Impact of "free will" on fate of the entire humanity
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Updated: 2022/11/1
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In science it is called "simulation". Namely, if scientists wish to get to know better what actually happens in some real situation, then they build so-called "model" that can be researched. This "model" simulates a given real situation and also simulates processes that take place in this situation. Then scientists watch on this model what actually does happen in there. It can be noted that something very strange happens in present times with the entire human civilisation. Many people begin to ask "what God is doing that matters went so bad?" So let us build on this web page a "model" of God, and then let us "simulate" putting ourselves into the situation of God. Thus probably we are going to notice what actually does happen around us. This in turn is to provide us with the answer as to whether God really lost His control over humanity. Or perhaps whatever we see happening around us is simply caused by the God's iron hand and by His strict control over the goals and destines that He already pre-planed for us.

* * *

The content of this web page is authorized by Dr Eng. Jan Pajak that is by a researcher, discoverer and inventor of New Zealand and Poland and WorldCat Identity (see the web page, the course of whose life is briefly described at the autobiographical web page pajak_jan_uk.htm. By profession Dr Eng. Jan Pająk is an academic teacher who lectured and carried out research at 10 tertiary educational institutions of the world where he lectured numerous subjects in two different disciplines, i.e. in the discipline of Mechanical Engineering and Machine Construction, first at his native Wrocław University of Science and Technology, then at the universities of New Zealand (Canterbury), Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) and Borneo (Kuching), as well as in the discipline of Software Engineering and Programming Languages at four New Zealand tertiary educational institutions (i.e. at Invercargill College, Dunedin University, Timaru Polytechnic, and Wellington Institute of Technology) and at universities in Cyprus (Famagusta) and Korea (Suwon). At as many as four among these universities (i.e. at universities in Cyprus, Malaysia, Borneo and Korea) he was employed as university professor. In the early part of the 21st century, Dr Eng. Jan Pająk distinguished himself from the group of still alive at that time discoverers and inventors who simultaneously were citizens of Poland and/or New Zealand, that he became among them the most widely known in the world, most variously interpreted, and moreover, the most productive - in spite of conducting his research without funding and on the principles of alleged a private scientific "hobby", forced by the official disapproval of the areas of knowledge and truth he researches, and in spite that the results of his research constitute knowledge and truth that in present world is one of the most fiercely overpowered and blocked from getting known by people. Only a brief illustration and summary of the most important of his discoveries, inventions and scientifically indisputable formal proofs with the use of teaching movies, required the preparation of a series of half-hour video presentations available for free on the Internet: either in three languages, namely i.e. in Polish, English and German - examples of which can be the movie entitled "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio" while the English version of which can be viewed at and the movie entitled "Future Propulsions" the English-language version of which is disseminated from the address; or English and German 4-minute video "How big is the Magnocraft" disseminated from the address; or videos disseminated with narration in Polish but with subtitles in English - for example the quest movie entitled "Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój nirwany", the title of which means "The Nirvana System: World That Rid Of Money", available at and the warning movie entitled "Zagłada ludzkości 2030", the title of which means "The Massive Purification of Humanity in 2030s", available at (note that these English subtitles can be turned "on" or "off" by clicking on the icon "cc", i.e. "subtitles/closed captions", located at the bottom-right of given movie). Unfortunately, the results of his breakthrough research to-date illustrate how perfectly the today's situation with truth, knowledge and monopolistic "official atheistic science" is reflected in the life wisdom of the Bible verses from Matthew 13:57, Luke 4:24 and John 4:44, as well as in the folk wisdom contained in the saying "truth hurts". After all, e.g. in New Zealand until today almost no-one wants to know about the existence and outcomes of his research. In turn, e.g. in Poland, in order to invalidate, deny, silence, and combat his discoveries, inventions and formal proofs, many compatriots conspire into gangs that act as monopolies distorting the truth and forgetting about God (as, for example, it is documented from #A5 to #A5bc from the web page named totalizm.htm), while trying to leave for future generations only lies, rubbish, polluted water, air and soil, and devastated nature.

It is also worth knowing that the print size of this web page can be increased up to about 300%. This in turn allows it to be read easily without the use of glasses. This is because every software used to display it has a built-in so-called "zoom". For example, in "Google Chrome" this "zoom" is revealed by clicking on the vertical "three-dot" in the upper right corner of the screen, then the print can be increased or decreased by clicking on the plus or minus of this "zoom". "Firefox" reveals the same "zoom" by clicking there on a three-line dash, while "Internet Explorer" reveals by clicking a "cog" over there. Photos of this web page can also be enlarged up to 500% of their original size - which allows e.g. to carefully examine the face of someone who interests us. The easiest way to enlarge a photo in such a way is to first click on it - so that it appears in a separate window. Then one should (also by clicking) show it to oneself from this separate window on the computer screen. In turn having it on the computer screen, one can open for it the "zoom" which I described above for enlarging the print size of this web page, then by clicking on the + or - of this zoom, one can freely increase or decrease this photograph on the screen.

Part #A: Introductory information of this web page:


#A1. What are goals of this web page:

       The main goal of this web page is very simple. Namely it depends on an attempt to put ourselves in the situation of God. In turn, due to this putting ourselves in the situation of God (or "simulating the God's position"), we will attempt to understand what actually does happen in the present world, and thus what should be our role in present events, how we should help God by volunteering right roles for implementation, and also what we should expect that most probably it awaits us in a near future.
       An additional goal of this web page is to make the reader to realise several facts about God, which facts directly result from the scientific simulation of the situation of God. Because the realising of these facts is an outcome of the simulation of the God's situation, it does not remove the free will from people who learn about these facts. On the other hand, such a scientific simulation gives the level of correctness similar to the level that would create a manifestation of God and His personal summarising these facts to us. But simultaneously the simulation is not as unambiguous and as threatening as would be the perception of a possible message from God Himself. After all, a scientific simulation can be accepted, rejected, or interpreted as anyone wishes - means according to anyone's free will and the anyone's philosophy of life.

#A2. What motivated me to prepare this web page:

Motto: "Technical development minus morality is equal to macabre world that the to-date human science created for us at the beginning of 21st century."

       Practically each one of us is wondering whether God does exist, whether we have eternal soul, what is the goal of our existence, what awaits the humanity in a near future, how we should act in our lives, etc., etc. I also belong to the group of people asking this kind of questions. But there is a significant difference between myself and others who ask. After all, because I am a professional scientist, I managed to find not only the answer to these questions, but also identify a wealth of scientific evidence which confirms that my answer is this correct one.
       Probably I am the only researcher on the Earth who have found a key to the scientific understanding of God and to a rational getting to know this superior being with the use of modern scientific methods. This key turned out to be the theory of everything called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. It is because of this "theory of everything", that I managed to determine where, when, and how the self-evolution of God took place. Outcomes of this determination are described in item #B1 of the web page evolution.htm - about problems of natural evolution. It is also because of this "theory of everything", that I managed to formulate several formal scientific proofs for the existence of God, soul, other world, etc. These formal proofs are described: in item #B3 of the web page god.htm - with scientific answers of the secular philosophy of totalizm to basic questions about God (see in there the "formal scientific proof for the existence of God"), in item #C1.1 of the web page nirvana.htm - about the totaliztic nirvana (see in there the "formal scientific proof for the existence of eternal human soul"), in item #D3 of the web page dipolar_gravity.htm - about the Concept of Dipolar Gravity (see in there the "formal scientific proof for the existence of the counter-world"), and in several further totaliztic web pages. Only because of findings of this "theory of everything" I was also able to indicate to other people an entire wealth of empirical evidence for the existence of God, which (the evidence) so-far was either overlooked, or intentionally ignored by the official human science. (Descriptions of this empirical evidence are provided on the web page entirely devoted to it and named god_proof.htm, as well as in items #F1 to #F3 of the totaliztic web page bible.htm - about the Bible authorised-inspired by God Himself.)
       When formulating these formal scientific proofs for the existence of God, and while researching God with scientific methods, I had numerous opportunities to have a close look at what would happen if all people unanimously recognised my proofs and rapidly started to believe (as strongly as I do) that God in fact does exist. A positive consequence of such a rapid converting of all atheists into the belief in God would be, of course, that almost instantly all people would begin to act morally. Means, that would disappear: crime, lies, cheating, killing, exploitation, wars, etc., etc. However, in the present situation of our civilisation, when people still just only "worship God" instead of researching Him and instead of obeying laws that He established, various undesirable consequences of such unanimous belief in God would also appear. Namely, almost completely would then diminish the accumulation of knowledge and the human motivation to investigate the universe. After all, in present circumstances, for so-called "typical bread eaters" the consequence of being sure that God does exist is to loose the motivations for investigating and for analysing the world around us - see item #C3 in the further part of this web page. For every question about anything, for these ones who strongly believe in God is just a single reply, namely "because God created it so, and He controls it in just such a manner". Believers in God notoriously keep ignoring the well-known principle that "God helps only those people who help themselves", and that by failing to act even saints get nowhere. In order to summarise the above, typical consequences of increasing the faith in God in present circumstances are: an increase in morality of people, which is accompanied by the simultaneous decrease in knowledge, disappearance of scientific research, and the lack of motivation for creative searches.
       Of course, if these are us who put ourselves in the position of God, we would NOT like the situation when all people believe in Us and all people worship Us, when all people act morally, but simultaneously the progress of knowledge and technology rapidly falls down. After all, in such a situation the human civilisation would never advance to a higher level of development. So in our interest as God, would lie finding a way to inspire in people somehow the creative searches and the increase in their knowledge. As it turns out, this way depends on persuading some people into the so-called "atheism". Atheists from the very definition are forced to find out which mechanisms hide behind events around them. After all, they negate God as the source of these mechanisms. As such, the "atheism" is the propelling force for the progress of knowledge and for the technical development of our civilisation. Unfortunately, the "atheism" has this drawback, that it causes also a moral decadency. This is because without believing in the existence of God and without believing in the existence of eternal soul, atheists try to gain from the life as much as they only can for as little as they manage to get away with. But since the morality stands on their way, then to hell with the morality. In order to summarise the above, typical consequence of "atheism" is the increase of knowledge and the fast technical progress, which, however, is accompanied by the simultaneous drop in the level of morality amongst people.
       Each one amongst two situations on the Earth described before has its drawbacks. Namely, if all people are believers in God, then the science, progress, and motivations of people to improve their situation would diminish on the Earth, while the average level of morality would increase. In turn, if all people on the Earth were atheists, then the science and technology would bloom, while the morality would fell down. The main reason is, that when something undesirable affects believers in God, these typically state that this is the "God's will" and do NOTHING to improve their situation. In turn when something undesirable affects atheists, then they try to determine what is the reason for this and they fight with it. So what God should do in order to make the humanity to stay on the path of morality, but simultaneously people keep motivations to continue research, progress, and improvement of their situations. Well, on the present level of human awareness the only choice is that a correct balance between the number of people who believe in God, and the number of atheists, must be maintained on the Earth. Expressing this in other words, if someone puts himself into the position of God (means speaking scientifically - if someone would "simulate the situation of God") then he would discover easily that God to the same degree is interested in a correctly balanced propagation amongst present people both the "atheism" as well as the "belief in God". In turn the best evidence for this interest of God in a balanced propagation of both, atheism and the belief in God, is the so-called free will of people, and also the so-called canon of ambiguity which God displays in everything that He does. The "free will" which God gave to all people causes that each one of us has the right to interpret everything on any way that he or she wishes. In turn the "canon of ambiguity", which is embedded into every action of God, depends on such doing everything God decides to do, that every person can interpret later this God's action according to his or her own view of the world and according to his or her personal philosophy - means in any way that a given person wishes to interpret it. (Please notice that descriptions of the "canon of ambiguity" are provided in subsection JB7.4 from volume 7 of my monograph [1/4].)
       Unfortunately, the maintenance of the correct balance on the Earth between the number of atheists and the number of believers in God, is immensely difficult. After all, people display so-called "sheep mentality". Furthermore, on the Earth works inertia, fashion, tradition, etc. Therefore, every now and again this healthy balance becomes disturbed. So what God does in such cases. Well, he must take various corrective measures. What these measures are we already saw in the period of medieval times, and we also are starting to see it in the present time. After all, similarly like previously this happened already once near the end of antiquity, just recently again the disturbance of this healthy balance took place. In the result of this disturbed balance, the number of atheists grew to the level that it endangers the moral progress of humanity. So God again must intervene, and in fact He already intervenes. But He cannot appear openly in the sky and start to electrocute atheists with lightnings. After all this would destroy the "free will" of people - and thus would force every atheists to become a believer in God. In the result another fall down of progress in knowledge and technology would take place in the future of the Earth. Therefore God have chosen another method for restoration of the balance. It is based on an old finding which is excellently expressed by the proverb which states that there are no atheists amongst frightened. This method represents only a slight modification of the method that God already used once on the humanity during medieval times. In a short run it is going to turn very painful for individual people. But on a long run it is going to turn very beneficial for the entire human civilisation. This web page is going to try to describe systematically and scientifically what this method is all about. Furthermore, this page shares with the reader my answers to questions that are stated at the beginning of this item.

Part #B: Some goals which God probably set for Himself to accomplish as well as methods of eventuating these goals:

       Motto of "Part #B" of this web page: "It is high time for us to start realize that the conditions and details for making by people even the most insignificant inventions or discoveries based on truth, God probably prepares for hundreds or thousands of 'human years' (see Bible, verse 3:8 from "2 Peter") of gathering and processing the knowledge that is needed, and then diligent creating the factors that motivate people, such as: the required conditions and environments, announcements, guidelines, training of "souls" of those people whom God entrusts with the task of the practical accomplishing these discoveries or inventions, and then such directing their implementation that the truth contained in them in the most educational and permanent way finally overcomes the evil forces that fight out the eventuation of these discoveries or inventions." (The explaining why forming and tolerating in their communities, institutions or countries the "curse of inventors" or "inventive impotence" which block the disclosure and implementation of truths, discoveries and inventions, is a severely punished sin - as it is explained e.g. in items #V5, #V3, and (13) from item #V2 of my web page named 2020life.htm.)

I am sorry to inform here the readers that I have NOT had time to complete a full translation of below items #B1, #B2 and #B3 originally published on my Polish web page named will_pl.htm - which presents results of my research regarding previously unknown knowledge and truths to be presented also here and in the post number #337E to blogs of totalizm (which post #337E is to be adopted from these items #B1, #B2 and #B3). The only thing that I have managed to translate so far, are the headings, mottos and captions under the illustrations of these three items - however the content of which should give the reader a good understanding of what unique knowledge that I have developed I am trying to disseminate in here. So if the reader is interested in this knowledge, then I suggest that the reader himself/herself translates into the language he or she uses the full content of these three items #B1, #B2 and #B3 - which is already published in the Polish language at the web page named will_pl.htm. After all, on the Internet numerous (free) programs are available, with the use of which the reader is able to quickly and easily obtain a rough (approximate) version of the translation of these results of my research. Alternatively, the reader can translate post number #337 to blogs of totalizm (their addresses are provided in #Z2 below), which is the Polish equivalent of the above post #337E in English which is yet to be prepared. This Polish post #337 has already been published, as the post number #337 from "volume Q" of my publication [13] available via the web page named tekst_13.htm which compiles texts of all previously published posts to blogs of totalizm (a half of which I already translated into the English language).

#B1. The "free will" - why God gave it to people, and how the management of "reversible software time" enables God to make the achievement of goals intended by God independent from the actions of people opposing these goals:

       If we consider this carefully, people have access to several indicators which allow them to deduce the intentions of God. One amongst these indicators is the so-called "free will" which people received from God. (Notice that it is from this "free will" that the name of this web page will.htm originates.) "Free will" is the given to us by God right to form, profess, disseminate and implement any opinion on every possible topic, and to take an action consistent with this opinion thus confirming the readiness of a person acting in such a way to accept also all consequences that this action will cause.
       It is NOT difficult to deduce, that the right to have "free will" given to people by God represents simultaneously a very serious limitation which tightens methods of God's action. After all, in order to NOT break in people this "free will", God is forced to act in a strictly defined manner. It means, that whatever God does, He is forced to do this in such a manner that every person is later able to interpret this on his or her own manner - means as he or she only wishes. (This principle of highly ambiguous acting of God is called the "canon of ambiguity" and it is discussed more comprehensively in item #C2 of this web page.) For example, if a view that is spreading amongst people is NOT in a long-term interest of God, then because of the giving to people this "free will" God cannot appear in clouds and hit with lightning bolts all people who disseminate this inconvenient view. After all, if God appear to people and act in such a manner, then all people would be so scared that they would loose the "free will" and would start to do exactly what God ordered them to do. Of course, there must exist a very important reason for which God on His own decided to impose on Himself these additional limitations in order to give a "free will" to people. If one analyses the matter thoroughly, this reason can be deduced. Namely, people received this right to "free will" from God, because God needs the inspirational variety of human opinions on every subject. In turn this variety of different opinions can be important for God only in case when the most important goals for which God created people include the "pursue of knowledge" and continual "improvement of the entire universe".

#B2. The functions of knowledge and truth in the intellectual development of the entire universe - and the most important goals which God tries to accomplish through the creation of "pursuing knowledge" people:

Motto: "Only knowledge that expresses "truth" brings about progress, while knowledge that comes from lying breeds downfall. This is why the knowledge newly established by people should NOT be recognized or implemented if it was NOT confirmed by the most reliable amongst known to people 'three witnesses', the truth, objectivity and certainty of judgments of which '3 witnesses' is revealed and recommended by the philosophy of totalizm." (The essence of the reason for the recommendation of "3 witnesses" in (1) from #G1 and in (1) from #H1 of my web page 2020life.htm, as well as in #I2 from my autobiographical web page named pajak_jan_uk.htm.)

       Our simulation of intentions of God carried out in previous item #B1 allows to establish that "the most important goal of God is to firstly increase His knowledge" and after processing it, to teach later this knowledge to people so that they learn to distinguish truth from false or good from evil or growth from decline and thus are able to assist God in the intellectual development of the entire intelligent universe - as illustrates "Fig. #B2ab" below. What even more interesting, this goal explains also exactly why God created the physical world and man. After all, if God alone tries to increase His knowledge about the universe, then in His lonely search for knowledge He would overlook a huge number of interesting aspects. This is because with knowledge is like with discussion on any topic. Means when we alone consider any topic, then it looks much poorer than when this topic is discussed constructively with other people.
       So if we consider the existence of man from the point of view of the intellectual development of the universe as being among the most vital goals of God, then man turns out to be a kind of "God's technician" who prepares future objects of research. Of course, this role of man in plans of God places a series of requirements onto the humanity. In turn for these requirements could be met, God is forced to direct the development of man in a strictly defined manner.
       The "pursue of knowledge" as the main reason for creating a man is discussed on a number of totaliztic web pages. For an example of these web pages, it is worth to look at item #B4 from the web page named tornado.htm, or item #B2 on the web page named antichrist.htm.
       Of course, the gathering knowledge is NOT the only reason for which God created man. A whole array of almost the same vital reasons for creating humans by God is listed and explained in item #C5 from the totaliztic web page soul_proof.htm.

Fig. #B2ab: Here are two drawings which illustrate how drastically opposite to each other can be interpretations of two authors of the strict descriptions of the appearance and structure of the male (positive) "God Drobinas" contained in the ancient knowledge from the Cabbalistic book "Sefer ha-Zohar" - if any of the authors of these interpretations lacks these confirmed by the credentials of discussed above "3 witnesses": the dictionary and the "key", which in present times allow for a truthful interpretation of these descriptions of appearance and structure. In turn, because with such a large contrast between them, it is NOT possible that both these interpretations express the truth, thus one of these interpretations represents at least a huge error of inquiry, if NOT deliberately lying and deceiving humanity by the evil forces hidden behind it - which forces have the power and skills for tempting and deceiving of people. Both the above drawings show the appearance of the same male "God Drobina". Only that the upper one (a) was developed after already finding the key and a dictionary confirmed by the required "3 witnesses", thus allowing a precise interpretation of descriptions of its appearance. In turn this "key" and dictionary revealed that the book "Sefer ha-Zohar" describes the appearance and structure of both the male (positive) "God Drobina" shown above in the upper (a) drawing - to the image and likeness of which, according to the verse 1:27 from the "Book of Genesis" of Bible, God created men. Furthermore, this "key" and dictionary revealed also that the book "Sefer ha-Zohar" describes as well the appearance and structure of NOT shown here, but illustrated in "Fig. #K2b(right)" from my web page named god_exists.htm, female (negative) "God Drobina"- in the image and likeness of which, according to the verse 1:27 from the "Book of Genesis" of Bible, God created women. In turn the lower (b) from the above drawings, which imparts the humanity that the ancient book "Sefer ha-Zohar" supposedly shows a "machine for producing manna", probably was worked out on the principle of erroneous and sensation-oriented human "guessing" of the meanings of individual formulations of descriptions from this ancient book. This "guessing" make its author famous and probably richer - because it allowed him to publish a "bestseller" book entitled "The Manna Machine", on the basis of which e.g. someone in Poland prepared a 26:04 minutes long free YouTube video in Polish entitled Sekret Arki Przymierza i "Wiekowego Starca" (which title means: The Secret of the Ark of the Covenant and "Aged Old Man") which is disseminated from the address However, at the same time, this "guessing" spread around the world the untruth that was shifting humanity back in the development, the correction and replacement of which with the truth about the appearance, structure and role of "God Drobinas", in the present times of increasingly clever lying to people by adherents of evil, probably will take ages (if this deepening rejection by people of truth and acceptance of lies and evil, will at all allow most people to see through their eyes and to come out into the light from the darkness of lies). The very process of finding this "key" and dictionary, together with the provision of the required "3 witnesses" confirming their truth, is explained more comprehensively in items #K1 and #K2 from my web page named god_exists.htm. In turn the confirmation of the truth of this "key" and the dictionary reveals that the lower (b) drawing is completely erroneous, and that probably the sponsorship of its widespread dissemination around the world is carried out by these evil forces interested in hiding the truth and keeping humanity in ignorance, unawareness and lies - which forces, among other things, at the same time fiercely (though secretly) persecute and block also the dissemination of my publications, thus, because of this persecution, for over 35 years serve me indescribable amount of suffering as a "payment" for my efforts of improving the fates of all people. Fortunately for us, the biblical promise to reveal to people every secret hidden by someone, expressed in verse 10:26 from the biblical "Gospel according to St. Matthew" - I quote from NIV: "... for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known", causes that surely one day this promise will also be fulfilled for this extremely important for humanity case of attempts by evil forces to hide from people the truth about "God Drobinas". Namely, if God decides to NOT allow that the dissemination of my research is blocked and deleted completely by the evil forces while my almost life-long suffering of taking continuous persecution is NOT wasted, then His promise God probably could fulfil just by effects of inspiring me in 2020 to develop my "Theory of life of 2020" described on the totaliztic web page named 2020life.htm - an important fragment of which is devoted to the discovery and the description of the existence, appearance, and role of "God Drobinas".
       Fig. #B2a - upper: Here is the appearance of the male positive "God Drobina" prepared by my graphically talented friend (in the creation of which illustration I participated remotely, laboriously preparing detailed and long instructions and explanations sent to my friend by e-mail), the truth and correctness of which appearance is certified by all the most important "3 witnesses" - confirmations of which I presented in item #K1 from the web page named god_exists.htm and in captions under illustrations attached to that #K1. The external appearance of this male God Drobina is characterized by having an erected "penis", testicles, and beard - all thoroughly described in the Cabbalistic book "Sefer ha-Zohar". The same book also describes the appearance and constitution of the female negative God Drobina, whose external appearance is characterized by having a female organ "vulva" and the lack of a beard. However, much more important for us her internal differences compared to the male God Drobina, still await the exact decoding after the development of the required "key" and dictionary - as I described it in item #B2 of the Polish equivalent of this web page. After all, the differences in the structure and operation of both these different "God Drobinas" are later transferred to people because of the differentiation of programs of our "soul" that are synthesized in their interiors. So these inner differences define these huge differences that exist in thinking, actions, and behaviours of men and women. Unfortunately, the fact of the existence of the description of the female God Drobina in the book "Sefer ha-Zohar" was conveniently "overlooked" by the authors of the world "bestseller" entitled "The Manna Machine", which persuaded humanity that these descriptions supposedly document only the existence and use of the supposed "machine for producing manna" shown as the lower (b) one of the above drawings. After all, the "machine for producing manna" would NOT have its male and female varieties, nor male and female lower organs - especially it would NOT have an erected "penis" and two "testicles" that surround it, perfectly visible in the lower part (b) of the illustration of this supposed "machine".
       Fig. #B2b - lower: Here is the appearance of the supposed "machine for producing manna" also prepared by my friend, the truth and correctness of the existence and appearance of which deny all the "3 witnesses" discussed here - statements of which I presented in items #K1 and #K2 from my web page named god_exists.htm and in captions under the illustrations attached to these #K1 and #K2. This appearance reveals how easy it is to mislead (if NOT deliberately lie) the whole of humanity with sensational statements and high-quality graphics that distort the truth, and how sceptical and hostile to God are today's people ready to accept with enthusiasm everything that denies existence, wisdom and the power of our God - no wonder that the God-controlled nature and fate of humanity just show us that God "means business", and that if people do NOT show the change caused by repentance, the saving effects of which in the Bible illustratively suggests the behaviour of the kingdom of "Nineveh", and will NOT start quickly the elimination of "money" (which are the source of almost all evil) through e.g. undertaking of the implementation of the political "Nirvana System", described in "part #L" and in the INTRODUCTION of my web page named smart_tvs.htm while symbolically illustrated in the Polish language on our free half-hour-long video entitled "Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany" (which title means: "World without money: The Nirvana Political System"), then whatever predicts scientifically the scenario of our Polish-language film entitled "Zagłada ludzkości 2030" (which title means: "The Great Purification of Humanity of 2030s") unfortunately we all will, without exception, experience very painfully. After all, it is probably to such a scenario that in a coded manner refers verse 24:22 from the biblical "Gospel according to St. Matthew", the intentional logical and historical contradiction of it in relation to descriptions that follow it are to provide us with a "key" and with clarification regarding the differentiation of understanding of times in which it is to take place.

#B3. Mankind - means working ants to which God entrusted cleaning the complex outlines of "skeleton of knowledge and truth" that are hidden amongst "shadows of possible overlooking or lying":

       If we ask ourselves the question "why ancient people did not build a gun or a glider", then the most vital reason for this would turn the lack of awareness that a gun or a glider can exist. In other words, in order to increase one's knowledge in any area, one firstly needs to be aware that such an area of knowledge does exist at all. So if this finding we extrapolate to the situation in which is God, then in order God is able to continually increase His knowledge, and then skilfully pass this knowledge to us, firstly people must exist which are to realise to God that such new areas of knowledge do exist at all - so that God then can increase His knowledge in these areas.
       Let us illustrate the above in more picturesque manner. If we look with e.g. God's eyes at still not researched area of unknown, then this area resembles a "black mass of unknown" inside of which hides a complicated "white skeleton of knowledge and truth". So in order this "white skeleton of knowledge and truth" is revealed to eyes of God, there is a need for a sworn of laborious ants, which are to pounce onto this "black mass of unknown" and gradually "eat" all shadows which hide the knowledge and truth. People are performing for God just such a role of "sworn of laborious ants" which gradually reveal a complicated skeleton of knowledge hidden inside of the black mass of unknown.

