The statute of the political party Totalizm2026 (initial version - just for starting a discussion) (bilingual: in English For English version click on this flag and Polish Dla polskiej wersji kliknij na ta flage) (Parts of this web page still await to be translated to English)
Updated: 2025/1/28
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Partia Totalizm2026

Statut partii Totalizm2026

Partia totalizmu

Statut partii totalizmu

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Pajak dla prezydentury 2020

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       The new philosophy of Totalizm2020, and the resulting from the statements of philosophy of totalizm the new so-called "totaliztic science" (i.e. this new science which is defined in item #C4 from the separate web page named "telekinetics.htm") both of them teach us, that nothing perfect can be created in a single flash of someone's genius, but everything have to be painstakingly developed through continuous improvements and through gradual removal of pre-committed errors or hidden imperfections. This rule applies also to the statute of the new political party of Totalizm2026, which is to take on its shoulders a huge burden and responsibility of creating from the very beginning of an almost ideal political system that applies the "adding" philosophy of governing described in details in items #C1 to #C5 from my web page "totalizm2020_uk.htm", and in post #376E to blogs of totalizm, while briefly summarised in the introduction part of the web page "2026totalizmparty.htm". (Notice that the philosophy of totalizm developped even the better political system named the "nirvana political system", as it is based on the miracoulous phenomenon of nirvana designed by God Himself. It is so designed that it will be able to provide happiness to all its citizens, and simultaneously remove "money" from the use - thus remove also the source of all evil on Earth - after all, "money" is the primary source of all evil prevailing on Earth, e.g. see verse 6:10 from "1 Timothy" in the Bible. Unfortunately, the humanity is NOT ready yet for applying the "nirvana political system".) Therefore, in order to implement this new and much better political system than the one used at present, the statute of Totalizm2026 party must be created gradually by all its members, through continuous improvements and the elimination of their previous mistakes or disadvantages. However, in order such a gradual development could be started, one needs a preliminary draft of this statute, from which one can start the discussion and further refinement of it. This web page provides such a most initial, and thus still a highly imperfect, statute for the discussion and for further improvements.

#2. About the author:
       The content of this web page is authorized by Jan Pajak, means by a researcher of New Zealand and Poland, and WorldCat Identity (see the web page, who in the early part of 21st century stand out from the crowd of still-living discoverers and inventors of these two countries and he became among them the most widely known in the world, most variously interpreted, and at that time the most productive - in spite of conducting his research without funding and on the principles of a scientific "hobby" forced by official disapproval of his research area, although, unfortunately, about his existence and results of research almost no-one wants to know in New Zealand, while to annul, deny and mute down his discoveries and inventions many inhabitants of Poland conspire into gangs that act as monopolies distorting the truth and trying to leave for future generations only lies, trash, poisoned water, polluted air, destroyed fertility of soil, and devastated nature.

#3. Up to 300% enlargement of the print of this web page:
       It is also worth knowing that the print size of this web page, and also other web pages of totalizm, can be increased up to about 300% of its standard size. This allows the web page to be easily read without glasses - even if one has weakened eyesight. Every software used to display it has a built-in so-called "zoom". For example, in "Google Chrome" this "zoom" is revealed by clicking on the vertical three "dots" in the upper right corner of the screen, after which the print can be increased or decreased by clicking on the plus or minus of this "zoom". "Firefox" reveals the same "zoom" by clicking on the three-line dash there, and "Internet Explorer" - after clicking on the 8-toothed "cog" there. Also, the photos of this and my other Totalizm web pages can be enlarged up to 500% of their original size - which allows, for example, to look closely at the face of someone we are interested in. The easiest way to achieve such a magnification of the photo is to first click on it - so that it appears in a separate window. Then one should (also by clicking) show it from this separate window on the computer screen. Having it on the computer screen, one can open the "zoom" for it, as I described above for magnifying the print of this web page, then by clicking on + or - of this zoom one can freely enlarge or reduce the photo on the screen.

