the internet.) Only that these immitations Maoris used later like clubs - means they grabbed them by barrels and hit enemiess with their butts. In order to imitate the original green colour of Moko-moko, Maoris most treasured a copy of this weapon when the imitation copy was carved from a fragile green nephrite (also called "jade" or "greenstone"). Of course, from the military use point of view the weapon carved from brittle nephrite (jade or greenstone) does NOT make any sense. After all, it disintegrates onto small pieces in each impact with weapon of the enemy or in each hitting of something hard. But from the point of view of prestige, means Maori "Mana", having an imitation of the weapon that faithfully reflects both the shape and the green colour of the sleeping and motionless "Moko-moko" had, and still have, a huge significance to Maoris. Maoris were not worried at all neither by the brittle material their weapon was made of, nor by the clumsiness of this weapon. They sincerely believed that due to the immitating nature, this weapon have acquired part of magical powers of the original weapon of aliens. Thus it allows the users to overcome easily the enemies.
       In the culture of New Zealand Maoris there are numerous objects which according to legends originate from aliens. Another example of such objects are white toys with which in present times play Maori women, and which are called poi. Movements and appearance of these toys imitate small white UFO probes called "orbs" that are described in item #I3 of the web page explain.htm - about scientific interpretation of authentic photographs of UFOs.
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       More information about the cosmic origins of evil creatures currently called UFOnauts, while in past called "devils", one can find on the web page about God. In turn more exact descriptions of the appearance of this race of UFOnauts which looks identically to people, and thus which can secretly change for selected people without being noticed by us, are provided on separate web pages named "Antichrist", "UFOnauts", "evil", "aliens", "26th day", or "Malbork".)
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Fig. #6a
Fig. #6b
Fig. #6c

Fig. #6abc: Here are anatomical details that repetitively hit human eyes in creatures which our ancestors used to call "devils", while we now renamed them misleadingly into "UFOnauts". Especially noticeable amongst these common anatomical details of "devils-UFOnauts" are buttocks-like protrusions on their chins. These protrusions are described also on web pages named "Antichrist", "UFOnauts", "evil", "aliens", "26th day", or "Malbork". Other equally characteristic detail of their anatomy is that hair grow upwards on their heads.
       (#6a - upper) The handle of a very old sword. It has a head of "devil" (i.e. "UFOnaut") carved on it. Interestingly, although this sward was made very long ago, the "devil-UFOnaut" it portrays is very similar in appearance to the "Batman" from present American films. In turn his pattern on face by Maoris called "moko" is clearly illustrated on present American films about the "Spiderman". This sword is exhibited in the "War Memorial" from Seoul, South Korea. The most interesting attribute of it is, that it shows a creature which anatomically almost identical to the "devil" from the right photograph "#6c", although anatomically much different from typical humans. For example, the chin of this creature from Korea has similar protrusions as the chin of the "devil" from the photograph #6c taken in Europe. This in turn means, that in spite both these photographs (i.e. #6a and #6c) show figures carved on opposite ends of almost inaccessible (at least in times of their origins) super-continent of Europe-Asia, still both sculptures immortalize genetically related creatures. This in turn reveals, that so-called "devils" are NOT at all some non- existing, "mystical" beings, but are physical creatures made of flesh and blood, only that technically highly advanced, which utilise their high technology for hiding from sight of people. The "devil" from handle of this sword has black skin, similarly as these Maori "Taniwha" from New Zealand shown in photographs "#5a" and "#5b". Furthermore, on the face of it also a "crocodile skin pattern" is visible, which by Maoris is called "Moko". This means that the "devil" from Korea displays anatomical attributes (e.g. this "Moko") which are well known in "devils-UFOnauts" from New Zealand that at that time was isolated from the rest of the world. It also worth to notice the shape of nose of this "devil". It was just such a nose that a Polish poet, Adam Mickiewicz, described in the poem "Pani Twardowska", quote: "... nose like a hook ...". The same nose is shown on photographs of Maori's "Taniwha" from #5a and #5b. Looking at this nose one has difficulty to resist an impression that it resembles to us someone very well known. Such a "hook-shaped nose" is a second (after a nose elongated like a carrot) typical appearance of noses of "devils-UFOnauts" which like to change into people from the Earth.
       (#6b - middle) A photograph the entire sword with the head of "devil" (UFOnaut) on the handle, the enlargement of which is shown on photo from the left side #5a. The shocking in this sword is that in spite of being crafted in Korea, the anatomical attributes of the "devil" immortalized on its handle thoroughly coincide with attributes of "devils-UFOnauts" seen in Europe and in New Zealand - and all this in spite that in times of making this sword Korea did NOT have contacts with Europe nor with New Zealand. This in turn means that "devil-UFOnauts" are global creatures, which in past persecuted humanity (and persecute it still until today) practically on every continent and on every island of the world.
       (#6c - bottom) Also very old carving of the "devil" (i.e. present "UFOnaut" from the race similar to people), from one of European churches. The exact description of anatomy of these "devils-UFOnauts" shown on this sculpture and in appearance identical to people, was described on several web pages listed previously. Here I only show it to illustrate the high anatomical similarities of it, with the figure of the "devil" from #6a on the left.

Part #H: The work of "magic" is a fact, not just a wish or speculation:


#H1. How my Concept of Dipolar Gravity explains the principles on which the true "magic" works:

(Note: at the moment I have no spare time to translate to English the remaining items of this "part #H" (only item #H2 is already translated). Until I find the time required for this translation, I suggest to translate the following descriptions yourself, using one among the numerous currently available on the Internet free programs for translating from one language, e.g. from Polish below, to another language that you know and use, e.g. to English.)

       Wiedza wypracowana dzięki znajomości mojej Teorii Wszystkiego zwanej Koncept Dipolarnej Grawitacji pozwala aby pojęcie "magia" zdefiniować w następujący sposób: "magia jest to powodowanie dowolnych efektów jakie są sprzeczne z działaniem tych praw natury - istnienie których jest uznawane przez nadal tkwiącą na poziomie XX-wieku oficjalną naukę ateistyczną, jednak jakie to efekty wcale NIE są sprzeczne z działaniem uparcie zaprzeczanych przez ową oficjalną naukę ateistyczną mechanizmów otaczającej nas rzeczywistości odkrywanych i opisywanych począwszy od 1985 roku dzięki Teorii Wszystkiego zwanej Konceptem Dipolarnej Grawitacji". W swojej bowiem zarozumiałości, dzisiejsza "oficjalna nauka ateistyczna" uważa, że poznała już i uznaje działanie wszelkich praw i mechanizmów natury i otaczającej nas rzeczywistości, jakie istnieją i mogą istnieć, a stąd jeśli coś biegnie przeciwko prawom jakie nauka ta uznaje, wówczas zgodnie z nią musi to być jedynie rodzajem oszustwa produkowanego np. w celu zadziwiania gawiedzi przez oszukańcze osoby - np. przez osoby praktykujące nastawiony na zwodzenie ludzi zawód lub hobby tzw. "magików". To dlatego "magia" i "magicy" w opinii naszej oficjalnej nauki ateistycznej osiągają swe efekty wyłącznie na zasadach używania jakiegoś wzrokowego oszustwa. (W podobny sposób, w opinii tejże oficjalnej nauki ateistycznej wyniki moich badań są jedynie produktami wybujałej wyobraźni i skłonności do wierzenia w oficjalne spiski.)
       Na szczęście jednak dla postępu naszej cywilizacji, moja Teoria Wszystkiego nazwana Konceptem Dipolarnej Grawitacji już nam ujawniła, że obecna oficjalna nauka ateistyczna NIE wie jeszcze o najważniejszych mechanizmach działania otaczającej nas rzeczywistości. (Aczkolwiek podejmowano już wiele wysiłków obalenia tej teorii, jak narazie nikomu NIE udało się podważyć jej poprawności i zasadności.) Owe zaś najważniejsze mechanizmy związane są z istnieniem i działaniem niewidzialnego, nieważkiego, wiecznie ruchliwego, inteligentnego oraz programowalnego płynu zwanego "przeciw-materia" jaki panuje w świecie odmiennym od naszego i zwanym "przeciw-światem". To z odpowiednio zaprogramowanych wirów tego wlaśnie płynu Bóg stworzył materię i wszystko co manifestuje swe istnienie w naszym świecie fizycznym. Płyn ten bowiem można zaprogramować na dowolne zachowanie - tak iż na jakieś hasło, klucz, czy myślowy nakaz, zawczyna on zachowywać się w określony sposób, mogąc powodować swym zachowaniem, między innnymi, pojawienie się właśnie efektów jakie łamią te z praw natury, jakie są już uznawane przez dzisiejszą oficjalną naukę ateistyczną. Sporo więc tych, którzy w dzisiejszych czasach praktykują "magię", wcale NIE jest oszustami, a jedynie dysponentami bardziej od innych zaawansowanych intelektów, doświadczenie i wiedza których ujawniły im zasady uruchamiania działań owych programów zawartych w pamięci "przeciw-materii" - jakie to zasady omawiam, między innymi, w punktach #J4.5 i #J4.6 swej strony o nazwie propulsion_pl.htm.
       Zgodnie z wiedzą wypracowaną dzięki mojej Teorii Wszystkiego zwanej Konceptem Dipolarnej Grawitacji, zjawiska łamiące uznane przez dzisiejszą oficjalną naukę ateistyczną prawa natury, a stąd podlegające pod powyżej podaną definicję pojęcia "magia", podzielić można na dwie zasadnicze kategorie. Pierwsza z nich to kategoria "magii biologicznej", tj. tej efekty jakiej uzyskuje się poprzez użycie wyłącznie zdolności ludzkich organizmów do uruchamiania programów zawartych w przeciw-materii. Jej przykładami mogą być wszelkie graniczące z cudami efekty wyzwalane przez zaklęcia i myślowe nakazy niektórych dawnych "kamieniarzy" - jakie opisałem w punkcie #J4.5 ze swej strony o nazwie propulsion_pl.htm. (Jako przykład tych efektów rozważ opisane tam zbudowanie na Florydzie w USA przez chorowitego i fizycznie słabego emigranta z Łotwy całego kamiennego zamczyska zwanego Koralowym Zamkiem.) Drugą kategorią "magii" jest ta, którą można nazwać "magią techniczą", tj. tą uzyskiwaną poprzez zadziałanie urządzeń technicznych inicjujących pracę oprogramowania przeciw-materii. Opisałem ją dokładniej, między innymi, w punkcie #J4.6 ze swej strony o nazwie propulsion_pl.htm. Przykładem takiej "magii technicnzej" może być cofanie ludzi w czasie do lat ich młodości za pomocą "wehikułów czasu" mojego wynalazku opisywanych, między innymi, na stronie internetowej o nazwie immortality_pl.htm.
       Nie muszę tutaj dodawać, że wiedząc o powszedchnym podziwie jaki wzbudzają wyczyny faktycznych "magików" (tj. tych, którzy naprawdę potrafią uruchamiać działanie oprogramowania przeciw-materii), wielu tuzinkowych oszustów chętnych do sławy i pieniędzy uzyskuje efekty podobne do "magii" poprzez użycie najróżniejszych oszustw, "tricków" i odpowiednio przygotowanego oszukańczego ekwipunku. Jednak przy odrobinie wiedzy o możliwościach i manifestacjach działania oprogramowania przeciw-materii, relatywnie łatwo daje się odróżniać "faktyczną magię" od oszukańczych efektów uzyskiwanych przez "oszukańczą magię" z pomocą specjalnie zaprojektowanego sprzętu. Daletgo istnienie i działanie takich tuzinkowych "magików oszustów" wcale NIE oznacza, że wszystkie wyczyny "magików" są jedynie fikcją i że faktyczna "magia" działająca na zasadach uruchamiania oprogramowania istniejącego w przeciw-materii wcale NIE istnieje. Zamiast więc doszukiwać się oszustw w pokazach takich faktycznych "magików", bardziej korzystne dla postępu naszej cywilizacji jest taktowanie ich "pokazów" jako "materiału dowodowego" na podstawie którego warto podejmować naukowe badania i upowszechnianie wśród ludzi prawdy o tym jak faktycznie daje się czynić to co oni zdecydowali się ujawnić ludzkości.
       Faktyczna zasada działania prawdziwej "magii" opisana jest już szeroko w moich poblikacjach wyjaśniających jak można programować przeciw-materię oraz jak oprogramowanie przeciw-materii można wykorzystywać dla uzyskania efektów łamiących uznawane przez obecną oficjalną naukę ateistyczną prawa natury - tj. opisana jest w takich publikacjach jak punkty #J4.5 i #J4.6 ze strony o nazwie propulsion_pl.htm, punkt #E4 ze strony o nazwie przepowiednie.htm, oraz w kilku jeszcze innych publikacjach dających się wyszukać za pomocą strony o nazwie skorowidz.htm. Poniżej w następnych punktach tej "części #H" opiszę kilka najpowszechniej znanych przykładów faktycznej "magii", które wcale NIE bazują na wizualnych oszustwach, a sprowadzają się do wyzwalania efektów naprawdę łamiących prawa natury uznawane obecnie przez ową uparcie tkwiącą w poziomie wiedzy XX-wieku "oficjalną naukę ateistyczną".