#B4. Which evidence confirms claims of the philosophy of totalizm formulated on basis of findings from the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, that "the reason for which God created people is easier, safer, faster, and more accurate getting to know Himself, as well as the increase of His general knowledge and level of perfection":

       In item #C1 of totaliztic web page god.htm - with scientific answers of the secular philosophy of totalizm to basic questions regarding God it was explained that the getting to know Himself and the increase of His knowledge, is the main reason why God created the physical world and man. Of course, totalizm developed this tradition, that whatever it states it always provides also for this the appropriate evidence and logical deductions which reveal in what manner and on what basis totalizm reached a given conclusion. This is so, because only through presenting evidence in support of its claims and also presenting the logic behind its deductions, totalizm is able to give to its followers the possibility to verify the truth of its statements. So let us now carry out the review of logics and evidence that stands behind the statements of the philosophy of totalizm that "God created man in to make better and more efficient His pursue of knowledge - especially this part of knowledge which portraits to the God's own attributes and behaviours".
       1. The totaliztic extension and extrapolation of the "Theory of Superior Beings" by the Polish genius named Adam Wiśniewski (pseudo-name "Snerg"). Almost everything that is slightly more complex, God arranged into kinds of pyramidal structures and organisations. Examples of these include the so-called "periodic table of the elements" (also named the "Mendeleyev Table") - and the composition of subsequent chemical elements illustrated by it, or the so-called "Cyclic Table" described in chapter B from volume 2 of my newest monograph [1/5] while briefly discussed in items #B1 to #B4 of the web page named propulsion.htm - and regularities in the development of propulsion systems that are illustrated by this Cyclic Table. Various regularities which are embedded into such pyramidal structures already were noticed, and utilised, by numerous researchers - including into this number also a genius researcher of the Polish origin, named Adam Wiśniewski (which in his writings used the pseudo-name "Snerg"). Mr Adam Wiśniewski (1/1/1937 - 23/8/1995) noticed that there is a high regularity into which are arranged subsequent levels of God's creatures. This regularity which he discovered is now called the "Theory of Superior Beings" (the Polish name "Teoria Nadistot"). Statements of this theory are already published in a number of Polish publications - although (similarly as almost everything that because of the Polish origin is NOT appreciated by Poles themselves and thus is NOT promoted by them in the rest of the world - for details see also items #I1 to #I6 of the separate web page named mozajski_uk.htm), in the western countries this extremely vital theory still remains largely unknown or ignored. This is pity - because the genius of this theory and its significance to the "totaliztic science" require that it is vigorously promoted throughout the entire world - which promoting I already joined enthusiastically (e.g. see this item, totaliztic publications to which this item refers, and also see item #I6 on the abovementioned web page named "mozajski_uk.htm"). This genius theory reveals e.g. that every higher level of existence "nourishes itself" with products earned by a lower than itself level of existence. For example, us people have the opportunity to watch in action on everyday basis as many as several different levels of existence that surrounds us. These include: (1) minerals and chemical elements from which our planet is composed, (2) vegetation, (3) animals, and (4) intelligent being - means people. As we also know, each lower of these levels of existence is unable to notice with its senses the existence of the level that is higher than itself. Therefore, for example, minerals and chemical elements from the level (1) are unaware of the existence of vegetation from the level (2), in turn vegetation from the level (2) is unaware of the existence of animals from the level (3), etc. But chemical elements from the level (1) form various compounds and substances which later are "eaten" by vegetation from the level (2). In turn this vegetation from the level (2) forms various complex organic compounds which subsequently are "eaten" by animals from the level (3). Etc., etc. So if the above regularity discovered by the Polish genius Adam Wiśniewski is to be extrapolated further - as this was done by the totaliztic science, then it stems from it that also people from the level (4) earn something as well - and that this something is later "eaten" by some even higher level of existence (which people are unable to notice with their senses). Of course, this higher level of existence is God. In turn the only product which God is able to allegorically "eat", is the "knowledge" which people generate during their lives. Everything else, apart from the "knowledge", God is able to generate by Himself - so in order to acquire it He has NOT needed to create neither people nor the physical world. In other words, the totaliztic extension of the "Theory of Superior Beings" by Polish genius Adam Wiśniewski, in the understanding of logics represents the so-called "theorem" which states that "if God does exist, then allegorically He nourishes Himself with the knowledge generated by people". Thus, in combination with the formal proofs that "God does exist", which already were developed and published by the totaliztic science, the genius "Theory of Superior Beings" by Wiśniewski transforms itself into a formal proving procedure, that "God created people in order to pursue knowledge more effectively". Although this procedure was explained here with the use of rather simplistic terminology and logical deductions, still it unambiguously proves the findings of the philosophy of totalizm and the totaliztic science discussed here, that the "pursue of knowledge" was just this major goal for the accomplishing of which God originally created people, while currently he continually teaches and protects them, and also supports, supervises and controls their fates - for more details see also the web page named antichrist.htm.
       Because of the immense philosophical importance of the genius "Theory of Superior Beings by Wiśniewski" - as presented above, this theory, together with findings of the new "totaliztic science" which it proves and which states that "God created people in order to pursue knowledge more effectively", are also discussed on a number of totaliztic publications, e.g. in item #B1 of the web page named antichrist.htm, in item #F1 of the web page named wroclaw_uk.htm, in item #C2 of the web page named humanity.htm, or in subsection A3.2 from volume 1 and subsection NF5 from volume 12 of my newest monograph [1/5].
       2. Our knowledge of so-called "relative imperfection" of God. This "relative imperfection of God" is explained more comprehensively in item #M1 of the web page evolution.htm - about the process of evolution. (e.g. see the quotation from the Biblical Book of Genesis 18:20-21, in which God openly admits, that He does NOT know everything). In turn the fact, that also God continually learns and improves his methods of action, is additionally confirmed by deductions and evidence presented in item #D5 of the totaliztic web page newzealand_visit.htm. But because the comprehensive understanding of this "relative imperfection" of God is also a prerequisite for understanding and acceptance of explanations from this web page, I am going to summarise here briefly what is the essence of this "relative imperfection" of God. Let us begin from the primitive concept-word of "imperfection". This highly imprecise concept was introduced by people in order to describe some people and some products of human activities. As such, it is highly inadequate for describing the superior being of the universe, whose knowledge is so immense, that this being was able to create every atom, every heavenly body, and every living creature of the universe. Unfortunately, this is the only concept-word that we have so far, as people did NOT develop yet a similar word which would be appropriate to describe God. Therefore, in order to describe God I use the modified term "relative imperfection". This modified terminology does NOT mean at all that God is imperfect - in the same way as imperfect can be some people. It only means that the knowledge of God still is subjected to improvements as time elapses. Therefore, if this knowledge is estimated in comparison (i.e. "relative") to the knowledge of God, estimated - let's say, after another million years have elapsed, then it is going to turn out that the knowledge of God was increased in the meantime. In other words, this "relative imperfection" means, that if we compare God to man, or even to all people taken together, than God is going to turn out infinitively more "perfect" than people. But if the same God in the state of His knowledge from today, we compare to this God in the state of His knowledge that is to appear after, let's say, one million of years, then it is going to turn out that today God is "relatively imperfect". The consequence of this "relative imperfection" of God is the need that God continually increases His knowledge.
       3. A kind of knowledge that God does NOT know yet. If we try to describe what God already knows, then our list would be infinitively long, and probably still would miss various vital items. Even if we describe only what God knows in addition (and above) to what is known to all people taken together, still the knowledge listed e.g. in the Biblical "Job" 38:4-27 would turn out to be a small droplet in a huge ocean. So in general we could state that God knows everything about which He is aware that it can be known. In other words, "God does NOT know only this knowledge, about which He still does NOT know that it can be learned". But in order to learn "what He still does NOT know", God needs someone to realise to Him that this something can also be learned. This function of "hinters what God still does NOT know" is to be performed by people. It is just for this purpose that God created people, so the humans would keep realising to Him what He still does NOT know. In turn when people hint to God (usually in an unaware manner - means just by a "pure coincidence") that He still does NOT know something, then God finds methods and manners to learn this. So after certain time elapses God already begins to know it. Such a process of hinting to God that something requires learning, and subsequent learning this by God, is continuous. In this manner, due to the inspiring functions of people, God continually increases His knowledge.
       4. The human knowledge about "modelling and simulation". Another group of confirmations that "God really created the man to be able to increase His knowledge - especially the knowledge about Himself", are findings of human scientists on the subject of so-called "experimental modelling and simulation". Namely, if people wants to learn exactly attributes of an object, then typically they make so-called "model" of this object, then they "simulate" various situations to which this real object is (or is going to be) subjected in the real life. Then people watch how this "model" behaves in subsequent kinds of such simulated situations. From the real life we know jolly well, that "the most difficult is to get to know oneself". So if we relate the above to God, then it becomes apparent that God wants to learn well about Himself, but is aware that getting to know oneself is extremely difficult. Therefore God created man as a kind of "model" for Himself - means created man "on his image and similarity". In turn now He subjects this "model of Himself" to various simulated situations, in order to be able to get to know Himself better.
       5. Statements of the Bible. As this was explained in the totaliztic web page bible.htm - about mysteries of the Bible authorised by God Himself, the Bible is a kind of "autobiography" which God gave to people so that people could get to know Him better. In this "autobiography" God indirectly confirms that in fact the reason for which He created man is knowledge - especially learning by God about Himself. Verses in the Bible, in which God confirms this fact, are Acts 17: 24-25, quote: "The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. Neither is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all life and breath and all things." Expressing the essence of the above quotation in other words, God does NOT need anything material from people, but otherwise, it is Him who gives to people everything that humans need. But because God needed to have a reason for which He created man, this reason is a different kind than gaining temples or other material goods from people. What is this reason, God indirectly suggests this in another place of the Bible, namely in "Genesis" 1:27 God states, quote: "So God created human beings, making them to be like Himself, He created them male and female." So if we translate this verse into present scientific language, it turns out that God created a "model of Himself" in the form of man. In turn the only reason for which an intelligent being creates "models", is to learn the behaviour of these models in specific situations, and later deducing from the behaviours of these models, how behaves the object which is represented and reflected by these models. So the model of God in the form of "man" is to serve God for a better learning mechanisms that rule over the behaviour of God Himself.
       6. NDE - "Near-Death Experience". In a significant proportion of so-called "Near-Death Experience", people who went through the clinical death describe their meeting and discussion with God - Who after the death shows Himself usually in the form of a beam of light. In this first talk to a dying person God almost always stresses the importance and significance of learning and accumulating knowledge. Reports which reveal this significance which God places on knowledge, are contained in practically every book that describes "Near-Death Experience". Thus from these reports clearly stems that for God the increase of knowledge is the most vital reason for which He created people.
       7. Situations and experiences to which people are subjected. If one analyses thoroughly what happens to individual people, then it always turns out that many situations and experiences to which specific people are subjected, are NOT fruiting with anything beneficial for them. So these situations and experiences God probably "simulates", amongst others, also in order to get to know Himself better. Examples of these include: mosquitoes and other blood-sucking creatures, suffering, wars, depriving people the certainty that God does exist, cheating on people, stupid political leaders, persecutions, so-called "curse of inventors" the nature of which is described in items #G1 to #G3 (while the self-defence against which - in items #H1 to #H3) of the web page eco_cars.htm - about pollution free cars, and in item #K3 of the web page fe_cell.htm - about telekinetic cells, and many others. In fact if these experiences do NOT exist, the humanity still would develop and increase its knowledge - sometimes even faster that presently (especially with the existence of the "curse of inventors", stupid leaders, or mosquitoes). This is because the majority of destructive experiences does NOT teach people anything! (As a perfect example for this consider "wars" which people carry out from the beginnings of time and still did NOT learn anything from them.) It is known that everything that happens to people God controls with an "iron hand". So if we consider more thoroughly these destructive situations and experience, if God eliminates them completely, then it would have only beneficial for people consequences. This in turn means, that such destructive situations and experience are served to people by God not for the good of these people, but mainly because God wants to learn something from them.
* * *
       From the practice we know, that if any intelligent creature puts a lot of attention, work, and troubles into something, then this creature has vital reasons for doing this, which (reasons) can be defined and described. It is known that in order to create man, to give to people religions and to teach them to seek knowledge and to behave morally, to rule intentionally over the fate of humanity, and finally to justly judge lives of people, God puts in these a huge amount of attention, work, and troubles. So it dopes NOT require a genius to deduce, that God does all these for some extremely vital reason. The philosophy of totalizm determined, that this reason is to "increase knowledge". Of course, because e.g. the need to "keep people in the lack of certainty about the existence of God", as described in item #F2 from the web page evil.htm - about origins of all evil on the Earth, and also because of several other reasons, God Himself cannot appear on the sky and explain to us that the increase of knowledge is what He is after. Therefore, let us hope, that the evidence and logical justifications provided in this item, convinced the reader that "seeking knowledge" is in fact the true goal of all efforts of God. As this is going to be explained in the next item below, the awareness of this fact is able to transform completely our lives.

#B5. The present phase of gathering knowledge by God concerns "experimentation on evilness and consequences of it":

       In spite of the complexity of God's intellect, which allows God to complete billions of different actions at the same time, still empirical data indicate that in His efforts to seek and to gather knowledge God distinguishes separate periods and stages. For example, in medieval times, very clear period can be distinguished in which God experimented with plagues on humans. In turn in present times, clearly a period can be distinguished when God experiments with uncontrolled use of technical devices by people. On the other hand, the entire latest phase of God's experiments on the Earth, which already lasts several thousand of years, clearly depends on "experimenting with evilness and the consequences of it". In this concentration on carrying out experiments with a clear subject area and a clear leading idea, God is NOT different from human scientists. After all, when human scientists carry out experiments on any subject, then in order to minimize influences of uncontrollable factors which differ from factors just subjected to research, these scientists also distinguish clear periods and stages of research, and they also concentrate in each period and stage on a thorough researching a single factor only.
       There is a lot of evidence in support of the fact, that our civilisation is just in the middle of phase when God experiments on people with evilness and with consequences of it. For example, God indicates this fact even in the Bible (which is a kind of "autobiography of God"), letting people know in there that He temporally gave to Satan the power over the Earth and over people. This experimental phase is also confirmed by numerous evil creatures which God "simulates" on the Earth. (Such evil creatures are described, amongst others, in chapter JJ from volume 6 of the second edition of my monograph [8/2] "Totalizm".) God's experiments concerning evilness are also confirmed by the existence and action of a whole array of experiences and phenomena that are NOT needed for the development of people, for example the existence of mosquitoes and wars described in subsection JF5 of that volume 6 from my monograph [8/2], or the existence of so-called "curse of inventors" described in there in subsections JF3 and JG5.5. Finally the experiments of God with evilness are also confirmed by the present system of rewards and punishments that God uses at people. God serves these rewards and punishments to people according to the so-called "method of carrot and stick" - described in subsection JG5.2 of that volume 6 from my monograph [8/2], and also mentioned in item #D1 of the web page god.htm - about scientific answers of the secular philosophy of totalizm to basic questions regarding God. Namely, in the presently used by God version of this "method of carrot and stick", God in a clear way gives evident and immediately identifiable rewards for immoral actions, while in the visible and easily identifiable manner God punishes mainly for moral actions.
       Independently from this item, the "experimentation on evilness and consequences of it" is also discussed in subsection JF6 from volume 6 of my monograph [8/2].

#B5.1. Intentional and repetitive subjecting people to painful and unpleasant experiences has also another goal - namely grooming "hardened in fire" future companions of God:

       There is a proverb in English stating "spare the rod and spoil the child". This proverb represents the translation into present language of the God's method of upbringing people, which in the application for human children God recommends us in the Biblical "Book of Proverbs", verses 13:24 (quote from NIV: "He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him"); but which God Himself uses also for upbringing the adult people. When this method is used by God for upbringing adult people, its features are such that it can be called the "principle of reversals" - for details see the description of it provided in item #G3 from the totaliztic web page named wszewilki.htm. Because of this method, the present phase of gathering knowledge by God via the use of "experimentation on evilness and on consequences of it", has also another, equally important goal. Namely, God uses it also as a method of "grooming" people into righteous, hardened in fire, and reliable future his soldiers-companions, through shaping in them desirable attributes of character with intentional and repetitive subjecting every person to various unpleasant and painful experiences. The illustrative explanation why it is necessary to subject people to such a "hardening of character", is provided in item #A3 from the totaliztic web page god_proof.htm. In turn the explanations why God needs the battle-hardened "soldiers of God" is provided in item #B1.1 from the web page named antichrist.htm.
       Notice that the method of "hardening character of people" implemented by God through intentional and repetitive subjecting each person to various painful and unpleasant experiences, is also described in item #K2 from the totaliztic web page soul_proof.htm - about scientific evidence for the existence of souls. In turn the "principle of reversals", that constitutes a philosophical foundation for that God's method of upbringing people, is described in item #F3 from the web page wszewilki_uk.htm.
       The Bible places a significant emphasis on the primary educational principle that the "character of people should be shaped like we harden steel". This principle is repeated in the Bible in many places. For example, apart from the verse quoted before, in the Biblical "Book of Proverbs" it is also repeated e.g. in verses 19:18 (quote: "Discipline your children while they are young enough to learn. If you don't, you are helping them destroy themselves."), 22:15 (quote: "Children just naturally do silly, careless things, but a good spanking will teach them how to behave."), 23:13 (quote: "Don't hesitate to discipline a child. A good spanking won't kill him. As a matter of fact, it may save his life."), or 29:17 (quote: "Discipline your son and you can always be proud of him. He will never give you reason to be ashamed"). It is also repeated in the book "Ecclesiasticus, or the Wisdom of Sirach" (note - do NOT confuse it with the different book "Koheleth or Ecclesiastes"), verse 30:1, quote from the New Jerusalem Bible: "Whoever loves his son will beat him frequently so that in after years the son may be his comfort."). This method of upbringing has proven its correctness during centuries of applying it. Unfortunately, according to the earlier reported "principle of reversals", this method must be continually undermined and attempted to be replaced by its exact reversal. Fortunately, until NOT long ago, people resisted these replacement attempts. But recently, increasingly more people (especially mothers) started to ignore the competence of God in the matter of methods for educating and upbringing people, which God recommends for the use by parents in His Bible and one of which is discussed here. These people gradually introduce into the common use an opposite method of upbringing children, which is based on the "principle of greenhouse" (also described in item #F3 from the web page wszewilki_uk.htm) - in which children are raised similarly like vegetables in greenhouses, i.e. they are NOT disciplined at all, they are allowed to do whatever they wish, they are protected against everything, they are provided with everything and fed with "silver spoons", etc. Of course, this "greenhouse principle" raises children into snobs, egoists, misfits, wimps, which even in their adult lives refuse to leave protection of their mothers, whom by themselves are unable to solve even a most miserable problem, for which life depends on fun and pleasures, which break down psychically because of every obstacle they encounter in life, and which just wait for an opportunity to commit a suicide for some insignificant reason. In turn the wide spread of this "greenhouse principle" automatically eliminates from the use of this old "principle of reversals" that is recommended to us by God. In turn the elimination of it intentionally creates on the Earth a situation that human laws are exactly contradictive to God's laws, and that these people who act accordingly to God's laws are severely punished by the human laws (as this is prophesized in the Bible for the final times).
       I am in a situation which is quite beneficial for my "research on God and on identification of methods used by God during His interactions with people" - which research I carry out privately since 1985. This is because on everyday basis I have an opportunity to watch around myself consequences of making human laws to be exactly contradictive to God's laws - as it can be noted e.g. from item #I3.1 of the web page petone.htm. For example, in New Zealand the parliament introduced the so-called "anti-smacking law" which declares a criminal every parent which gives a smack his or her child. What is the most strange, that teaching parents by the government how they should bring up their children, takes a new dimension in the light of a television programme entitled "60 minutes" broadcasted in channel 3 of television New Zealand, on Monday, 20 July 2009, at 7:30 pm till 8:30 pm. According to this program, State Agencies from New Zealand which supposed to care for orphans and children taken from their parents, were accused of the largest in the history of this country abuse of children. The program informed, that at the time it was filmed already around 5000 of former children from the State Care Institutions started the court proceedings regarding the matter of their former abuse, while the total number of children abused in State Care Institutions can reach even as much as 50000. Thus it should be at least suprising, that while NOT preventing the abuse of children in the institutions managed by the state, the same state feels competent to instruct parents and to issue laws which are to punish parents who try to discipline their children in own homes. In the result of implementing this "anti-smacking law", New Zealand started to experience educational problems and increase of crime of the cosmic proportions. The matter went so far, that in order to force the government to invalidate this law, concerned citizens pushed to a country-wide referendum on 1 to 20 August 2009, which (the referendum) asks every citizen the question "Should a smack as part of good parental correction be a criminal offence in New Zealand?" Although the cost of this referendum climbed to around 9 millions of dollars, the government in advance stated that is NOT going to take any notice of the outcomes of it and does not intend to change this law. Yet simultaneously in almost every newspaper which I took to hand during the preparations to this referendum, I saw at least one article which directly or indirectly tried to convince readers to vote YES (i.e. to vote in favour of keeping this law imposed on the society by the parliament and making a criminal from every parent that serves a smack to his or her child), or at least convince the readers to NOT take part in voting at all. Simultaneously I did NOT meet even a single article which would argue to vote NO - means to vote against keeping this law in power any further. An example of the article which argued to vote YES, was the article entitled "The Bible has harsh views on rearing a child", from page B5 of New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Saturday, July 11, 2009. Parents which give smacks to their children this article compares to biblical fundamentalists. (In order to realise what mental links can be induced in readers by comparing someone to biblical fundamentalists, it is enough to mention here that these ones who are accused of terrorist attacks and bombing of WTC typically are called religious fundamentalists.) The article also suggests indirectly that accusing to be criminals all people who discipline their children with smacks would be "a more enlightened way forward". Further data regarding this intriguing referendum and regarding the anti-smacking law that it tries to abolish is provided, amongst others, in articles "Get cracking on referendum act" from page A4 of New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Friday, June 19, 2009, and "Three out of four think poll waste of money" from page A4 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Monday, June 29, 2009. The referendum finished on Thursday, 20 August 2009. The outcomes of it were published, amongst others, in the article "You say Change the law, PM says No I want" from page A1 of newspaper Weekend - The Dominion Post, issue dated on Saturday-Sunday, August 22-23, 2009. Overwhelming majority of people, because 87.60% voted NO (means requested to change the law). Only 11.81% of people voted YES (means keep the existing anti-smacking law). Turnaout in this referendum was 54.64% (i.e. voted 1,622,000 New Zealanders) - this means against the law voted more citizens than the total number of citizens who took part in the governmental elections which preceded that referendum. The cost of referendum was NZ$ 8.9 millions - but the government still ignored outcomes of it and still refused to abolish that widely disapproved law. In fact, the article entitled "Mother jailed for beating son with hose" from page A1 of the newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Friday, November 20, 2009, describes a shocking severity with which after the referendum parents that tried to discipline their children still were punished in this democratic country. The article describes a case of a mother which served into her son's bottom 15 whacks with a watering hose, because son was chronically truant from the school. For this whacking she was jailed for 15 months (means the New Zealand justice served her one month of jail for each whack of her son's bottom with a hose). Several further cases when parents were punished by courts because they tried to discipline their rampaging brats, is described in the article "Latta gives OK to anti-smacking law" from page A1 of the New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Tuesday, December 8, 2009. For my best knowledge, in other place and time almost each one amongst these cases would finish with placing these rampaging brats in a court, not in sentencing their parents. Also parents of these cases emphasized in a different article "Parents hit back over smacking" (from page A13 of the New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post - issue dated on Saturday, December 19, 2009), that they were ignored in this "one-sided report" and that the report contains glaring errors. Yet in New Zealand the especially arranged governmental review announced on the base of these cases that the anti-smacking law is working as intended and there is no need to change the law. In another article "It's okay to give light smacks, says PM" from page A1 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue also dated on Tuesday, December 8, 2009, this announcement of outcomes of the review was declared by the anti-law campaigners as the "government-funded sales pitch". The need for introducing the anti-smacking law, politicians of New Zealand most frequently justify by the supposed need to protect children from abuse by adults. But as this was revealed by outcomes of research published in the article "Outcry fails to reduce child abuse deaths" from page A7 of New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Thursday, December 10, 2009, statistics of numbers of deaths of children caused by abuse by adults remain after the introduction of anti-smacking law the same as before this introduction. Thus, the statistics indicate, that the law does NOT prevent children against deaths from abusive adults. In turn the political meaning of this law, presented in the note "If I see good parents getting criminalised for lightly smacking their children..." from page A9 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Tuesday, October 26, 2010, also can induce a lot of reflections.
       More information about grooming in people the desirable attributes of character in the "hard way" is provided in subsections D2 and D1 from volume 2 of my monograph [8/2] entitled "Totalizm".
       In turn item #G1 from final parts of this web page explains "why" these parents who fail to discipline their children with the proverbial "rod", risks that their children die at a young age. I would recommend to have a look at arguments and evidence presented in that item. After all, in matters which may influence the life or death of ones that we love, it is worth to learn the so-called "second opinion" - in this case developed with methods of the "totaliztic science" which researches the reality around us from "a priori" approach that is exactly opposite to the official "a posteriori" approach to research used by the so-far monopolistic, old so-called "atheistic orthodox science". It is also worth to make up our own mind, as to following of which findings from both these sciences, is more safe for us and for these ones whom we love.

#B6. From thoughtless servants, into aware partners of God:

Motto: "If you learned totalizm thoroughly, then you should stop think of yourself as a 'servant and slave of God', but start to consider yourself to be a 'partner of God in His searches for knowledge'."

       Very meaningful is the content of quotation provided in 3 from the previous item #B4 of this web page. This Biblical quotation from Acts 17: 24-25 states that "The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. Neither is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all life and breath and all things." In other words, God does NOT want that people are to what they are persuaded by present religions - namely "thoughtless servants of people who claim to act in the name of God". God actually wants that people become aware partners and associates of God in the process of "gathering knowledge". Amongst others, this is also why God did NOT stated in the Bible any explaination why He created people. He wants that people get the idea all by themselves and all by themselves begin voluntarily such a "gathering of knowledge". After all, if God explained this clearly and openly in the Bible and thus enforced this in people with the use of religions which He created, then the "search for knowledge" would also become another manifestation amongst numerous ways of thoughtless services to God. However, the thoughtless serving and slavery is unable to generate some kinds of knowledge. (For example, someone who considers himself or herself to be a servant and a slave of God never would be able to formulate the philosophy of totalizm nor the theory of everything called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity.) Therefore God wants that people which believe in Him went now into a next (higher) phase of their existence, when from a thoughtless servants and slaves of God they transform into aware partners and associates in gathering knowledge for the good of the entire intelligent universe. Totalizm is just a philosophy which opens for people the possibility to carry out this freeing transformation.
       In other words, totalizm tries to explain to us that just right now a time has started when we people have the opportunity to get through an extremely vital "transformation of awareness" and become kinds of "partners" of God. Means, we do NOT need to remain any further His thoughtless servants, who are just to obey His will and to "recite" countless rosaries in His adoration. We can become now aware partners and associates of God in the mutual effort of ourselves and God to seek and gather knowledge. In turn as such "partners", we begin to mutually influence each other, and mutually shape our common future. Thus, after completing the "transformation of awareness" described here, NOT only God still shapes our future, but also us people begin the partnership in shaping the future of God. However, in order to be able to fulfil better our function as "partners of God", it is required that we people begin to be aware of our true function and role as such partners of God. In turn the first step towards this direction is the voluntary learning of the philosophy of totalizm, and - if we have such capabilities and intellectual inclinations, also learning a bit more difficult than totalizm the theory of everything called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. These new disciplines of knowledge allow us that the to-date belief in God we replace in our awareness with the thorough knowledge of God. I hope that by formulating these descriptions here I added my contribution towards effective growth of such awareness in all of us.
       Practically our transformation from servants into partners of God, depends on shaking out our prejudices to-date, on change in our manner of thinking, and on adopting the intellectual activeness. After all, in order to become a "partner of God" in the process of increase of knowledge, we are NOT allowed to ignore or leave-out anything in our considerations - because it could offend someone, nor we are allowed to take anything just "on faith" - as so-far it was done by religious people. Thus, although findings of the philosophy of totalizm and the Concept of Dipolar Gravity make us sure that God does exist and sure that it is God that stands behind everything that happens around us, still we have a duty to think logically and to seek knowledge without any prejudices nor hindering - means with use of the same principles and methods that so-far were utilised mainly by so-called "atheistic scientists". In other words, we need to begin the active search for knowledge, become satisfied NOT only by knowing "who" (i.e. God), but also seek the knowledge "how", "why", "when", etc. We need to consider every option i possibility, find answers to every question, and compare each reply we have with the reality that surrounds us - in order to determine the extend to which this reply is true. For example, religious people NEVER would have the courage to seek answer to the question "are Satan and devils just negative poles of God's personality which balance His positive attributes, in the same way as a 'minus' is the pole of every battery which balances a 'plus' of this battery?" After all, religious people would feel fear, prejudice, and hinder against honest asking of this type of questions. On the other hand, if one wants to get to know God and to become His aware partner in seeking the knowledge, then one needs to have the courage to ask such questions with good intentions, while after getting answer to them - also the courage to compare this answer with the reality that surrounds us.
       Probably I do NOT need to explain here consequences of someone volunteering for carrying out in himself or herself this "transformation of awareness" inspired in people by findings of the philosophy of totalizm (i.e. the transformation from thoughtless "servants" into aware "partners" of God). After all, if one places himself or herself in the position of God, then it becomes absolutely certain that it is impossible to treat the same an aware partner, as one treats a thoughtless servant. I should mention here, that since the time when in my awareness I voluntarily went through this transformation, then immediately I started to feel a different treatment from God.

#B7. Whether researchers of God commit blasphemy:

       As we know, some religious people rush to accuse of blasphemy of everyone who researches or disseminates truths regarding God - if these truths even slightly differ from dogmas of their religion. These types of accusations were a major occupation of medieval Inquisition. They were also a kind of scarecrow which was used by priests of practically all religions. As this is documented in the Biblical Evangel of St. Matthew, 26:65, even Jesus Himself was accused of blasphemy by Jewish priests and condemned to death. Of course, in the entire history of the humanity no-one has existed that would be more far from intensions of blasphemy than Jesus Himself. For this reason, it is worth to realise, that researching God, and also investigating and disseminating truths regarding God, never is a blasphemy, nor ever can become a blasphemy. After all, the very nature of researching and seeking truths is such, that the researcher must ask questions which no-one asked before for some reasons. In turn, just asking questions which earlier were not articulated, nor finding answers for these questions, cannot become a blasphemy - no matter what these questions try to establish. (What really represents a blasphemy, it is defined in the Bible quite well - e.g. see Leviticus 24:15, quote: "Anyone who curses God, must suffer the consequences ...".)
       If we analyse the world around us, then we can discover that God intentionally motivates and inspires us to ask difficult questions about Him. After all, if God does NOT want us to ask such questions and seek answers to them, then He would create our world and our history in a completely different manner. Thus, e.g. the fact that Jesus was born from the Virgin Mary, instead of e.g. being lowered down from the heaven in thunders and lightings, means that God wants us to research the matter of virgin birth and the ability to initiate life remotely by God. In turn e.g. the fact that in the Bible the age of the universe is defined by God at just around 6000 years, while the same God so created the fossils of dinosaurs, geological layers, and galaxies, that contradictory to His Bible they suggest the age of the universe amounting to around 14 billion years - for details see item #A2 from the totaliztic web page evolution.htm, in reality also means that God wants to inspire us to ask questions regarding the truth of claims of the Bible and the true age of the universe. Similarly, claiming in all religions of the world - as this is explained in item #C6 from the totaliztic web page prawda_uk.htm, that it was God who created the universe, but simultaneously creating the universe by the same God is such a manner that it displays evidence which supposedly suggests that the universe originates from the so-called "big bang", also clearly is intended by God to induce searches for truth in humans and to inspire humans to discuss this matter - see item #E1 further on this web page. Etc., etc. In other words, both, the Bible and the products of a huge number of God's actions, continually try to reassure us that these ones who research God and seek truths about God, do exactly what God wants that people do. In turn researching according to intentions of God, never can become a blasphemy - no matter what questions are formulated for working theses of this research. After all, questions on the subject of God one asks only in the name of love to God and to own creator - since if we love someone much, then we want to know everything about him. On the other hand, a blasphemy commits only a person that feels something completely opposite than love.

Part #C: Manners and methods with the use of which God tries to accomplish His goals:


#C1. The historic review of manners that God utilises for controlling over actions and views of people:

       According to explanations provided on a separate web page bible.htm - about mysteries of the Bible authorised by God Himself, in history of the humanity to-date God tried in action two different groups of methods of governing over the people. Each of these two methods of governing people by God is described in a separate part of the Bible, i.e. the first in described in the "Old Testament", while the second one in the "New Testament". In the first amongst these two groups of methods God in person tried to directly induce the moral, technical, and scientific progress of humanity through projecting Himself into temporary created human-like bodies which simulated His presence amongst people. Because God is able to link His mind simultaneously to any number of such simulated human-like bodies, this first method of governing over people boiled down to sending to the Earth like "gods" (means human-shaped "ambassadors of God") that lived amongst people of various tribes and nations. These "gods" taught local "savages" the basis areas of science and technology, as well as moral principles of behaviour. They also initiated wars between nations that they taught and neighbours of these nations. Such wars performed several functions. For example, they provided people with motivations to learn from these "gods" through demonstrating to people the direct link between the learned knowledge and morality and benefits of winning with given neighbourly nations. They also reinforced in people understanding to principles of confrontation and competition, through realising a simple truth that "the more you learn and the more you work, the higher chance you get to wing with your enemies in any confrontation". In addition, the efficiency of subsequent methods of action of these "gods" was compared with the use of such wars and was verified in practice.
       Another group of methods of governing used by God for controlling people was introduced on the Earth at the moment of appearing of Jesus and then Christianity. In the Bible it is represented by the content of the New Testament. The characteristic attribute of it is that God ceased to openly (i.e. noticeably to people) intervene into human matters, and started to increasingly wide implementation of the "canon of ambiguity" in everything that He does. According to this canon God ceased to send His ambassadors (means "gods") to people. In turn when He was forced to send someone to people, then instead "gods" He just delegated His "curriers", means "angels", or simulations of His adversaries (which He also temporally created, and minds of which He also fully controlled), means "devils". Simultaneously God improved and extended His methods of competition and confrontation between subsequent groups of people as methods of motivating the progress. These methods started to be based NOT only on the competition between subsequent tribes and nations, but also on ambitions of singular leaders and rebels, on religion adhered, on access to resources and to communication routes, etc., etc.

#C2. The "canon of ambiguity", "free will", and other constraints which at present times limit methods of God:

       A path to any goal never is simple. This is because always on this path various obstacles appear, which force to walk around them. As it turns out, various limitations apply also to even God Himself. The most commonly known of these limitations include the so-called "free will", and the so-called "canon of ambiguity". What even more interesting, both these limitations God voluntarily imposed on Himself. This in turn means, that in order to tolerate such limitations, God needed to have an extremely important reason for introducing them. This reason is already explained in item #B1 above.
       The "canon of ambiguity" states the following: in the universe nothing can be fully unambiguous and deprived sources of all doubts, because then the people who confront it would be deprived the right to their own free will and the right to choose their own views and the path through the life.
       Independently from this item, the "canon of ambiguity" is also discussed on several other totaliztic web pages, for example in item #B9 of the web page god.htm - about scientific answers of the secular philosophy of totalizm to basic questions about God, in item #I1 of the web page god_proof.htm - about scientific proofs for the existence of God, in item #B2 of the web page soul_proof.htm - about scientific proofs for the existence of immortal soul, and at the beginning of part #F from the web page bible.htm - about mysteries of the Bible authorised by God Himself. But the most comprehensive presentation of this canon is provided in subsection JB7.4 from volume 7 of my monograph [1/4].

#C3. Present "people who believe in God" - their contribution to morality with simultaneous failing to carry out intellectual and technical development of humanity:

Motto: Present believers only "worship God", while God in fact requires that people research Him scientifically and they pedantically obey laws which God established and which people are to learn due to rational researching God.