Part #A: Introductory information of this web page:


#A1. The weight of each new idea is easiest to judge by the fear that this idea raises among its enemies and by the ferocity with which these enemies try to destroy it:

       When in 2020 it was time to update this web page (at least cosmetically) after almost a decade of its existence, the same year 2020 also turned out to be the 35th year in turn for which extended the fierce and secretive obstructions erected by some powerful institutions to prevent or obstruct the dissemination around the world the developed and published yet in 1985: the scientific Theory of Everything called also the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity", as well as the resulting from this Theory of Everything my philosophy named "Totalizm" (i.e. the Totalizm written by the letter "z" to distinguish it from "Totalitarianism" which later by these enemies was also named "Totalism" - only that written by the letter "s") - for details see item #A5 from the web page named totalizm_pl.htm. These readers who know the results of my research, probably already know perfectly well about this lasting already for at least 35 years well-organized and secretive action to disgust, block, hide, sabotage, etc., practically everything that I created. In turn those who do NOT know about it yet, can read about evidence for the existence of this hidden effort to disgust, block, hide, sabotage, etc., of almost all results of my research from my Polish web page named skorowidz.htm - by visiting descriptions linked from it e.g. with the Polish keywords "dowody, że upowszechnianie wyników moich badań jest skrycie i zmyślnie obrzydzane, blokowane, ukrywane, sabotażowane, itp." (meaning: "evidence, that the dissemination of my research outcomes is secretly and deliberately disgusted, blocked, obstructed, sabotaged, etc.") or with the keywords "jeśli chcesz ukryć drzewo, posadź wokół niego cały las" (meaning: "if you want to hide a tree, plant a whole forest around it").

(Note: at the moment I have no spare time to translate to English the rest of this item #A1. Until I find the time required for completing my own precise translation, I suggest to roughly translate the following descriptions yourself, using one among the numerous currently available on the Internet free programs for translating from one language, e.g. from Polish below, to another language that you know and use, e.g. to English.)