#H2. "Death walkers" from old China:

       The correct use of magic based on orders issued to the intelligent "moral energy", can cause that dead people in fact start to walk. For example, Chinese practice the centuries long tradition that their dead are buried in family graves from the area where their clan originates. So even when some amongst them died far from the home, his or her body was still brought back to his family cemetery and buried only in there. Of course, in old times there were no fridges. Thus bodies of dead people decayed very fast. Therefore, in times that proceeded the existence of fridges and fast transport, in China existed the magical profession of the "death walkers". On page 94 of the book [1#G3] by Frena Bloomfield, "The Book of Chinese Beliefs" (Arrow Books Ltd. (17-21 Cornway Street, London W1P 6JD, Great Britain), London 1983, ISBN 0-0993190-0-4, 213 pages), is provided a description of that ancient Chinese capability of causing that bodies of dead people marched by themselves. Individuals who had this skills were called in cases when someone died far from the home, while present fridges and fast transport were NOT invented yet. In such a case the "death walker" cast appropriate "spells", while the dead body was standing on its legs and started to rhythmically walk just on its own to wherever it was directed by such a "death walker". A report from the march of such bodies, quoted after the witness from Hong Kong (see [1#G3] page 94) who in person experienced and remembered such an event, is provided below. Here it is:
       "I was just a little boy, about ten years old, and one day my mother came in and said I mustn't go outside or even look out of the window, no matter what happened. Of course, I was very excited by this and I wanted to know why. She covered all the windows and locked them and then locked the doors and she told me that the dead would be walking through our village very soon and no one could go out while they passed through. Everyone believed that you would die if you looked at the dead walking through. The only one who wouldn't die was the person who had this special power over them. So we sat inside our house and, sure enough, after a while we heard the sound of them coming. Heavy footsteps in a steady rhythm. We kept very quiet in case they would know we were there and the whole village was quiet, just the same. Not even the dogs or chickens made a sound. And we sat still for a long time after they'd gone, afraid to go out. And that was how I learned about the walkers of the dead."
       Principle of operation of "dead walkers" is also described in subsection I5.7.1 from my newest monograph [1/5]. In turn the utilisation by people the principles of "making alive" inanimate objects is described in subsection NG5 from volume 12 of abovementioned monograph [1/5].

#H3. "Zombi" from West Indies:

       Umiejętność zmuszania ciał zmarłych do wykonywania określonych zadań praktykowana też była na wyspach z tzw. "Zachodnich Indii" (po angielsku "West Indies"). Umarli którzy poddawani zostawali takiemu magicznemu zabiegowi nazywani tam byli "zombi" - stąd nazwa ta używana jest teraz często w stosunku do osób o nie najwyższej sprawności umysłowej.
       Na temat "zombi" istnieje dosyć spora literatura. Ich opisy zawiera nawet internet. Stąd nie będę tutaj powtarzał ich opisów.
       Bardzo podobne do "Zombi" wykorzystanie ciał zmarłych praktykowane jest także przez tzw. "bomoh" z Malezji (tj. Malejów praktykujących magię). Tyle że malezyjscy "bomoh" wysługują sie ciałami zmarłych dzieci ofiarnych. W Malezji takie wykonujące magiczne rozkazy ciałka małych dzieci nazywają "toyol".

#H4. "Marching statues or sculptures" from ancient India, as well as statues and objects that move themselves or move parts of their bodies, or cry, drink, speak, emit sounds, etc.:

       W dawnych Indiach działali magicy którzy byli w stanie spowodować że posągi z kamienia lub metalu nagle ożywały i wykonywały ich rozkazy. Zasada ożywiania w Indiach owych kamiennych lub metalowych posągów polegała na tym samym magicznym użyciu programów zawartych w przeciw-materii, jakie używali też opisani powyżej "przeprowadzacze umarłych" z Chin.
       Ja osobiście NIE natknąłem się jeszcze w swych badaniach na jakiś pisany raport naocznego świadka który widziałby takie "maszerujące posągi" z Indii i je gdzieś opisał. Niemniej w folklorze mówionym Dalekiego Wschodu posągi te są relatywnie często omawiane. Na bazie ich opisów powstało zresztą sporo scen z filmów "science fiction" w których też pokazane są takie "maszerujące posągi" - ich przykładem mogą być filmy z serii "Indiana Jones", albo film z 2001 roku o tytule "Lara Croft - Tomb Raider", z Angelina Jolie w roli głównej.
       W dzisiejszych czasach powszechnej dostępności filmowania, udokomentowana też już została spora liczba przypadków, kiedy najróżniejsze kamienne rzeźby lub posągi albo nagle poruszają swymi kończynami czy głowami, albo też same się przemieszczają lub poruszają, płaczą, piją, mówią, emitują dźwięki, itp. Liczne filmy dokumentujące takie przypadki można obecnie za darmo pooglądać sobie w "" - tyle że typowo są one dostępne i komentowane głównie w języku angielskim.

#H5. A magical show of "climbing on a standing rope" from ancient India:

       W dawnych Indiach działali magicy których popularny pokaz polegał na powodowaniu iż giętki powróz sam wznosił się w górę - tak jak czyni to wąż zwany "kobra". Potem powróz ten sztywniał aż tak mocno, że pomocnik magika był w stanie wspinać się po nim w górę. Faktycznie to kiedyś czytałem nawet pisany raport naocznego widza z pokazu takiego magika. Niestety, nie odnotowałem wówczas danych źródłowych owego raportu - nie mogę więc ich tu przytoczyć. Istotną ciekawostkę którą pamiętam z owego raportu, to że w czasie pokazu niebo jakby pociemniało, zaś nad ziemią pojawiła się mgła, czy nisko zawisająca chmura. W rezultacie, ów młody pomocnik magika wspinający się po tym wyprostowanym i usztywnionym powrozie, na jakimś tam etapie wspinania zniknął całkowicie widzom z oczu w owej mgle czy niskiej chmurze. Wygląda więc na to, że równocześnie z usztywnieniem powroza, ów magik spowodował kondensowanie się pary wodnej na tej samej zasadzie jak to czynią "wehikuły UFO ukrywające się w chmurach" - opisane na totaliztycznej stronie o nazwie "cloud_ufo_pl.htm".

#H6. Self-levitation; levitating heavy loads, lifting or throwing heavy objects; walking on water, etc.:

       Lewitowanie ciężkich obiektów (np. ogromnych głazów) i samolewitowanie, a także podnoszenie w chwilach zagrożeń ciężarów przekraczających ludzkie moce oraz zmniejszanie swej wagi np. do poziomu iż możliwym się staje chodzenie po wodzie, stanowią jedną z najpowszechniej udokumentowanych w internecie zdarzeń łamiących prafa natury uznawane przez obecną oficjalną nauke ateistyczną. Liczne darmowe widea jakie dokumentują tego typu zdarzenia, tyle że najczęściej opracowane i komentowane w języku angielskim, w dzisiejszych czasach każdy może znaleźć i sobie poprzeglądać w Linki do niektórych z owych darmowych wideów przytoczyłem w punktach #J4.5 i #J4.6 ze swej strony o nazwie propulsion.htm.