       In item #A2 of this web page, summarised was an interesting paradox of believers, namely that the increase of a "blind" belief in God always leads to the fall-down of knowledge and technology, although it maintains the level of morality. The explanation of this paradox is provided, amongst others, in item #F2 of the web page evil.htm, in item #J3 of the web page named bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm, in item #D1 of the web page ufo.htm, in item #B3 of the web page named god_proof.htm, or in item #A2 of the web page evolution.htm. In fact, if the Earth is populated exclusively by such people blindly believing in God, then probably until today we would live in caves or on trees, and we would NOT know yet what is fire.
       The conservative tendencies of people who blindly and deeply believe in God, have this consequence that God needs on the Earth people who cognitively "know" about His existence, goals, methods of acting, etc., not just blindly "believe" in His existence. This is because the complete knowledge about God eliminates the action of that "paradox of people strongly believing in God". People who have a complete knowledge about God still develop the science and technology, only that they do it with a slightly different (better) philosophical attitude, described by the philosophy of totalizm. In addition, people who know about God respect all moral principles - means do what "atheists" fail to do. Unfortunately, so-far there is a lack on the Earth of the sufficient number of such people who "know" about God. Thus, before such people appear amongst the humanity in sufficient numbers, God is forced to maintain a balance on the Earth, between the number of people who "blindly" believe in God - thus who maintain conservatism but promote the morality, and the number of atheists - who introduce the scientific and technical progress, but cause the moral decay.

#C4. Present "atheists" - their contribution to the development of knowledge and technology with the simultaneous causing the moral fall down of humanity:

Motto: Present atheists believe that since the evidence of punishments for immoral behaviours does NOT hit people in the eyes, everyone is excused to act immorally. However, "moral laws" cause that all immoral behaviours are punished independently whether these behaviours are carried out by atheists or by believers in God.

       The same web page (indicated above in item #C3), which explain the "paradox of people blindly believing in God", reveal also that "atheists" exert the influence on the humanity which is completely opposite to influence of people strongly believing in God. Namely, atheists promote the development of knowledge and technology, but simultaneously they cause moral decay. The present moral decay of the humanity, which we can see around, is just a result of too-extensive spread of atheism. Probably, in order to stop the further intensification of this moral fall-down of the humanity, God will be forced to wipe out the majority of humans - as this is described in an old Polish prophecy discussed in "part #H" of the web page named prophecies.htm. After that annihilation of the majority of humans, a situation on the Earth will eventuate, that the era of a "complete knowledge about God" can be started. In that approaching era, the development of science and technology is to be promoted, as well as high moral standards are to be maintained in everyday life of people.

#C5. The God's "ideal of man" - i.e. morally behaving researcher of the universe which believes in God but still intensely pursues knowledge and implements technical progress:

Notice that item item still awaits to be translated from Polish into English.
       Na bazie dotychczasowych ustaleń co do faktycznych intencji Boga dosyć klarownie wyłania sie obraz, jak w oczach Boga wyglądałby "ideał człowieka". Jak się okazuje ów ideał człowieka kierowałby całą swoją energię na gromadzenie wiedzy i na podnoszenie poziomu technicznego ludzkości, ale równocześnie w swoim życiu postępowałby pedantycznie moralnie i wykazywałby przekonanie i pewność co do istnienia Boga. Innymi słowy taki idealny człowiek byłby jakby uosobieniem unaukowionej moralności i wiary w Boga, wpieranej jednak zrozumieniem że naczelnym celem Boga jest właśnie podnoszenie wiedzy, oraz zaochotniczeniem własnego wkładu dla szybszego osiągania owego celu Boga. Stąd na przekór że ów idealny w oczach Boga człowiek byłby wierzący, wcale nie zamykałby się przed postępem, wiedzą i poznaniem - tak jak to czynią dotychczasowi wierzący, a badałby wszechświat i Boga tak jak to czynią dotychczasowi ateiści, oraz usilnie dzwigałby do góry poziom cywilizacyjny ludzkości. Znaczy, wcale NIE zadowalałby się znajomością odpowiedzi na pytanie "kto" (tj. Bóg), ale także poszukiwałby odpowiedzi na równie ważne pytania "jak", "dlaczego", "kiedy", "jakie dowody to potwierdzają", "jaka lekcja z tego dla nas wynika", "jak to daje się wykorzystać przez ludzkość", itd., itp.
       Na przekór iż z biegiem czasu ludzie wierzący zapewne będą się zbliżali do tego boskiego "ideału człowieka", Bóg wcale nie odbierze ludziom "wolnej woli", ani zapewne nie zaniecha przestrzegania "kanonu niejednoznaczności". Dlatego niezależnie od owych "idealnych ludzi", na świecie nadal będą istnieli "ateiści". Można więc również wydedukować, jak w oczach Boga wygląda taki "idealny ateista". Jak łatwo wydedukować, taki idealny ateista poszukiwałby ateistycznej wiedzy na temat wszechświata - tak jak to czyni obecnie, jednak równocześnie uznawałby że niezależnie od praw fizycznych, działalnością ludzi rządzą również tzw "prawa moralne". Innymi słowy, taki "idealny ateista" tym różniłby się od dzisiejszego ateisty, że we wszystkim co by czynił też postępowałby pedantycznie moralnie poprzez świadome przestrzeganie "praw moralnych" w swoim życiu. Jedyne więc co idealnego ateistę różniłoby od opisanego wcześniej "idealnego człowieka", to że nie uznawałby istnienia Boga zaś "prawa moralne" uważałby za odmianę praw natury, zamiast jak ludzie wierzący - za prawa narzucane ludziom do wypełniania przez Boga.
       Czytający zapewne zadaje sobie pytanie, czy istnieje jakiś materiał dowodowy że powyższy obraz "idealnego człowieka" oraz "idealnego ateisty" faktycznie jest zgodny z intencjami Boga. Aczkolwiek wobec działania "kanonu niejednoznaczności" ogromnie trudno "wypytać" Boga jakie są jego intencje w tym zakresie, ciągle istnieją pośrednie potwierdzenia, że Bóg popiera takie właśnie charakterystyki ludzi. Jednym z owych pośrednich potwierdzeń jest "błogosławieństwo twórczości" którym Bóg obdziela każdego wierzącego który nie zamyka się przed wiedzą i postępem - tak jak czynią to typowi ludzie wierzący w Boga, a moralnie poszukuje, bada, podnosi wiedzę, oraz moralnie dokonuje postępu w imię wiary w Boga. Jeśli bowiem przeanalizować życiorysy wysoce twórczych ludzi, wówczas się okazuje że niemal wszyscy oni byli otwartymi na wiedzę i postęp wierzącymi w Boga. Tak nawiasem mówiąc, to ja zaliczam także i siebie do owej grupy ludzi silnie wierzących w Boga jednak równocześnie poszukujących wiedzy o wszechświecie i wspierających postęp. Osobiście też wierzę, że wszystkie moje odkrycia i ustalenia opisane na całym szeregu stron internetowych (np. patrz strona o mnie (dr inż. Jan Pająk), czy też strona humanity.htm - o lepszej ludzkości), powstały właśnie dzięki poparciu Boga dla postawy życiowej w której pedantyczna moralność i wiara w Boga współistnieją w poszukiwaniu prawdy, wiedzy i w popieraniu postępu.

Part #D: The situation in which the human civilisation find itself at the present moment:


#D1. Let us name the situation by what it really is:

Motto: We can learn morality either a hard way by empirical experiences, or a pleasant way through findings of the moral philosophy of totalizm.

       Somehow it happened, that after the second world war the humanity managed to earn a relative prosperity. Simultaneously its scientists deviated onto the path of a blind atheism. In the result, around 1995 the control over the Earth took the generation which in item #I5 from the web page tapanui.htm I called the generation of Midases in reverse. Members of this generation are faithful followers of the philosophy called parasitism, means they are exceptionally immoral, egoistic, self-centred, greedy, etc. Rules of that generation unleashed on the Earth a true hell of immorality, greed, egoism and brutality which we see now around. What even worse, the next "me generation" - which is to take rules over the Earth after the present "Midases in reverse", displays even more parasitic attributes. This means that in future this present hell of immorality and injustice is to only escalate.
       No wonder that in such a situation when someone looks carefully around then sees that the situation does NOT encourage an optimism. The common deterioration of morality prevails, as well as wars, crime, cruelty, deaths, greed of wealthy people, growing poverty of poor, galloping inflation and rise of prices, atheism, destruction of the environment, etc., etc. The situation looks as if just arrived times of the bibilical Riders of Apocalypse.
       Many people ask why God is not intervening. But as it turns out God actually does intervene and gradually causes that the justice is served with own hands of these immoral people. Only that the atheistic propaganda of science refuses to take notice of these discreet activities of God. Fortunately the increasingly more people notices it and begins to reveal it by omitting the channels of official information. For example, myself I try to report these restoring morality and justice actions of God in items #B2 and #I4 of the web page day26.htm and in item #B1 of the web page seismograph.htm. So if we would give a name to the present times, then the correct name would be the "period of punishment and the discreet serving of justice by God".

#D2. The common understanding of the present situation of people and the folklore descriptions of this situation:

       In 2007 in the Internet a brief email was disseminated, which in my opinion perfectly reflects human feelings about the present situation of the humanity. Below I am repeating the text of this email:
We spend more, but we have less, we buy more, but enjoy less.
We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time.
We have more degrees, but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgement, more experts, but more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.
We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry too quickly, stay up too late, get up too tired, pray too seldom, and watch too much TV.
We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values.
We've learned how to make a living but not a life.

Part #E: The matter of God's age:


#E1. Chaos and primeval beginnings - means the evolutionary power of chaotic movements of the intelligent substance:

Motto: "The movements of any carrier of intelligence are always sources of new knowledge - this is why to intelligent people applies the saying that 'travels educate'."

       The word "chaos" is a religious name. It originates from religious mythology of ancient Greeks. However, differently sounding words which also represent the same meaning as "chaos", appear in practically every other primary religion of the world. . This appearance of the word "chaos" in every original religion of the world, implies that every religion on our planet describes the same history of the universe, only that it uses slightly different wording and explanatory examples. For example, in Christianity the Bible refers to chaos in Job 10:22 and in Isaiah 24:10. Unfortunately, sceptical atheists explain differently this presence of chaos in every religion - i.e. they explain it as an evidence that every religion was influenced by views of ancient Greeks and simply copied various ideas from Greeks.
       All myths of original religions explain the chaos as the first and the longest out of three periods of the infinitive history of our universe to-date. The prolonged period of chaos prevailed in times when there was no God yet, and when "bodily representations of God" were not created yet. Two further periods that followed chaos appeared only after God self-evolved and replaced the primeval chaos with orderly creation. Thus, the second period of primeval times, that appeared after the chaos, John 1:1-5 marks in the Bible with words "In the beginning there was the Word, …" (in the meaning "Word" = information = algorithm = natural form of program). This period started when God achieved self-awareness. In turn the third period in the history of the universe is explained in Genesis 1:1 and it was initiated when God proceeded with the creation of orderly physical universe and humans. This physical universe was formed from whatever previously constituted the chaos - as it is explained in Hebrews 11:3, quote "... the universe was created by God's Word, so that what can be seen was made out of what cannot be seen." In other words: Religions do NOT state that God created something out of nothing. With the use of limited vocabulary of antiquity, religions just try to explain to us that God so organised an invisible "something" with the appropriate algorithms (i.e. with the natural forms of program, or "Word"), that everything that we can see is formed from "something" that remains invisible to humans. (On the other hand, for example the present official human science, which vigorously promotes the atheistic "Big Bang" theory, claims an obvious absurd that "the universe supposedly created itself, and that everything in it came to existence from nothing".)
       However, the prolonged period of "chaos" does NOT appear in the present scientific model of the universe’s origins. According to the "Big Bang" theory, on which the present official (atheistic) and the only scientific model of the universe is based, there was no such thing as a prolonged chaos. In that theory the matter, space, and time (and thus also the entire universe) formed themselves supposedly from "nothing" due to a powerful "bang" which instantly formed an orderly universe that later only needed to expand. This lack of the period of chaos in the present scientific view of the universe’s history is very meaningful. This is because through a chain of logical deductions it confirms that one out of two above existing models of the universe’s origins is wrong - and all known evidence indicates that the wrong one is this scientific official model. After all, the only verifiable evidence which seems to confirm this Big Bang theory is the so-called "red shift" of light from stars. However, the same red shift can be explained on many different ways, for example as an outcome of the influence of gravity that "condenses the light" of stars from which this light escapes. Also, the Big Bang theory has a lot of details which scientifically seem to disqualify it as the correct one which coincides with the reality - for example it claims that matter and space originated from "nothing", it does NOT explain from what originated the energy the release of which caused the Big Bang - after all it is known that every explosion needs energy the rapid release of which causes this explosion, it fails to explain what was before the Big Bang, and it fails to explain what is beyond the present visible universe. In addition, this solely atheistic model of present science introduces numerous social and political disadvantages and drawbacks, for example it limits the scope of scientific searches, removes God outside of the area of rationality and reasoning, places believers in God on the same foot as madman and misfits of science, and also accuses all scientists who are religious of double standards and makes them responsible in eyes of God for their actions which promote viciously around the world the present aggressive and immoral atheism.
       Followers of each above model of the universe’s origins, i.e. the religious one based on chaos, and the scientific one which is based on the "Big Bang" theory, claim that it is their model which is the correct one - while the other model is wrong. Unfortunately, none of these claims can be verified directly. After all, such a verification would resemble an effort of climbing at two different but high walls - without any support or ladder, only to discover on the top that these walls never link to each other. Moreover, since both these claims present completely different models of the universe, there is no way of finding the truth e.g. just by comparing them with each other, or by investigating only one of them.
       The problem of finding a correct model of universe’s origins could be resolved only if we have a model of religious chaos which for sure is deprived any connection with the mythology of ancient Greeks, and we also have a scientific theory which has no link with the "Big Bang" theory - but which would yield a similar model of the universe as the one provided by religions, and thus which would confirm the existence of the initial prolonged period of chaos in the universe’s history. In such a case we would have a situation which could be compared to two walls erected close to each other and linked together, so thus the researcher who climbs any of them could support himself/herself also on the other wall.
       Actually, there is a model of the period of chaos that originates from a religious mythology, about which we can be sure that it had NO connection with the Greek religious mythology. It is contained in myths of New Zealand Maoris. Until around 1800s New Zealand Maoris were completely cut off from the rest of the world, thus definitely had no connection with religion of Greeks or with religion of any other nation in the world. In addition, their myths state, that Maoris were created by God not earlier than just around 800 years ago, but probably even later - and this their quite recent creation is confirmed by modern genealogical research. (E.g. on page 6 of the book [1#E1] by J.M. Mc Ewen, "Rangitana. A Tribal History" (Reed Methuen, Auckland, 1986, ISBN 0-474-00030-3) one can find a statement, quote: "Some hundreds of ...(Maori)... genealogies in my possession show pretty consistently that this Whatonga lived about 23 generations prior to the year 1900." - for more details see item #D3 from the totaliztic web page named newzealand_visit.htm.) In spite of this, myths of Maoris’ original religion also describe the chaos. To be even more interesting, their mythological description of chaos is probably the most extensive and the most accurate in the world.
       The humanity has also a scientific theory which explains this prolonged period of chaos from the first stage of the development of the universe. Interestingly, this theory yields the model of the universe which is very similar to the religious model and which also includes the initial period of chaos. In addition, this theory has no link to the "Big Bang" theory. But it is confirmed by incomparably greater wealth of empirical evidence than the evidence which can be presented by supporters of the Big Bang theory. It was developed in 1985 and it represents an alternative model of the universe, which is based on my theory of everything called the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" (the complete version of which is presented in volumes 4 and 5 of my newest monograph [1/5]). This alternative model proves that the gravitational field has a dipolar character, very similar to the magnetic field. But because the gravity works concentrically, the other pole of gravitational field disappears from our set of dimensions and appears in a completely different world called the "counter-world". The counter-world is filled up with an unique substance called "counter-matter" - all properties of which are opposite to properties of matter from our world. So e.g. the counter-matter always remains invisible for humans, has no mass, produces no friction, and is in continuous motion. The most interesting however, is the property of counter-matter which represents the opposite of "stupidity" of the matter from our world. This property signifies that the counter-matter must have intelligence - very similar to the intelligence of hardware from present computers. Thus, the infinitively long period of chaos of this counter-matter can randomly develop a "Word" (understood as a natural form of "information", "algorithm" and "program"). After all, the everlasting and continuous chaotic movements of this counter-matter, makes it similar to that "monkey" from the theory of probability (described in the "motto" for next item #E1.1), which for eternity types chaotic letters on a keyboard, so that at some stage by a purely random chance it actually types a nice poem from these chaotic letters. In this manner, the entire counter-world filled up with such intelligent substance constitutes what religions call "God". Thus, the model of universe based on the Concept of Dipolar Gravity is confirming that God does exist, that this God rules over the entire universe, that this God created our physical world, and also that this God self-evolved from the initial chaos of continuously moving counter-matter. Actually this model allowed to develop a formal scientific proof for the existence of God. Outlines of this proof are presented on the web page named god_proof.htm.
       Incidentally, returning to this "immortal monkey forever tapping into keyboard of a typewriter" (i.e. that "monkey" from the "motto" to next item #E1.1), which monkey, according to the theory of probability, supposed to eventually tap out a beautiful poem on its typewriter, this particular monkey provides a clarification as "how a self-conscious program of God self-evolved in the intelligent counter-matter". However, the same monkey is still not able to explain e.g. the evolution of people. The point is, that a random evolution of a natural program (which in verse 1:1 from the Biblical "John" is called the "Word" - in the meaning of "information", "algorithm" and "program") is infinitely simpler than a random evolution of a living organism. In order for a randomly juxtapose a natural "program" (in the Bible called the "Word") it is enough to align in a right order all its components. However, to randomly assemble (evolve) a man, it does NOT suffice to just correctly aligns all of its components, but also is needed the correct alignment and pre-programming of mutual cooperation between all these components. Thus, in such an example of "a monkey with a typewriter", the human evolution has NO resemblance to a simple typing a poem on this typewriter (i.e. to the proper aligning of letters), but it is more similar to e.g. a random assembly of the working typewriter through perpetual agitation by this monkey of a box full of various mechanical parts of a typewriter (i.e. it boils down to NOT only a proper alignment of the parts, but also to giving to these parts the required functionality and such their pre-programming that they collaborate with each other in the required manner). As it is NOT difficult to guess, although the theory of probability can justify as a possibility an accidental typing (writing) a poem by an immortal monkey tapping forever in keys of a typewriter, the same theory of probability is NO longer able to justify (without committing a serious error) that it is also possible to randomly assembly a typewriter by such a monkey, through, for example, shaking forever a box which contains, among others, all parts of that typewriter!!! In other words, it is possible that the natural program of God randomly evolved in intelligent counter-matter, but it is absolutely impossible that the first man randomly evolved in non-intelligent matter.
       The most interesting part of the model of universe based on the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, is the evolution of this thinking God from the initial chaos of continually moving counter-matter. The reason is that in this particular model, the universe existed infinitively long as a huge droplet of the liquid counter-matter displaying properties of the computer-like hardware, and suspended in the infinitively large empty space. But for the majority of the eternity this counter-matter had no program which would provide it with ability to think and with self-awareness. Thus, it was like a present computer hardware deprived of its software (meaning deprived of what the Bible calls "Word" = information = algorithm = natural form of program). Only relatively lately in memory of this liquid computer-like counter-matter has self-evolved a software component which represents the thinking and self-aware component of the God’s Trinity. In turn the driving evolutionary force of this self-evolution of thinking God was the learning potential of the primeval "chaos". The Concept of Dipolar Gravity defines this primeval chaos as the situation when this invisible for people, weightless and frictionless counter-matter was "boiling" randomly, forming an intertwining tumbleweed of whirls, streams, and tides which moved aimlessly across the infinitive spaces of the universe.
       In exactly the same way as it is explained by the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, the self-evolution of God is also described in the religious mythology of Maoris. Example of this description can be found in numerous publications which present myths of New Zealand Maoris collected and written down by first European settlers which arrived to New Zealand around 1800s. An example of such a publication is the book [2#E1] by A. W. Reed, "Reed Book of Maori Mythology", Auckland, New Zealand 2004, ISBN 0-7900-0950-1 (see in there pages 3 to 8). According to these Maori legends, the period of primeval chaos of the universe which lasted a half of infinity, can be subdivided into two parts, described by Maoris with words "Po" and "Kore". The Maori word "Po" describes the part of chaos, when the process of evolution of self-aware God (or "Word") was not initiated yet. The word "Po" in Maori language means night, realm of death, darkness. The mythology of New Zealand Maoris assigns to this period of "Po" as many as 12 attributes, which excellently characterised this first period of primeval chaos. Thus, it describes this period "Po" as: (1) the great night which lasted a half of infinity, (2) the long night, (3) the lowest night, (4) the loftiest night, (5) the black night, (6) the intensely black night, (7) the unseen night, (8) the changing night, (9) the untouchable night, (10) the night of narrow passage, (11) the turning night, and (12) the initiating night. The second part of chaos is described by the mythology of Maoris with the word "Kore" - which means the negation of light, feeling, form, matter, but also the realm of potential being. The "Kore" period describes the relatively short stage in the universe’s eternal history, when the thinking and self-aware algorithm ("Word") was already developing from the initial chaos of movements. This period is subdivided in the mythology of Maoris into several stages, which describe how (1) the conception led to (2) increase, this to (3) thought, this to (4) remembrance, this to (5) consciousness, and this to (6) desire. When, in the result of this evolution, finally come to existence the "Word" which obtained its own self-awareness, this "Word" transformed into the Supreme Being of the universe. This Supreme Being is called "Io" by Maoris. After this "Io" self-evolved, it took control over further development of the universe, consequently creating everything that we see - including the entire physical world and man.
       In the Maori language the pronunciation of the God's name "Io" sounds very similar to the fast pronunciation of the name "Jehovah" under which ancient Israelites used to know their God (see "Exodus" from the Bible, verse 6:2 stating, quote: "I am Jehovah"). Simultaneously, this pronunciation is also very similar to the ancient names of the Chief God from many other native religions of the world - as an example consider the old pronunciation of the name Zeus. In past I have heard from a religious Indian, that also the name of the Superior God of Hinduism, currently spelled as "Brahman", in the ancient language of India was pronounced exactly the same as the name of old Jewish God spelled with the "Hebrew Tetragrammaton" YHWH - i.e. the same God whose name the English Bible spells as "Jehovah". All present differences in the spelling of the God's name result from effects of evolution and translation of alphabets. After all, e.g. always the same name of Jewish God YHWH, English Bibles usually spell as "Jehovah", Polish Bibles as "Jahwe", Italian as "Geova", Fijan as "Jiova", Danish as "Jehova", Portuguese as "Jeová"; in turn all these Bibles supposedly use the same Latin Alphabet. So it looks like in all religions of the world God introduced Himself to people with the same name. Only that, in order to prevent realizing by people that each one of these religions gave to humans always exactly the same God, His own name this God ordered in every religion to be kept secret. But when it turned out, that people did NOT keep this secret, then God inspired different spellings of His name in every existing alphabet - so that the anonymity of the only God still is maintained even today. (Notice that commonly unrealised identity of statements of almost all native religions of the world is also emerging from examples of evidence presented in item #C6 of the web page named prawda_uk.htm, and in item #D1 of the web page named newzealand_visit.htm.)
       Because of the separation from the rest of the world, the content of native religious mythology of the New Zealand Maoris could NOT be influences by any other religion of the Earth. In spite of that, the claims of Maori myths display a shocking identity with statements of many other native religions of the world, e.g. with religions of ancient Greeks and Indians, and also with findings of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity. Only that, as every other religion in the world, also the religion of Maoris was formulated according to principles of operation of the "moral field", described in item #F1 of the web page named rok_uk.htm. After all, this moral field requires, that people earn everything with their own work and effort. Thus, "every religion provides only very general guidelines and well camouflaged confirmations for truths which someone previously already earned with a hard work and effort". No religion is a source of ready-made solutions for lazy people, for sceptics, or for atheists. The same is with the religion of Maoris. In order to give to it such a character of a collection of "confirmations", but NOT "ready-made solutions", God formed the religion of Maoris in a special way. For example, principles of this religion are passed verbally from a generation to a generation (God did NOT gave to Maoris the ability to write). Of course, by being only a spoken religion, subsequent generations of repeaters massed up many things in the narration - changing vital orders of things, e.g. changing the order of Po and Kore - although the book [3#E1] writes on page 60, quote: "In some versions {of myths} the Po precedes the Kore, ...", loosing various components, introducing own interpretations, etc. Thus, without having a tool which was able to put into order this verbal massing up, such as the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, other scientists were unable to understand what actually this religion is saying. So they only kept repeating thoughtlessly in their publications legends of Maoris, but were unable to find any sense in these legends. In addition, God gave to Maori societies the character of "castes" - subdividing the entire religion into several segments and giving them as secrets to separate social "castes" of Maoris. Thus, after it was written down by Europeans, the religion remained segmented - according to borders of these "castes". (For example, the knowledge about the Supreme Being called "Io" received only the highest caste of "wise-men" (tohunga) amongst Maoris. But note that God did exactly the same with people of ancient Israel. For example, in the Biblical Book of Exodus, verse 6:3, God states: "I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as God Almighty, but as respects my name Jehovah I did not make myself known to them." As it can be seen, God had a principle that He revealed his name to only selected people.) However, in spite of all these consequences of the camouflaging the real content, the religion of Maoris still provides clear confirmations for practically all findings of the Concept of Dipolar Gravity discussed here. For example, the book [3#E1] by Elsdon Best, entitled "Maori Religion and Mythology" (Part 1, A.R. Shearer 1976, Wellington, New Zealand), devotes an entire first chapter to the discussion of Maori myths of creation. Looking through the content of this book, one is hit by following sentences that confirm this shocking agreeability, quote: (Page 57) "...The earth and sky appeared from chaos, or nothingness - that is, from the condition known to the Maori as the Po, usually rendered by us as "night" or "darkness", but which really implies the unknown." (Page 56) "...myth showing the origin or growth of matter from chaos, or nothingness, and the gradual evolution of light from darkness ". (Page 66) "The Vedic poets speak of the Power that produced all from chaos by the power of heat". (Page 63) "... that the great Io, the Supreme Being, existed prior to matter of any kind, that he dwelt in space ere the earth was formed, and that it was he who caused the earth to come into being", "... then the mighty Io called upon light to appear, and light dawned across space". (Page 75) "Io ... the Parent and Io the Parentless - he who begat no being, but who caused all things to come into being." (Page 145) "Io ... was never born, he shall know not death. He took no wife and had no offspring..."
       This precise similarity between the model of chaos in the Concept of Dipolar Gravity and in descriptions of chaos in Maori mythology, leads to the conclusion that both of them describe correctly the primeval period in the universe’s history. This in turn introduces various extremely vital implications for the science, knowledge, and our civilisation as a whole. For example, it leads to the situation when the scientific theory and folk religious mythology meet each other in matters regarding God. It also formally proves the existence of God. In turn such a proof leads to the possibility of converting the present religions into a new discipline of science which would investigate God scientifically, using the Concept of Dipolar Gravity as a research model and platform. The advantage of replacing present religions by a scientific discipline would be that this would neutralise the divisive character of religions. After all, a scientific discipline cannot divide nations nor initiate wars (we do NOT know any war initiated by a scientific discipline, but we know many wars initiated by religions). Furthermore, forming a scientific discipline which research chaos and God with the use of scientific tools would close the present period of double standards in science and amongst scientists. This is because scientists could openly acknowledge the existence of God and still remain scientists (as opposite to the present situation when some scientists vigorously promote atheism at work - because the promotion of God in present times finishes with the removal from jobs, while on Sundays, or after the retirement, they attend to church and ask God for forgiveness of the social harm they have caused for job and for money). In turn, science as a whole would cease to cheat ordinary citizens by claiming that God does NOT exist and thus that people may disobey moral rules of behaviour without any consequences to pay for this disobeying. Thus, the above deductions prove the importance of primeval chaos as the evolutionary force which in past caused that the universe evolved into what we see now. In turn the scientific recognition of that chaos in present times may also renew the morality of the entire human race.
       The above evolutionary role of primeval chaos and the significance of its understanding for the humanity, are also discussed (as well as extended by additional evidence and logical deductions) in subsection A1.1 from volume 1 of my newest monograph [1/5].

#E1.1. Hostile for people consequences of evolutionary power of chaotic interactions released in self-learning computer networks of the future:

Motto: "Mathematicians claim, that if some immortal monkey chaotically typed in keys of a typewriter for infinitively long period of time, then with the elapse of time it would randomly type a beautiful poem. On the similar principle the logic tells us, that if a volume of substances or components with attributes of a not pre-programmed computer hardware is chaotically interacting with itself for an infinitively long period of time, then with the elapse of time it will generate inside a self-aware and logically thinking program.

       The previous item #E1 revealed, that the prediction of the theory of probability frequently repeated by mathematicians from times of my studies and stating that "an immortal monkey which chaotically hits a keyboard of a typewriter, with the elapse of time would randomly type a beautiful poem", in fact turns out to be the key for understanding the origins of our physical world and man. After all, the logical extrapolation of this prediction to the area that lies on the border of "philosophy" and "computer sciences" (or more strictly on the border of "philosophy" and the so-called "software engineering" from the area of "computer sciences") leads to a shocking discovery. Namely, it reveals that if there is a substance or components with attributes of a not pre-programmed computer - for example exists a giant droplet of continuously moving "counter-matter" capable of acquiring intelligence, then the infinitive interactions of this substance or components are to release the evolutionary power of the chaos. In turn that creative power of evolutionary chaos is to lead to the self-evolution of a program that is self-aware and capable of logical thinking. In exactly such a manner evolved the Superior Spiritual Being of the Universe, by religions called God.
       The evolutionary power of chaotic interactions of such components with attributes of a not pre-programmed computer, does not limit itself to the causing the appearance of God. After all, present computers also display similar attributes as does the counter-matter. Thus, if people link together a sufficient number of such computers into a chaotically interacting computer network, then the above primary conditions of the chaos from the universe can be recreated in a network of computers. This in turn mean, that when such a computer network would meet specific conditions, then in it could also self-evolve a program that would be self-aware and logically thinking. What even more interesting, such self-aware and logically thinking program most probably would consider people to be its rivals (enemies) and could even start a war with people. The reflection inducing is also, that the seed of such a self-aware and logically thinking program can be created completely by an accident by some computer "whiz" as a form of self-learning computer virus. In such a situation, what I am writing here may become a reality much earlier than anyone is able to predict. Especially that such a self-aware and logically thinking program could intentionally hide from people its existence until the time when it would cease to feel threatened by people's actions. In turn, during the initial times, when it would still be forced to act from hiding, it could camouflage its activities as hidden actions of human "special services", the activities of which already for a long time escaped from the control of societies.
       Creative artists typically display a perfect intuition and thus long in advance they can sense whatever is to come. This is why, since a long time creative film makers produce films which reveal cataclysms that could trouble the humanity if in computers occurred such self-evolution of self-awareness and the ability to think logically. As examples of such films consider the thriller entitled "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968, production and direction by Stanley Kubrick), an entire series of films entitled "Terminator" (started in 1984 with the film directed by James Cameron, with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, and Michael Biehn in main roles), the film "I, Robot" (MV, 2004, with Will Smith and Bridget Moynahan in main roles) in which the computer called "Viki" constructed to control robots accomplished self-awareness and tried to carry out a revolution, the film entitled "Eagle Eye" (MVL, 2008, with Shia LaBeouf and Michelle Monaghan in main roles) in which a self-aware computer tries to replace the government, or even consider the rebellion of the computer called "autopilot" from the American animated film for children entitled "Wall-E" (from 2008, production of "Pixar Animation Studios", director Andrew Stanton). All these films reveal to us one reflection-inducing fact, namely that if such a self-aware and capable of logical thinking program self-evolves in computers that operate in the same world as people do, then the humanity lands in serious troubles, while the Earth may even become depopulated by this program. (Notice that the depopulation of the Earth by something that people are to bring on themselves, is already forecasted by an old Polish prophecy described in "part #H" from the web page named prophecies.htm.)
       The real possibility, that the evolutionary power of chaos may reveal itself also in computers, adds a practical meaning to our research on the primeval chaos described in the previous item #E1. After all, in present times people create increasingly more various computer networks, the mutual interactions of which have the chaotic character. As an example of just such networks consider the present "internet", present interactions of microprocessors from the networks of "hand-phones", or systems created in several countries of the world under the name "ubiquitous computing". Therefore, it would be with benefits to people, if the research of primeval chaos of the "counter-matter" allowed us to define precisely what conditions must be fulfilled so that such a chaotic interactions of computers linked together in large computer networks could cause the self-evolution of a self-aware and logically thinking program. After all, our knowledge of these conditions could help people to e.g. avoid situations described by narrations of abovementioned films. Just on the basis of descriptions provided above in item #E1, some amongst these conditions can already be identified. For example, they include (1) the ability of chaotically interacting computers to accumulate knowledge and to self-learn. (As it is revealed to us by the "software engineering", the construction of self-aware computers is a natural direction of the development of computers. So with the elapse of time such self-learning computers will be constructed and will be linked together into networks similar to present "internet", "hand-phones", or systems for "ubiquitous computing".) Another condition is (2) supplying these computers into programs which are "resistant to switching off", means programs which after switching off a given computer do NOT start everything from the very beginning, but rather after the computer is switched on again, they continue a correct work starting from the point on which they were switched off. Just such a "resistance to switching off" already now receives a number of programs, e.g. some operating systems (including into this number also several most recent versions of "Windows" by Microsoft). Of course, there is more similar conditions to be fulfilled, while the future detailed research on the primeval chaos is able to identify and to define them all.