       Owo obrzydzanie, blokowanie, ukrywanie, sabotażowanie, itp., wyników moich badań, w dzisiejszej nastawionej na eksploatowanie i zyski rzeczywistości wcale NIE może być tanie. Przykładowo, jedynie stworzenie opłacanego przez angielskich podatników filmu z 2014 roku (tj. filmu nakręconego 29 lat po opublikowaniu mojej Teorii Wszystkiego z 1985 roku), o tytule "Teoria Wszystkiego", musiało kosztować miliony. A jedyne co film ten uzyskał, to stworzenie rodzaju "zasłony dymnej" która utrudnia i ukrywa publikowanie mojej Teorii Wszystkiego z 1985 roku pod powszechnie znaną wszystkim ludziom nazwą "Teoria Wszystkiego". Ile zaś pieniędzy na dodatek do tego filmu trzeba było wydać np. na opracowanie programów internetowych jakie z każdego cytatu z moich opracowań ujawnianiego przez wyszukiwarki starannie wycinają i eliminują wszystkie określenia brzmiące Teoria Wszystkiego - tego NIE daje się już nawet estymować. Nie warto też nawet próbować oszacować jak doskonali (a stąd i kosztowni) fachowcy musieli być zatrudnieni aby wypracować i wdrożyć aż tak "wyrafinowane" metody blokowania i "dołowania" mojego dorobku naukowego, jak ukrywanie w internecie informacji iż jestem byłym profesorem z aż czterech zagranicznych uniwersytetów, oraz jak np. nazywanie mnie przez internetowe wyszukiwarki "New Zealand engineer". Chociaż bowiem dla Polaka takie nazywanie NIE wygląda podejrzanie, jednak w języku angielskim słowo "engineer" jest używane do opisania zawodowej nazwy "kierowca lokomotywy kolejowej" (po polsku zwanego "maszynista kolejowy"). Stąd zmyślne nazywanie mnie "New Zealand engineer" faktycznie dla ludzi codziennie mówiących językiem angielskim zawiera i przekazuje znaczenie "kierowca lokomotyw kolejowych z Nowej Zelandii" oraz całkowicie mija się ze znaczeniem używanego w kręgach naukowych (a często też i przeze mnie) tłumaczenia na angielski mojego tytułu naukowego "Dr Eng." (od polskiego "dr inż.") jakie faktycznie nosi angielskojęzyczne znaczenie "doktor inżynierii", a jakiego posiadanie wyraźnie irytuje moich wrogów nawet w ich atakach i wypocianach publikowanych w polskojęzycznym internecie.
       Skoro więc jakaś potężna instytucja o światowym zasięgu i wpływie zdecydowała się podejmować aż takie kroki i koszta aby blokować i sabotazować upowszechnianie po świecie moich światoburczych teorii i idei, oznacza to, że w jej zrozumieniu sytuacji teorie te i idee są ogromnie niebezpieczne dla obecnie istniejących systemów politycznych i struktor władzy. Tym bardziej więc warto z nimi się zapoznawać i popierać ich wdrażanie w życie!!!
       Oczywiście, czytelnik może się zastanawiać, co takiego jest w moich teoriach i ideach, że budzi aż tak wielki strach i aż tak intensywne ataki ich wrogów. Odpowiedź jest prosta. W przeciwieństwie bowiem do obecnego bazowania życia na Ziemi na kłamstwach - zasadniczym z których jest kłamstwo iż jakoby Bóg NIE istnieje, a także na zmuszaniu ludzi do pracy poprzez użycie pieniędzy, moje teorie i idee propagują zabazowanie życia na Ziemi na darmowych narzędziach i na ochotniczych zasadach, jakie w tym celu Bóg postwarzał u ludzi. I tak np. moja naukowa Teoria Wszystkiego udowodniła konklusywnie iż Bóg istnieje, oraz wyjaśniła co jest źródłem wiedzy, mocy i nieskończonych możliwości Boga - po szczegóły patrz punkt #A0 z mojej strony o nazwie god_proof_pl.htm. Z kolei zamiast użycia pieniędzy, strachu i biedy dla zmuszania ludzi do niewolniczej pracy w celu budowania bogactwa i władzy elit jakie ludźmi tymi rządzą, moje teorie i idee propagują możność oparcia życia na Ziemi na ochotniczej pracy (w znacznej części wyręczanej automatyzację i robotyzacją) dla uzyskania nieopisanego poczucia życiowej szczęśliwości, jakie ja nazwałem "totaliztyczna nirwana" - zaś jakie opisałem na stronie nirvana_pl.htm. Owa "totaliztyczna nirwana" jest bowiem w stanie zastąpić dzisiejsze opłacane pieniędzmi wymuszanie pracy, przez ochotniczą pracę dla dobra bliźnich. Nirwana jest też w stanie wyeliminować znaczną proporcję dzisiejszych chorób - po przykłady patrz punkty #C6 i #D3 ze strony o nazwie nirvana_pl.htm oraz punkt #F11 z innej strony o nazwie soul_proof_pl.htm. Z kolei wymogi zarabiającej na nadejście owej nirwany ochotniczej tzw. "pracy moralnej" powodują, że uzyskanie nirwany będzie tylko możliwe u ludzi, którzy ochotniczo wypełniają opisane w Biblii przykazania i wymogi Boga. Wdrożenie więc w życie moich teorii i idei sprowadziłoby prawdziwą szczęśliwość i dobrobyt na Ziemię, spowodowałoby upadek obecnych elit i hierarchii społecznych, granic i podziałów międzyludzkich, oraz zapoczątkowałoby życie zgodne z zasadami jakie Bóg chce abyśmy ochotniczo i dobrowolnie ustanowili na Ziemi. Innymi słowy, na przekór tego co jakiejś potężne instytucje kłamią i wyczyniają w sprawie moich odkryć, teorii i idei, naprawdę warto uczynić wszystko co w naszej mocy, aby w zgodzie z metodami działania Boga, oraz na ochotniczych zasadach, zwolna wdrażać to co te moje odkrycia, teorie i idee postulują iż ludzkość powinna uczynić.