#H7. Miracles and extraordinary events caused by objects which are in prayers of a large number of people:

       Programowanie przeciw-materii, tak aby wykonywała ona działania na jakich nam zależy, można dokonywać za pośrednictwem "uniwersalnego języka myśli", jaki ja nazwałem "Ulot". Język ten opisałem szerzej w punkcie #E4 ze swej strony o nazwie przepowiednie.htm. Aby owa przeciw-materia wygenerowała wymagane przez nas działanie, konieczne jest więc jedynie myślowe skrystalizowanie swego życzenia podczas jednoczesnego spiętrzenia swoich uczuć ponad określoną wartość progową jaka powoduje ulot silnego błysku tzw. "energii moralnej" która przesterowuje przeciw-materię - tak jak wyjaśniłem to w punkcie #J4.5 ze strony przepowiednie.htm przy okazji omawiania tam wypracowanej przez siebie w czasach swej młodości metody trafiania kamieniem w cel na trafieniu jakiego bardzo mi w danej chwili zależało. Ponieważ wielu modlących się ludzi formułuje w swych myślach właśnie takie klarownie zdefiniowane własne życzenia przy jednoczesnym powodowaniu swymi silnymi uczuciami wymaganego błysku "energii moralnej", poprzez zwykłe modlenie się do wybranych obiektów materialnych ludzie ci programują przeciw-materię z owych obiektów materialnych aby ta wykonywała ich życzenia.
       W taki właśnie sposób znaczącym źródłem magii oraz wielu "nadprzyrodzonych" wyczynów ludzi, a także źródłem nadprzyrodzonych mocy i zdolności kinetycznych wybranych obiektów martwych, stają się liczne obiekty materialne nasycone orzez modlących się do nich ludzi owym szczególnym rodzaj inteligentnej energii którą philosophy of totalizm nazywa właśnie "energią moralną". (Ta sama inteligentna energia jest też wykorzytywana do programowania przeciw-materii np. przez osoby praktykujące tzw. "kung-fu" - co pozwala tym osobom uzyskiwać efekty kinetyczne jakie zaprzeczają uznanym przez oficjalną naukę ateistyczną prawom fizyki. Chińczycy tą energię nazywają "chi".) Nieco szersze opisy owej "energii moralnej" zawarte są w punktach #D2 i #E2 totaliztycznej strony o nazwie malbork.htm. Osoby które opanują umiejętność nakazywania owej inteligentnej energii jakie działania ma ona zaprogramować w przeciw-materii, są faktycznie w stanie realizować też najróżniejsze działania "magiczne", które zupełnie zaprzeczają działaniu obecnie uznawanych praw natury.
       Owo jednak programowanie obiektów materialnych przez modlących się ludzi wnosi liczne zagrożenia, jakie zapewne są jednym z powodów dla których Biblia zbrania modlenia się do czegokolwiek innego niż sam Bóg - po szczegóły patrz wersety 20:3-5 z bibilijnej "Księgi Wyjścia" - cytuję: "Nie będziesz miał cudzych bogów obok Mnie! Nie będziesz czynił żadnej rzeźby ani żadnego obrazu tego, co jest na niebie wysoko, ani tego, co jest na ziemi nisko, ani tego co jest w wodach pod ziemią! Nie będziesz oddawał im pokłonu i nie będziesz im służył, ponieważ Ja Pan, twój Bóg, jestem bogiem zazdrosnym,...", a także patrz wyjaśnienia z punktu #D1 mojej strony o nazwie malbork_uk.htm. Mianowicie, programujący je ludzie przekazują tym obiektom NIE tylko swoją energię programującą ich zdolność do działania, ale także przekazują swe uczucia i postawy życiowe jakie definiują "co" i "jak" obiekty te mają głównie czynić. Obiekty te potem działają w zgodzie z owymi wprogramowanymi w nie uczuciami i postawami. Tym więc rodzajem programowania można powodować negatywne efekty jakie wyjaśniłem w punktach #C1, #C3 do #C8 i #D1 do #D3 ze swej strony o nazwie malbork_uk.htm. oraz w punktach #D1 do #D3 innej swej strony o nazwie przepowiednie.htm - kiedy to figura Madonny ze zamku w Malborku nasycona została uczuciami i postawami życiowymi Krzyżaków, stąd wobec Polaków nadprzyrodzone działania tej figury zawsze okazywały się być wysoce szkodliwe - co między innymi i ja doświadczyłem na własnej skórze. NIE bez istotnego powodu, o owej krzyżackiej figurze krążyła stara przepowiednia, która stwierdzała, że "przez tak długo jak owa figura stoi na swoim miejscu, ziemia jaką ona dogląda pozostanie pod niemiecką kontrolą oraz będzie rozbrzmiewała wyłącznie niemiecką mową".
       Ja osobiście aż wielokrotnie w swoim życiu doświadczyłem "automatycznych" interwencji w swoje życie dokonywanych właśnie przez zaprogramowane modlitwami obiekty. Przykłady owych interwencji opisałem, między innymi, w punktach #E1 do #E5 totaliztycznej strony o nazwie malbork_uk.htm. a także w punktach #D6 i #D6.1 ze swej strony o nazwie timevehicle.htm.

Part #I: Does the more perfect than in humans matter of bodies of supernatural beings document that God created at least two, or even more, different sets (periodic systems) of chemical elements:

       Motto of this "part #I" of the web page: "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (verse 8:32 from the biblical "Gospel of St. John".)

#I1. Let us have the courage to analyze the evidence that God created at least two different sets (periodic systems) of chemical elements - out of which the old "official atheistic science" discovered only the first, the components of which we learn under the name of "Mendeleev's Table":

       For some time now I have been collecting and analyzing the existing evidence, that in fact God created at least two different sets (i.e. periodic systems) of chemical elements - out of which the old "official atheistic science" managed to discover only the first and most primitive, while teaches us about it in schools and colleges under the name "Mendeleev's Table". About the existence of this evidence I already mentioned in (g) from item #H3 of my web page named 2020life.htm - where I also indicated several examples of it. In this "part #I" of the web page I am going to present most important examples from this extensive body of evidence.
       It is also worth explaining here, that the possibility of the existence of any number of different sets (periodic systems) of chemical elements, means NOT just the one about only existence of which the "official atheistic science" teaches us, results from the fact that the creation of individual atoms forming chemical elements is completely different than that one described in textbooks prepared by this science, but is in line with what explains my blocked already for 35 years Theory of Everything of 1985 also called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. Namely, the atoms of chemical elements are NOT composed of solid elementary particles, nor the interactions between these solid particles are NOT ruled by sets of permanent "laws of nature" - as if this actually took place then these conditions would be able to form only one set (the periodic table) of chemical elements, i.e. only the one the existence of which is recognized by the "official atheistic science" and taught in schools as components of the "Mendeleev's Table". The truth is, however, that both the elementary particles and the whole atoms formed from them, are created by putting together indescribably smaller than even the smallest elementary particles, and also living, immortal, ever mobile, absolutely obedient to God, positive male and negative female the so-called "God Drobinas" - the attributes and behaviours of which are ruled by a series of management programs individually designed by God for a given atom, the docile to changes of which God’s programs by the official atheistic science are mistaken for immutable "laws of nature". In other words, elementary particles and atoms are formed in the same way as he creation of matter by God is described in more detail, e.g. in item #I2 from my autobiographical web page named pajak_jan_uk.htm, while as the attributes, behaviours, appearances and functions of "God Drobinas" are described in items #K1 and #K2 from another my web page named god_exists.htm. For example, only the very elementary particles God can form in many different manners through the appropriate programming of whirling circulation of a selected (huge) number of either positive male or negative female "God Drobinas" along a circular closed circuit, so that these God Drobinas form a kind of "whirl" of a toroidal shape (often called "donut" shape). In turn, because such whirls formed e.g. from only male "God Drobinas" will display a positive potential, while formed from only female "God Drobinas" - negative potential, to form e.g. an "elementary particle" of a negative electric charge, God puts together several such whirls, in this number more of whirls composed from negative female "God Drobinas" than whirls composed of positive male "God Drobinas". In turn for the creation of a positively charged elementary particle, God puts together more whirls composed of positive male "God Drobinas" than of negative female ones. Similarly, for the formation of elementary particles with a neutral electric charge (e.g. "neutrons"), God puts together equal numbers of negative female and positive male whirls of "God Drobinas". Then, having already so formed elementary particles, with the use of a different set of individually designed programs, God puts them together in order to create atoms with attributes required by Him. But because God can freely design elementary particles and atoms formed in such a manner, as well as freely design programs that manage their operation - e.g. by choosing: how numerous are particular whirls of God Drobinas, how many of these whirls constitute given types of elementary particles, and what features and behaviours give to the particles and to atoms individually prepared by God programs that put these whirls together and govern over their capabilities; in fact God - if He wishes, is able to form any number of different sets (periodic systems) of chemical elements than just these three, a high probability of the existence of which is confirmed by the extensive body of material evidence, which I already managed to identify, while the fragment of which I presented below in this "part #I" of the web page.
       Notice that the truth of the most important conclusions from my research, which I presented in the descriptions from this "part #I" of the web page, is supported by the extensive body of evidence highlighted here, originating from as many as "three witnesses" required by the Bible, which witnesses I described in more detail in (1) to (1c) from item #H1 of my web page named 2020life.htm, while the reliability, credibility and truth of confirmations of which witnesses everyone can personally check. According to the explanation contained in the "motto" and in (1a) from item #H1 of the web page "2020life.htm", unanimous confirmation of the results of any research by all these "3 witnesses" actually means that the results of this research are a kind of symbolic "magnifying lenses", which brings closer to the eyes of people and makes it easier for their minds to understand the given fragment of God's actions described by these results, or to understand something that God created. So although the information that I present below is completely contrary to what tells us the old, materialistically oriented "official atheistic science" which still jealously guards its lucrative monopoly on research and on education, still this information in people who recognize it raises the awareness and understanding of life at a higher and completely different level. Hence, it is really worth to forget for a moment about the "common" views that were forced onto us at school or at the university, and for our own good to get to know the evidence-based new views that I present below. Furthermore, to make sure that these new views represent truth, then personally check them by comparing with the evidence which the true reality that surrounds us provides to us in such abundance - instead of just relying on words of some "wise men", to the limited knowledge of whom relates what Shakespeare expressed with his famous "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy" while what the greatest Polish poet expressed with words: "than the glass and the eye of the wise" (i.e. Adam Mickiewicz in his poem entitled "Romantyczność" in the original Polish language stated this with the words: "niż mędrca szkiełko i oko").