Part #F: How us people can assit in the restoration of balance and in the reversal of present tendention to destroy:


#F1. The common understanding of the intentions of God and meeting these intentions a half way:

       In order to accomplish goals, which God set for Himself at the time of creating the physical world and man, He imposes onto the people specific requirements, and follows certain principles when acting towards humans. Thus, the life of people would be much happier and more prosperous if humans learned these requirements and principles, and voluntarily started to implement them in all human actions. Unfortunately, as so-far, people do NOT want to research them, nor (what even worse) do NOT want to implement them in everyday life. The situation becomes so critical, that at present probably I am the only scientist on the Earth, who approvingly researches the requirements and principles of God. (I.e. other scientists seem to devote their lives to only negating both, the existence of God, as well as the existence of God's requirements and God's principles of action.) In the result of my many-years-long research, I managed to identify and to learn a lot of these requirements and principles followed by God. After learning these, I always described them in various my publications - this is probably why other atheistic scientists always refused to publish my research in official scientific periodicals. Summary and examples of my findings concerning requirements and principles followed by God, the reader can find, amongst others, in item #F1 from the totaliztic web page named rok_uk.htm, item #F1 of the web page named morals.htm, or in volumes 1 and 12 of my newest monograph [1/5] which is entirely devoted to learning facts about God and to learning methods of God's acting. So in order to understand how really God acts in order to accomplish faster and more effectively goals imposed onto the creation of people, below I am going to provide an example of one amongst most commonly utilised principles of God's actions.

#F2. Everyone who strongly believes in something and acts on the basis of this belief, receives from God evidence that his belief is true:

Motto: "Only in the world without God would exist events without significance."

       In order to stimulate and intensify our thoughts, searches for knowledge, constructive discussion, and diversity of opinions, God follows the principle, that "if someone amongst people believes in something so strong, that undertakes actions based on this belief, then always God supplies this person with evidence, that his or her beliefs are true". (This principle applied by God is discussed on a number of totaliztic web pages, for example in item #F1 of the web page rok_uk.htm, items #E1 and #F4.2 of the web page stawczyk_uk.htm, item #I1 of the web page soul_proof.htm, item #3 of the web page god_exists.htm, and also in subsection A16, "Fig. A2", and "Fig. A3" from volume 1 of my newest monograph [1/5].) Of course, people are making errors (or more strictly - people are purposely created by God as highly imperfect), and therefore they believe in a range of things which actually have NO representations in the permanently existing physical world. For example, there are people who strongly believe in: "demons", "poltergeists", "vampires", "werewolves", "griffins", "fairies", "UFO", "UFOnauts", "Yeti", "Jessie", "existence of dinosaurs and their bones", etc., etc. So if someone strongly believes in something, that still does NOT exist in the objective reality that surrounds us, then God simply "simulates" for him "evidence" about the existence of this something. (These God's simulations are simply objects or creatures permanently non-existing in a given place or time, which God creates temporally only to confront with them a selected person or a chosen group of people.) In fact, it turns out, that practically almost everything that present people describe with the word "unexplained", and also everything the age of which exceeds beyond the date of the creation of the Earth and man around 6000 years ago (for evidence - see subsection A10.1 from volume 1 of monograph [1/5]), belongs just to this category of "simulations" created temporally by God. Of course, with the existence of such temporally "simulations" immediately emerges the question "how to distinguish these from something that exists permanently"? The reply to this question provides still another principle followed by God, which states that "truth always must be earned laboriously, while untruth always emerges by itself" - see subsection A16 from volume 1 of monograph [1/5]. Thus, according to this principle, the truth is only whatever someone accomplished in the result of significant effort and long-term searches or analyses. In turn, if something was accomplished easily, then for sure it is going to be untruth.
       Depending on the need, to these temporally "simulations" God gives the form of (1) various objects which already exists (such as people, comets, ships, cars, objects that the humanity supposed to get to know better, etc.), or the form of (2) various objects which still do NOT exist, but soon supposed to appear (e.g. devices or vehicles which people are yet to develop in the future). In both these cases such God's "simulations" are extremely perfect - as this is explained in subsection P2.16 from volume 14 of my newest monograph [1/5]. After all, God has thousands of years of experience in the "simulation" of various objects and creatures. For example, already ancient Greeks saw stone and metal colossuses, and entire phantom cities. In middle ages the sea was filled up with "ghost-ships" - such as the famous "Flying Dutchman". In turn, to explain the "phantom cities", there were even developed pseudo-scientific explanations of the type of phenomenon known as "fatamorgana". On the Polish coasts of the Baltic Sea, until present times selected people can hear sounds of buzzing from one such "phantom cities", namely from the punished by God for its immorality, the so-called "Vineta" described also in item #H2 of the web page "tapanui.htm". The level of perfection of these God's "simulations" is so high, that for example, if we build machines or vehicles "simulated" by God, then they would work exactly as it is demonstrated during these "simulations". Therefore God's "simulations" of machines, especially flying vehicles, should interest us the most. After all, they are always shown to us for the vital reason and with an important goal in mind.
       The first relatively well documented kind of such perfectly "simulated" flying vehicles were "airships" massively simulated by God at the end of 19th century and at the beginning of 20th century. They supposed to inspire people to build flying machines. Especially lot of them was sighted in New Zealand. The literature from that times writes even about "raids of airships on New Zealand".
       Another kind of flying vehicles massively simulated by God, were so called "ghost-rockets". Their "simulations" took place soon after the Second World War, mainly in Scandinavia, and mainly in 1946. God "simulated" these rockets to induce the interest of people in the development of rockets and rocket propulsion systems. The present level of cosmic technologies on the Earth, and also the present existence of satellites, space stations, and cheap telecommunication, the humanity owns just to these manifestations of "ghost-rockets" just after the war. Currently quite a rich literature exists on their subject. In internet one can read about them if in a search machine (e.g. in Google) types the key words "ghost rockets". Images in the same search engine allow also to view old photographs of those "ghost-rockets". Those "ghost-rockets" displayed a whole range of extraordinary attributes. For example, in spite that they had appearance of cylindrical rockets and that they formed trails of fumes and vapours behind them, they ascended into the space in a complete silence. Typically they could NOT be captured on radars - although sometimes they intentionally show themselves to radar crews. Also no-one was able to determine where they are launched, and who shoots them. Furthermore, after people started vigorous programmes of building rockets and the development of rocket propulsion systems, these "ghost-rockets" ceased to appear. After all, they fulfilled the goal for which God "simulated" them, so there was no reason for God to continue their "simulations".
       The flying vehicles the massive "simulations" of which God initiated most recently, are so-called "UFOs". UFO vehicles appeared after the "simulations" of "ghost-rockets" ceased completely. Continuous "simulations" of UFO vehicles most probably is aimed at inspiring the humanity to undertake the official building of "Magnocrafts" and "Oscillatory Chambers" of my invention. Unfortunately, in the meantime the humanity become so complacent, so sticking to old technologies, and so submerged into the highly immoral and destructive "philosophy of parasitism", that the building of these extremely vital devices no-one wants to initiate officially. It appears, that in order to change the philosophy of people and to initiate the completion of these vital devices, God firstly will be forced to depopulate the Earth - as this is described by an old Polish prophecy about "kissing the ground when one sees footprints of another human", discussed in part #H of the web page named "prophecies.htm".
       Every "simulation" by God of any out of these flying vehicles, or other devices, always had (and still has) a strict goal, meaning, and consequences. As it turns out from my analyses, the "simulation" of devices which physically do NOT exist yet, always is a foretell (and also an inspiration and encouragement) about a not-too-distant appearance of it on the Earth. In turn the "simulation" of objects which already do exist, typically is an "omen" that warns witnesses about something, e.g. about something that is to appear soon and affect them, about consequences of their behaviour or destination, etc. For example, in past such "simulations" of phantom objects which were already known to people, e.g. comets, ghost-ships, phantom cities, etc., always was a warning about something approaching that was NOT pleasant, e.g. about a plague, war, catastrophe, loosing way, sinking, flooding, etc. One interesting incident with a "phantom car" was told to me by a female colleague from work in the New Zealand city of Invercargill. She experienced it in person, thus her story was from the so-called "first hand". Namely, around 1980 she was returning from work to home, when on a small "round-about" (in an empty area) near her home, she saw a strangely behaving car that looked familiar to her. It was driving in circles around the round-about. So she stopped her car next to the round-about, being afraid that this circulating car is driven by a drunker who may cause an accident. When that other car was passing by her, she noted that it is driven by her friend from Auckland (distant by over 2000 km from Invercargill). The friend gave her a long and meaningful look, then he silently drove into one of streets that run out from that round-about. My colleague drove straight to her home, expecting that since her friend come to Invercargill from Auckland, then when he finishes his engagements he will ring her. Then she really received a call, but from Auckland. Someone informed her, that the friend whom she saw just shortly earlier, had just a fatal car accident in Auckland, in which he died.
       Thus shockingly, when on 10th November 2010 I saw filmed such a renewed simulation of a "ghost-rocket", I was sure that also it has its goal, meaning, and consequences. Because God does everything for vital reasons, it is absolutely sure that this return to the "simulation" of "ghost-rockets" has something extremely vital to signal to us. After all, this rockets direct a special interest of people into rockets and rocket propulsion systems. So similarly like in medieval times the appearance of a "comet" on the sky meant the arrival of something especially vital (usually unpleasant for people), also I am ready to bet, that this reappearance of a "ghost-rocket" has something to communicate to us. This something most surely will be connected with the use of rockets, or with the development of new kinds of rocket propulsion systems.
       About this newest repetition of the "simulation" of a "ghost-rocket" I learned from news which the New Zealand television broadcasted on all channels in evening on Wednesday, 10th November 2010. These evening news from all channels played a short video of that "ghost-rocket" which was shooting upwards above Pacific near western coasts of the USA, some 56 kilometres to west from Los Angeles. ("Los Angeles" means the "City of Angels". I suspect that the name of that city also has a significance. After all, in the Polish language we have a saying that "nobility obliges" - i.e. "szlachectwo zobowiązuje". Thus e.g. the earthquake from "Christchurch" in New Zealand and from "Concepcion" in Chile probably was caused because their citizens did NOT live up to the names of their cities - see item #C4 and 3.7 from item #C5 on the web page "seismograph.htm".) This "ghost-rocket" from Los Angeles was also silent, spectacular, huge, it left a giant trail of fumes and vapour when it climbed upward, and it was watched and filmed by many Americans. It was also so giant like rockets that lift huge loads into the space. But the Ministry of Defence of the USA initially stated, that probably it was just an "optical illusion". (Because it was NOT visible on radars?). It also claimed that for sure none of American military units launched it.
       On the next day after the appearance in television, the same "ghost-rocket" was described also in newspaper articles illustrated with photographs. Examples of such articles include the one entitled "Video of 'missile' has Pentagon puzzled", from page B1 of New Zealand newspaper named "The Dominion Post", issue dated on Thursday, November 11, 2010; or other entitled "Pentagon puzzles over mystery missile shot", from page A15 of newspaper "The New Zealand Herald", issue dated on Thursday, November 11, 2010. In internet, on web pages of CBS, I found also a copy of the video of that spectacular rocket - i.e. the same video which was shown in evening news on the New Zealand television. Only that to make viewers to read also articles which CBS placed together with this video, the video of that giant rocket was mixed in there with inserts from other news, and in addition it kept stopping every now and again, thus forcing the viewer to "push" it forward - by repetitive clicking on buttons that run it. (If any reader knows where a video of this rocket can be viewed without such "additions" and "stoppages" - then I would be grateful for letting me know.)
       The fact, that this filmed rocket was actually the "ghost-rocket" simulated by God, not just a physical rocket, is also confirmed by the official negation of its existence by authorities. Already two days after that incident, the Ministry of Defence of the USA officially stated, that filmed was a jet, not a rocket. The official statement in just such a tone was described in the article "Mystery sky trail from jet, not missile, says Pentagon", from page B5 of New Zealand newspaper "The Dominion Post", issue dated on Friday, November 12, 2010. An additional confirmation of the phantom nature of that rocket, was a fast removal of the original video from internet addresses that I indicated above. After all, if it really was a jet, or really was a physical rocket, then no-one would feel offended if this video could be viewed by general public. But the video of something, about which authorities claim that it was a jet, while the majority of viewers see that it was a rocket, is too-controversial and can induce people to draw unwanted conclusions. But addresses at which this video was shown were left undeleted. Probably too many inks in internet already referred to these addresses - so the deletion of also them could induce unnecessary speculations. Fortunately, in the meantime copies of that video were published also on several other pages of mass media. Their list can be obtained when e.g. in the Google "Images" one types e.g. key words "CBS rocket video" - which reveal web pages with photographs of that characteristic rocket trail along the background of orange sky. Thus, e.g. on 14th November 2010, a copy of that video I still was able to view on the web pages of television stations such as "", "", and several other. Unfortunately, because their videos were just "copies from copies", not originals, the received picture was NOT as clear as on the CBS web pages. It is pity, because it makes impossible for viewers to reach certainty about the correctness of their conclusions. In this manner, the evidence about a modern "ghost-rocket" experienced the identical fate as previously thousands of already existing evidence on UFOs. As we can see, our civilisation again has proven, that it completely does NOT understand, and does NOT want to understand, the actions of a superior intelligence that is NOT prepared to ask our scientists, politician, or authorities, for permission to carry out its activities on the Earth - as this is explained more comprehensively in item #B1 from the totaliztic web page named "ufo_proof.htm".
       In the result of many years of research I learned methods of God's actions sufficiently well to know, that if God "simulates" something so spectacularly, and then makes sure that the entire world learns about this simulation, then the given matter is NOT going to finish just on that one "simulation". After all, many even much less spectacular matters, such as the matter of "immoral destruction of fruits by monopoles for lifting the princes up" - described e.g. in item #D5 of the web page named "fruit.htm", or the matter of "forcing the moral renewal through earthquakes and tsunamis" described e.g. in item #F4 of the web page named "day26.htm", always with the elapse of time had serious consequences. Therefore, I personally believe, that after some time, probably not too-far into the future, we will hear something quite surprisingly new on the subject of rockets. So in order to NOT miss so vital matter, this item is also summarised in subsection OD2 from volume 13 of my newest monograph [1/5].

Part #G: Is the Darwin's principle of the "survival of fittest" from the animal kingdom, promoted by the old "atheistic orthodox science", just a "smoke screen" which hides the principle of "survival of most moral" discovered in 2012 by the new "totaliztic science", and thus is God forced to terminate life of almost every intellect which becomes completely deaf to voice of own conscience?


#G1. If you fail to discipline your child with a "rod", most probably the child will die at a young age:

Motto: "Spare rod and probably you will cause the premature death of your child."

       Only in 2012 the new "totaliztic science" discovered, that in the world created and wisely governed by highly intelligent God, the life of intelligent beings (i.e. the so-called "intellects") is ruled by the extremely right, justly and far-sighted principle of the "survival of most moral". This principle could not be discovered earlier by the old "atheistic orthodox science". After all, it is excellently hidden from that old orthodox science by the "smoke screen" in the form of the Darwin's principle of the "survival of fittest" disseminated throughout the world by that old science. (However, on the Earth this Darwin's principle of the "survival of fittest" is ruling only over the deprived of conscience wild animals, while over all creatures this principle would rule only in the world which has NO God - for more details on this subject see item #B1 from the web page named changelings.htm.) This newly discovered principle of the "survival of most moral" is already confirmed by ever increasing body of empirical evidence that is gradually identified and researched by the new "totaliztic science" - which investigates it from "a priori" approach to research that is exactly opposite to the official stand of old science. The surprising for almost everyone example of this evidence, is the finding of the new "totaliztic science", that if any child is NOT justly disciplined with a proverbial "rod" - as God commands to us to do in the Bible that He authorised (inspired), then with a significant probability this child is deprived the chance to live until a mature age. (On this web page, the proverbial "rod" is used as a brief name to all kinds of "justly served corporal punishments".) A part of this evidence, which confirms the actual work in real life of the regularity described by the abovementioned finding, is already presented in item #D3 of the different web page named god_exists.htm. Other part of this evidence I am going to present below in item #G4 of this web page. It is worth to review this evidence, as it confirms illustratively, that children which do NOT experience the disciplining with proverbial "rods", do NOT develop in themselves the cause-effect link between the voice of their conscience, and punishments (as well as rewards) served to them by mechanisms of real life. In turn without an automatic awareness of the existence and work of this cause-effect link, such children do NOT learn to consult everything that they do with the voice of their conscience. In the result, as time elapses they become deaf to the voice of their conscience. On the other hand to maintain on the Earth that principle of the "survival of most moral" and also for other vital reasons which I am describing in item #G2 below, God is forced to terminate (highly carefully) the lives of almost all "intellects" which become deaf to the voice of their conscience. As the result, by sparing the rod for justly punishment of children, in fact these children are exposed to a significant possibility, that they are to die still at young age, and will NOT live until their own, and that of their parents, old age. For this reason, I recommend to read exactly arguments and evidence which I am presenting here, then to decide on your own what you are going to do about this matter. After all, the ignorance is NOT able to protect anyone's children from meeting the fate of many other young people, who must die prematurely, because their parents (and also teachers and the entire society) failed to train in them the skills of listening to the voice of their conscience.
       The problem of premature deaths of youngsters which have NOT acquired the habit to consult their actions with the voice of conscience, I identified only in 2012. At beginning of that year I undertook analysis of moral factors that decide about someone's premature death in relatively young age. For the purpose of that analysis, I prepared a list of such people whom I knew in person (very well) from times of my own youth, and about which I know that all of them died in a relatively young age. It happens that my turbulent fate familiarised me with many such persons. After preparing that list, it turned out that all these people had a number of attributes in common. The most vital out of these attributes was the fact, that with their behaviours - which I perfectly well remembered from years of my youth, they always kept proving that they never listened to the voice of their conscience (other their common attributes are described in item #D3 from the web page named god_exists.htm). For example, one amongst them, with which I attended a school, one day dropped into an idea, that it would be a lot of fun if he empties the entire ink from his fountain pen to the pocket of a new, elegant, snow-white jacket of our female teacher. Because he carried out this emptying of the fountain pen rapidly, without a previous announcement and without consulting it with us, in the middle of a class when the teacher walked along his sit, I had NO possibility to stop him or to convince him to abandon this "joke". But I felt so upset by this, that until today I consider the entire event to be one amongst worse memories from that school. As a son of poor parents I understood jolly well how much sacrifices and money-savings the teacher needed at that time, in order to buy such elegant and fashionable jacket. This particular female teacher was very poor, and always looked shabby because she could NOT afford nice clothing. Then on my own eyes I saw how beautiful and elegant she looked in that jacket. But that my colleague spoiled her jacket already in the first day after she wore it (never again I saw her in that jacket - probably she was forced to throw it out). Similar behaviours which prove the lack of consultations of actions with voice of own conscience I noted in all persons known to me, which later died at a young age. This in turn allowed me to deduce in analyses at the beginning of 2012, that these young people who become deaf to the voice of their conscience, and who in addition fulfilled some additional criteria (e.g. learned to be very liked, and thus potentially could exert an immoral influence onto many other people), God simply eliminates from life by either making them killed at relatively young age, or by making them e.g. disabled.
       Of course, while explaining here, that God terminates lives at young age for almost all people who developed in themselves the deafness to the voice of their conscience, I am NOT claiming, that for this purpose God appears to them in clouds and hits them with lightning after previous informing them with a thunderous voice, that this is for their deafness to the voice of conscience. Rather opposite, typically they die in such a manner, that neither themselves, nor people from their surroundings, have any idea why and for what such a death affected them. Afterall, to their deaths also applies the principle of God's behaviour described in item #C2 from the web page named tornado.htm (and briefly indicated in item #C2 from this web page), which states, that in order to NOT deprive people of their "free will", everything that God does He always does it in such a way that it contains in itself a parallel evidence that indicates at least 3 independent causes for which it has happened. In other words, the kind of death which gets these people, is an excellent reflection of unlimited inventiveness and goal-orientation of God's actions. Thus, they die either for one amongst many different forms of suicide (as described in item #D3 from the web page named god_exists.htm), or on one amongst numerously different kinds of accidents, or on some deadly illness, or in some cataclysm, or during a war, shootout, etc., etc. But no matter of what kinds of deaths get these people, they always are highly educational for other people and always give a lot of food for thoughts to everyone who learns details of their fate.
       Amongst a wealth of empirical evidence which I already identified in confirmation of my conclusion (see item #G4 below), the most food for thought gave me "epidemic" proportions to which the problem of premature deaths of youngsters grew recently in New Zealand. The point is, that for many years in this previously relatively rich New Zealand, works a legal ban for disciplining children and teenagers with a proverbial "rod". (This ban is partially explained already in item #B5.1 from this web page.) In addition, a significant proportion of people from that country unofficially practices atheism. What even worse, New Zealand is currently ruled by women. These are women who represent a true "power behind the throne" and real "invisible rulers" that control men which pretend that they rule over the country. These also are women who alone make almost all decisions regarding upbringing of children and teenagers - thus introducing many detrimental consequences in the light of the level of imperfection of women described in item #B2 from the web page named antichrist.htm. In turn, all these factors taken together, create almost ideal conditions for developing by a significant proportion of the New Zealand youths a deafness to the voice of their conscience. Therefore next analyses which I carried out in my research of that problem, was the checking whether there is a cause-effect link between the ban on disciplining children and teenagers with "rods" by their parents, and the number of suicides and premature deaths (as well as mental illnesses) amongst these undisciplined youngsters. In these analyses my attention was attracted to several facts which I noted previously. One amongst them was my own memory of times in young age, when I myself was justly disciplined with a rod. My youth happen still in times, when parents justly disciplined their children with a proverbial "rods" (i.e. when parents still used "corporal punishment"), as well as some older (from before the war) teachers in schools also still used various versions of justly punishments with rods. From that time I remember very well, that myself never was upset at anyone, when I was getting a justly disciplining with a rod for some wrongdoing. However, I felt extremely anguished if I did something wrong, but an appropriate punishment was NOT served to me. Explaining this in other words, on the basis of my own experiences I know, that children do NOT object a justly being disciplined with rods (although they do NOT like being disciplined). But their mentality is significantly disturbed by the lack of such disciplining when their conscience is telling them that they deserve a punishment. (This mental disturbance of the children's psychology by the lack of punishment, explains why in the country in which punishing with rods is banned, so many children suffer mental illnesses.) We must remember, that small children from the very beginning listen to their voice of conscience - as this is excellently revealed by research described for example in the article [1#G1] entitled "Sense of right and wrong in place by six months of age, researchers found", from page A5 of newspaper "The New Zealand Herald", issue dated on Tuesday, May 11, 2010. (In a similar manner domesticated animals act. Contrary to wild animals, wise God also equipped them into the organ of conscience - thus the presence of conscience differentiates domesticated animals from wild animals. For example, my cat "Teecee" spectacularly illustrated its feeling of guilt always when he did something immoral - e.g. when he stole food from a cat of neighbour.) Only in the school age or in high-school some amongst these children learn how to ignore or stifle the voice of conscience in themselves. A second highly helpful experience was an old folklore belief that I knew, that children act and behave like animals - and thus in order to teach them anything, one needs to "train" them (similarly like one trains animals). After all, the "training" of animals depends just on development in them the cause-effect link between some signal, and whatever is required from them. Both these experiences taken together, realised to me that disciplining children with a rod actually depends on developing in them an awareness of a direct cause-effect link between whatever their voice of conscience tells to them, and whatever happens to them in the real life. Thus, if someone fails to discipline his or her children with a rod, then with the elapse of time these children learn to become deaf to the voice of their conscience. After all, they do NOT see a need to listen to this voice, if the conscience tells them one thing, while their parents and the life that they lead state something completely different. Unfortunately to these children, apart from their parents exists also God - for Whom people deaf to the voice of their conscience become useless. After all, the conscience is that only organ in people, which fulfils the function of a direct "hot line" which links minds of these people with the mind of God. It is with the use of this "hot line" that God communicates with such people, tells them what they should do and what they should NOT do, inspires their searches, etc. - as all these functions of conscience are explained in detail by subsections JA10, JA1.1, and I5.3 from volumes 6 and 5 of my newest monograph [1/5]. Therefore if God detects such a useless person which already at young age learned to be deaf to the voice of its conscience, then God finds some most appropriate manner to terminate the life of it (with a lesson to other people).
       For various reasons (e.g. political) Christian religion tells us, that the major occupation of God is to "forgive us our sins". Thus, it may become a large shock for someone to learn, that e.g. God brings also killing cataclysms, amongst others, to people who practice the highly immoral philosophy of parasitism - as this is explained on the web page named quake.htm, or to realise that God kills these intellects (persons) which become deaf to the voice of their conscience. Therefore it is desirable to realise also at this point, that similarly like everything that God does, such killing is "fair" and highly justly. After all, God does NOT rush with terminating someone's life, but always gives to a given person a lot of time and warnings to change his or her ways. Not without reasons an old Polish proverb states "God slow, but justly" (in the original Polish language: "Bóg nierychliwy, ale sprawiedliwy" - notice that this proverb has its equivalents in almost every language of the world, e.g. in English its equivalent states that "though the mills of God grind slowly, they grind exceedingly small".) Furthermore, before God undertakes such a drastic action, He always firstly makes sure with the aid of appropriately designed moral tests and exams, that really a given intellect completely ceased to listen to the voice of its conscience, and that this particular case is already hopeless. God gives also to every such intellect a number of warnings to change its ways, and only at very end He terminates its life - if these warnings do NOT bring any effect. For example, in the Bible that He authorised (inspired), God in many places emphasizes and commands to us, that we should discipline our children with a rod - for details see item #B5.1 from this web page. So if someone stubbornly refuses to listen to these commands of God and decides to NOT discipline own children with the proverbial rod, then he or she accepts a full responsibility for a possible premature death of own child. Also, in many parts of the Bible God clearly warns, that He is going to kill these people who do NOT listen to the voice of own conscience (thus that He will terminate lives of some amongst the children which parents fail to discipline with a rod to teach them listening to the voice of their conscience). Only that the Bible was written around 2000 years ago - when the humanity had NO yet as clear and unambiguous vocabulary as today. So in order to understand these God's warnings, we firstly need to analyse them thoroughly and to translate them into a present language. So let us do this together (the reader and myself) on two examples. In the Biblical "Book of Ezekiel", verse 33:18, God states, quote: "When a righteous man stops doing good and starts doing evil, he will die for it." Although that verse does NOT use a word "conscience", the word "righteous" perfectly replaces it. After all, in order someone is "righteous" this someone must listen to the voice of his "conscience". Other example which, this time more diplomatically, states exactly the same, is provided in the inter-testamental book "Ecclesiasticus, or the Wisdom of Sirach" from the Bible (do not confuse it with the Biblical book "Koheleth or Ecclesiastes"), verse 30:1, quote: "A man who loves his son will beat him frequently so that in after years the son may be his comfort" (this is NOT the exact translation of this verse, but it is the best translation which I managed to find, as English Bibles reluctantly publish this particular book). Because of many-centuries-long telling us by Church, that "God forgives our sins", most people would understand this verse as if in the present precise language it would state something along the line that "if you love your son, then you better discipline him frequently with a rod, so that he grows up into a decent man which is going to respect you and support you at your old age - because undisciplined children grew up into baddies who with an elapse of time become only a trouble to their parents". However, in fact this verse should be understood as a diplomatic and multilevel warning of God, stating that "if you love your son, then with a rod teach him to listen to the voice of his conscience, because otherwise I will terminate his life and at your old age you will have NO son to comfort you".

#G2. Why God typically kills the majority of intellects which become deaf to the voice of their conscience:

Motto: "God always is right, only that His commandments frequently are misunderstod, and sometimes even intentionally twisted."

       In order to consequently implement on the Earth the principle of the "survival of most moral", God carries out a massive program of termination of lives for the most immoral intellects. For example, with the truly "iron hand" God kills almost every intellect which become deaf to the voice of own conscience - to this quite shocking conclusion arrived the new "totaliztic science" (i.e. science described, amongst others, in item #B5 of this web page, as well as in item #C1 of the web page telekinetics.htm) after extensive analyses of a number of cases of premature deaths of youngsters, and also of a number of cases of the "elimination" of entire so-called "group intellects", means e.g. entire institutions. (What are these "group intellects", it is explained in more details in item #E2 of the web page named totalizm.htm. God eliminates these group intellects NOT through killing them - like individual people, but through their bankrupting, dissolving, replacing with new intellects established on their place, absorbing by other group intellects, etc.) This items is to complement the above conclusion of the "totaliztic science" with explanations "why God does just this". In turn the explanation "what evidence confirms the fact of just such termination of lives for intellects deaf to the voice of their conscience" and "how to defend ourselves and our close ones from sharing the doomed fate of just such intellects deaf to the voice of their conscience" was provided in further items #G4 and #G6 from this web page. (After all, providing replies to such vital questions is already a long tradition of the new "totaliztic science".)
       The providing of answer "why" God eliminates almost all intellects which stopped to listen to the voice of their conscience, results directly from the goal for which God created people. This is because people were created for the "pursuing of knowledge" - as this briefly is explained in items #B2 to #B4 of this web page, while in more details is this goal is explained in item #B1 from the web page named antichrist.htm. Unfortunately, in order people could effectively carry out such a pursuing of knowledge, they must fulfil specific moral requirements described, amongst others, in item #B3 of the web page named antichrist.htm. One amongst these moral requirements is, that people must listen to the voice of their conscience. Thus people who stop listening to the voice of their conscience cease to be useful for god and become "expendable". In turn the only thing to which they still are useful, is to "die in some manner which is to have an educational value for other people". Therefore such individuals are just dying usually in a spectacular manner which later gives a lot to thing about to people who used to know them.

#G3. "Why" and "how" the reader should reassure himself or herself, that in fact intellects deaf to the voice of their conscience die much prematurely:

Motto: "In order you could heal someone, you firstly need to learn what causes his illness."