#A2. Preparation of the nirvana political system for implementation - means the main goal of this web page:

       The major goal of this web page is to present and thus to subject to a discussion a preliminary proposal of the statute for a new political "party of totalizm", which would take on itself the hardships and responsibility of implementing in life of a new "nirvana political system" based on the rewarding every "moral work" with extraordinary happiness of the miraculous phenomenon of nirvana - means the phenomenon designed by God Himself. (Thus, in case this "nirvana political system" is implemented properly, it would be at least much better than all previous political systems designed by people - if not perfect.) In other words, this web page is to discuss and to further improve the preliminary version of the statute for a completely new political party, which, unlike all other political parties already existing on Earth until now, bases its work and ideas on the finding of the new "totaliztic science", which states that all humans are highly imperfect creatures, and which bases its work on a "tool" that God had pre-programmed into the soul of every person a long time ago - means bases on the wonderful phenomenon of nirvana that makes extremely happy everyone who performs the so-called "moral work". Notice that all political parties to-date founded their work on the unwritten assumption that people are perfect beings, and also they used "fear" or "money" as "tools" that force people to work. Therefore all to-date political parties do NOT introduced into their statutes the build-in safeguards which would reassure that all outcomes of their work are protected against consequences of the human imperfections. The finding of "totaliztic science" stating that "people are highly imperfect creatures", causes that one amongst most vital tasks of the new political "party of totalizm" becomes such rebuilding of our lives, that every participant in the society has an opportunity to voluntarily build happiness and wealth for himself/herself and for others, and that everything starts to has embedded effective safeguards against consequences of the human imperfections - as this is explained more comprehensively in items #A1 to #A4 from the totaliztic web page named partia_totalizmu_uk.htm, in items #A1, #A3 and #E3 of the totaliztic web page named pajak_for_mp_2017.htm, and in the totaliztic web page named humanity.htm.

#A3. I am inviting you, the reader, to cooperate with me on joint contribution to the noble effort of making a historic breakthrough in the human morality, by undertaking together the task of implementing into real life the powerful tool (i.e. the happiness of nirvana), so ideally designed by God that it allows establishing on Earth the "nirvana political system" which is able to eliminate completely the use of "money" by people and hence it has the power to remove from our planet this primary source of all evil:

Motto: "Until the time when our civilization builds Time Vehicles of my invention, no human can change whatever has already happened - but can, and should, draw knowledge and truth from it and then use this learning to improve the future."