Table #I1: Here is the first version of my "Cyclic Tables for Theory of Superior-Beings" - developed on 2018/8/18 and published (with its detailed description repeated below) as "Table #I6" from the web page named mozajski_uk.htm - where it supplemented item #I6 with a broad explanation of this Theory of Superior-Beings by a Polish writer named Adam Wiśniewski. The second, improved version of this table, compiled on 2018/12/29, is shown and explained extensively as "Table #J1b" from the web page named propulsion.htm, and also in "chapter O" (i.e. in "Rozdział O") from my Polish monograph [12] available via the web page named tekst_12.htm. I am showing the above table here to illustrate to the reader how the creation of such cyclic tables explains the transformation of the reality that surrounds us, taking place in the past and in the future - which in turn allows us to predict what soon awaits us and irrevocably is to come. Furthermore, I show it here to also realize that my life and fate, for some mysterious reasons, periodically returns to the creation and improvement of this type of cyclic tables. After all, my first ever creative product was the multidimensional Periodic Table of Chemical Elements, which I created as an inexperienced student of the Wrocław University of Technology, and the fate of which I described in item #B3 as well as in caption under "Tab. #D4" from my web page named 2020life.htm. (Notice in that description of fate, the highly discouraging treatment, which, with a significant detriment to the level of science and to the international reputation of this university and Poland, I received at that time from my lecturers regarding the issue of publishing this table that has never been developed again by other scientists.) However, experiences accumulated during working out of that multidimensional Periodic Table of Chemical Elements allowed me in about 4 years later, means when I already was a lecturer at the same Wrocław University of Technology, to develop my "Cyclic Table for Earth's Propelling Devices" - which I finally managed to publish in 1976, while the today's appearance and description of which the reader will find e.g. in "Tab. #J4ab" from the web page named propulsion.htm and in a graphically even more spectacular finishing in "Tab. #D4" from another my web page named 2020life.htm (it is also shown and discussed in our half-hour long free YouTube video in English entitled "Future Propulsions"). It is that "Cyclic Table for Earth's Propelling Devices", or more precisely the announcement forecasted by it and stating that our civilization will build Time Vehicles which will allow people to live indefinitely long, caused that soon afterwards I formulated my ground-breaking Theory of Everything of 1985, which due to the continuous blocking of its dissemination, at present I am still publishing under its first name the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. Then I developed a whole range of other Cyclic Tables, including the above one in which I illustrated the extended by results of my own research (especially by the finding that God "feeds on knowledge") the operation of the unique "Theory of Superior-Beings" which was originally developed by a Polis writer named Adam Wiśniewski (pseudonym Snerg), in turn which is explained more comprehensively in that item #I6 from my web page named mozajski_uk.htm. In turn, after the development of another breakthrough Theory of Life of 2020, the fate guided my research so mysteriously, that on a slightly different level of inquiry, in this "part #I" of the web page I am again returning to the problem of the principles of formation and operation of sets of existing chemical elements - which together with that my never published multidimensional Periodic Table of Chemical Elements was the first ever product of my creative scientific research. (Click on the above table to see an enlarged view of the version of it that I disseminate in a safe PDF format.)
       The "Cyclic Table for Theory of Superior-Beings" shown above interprets the regularities expressed by the content of the genius "Theory of Superior-Beings" developed by a Polis writer, Adam Wiśniewski, and also extends this theory by additional levels of beings, which Wiśniewski neither included nor defined them, but the scientifically proven existence of which living beings was revealed only by my Theory of Everything of 1985 also called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, while the definitions of which beings are provided in items #A0 and #D3 from my another web page named god_proof.htm. In order for the reader to be able to easily distinguish the elements originally included by Wiśniewski in the formulation of his "Theory of Superior-Beings", from the elements that I added as a result of my research, in the above Cyclic Table, the original components introduced by Adam Wiśniewski are marked with a red font. In turn my additional extensions to this theory, this table distinguishes with the use of a standard (i.e. black) colour of inscriptions.
       To summarize briefly this brilliant theory, it originally states (see the red font in "Table #I1" above) that there are four levels of beings, such as (level 2) minerals, (3) plants, (4) animals , (5) intelligent people - each one of which for a lower level is a "superior being" which "feeds" through eating a product of life of "beings" from a lower level than it. Thus (3) plants feed on the products of life of (2) minerals, (4) animals feed on the organic matter generated by (3) plants, while (5) humans feed on meat of (4) animals. Also, each level of these "beings" is NOT aware of the existence of higher levels of "superior-beings" - which eat the product of its life. Notice that the broader descriptions of this genius theory and extensions that I introduced into it on the basis of findings of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity (i.e. extensions such as e.g. lever (6) God that feeds on knowledge generated by (5) people), are explained on a number of web pages linked through the Polish key words Teoria Nadistot (meaning the "Theory of Superior-Beings") from my Polish web page named skorowidz.htm. Examples of these broader descriptions are item #I6 from the web page named mozajski_uk.htm, or "Table #J1b" from the web page named propulsion.htm.
       I will not hide here, that while preparing the above "Cyclic Table for the Theory of Superior-Beings" I confronted a significant problem with finding in our imperfect human language short names and terminology that would accurately and precisely describe difficult concepts relating to God, the entire universe and the essence of life. After all, there is no room for long descriptive explanations in this table. The reason for this problem is the ambiguity of practically all words of the human language, while the full understanding of the above table requires a uniqueness similar to the one with which the Concept of Dipolar Gravity and my scientifically irrefutable formal proof for the existence of God define key terms that I use. As a comparison and example of possible discrepancies in interpreting the words and expressions in human language, consider the problem of chickens from today's supermarkets and from the factory system of growing them. After all, in many of today's supermarkets meat of chickens marked with the English label "corn fed" is sold - which means that during the growing of these chickens they were fed exclusively (or mainly) with corn. Thus, people who eat such chickens, depending on their knowledge and worldview, may interpret their own diet in at least 2 completely different ways, namely either that they (1) eat chicken meat, or (2) that they eat biologically transformed corn. After all, the meat of such a chicken fed exclusively with corn is actually only (2) a kind of corn transformed in the digestive system of chicken. Thus, in the above table all concepts used in there should also be understood as such (2) "transformed something that is the source essence of a given concept".
       I myself got to know the brilliant Wiśniewski's Theory of Superior-Beings for a long time before my emigration from Poland to New Zealand in 1982. I sincerely admired the genius it contained. Thus, after arriving to New Zealand, I was greatly surprised, that local inhabitants never have heard about it. So I propagated it as much as I could. In turn, because in the meantime my development of the Theory of Everything of 1985, also called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, revealed to me that the "beings" which Wiśniewski included into the original version of his Theory of Superior-Beings are just a small fragment of a much longer sequence of intelligent living creatures and super-entities, all of which are created from "drobinas of counter-matter" about which in 2020 I discovered that they are simultaneously "God Drobinas", while which mutually "feed on" products of life and existence of beings from lower than they level, in August 2018, on the occasion of improving descriptions from "part #I" on my web page named mozajski_uk.htm I have developed the "Cyclic Table for Theory of Superior-Beings" shown above. In my Cyclic Table I extended Wiśniewski's theory to include beings and super-beings further to these that he originally identified. The most important of these extensions was the addition of the Superior-Being of our God and the generation of "knowledge" by people, which is consumed by God - the inclusion of which extremely important components in his theory, probably for important reasons Wiśniewski omitted, but which special meaning for God in a coded, farsighted, anticipated and symbolic way is confirmed by the "Parable of the Talents" contained in verses 25:14–30 from the Biblical "Gospel of St. Matthew" while is interpreted by items #I1 and #I2 from my web page named pajak_jan_uk.htm. (Notice that even the old "official atheistic science" managed to discover recently that elementary particles and atoms behave intelligently - which fact practically means that they meet the definition of "beings" from Wiśniewski's theory. In turn my Concept of Dipolar Gravity has long time ago proved formally that "counter-matter" from the counter-world, and thus also everything that is made of it, e.g. whirls of counter-matter, as well as elementary particles, atoms and practically all matter, contains intelligence that is well hidden inside, means it also represents "beings" from Wiśniewski's theory.)
       On the above "Cyclic Table for Theory of Superior-Beings" my extensions of Wiśniewski's theory are NOT finished. In December 2018 I wrote "chapter O" to my new monograph [12] (in Polish) - explaining how works our artificially programmed by God reversible "human time" and how due to the existence and operation of this "reversible software time" each person adds its own contribution to the peaceful evolution of an increasingly perfect universe. While writing that "chapter O" I was repetitively forced to notice that showing the example of the next "Cyclic Table in the Evolution of the Universe" will be the most effective and most convincing way of illustrating to the readers the cause and effect relationship between the "knowledge" generated by each person as a result of experiences to which God is able to subject him/her due to controlling his/her life with the use of just this artificially pre-programmed "reversible software time" in which his/her life takes place, and the evolution of the entire "universe" which is infinite in size and in time - only a limited in size fragment of which universe is our "physical world" created by God. So although the development of a new Periodic Table always consumes a lot of my chronically scarce time, the prospect that this new table will contribute, among other things, to popularizing this enormously important Theory of Superior-Beings developed by a Polish writer Adam Wiśniewski, I decided to invest my time, energy and motivations into it . A component of this new "Cyclic Table in the Evolution of the Universe", of course, by definition are the regularities, rules and similarities already expressed in the above "Cyclic Table for Theory of Superior-Beings". For the descriptions of this my newest Cyclic Table, which illustrates, among other things, the importance of regularities originally described by Wiśniewski's genius theory for the ever-increasing evolution of the consciousness of the entire unlimited universe, you can download my Polish monograph [12], available in a secure PDF format from the web page named tekst_12.htm and study the "chapter O" contained in it, or at least watch the new "Cyclic Table in the Evolution of the Universe" - a copy of which, also prepared in this safe PDF format, you can download by clicking on this (green) link. Notice also in it, that the regularities originally discovered by Wiśniewski and described in his Theory of Superior-Beings, which continuously and repetitively operate in our "physical world", and which, by their existence, stimulate the operation of the cause-effect chain and thus continuously influence the growth of consciousness in the entire universe of unlimited size and time of existence, this my new "Cyclic Table of Evolution of the Universe" also emphasizes with bold red font.