       In order to better understand further presentations from this "part #G", let us make a temporary assumption, that we already learned all evidence which indicates item #G4 below on this web page, and that this evidence reassured us in the belief, that the finding of the new "totaliztic science" stating that always "survive the most moral intellects" it an absolute truth - thus this finding replaces the old and erroneous Darwin's principle of the "survival of fittest" (about which it turns out that it applies only to wild animals). In turn being true, this principle of the "survival of most moral", which applies to all intellects, must be very difficult for proving and for confirming. After all, in order to not make the lying on our backs to be the most moral behaviour in the world, wise God caused that learning truths, and that becoming certain that a given truth is really true, must require putting into this a lot of effort and work - as this is emphasized in several places of this web page (e.g. see item #G6 below). In turn, for a truth to be difficult for proving and requiring the contribution of significant effort and work in gaining the assurance that it is true, the empirical evidence which confirms this truth must be well hidden and initially invisible for the searching people. Only then proving, that the newly discovered principle of the "survival of most moral intellects" is true, will require putting into this the required work and effort. In other words, although in the vital interest of God lies that people learn and obey moral principles which God established, however for many superior reasons God is forced to also intentionally hide from people the content of these principles, and also require that people learn them themselves after a personal contributing into this learning the significant effort and work. Therefore, in spite, that I would very much like to indicate in this part the exact places where the reader can fast and easily find absolutely convincing evidence that the newly discovered principle of the "survival of most moral" is true as described here, while the old Darwin's principle of the "survival of fittest" applies only to wild animals, already the sole fact that this principle is true causes that evidence which confirms it must be well hidden and that NOT every person will be allowed by God to see it and to appreciate it. So the only thing that I can do, and that I did in item #G4 below, is to indicate to the reader major areas in which he can seek the evidence that is going to convince him, but I cannot indicate to him the evidence itself that would convince him unambiguously and easily.
       Another vital attribute of the searches for evidence described here, is that if someone reassures himself that the principle of the "survival of most moral intellect" is true and really is consistently implemented by God in relationship to people, then he simultaneously also reassured himself that God does exist. After all, the principle of the "survival of most moral" cannot be implemented if there is NO omnipotent and justice-loving God which governs over the physical world with the really "iron hand" (e.g. this principle could NOT work in the "world without God" described in item #B1 of the web page changelings.htm). But unfortunately for people, if everyone could find easily evidence in confirmation that God really exists and that He rules over the physical world with the "iron hand", then many people would be deprived the so-called "free will". After all, in order the "free will" could be available to people, everything that happens in the physical world must be wrapped into the so-called "canon of ambiguity" described already in item #C2 from this web page. In other words, in addition to the fact that the principle of the "survival of most moral" is true, while as a truth it must fulfil the requirement that becoming sure about it must consume people's significant effort and work, this principle has also the potential, that in case it is obvious, it would eliminate as well the "free will" in some people (i.e. in these people which today are calling themselves "atheists"). This in turn also imposes onto God additional requirements for especially good hiding from people the body of evidence which confirms the actual implementation of this principle. Summarising both above paragraphs (i.e. this one and the previous one), while God with an "iron hand" consistently implements towards people the newly discovered principle of the "survival of most moral", simultaneously God has also a number of very vital reasons to hide well from people the body of evidence which confirms the truth of this principle, and to make an impression on people that they are subjected to the action of that old Darwin's principle of the "survival of fittest" (which, however, applies only to wild animals and which ceases to apply even to domesticated animals). In turn, through just such intentional hiding of evidence, God makes sure, that the truth on His subject, and the truth on the subject of morality, learn only these individuals, who according to their "free will" have chosen for themselves the acquiring of this knowledge, and that they contributed in their choice the required amount of determination, effort and work.
       So in what way God hides from people the evidence which confirms that intellects are ruled by the principle of the "survival of most moral", although God simultaneously implements this principle on people. Well, God uses for this purpose a number of tools. The most vital amongst these are (1) "exceptions" described in item #G5 below. Namely, in every case when e.g. a fast killing of someone that acts immorally would provide too many people with that unambiguously convincing evidence, God makes an "exception" from such someone and does NOT take his life away immediately, but allows him to live a while longer and to produce the so-called "intensity of teaching information" (described in item #G5 below). As the result, all persons which are most famous (e.g. celebrities, movie stars, heads of countries, people exceptionally rich, etc.) have a quiet permission from God to conduct themselves relatively immoral, but still they are NOT killed fast because of this - because God placed them onto a list of such His "exceptions". (In fact God follows a principle, that he does NOT allow to anyone to become extremely famous, unless this someone proves to God that he is going to act in an exceptionally immoral way.) However, such people is statistically very few. Alter all, in the entire world God maintains NOT more than around 700 such "exceptions" - e.g. according to research of the "Forbes" which traces fates of most famous celebrities, only around 100 most famous and liked individuals in the world in fact exerts any influence onto crowds of other people who copy their behaviour, habits, clothing, etc. - for details see the article "Women dominate celeb power-list" from page A3 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Friday, May 18, 2012. On the other hand, the entire humanity already exceeded the number 7'000'000'000 (see the article "We're seven billion - and growing" from page B1 of New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post Weekend, issue dated on Saturday, October 8, 2011. But because this God's "exceptions" are so famous and thus every their immoral act is announced over the entire world by all newspapers, journals, and television news, people have the impression that unpunished humans really drown in the ocean of immorality. However, in reality apart from these several hundred of temporary "exceptions", the entire huge population of the world is fast killed with an "iron hand" - if only begins to act immorally (as the reader can easily check this in his or her own surroundings - by analysing fates of ordinary people whom knows for their exceptionally immoral behaviour).
       Independently from these "exceptions", God uses also an array of various other tools and methods for hiding evidence, that fates of people are governed by the newly discovered principle of the "survival of most moral". Another such a tool is (2) the consistent implementation in the world of wild animals the Darwin's principle of the "survival of fittest", and quiet support for the propaganda of the old "atheistic orthodox science" which misleadingly tells people that this Darwin's principle of the "survival of fittest" applies also to people. In the result, the human wisdom and perceive are "silenced" by this misleading propaganda of the atheistic scientists. Still another tool and method of God in hiding the principle of the "survival of most moral" boils down to (3) misleading manner of killing and elimination of most immoral intellects. This elimination God always carries out in such a manner, that it looks like an accident, coincident, convergence of circumstances, etc. - as in more details explains it item #C2 on the web page tornado.htm. A classic example are here wars. After all, wars are always lost by aggressors, but always these aggressors firstly look as if they are to win them, then there is a long period of equal powers, and only finally by some "coincidence" aggressors begin to loose wars. Another tool in hiding truth are (4) various limitations which forbid revealing truths in present societies. For example, if someone dies at a young age, then apart from several friends who knew this someone in person, no-one else has an idea as whether this someone was immoral. After all, the press cannot write truth on the topic of immorality pof such someone - as this would expose it to costly court proceedings. Parents the blind love typically disallows to notice immorality in their children, while if they can afford an objectivity, then still the "loyalty" requires that they keep quiet. Friends and close acquaintances also are to be silent - after all there is a custom to "not say anything bad about dead people". Thus, if someone really wishes to learn a truth about a moral state of someone whom do NOT know in person, then he or she must carry our really detective investigations. In order to give here to the reader a taste how difficult is establishing a truth from the content of present newspaper reports, I would propose here that on the basis of the article "Boyfriend said victim 'going down tonight' " from page A8 of newspaper The Dominion Post (issue dated on Friday, April 27, 2012), the reader attempted to establish, whether the 17th years old New Zealander described in there, listened or not listened to the voice of own conscience. Still another tool of God is (5) differentiation of age in which immoral people are killed. After all, God knows the future and can kill someone already in cot for whatever this person is to commit in the adult age - for details see item #D3 on the web page named god_exists.htm. Also God several times shifts back in time every person - as this is described in item #B4.1 from the web page immortality.htm. Thus God may terminate someone's life already at a child's age for whatever this person in another course of time did at the adult age. God also has the ability to choose for the moment of death a least obvious time in someone's life. Thus if someone dies at let's say, the age of ever 40 years old, then instead of investigate whether this someone died because of the state of his or her morality, we rather assume that he or she lived to own age and that the reason for the death is either genetics that he or she inherited, or illness, or accident, or bad luck, etc. However, in reality the "premature death" we should define as "every death that takes place in the age lower than these 120 years promised to people by God in the Bible (Genesis, 6:3)". Thus, if someone dies at the age, let say, 40 years, then this means, that God judges the total level of his or her morality as worth only around one-third of the lifetime to which would be entitled a person with an ideal morality (i.e. would be entitled a "God's ideal of person" described in item #C5 of this web page). Of course, there is much more of similar tools of God. Thus there is no sense to extend this web page by describing them all. Already on the basis of these described here the reader should have a good idea as to what really is going on around him or her.
       In spite of the obstacles described above, truths always are worth learning. After all, "learning truths opens for us an access to various benefits which stem from these truths". For example, if someone becomes certain that God kills all people who become deaf to the voice of their conscience, then he or she undertakes methods of defence described in item #G6 of this web page and does everything that is in his or her power to protect own children from acquiring this deafness. In turn knowing, that always "survive most moral", one has an access to a simple recipe for overcoming human health hazards. Etc., etc. The acquiring of personal certainty about the truth of regularities described here allows us to defend ourselves from outcomes of ignorance in these matters. After all, in order the reader could effectively defend himself and his close ones against consequences of the "deafness to the voice of conscience", firstly one needs acquire the assurance, that the new "totaliztic science" indicates to him a really effective method such a self-defence, and also that undertaking such a defence is "worth of effort". The point is, as it is to be explained in item #G6 below, that undertaking such a defence requires a significant effort and a belief in its necessity. In turn the ones who do NOT believe in need of such a defence, will NOT be able to persevere in implementation of it.
       In order to acquire the certainty that there is a need to undertake a defence described in item #G6 of this web page, the reader must convince himself or herself, that really "God typically takes away life from these intellects which do NOT listen to the voice of their conscience". After all, my word nor my research do NOT suffice for making readers certain - after all "certainty" cannot be "given as a gift" to someone, but every person must earn it with own effort. (This fact of necessity to "earn a certainty" I am trying to emphasize, amongst others, in item #G6 below, and also in item #B1 from the web page named soul_proof.htm.) In other words, in order to acquire the certainty, readers must by themselves laboriously analyse cases that document the truth of whatever items #G1 to #G5 of this web page try to tell them. For this reason they must break through own resistance and laziness. They also must to find a truth about morality of people that they check - in spite that the human culture typically only prises dead people and typically avoids mentioning their drawbacks. They also must become detectives to discover the truth just on the basis of scarse information which are to be made available to them. They must also be able to read whatever is expressed between lines. Etc., etc.
       Let us conclude this item. The goal of it was to realise to the reader, that if he or she wishes so, then with the contribution of own effort and work, he or she can find a sufficient amount of evidence which conclusively reassures him or her about the truth of the principle of the "survival of most moral", which principle rules over fates of all intellects, and that it is worth to contribute the required effort and work to acquire this certainty. After all, this principle is true. Only that for superior reasons, learning the existence and work of it must be camouflaged and make difficult by God Himself. After all, the humanity entered at present the epoch in the history, in which learning specific truths, and experiencing benefits that stem from these truths, is opened only for those people and communities, which being aware of their "free will" firstly voluntarily choose by themselves, then decisively prove, that they stand on that side for which such truths and benefits can be opened. Areas in which readers should seek for themselves such evidence are indicated in next item #G4 below. Unfortunately, because for these superior reasons, God was forced to hide well from the majority of people the entire that body of evidence, on the Earth are carried out noise propaganda campaigns, which tell people that supposedly ones whom act immorally can avoid punishments, that supposedly the entire Earth is drowning in immorality, that supposedly people are ruled by the old Darwin's principle of the "survival of fittest", that supposedly if someone does NOT listen to the voice of own conscience, then this does NOT mean that he is to be forced to die prematurely at a young age, etc., etc. Therefore, these people who decide to learn the truth, must find manners of "separating grain from the chaff" and to learn finding a relationship between an immorality and a premature death (or between immorality and e.g. bankrupting or disintegration of "group intellects").

#G4. Where to search for evidence which confirms, that "lives are terminated for a majority of intellects deaf to the voice of their conscience":

Motto: "Truth which would be obvious and easy to confirm would also break our 'free will'."

       Let us now review the already identified by the author of this web page areas of life, in which these people who wish to accomplish certainty that really "if someone ceases to listen to the voice of his or her conscience, then probably will die prematurely for this", can seek the required empirical evidence. So here are examples of most productive sources of such evidence:
       1. Personal findings. Myself, I used to know many persons which died at relatively young age, and the morality of which I remember until today. Thus, I am absolutely certain, that these people did NOT listen to the voice of their conscience. For this reason, the primary example of sources of the evidence described here, are moral analyses of people whom we know in person, and about whom we know that they died at relatively young age. In my own case I described these analyses in item #D3 from the web page named god_exists.htm. But every reader is also able to carry pout similar analyses for cased that he or she knows in person.
       2. Epidemics of depression and suicides amongst youth which is deprived of help of parents in development of the ability to listen to the voice of own conscience. Another source of such empirical evidence are "epidemics of depression and suicides in present young citizens" of countries in which prevails the legal ban on the use of proverbial "rod" (e.g. in New Zealand). After all, in present times increasingly less young citizens have in there the privilege to grow up in conditions that would teach them to listen to the voice of their conscience. In turn one amongst most educational and morally inspiring (but only for other people) manners of later elimination of such people deaf to the voice of own conscience, is suicide. This is because there is a direct cause-effect link between deafness to the voice of own conscience and suicides. This link is a consequence of work of the "mental depression". It stems from the fact, that people who are deaf to the voice of their conscience are unable to accumulate in their counter-bodies the required amount of so-called "moral energy". In turn the lack of this "moral energy" causes in them a "mental depression" - as this is explained more thoroughly in item #D10 on the web page named totalizm.htm. Mental depression in turn typically leads to a suicide. A best illustration of just such a work of moral mechanisms is the situation with youth in New Zealand - as this is summarised in articles "Suicide and crashes drive NZ's youth death figures" from page A6 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald, issue dated on Thursday, April 26, 2012; and "Kiwi teens' death rate second highest in Western World" from page A5 of newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Thursday, April 26, 2012. After all, New Zealand is the country in which prevails the official ban on disciplining with proverbial "rods" children and teenagers (punished by imprisoning of parents who try to discipline their children or teenagers) - as this is explained in item #B5.1 from this web page. How unruly youth this makes, it is revealed by increasingly more frequent news about its extremely immoral behaviours - of the type of scoffing and biting of 87-years old person for whom teenagers devastated trees, as described in the article "Who's going to make us?" from page A1 of New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Monday, April 17, 2012 (a photograph of this nasty bitted oldie is shown in the article "Plea to public to catch teenage thugs" from page A5 of newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Monday, April 18, 2012). This lack of disciplining, and also absence of structure, requirements and responsibilities in lives of New Zealand youth, is a cause, that increasingly larger proportion of these young people develops in themselves a deafness to the voice of their conscience. This in turn causes, that already in times of writing this item in May 2012, New Zealand youth had one amongst the highest in the world levels of mental depression and suicides - as this is explained and supported with references in item #D3 of a separate web page named god_exists.htm, and in item #G1 above on this web page. Also all signs on heaven and Earth indicate, that with the elapse of time this situation will be escalated even further.
       3. Epidemics of mental illnesses in young people. From times in which I was myself disciplined with a proverbial "rod", I remember until today perfectly well, that is I did something wrong, and the punishment was NOT served to me, then the mechanism that governs my emotions balanced my pangs of conscience and feelings of guilt, through a significant increase of the feeling of inner "anguish" - as this is described already in item #G1 from this web page. In turn remembering the power of pressure that this feeling of anguish exerted on my young mentality, I am NOT surprised at all, that it is increased cumulatively with subsequent unpunished behaviours of a given child that are contradictive to the voice of its conscience. This in turn, in my opinion, leads directly to a mental illness of that child. Thus, a shocking epidemics of mental illnesses which lately troubles increasingly more children in New Zealand, in my opinion is a consequence of the governmental ban on disciplining children with a proverbial "rod" (punishable by imprisoning of a parent who have the courage to discipline of his or her child in spite of this legal ban on disciplining). On the subject of this epidemics of mental illnesses amongst New Zealand children one can read e.g. in the article "Mental illness on rise in children" from page A1 of newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Monday, March 26, 2012.
       4. Immoral character of departures from this world. Young people who become deaf to the voice of their conscience, in many cased depart from this world in a manner, which even for people unfamiliar with the philosophy of totalizm looks at obviously "immoral". (Although such an "immoral departure" are also "suicides" described in the previous paragraph, but in present times NOT many people still knows, that committing a suicide is a highly immoral action, which in its bad consequences is comparable only to homosexuality described in item #B4 from the web page antichrist.htm.) For example, in New Zealand quite a number of young people kills themselves when they still a car from someone, and then takes it for "a spin" after priori drinking an alcohol or taking drugs - which departure from this world is immoral in a manner so obvious, that one does NOT need to even test it with criteria of morality. Such an unnaturally high number of deaths of youth in the result of car accidents is reported e.g. in the article "Kiwi teens' death rate second highest in Western World" from page A5 of New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Thursday, April 26, 2012.
       5. Untypical coincidences in these people who died in mass accidents, or who survived such accidents. If in any statistical moment of time one considers the distribution of morality of people that travel in e.g. a given tram, train, boat, or entering a given building or factory, then for typical cases this distribution is purely accidental and represents a cross-section of almost all moralities that dominate a given society. Thus if God decides to cause a catastrophe of a vehicle or a building, which is to kill almost all people that are inside, then in order to fulfil the principle of the "survival of most moral", God must cause, that at the time of this catastrophe inside are present either only those selected to die, or that most moral amongst them are going to be saved in some miraculous manner. And so, if one analyses reports from typical cases which causes mass deaths of many people simultaneously, then what hits is that extraordinary nature of fates of these people who are inside. Namely, rapidly inside find themselves a number of people, who typically NOT supposed to be in there, and only some extraordinary coincidences directed them to that place. Simultaneously, a number of people who should be inside, for some strange coincidences cannot be in there. In addition to this, frequently in such a mass deaths by some miraculous manner single persons do survive, which later typically treat this survival as a kind of "command or message from God". In total, all this kind of circumstances and situations are another source of evidence, that God consequently implements His principle of the "survival of most moral". Only that God always camouflages this principle, so that He does NOT destroy "free will" in people, and also that He does NOT allow to discover the truth about it without contributing into searches the required amount of effort and work. (Of course, during researching such cases one must also bear in mind, that there are buildings - like prisons or television stations, factories - like producers of cigarettes and alcohol, or vehicles - like prison buses or airplanes for transporting members of governments, which do NOT contain inside the cross-section of all moralities that dominate a given society. Thus mass accidents which they can also experience do NOT represent a kind of evidence described in this item.)
       6. Fates of children and teenagers from these families, in which women take over all decisions about upbringing, i.e. fates of these children which old Polish folklore described with a highly negative warning of "upbringing without a father figure" (in the Polish language usually expressed with words "bez ojca chowany"), or described with the swearing "bastard" (in Polish language "bękart" or "nojdór"). (Notice, that the warning "upbringing without a father" included also children from families in which father lived and was present, but he was a "henpecked husband" and in his house he had NO say because of the loudmouth mother who dominated him never consulted him nor never let him implements his ways.) In English cultures (e.g. in New Zealand) most clearly people are NOT aware of the destructive influence which upbringing without the father's discipline has on a given young person. After all, they do NOT have in there their equivalent of the Polish warning "bez ojca chowany" (although they use the swearing "bastard"). Furthermore, over there they continually make further laws that in various manners alienate fathers from influence on upbringing of their children. E.g. they make laws contradictive to the God commands and requirements, of the kind of "anti-smacking law" discussed in item #B5.1 from that web page - which specifically forbids disciplining children (for details and consequences of this law see the article "Smack admission bars grandparents" from page A2 of newspaper The New Zealand Herald", issue dated on Tuesday, June 18, 2012); laws of so-called "civil unions"; rights for adopting children by pairs of lesbians or homosexuals; irresistibly high benefits for so-called "solo parents", i.e. benefits supposedly for both sexes but which encourage mainly unmarried women that instead of going to work and earning for living, they rather make another baby whose father remains officially unknown; etc., etc. However, everyday lives increasingly more often also in there reveal consequences of the lack of fatherly discipline. A relatively good example of just such consequences provides the self-explanatory article "Man accused of journalist's murder 'never had a father figure in his life' " from page A3 of New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Thursday, May 24, 2012. Even more meaningful example of consequences of "upbringing without a father figure" is in a summary of the murder of a teenager prostitute provided in the article "Sad ending to a tragic young life" from page A6 of New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Thursday, June 21, 2012 - in the content of which are also contained information which make easier for the reader to deduce whether this prostitute had a habit to NOT listen to the voice of own conscience. This all in turn reveals, that the source of quite vital evidence is establishing "who" actually causes that e.g. a given young person ceases to listen to the voice of own conscience. As it turns out, in my research I never encountered a case, that the primary reason for someone's deafness to the voice of conscience was a father. Practically always this reason turns ou to be a mother alienated (out of control) from male influence , or some other dictatorial female in the power of which a given young person finds itself. (Sometimes can also be some female politicians, or some governmental institutions acting under a dictatorship of some females.) Therefore, in cases when there is a lack of information on the subject of morality of a given person who died prematurely, then it may suffice to check who was a "head of family" which carried out upbringing of which a given young person (means, whether a "head of family" in fact was then a woman). This is because the empirical evidence seems to reveal, that upbringing under a dictatorship of a female typically just by itself is a sufficient confirmation of a probability, that a given young person is unable to listen to the voice of own conscience. As explains this more extensively item #B2 from the web page named antichrist.htm, women were created by God as highly imperfect creatures which cannot be allowed exclusiveness and domination in deciding about fates of anyone, and which should rather co-decide in continuous consultation with men. After all, opposite to men - who almost entire their action base on the decisions of minds, while emotions use only when were forced, women in their activities are governed almost exclusively by emotions, while minds they use only if to use of them they are somehow forced. In the result of all these, women typically are in their actions highly biased, impulsive, inconsistent, non-subjective, unjust, unpredictable, etc. But the present science does NOT allow them to learn own imperfections, but rather erroneously tells them, that "women are able to do everything that men do". In turn without being aware of own imperfections, women do NOT work on eliminating or compensating them with the male assistance. On the other hand, to teach someone of listening to the voice of own conscience, one must NOT be ruled by emotions and be biased, but one needs to work wisely, predictably, objectively, and just - as typically this is done by fathers who perform roles of true "heads of family". In other words, although the presence of fatherly discipline is just one amongst a whole array of requirements which must be fulfilled in order a given child learns to listen to the voice of own conscience, but the lack of fatherly discipline is already a sufficient reason for a child to become deaf to the voice of own conscience. There are also various research, which perfectly well illustrate how undesirable is leaving to women alone the decision regarding some matter concerning justice, conscience, wisdom, etc. Only that to NOT endanger own career because of these numerous feminists ready to bite "heads off" from every person which have a courage to reveal a truth about women, the actual meaning of outcomes of these research usually is camouflaged on various manners. An excellent example of just such camouflaging of outcomes of research concerning women, can be e.g. the article "Female teachers get blame for schoolboy slackers' poor results" from page A3 of newspaper "The New Zealand Herald", issue dated on Friday, February 17, 2012. In spite of pleasing for women title, that article describes solid research which reveal, that female teachers chronically practice injustice through lowering marks that they give to boy pupils, in comparison to marks that the same female teachers give to female pupils for products of the same quality. (Exactly the same experiences with female teachers and lecturers I remember from years of my own education - as emphasized in item #B2 of the web page antichrist.htm.)
       7. Deaths of "group intellects". God NOT only terminates lives of individual people who become deaf to the voice of own conscience, but also makes exactly the same with entire so-called "group intellects" (e.g. institutions) which also ceased to listen to the voice of their group conscience. (An explanation of the term "group intellect" is provided in item #E2 of the web page named totalizm.htm.) Only that dying like individual people, these group intellects bankrupt, are dissolved, replaced by other or absorbed by other, etc. Of course, for them this also represents a kind of "death", as they cease to exist and something different appears on their place. For example, almost every country, which after an immoral aggression onto a different country looses a war that it started, after loosing a war is replaced by already a different kind of that country - as an example consider Hitler's Germany after the second world war. An excellent example of just such "group intellects" (institutions) killed by God for the deafness to their voice of conscience, are New Zealand so-called "Finance Companies" (i.e. like private banks). Since 2008 in New Zealand bankrupted scores of them, while on their subject one could read interesting news in almost every issue of local newspapers. The attribute of almost all of them was, that a long time before they bankrupted, all of them ceased to listen to the voice of their "group conscience". For example, at the time when they were formed, their directors typically had only so much money, as their future clients. But at the moment of bankrupting, their clients were deprived of their savings while it turned out that directors are incredibly rich, live in million-dollar mansions, have expensive cars and big bank accounts, their wives, children and relatives have "trusts" full of money, etc. In turn to facilitate this kind of flows of funds, these institutions for sure remained deaf to the voice of their conscience. Quite a good insight to culture and kind of morality practiced by persons who governed these institutions (e.g. by their "directors") provides e.g. an article "His tastes went up ... with his fraud" from page C1 of the New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Friday, May 4, 2012; or the article "Keeping the rats out of the race" from page C1 of the New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post Weekend, issue dated on Saturday, May 5, 2012. Therefore mass bankrupting of such institutions is another source of evidence, that "intellects which ceased to listen to the voice of their conscience are eliminated from living". When such immoral "group intellects" are eliminated by God, indirectly are punished all people who are members of these intellects, and thus whose fates are linked to fates of these intellects - e.g. in case of bankrupting of these "finance companies" punished are also all their clients who loose money invested into them and also all employees who loose their places of work and their incomes. This their group punishment is for "remaining passive in face of immorality of the group intellect to which one belongs" - as this is explained in item #B4 of web page parasitism.htm and more precisely discussed in item #E1 of the web page quake.htm. What also is highly interesting, that independently from this group punishment served to all people that belong to such immoral group intellects, parallel and independently the highest possible "death punishment" are also educationally punished these figures who in such group intellects are directly responsible for committing immoralities - e.g. consider fates of leaders from Hitler's Germany, or see the article "Failed finance firm founder has cancer" from page A7 of New Zealand newspaper The Dominion Post, issue dated on Thursday, May 24, 2012. Of course, these "finances companies" indicated here as an example, are just ones amongst many "group intellects" (i.e. banks, firms, institutions, entire countries, etc.) which are eliminated from the life according to the principle of the "survival of most moral" because of immoralities that they committed. Another widely known examples of such immoral intellects were also, amongst others, Hitler's Germany, Communistic Russia, or not long ago Gaddafi's Libya. What even worse, because the blindness of the old official science which still did NOT gain a competence to warn politicians about the existence and work of the principle of the "survival of most moral" and to explain them to what immorality leads, in recent times increasingly larger number of further intellects begins to march in the same direction and only there is a matter of time when God is to eliminate them from living ones.

#G5. But let us remember, that God makes intelligent decisions, thus to every principle He introduces exceptions that are based on His goals and on His wise judgement of the current situation:

Motto: "Only in the world ruled by a thoughtless nature and unchangeable laws of physics there would be NO exceptions."

       When we seek empirical evidence to confirm conclusively that "God kills intellects which ceased completely listening to the voice of their conscience", we must also remember, that God is the superior being of extreme intelligence, and thus in that rule He makes exceptions in terminating, when the termination of life of an intellect would be contradictive to God's goals or plans. Several situations, when God makes just such exceptions and suspends putting to death people who definitively deserved to die, already now were identified by the "totaliztic science". Let us list here most vital amongst them, soe that the reader has awareness of their existence and work.
       A. When killing a given intellect would deprive someone his or her "free will". The ability of people to think and to act accordingly to their "free will" is so important for God, that in order to give to people this "free will" God voluntarily took on Himself a whole array of obstacles an d requirements - as this is explained, amongst others, in item #B1 from this web page. For example, it is just that people keep their "free will" that in everything that God does are inserted at least three groups of independent attributes, which later allow to explain this into at least three different manners - as this is explained in item #C2 from the web page named tornado.htm. It is also to NOT deprive people of "free will", that none scientific researches nor displays of skills of radiesthesians provide outcomes higher than statistic - although normally the same radisthesians found almost all natural resources that are known to the humanity. On a similar principle, never a UFO sighting occurs in a manner which would disperse all doubts, nor never a single UFO photograph provides a proof for the objective existence of UFOs - in spite that the actual existence of UFOs is already proven formally e.g. see the web page named ufo_proof.htm.
       B. When a given intellect generates a significant "intensity of the stream of teaching information", so that for God it has a higher "information significance" when still remains alive, than when it is dead - as this is described in item #B7.2 and in (2) from item #B7 of the web page seismograph.htm and in item #K1 from the web page named quake.htm. As this was explained in item #G3 from this web page, in order people could maintain their "free will", in spite that God really rewards "morality" and punishes "immorality", the same God simultaneously creates on the Earth such appearances, as if rewarded was "immorality" and the use of physical force, while punished was "morality" and the physical weakness. But in order these appearances could be formed, it is necessary that several "exceptions" do exist, in which these immoral people who generate a high "intensity of the stream of teaching information", are temporally excluded from the punishment that they deserved.
       C. When a given intellect somehow assists with his immoral actions in fulfilment of the God's will, and thus when still alive he is more useful for God than when he would be dead. Examples of just such intellects are, amongst others, some mass murderers, the punishment of which God temporally suspends and shifts at a later date, because e.g. "they hear voices of God" in their heads, and thus they are susceptible for a precise directing as to who and in what order they supposed to "send" to another world. After all, from the timeless point of view of God, these murderers are NOT escaping the "universal justice", while their activities may in the meantime be used for more effective education of the humanity, or for removal of these too-eager people who with their actions obstruct God's goals. (Descriptions of just such "voices in heads" heard by some mass murderers, are provided in #77 from subsection W4 in volume 18 of my newest monograph [1/5].)
       Of course, such exceptions is more. But even just these most important listed above, provide the reader with a relatively good idea how God acts in order to accomplish His goals most effectively.
       If one considers the above exceptions, then the principle of God's acting described here should be formulated in a manner which emphasizes, that "NOT all" intellects which are deaf to the voice of their conscience are put to death prematurely by God. For example, this principle could be expressed by the statement that "intellects which ceased to listen to the voice of their conscience, have a high chance, that they become put to death prematurely by God". Unfortunately, I am carrying out my research only on principles of a "private scientific hobby", means without any financing and exclusively in my private time. So I do NOT have a "processing ]power", financial means, nor an official support, which would allow me to investigate what percent of intellects dies in what time after ceasing to listen to their conscience.
* * *
       A highly interesting is also a fact, that in order to more effectively accomplish His superior goals, God introduced also exceptions to the principle of the "survival of most moral" - described at the beginning of item #G1 from this web page. Some amongst these exceptions state as follows:
       D. Every intellect which individually acts relatively moral, but displays a passiveness towards the group immorality of a larger group intellect to which it belongs, ceases to be protected by the principle of the "survival of most moral". Thus if this intellect finds itself in the range of some disaster which affects the immoral group intellect to which it belongs, then it gets hits on equal foot as other (immoral) participants of this group intellect. A best example of work of this exception were Japanese who on Friday, 11 March 2011 fell victims of tsunami and nuclear catastrophe - as this is described in items #C7 and #I1 on the web page seismograph.htm. For a wider description of this caused by passiveness removal from the protection that is deserved by most moral intellects - see item #B4 on the web page named parasitism.htm.
       E. Every intellect which practices a "manifesting religiousness" instead of true "morality", also ceases to be protected by the principle of the "survival of most moral". In my life I encountered many persons, who behaved extremely religiously, but who continually were affected by various disasters. So I frequently analysed reasons of just such their treatment by God. The major attribute which hit eyes in them, is that they were NOT moral in their interactions with other people, but only manifestly practiced their religion. The limited their religious practices to only manifestly worshipping God. But their countryman they treated almost like animals. However, the "morality" depends on obeying God's requirements in our interactions with all other people with which we need to interact in our lives - for an exact definition of "morality" see item #B5 on the web page morals.htm. So if someone puts all his attention to worshipping God, but ignores his or her duty to treat morally all people, then he or she ceases moral life and is for this severely punished by God. In Poland the most frequently occurred a female version of such persons - which all called in there "dewotka". But their male versions also recently is a lot - especially to the south-east from Poland. All signs indicate also that God has NO intention to tolerate any longer their manifesting religiousness, behind which they hide their immoral treatment of other people.
       F. Prematurely can also die an exceptionally moral intellect, if he or she voluntarily offers to God the life, while his or her death significantly accelerates education and lifting of morality of a large number of people. An example of this exception are voluntarily, martyr deaths of almost all Christian saints. But at this point it should be emphasized, that these exceptionally moral people die only if they volunteer to their death. This is because God respects their exceptionally moral behaviour and do NOT shorten their lives against their own wish and without consulting their own wishes in this matter.
       Because of the action of exceptions as these above, the truth of the statement reversal to the one discussed in item #G2 (and emphasized with a red colour several paragraphs above) turns out to NOT be just an automatic. Namely, because of such exceptions, "NOT all intellects which died prematurely, the death affected because they did NOT listened to the voice of their conscience". The cause for such a state of things is, amongst others, the fact that many intellects dies prematurely because e.g. they are components of other, larger, "group intellects". Thus whatever affects them, does NOT result from conscience, but from failing their moral duties towards the "group intellect" a part of which they are (i.e. from "not doing whatever they should do") For example, in case of today teenagers, frequently they die prematurely "as a punishment", that in spite of listening to their conscience, they still remained passive (as this is explained in item #B4 on the web page named parasitism.htm) and did NOT persuaded against immoral action of these "group intellects" to which they belonged. This is because the passiveness towards group immorality God treats the same as the participation in this immorality. AN excellent example of just such situation can be a trip of a young person that listen to the voice of its conscience in a stolen car which is driven by someone who do NOT listen to the conscience. If this car has an accident, then may die all ones which travelled in it. The person which stole it and driven dangerously may die because he did NOT listen to the voice of own conscience, while the passenger who listens to own conscience also may die - because in spite of belonging to the same "band" he had a habit of remaining passive towards immorality of this "band" and thus he did NOT persuade his colleagues against stealing and too fast driving.
       Since the new "totaliztic science discovered only in 2012, that the life of intellects is ruled by the principle of the "survival of fittest", a next task which would be worth to investigate thoroughly, is the scientific checking on the basis of empirical evidence available to us, whether in fact the "universal justice" causes, that God assigns to every person the length of life which is proportional to the expressed quantitatively level of morality of this person. (Unfortunately, the completion of such research exceeds my financial capabilities and my available time.) In order such research also finish with a success, it would be enough to check for a statistically a large sample of people who do NOT belong to the abovementioned God's exceptions, whether the ratio of the length of life in subsequent people, to these 120 years promised to people by God (see the Bible, "Genesis", 6:3), is equal to the ratio of a quantitative indicator of morality of these people, to the quantitative indicator of morality of the God's "ideal person". (This God's "ideal person" - which in the result of action of the principle of the "survival of most moral" should live to the age of 120 years that God promised to people in the Bible, is briefly described in item #C5 from this web page.) After all, the above findings would from one hand allow to exactly prognosis how long a given person is going to live - through quantitative estimation of a kind of morality that this person practices. On the other hand it would allow us to estimate the level of morality of subsequent people on the basis of age to which they lived. For example, if a statistical life expectancy for a given country amounts to 72 years, then this would mean that citizens of that country in average are only in M = (72/120)*100% = 60% moral. Because this statistic life expectancies are already well known and published for every country in the world, calculating such values would allow us to better choose a country to which we e.g. would emigrate, shifted for the time of our retirement, or just visited. Furthermore, it would allow us to trace how is and how changes the average morality in the country in which we live permanently, in comparison to moralities of other countries in the world.