       Have you ever asked yourself the question: how it feels and looks when adding a personal contribution to an extremely important moral breakthrough - which can change the fate of an entire nation or even humanity? Or question: why some people are actively joining the honourable task of participation in important events, while others are contented to leave for the next generations only products of their stomachs? (Expressing the same question in different words: why some people care about the fate of all mankind, while others only about themselves?) If you read this item #A3 to the end, you will certainly experience on yourself the answer to at least one of these questions. After all, this item renews the invitation that I originally extended to my readers back in 2006. It invites readers to cooperate with me (i.e. the author of this web page) in an effort to implement the "nirvana political system" described in items #A1 to #A4 of the web page named partia_totalizmu_uk.htm, which system would change our world by replacing the current "money" (that only spread evil among people who use them) with the positive power of happiness of nirvana that build ever more perfect people and a better future. In turn a possible success of the project to replace money with the happiness of nirvana would drastically change the fate of all humanity. However, in order to report your commitment to such honourable action, it is necessary to overcome countless sources of resistances in yourself and in your environment - while experiencing personally the process of overcoming these resistances is to answer at least one out of both the above questions. So try to pay attention to your own feelings when you read this item #A3. On one hand, thus you will learn what the omniscient and omnipotent God hears while tuning into the thoughts and feelings of each person. On the other hand, my previous experience in implementing progress suggests that probably also this invitation to participate in making a moral breakthrough will prove again to be just the proverbial voice calling in the wilderness. After all, for example for over 20 years my guidelines on how to achieve happiness of nirvana are described in my publications, while I have NOT heard even a single person who would tell me that he/she achieved this wonderful state (although I know that a large proportion of present people ruin their lives by purchasing with their own "money" the substances for experiencing at least a short feeling of a meagre substitute for nirvana caused by the use of narcotics or "party pills"). Similarly, since 2006, my web page named partia_totalizmu_uk.htm has been available while describing the advantages and the need to implement the "nirvana political system" - but almost no one reads it and until today no-one has contacted me regarding the morally groundbreaking political system described on it. However, although I am well aware that the breakthrough I am postulating here will probably be another "losing battle" in my continuous fight for a better future of people, since the good of others requires that someone in the name of a better future has the courage to stand up to those first battles doomed to lose, then for the lack of others ready for sacrifices, let it be me again. After all, logic suggests that nothing in the future will convince people so well to undertake renewal and improvement, just like the memory of the battle which tried to save others from cataclysm, but which was lost due to the lack of support from these others. So let us now get to know what is most important in matters of this commitment to replace money with happiness of nirvana, and to establish the first "nirvana political system" on Earth.
       Those readers who follow what is happening around them probably already noted that "something is NOT right". Increasingly frequent earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunami waves, tornadoes, hurricanes, forest and entire town fires, snowstorms, hailstorms, floods, frosts, bloody colours of the sky and water, locusts, etc., etc. The current "official atheistic science" caught since decades on lying to humanity but still holding an absolute monopoly on research and on education, as well as the increasingly corrupt corporations and elites ruling over some countries that maintain this monopoly, tell us that all this is the result of only "global warming of climate". In turn the coronavirus pandemic raging around the world since beginning of year 2020, according to the official atheistic science, is supposed to be just an accident, a coincidence, or an unsolicited component of someone's menu. Meanwhile, the Bible has been foretelling for thousands of years that the advent of such events is a sign of growing divine anger and punishment for breaking increasingly more by people the commandments and requirements of God, for spreading lies and immorality, for destroying nature, for rejecting God, for turning backsides to our neighbours, etc. Only that the principle on which God's punishments are served makes sure already for a long time that the breaking people's "free will" does NOT occur. Thus, in events that execute this punishment always are embedded at least three different sets of evidence, described in more details in item #C2 from my web page named tornado.htm. Because these sets of evidence typically also include, among others, the work of "blind nature" and "actions or behaviours of people", thus individuals with atheistic inclinations (e.g. the majority of present-day professional scientists) usually whatever currently is happening explain NOT as the dispatching of divine justice to people who have previously deserved e.g. to be punished, but explain it either as "accidents", "chances", or for example as solely the outcome of global warming of climate caused by people. For more details about what currently affects people either watch a half-hour-long Polish educational movie-film entitled "Zagłada Ludzkości 2030" (which title can be translated as "The Great Purification of Humanity in 2030s") linked below from "Film #A3c" and available free of charge at the address, or read items #T1, #T2 and #U1 from my web page named woda_uk.htm or read my entire web page named 2030_uk.htm or "part #H" (especially items #H1 and #H3) from my web page prophecies.htm - which amongst others discusses the prophecies of the Hopi Indians from the United States, who this God's anger and God's impending punishment call just "The Great Purification of Mankind" or "The Third Great Shake".