#I2. The most important type of evidence for the existence of at least one more, much more permanent and more perfect set of chemical elements than the one we already know, probably contain the "incorruptible bodies of saints":

       A breakthrough in our (1a) theoretical knowledge about the mysteries of the existence of incorruptible bodies of saints was provided only by my, blocked already for over 35 years from disseminating under the deserved by it name of the Theory of Everything of 1985, the revolutionary scientific theory which I am forced to disseminate under its first name the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. This my theory reveals that there is already a wealth of evidence available to us that God actually created at least two different sets of chemical elements, for the presentation of attributes of which our official science would need to develop at least two different "periodic tables of chemical elements" (i.e. at least two different "Mendeleev's Tables"). Features of the first and the most common out of these two sets our "official atheistic science" has already learned and teaches people about the elements that are composed into it, using a graphic representation of them called the "periodic table of elements" or "Mendeleev's Table". In turn about the existence of further such sets neither science, nor UFO researchers, nor even priests of various religions still do NOT know - although skilfully encrypted indications that it exists, for around 2000 years are (1b) coded into verses of the Bible. On the other hand, out of these differently formed and hence more perfect elements of further such sets, God forms bodies of Angels - as I explained this in (g) from item #H3 of my web page named 2020life.htm - also providing in there several examples of the confirmation (1c) of these facts by empirical evidence (including filmed evidence for the existence of Angels - see "Video #H3c" in there). Simultaneously, in the verses of the Bible, God encrypted the information that numerous "embodied" Angels reside on Earth and mix with people while performing tasks assigned to them by God. What is most interesting, currently widely available film cameras contained in present cell phones and in street CCTV security monitors have already managed to empirically document evidence that "embodied" beings with the capabilities of Angels actually operate on Earth. These beings have just such more perfect than human bodies which can emit light and are capable of, for example, to: form telekinesis, change the speed of the passage of time, penetrate through walls, become invisible, move extremely quickly, transform into various objects (e.g. in "balls of light" shown below in "Video #I5b", cars, bicycles, stones, statues moving, statues crying or drinking liquids), or in non-human creatures (e.g. in "pigeons", "cats", " bears "), etc. Examples of extraordinary capabilities of these beings documented on films are shown in the set of films from "Video #H3c" on my web page 2020life.htm, and also on "Video #I5a" and "Video #I5b" below on this web page. Knowing about these indications encoded in the Bible and about this empirical evidence, it is NOT difficult to deduce, that if during the fulfilment of their service on Earth, for some reasons their human-looking and more perfect than ours bodies must be killed, then the perfection of the chemical elements that form their bodies will cause that they will NOT decay as do bodies of dead people. Means the bodies of these extraordinary beings formed from such more perfect than the already known to us set of chemical elements, neither bacteria will touch causing their decomposition, nor will they be eaten by worms, nor even the water that they contain, which is more perfect than our water, will dry out of them, causing e.g. a change in their appearance with the passage of time. The search engine describes numerous such bodies of former Angels under the key words incorruptible bodies of saints and illustrates their incorruptible bodies at The information already available and presented on the Internet about these deceased, whom the Catholic Church recognized as saints due to their incorruptible bodies, in fact probably should be interpreted completely differently than they are interpreted so far. Namely, that the owners of such incorruptible bodies acted in such a holy manner that it drew the attention of their surroundings, because in fact they were embodied Angels sent by God to Earth in order to fulfil specific tasks. Among people living in Poland, such a body made of chemical elements other than those already known to people probably had, amongst others, the saint patron of my "family church" in town of Milicz in Poland bearing the surname "Andrzej Bobola" - the fate of which saint I described in item #D5 above on this web page. I should also add here, that still as a high school student in the Lyceum of Milicz, I personally saw such an "incorruptible body" of a young, beautiful woman in the basement of a wooden church from Trzebicko near Milicz. To those interested the circumstances of seeing her are reported in the caption under "Fig. #D23" from my web page named milicz.htm - about my hometown of Milicz. It's just that this beautiful woman from Trzebicko with incorruptible body and clothes has never been declared a saint. What is even more unusual, about 20 years later I met a woman in NZ who looked identical to her, and even whose most favourite corduroy dress was of the same colour and cut as the plush (velveteen) dress of that young deceased woman from Trzebicko - which facts I described in more detail in item #J2 from my web page named malbork_uk.htm.

#I3. Knowledge similar to the bodies of saints can also be hidden in "waste" originating from UFOs:

       If someone reads the results of rational research on UFO manifestations, then perhaps he/she noticed that in spite that the illusive phenomena caused by these UFO vehicles leave a lot of traces and material remains on Earth, still our "official atheistic science" is NOT competent enough to see or investigate anything meaningful about them. For example UFO vehicles frequently lose a gelatinous substance called "angel's hair" - which I described more comprehensively, among others, in subsections G3.3 from volume 3 and in W4(#7) from volume 18 of my monograph [1/5]. Although this substance was subjected to scientific analyzes, nothing specific about it could be determined. It has only been speculated that it is probably some kind of organic-like chemical compound in which the carbon atoms are probably replaced with silicon atoms - which gives it a unique "mineral" character rather than being similar to our organic substances.
       Toilets from UFO vehicles leave behind a lot of "excrements" on Earth. During my research on numerous UFO landing sites from New Zealand, I saw faeces on them with a clear similarity to what we humans get rid of in our toilets. Because I also researched how these UFO landing sites change with the elapse of time, I was always surprised that these droppings are unable to deteriorate. This is because neither they were decomposed by Earth bacteria, nor were they affected by any insects or animals, which would normally eat such waste. What is more interesting, when roofs of buildings in New Zealand started to be massively bombarded with faeces from UFO toilets, as I described this in items #B8 from my web page named evidence.htm, and in (g) from item #H3 from another web page named 2020life.htm, then the scientific research of this faeces indicated that it is a substance of mineral, NOT organic nature - despite of the fact that it smelled and looked exactly like the contents of human public toilets. This in turn indirectly confirms, that the substance of this faeces most probably was formed from chemical elements different than known to humans. In spite of its many-sided similarity to the excrements from human toilets, present professional scientists who research this faeces from UFOs did NOT have sufficient competences to be able to identify them as to their actual chemical composition. One can also guess that even if the employees of the "official atheistic science" managed to establish that such faeces contain chemical elements unknown on Earth, still as I described it in item #I6 below, the information about it would be hidden or distorted.

#I4. Questions - the answers to which may contain the remains of "Fallen Angels":

       According to the Bible, there are two categories of Angels. The first (attributes of bodies of which I summarized above in item #I2) faithfully serve God, thus God provides them with indestructible bodies. But according to the Bible, on Earth are also supposed to be "Fallen Angels" that long time ago are "expelled" from heaven - means the subordinates of Lucifer. In the Bible at least two key pieces of information are encrypted, which seem to indicate that their bodies also probably were formed from chemical elements that differ from those in human bodies. The first of these pieces of information is verse 6:4 from the Biblical "Book of Genesis", which I commented in more detail in item #I2 from my web page named newzealand.htm, and which informs that after sexual relations of their male representatives with human women, these women gave birth to giants. The second one is the biblical verses from Matthew 22:23-30 and Mark 12:25 - which I commented in (2) from item #A3 of my web page named humanity_pl.htm, and which state that today's Angels are NOT able to reproduce - what seems to suggest that after the "Fallen Angels" had been removed from heaven for the needs of the bodies of the angels still faithful to God and for the use of the remaining angels in heaven, God created yet another, more perfect set of chemical elements. However it is also known, that these Fallen Angels were male and female and could reproduce with each other - which is confirmed by the Greek myths about the habits of the god "Zeus". So there is a probability that their descendants living among humans today have bodies slightly better than us humans. So probably it would be worth to take a closer look at the features of bodies which are more perfect than human ones, because e.g. after death they do NOT break down at all, but only undergo the so-called "natural mummification", means which neither bacteria nor worms break down, but only the water contained in them gradually evaporates over time, but at the same time are NOT as "incorruptible", as the bodies of Angels faithful to God - which do NOT undergo mummification and stay in the condition in which they were found at the time of death. I came across information that just such a naturally mummified body was buried in the basement of the church of the Blessed Virgin Mary from town of Cieszków near Milicz, Poland. Because it was buried in a wooden coffin, the body, however, did NOT deteriorate when it dried up. The reason why probably it is now officially claimed that bodies similar to the one from the church in Cieszków were "naturally mummified", may be the lack of knowledge among people about the possibility of the existence of such non-perishable chemical elements created by God that constitute a different than the one still known to the official atheistic science the "periodic table of chemical elements".

#I5. "Supernatural animals" and "supernatural objects" the existence of which is postulated by the findings of my Theory of Everything of 1985:

       A short definition of supernatural animals, derived from my Theory of Everything of 1985, states that "supernatural animals are animals called into existence by any supernatural creature". The creature that creates them does NOT need to be God, but can also be any among the supernatural creatures described in (a) to (j) from item #H3 of the web page named 2020life.htm. Only that if the creation of a large number of such supernatural animals at the command of God is carried out by e.g. the faithful to God the so-called "Angels" described in (g) from item #H3 of the above web page 2020life.htm, then God who supervises the course of this creation gives "souls" to all of these animals (which souls only God is able to "breathe" into them) and thus these animals will be alive - as is the case with e.g. "rains of live fish", or rains of other living creatures or objects - shown in "Video #I5b" below. However, if a large number of such supernatural animals is created by one of these "Fallen Angels" described in (i) from item #H3 of the web page 2020life.htm, then God will not "breathe" souls into these animals, thus they will be dead - although their bodies can still be identical to bodies of their counterparts living on Earth.
       In turn the long (complete) definition of supernatural animals states that: "supernatural animals are any creatures with appearance or behaviour different from that of humans, which with their actions either break the laws of nature known by the 'official atheistic science' (e.g. they can: stop, slow down, or accelerate the passage of our time, run on the surface of the water - like the 'moose cow' shown below in 'Video # I5a', either materialize in a place where nothing was before, or suddenly disappear from the human view, or remain invisible to people - although they can be seen by other animals, etc.), or the features of their bodies, shapes, behaviours and abilities drastically contradict similar features of all creatures permanently existing on Earth and usually already known by the 'official atheistic science' (e.g. they have bodies, wings and the manner of flying once described as characterizing dragons)". It is worth noting, that all the supernatural beings described in (a) to (j) from item #H3 from my web page 2020life.htm are also capable of rapidly turning into supernatural animals or supernatural objects selected by them - behaviours of which will reflect the nature of this beings, while bodies (structures) of which supernatural "animals" or "objects" will have extraordinary attributes that are characteristic for bodies of creatures who incarnated into them. Such a turning is possible because bodies of supernatural beings are temporarily created by appropriate pre-programming of "drobinas of counter-matter" in the manner which is discussed in more details in items #J4.5 and #J4.6 from my web page named propulsion.htm, while is illustrated with the example of creating of so-called "Inca Walls" (still existing in Peru) on our 18-second long free video entitled "Wall 4K". This is why, on the order of a given supernatural being, their bodies can immediately dissipate into a cloud of drobinas of counter-matter invisible to humans, and then in the blink of an eye they can either: reassemble into the shape of e.g. a completely different "creature" (the ability to change shape and appearance in such a way is called "shapeshifting"), which such a new creature is also alive because its soul is contained in the immortal "drobina of counter-matter" that resides in this body and that stores the soul of e.g. "Fallen Angel"; or reassemble into the shape of some "Object", which, however, will be able to perform intelligent actions because it actually is a different materialization of e.g. the same "Fallen Angel" - for an example see "Video # I5b" below.
       Most often, single such "supernatural animals" are formed by beings described either in (g) or in (i) from my web page 2020life.htm - when these beings change into such animals in order to be able to carry out some actions imperceptibly for people. However in order for such a supernatural animal is able to "live", it must have a soul. But only God is able to "breathe in" souls into a large number of such created completely a new supernatural animals (i.e. not created by "changing") - consider e.g. "rains from live fish"). This means, that if e.g. "Fallen Angels" create a large number of such animals, then only dead animal bodies will be created - although these "Fallen Angels" can change themselves into living supernatural animals because while changing they also shift their own souls to a new body - as it is demonstrated to people on decks of UFOs.
       Practically all religions of the world confirm the supernatural formation and appearance on Earth of such "supernatural animals". We know a lot of them from the religions of the ancient Greeks, in which for example the god Zeus was known to turn into an eagle or other animal in order to be able to sneak up on a beautiful human female and have sexual intercourse with her.
       The truth that "supernatural animals" endowed with intelligence actually appear on Earth is confirmed by all "three witnesses" which I indicate and explain in (1) to (1c) from item #H1 from my web page named 2020life.htm. And so, based on the findings of my Theory of Everything of 1985 the witness (1a) means "theoretical deductions" are the explanations and illustrations described in item #J4.5 from the web page named propulsion.htm, and revealing how from whirls of "God Drobinas" (drobinas of counter-matter) can be temporarily formed "bodies" of these supernatural animals. In turn the deductions described in (a) to (j) from item #H3 of my web page named 2020life.htm explain from where these short-term created supernatural animals or objects take their "souls" that give life to their bodies. In turn the witness (1b) means the "Bible verses" provides numerous cases when the Bible informs us that such intelligent "supernatural animals" were actually created. Examples of (supernatural animals) are described, for example, in the Bible verses: (the Holy Spirit descending as a dove) "Matthew 3:16", "Luke 3:22", "John 1:32"; (Abraham's sacrificial ram) "Genesis 22:13"; (fish) "Matthew 14:19-21"; "Mark 6:41-44", John 21:11; (Moses' rod turned into a serpent) "Exodus 4:3"; (Satan that took the form of a serpent) "Genesis 3:1". In turn numerous witnesses (1c) in the form of "empirical evidence" are provided by people who saw such "supernatural animals" and documented their sightings for the use of other people - for an example see "Video #I5a" below, or see my own sighting of a "griffin" which I described in subsection R4.2 from volume 15 of my monograph [1/5], or on web pages for the key words griffin (in Polish spelled gryf) listed on my Polish web page named skorowidz.htm.
       Unfortunately, the "official atheistic science" continually ignores the existence of such supernatural animals or objects and pretends that those who saw them are probably "insane". The reason why this monopolistic science remains so deceptive is the incompetence of its research tools and employees resulting from the rejection by this old, ossified and to the bones corrupt science, the truth about God and about other supernatural beings, as well as resulting also firstly from its stubborn refusal for over 35 years to recognize the merits of my Theory Everything of 1985 which by the official science is forced to be disseminated under its first name the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, and resulting secondly from the rejection of my Philosophy of Totalizm which is opening people's eyes to the truth.
       On the other hand, factual and objective research of the supernatural "animals" or "objects" described here can provide extremely valuable confirmations and information "how", "when" and "why" such supernatural creation of living creatures or objects is carried out, what attributes these creatures can acquire and demonstrate to people, and what benefits the humanity will gain from learning and accepting the fact of their existence (see examples of these benefits described in items #J4.5 and #J4.6 from my web page named propulsion.htm). As such, this research is able to finally open human eyes to the so far hidden from them truths about the reality that surrounds them, and to the power and possibilities that the learning of these truths will put into human hands.

Video #I5a: Here is a supernatural female "moose" running on the surface of water from a lake in Alaska, documented in a free English-language video entitled "A Moose defies gravity and runs across open water?" (2:15 minutes long). Because only supernatural "creatures" and "objects" are able to break the laws of nature, e.g. by walking (like Jesus) or running on the surface of water, the actual filming of this moose provides us with another amongst today already very extensive body of (1c) empirical evidence that supernatural "animals" and "objects" do exist and various people sometimes see them and document their sightings (similarly as a teenager I saw and documented the mentioned above "griffin"). It is worth adding here, that near New Zealand an extinct "bird of Jesus" (i.e. "Storm Petrel") was filmed, which was described in items #G3 to #G3.2 from my web page named prophecies.htm and in item #F4.1.3 from the totaliztic web page named stawczyk_uk.htm - which film probably also documented another "supernatural sea bird".
       Probably numerous cases of such violations of the "laws of nature" taught in our schools and colleges, are also summarized in a 23:57-minute-long English-language YouTube video entitled "20 Teleportations & Time Travelers Caught on Tape", in April 2021 available at - which I already recommended to readers to watch in the caption under "Video #H3c" from my other web page named 2020life.htm. This video compiles a whole range of filmed evidence on the supernatural creatures, supernatural animals and supernatural objects (e.g. bicycle, motorcycle and car) which either suddenly disappear from view, or suddenly become visible to people in places where previously no one nor them could be seen - e.g. watch on it from 8:56 minutes the disappearing supernatural bird (just like Zeus used to disappear) and from 20:03 watch the disappearing supernatural cat, then from 18:37 watch also the supernatural dog suddenly appearing, which previously was NOT in there. The above film also shows disappearing and suddenly appearing objects (e.g. cars) and human-looking creatures. Several of the cases shown in the above video are also commented (in Polish) in the video from "Video #I5b" provided below. For example, the appearance of the previously invisible cyclist, shown above from minute 19:19, on "Video #I5b" below is shown and explained in Polish starting from minute 0:44.
       I am personally impressed by the high sense of humour with which supernatural creatures sometimes amuse themselves due to the mere knowledge that ignorance will NOT allow people to find out "what is really going on". An example of just such a situation is documented from 8:13 to 8:31 minute of a 10:18 minute-long English-language YouTube video entitled "MOMENTS YOU WON'T BELIEVE YOUR EYES" available at It shows a funny for them situation, when someone filmed felling a tree, while in a tiny hollow that appeared in the trunk of this tree left in the ground, a bear materializes several times larger than the diameter of this hollow. As in the knowledge of people the creature playing this amusing trick foresaw, no-one realized "what was really going on then". This video also provides us with a very valuable information, stating that if there is a hidden hollow in a tree, or an empty space in a stone, then one of these supernatural creatures exiled to Earth may live in them, which after going outside takes a form of either a human or an animal, or a monster that reflects its nature with the appearance of which it can scare people. No wonder that the Malaysian cult of trees and stones named "Datuk" does NOT worship these trees or stones, but the supernatural creatures that inhabit them - asking these creatures for various supernatural favours in return for worshiping them and praying to them. Now I also understand why one of the worshipers of these creatures informed me that he saw a "Datuk" living in a tree to which he prayed, which Datuk while emerging from the tree assumed the appearance of a wild duck. By analogy to these "Datuk" one can also deduce that, for example, the empty space in the figure of the Teutonic Madonna from the niche of the castle church in Malbork, Poland - which clearly did NOT like Polish people (as both phases of my personal problems with which figure I described in "part #E" - especially in item #E2, from my web page named malbork_uk.htm and in item #D6.1 from another web page named timevehicle.htm) probably was also inhabited by one of those exiled to Earth supernatural beings who in exchange for worshiping it provided various supernatural services to the former Teutonic population of Malbork and East Prussia. Another example of the manner in which these supernatural creatures amuse themselves at the expense of people, is the skill with which for centuries they use versions of the saying "if you want to hide a tree, plant a whole forest around it". I am puzzled the most by the fact that the majority of people still did not manage to get to realize this. (This saying is explained in more detail in a number of examples from my publications linked with its Polish key words "jeśli chcesz ukryć drzewo, posadź wokół niego cały las" from the Polish web page skorowidz.htm - e.g. I am explaining it in item #A5 from the web page named totalizm.htm). An example of the use by these creatures of the version of the saying that states "if people plant somewhere their own forest, then you can secretly plant there a few of your own trees with fruits satisfying your pleasures" - in English report numerous videos that can be searched for e.g. with the command: - e.g. watch from 8:04 to 8:50 minutes of 10:48 minutes long video at A Polish-language example of a presentation that gives a taste of people's lack of understanding of what really happened there, can be viewed at lengths from 3:55 to 4:40 minutes from the 9:30 minute long video available at I wonder if the reader (if he knows Polish) can figure out what the humorous nature of the situation discussed there was about?
       An example of the benefits obtained from the empirical evidence for the existence of supernatural beings breaking a number of laws recognized by official atheistic science and called "laws of nature" can be the analysis of the anatomy and behaviour of a supernatural creature called "Mothman" which in the period from 1966/11/15 to 1967/12/15 terrorized the population of the town of "Point Pleasant" in the state of Virginia, USA. This analysis allows to establish that this creature belonged to exactly the same species of supernatural creatures as another similar creature of this species, which in the vicinity of present Polish towns Cieszków and Milicz used to terrorize the population and scare local children under the warning "Sapieha flies" (in Polish "Sapieha leci"). This Polish "Mothman" is known to me from childhood folk tales which I am discussing in item #G1, while the appearance of whom I am illustrating on "Fig. #G1" from the above part of this web page. There is even a short, 8:54-minute Polish-language film on YouTube entitled "Złota Piątka: Stworzenia, które MOGĄ ISTNIEĆ!" (meaning: "The Golden Five: Creatures that CAN EXIST!") which in its length from 6:47 to 8:26 minutes discusses this "Mothman" from "Point Pleasant" in the USA. This video is available at Another example of such benefits that can be achieved from the findings presented in item #I5 above, can be the ability to categorize the belonging of whatever is seen, e.g. on the basis of the criterion described above in #I5 - which criterion checks whether in the case of producing a large number of bodies of some creatures, these bodies already have "souls" and hence are "alive", or are merely the shapes of certain creatures, but are dead. An illustration of this benefit can provide a 1:26 minute of length from the free to watch video entitled "Dynamo The Magician - fish from a bucket" available at Yet another benefit may be the understanding of the principles and mechanisms that cause in some of the numerous videos already available on YouTube to document statues moving, crying or drinking liquids - for their examples look through use the command or the command
       Of course, such supernatural beings that torment people did NOT appear just now. They are already described in the Bible. They have been known to folklore of various nations since time immemorial - for example in Poland under names: Zmora, Licho, Zła Czarownica, Czarnoksiężnik, Chochlik Drukarski, Poltergeist, Krasnoludek, etc. As their animal example, consider the American Romance horror movie of 2011 entitled "Red Riding Hood" based on medieval legends of "supernatural werewolves". What puzzles me about this film is the fact that when, starting from 2021/3/27, I was just in the initial stage of writing this "part #I" of this web page - for lack of space NOT intending at all to discuss in it historical legends about supernatural creatures, "Someone" by showing the above film on 2021/4/1 between 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. on the TVNZ 2 channel of New Zealand television, making it the only movie that was available to watch that day, as if making sure that I will also watch it, made me understand that I should NOT skip discussing these creatures. Because I do NOT believe in the so-called "coincidences" - I fill in that admonition and include here information about this next convergence of what is happening around me, with the truths about which I am trying to inform people who read my publications.
       The findings described above in item #I5, which this "Video #I5a" illustrates, are still only preliminary results of research based on my Theory of Everything of 1985 - i.e. the theory which due to hidden and continuous blocking of it I am forced to disseminate it under the unrecognized by the world its first name Concept of Dipolar Gravity, while under the name "Theory of Everything" that belongs to it and that I assigned to it shortly after its formulation, internet search engines popularize some propaganda film costly fabricated many years later to distract people from this theory that is extremely important for humanity. However, still already now the above findings of this theory allow for the accumulation of empirical evidence, which in the future may generate numerous benefits for humanity, for example by freeing people from the sources of hidden oppression that torment them now as well as from keeping everyone in the darkness - both of which forms of oppressions are caused by these hidden evil powers which for thousand of years managed to prevent the elimination of "money" from Earth accomplishable through the implementation of the "nirvana political system" summarized briefly in item #C7 from my web page named nirvana.htm while in the most enjoyable way learnable by watching of our half-hour long, free Polish-language film entitled "Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany" (meaning: "World without money: Nirvana Political System" available to everyone at the Internet address