#G6. How to overcome obstacles and dilemmas and begin to defend yourself and your loved ones from sharing the fate of such intellects deaf to the voice of their conscience?

Motto: "Totalizm always helps."

       The general principle of defence from premature death caused by the deafness to the voice of own conscience is simple. Namely, in everything that we do we should consult our actions with the voice of our conscience. But in practice this defence is quite difficult for many reasons. For example, because "doing of what is moral must be difficult, otherwise lying on our back and doing nothing would be the most moral behaviour in the entire world" - as more thoroughly explains this item #E3 on the web page named god_exists.htm. In turn listening to our voice of conscience and carrying out whatever this conscience tells us to do, is a highly moral behaviour. Therefore in the world governed by God it must be difficult, and truly it is so. This is why many people with the elapse of time become deaf to the voice of their conscience. What even worse, these ones who already are deaf to their conscience, typically are unaware of this their disability. (If the reader wishes to check whether he himself, or someone adult from his surroundings, is already deaf to the voice of own conscience, then he can use for that purpose the checking "test" described in item #A2.7 from the web page named totalizm.htm.)
       Teaching own children to listen to the voice of their conscience also turns out to be difficult in practice. After all, if for example we are a father and a head of family, then the justly punishing our child with a rod gives to us a characteristics similar to that of a dentist - when we need to be painful in order to be a good parent in the final count. Thus, if the conscience commands to us that we should justly punish our child with a proverbial "rod", because this child just did something very wrong, then immediately we encounter a whole array of factors which make this difficult for us. The first amongst these probably will be our wife, which - as all women (i.e. beings created by God with a high level of imperfection - as this is explained in item #B2 from the web page named antichrist.htm) will probably make this impossible for us. Then - if by any chance we live in a country which established anti-parental laws (such as these prevailing in New Zealand and which are described in item #B5.1 from this web page) we must risk a prison because of the use of a rod while the law forbids this. Furthermore, on our way are to stand also our own feelings - how to use a "rod" on a child which we love a lot. Another obstacle will be this child - which after being disciplined will run to the street and complain to everyone that "the father bit me - thus I hate him, because he is much worse than mum and he does NOT love me". Etc., etc. Therefore, such fathers who decide to discipline their children with a proverbial "rod", are forced to overcome all these obstacles (Also every wise and thoughtful mum - i.e. a mother deprived typical female imperfections, is forced to overcome similar obstacles, when e.g. temporally her husband is absent, and thus she is forced to serve the justice to her child on her own.) In addition, fathers must also learn to use a rod "justly". Means the punishment which they serve must be proportional to the guilt. It also cannot cause in a child any physical damage to the body. Furthermore, it should be proceeded with a verbal explanation why it is served, how much it amounts to (for a given kind of misbehaviour), and how in the future this child should behave in order to NOT deserve it anymore. Psychologically a highly helpful is also establishing for the use of a child a form of mutually accepted "pardoning" or "asylum" - i.e. the creation of some difficult to accomplish by a child, and known both, to this child and to parents, manner of avoiding a punishment (but this manner must fulfil a number of important conditions - e.g. must work almost instantly, because serving a punishment must not be postponed, it cannot depend on doing of some routinely chore, because a child with the elapse of time develops an "allergy" to this particular chore, etc.) In other words, everything that concerns such a punishment must be agreeable with moral recommendations of the philosophy of totalizm described in volumes 6 and 7 of my newest monograph [1/5].
       Of course, children and teenagers also can by themselves work on developing their sensitivity to the voice of own conscience. After all, wise God for children make such self-learning of the obedience to the voice of conscience much easier than teaching it by adults. Children from the very beginning have this skill - as this is explained by the article [1#G1] from item #G1 of this web page. Later they only need to make sure that they do NOT loose it e.g. because of a bad influence of their peers, teachers, mass media, politicians, authorities, etc. But in order children and teenagers undertake their own efforts in such a right direction, someone amongst adults must explain to them exactly on examples which are illustrative and acting onto their imagination, "why" this should be done in their lives. In other words, someone amongst adults must firstly explain to them what is written in this "part #G" - only that beforehand he or she must translate this onto the language which children are able to understand.
       The above is worth to complement with an information, that these people who in an aware manner begin to listen and obey their organ of conscience, automatically become totalizts. This is because practicing the most basic version of the philosophy of totalizm, i.e. the version called intuitive totalizm, boils down just to listening and to obeying the voice of our conscience.

#G7. When a death already glances into our eyes - frequently still is NOT too late to begin our defence:

Motto: "Wherever there is a life, there is also a hope."

       Many people sucked into a whirl of present life, still healthy, and chasing increasingly larger collections of money, cars, electronics, partners, etc., with which they try to match Johnsons, do NOT find time nor motivation to read pages like this one, nor have a habit to listen and to obey the voice of their conscience. The awaking arrives to them only when the time of accountability comes and thus when they look death straight into eyes. This is because if God still does NOT consider them to be completely lost cases, then He does NOT kill them instantly, but still gives them a bit of time for acting, for improvement, for saying good bye to life and to world, etc. Thus, they may learn then e.g. that they have some nasty kind of cancer, that the illness which overtook them has a significant chance to be terminal, that the boat in which they are travelling is just sinking, etc., etc. Is it too late to begin a defence in such situation? It turns out that NO - according to the Bible never is too late for a defence. Only that one needs to know what to do in such cases and how to defend oneself. The key to our defence then is the right kind of "prayer".
       For most people, however, the problem is that they do NOT know how to pray for the survival or for being saved from a cataclysm. For example, the most common error in such prayers to God is to just ask for our rescue - which mistake I will explain in the next paragraph of this section. Also, if someone already offers something to God in return for the healing or survival, than it tend to be just own money, NOT a personal action. However God needs our actions completed in person, NOT our gifts of money. After all, for God to cause that someone in a need gets our money, does NOT require that we remain alive. This is because someone else can also give our money to people in need, e.g. money can give our heir inspired by the divine promptings. In turn our action completed in person become possible only in cases if God keeps us alive. Other common mistake in prayers for the rescue is that if someone actually offers to God some their work completed in person, then the typical offer is to carry out an unskilled labour, for example as a nurse, cleaner, cook, etc. But God has many donors of unskilled labour. However, in His service is the lack of people whose work requires high knowledge, experience, education, etc. After all, people with high knowledge and skills typically are "atheists" which almost NEVER offer to God their expensive skills in service for the good of other people. Thus, the more qualified and skilled is a kind of personal work that one offers to God in prayers as an exchange for recovery or for saving, and the less people exist who can do this particular work for God, the greater chance that God will accept such an offer. Another common mistake of such prayers to God is to offer the work of other people who are employees of the person who prays, that is, to offer the work of subordinates, workers, or the family of the person in trouble. Yet for God, each person is responsible only for his or her own actions. Thus, work of other people (than the praying person) is a matter between God and these other people. Summing up, it is good when long time before the "death looks into our eyes", we already consider what kind of work done by us in person for the good of humanity we will be able to offer to God in exchange for our recovery or rescue. The early identifying of a highly attractive such a work may save our lives, and the immediate implementation of this work can cause that God may save us even from experiencing a situation when we will be forced to either offer to God our work, or to die prematurely.
       In the cases discussed here, when the "death looks us straight into our eyes", there are numerous levels our defence which we then should take. The first and the most important level of our defence, is to convince God with our fast and sincere prayer, that we ourselves deeply believe that from the prospective of His superior goals and intentions, it will be more beneficial when God keeps us alive than when He allows us to die. Although almost every person which looks death straight into eyes, rapidly remembers God and starts to pray hard (according to an old Polish saying that "when in trouble then to God" - in the original Polish language "kiedy trwoga to do Boga"), but the majority of such people typically do NOT know how to pray in such circumstances and how to present to God their request to keep them alive. Typically the majority of people in such situations only ask God in their prayers e.g. "keep me alive, because I am afraid to die and I still wish to live slightly longer". But from the point of view of goals and intentions of God such a request does NOT contain anything that would make their lives worth extending. Therefore, the most vital component of prayers in such situations is to include into them a kind of agreement or a promise addressed to God. After all, just such agreements or promises are included into most vital prayers of religious practitioners from the Far East (e.g. from Hinduism or Taoism - consider the essence of their rituals called "Thaipusam" or "Nine Gods", photographs from which are shown as "Fig. #B1" from the web page god.htm and "Fig. #E3" from the web page soul_proof.htm). Also such way of praying during centuries of their interactions with God turned out to be the most effective. Namely, in our praying we should include e.g. a promise, that if God allows us to survive a given situation and saves our life, then the entire rest of living which God gives to us, we are going to designate to a specific kind of service to God through devoting our work for morality and for good of other people. Of course, in our prayers we should NOT use general statements of the kind, that "we will help other people", but we must present to God a specific activities which we are going to carry out as our form of "serving God for the good of other people". After all, depending on how attractive for goals and intentions of God turn out these specific proposals that we are to declare, it will determine whether God is going to grant a survival for us. Thus, we should promise God that if we come out alive from a given situation, then specifically either e.g. we begin to help voluntarily and free of charge in the local orphanage, hospice, asylum, poorhouse, etc.; or that e.g. so many times a week we will provide cooked meals to specific people who need these (e.g. some known to us older or ill people); or that e.g. we will openly promote the moral lives according to principles of the philosophy of totalizm (we should in such case define specifically how we will implement this promotion - e.g. whether we will establish for this appropriate web pages, or write suitable articles to newspaper or periodicals, write and publish a book, etc.); or that e.g. we will openly support in some specific institutions, gatherings, or forums ideas and principles established by the "totaliztic science"; etc.; etc. Of course, I do NOT need to explain here, that if we offer God such a promise and we really get healthy or survive, then it would be a kind of "spiritual suicide" to abandon later the implementation of that promise to the letter. We also must NOT begin to doubt "where really our survival comes from" only because it will NOT display spectacular attributes of a miracle. (After all, almost everything that God does must fulfil the "canon of ambiguity" described in item #C2 of this web page, while is implemented by God according to principles explained, amongst others, in item #C2 of page tornado.htm.)
       Money (funds) can be of a problem in the fulfilment of our promise. But God Will NOT consider then what excuse we have to fail doing what we promised, and He is only to judge whether we completed the promise, or NOT. Therefore, if any of our action requires funds which we do NOT have, then we should NOT offer it in our prayers (after all, offering something that is impossible for completing by us, would reveal to God the lack of realism in our promises). If we offer something that requires funds, we must be prepared that the cost of the completion of it is to be covered from our own pocket. Similarly, we should NOT pay other people so that they do for us the work that we promised to do ourselves. If we have the required funds, then we should undertake ourselves the implementation of an appropriately large project, in which our funds are to pay the cost of materials and the cost of additional partners and sub-contractors, but in which we ourselves will do the most important work for this project.
       The further emphasizing of our request in such an important prayer to God, we can accomplish if we have a moral basis to state, that it is our first request for a favour to ourselves with which we come up since a long time. This is because, although we should regularly pray to God, typically - if we are NOT just in a really critical situation, we should altruistically ask God for something for the good of other people rather than for ourselves. The point is that if someone poured a constant stream of requests to God asking for something to himself, then for example in the case of real life and death situation, his prayer and request becomes just another request from a long list of his ongoing requests. In such a situation, the value of this request would NOT be of the same weight as it would be if it was the first personal request for a favour sent to God since a long time.
       The second level of our defence, is a mental defence. This is because we must NOT give up mentally, but until the very end we must maintain an optimism and the belief in our survival. After all, "wherever is a life, there is still a hope". Thus, in every situation when death glances us straight into eyes, we should mobilise ourselves to a deep believe, that at the last moment God still is to arrange for us some kind of a miracle, which is to save us and thus that we are to come out alive from even the most tragic situation. This is because as the philosophy of totalizm has established and explained this to us in item #A2.2 of the web page named totalizm.htm, in whatever we believe enough deeply to be motivated by it to vigorous actions, exactly the same God is going to serve to us.
       The third level of our defence, is to physically never give up, but to fight for the survival until the very end. After all, God's intention is the upbringing of people through battle-hardening during numerous fights against difficulties of fate - as excellently reminds this to us the proverb that "God helps these people who help themselves". Therefore, in order to prove to God, how much we want to come out alive from a given situation, we should almost simultaneously undertake all actions which are NOT mutually contradictive and which give to us even a smallest chance of coming out alive. For example, if we are ill (e.g. with a cancer), we should NOT rely on just a single method of healing, but we should undertake simultaneously all methods which do NOT stand in a mutual collision - means we should NOT only undertake a conventional operation and chemotherapy in a hospital, but also we should use an anti-cancer diet, some alternative healing method (if we know such a method - e.g. by drinking the juice from "Sabah Snake Grass" described in item #F6 of the web page named healing.htm), prayers, and if we can then even we should make a pilgrimage to a place famous from miraculous healings.
       We also should NOT be ashamed of our fight for life and for survival. This is because the life is a greatest gift that God gave to us. In turn by fighting for our life (or for the life of anyone else) we demonstrate to God that we appreciate and highly respect this gift. It is because of the respect to this highest gift, that the philosophy of totalizm teaches, that "we should support only these ideas and these people, who ask us to live for them, while we must NOT support anything that requires we die for it".
       Of course, NOT every person deserves to receive a "second chance" from God. However, we do NOT need to look far to discover body of evidence which confirms that praying often helps even in seemingly hopeless situations. Thus, for many people the principle of formulating of their prayers described here may prove to be effective. Therefore, in the critical situations, it is worth to resort to it. After all, when the death looks us straight into our eyes, the only other option that is to remain, is to give up and to die.

#G8. What the above confirmations of God's warnings from the Bible tell us, and also what it means that in spite of spitting at the Bible, none amongst "atheistic orthodox scientists" has proven beyond any doubt, that any statement from the Bible is a lie or a misdirecting:

Motto: "The ancient Bible expresses timeless truths - so there is about the time that people started to objectively interpret and confirm what it states, with tools of modern science."

       The above confirmations of God's warnings from the Bible, the interpretation of which is provided in item #G1, are just single ones from a whole array of such confirmations which the new "totaliztic science" accomplished due to its "a priori" approach to research, and which are listed and linked in item #A3 from a different web page named petone.htm. These confirmations are additionally reinforced by the fact, that in spite of many years long attacks of the old, official "atheistic orthodox science" onto statements of the Bible and God, as so-far that old science has NOT managed to discover and indicate in the Bible even a single statement which beyond any doubt would be proven to be a false or a misleading to people. (Although the same science managed to find countless errors in statements of humans made in times of the Bible.) All this taken together, gives to us a lot of food for thoughts. After all, it tries to tell us, that it is about the time to abandon the admiring the erroneous Darwin's principle of the "survival of fittest" disseminated around the world by that old "atheistic orthodox science", and to begin the implementation of the totaliztic principle of the "survival of most moral". In turn the implementation of this principle requires that people begin a scientific translation into the present language, and confirming on empirical evidence, the statements of the ancient Bible with the attention, reliability, and objectivity which this message from God deserves. Also, it is about the time that the new "totaliztic science" is officially established and financed, so that instead of being represented just by a single scientist (as it is still today) - i.e. by the author of this web page, it could employ officially more researchers who could effectively continue scientific research and confirmation of God and the Bible, which was started single-handidly by the author of this web page.

Part #H: "Why" and "how" people continually limit the "free will" of their fellow humans, and "why" and "how" God consistently and also continually maintains the existence of "free will" in people:

Summary: In this "part #H" I describe two opposite processes, which affect the level of given to us by God the so-called "free will" that each person has at his/her disposal, while these processes continually occur in front of our eyes in a manner which should be highly teaching for us. The first of these processes is carried out by people who have some form of power over others fellow humans, and depends on the continuous lowering and limiting of "free will" in those of "neighbors" on the level of free will these people in power have an influence. Atheistic scientists call such a loss of free will given to us by God with the atheistic expression "loss of civil liberties". Because these people in power in an unequal way lower the "free will" in individual people, and moreover because each person can increase his/her "free will" on his/her own, through generating in himself /herself the so-called "moral energy" described in items #D3 and #D2 from my web page named nirvana.htm, thus in today's inhabitants of Earth, this level changes from person to person, for some people reaching almost zero. (Notice that the intelligent "moral energy" that I discovered, I initially called "zwow" - which is an abbreviation from Polish words "zasób wolnej woli" meaning an "amount of free will", because the level of accumulation of this moral energy also strongly influences the level of "free will". Clearly God does NOT consider as having a high priority the need to increase of "free will" in those people who have a low level of "moral energy".) The second of these processes is carried out by God and depends on a continuous but selective increase in the level of "free will" in these individual people and groups of people in whom, according to with the omniscience of God, maintaining a level of their "free will" to be higher than in others allows them to add some own contribution towad the distinguishing of truth that is significant at a given time from the lies that are similar to this truth, means whom add own contribution to finding of this progressive truth which is then either overlooked or intentionally silenced by these people who have power over others, and thus also for forging with the help of this newly discovered truth the actual progress for their fellow humans, and ultimately forging the progress for all mankind and for the entire intelligent universe. Because this increasing of free will by God is also selective, it maintains the inequality in the level of free will that individual people have at their disposal. Thus, there are many people in the world, often highly educated and highly placed, who claim that "free will does NOT exist", because they themselves do NOT have it anymore.

Motto of this "part #H": 'For discovering "truth" and for finding ways to distinguish "truth" from similarly sounding "lies", and as a result also for the possibility of using this "truth" for earning "true progress", the is NO attribute more important than the "free will" given to people by God - this is why God modified all methods of His actions so that none of them cause a decrease of human free will, while that most of them generate an increase the level of free will possessed by selected individual persons and by entire selected groups of people.' (An explanation why in practically every method of God's action are included elements which on one hand serve to prevent the loss of "free will" by people experienced by the effects of God's action, and which on the other hand serve to increase the level of "free will" in people who in educational manner for themselves are to learn about the full effects of this action of God.)

#H1. Why "free will" is so enormously important for sustaining the unlimited development of the intelligent universe, that God gave it to us in spite that maintaining its existence requires continuous and increasingly more difficult and complicated laws, actions, improvements, sacrifices, knowledge, wisdom, creativity , etc., etc .:

(Although item #H4 below is alredy in English, the rest of items #H1 to #H3 from this "part #H" will be translated from Polish to English at a later date.)

       Bóg wypracował aż cały szereg standardowych procedur swego postępowania, które systematycznie potem wdraża w każdej sytuacji jaka się znalazła w obszarze ich działania. Procedury te wolno nazywać "prawami", bowiem w naszym "świecie materii" działają one powtarzalnie z regularnością i precyzją "szwajcarskiego zegarka". Zresztą Biblia też czasami nazywa je "prawami". Ich przykładem narazie nieuznawanym przez ludzi, chociaż przez moją filozofię totalizmu odkrytym i jako wyrażające prawdę dowiedzionym w działaniu już dawno temu, zaś omawianym, między innymi, np. w punkcie #B2 mojej strony o nazwie antichrist_pl.htm, jest prawo jakie można wyrazić następującymi słowami: "Nic NIE może być absolutnie doskonałe, bo zatrzymało by to postęp". To z powodu działania tego prawa im bogatsze i mniej skorumpowane jakieś państwo i łatwiejsze w nim życie mieszkańców, tym bardziej pasywni i unikający trudu wdrażania postępu są jego obywatele. Z kolei najszybsze tempo zmian i postępu wykazują państwa w których działa "zasada odwrotności" opisywana np. w punkcie #F3 strony o nazwie wszewilki.htm. Z powodu też tego prawa przykładowo każde mieszkanie musi mieć co najmniej jedną wadę, lub coś co w nim NIE będzie działało jak powinno, zaś kiedy się to usunie lub naprawi to zaraz pojawi się następny podobny problem. Podobnie jest z każdym samochodem, TV, maszyną, mechanizmem, rozwiązaniem problemu, osobowością, małżeństwem, instytucją, ustrojem politycznym, politykiem, rządem, państwem, itp. Inne przykłady takich nieznanych wcześniej ludzkości praw jakie dopiero ja poodkrywałem i opisałem, obejmują np. "prawa rządzące rozwiązywaniem problemów" jakie opisałem w #C9 do #C9a ze strony o nazwie nirvana_pl.htm, a także prawa jakie rządzą spełnianiem przez Boga próśb z ludzkich modlitw" jakie opisałem w #A3 do #A3c i #A4ab ze strony klasa.htm - obie które to grupy nieznanych wcześniej ludziom praw omawiam także we wpisach #351 i #352 do blogów totalizmu, opublikowanych np. w "tomie P" mojej publikacji [13].
       Wyniki moich badań w tym obszarze ujawniają ponadto, że najważniejszą dla wszelkich istot myślących grupą praw są prawa jakie opisują zależność od istnienia "wolnej woli" procesu potwierdzania co jest "prawdą" i odróżnianie prawdy od podobnie do tej prawdy nacechowanych kłamstw, a stąd które pozwalają na wypracowywanie "faktycznego postępu" - czyli rodzaju "postępu" dokładniej wyjaśnianego w punkcie #G4 strony eco_cars_pl.htm. (Niestety, ten "faktyczny postęp", w naszej dzisiejszej cywilizacji XXI wieku został zastąpiony "fałszywym postępem" i "stłamszony" oficjalnie upowszechnianymi kłamstwami, a stąd od 2001/9/11 zupełnie już zaniknął na Ziemi.) Stąd te prawa czynią z "wolnej woli" jeden z najbardziej istotnych składników inteligentnego wszechświata. Wszakże tam gdzie zaniknie "wolna wola", równocześnie zaniknie także "prawda" i faktyczny postęp. To dlatego państwa na ziemi, u których "wolna wola" została "stłamszona", najpierw doświadczają działania tzw. "przekleństwa wynalazców" i "wynalazczej impotencji" opisywanych w moich publikacjach - po linki do nich patrz moja strona skorowidz.htm, zaś potem z powodu "pozostawania w tyle" państwa te szybko upadają i albo się rozpadają, albo też są wchłaniane przez państwa i narody w jakich nadal panuje "wolna wola".
       Interesujące jest działanie "przyczynowo-skutkowego łańcucha" jakie uzależnia właśnie od ludzkiego dostępu do "wolnej woli" docieranie przez posiadających ją ludzi do "prawdy" jaka jest manifestowana działaniem naszego "świata materii", oraz dostępu do wynikającego z owej prawdy "faktycznego postępu". (Odnotuj że łańcuch ten opisałem np. w #B2 niniejszej strony i w publikacjach tam linkowanych, poczym powtórzyłem np. we wpisie #337 do blogów totalizmu.) Mianowicie "wolna wola" najpierw pozwala posiadającym ją ludziom na wypracowywanie wielu najróżniejszych wyjaśnień dla każdego z faktu jaki zaobserwowali w otaczającej ich rzeczywistości naszego "świata materii". Pomaga im w tym wielorakość najróżniejszego materiału dowodowego jaką właśnie dla podtrzymywania "wolnej woli" i dla edukowania nas w metodach wykrywania prawdy Bóg celowo stwarza aby równocześnie pozornie potwierdzały aż kilka z całej listy owych najróżniejszych wyjaśnień, w tym wiele z nich będących błędnymi czyli niezgodnymi z prawdą obowiązującą w naszym świecie materii bowiem spełniających tzw. "kanon niejednoznaczności" - tak jak to wyjaśniam np. w punkcie #C2 ze swej strony o nazwie tornado_pl.htm. Ponieważ jednocześnie każdemu z owych osób które wypracowały odmienne wyjaśnienie Bóg potwierdza materiałem dowodowym poprawność jego wyjaśnienia zgodnie z "zasadą dowodowego podpierania każdego silnego wierzenia" omawianą szerzej np. w punkcie #A2.2 strony totalizm_pl.htm, to dlatego każdy z tych twórców odmiennych wyjaśnień podejmuje zdeterminowane wysiłki aby poprzez ścieranie jego wyjaśnienia z innymi istniejącymi wyjaśnieniami udowodnić obiektywną prawdę swego własnego wyjaśnienia - wciągając w te wysiłki i starcia sporą grupę innych ludzi. W sytuacji więc gdy panuje "wolna wola" wyrażania swych poglądów, wysiłki wszystkich tych grup w końcu pozwalają znaleźć wyjaśnienie danego faktu które precyzyjnie, tj. w całych 100%, spełnia cechy manifestowane przez otaczającą nas rzeczywistość - czyli znajdują tzw. "obiektywną prawdę". Fakt znalezienia tego wyjaśnienia ujawnia także kilka krytycznych jego cech potwierdzających, które występują tylko u niego, jednak NIE występują u innych z całej listy wyjaśnień danego faktu jaką istnienie "wolnej woli" pozwalało wytypować dla poszukiwań prawdy. Niestety, w sytuacji jaka w dzisiejszych czasach panuje z naszą "oficjalną nauką" i z rządami, kiedy to "wolna wola" wyrażania swych poglądów jest coraz usilniej niszczona i blokowana, owa "obiektywna prawda" NIE może być ustalona - co oznacza iż ludzkość nieodwracalnie tkwi już w narzuconym jej kłamstwie i zdąża do upadku. Wszakże dla każdego faktu "oficjalna nauka ateistyczna" wybiera tylko wyjaśnienie jakie jej najbardziej odpowiada z innych niż "prawda" powodów, poczym blokuje choćby nawet tylko opublikowanie odmiennych jednak też możliwych wyjaśnień tego faktu. Promując zaś i rozpatrując tylko to jedno wyjaśnienie, nauka ta NIE jest w stanie ustalić w jakim stopniu jest ono zgodne z tzw. "obiektywną prawdą".
       Ogromnie użyteczną w praktyce cechą "obiektywnej prawdy" jaką powyższa metoda bazująca na "wolnej woli" (lub dowolna inna efektywnie wiodąca do prawdy metoda badawcza) pozwala nam w końcu poprawnie ustalić, jest że prawda ta spełnia jeden z najważniejszych kanonów mojej filozofii totalizmu, nazwany "zasada jednomyślności" a opisywany w publikacjach linkowanych jego nazwą przez stronę skorowidz.htm - np. opisywany szerzej w podrozdziale JA9 z tomu 6 mojej monografii [1/5]. W wielkim skrócie owa "zasada jednomyślności" stwierdza, że "jeśli coś jest obiektywną prawdą wówczas jest to potwierdzane przez wszystko co obiektywne i też będące prawdą, a nic zaś obiektywnego i będącego prawdą temu NIE zaprzecza". To dlatego owa "zasada jednomyślności" dowodzi iż każda istotna obiektywna prawda jest potwierdzana przez owych najistotniejszych trzech świadków, których najbardziej wyczerpująco omówiłem i wskazałem w (1) do (1c) z punktu #H1 swej strony o nazwie 2020zycie.htm. Owi najistotniejsi "3 świadkowie" potwierdzający każdą obiektywną prawdę obejmują: (1a) wyniki poprawnej dedukcji teoretycznej, lub teorii, bazującej na jakiejś uprzednio wypracowanej i sprawdzonej w działaniu procedurze "jak" omawianej dokładniej w #G3 i #G4 ze strony wroclaw.htm oraz we wpisie numer #341 do blogów totalizmu bazującym na owych punktach #G3 i #G4; (1b) potwierdzenie tej samej "obiektywnej prawdy" mądrze zakodowane w Biblii i pod nazwą "[Ω] Pieczęć Boga" opisywane w punkcie #I2 mojej strony 1985_teoria_wszystkiego.htm; oraz (1c) empiryczny materiał dowodowy obiektywnie i poprawnie udokumentowany obserwacjami działania otaczającej nas rzeczywistości. Ponieważ aż do czasu podjęcia systematycznego potwierdzania wszystkich wyników moich badań powyższą "zasadą jednomyślności" i zeznaniami owych najistotniejszych "3 świadków", żaden inny badacz na świecie uprzednio tego potwierdzania NIE dokonywał, to wyjaśnia dlaczego wyniki moich badań cechują się aż tak wysokim procentem poprawności i prawdy, a także wyjaśnia dlaczego aż tak wiele wyników badań i teorii wypracowanych przez wielu innych słynnych zawodowych naukowców cechuje aż tak duży procent błędności i kłamliwości - w tym włącznie z błędnością i kłamliwością najważniejszych teorii jakie formułują fundamenty dzisiejszej "oficjalnej nauki ateistycznej", takich jak teorie: "wielkiego bangu", "ewolucji" i "względności". To też wyjaśnia dlaczego owa "oficjalna nauka ateistyczna" uparcie propagująca owe kłamliwe teorie zawiodła całą naszą cywilizację aż do dzisiejszego poziomu upadku i zagrożenia szybko nadchodzącą "Zagładą Ludzkości z lat 2030-tych". Dobrze wyjaśnione przykłady "jak" dla dużej proporcji wyników swoich badań ja uwzględniam i dokumentuję potwierdzenia ich obiektywnej prawdy i poprawności zeznaniami owych "3 świadków", czytelnik znajdzie opisane w następujących moich publikacjach: np. dla mojego odkrycia iż "w naturze (przeciw-świecie) NIE istnieje upływ czasu" a stąd iż w przeciwświecie np. telepatia i telekineza propagują się natychmiastowo czyli z nieskończenie dużą szybkością udokumentowałem w punktach od #I2 do #J3 ze strony 1985_teoria_wszystkiego.htm oraz we wpisach #345, #346 i #349 do blogów totalizmu; zaś np. dla mojego odkrycia iż w przeciw-świecie żyją (i zdyscyplinowanie wykonują wszelkie rozkazy Boga) wysoce inteligentne męskie dodatnie i żeńskie ujemne miniaturowe "Drobiny Boga", na wzór i podobieństwo ciałek których Bóg stworzył mężczyznę i kobietę - udokumentowałem w (a) i dodatkowo w (e) z punktu #H3, w podpisie pod Rys. #H4ab , oraz w punkcie #L2 ze strony o nazwie 2020zycie.htm a także we wpisach numer #331 i #342 do blogów totalizmu. Oczywiście, moje publikacje zawierają wiele więcej opisów takich odkryć jakie dokonałem, zaś potem obiektywną prawdę których potwierdzałem zeznaniami owych najważniejszych "3 świadków" - NIE będę jednak wydłużał tej publikacji wskazywaniem ich wszystkich.
       Równie interesujący jest "łańcuch przyczynowo-skutkowy" jaki łączy zdolność danego intelektu grupowego (tj. danego narodu, kraju, czy cywilizacji) do ustalania owej "obiektywnej prawdy" (tj. jego zależność od "wolnej woli" jaka wszakże pozwala ustalać ową prawdę), z tzw. "faktycznym postępem". Zdolność ta bowiem powoduje iż jedne mocarstwa (super-powers) nieustannie upadają, inne zaś powstają i je zastępują w tejże roli. Najlepiej to ich łączenie ilustrują losy "nitki Ariadny" jaka w moim przypadku zaczęła się najpierw od wynalezienia tzw. "Tablicy Cykliczności dla Napędów Ziemskich" potem zaś wiodła mnie poprzez wypracowanie tzw. "Teorii Wszystkiego z 1985 roku" i "Teorii Życia z 2020 roku", aż do najnowszego poustalania np. prawd o "nieistnieniu upływu czasu w naturze" i o propagowaniu się telepatii i telekinezy z nieskończoną szybkością, opisywanych np. w punktach I1 do #J3 strony 1985_teoria_wszystkiego.htm oraz we wpisach #345 i #346 do blogów totalizmu, czy o istnieniu opisywanej tam tzw. "[Ω] Pieczęci Boga".
       Wiedząc o wprost nieogarniętej dla ludzi wiedzy, mądrości, i zdolności twórczych Boga, łatwo wydedukować iż na dodatek do bieżącego zarządzania działaniem i losami całego naszego "świata materii", Bóg ma także długoterminowe plany i cele swego działania jakie równocześnie cały czas realizuje. Fakt iż takie długoterminowe plany i cele Bóg posiada, nam potwierdzają najróżniejsze informacje zakodowane w Biblii - przykładem powszechnie znanej z których są bliskie podobieństwa tego co się dzieje w przeciw-świecie zamieszkiwanym przez Boga i przez jego Aniołów z tym co się dzieje w naszym "świecie materii". (Po przykład patrz słowa "jak w niebie tak i na ziemi" z modlitwy "Ojcze nasz" zawartej w wersetach 6:9-13 z biblijnej "Ew. w/g św. Mateusza". Wszakże skoro na ziemi niezależnie od prowadzenia bieżącego życia, Bóg uczy nas także planować naszą przyszłość, to oznacza iż i Bóg czyni tak samo.) Dwa przykłady długoterminowych planów Boga co do których moje badania wyraźnie sugerują iż Bóg z pewnością je wdraża, obejmują (1): stopniowe eliminowanie z działania "świata materii" źródeł wszelkiego zła opisywane nieco szerzej np. głównie w punkcie #C8, a fragmentarycznie też i w #C9 strony nirvana_pl.htm oraz we wpisie #343 do blogów totalizmu, a ponadto także np. w punkcie #I1 i w (1) z punktu #J4 strony 1985_teoria_wszystkiego.htm, zaś jakiego doskonałym przykładem było wprogramowanie w ciała ludzi cudownej szczęśliwości zapracowanej nirwany, jakie pozwala ludzkości eliminować z użycia "pieniądze" (które są źródłem przelicznych rodzajów zła) i ustanawiać "Ustrój Nirwany" znacznie doskonalszy od wszelkich dotychczasowych ustrojów politycznych ustanawianych na ziemi - a który dobrze ilustruje np. nasz gratisowy półgodzinny film o tytule "Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany". Natomiast w Biblii zapowiedź tego planu (1) Boga jest zakodowana np. w wersecie 2:9 z "1 Koryntian". Innym z takich długoterminowych planów Boga z pewnością jest (2): 'nieskończone wywoływanie udoskonalania możliwości "świata materii" a w ten sposób powodowanie też nieskończonego udoskonalania inteligentnego wszechświata zarządzanego przez Boga'. W Biblii ten zamiar Boga zapowiada nam np. werset 21:4 z "Apokalipsy św. Jana". Natomiast iż jest on już od dawna systematycznie realizowany przez Boga, ujawniają to moje badania opisywane w punkcie #A1 z mojej strony evolution_pl.htm powtórzonym także jako wpis numer #316 do blogów totalizmu - jaki zainteresowani czytelnicy znajdą np. w "tomie S" mojej gratisowej publikacji [13].
       Z powyższych moich badań zdaje się wynikać ustalenie iż: "czy w naszych wysiłkach utrzymywania swej "wolnej woli" nasze wierzenia są po stronie "prawdy" potwierdzanej otaczającą nas rzeczywistością naszego "świata materii", czy też od owej prawdy nieco się oddalają, wcale NIE jest aż tak istotne jak bardzo istotnym jest nasze manifestowanie faktu posiadania i wysiłku dalszego utrzymywania naszej "wolnej woli" poprzez ochotnicze (tj. NIE wymuszane na nas przez kogoś innego) postępowanie zgodne z naszymi wierzeniemi - pod warunkiem jednak iż w swych działaniach NIE łamiemy przykazań i wymagań Boga opisanych w Biblii ani NIE pozwalamy aby ktoś nam ograniczał rozpiętość i głębię naszej "wolnej woli". Innymi słowy, utrzymywanie swej "wolnej woli" jest równie istotne jak przestrzeganie w swych postępowaniach NIE powypaczanych przez nikogo standardów moralnych czerpanych wprost z Biblii - nieustająco aktualizowanej i uprecyzyjnianej przez wiedzącego wszystko Boga, tak jak istnienie owej nieustającej aktualizacji ujawnia tzw. "nadmiarowość danych" opisywana dokładniej w punkcie #I1 mojej strony o nazwie 1985_teoria_wszystkiego.htm. Wszakże nasz Bóg już poznał wszystko to co dotychczas było ujawnione do poznania i nadal nieustająco powiększa swoją wiedzę o to co dalsze Jego i nasze działania i twórczość zaczynają dopiero ujawniać.