       If someone carefully looks at events occurring currently on Earth, then he/she is able to notice that they contain imposed onto them by almighty God both, the evidence of the presence of the "blind nature" component, and the evidence of presence of the "divine punishment" component. For example, their component "blind nature" manifests itself in the form of logical "cause-and-effect" relationships which connect these phenomena of nature with human actions or behaviours, or with laws and principles of the operation of nature. In turn their component "divine punishment" is most clearly documented with these few exceptions omitted by thes penalty, while a more thorough examination of which - carried out in the way explained by item #B3 from my web page named portfolio.htm (or explained in post #272E to blogs of totalizm) indicates that they are exceptions which do NOT deserve God's punishment as their previous actions were agreeable with God's commandments described in the content of the Bible (i.e. were actions that are approved by the Bible, while by totalizm are defined as "moral"). Thus, for example, if a tornado or a big fire hits somewhere, sometimes from several houses next to each other one exception remains NOT touched, while others are completely destroyed. If a whole wave of destruction hits a settlement, then afterward usually turns out that the church is still standing in there and survived (although typically in the news reports illustrating this event the showing of this church standing untouched among the ruins will be avoided - for examples see (2) from item #B2 of my web page named seismograph.htm). When in 2020 the "coronavirus" hit the countries of the world, it somehow caused the most deaths and problems in countries burdened with unwanted karma of its relatively recent history or with recent violations of the Bible's instructions. Etc., etc.
       Fortunately, the author of this web page (i.e. Dr Eng. Jan Pająk) is the first and still the only researcher in the world who in 2007 developed and published practically incontestable formal scientific proof for the existence of God, carried out with method of mathematical logic - while previously he published several other formal proofs for the existence of God carried out by other methods. (The proof using mathematical logic is published and discussed in items #G2 and #G3 from my web page named god_proof.htm.) Despite of the fury of naive and ignorant criticism and clumsy contradictions, no one was able to disprove my proof formally and scientifically, nor even formally undermine it. So its power is unwaveringly binding. In addition, the author of this web page, with the help of his first in the world and still the only scientific Theory of Everything of 1985 (also called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity - while described, among others, on the web page named dipolar_gravity.htm), explained the characteristics of the "Virtual World" in which God resides, defined the hardware and software component of God (e.g. the author defined this huge self-aware program contained in the memory of "divine hardware" means in memory of counter-matter - which (program) Christianity calls the "Holy Spirit"), described where God's powers and capabilities come from, and researched and published a lot of methods and principles of God's work (e.g. described the mentioned earlier principle that currently God works in such a way that He never breaks the "free will" of people). Consequently, after gathering knowledge about God that is so broad and based on both factual and objective research as well as on empirical and theoretical evidence, the author considers the position of "official atheistic science" highly false, primitive and harmful to people, implying that supposedly there is NO God, and that the cataclysmic phenomena we currently experience on Earth are only the action of global warming of the planet's climate, or are only coincidences (and thus contain only the component "blind nature" and DO NOT contain the abovementioned "divine punishment" component embedded in whatever is now happening in a way that does not break anyone's "free will"). After all, both the basic logic and the proverb used during World War II and stating that "there are no atheists in foxholes" suggest that even just a healthy caution should prompt atheists that whatever is happening in the world, they are considering to contain both the "blind nature" component and the "God's anger and divine punishment" component, and then are trying to so change their behaviours, that with the physical knowledge they would counteract the consequences of the "blind nature" component, while at the same time with the spiritual knowledge they would pray for God's reduction or even abandonment of serving the consequences of His anger and punishment. (We all know the principle: God helps those who help themselves.) After all, in the light of the existence of incontestable (although still blocked from being disseminated) my formal proof that God does exist, whatever in response to false statements of "official atheistic science" claim and do elites in most of today's countries, invites a reaction to arrogance (e.g. from what I noted in March 2020, from the entire large world only Georgia officially recognized the coronavirus as a manifestation of God's anger and punishment). So it should not surprise anyone that I act myself, and that I also advise the reader to do so, as in the matter regarding the announced of sending of punishment to the city of Nineveh, the Bible revealed it highly symbolically in verses 3:4-10 from the "Book of Jonah" that it caused the revocation of that punishment. (Also learn about the reasons for sending this punishment to Nineveh, described, amongst others, in verses 10:1-19 from the "Book of Isaiah".) I mean, I advise you to take the energetic steps, described in this item #A3, to convince God about your sorrow, repentance and about the already active effort to improve - e.g. by adding a personal contribution to making a moral breakthrough by the efforts already undertaken to implement the "nirvana political system". That