Video #I5b: Here is a Polish-language film with a length of 9:39 minutes, which in its length from 5:49 to 6:34 minutes illustrates one of these objects most often described under the name of "ball lightning". These objects that emit very strong light always act in a manner that shows high intelligence - which suggests that in fact behind their appearance and behaviours there is some supernatural creature. How intelligently they behave, it is relatively well illustrated by the 5:45 minute long film in English entitled "Ball lightning" available at, which combines documented on film cases of their appearing. Most often they have a spherical shape of various diameters - as they are described by their observations which I published e.g. in items #E3 and #E3.1 from my web page named newzealand.htm and in subsections C, C1, D1 from our Polish treatise [4b] in Polish. I personally saw such an intelligently behaving strong red light - which even seemed to communicate telepathically with me, but in my case it had the shape of a captivatingly (and I could even say - "hypnotizing") dancing red flame-tongue, which I described in item #J3 from the web page named petone.htm. Intelligent actions are able to demonstrate also large stones - one of which, i.e. the "walking" stone from Atiamuri, New Zealand, is described more comprehensively in item #D1, while illustrated on "Fig. #D1" from the web page named newzealand.htm. I assume that the reader also heard about the world famous "walking stones" from the so-called "Death Valley" in the USA - about which from time to time we are sensationally informed by various atheistic scientists who believe only in the existence of matter and the power of "laws of nature", that they allegedly "decoded" the mystery of "what" and "how" causes them to wander.
       Of course, there are also much larger "objects" that break the laws of nature known to science, than just balls of light, or stones. Another example of them are "rains of various creatures". The most common of these are "rains of alive fish". Official atheistic science believes that it knows the explanation for their existence based solely on the behaviour of inanimate matter, which explanation is claimed to be provided by work of tornadoes - which supposedly suck water together with live fish, and then throw the fish to the ground along with the rain. But the problem with such "scientific" explanations lies in the fact that those who disseminate them probably never saw such rains of alive fish with their own eyes. Hence their explanations are untrue in a whole range of vital details, while we all know the saying "the devil is in the details". For example, in my childhood I watched such "a rain of alive fish called roach" through the window of our family house in times when nobody heard about "tornadoes" because for hundreds of kilometres around "in living memory" no tornado appeared then (my sighting of "rain of alive roach fishes" is described in the caption under "Fig. #D24" from my web page named milicz_uk.htm and in subsection I3.5 from volume 5 of my newest monograph [1/5], and also frequently I mention about it in item #F2 and in the caption under "Fig. #F2" as well as in (2) from item #F3, from my web page about the home village of Wszewilki). In addition to the lack of evidence for "tornadoes sucking them in", living creatures falling with such rains are extremely strong and active - which would NOT take place if they travelled in the air for a long time and hence were as close to death as the proverbial "fish out of water". Employees of official atheistic science also do NOT take into account the fact that almost always these alive fish are of only one species and size, looking as if they were created with the help of exactly the same working program run countless numbers of times, and that they usually fall with the rain for a long time, while if they are actually lifted by a tornado, then they should be of different sizes and species, and fall almost all at once.
       Independently from the "rains of fish", various other living creatures can also fall from sky. For me the most to think about are "rains of poisonous snakes" - because when knowing that there is some superior intelligence behind them, they stimulate for me, for example, questions of the type "for what", "why", "what they symbolize", etc. A single photo of "snakes rain" shows the 20:17 minutes long English film at its length from 0:33 to 1:10 minutes, entitled "If You See This While Swimming, Get Out Of the Water Right Away" available at, and also shows at lengths 1:00 and 5:04 minutes another 8:21 minute long Pakistani film entitled "Sanpoun Ki Barish Wali Real Video Dekhein" available at
       Of course, there are many more similar creatures or objects behind which the intelligence of one of the supernatural beings is clearly hidden. However, I think that only the examples provided here are already enough to give the reader a good understanding of what I wish to draw his/her attention to, but the vital truth of what is still ignored or falsely distorted to the detriment of humanity.

#I6. Can we "count on" that the research of the institution of "official atheistic science" (which, for example, with repressions forces its employees to break God's commandment from verse 20:16 of the biblical "Book of Exodus"), will find and provide us with the truth and correct answers regarding the evidence described here for the existence of at least a second unknown to this science set of chemical elements?

Motto: "If you have grown up from childhood years when 'the path you walked was chosen for you by the orientation of the pants you wore', then do NOT allow the views that someone previously forced onto you prompt you to 'reject new or unfashionable knowledge' that has the potential to decide about your entire future." (A reminder of the author of this web page to NOT confuse "caution and scepticism caused by the requirement to be objective" with immature "rejection of all new or unfashionable knowledge.")

       We almost all know the "10 commandments of God" in the Bible presented in verses 20:3-17 from the "Book of Exodus". One of them, expressed in verse 20:16, states - I quote from the Catholic "Millennium Bible": "You shall not tell lies against your neighbour as a witness." Despite the fact that breaking God's commandments is a very serious sin, the institution of "official atheistic science" forces its employees with various repressions to burden their conscience with the sins of lying to the detriment of their neighbours, when, for example, they lecture students or disseminate publications claiming that: people arose as a result of "natural evolution" - means NOT as God's creation; that our physical world of matter was created out of nothing as a result of a "big bang" - instead of admitting that even God does NOT create something out of nothing (hence God created everything in a manner described in the Bible with the words "what we see was not made of visible things" - as He assures us about it in verse 11:3 from the "Letter to the Hebrews" in the Bible) means instead of revealing the truth that e.g. "matter" of our world was created from "counter-matter" from the counter-world; that the "theory of relativity" - instead of the "reversible software time" confirmed by the Bible, rules over the laws of the elapse of time; etc., etc. In this situation can we "count on" that this institution of the "official atheistic science" will try to establish the truth about the non-perishable bodies of saints and about the existence of at least another set of chemical elements created by God - used, among others, for forming the bodies of Angels? In turn if this science accidentally comes across this truth, as it could happen in the cases illustrated in the films from "Video #I6a" shown below, then whether the philosophical horizons narrowed down by the philosophy of its employees allow them to investigate the evidence containing this truth in a way that broadens knowledge of mankind, and even if "yes" - will the decision makers of this oppressive science allow these employees to disclose the discovered truth to the public? Especially that the possible finding of the actual existence of such at least one more set of chemical elements would provide another scientific confirmation that God does exist, and that the insistence of official atheistic science on statements of the "theory of evolution" is just lies.
       I personally believe that in order that humanity ever learns the truth regarding the evidence discussed here for the existence of at least two sets of chemical elements, another one of which God uses (amongst others) for the formation of bodies of Angels described in (g) from item #H3 of my other from the web page named 2020life.htm, first on Earth must be officially established at least one competitive university operating according to the canons of the new "totaliztic science" that seeks and promotes the truth - which I describe more comprehensively in my publications, e.g. in "part #C" from another web page named telekinetics.htm (especially see in there e.g. items #C1, #C4 and #C6). Furthermore, the new "totaliztic science" should also take over the objective and factual research of God from the hands of today's "knowledge-rejecting" priests - so that the humanity would finally obtain an institution that would stop acquiesce "nodding" (as today's priests do) even to obvious lies about God, while instead of conformist nodding, this new institution would undertake objective scientific research, which would begin to discover and disseminate amongst people the full and factual truth about our God.