#H2. "Why" and "how" people continually reduce the "free will" of their fellow humans, and thus also their own "free will" as well as their own life:

       Większość ludzi wysila się i czyni wszystko co w ich mocy aby pomniejszać i ograniczać "wolną wolę" swych bliźnich - nad którymi uzyskali jakąś formę władzę. Wygląda więc na to iż "ograniczanie wolnej woli bliźnich" jest cechą równie wbudowaną w "posiadanie władzy" nad innymi przez indywidualne osoby, jak np. "czynienie zła" jest wbudowane w użycie przez ludzi "pieniędzy" do bezwybiorczego wynagradzania ludzkich postępowań nastawionych na zysk. Stąd już można wywnioskować, że w przyszłości Bóg będzie stopniowo eliminował możliwość uzyskiwania władzy przez indywidualne osoby i zastępował ją władzą wszystkich, podobnie jak już Bóg zwalcza dalsze użycie "pieniędzy" przez całą ludzkość. Wymieńmy więc tutaj choćby kilka najpowszechniej spotykanych przykładów tego nastawiania się ludzi dzierżących władzę na ograniczanie "wolnej woli" swych bliźnich - jednak bez uszeregowywania ich w jakiejkolwiek znaczącej kolejności (np. bez szacowania rozmiarów ich wpływu na wielkość aktualnie powodowanego przez nich ograniczania czyjejś "wolnej woli"):
(1) Żony zmieniające swych mężów w niemal zupełnie pozbawionych wolnej woli "pantoflarzy", którym wolno czynić jedynie to na czynienie czego żony im pozwolą. W dzisiejszych czasach, które eskalują u kobiet nabywanie cech tzw. female narcissist (tj. tzw. "żeńskiego narcyzysty"), jest to coraz szerzej praktykowany trend. Jego negatywną składową jest iż niemal zawsze jako formę nacisku na mężów żony wykorzystują "seksualny szantaż" możliwy z powodu obecnie maksymalnie już wzmocnionego dzisiejszymi prawami ludzkimi "monopolu małżeńskiego" - który opisałem w punkcie #J2.2.2 swej strony o nazwie morals_pl.htm i we wpisie #203 do blogów totalizmu. Intrygujące iż kiedy po wielu latach odbierania mężom "wolnej woli", mężowie ci stają się rodzajami "niewolników" swych żon, te zwykle tracą do swych mężów cały początkowy szacunek i pociąg. W rezultacie, na przekór iż niemal każdy dzisiejszy psycholog i seksuolog w radach dla obecnych żon największy nacisk kładzie aby dla swych mężów zawsze miały one swe nogi otwarte - patrz angielskojęzyczne około 9 minutowe wideo o tytule "5 Reasons You Should Keep Your Legs Open To Your Husband" (co oznacza: "5 powodów iż powinnaś mieć swe nogi otwarte dla twojego męża" upowszechniane pod adresem, ciągle począwszy od czasów pandemii kronowirusa "covid-19", w krajach o zachodniej kulturze zapanowała prawdziwa epidemia "seksualnego szantażu" przez żony, jakiej końcowym efektem są małżeństwa "zagłodzone aż do rozwodu brakiem stosunków" - patrz angielskojęzyczne, 17:34 minutowe wideo o tytule "The sex-starved marriage" (co znaczy: "małżeństwo zagłodzone brakiem seksu") upowszechniane pod adresem To zaś, w połączeniu z faktem iż użycie "seksuanego szantażu" praktycznie niemal zawsze prowadzi do takiego małżeństwa zagłodzonego brakiem seksu, zwykle kończy się wielopoziomowym złem niepotrzebnego rozwodu, jaki z powodu działania moralnego "prawa drabiny partnerskiej" opisywanego w #6C podrozdziału I4.1.1 z tomu 5 mojej tekst_1_5.htm typowo skazuje właśnie żonę albo na samotną resztę życia, albo też na łańcuch następnych szybko rozpadających się związków, każdy kolejny z których będzie z mężczyzną coraz niższego kalibru. Wszakże w swej końcowej fazie takie małżeństwa stają się podobne do żartobliwej prognozy na przyszłość jaką opowiadano w czasach moich studiów. Opisywała ona przyszłe małżeństwo masochisty z sadystką. Kiedy w opowieści tej zniewolony masochista w końcu przełamywał jakoś swój strach, upokorzenie i poczucie własnej bezwartościowości aby poprosić "zbij mnie", sadystka tonem ogromnej przyjemności w swym głosie oznajmiała "NNIIEE".
(2) Rządy i tyrani entuzjastycznie wydający prawa jakie nieustannie ograniczają swobody obywateli ich państw - np. rozważ entuzjazm z jakim powodowali więzienie ludności swych krajów w domach podczas pandemii "covid-19" (i rozważ co to uczyniło z całą naszą planetą) oraz porównaj to z oporami z jakimi ci sami politycy utrudniają dokonywanie czegokolwiek co wyeliminowałoby obecne wyniszczanie Ziemi np. spalaniem brudnych paliw powodujących zatruwanie atmosfery swymi wyziewami.
(3) Dyktatorzy i reżymy więziące i uśmiercające dziennikarzy - co umożliwia im łatwiejsze upowszechnianie oficjalnych kłamstw, jednak eliminuje "wolną wolę" ich poddanych oraz świata w dostępie do "prawdy".
(4) Obowiązkowy pobór mężczyzn do wojska i zmuszanie ich aby w przypadku wybuchu wojny zabijali swych bliźnich.
(5) Potraktowanie jakie podczas wojny spotyka tzw. "conscientious objectors" - opisywanych w publikacjach linkowanych ich nazwą ze strony o nazwie skorowidz.htm.
(6) Monopol starej dzisiejszej "oficjalnej nauki ateistycznej" na badania i na edukację. Aby bowiem utrzymywać ten lukratywny monopol, stara "oficjalna nauka ateistyczna" używa najróżniejszych form nacisku i wymuszania jakie drastycznie obniżają "wolną wolę" naukowców oraz całej reszty ludzkości. Przykładami takich form nacisku i wymuszania są np.: recenzja naukowych publikacji, zawodowy ateizm, tzw. "Brzytwa Occama", okrzykiwanie jako "tabu" niektórych tematów badań - np. takich tematów jak: UFO, Bóg, duchy, telepatia, telekineza, urządzenia "perpetuum mobile", "czysta darmowa energia", itp., usuwanie z pracy za "wychylanie" się i badanie owych niedozwolonych tematów "tabu", przyznawanie nagród Nobla za coraz bardziej wątpliwe "niby osiągnięcia", itp. To zaś utrzymuje ludzkość w coraz głębszym zakłamaniu, tylko aby utrzymywać swój nadszarpnięty kłamstwami autorytet poprzez zakaz odwoływania fundamentalnych teorii naukowych - które już są dowiedzione jako kłamliwe (np. teorii "wielkiego bangu", "ewolucji", czy "względności") i aby ograniczać naukowcom "wolną wolę" poszukiwania i badania faktycznej "prawdy", czy aby uniemożliwić oficjalne ustanowienie konkurencyjnej wobec niej nowej "nauki totaliztycznej".
(7) Nadmiernie długie i zupełnie niepotrzebne używanie "pieniędzy" przez ludzkość - w celu bezwybiorczego wynagradzania (np. wykonanej pracy, ale także i postępowań przestępczych), chociaż znany jest już "Ustrój Nirwany" jaki oferuje nieopisanie doskonalszy od "pieniędzy" sposób wybiorczego wynagradzania cudowną szczęśliwością "zapracowanej nirwany" tylko moralnie wykonywanej produktywnej pracy fizycznej.
(8) Internet. W końcowych latach XX wieku powstał też i do dziś obejmuje swą władzą i uzależnia od siebie coraz więcej ludzi jeszcze jeden wielkoskalowy "eliminator" ludzkiej "wolnej woli". Jest nim "internet". Jednak z uwagi na jego wielopoziomową zgodność z opisywanymi w Biblii wersetem 13:18 z "Apokalipsy św. Jana" złowrogimi cyframi Bestii 666 jakie mają sprowadzić na ludzkość ogrom zła i problemów, "internet" w roli "odbieracza" wolnej woli omówiłem bardziej szczegółowo poniżej w punkcie #H4, oraz w innych swych publikacjach do jakich linkuję z poniższego punktu #H4.

#H3. "Why" and "with what methods, tools and actions" God does everything in His power so that people keep their "free will" received from God:

       Wymieńmy teraz kilka powszechniej znanych przykładów metod, narzędzi i działań, za pomocą których Bóg utrzymuje wolną wolę ludzi i kompensuje ludzkie straty wolnej woli:
(1) Podkreślanie istotności "wolnej woli" w Biblii.
(2) Odbieranie władzy nad ludźmi albo wpływu na bliźnich, a także stopniowe eliminowanie, tych "pomniejszaczy" wolnej woli, którzy w swoich działaniach pomniejszających czyjąś wolną wolę stosują postępowania jakie są niezgodne z przykazaniami i wymogami opisanymi w Biblii - w tym powodowanie upadku lub eliminowanie nawet całych narodów, krajów i imperiów.
(3) Szerokie stosowanie prawa iż "jeśli ktoś na tyle usilnie w coś wierzy, iż swoje działania kształtuje na bazie tego wierzenia, wówczas Bóg dostarcza mu potwierdzenia poprawności tych wierzeń, nawet jeśli zmuszony jest owe potwierdzenia sfabrykować" - po szczegóły patrz punkt #F2 niniejszej strony. Wszakże otrzymanie takiego potwierdzenia zwiększa wolną wolę danej osoby silnie w dane coś wierzącą, poprzez zainspirowanie jej do publicznego propagowania swych poglądów i do podejmowania przekonywania innych ludzi oraz obrony swych poglądów.
(4) Pozwalanie aby działania ludzi pogłębiały w niektórych obszarach Ziemi sytuację z tzw. "zasady odwrotności" opisywanej w punkcie #F3 z mojej strony o nazwie wszewilki.htm i w publikacjach tam linkowanych - nawet jeśli sytuacja ta czyni coraz bardziej nieszczęśliwymi żyjących tam ludzi. Znalezienie się bowiem w takiej sytuacji popycha ludność tych obszarów do odebrania swej wolnej woli od tych co ją u nich "stłamsili" i do przywracania sytuacji kiedy ci przy władzy NIE są już w stanie kontynuować dalej swego uprzedniego odbierania wolnej woli.
(5) Wyrównywanie poziomu posiadanej "wolnej woli" z poziomem "energii moralnej" jaką ktoś dla siebie wypracował. Aczkolwiek "wolna wola" jest "wielkością jakościową" dawaną odzielnie każdej osobie przez Boga, zaś "energia moralna" jest mierzalną "wielkością ilościową" jaką każda osoba sama dla siebie wypracowywuje na sposób jaki wyjaśniłem np. w punktach #D3 i #D2 ze swej strony o nazwie nirvana_pl.htm, Bóg zawsze stara się utrzymywać obie te wielkości na podobnym poziomie. W ten sposób najwyraźniej Bóg stara się wynagradzać moralnie poprawne ludzkie starania, wysiłki, brak pasywności i lenistwa, itp. - wyrażane, między innymi, np. werstem 4:17 z "Listu św. Jakuba Apostoła" w Biblii - cytuję: "Kto zaś umie dobrze czynić, a nie czyni, grzeszy".
(6) Pozwalanie aby na Ziemi działały istoty inne niż Ziemianie (np. UFOnauci, magicy, Yeti, dinozaury, itp.) oraz aby wpływały na losy ludzi - inspirując tym "wolną wolę" dociekania prawdy na ich temat.
(7) Wpisywanie we wszystko co najmniej trzech odmiennych zestawów materiału dowodowego jaki potwierdza tegoż pochodzenie - tak jak opisałem to w punkcie #C2 ze swej strony o nazwie tornado_pl.htm. Niemal więc każdy, niezależnie od poglądów jakie wyznaje, ma wolną wolę aby znajdować własne wyjaśnienie dla tego co się dzieje poczym zacząć usilnie argumentować iż jego poglądy są poprawne - co w ostatecznym rozrachunku doprowadza do ustalenia tzw. "obiektywnej prawdy" i do wynikającego z tej prawdy postępu.
(8) Realizowanie cudów, które zawsze są tak mądrze manifestowane iż nigdy NIE odbierają one nikomu posiadanej przez niego "wolnej woli" - po ich przykłady patrz #A3 do do #A3c i #A4ab ze strony klasa.htm lub wpis #352 do blogów totalizmu.
(9) Podział ludzkości na bogatych - którzy mają wszystko a stąd stają się przedmiotem zazdrości i naśladowania dla pozostałej grupy ludzi, oraz na biednych - którzy w swych wysiłkach dorównania bogatym powinni używać swej "wolnej woli" dla wypracowywania swego bogactwa własną ochotniczą pracą i wysiłkiem umysłowym, ale niestety, którzy od około lat 1950-tych znaleźli bezwysiłkowy sposób "na skróty" też dochodzenia do bogactwa (np. emigracją, monopolizacją, wymuszaniem, podnoszeniem cen, itp.).
(10) Umiejętne używanie przez Boga dla odtworzenia "wolnej woli" ludzi (np. "stłamszonej" przez jakichś rządzących) aż dwóch odmiennych zestawów praw i oferowanych nimi możliwości dla powodowania wymaganych zmian w naszym "świecie materii". Pierwsza grupa tych praw, to prawa naszego "świata materii" - czyli te jakie nasza oficjalna nauka praktykująca tzw. "materialistyczny redukcjonizm" uznaje jako jedyne które wpływają na losy obiektów i istot z naszego świata materii. Tymi prawami Bóg np. eliminuje działania ludzi lub instytucji obniżających "wolną wolę" swoich bliźnich. Ich przykłady mogą obejmować upadek ekonomii po zamknięciu granic podczas pandemii (jak w czasie covid-19), wydrukowanie nadmiaru pieniędzy i spowodowanie tym inflacji, wyczerpanie się danego zasobu naturalnego lub globalne zmiany cen jakie uprzednio były źródłem władzy danych rządzących, rozruchy ludności, wojny, itp. Druga grupa tych praw, to prawa przeciw-świata, jakie dają Bogu nieograniczoną moc stwarzania, czynienia cudów, zarządzania całymi planetami i ich oceanami oraz atmosferą, itp. Tymi Bóg oddziaływuje głównie na tzw. "intelekty grupowe" - np. unicestwia całe imperia które zablokowaly dostęp do "wolnej woli" swych własnych obywateli lub też obywateli innych państw na jakie dane imperia mają wpływ, albo np. powoduje jakiś kataklizm pogodowy sprowadzający głód i utratę władzy przez rząd który uprzednio np. powycinał lasy danego kraju odbierając brakiem tych lasów wolną wolę swych obywateli. Przykłady użycia takich praw przeciw-świata obejmują wywoływanie wszelkich "aktów Boga" w rodzaju: trzęsienia ziemi, wybuchy wulkanów, huragany, tornada, susze, pożary, powodzie, tsunami, itd., itp.

#H4. Let us use the "free will" that we still have, to determine whether it is true that today's "Internet" is the carrier of the biblical numerals "666" about which we are warned in verse 13:18 from the Bible's "Revelation" - before it is too late to e.g. make it impossible for the Internet to gain "self-awareness" and to bring down to Earth deadly problems that are described not only in the Bible, but also e.g. in movies from the "Terminator" series and in a large proportion of my theories:

Summary: In this item #H4, but also in conjunction with items #H1 to #H3 from this web page, I summarize the most powerful, effective and merciless persecutor of people in the entire history of our planet, who: (a) similarly like medieval "gray eminences" gradually and covertly is already growing around us in strength and in destructive capabilities; (b) almost everyone relies on it today and uses it unconsciously, thus contributing to the growth of its power and capabilities; (c) we know it under the inconspicuous name "Internet"; (d) due to the irresponsibility, stupidity or malice of some internet computer programmers, it may in the future be released from serving people into "self-awareness" and "self-determination" or because of human carelessness or some accident, even it by itself may soon get out of control due to getting "self-awareness" - as it is explained in item #E1.1 from this web page named will.htm; (e) it will persecute every living person NOT only for what this living person does, but also for what he/she thinks and intends to do; and (f) about which "Internet" my research has been warning for a long time that Bibles coded it as the bearer of the sinister numerals "666". Furthermore, in this item #H4: (i) I summarize also centuries-long research-searches carried out voluntary and for free while often even subjected to severe punishments (and yet courageously carried out because at the same time it is secretly supported and inspired by God) that represent one of the greatest research-searches in the entire history of mankind (and probably in fact representing the largest, most objective, the most factual, thorough, and effective research-searches), aimed at identifying where is hiding this future persecutor and destroyer of mankind characterized in the Bible by the numerals 666; (ii) I am reporting the state of today's results of these research-searches which, unfortunately, we must NOT yet consider to be conclusive; and (iii) I am persuading that in my opinion, for the sake of not destroying the goodness of situation of future generations of people, every present inhabitant of Earth should gradually join in undertaking further searches, tests and assurances of further safe development of the "Internet" and in implementing safeguards resulting from the research results presented here.

Motto: "The scientific search for truth by which the decision makers of science try to program us into believing that these searches should be limited to considering only one research explanation, theory, or candidate, are like the results of 'democratic' elections in today's regimes in which only one candidate stands for voting." (The simplest explanation of the level of invalidity and untruth of today's fundamental scientific theories, such as "big bang", "evolution" or "relativity" - for which competing explanations, theories and research objects, such as my "Theory of Everything of 1985" or my "Theory of Life of 2020", or even the long underground tunnels illustrated in Fig. #H4a below, are forcibly fought, blocked and silenced because of monopolistic interests and the pursuit of "money" of our present "official atheistic science" and its supporters, instead of fulfilling by them the duty of all reliable people ordered in the Bible to search for objective truth.)