Video #I6a: Here are links to examples of filmed evidence (with comments in English), which, depending on the philosophical horizons of scientists who have the opportunity to study it, may either (A) lead to stagnant conclusions full of understatements and deficiencies and thus to maintain the "official atheistic science" and knowledge that it has reached on a previous "petrified" level, or (B) may lead to scientific discoveries that will elevate humanity to the next level of consciousness. These films show corpses of various creatures (including possibly of supernatural beings - of the kind that I described above when discussing "Video #I5b"), which were "buried" in hollows of trees with no entry. In the video from the highest of the links provided above, such a corpse of a woman can be seen starting from 1:29 minutes of the length of the video, while in the second one a corpse of a dog is shown from 2:39 minutes. So if the philosophy of scientists who have the ability to research such corpses is mediocre because it is narrowed to the present views of the "official atheistic science" which has the habit of using Occam's Razor for overdoing "cut out", including cutting out everything that limits the ambitions or greed of its decision makers or most obstreperous employees, then the existence of these corpses will be explained by these scientists with some banal statement, which will completely contradict the situation in which the corpse was found (for example, it will claim that the living carriers of this corpse "entered" the tree - although the hollows in which they were found had NO entrance opening, or e.g. the position of the corpse in the hollow will be reversed than it should be in the manner of their placement in this tree described by scientists). As a result, human knowledge will NOT move forward in spite of having access to this evidence. However, if this corpse is examined by someone with broad philosophical horizons, then perhaps he/she will take into account the premises contained in the above items #I2 and #I5 of this web page, which may lead e.g. to the discovery of the existence of the so-far unknown to humanity "new periodic table of elements", and thus what suddenly would then raise the knowledge and awareness of our civilization to a completely new level, and perhaps would also change the suicidal path that humanity is currently following.
       If, in accordance with the "motto" from the above item #I6, in research and conduct one distinguishes between "caution and scepticism caused by the requirement to be objective" from the childish insistence on views forced upon us at school and from "rejecting any new or unfashionable knowledge" due to the prior acquisition of such views imposed by force, then knowledge is released from bonds and can rise to any level. Examples of what can then be noted and understood are revealed not only by these items #I1 to #I7 of this web page, but also e.g. by "parts #L" (especially item #L1) from the web page named god_proof.htm, "part #W" from the web page named humanity.htm, item #I2 from the web page named pajak_jan_uk.htm, or from the entire web page named 2020life.htm.
       I found the above videos on YouTube around mid-April 2021. However, many of the films shown there are deleted over time, and new ones are placed in there. Hence, if the reader wants to check if the above films still exist in there or if there are any new films presenting the same categories of evidence, then he/she should search for them with, for example, using commands: or Knowing tastes of these beings and their habits of hiding in hollows of trees and in empty stones, I would NOT be surprised if their achievement was also the famous puzzle from UK Who Put Bella in the Wych Elm? - discussed in YouTube on dozens of videos.

#I7. It is in our own interest that we do NOT reject the truth only because we consider it incompatible with the views biasedly and falsely forced onto us:

       "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Unfortunately, sometimes with indescribable detriment to themselves a large proportion of people reject the truth only because they consider it inconsistent with the views previously forced onto them in schools. They do NOT notice, that those ones who forced onto them these views: (a) ruthlessly destroy all who reveal the truth; (b) are in fact a lucrative monopoly that prevents the emergence of truth-seeking competition; and (c) from 2001/9/11 they reveal to us that the hidden goal of this forcing is to bring humanity to the collapse - in which they have almost already succeeded, as our film (in Polish) "Zagłada ludzkości 2030" (meaning: "The Great Purification of Humanity of 2030s") tries to warn everyone about it. Meanwhile, the rejection of the truth will most likely cost the "rejectours" the loss of the so-called "eternal life". This is why in "part #L" of my web page named god_proof.htm I am trying to explain how already at the present level of our knowledge and understanding of the situation on Earth we are able to identify those who force evil and confusion onto us, and thus NOT to be persuaded by them and therefore prudently to avoid inscribing on our foreheads or hands the "mark of the beast" described in the Bible and, unfortunately, from bearing the sinister consequences of having this mark. After all, the safest way in life is to follow the "narrow path of precaution" (see verses 7:13-14 from the biblical "Gospel of St. Matthew" discussed in "part #Y" of my web page named 2020life.htm), in every matter making sure "whether there are for it" and "what state" these "three witnesses" described in (1) to (1c) from item #H3 of the web page 2020life.htm, who for every truth on which it is worth to rely and we should rely they always confirm the truth and compliance with God's intentions.

Part #?: ... (These parts of the web page are reserved for future use) ...


#?1. ...(Items reserved for future use and writing)...


Part #Z: Summary, and the final information of this web page:


#Z1. The summary of this web page:

       Old folklore stories of past people we usually treat with a big pinch of salt and we tend to forget them fast. But this web page indicates that such stories frequently contains very vital information - which it is much more beneficial to remmeber and to analyse scientifically.

#Z2. How with the web page named "skorowidz_links.htm" one can find totaliztic descriptions of topics in which he is interested:

       A whole array of topics equally interesting as these from the above web page, is also discussed from the angle that is unique to the philosophy of totalizm. All these related topics can be found and identified with the use of content index prepared especially to make easier finding these web pages and topics. The name "index" means a list of "key words" usually provided at the end of textbooks, which allows to find fast the description or the topic in which we are interested. My web pages also has such a content "index" - only that it is additionally supplied in green links which after "clicking" at them with a mouse immediately open the web page with the topic that interest the reader. This content "index" is provided on the web page named skorowidz_links.htm. It can be called from the "organising" part of "Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would recommend to look at it and to begin using it systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to everyone.

#Z3. Blogs of totalizm:

       It is also worth checking periodically the "blogs of totalizm", some of which have been operating since April 2005, e.g. at addresses: ("Small Print" 12 pt: posts from #89 = i.e. since 2006/11/11) (posts from #293 = i.e. since 2018/2/23) ("Large Print 20 pt": posts from #293 = i.e. since 2018/3/16)
       All posts to blogs of totalizm (half of which is in English) are also available in my publication [13] disseminated free of charge through the web page tekst_13.htm.

#Z4. Other web pages which discuss matters that facilitate a better understanding of supernaturality, churches, etc.:

       A whole range of web pages of totalizm listed in Menu 4 and Menu 2 presents subject area which has various links with topics discussed on this web page. Therefore I warmly recommend the reader ghaving a look at these web pages. Probably most vital amongst them are two web pages, namely (click on them to run them): Furthermore, I would also recommend to read web pages

#Z5. Emails to the author of this web page:

       Current email addresses to the author of this web page, i.e. officially to Dr Eng. Jan Pajak while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak, at which readers can post possible comments, opinions, descriptions, or information which in their opinion I should learn, are provided on the web page named pajak_jan_uk.htm (for its version in the HTML language), or the web page named pajak_jan_uk.pdf (for the version of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.pdf" in safe PDF format - which safe PDF versions of further web pages by the author can also be downloaded via links from item #B1 of the web page named text_11.htm).
       The author's right for the use of courteous title of "Professor" stems from the custom that "with professors is like with generals", namely when someone is once a professor, than he or she courteously remains a professor forever. In turn the author of this web page was a professor at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them, from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998, as an "Associate Professor" from English-based educational system, while on one university as a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till 31 December 2007 - means at the last place of employment in his professional life).
       However, please notice that because of my rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly reply to emails which contain JUST time consuming requests, while simultaneously they document a complete ignorance of their author in the topic area which I am researching.

#Z6. A copy of this web page is also disseminated as a brochure from series [11] in the safe format "PDF":

       This web page is also available in the form of a brochure marked [11], which is prepared in "PDF" ("Portable Document Format") - currently considered to be the most safe amongst all internet formats, as normally viruses cannot cling to PDF. This clear brochure is ready both, for printing, as well as for reading from a computer screen. It also has all its green links still active. Thus, if it is read from the computer screen connected to internet, then after clicking onto these green links, the linked web pages and illustrations will open. Unfortunately, because the volume of it is around a double of the volume of web page which this brochure publishes, the memory limitations on a significant number of free servers which I use, do NOT allow to offer it from them (so if it does NOT download from this address, because it is NOT available on this server, then you should click onto any other address from Menu 3, and then check whether in there it is available). In order to open this brochure (and/or download it to own computer), it suffices to either click on the following green link or to open from any totaliztic web site the PDF file named as in the above green link.
       If the reader wishes to check, whether some other totaliztic web page which he or she just is studying, is also available in the form of such PDF brochure, then should check whether it is listed amongst links from "part #B" of the web page named text_11.htm. This is because links from there indicate all totaliztic web pages, which are already published as such brochures from series [11] in PDF format. I wish you a fruitful reading!

#Z7. Copyrights © 2022 by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk:

       Copyrights © 2022 by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk. All rights reserved. This web page is a report from outcomes of research of the author - only that is written in a popular language (so that it can be understood by readers with non-scientific orientation). Majority of ideas and presentations providedd on this web page (and also in other publications by the author) are unique for the author’s research, and thus from the same angle these ideas were NOT presented by any other researcher. As such, this web page presents a number of ideas, inventions, theories, illustrations, tables, etc., which are the intellectual property of the author. Therefore, the content of this web page is the subject to the same laws of intellectual ownership as every other scientific publication. Especially the author reserves for himself the moral credit and copyrights for the scientific theories, discoveries and inventions, photographs, illustrations, tables, etc., mentioned or utilised on this web page. Therefore, the author reserves that during repeating any idea presented on this web page (i.e. any theory, principle, explanation, deduction, interpretation, device, evidence, proof, discovery, invention, photograph, illustration, table, etc.), the repeating person revealed and confirmed who is the original author of this idea (means, as it is used in creative circles, the repeating person provided a full moral "credit" and recognition to the author of this web page), through a clear explanation that a given idea is repeated from the web page authorised by Dr Jan Pajak, through indication of the internet address of this web page under which this idea was originally explained, and through mentioning the date of most recent update of this web page (i.e. the date indicated below).
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Date of starting of this web page: 15 August 2004
Date of the latest updating of this web page: 17 November 2022
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)