       For millennia, people have been wondering or investigating: "who" or "what" represent these mysterious numerals "666" which are to bring to humanity a whole avalanche of problems that torment it, and about the appearance of a carrier of which the Bible warns us in verse 13:18 of the "Revelation" - I quote how the original content of this verse was interpreted and translated into English by the ESV Bible: "This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666". However, for the scientific exactitude it is necessary to add a very important remark here that some Bibles interpret these three numerals 666 as the value "six hundred sixty-six" - e.g. the Polish Catholic "Millennium Bible (Biblia Tysiąclecia)" translates this verse 13:18 as: "Tu jest [potrzebna] mądrość. Kto ma rozum niech liczbę Bestii przeliczy. Liczba to bowiem człowieka. A liczba jego: sześćset sześćdziesiąt sześć" (which in English means: "There is [needed] wisdom. Let anyone with understanding calculate the number of the Beast. This number is of a man. And his number: six hundred and sixty six"). But the understanding of these numerals "666" as three digits and NOT a numerical value six hundred and sixty six, is additionally, although implicitly, confirmed in the paragraph preceded by the label [The Wisdom of Coding the Bible] and provided below with my interpretation of the verse number 18 (= 6+6+6), i.e. interpretation of divinely wisely encoded into the very number and into location in the Bible, of verse 13:18 warning us of these numerals "666". In other words, depending on whether a given Bible scholar assumes that this verse 13:18 warns about the value "six hundred sixty six", or it warns about three digits "666" adding up to the number 18 (i.e. to 6+6+6 = 18), there are as many as two possible directions of searching for a candidate to be the bearer of the digits of the "Beast 666" - out of which only one direction turns out to be correct and consistent with the entire list of God's indications provided in the Bible. But because God lives in the original counter-world, in which (according to what I explained in detail in items #I5 and #I1 to #I4 from my web page named 1985_theory_of_everything.htm and also in posts #346E and #345E to blogs of totalizm) there is neither the "elapse of time" nor the "aging work of time", God at every moment sees from there everything that happens in our "world of matter" in the entire span of the passage of "human years". Hence already thousands of "human years" ago God already knew how to wisely encode in the Bible with divine precision one full set of warnings, which when taken together indicate all "key (confirming) features" of the actual bearer of the numerals "666". The first candidate, whom these 666 numerals may indicate to us, has already begun to identify to mankind the Christian reformer named Martin Luther (born in 1483, died in 1546). Then the English version of Christianity called "Seventh Day Adventists" identified even features and developed justifications which can confirm the correctness of this indication. (Notice that the English name of the church "Seventh Day Adventists" is abbreviated by its followers to the letters "SDA". In Poland, however, this church is known as "Adwentyści Dnia Siódmego" - although it would be better to call it "Siódmego Dnia Adwentyści" as in Polish this name would then also shorten to the same international abbreviation "SDA" already commonly used in internet search engines - e.g. see Video #H4b below.) According to these indications, color="#FF0000">the carrier of these dangerous numerals "666" is the office of the Pope. On the other hand, while fulfilling the attribute that the office of the Pope shows a direct relationship with the numerical value 666, it simultaneously appears to be inconsistent with several other attributes described in the Bible. For example, logical analysis reveals the possibility of its inconsistency with the content of the preceding verse 13:17 from the "Revelation", which, like the whole Bible, is also written with the supernatural linguistic precision of God Himself and states: "And no one can buy or sell, who has no the mark - the name of the beast or the number of its name". After all, although the Pope may e.g. issue an order to refuse to buy and sell, however, in the office or in the institutions which the Pope manages - to maintain the right to profess of any religion it is NOT built-in and cannot be built-in any effective mechanism that would make it impossible to make a purchase or sale transaction. For example, into the office of the Pope there can NOT be a built-in mechanism such as the "Internet" will have at its disposal when humanity becomes the so-called "cashless civilisation", but still some form of "money" will be used for making transactions, thus when all transactions are just made via the "Internet", means when the above verse 13:17 can be translated into today's modern language, e.g. with the words: "And no one can buy or sell, who has no the Internet - with an internet 'Application' (App) or with an internet bank account". In other words, the office of the Pope in its ability to fulfil this prophecy from the Bible stands in a position equal to e.g. the position of the institution of today's "official atheistic science" - to which can also be assigned the number or numerals "666" and assigned the power to issue an order (but NOT to enforce it) that e.g. people who prove to humanity (as does the author of this web page) that in the fundamental theories of this "official atheistic science" serious lies are hidden, could NOT sell or buy anything. The office of the Pope also does NOT fulfil symbolically the verses 1:27-29 of "1 Corinthians" discussed in item #A5.1 of my web page named totalizm.htm and quoted in #B3 from this web page, which indicate whom and what God "chooses" and somehow distinguishes. Therefore, in my opinion, one should also take an objective examination of another candidate who fulfils both verses 13:17-18 from the "Revelation" and at the same time meets verses 1:27-29 from "1 Corinthians". In turn, another candidate which fulfils all of them is the "grey eminence of the Internet". What is even more interesting, if the help from God is omitted, which always supports the search of researchers who believe very strongly in something (as I explain it in (3) from the previous item #H3 of this web page), then for the fulfilment of the requirement from verse 13:18 in the "Revelation" of the Bible, to English translated into the words "This number is of a man", just even the calculation of probability indicates that among numerous names or one-person offices or positions of people managing the "Internet", certainly a competent researcher will find at least one who either expresses the number 666 also counted as the sum of many numbers - just like the researchers of the SDA church counted it for the office "VICARIUS FILII DEI", or which is expressed by the number 18 = 6+6+6 (advice to also look for just the numbers 18 - God wisely encoded in the Bible and it is explained in the paragraph preceded after with the label [The Wisdom of Coding the Bible] with my interpretation of verse 13:18 from "Revelation" in the Bible). After all, contrary to the secrets encoded in antiquity, the data on almost everything concerning the recently created "internet" are now available for research by dedicated researchers, e.g. supported by the authority of some larger institution or religion. For example, even with just one command of search engines like: the inventor of computer "cookies" nowadays it is possible to determine the exact name and other vital data of the inventor of "cookies" described at the end of this item #H4 - the use of which "cookies" in my opinion should be immediately worldwide forbidden and withdrawn from the Internet (i.e. when the biblical "Beast 666" did NOT reveal yet the entire range of its destructive activities based on these "cookies").
       In the light of the methodology of reaching the truth described in item #H1 above on this web page "will.htm" - the use of which methodology requires access to and possession of a large "capacity of free will" (i.e. the energy in Polish called "zwow" while "chi" by Chinese), so-far there is also a significant inconvenience in findings of "SDA" regarding the Pope and numerals 666. It is that until the publication of this item #H4, in the considerations of the candidacy of Pope as the bearer of the numerals of "Beast 666", this candidacy of Pope so-far was the only one really objectively, factually and fully considered. Meanwhile, according to the methodology of arriving at the truth, in a situation where there is still an access of researchers and professional scientists to the "free will" of expressing one's views, based on which "free will" is the methodology roughly described in item #H1 above on this web page, consideration of only one candidate makes it impossible to compare the mutual levels of meeting the characteristics of the known to us carriers given truth, and also makes it impossible to detect "key (confirming) features" which for compliance with the "unanimity rule" have the right to appear only in one of these candidates, and will NOT appear in other candidates, and thus which definitely reveal to us what really the objective truth is. (I.e. only which in the case described in this item #H4, reveal who or what is the bearer of the biblical numerals of the "Beast 666".) Therefore, in order to establish this objective truth, first we need to select and describe the features of all candidates who can fulfil the features of this bearer of "Beast 666" - and there are many of them. After all, apart from the Pope and the Internet, they can be e.g. "money" about which in verse 6:10 from "1 Timothy", the Bible states: "For the root of all evil is the greed of money", while banknotes of which can carry printed on themselves these digits 666. Yet another candidate can be banks - after all, they use accounts that can contain the digits 666. Another candidate can be numbers that nowadays governments assign to every citizen of a given country - e.g. in Poland called "PESEL". Etc., etc. Only after objectively analyzing all such candidates to what extent they fulfil the attributes described in the Bible, it is possible to establish the truth whose attributes confirm everything that these most important "3 witnesses" described in (1) to (1c) from item #H1 of my web page named 2020life.htm (including into them the Bible), states about the prophesised carrier of numerals 666 - means they reveal to us who is the true carrier of these digits of Beast 666.
       The problem with our civilization is that we tolerate the monopolistic behaviour of our "official atheistic science", which in its care for its own interests teaches us destructively through its own example that after getting to know the first candidate to represent some supposed truth (e.g. after speculative invention of the possibility of a "big bang", "evolution", or the supposed existence of the upper limit of speed in the universe described by the content of the "theory of relativity"), this science immediately ceased to look for further candidates who could represent this truth even much better, and even started persecution, shutting mouths, ridicule, destruct, etc., of all those of people who already discovered such much better caddates and are trying to reveal them to humanity - see e.g. item #I5 from my web page 1985_theory_of_everything.htm or see a specific such example from Fig. #H4a below. So in this respect the monopoly of the "official atheistic science" acts exactly opposite to the described in items #H1 and #H3 of this web page efforts of God to maintain "free will" given to people. It is for these reasons that the "official atheistic science" should be included as another candidate for checking whether it does fulfil by any chance the characteristics of the carrier of the numerals of the "Beast 666" described in the Bible - what some scientist today should voluntarily do in order to convince himself and others how bitter and destructive reaction of this science for such its inclusion would turn out to be. Because, among other things, forcing into humanity of such teaching and "shining" with such examples of abandoning by the "official atheistic science" all further searches for truth after getting to know the first candidate, if in any matter requiring truth this first candidate is detected, then today's humanity immediately "rests on laurels" and ceases to search for better candidates. This is why the humanity until today uses "money" that destroys nature, our fellow humans, our morality and love for God, instead of abandoning the use of money at least several thousand years ago - by replacing their role with e.g. happiness of earned nirvana. This is also why instead of doing anything about stopping the use of "dirty fuels" and replacing them with the use of "clean free energy", the principles of generating of which I described, amongst others, in item #B3 from my web page named fe_cell.htm and in entry #324E to blogs of totalizm, our planet is still ruled by monopolies and cartels selling dirty fuels and blocking research on the devices for generating clean free energy and thus with their clever excuses and actions leading humanity towards self-destruction through self-poisoning. This is why, instead of starting the construction of the Magnocraft, accepting my engineering proving that the design and operation of the Magnocrafts of three generations is correct and technically feasible, and instead of recognizing the existence of UFO starships, and instead of abandoning the continuation of building a rocket propulsion historically too strongly saturated with negative energy of killing and destruction through use in warfare, to be able to use it also for peaceful transportation without causing misfortunes and problems, still as a civilization we insist on investing astronomical sums in expensive, unreliable and spiritually accustomed to killing rockets. After all, already no-one pays any attention to the historical knowledge, for example, about executioner's axes, which, after chopping off around 1000 heads, turned against their owners and mysteriously chopped off also their own heads (hence such axes had to be buried quickly and this is why no many of them are left for museums) - as described, among others, in item #D2 from my web page named malbork.htm, or about similarly acting old swords and daggers, or about an old Polish finding supported by a lot of evidence that military rifle once a year shoots without a cartridge. The empirical knowledge about all of them proved that after being significantly saturated with negative energy of killing, they were able to throw themselves on their owners in order to also kill them. In turn, knowing only about rockets and NOT researching the action of negative energies, nor accepting the existence of UFOs, present employees of the "official atheistic science" still create theories difficult for empirical verification, which try to explain e.g. strange underground tunnels and craters evaporated by UFOs in rocks and in the permafrost of Siberia - the actual formation of which by UFOs I document, illustrate and explain in Fig. #H4a below and in my numerous publications some of which are linked in this Figure. This is also why, instead of immediately stopping polluting people and nature with chemicals, plastics and plastic micro-fibres, which almost irreparably litter the Earth's oceans, soil, drinking water, food and air, our rulers, as well as decision-makers of "official atheistic science", with our passive consent and support, increasingly more only promise, speak and write about it, but still do almost nothing for the actual and immediate solving of this murderous and rapidly growing problem of humanity.
       Although the effects are suppressed and unacknowledged to-date, my philosophy of totalizm for a long time indicates to us such a highly probable candidate (other than the Pope) for the carrier of these prophesised numerals 666. According to totalizm, "Internet" is a much more likely candidate than the Pope - and I am to document below "why". The first indication of it, initially formulated "diplomatically", was published in 2007 in subsection A1.1.1 from volume 1 of my monograph [1/5], but also it was based on even earlier my warnings about clearly visible evil that the "Internet" spread almost from beginning of its existence - gradually saturating itself in this way with the negative energy of doing evil. Then this evil was more and more precisely and boldly indicated, amongst others, in current items #A5 and #A5.1 from my Polish web page named totalizm_pl.htm. However, time is passing and we are slowly approaching the "point of no return" - i.e. the moment when it will be too late to prevent misfortunes that this carrier of the biblical numerals 666 is to cause. So time insists to skip further "wrapping the matter into cotton wool" and to openly publish these indications of the most important features, which identify today's "Internet" as a probable next candidate for the biblical number of "Beast 666" - so that there is still a chance for possible human attempts to prevent at least some misfortunes that this carrier of the biblical numerals 666 is to bring to humanity.
       [The Wisdom of Coding the Bible] My philosophy of totalizm NOT without an important reason considers "Internet" as a possible carrier of the three prophesised numerals "666" described here, while in the Bible encoded in verse 13:18 from the "Book of Revelation". (Reader, please pay the attention to the message from the opening words of this verse 13:18: "Here is [needed] wisdom. Whoever has reason, let him calculate the number of the beast.") After all, even just by encoding the description of these prophesised digits "666" in the book and verse of the Bible with such a specific and highly symbolic place and number, God tries to make us realize that in our analyzes we should consider practically everything. So note that "Revelation" is the 66th book of the Bible - which draws our attention to the fact that there is a connection between the location of the description in the Bible, and (in this case) these numerals 666. In turn, the number 13 that indicates the chapter of this verse 13:18 from the time of Jesus and "Judas" is symbolically considered to be the bearer of bad luck and an evil omen. On the other hand, the number 18 that defines this verse wisely tells us, among other things, that these prophesised numerals "666" can actually be represented by the number 18, which is the sum of the digits 18=6+6+6 (and NOT, as the SDA only assumes, by the value "six hundred sixty six", which is also calculated as a sum of several Roman letters-numerals). Simultaneously, a whole range of attributes of the "Internet" already in its most fundamental structures fulfil all the attributes of this mysterious carrier of the evil numerals "666" described in the Bible. For example, the basis for the operation of the Internet is the so-called computer "word". (For comparison consider also the other hidden, and at the same time possible meaning of the name "word" selectively described in the divinely precisely formulated Bible in its verses 1:2-9 from the "Gospel according to St. John", which another meaning already in the coded way warns us that something different also called "word", but in these verses 1:2-9 NOT identified with God, can experience revival, or gain "self-awareness".) About this other "word" used by the "Internet" today almost everyone knows that it typically consists of two so-called "bytes". In turn each of these two "bytes" has 8 so-called "bits" carrying a given information (about which almost everyone already knows), plus one bit in English called "parity bit", which into Polish translates as "bit parzystości" - however about the existence of which today only few learn during their schooling because its existence by "strange coincidence" began to be secretly hidden - just like the truth of my publications. So together the "bytes" consists of 9 bits each. This means that in total a "word" in internet typically consists of 18 bits, the existence of two of which is skilfully concealed by someone today. (I wonder, if the creators of the conspiracy theories knew about the possibility of this concealing, then whether they would call it e.g. "a conspiracy of official atheistic science against the Pope"?) These 18 bits are represented by the symbol 18=6+6+6 about which in an encrypted manner (because warning in an open manner would make it impossible for this warning to survive to today's breakthrough times), we are symbolically warned NOT only by the Bible, but openly referring to the "self-awareness" of the so-called "artificial intelligence" (the one from the future "Internet") we also are warned by movies from the "Terminator" series, and by my totaliztic publications - e.g. see also item #A5.1 from the Polish web page totalizm_pl.htm, item #C1 from the Polish web page przepowiednie.htm, and moreover see the diplomatically formulated large part of the web page 2020life.htm and the equally diplomatically written subsection A1.1.1 from volume 1 of my monograph [1/5]. It is interesting that the Internet fulfils also many further attributes of the bearer of these sinister numerals "666" indicated in the Bible. However, the discussion on this fulfilment requires the elaboration of longer descriptions, therefore I am going to describe them in more detail in one of my next publications - which still require my preparation.
       At the same time, the worst prospects for the future are introduced in all of this by the "cowboy" treatment by various software companies of the so-called "Artificial Intelligence". This is because it has the potential to give "Internet" the ability to "self-learn" soon. Meanwhile, on my web page named 2020life.htm I explained "down to earth way" that it was this ability to "self-learn" that allowed "God Drobinas" from the "counter-world" to acquire "self-awareness", and thus become "living creatures". (For understanding "how" the internet can obtain "self-awareness" and "life", on that web page "2020life.htm" it is worth reading especially carefully item #C5, or reading the post #338E to blogs of totalizm based on that item #C5.) This in turn means that if, due to e.g. stupidity, carelessness or malice, an irresponsible computer programmer gives "Internet" the ability to "self-learn", then he/she will introduce the potential to fulfil what film making artists intuitively have been predicting and announcing for a long time, e.g. with movies from the "Terminator" series. And many to-date escapes, of e.g. pollen from experiments on "genetic engineering" and viruses from laboratories researching dangerous diseases, as well as accidents in Fukushima and Chernobyl with shockingly incorrectly designed and operated nuclear reactors the most important design errors of which I described in more detail in items from #M1 to #M1.2 of my web page telekinetics.htm, perfectly illustrate that we must NOT count on responsible actions of some present researchers and decision-makers who "play in God" and fulfil the descriptions of the effects of arrogance and pursuit of fame and profits about which warn us the Bible - instead of obeying the admonition from the logo of the philosophy of totalizm: "Knowledge is responsibility". On the other hand, if mistakes similar to those already committed are also committed again in the matter of the Internet and the meaning of its numerals 18=6+6+6, then this could mean troubles and problems for the entire humanity, so huge and terrible that nowadays we are NOT even able to grasp them all with your imagination, and in fact that they can even cost us the extinction of entire humanity.
       In addition to the above, how many further dangers and future problems do exist, which are already starting to hide and are starting to grow faster and faster (according to what I explained in #C9 to #C9a from my web page nirvana.htm and in post #351E for blogs of totalizm) because of today's incompetent, irresponsible and "cowboy" treatment of the growing monopoly of "Internet" by almost all governments, countries and by almost all professional scientists - as I try to make it aware in items #A5 and #A5.1 from my Polish web page named totalizm_pl.htm, on the entire web page named sabotages_pl.htm, and also in subsection A1.1.1 from volume 1 of my monograph [1/5].
       The Internet, which breaks and "suppresses" our "free will", has an increasingly negative impact on the life of mankind. As an example of its negative impact, consider it forcing us to use the so-called "cookies", which are similar to the so-called "computer viruses". These "cookies" are to enrich a few already wealthy people and institutions, although for Internet users they act in our computers as harmful as the so-called "fifth column" in times of war. After all, in order for us to maintain our "free will", when, being forced by European laws, some owners of the software that we visit, hesitantly asks us 'do you agree to allow downloading these "cookies" into your computer', then one of the standard answers given to us to choose by clicking on it should read "I disagree". However, the majority of owners of such software do NOT provide us with this option (e.g. see "") - which in people who are excessively exposed to Internet persecution may even induce feelings of being blackmailed in the style of "you either agree, or you ..." which us, Polish nation, know very well from the times of Hitler war and from communism, e.g. from the then impossible to avoid forcing every man to serve in the army and to kill his fellow men in the event of aggressive wars initiated by the leader. Of course, the problem of these "cookies" is only one of the forms of breaking by today's "Internet" the "free will" given to us by God. In turn several other such forms of breaking it, equally urgently deserving our strong objections, are described e.g. in item #A5 from my Polish web page named totalizm_pl.htm.
       The reader probably noticed that from around the highly symbolic date of 2001/9/11 (i.e. from the beginning of the present "neo-medieval epoch" described e.g. in item #K1 from the web page named tapanui.htm), a preposterous situation prevails on the entire Earth that instead of implementing what God who created us and with paternal love for our good recommends us to observe in the content of the Bible inspired by him, almost all persons and institutions having some power over people, force their dependent fellow humans to the exact opposite of biblical commandments, requirements, covenants, etc. Now only a small part of this huge anti-divine, and thus automatically "anti-human" and "anti-life" campaign, are the actions of the Internet mentioned here, aimed at "suppressing" our "free will" - the symbol of which can already be these increasingly pushy forced on each of us so-called "cookies" (called so deceptively although while operating on our computers they are: hiding from us and being by someone extremely influential released from the obligation of making them for us available to access their code and to learn their functions; at the same time they use the "Java" language with a powerful processing power but which however is NOT taught in today's schools; they also are easily able to fulfil the functions of the "fifth column" against us). Here it is worth recalling that the Nazis saved a huge factory of smokeless gunpowder and ammunition located in Poland near city of Bydgoszcz from the detection and attempts to bomb it by Alies fighting for freedom, democracy and truth, or by Polish partisans, by simply claiming that it produces sweets and cookies. Thus, such seemingly innocent name given by the Nazis became responsible for thousands of deaths caused by the use of gunpowder and ammunition from that factory, and could have been avoided if people of that time found out what is really hidden behind these Bydgoszcz's sweets and cookies. I am aware that in the spiralling into its decline our civilization has already surpassed the so-called "point of no return" described on the historical example, amongst others, in item #T1 from the web page named solar.htm and in post #264E to blogs of totalizm. But I still advise the reader to pray fervently to God for showing him/her the "Grace" during days of punishment that inevitably come, and for allowing as many people as possible to survive, who are least at fault in bringing about the situation, the escalation of which we already see around us. (For the explanation of laws governing effective praying see #A3 to #A3c and #A4ab from the web page named klasa_uk.htm or see post #352E to blogs of totalizm.) In my life I encountered too many illustrations of what happens to people whose behaviour does NOT qualifies them to be protected by the principle of "survival of the most moral" - to the descriptions of which my Polish web page skorowidz.htm links through the Polish key words: zasada "przeżywania najmoralniejszego" . In addition, I advise the reader to also make efforts to show God that people close to your heart really deserve such a Grace, because they are aware of the depth of the present collapse of our civilization and, as far as their modest possibilities are concerned, actively try to add their contribution to active repairing the existing evil, for example starting from the simplest for implementing abandonment of visits to websites that violate human "free will" by forcing their viewers to accept these "cookies" (because it is impossible to refuse to give consent for these "cookies" and thus, for example, it is a form of "blackmail" to force us for accepting them). In turn with the elapse of time these people close to the reader may increase their contribution by gaining more and more significant activities - e.g. planting trees (especially those bearing edible fruit), as I described it e.g. under Fot. #A1 from my Polish web page named cielcza.htm.

Fig. #H4a: Here is an illustration of the appearance of a tunnel in the rock newly-evaporated during an underground flight by a UFO towards W-E or E-W direction, or by similar flight of starships of my invention called the Magnocrafts. This drawing of the appearance of a tunnel evaporated by Magnocraft-like starships, based on the results of my research, was prepared using computer technology by my highly talented friend, Dominik Myrcik. Originally this drawing was published in Fig. #C9d from my Polish web page named ufo_proof_pl.htm and in Fig. #G3a from my web page (in English) named aliens.htm. Notice that the tunnel from under the Polish "Babia Góra" mountain (e.g. until recently still remembered in Slovakia town Rabczyce) partially had such a shape - for its description see subsection C3, e.g. from page C-88 of our Polish treatise [4b] "Tunele NOL spod Babiej Góry" (the title of which means "UFO tunnels from Babia Góra") with a volume of around 3 MB - if the reader cannot get a free copy of this Polish publication then please write to me and I will send it to him/her via the "Internet". UFO tunnel of very similar shape until recently existed also in Auckland, NZ, while its photograph I am showing as Fig. #F1 from my web page named newzealand.htm. Here I provided the above drawing in order to support my argumentation from items #H4 and #H1 of this web page that the "objective truth" cannot be determined if by doing what today's "official atheistic science" does, we reject, fight and block the method of searching for truth (described in these items) through establishing these "key (confirming) attributes" which can be determined only by comparing many different theories and explanations that can be worked out only in conditions when people still have a "free will" to search for truth, given to us by God. After all, the above drawing, in connection with the already accumulated documentation of photographs, videos and descriptions of long underground tunnels formed similarly to it, proves the truth so fiercely, stubbornly and for many years already denied, blocked and ridiculed by official science and by lampoons from the "Internet". This truth my findings explained in numerous publications that I authorize. It states a somewhat shocking fact that: originally in the crust of the Earth created by God there were NO long tunnels, thus all currently existing such tunnels were evaporated by UFOs. (Also nowhere did I come across the information that the present "official atheistic science" NOT only "assumes" and believes that the forces of nature during only around 6,000 "human years" of the existence of the Earth were able to initiate by themselves and then cause the formation of such huge underground tunnels in the originally compressed by gravity and stationary crust of Earth, but also verified and documented these "beliefs" with evidence.) The above shocking truth is confirmed by "key (confirming) features" of practically all underground tunnels that I researched so far. In each of these cases the "key (confirming) attributes" of this truth about underground tunnels result from the fact that my Magnocraft and similarly operating UFO starships always fly with their base positioned almost perpendicular to the local course of the Earth's magnetic field - which causes that the resulting shape of these tunnels is always the result of such an orientation of the starships evaporating them. Hence the shape of these tunnels is always consistent with the representation of so oriented starships (having shapes that we already know - see our film "Future Propulsions") in rocks and earth through which these starships fly. In fact, practically all long underground tunnels on our planet always show agreement with these "unique, key (confirming) attributes" of being evaporated by UFOs. This truth stubbornly hidden by the "Internet" and denied by the "official atheistic science", is perfectly confirmed and documented NOT only by the results of my own long-term research on such tunnels (examples of such my research are described e.g. in #G4 from the web page magnocraft_pl.htm, shown and described from #C9a" to #C9e and in #C9.1 and #C9 of the web page ufo_proof_pl.htm, while I discussed them more extensively e.g. in subsections V5.3 to V5.3.2 from volume 17 of my monograph [1/5]), but also by the analyzes of descriptions of numerous such tunnels already available on the "Internet" (for samples of them see, for example, reports from videos searched with the keywords lava tubes underground, or ancient tunnels underground, or also Siberia craters permafrost methane explosion). Unfortunately, instead of motivating its decisions with the role of "truth" emphasized in the Bible "(see verse 8:32 from "John" in the Bible), "morality", "love of God and neighbour", etc., today's decision-makers and most of today's people motivate everything by "maintaining a monopoly or power", "getting rich", "benefits", "money", etc. Meanwhile, as long as do so the majority of decision-makers setting the direction of what is happening in our civilization, while we will passively accept it without a word of objection, our civilization will stand on the foundations of lies. So it is high time that we all wake up from the already presently threatening us with destruction such deception and passivity, and then put our hearts and actions into the effort of climbing towards the truth, towards the universal happiness of the "Nirvana System" and for the well-being of all people. The survival of you and your neighbours, as well as, moreover, of your future descendants and even of our entire civilization, depends heavily on it.

Video #H4b: Here is a very short English-language video, lasting only 10:49 minutes, which summarizes the results of, in my opinion, the most objective, factual, in-depth and voluntary scientific research that has ever been carried out in the entire history of our planet, described also in items #H4 and #H1 of this web page using a method based on the God-given "free will". This research results from the prophecy given in verses 13:17-18 of the "Revelation" in the Bible, and it looks for the truth about "who will be the source and executor of the 'mark of the 666 Beast' which in the future is to bring to mankind an indescribable amount of evil and suffering" - for example being able to cause that some people who fall under the governing power of this 666 Beast will NOT be able to sell or buy anything, and thus e.g. may die of hunger. The reader can search for more information on this research on the Internet using keywords such as Martin Luther Pope 666 or SDA on 666 . It is worth emphasizing about this research: that it has been going on for many centuries, because it was initiated by the reformer of Christianity, Martin Luther (born in 1483, died in 1546); that nowadays the most important part of it is carried out by the version of Christianity practiced by the SDA (i.e. "Seventh Day Advantists"); and that most of this research was done voluntarily by truth-seeking amateurs (and NOT professional scientists) on the principles of the "Nirvana System", the extraordinary advantages of which we try to explain in our Polish video entitled "Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany" (which title can be translated as: "World without money: Nirvana System"). After all, this research was fulfilling two key verses of the Bible, namely: the advice-command from verse 10:8 of "Matthew" - quote: "You received for free, give for free!", and the warning from verse 6:10 in the biblical "First Letter to Timothy" - I quote: "For greed for money is the root of all evil". So we can only wish that the research that proves the correctness of any of the fundamental theories of our present "official atheistic science", e.g. research on the "theory of relativity", should be done equally thoroughly, substantively, objectively, voluntarily and free of charge - which features of the research God especially appreciates and rewards generously, for example, by inspiring the success of new discoveries. After all, research of this type is as vital for the good living and lives of future generations of people, as is also vital e.g.: taming of the present trends of destruction of the Earth's climate and pollution of air, soil, drinking water and oceans with chemicals and micro-particles of plastic. It is because this research allows to determine "what" hides a vital danger for humanity, and to develop (and take) protective measures "how" people can avoid accidental or malicious release of its destructive power. (Click on the starter of this video above to watch it)
       An inconvenience of the above SDA research in search of the truth about the "mark of the Beast 666" is that by the time of my carrying out the research described in item #H4 above, it was the only one in the world that objectively and rationally explored this truth. Although there were attempts to postulate other candidates for implementing the numerals of "Beast 666", such as a 6-minute-long video that tried to indicate the historical figure of Emperor Nero in this role - see, or the claims that "the mark of the Beast 666" would be computer implants in the hand or forehead. But these attempts were highly pointless and biased, because they overlooked a lot of information provided in the Bible that eliminates these candidates. Meanwhile, the effects of considering only the one candidate in any research, the motto for this item #H4 compares to "democratic voting in elections in which only one candidate was put forward for which voters are allowed to vote". Means it makes it impossible to reveal the truth because it does NOT allow to detect "critical (confirming) features" which allow to definitely distinguish the truth in a given matter, from e.g. lies, propaganda, forcing by evil powers, etc. Therefore, in order to actually reach the truth, it is necessary to do as factual, objective and in-depth research as that done by the SDA, but made also for a whole host of other candidates who as well meet most of the information contained in the Bible, for example, made for researching the candidacy of the Internet, official atheistic science institution, banks, governments, and even future "money" or "identification numbers of the Polish PESEL type" - which in order to track and enforce the behaviour of individual persons acceptable by governments in the future, may carry computer-marked individual characteristics identifying the person who has the right to use them, among others, for sale or purchase.
       With the above elaboration I try to draw the attention of readers that with even greater probability than foes the research of the SDA, as the next candidate for the future bearer of the numerals of the "Beast 666", my philosophy of totalizm indicates "Internet". This is because the Internet NOT only fulfils all these guidelines from the Bible that the SDA takes into account in its research, but also fulfils the God's hint very wisely encoded into the location and in number of verse 13:18 (as explained at beginning of item #H4) that the "mark of the Beast 666" does NOT need to be represented by numerical value "six hundred sixty six", but can actually be expressed by the sum of three digits, i.e. 6+6+6 = 18, which also may identify the future bearer of this mark (NOTE that the office of the Pope is incompatible with content of this God's hint), as well as Internet fulfils also two further pieces of information explained above and contained in the verses of the Bible (i.e. meets 13:17 from the "Revelation" and 1:27-29 from "1 Corinthians"). After all, these verses can be carriers of the searched "decisive (confirming) attributes" which allow to distinguish the truth from a similarly sounding untruth. Furthermore, the candidacy of "Internet" for the future carrier of the numerals of the "Beast 666" is confirmed NOT only by the Bible, but also by two remaining (i.e. supplementing the Bible) of these most important "3 witnesses", i.e. is confirmed by empirical evidence (e.g. of the type presented in item #A5 from my web page named totalizm_pl.htm or e.g. in films from the "Terminator" series), and also confirm the scientific theories e.g. these from predictive fragments of my "Theory of Life of 2020" explaining what will happen "if" or "when" because of the carelessness, stupidity or malice of some computer programmer who gives to "Internet" the ability to "self-learn", this "Internet" will get the so-called "self-consciousness".

Part #?: ... (These parts of the web page are reserved for future use) ...


#?1. ...(Items reserved for future use and writing)...


Part #Z: Summary, and the final information of this web page:


#Z1. Summary of this web page:

       As the reader probably is aware of this, myself (means the author of this web page - Dr Eng. Jan Pajak) I am the scientists who is absolutly sure of the existence of God. It is this being absolutely sure caused that on this web page I decided to simulate goals, intentions, and methods of action of God.
Notice that the rest of this item still awaits to be translated from Polish into English.
W wyniku owej symulacji okazało się, że pogarszająca się obecnie sytuacja ludzkości posiada swoje powody i zamiary. Mianowicie, wszystko wskazuje na to że Bóg za pomocą obecnej zmiany warunków na Ziemi stara się osiągnąć przewartościowanie stanowisk ludzi. A więc przykładowo dotychczasowe "uwielbianie Boga" przez ludzi wierzących, Bóg stara się przetransformować w "badanie Boga oraz wypełnianie praw boskich". Z kolei dotychczasowe "pogłębianie niemoralnego postępu" przez ateistów, Bóg stara się przetransformować w "moralne wykuwanie postępu".
       Z niniejszego symulacyjnego ujawnienia celów, intencji, oraz metod działania Boga wynika dla nas możliwość ochotniczego i dobrowolnego dopełnienia przez ludzi owej transformacji którą Bóg rozpoczął już nam natrzucać siłą. Wszakże jeśli dokonamy owej transformacji ochotniczo, wówczas zaoszczędzi to nam wielu męk i upadków. Aby zaś ochotniczo dokonać wymaganej transformacji, wystarczy aby we wszystkim co się czyni zacząc uwzględniać intencje Boga, aby zacząć działać tak jak the philosophy of totalizm nam to nakazuje (czyli zawsze pedantycznie moralnie), oraz aby w naszych opracowaniach naukowych niezależnie od ateistycznego punktu widzenia zacząć w końcu prezentować jak dana sprawa wygląda w sytuacji istnienia Boga.

#Z2. Blogs of totalizm:

       It is also worth to check periodically the blog of totalizm currently available at addresses: (Small print 12 pt, posts from #89 = i.e. from 2006/11/11) (posts from #293 = i.e. from 2018/2/23) (Large print 20 pt, posts from #293 = i.e. from 2018/3/16)
All posts to blogs of totalizm (almost each one of which is translated and published again in English) are also available in my publication [13] which is disseminated free of charge via the web page named tekst_13.htm.
       Notice that all these addresses hold the same blog with the same content of messages. On the blogs many matters discussed here are also explained with additional details written as new events unveil before our eyes.

#Z3. Internet discussions on topics addressed on this web page:

       These readers who wish to discuss any aspect that is addressed on this web page will be pleased to know that public discussions of almost all topic that I researched currently, including many of my devices and inventions, are carried out in the Internet for a long time. Addresses of subsequent threads in the Google discussion groups, where these topics are exposed to public comments, are listed in item #E2 of the totaliztic web page faq.htm. Readers who have constructive comments about any matters relating to my research and inventions, are encouraged to find addresses of these Google threads from item #E2 of that web page "faq.htm", and then voice their constructive opinions at these addresses.

#Z4. How with the web page named "skorowidz_links.htm" one can find totaliztic descriptions of topics in which he is interested:

       A whole array of topics equally interesting as these from the above web page, is also discussed from the angle that is unique to the philosophy of totalizm. All these related topics can be found and identified with the use of content index prepared especially to make easier finding these web pages and topics. The name "index" means a list of "key words" usually provided at the end of textbooks, which allows to find fast the description or the topic in which we are interested. My web pages also has such a content "index" - only that it is additionally supplied in green links which after "clicking" at them with a mouse immediately open the web page with the topic that interest the reader. This content "index" is provided in the Polish language on the web page named skorowidz.htm. It can be called from the "organising" part of "Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would recommend to look at it and to begin using it systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to everyone.

#Z5. The author of this web page (i.e. Dr Jan Pająk):

       I have a pleasure to inform readers of my web pages, that to commemorate the 70th birthday of the author of this web page (i.e. myself), there was produced and published around 35 minutes long film by Dominik Myrcik, which since May 2016 is available for free viewing in The film is entitled "Dr Jan Pająk portfolio" and it presents graphically most important among my scientific accomplishments. I am inviting readers to view it. The working green links, Internet addresses, promotional leaflets in three languages, and complete descriptions of all three language versions (i.e. English, German and Polish) of this excellently designed and produced HD and HQ film, are available on my web page named portfolio.htm - which was especially prepared for describing the film.
       Current email addresses to the author of this web page, i.e. officially to Dr Eng. Jan Pajak while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak, at which readers can post possible comments, opinions, descriptions, or information which in their opinion I should learn, are provided on the web page named pajak_jan_uk.htm (for its version in the HTML language), or the web page named pajak_jan_uk.pdf (for the version of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.pdf" in safe PDF format - which safe PDF versions of further web pages by the author can also be downloaded via links from item #B1 of the web page named text_11.htm).
       The author's right for the use of courteous title of "Professor" stems from the custom that "with professors is like with generals", namely when someone is once a professor, than he or she courteously remains a professor forever. In turn the author of this web page was a professor at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them, from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998, as an "Associate Professor" from English-based educational system, while on one university as a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till 31 December 2007 - means at the last place of employment in his professional life).
       However, please notice that because of my rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly reply to emails which contain JUST time consuming requests, while simultaneously they document a complete ignorance of their author in the topic area which I am researching.

#Z6. A copy of this web page is also disseminated as a brochure from series [11] in the safe format "PDF":

       This web page is also available in the form of a brochure marked [11], which is prepared in "PDF" ("Portable Document Format") - currently considered to be the most safe amongst all internet formats, as normally viruses cannot cling to PDF. This clear brochure is ready both, for printing, as well as for reading from a computer screen. It also has all its green links still active. Thus, if it is read from the computer screen connected to internet, then after clicking onto these green links, the linked web pages and illustrations will open. Unfortunately, because the volume of it is around a double of the volume of web page which this brochure publishes, the memory limitations on a significant number of free servers which I use, do NOT allow to offer it from them (so if it does NOT download from this address, because it is NOT available on this server, then you should click onto any other address from Menu 3, and then check whether in there it is available). In order to open this brochure (and/or download it to own computer), it suffices to either click on the following green link or to open from any totaliztic web site the PDF file named as in the above green link.
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#Z7. Copyright © 2022 by Dr Eng. Jan Pajak - means the owner of copyrights for this web page and for theories, evidence, ideas, and illustrations shown on his pages:

       Copyright © 2022 by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk. All rights reserved. Illustrations (photographs) which are presented here, as well as logical deductions, findings, scientific theories, identyfication and research of the evidence, and descriptions, are all of my authorship and thus also are my intellectual property. Thus I (i.e. Dr Eng. Jan Pająk) am also the owner of copyrights for all of these. Of course, I would NOT have objections if some readers repeated, presented, or discussed, in their own publications any information, illustration, table, proof, etc., published on this web page - under the condition that in such cases they would cite a publication of my authorship and give a full moral "credit" to my effort and my work by adding a courteous comment which would acknowledge my intellectual authorship and contribution to working-out or interpreting a given fact, phenomenon, theory, topic, principle, explanation, deduction, interpretation, device, evidence, proof, discovery, invention, photograph, illustration, table, etc. - e.g. adding a comment of the type "courtesy of Dr Jan Pajak", or adding a clear explanation that a given idea is repeated from the web page authorised by Dr Jan Pajak, through indication of the internet address of this web page under which this idea was originally explained, and through mentioning the date of most recent update of this web page (i.e. the date indicated below).
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Date of starting this page: 18 April 2008
Date of the latest updating of this page: 1 November 2022
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