taking such active steps has the potential to reduce or postpone cataclysm and to save the person who starts this effort, is confirmed by simple logic and by the answer to a hypothetical question that everyone may ask himself/herself: "if you would be in the place of Almighty God and need to make a choice who would survive and who would be eliminated, then having a choice between billions of arrogant people whose motivations focus only on money and on personal benefits, and someone extremely rare who, despite of his/her human imperfections, still was able to show repentance and put the good of others first - whom of these two categories of people would you choose?" After all, the "nirvana political system" which is to eliminate money, represents the most important factual action which at the present level of knowledge and morality in our present situation can be taken to drastically and permanently change the entire further actions of humanity into the more compatible with the Bible and God's commandments. For as so long, until money escalating all forms of evil on Earth is NOT eliminated from use, it will keep pushing our entire civilization to repetitively bring upon ourselves various cataclysms and exterminations, and at the same time make impossible that the so-far continuous moral decline of people is turned into the growth and self-improvement. Meanwhile, in spite that the majority of today's "TV devotees" avoid doing whatever they should do, because they believe that "it will always be somehow", the truth is that when God's patience runs out because people stubbornly persist in their incorrectness and despite numerous admonitions they have NOT made of a necessary moral breakthrough in their behaviours, then this long-announced "Great Purification of the 2030s" will irrevocably arrive, and probably 99.9% of the human population of today's world will disappear from the surface of our planet. After all, in order to survive the global extermination, it is NOT enough to take care only of the interests of oneself - as this is done by the vast majority of contemporary people distorted by money, but one must prove to God that he/she is carrying in heart the good of all fellow beings. So those ones who will be selected to survive, according to the ancient prophecy "will kiss the earth when they see the footsteps of another man".
       As a person who has accumulated extensive knowledge, experience and skills working as a former university professor (currently retired) who lectured two different disciplines, and also who is one of those very rarely appearing researchers that have practically mastered the ability to correctly forecast the future (for examples of this skill see items #J4.1 to #J4.6 of the web page propulsion.htm or see a free YouTube film entitled Future Propulsions discussed below in the captions under "Film #A3a" and "Film #A3b"), I am still investigating the consequences of the upcoming collapse of our present civilization and I try to predict how people will live when this collapse passes. Unfortunately, due to my old age and chronic lack of time, I am NOT able to carry out alone all areas of this complex research. That is why I hereby invite the reader to cooperate and to help me in introduction of the most important breakthrough in the history of mankind. Namely, because I study the future replacement of the current "money" by a much more moral and more powerful than "money" reward for the work done - which replacement for money in the light of my research should be the phenomenon of happiness of nirvana ideally designed by God, I invite the reader to cooperate with me in the matter of making breakthrough in human morality by the getting rid of "money" from use completely - and thus also in the matter of getting rid of this enormous amount of evil that "money" causes on Earth. (After all, money increases exploitation, unemployment, inflation, taxes, corruption, social injustice, homelessness, addictions, godlessness, immorality, crime, widens the gap between rich and poor, distances science from the truth, induces official lies, wars, discrimination, economic and energy crises, faster depletion of raw materials, lack of drinking water and food, an increase in morbidity and an increasing lack of medicines that really heal, pollution of the natural environment, extinction of animals, heating of the climate, etc., etc.) The most important subject of our cooperation could be taking part in an experiment which I designed, and which would verify the guidelines that I once developed for those of people who would like to earn the happiness of "nirvana". However, there are also other items of possible cooperation, which I described in later part of this item #A3, and which serve toward the unleashing of power and work of "happiness of nirvana" from previous bonds and from blocking and hiding knowledge about it. After all, this power is so great that in the future it is easily able to replace the current "money".
       The main purpose of the experiment that I designed is to make a breakthrough in human behaviour, first (a) by developing simple to use but effectively working guidelines that teach ordinary people how they can empirically develop for themselves this "happiness of nirvana" by doing their normal physical work in a way that meets the requirements of so-called "moral work", then (b) by publishing testimonies and examples of several people who actually earned nirvana. These guidelines and testimonies would then be made available to everyone interested, e.g. in the form of a web page or a small brochure, or in a short film available on YouTube. (Notice that the development of such guidelines and testimonies would allow the quick and impossible to "monetize" by elites growth of the level of happiness in almost all physically working ordinary people around the world, and just for this reason neither the "official atheistic science" of today, nor today's elites, will voluntarily join the effort of implementing this main goal - hence this implementation should be undertaken without waiting for their official consent and participation.) I do hope that you are in a personal situation that allows you to start such cooperation as soon as possible (presumably at a distance via email - for my email address see item #L3 from the web page named pajak_jan_uk.htm). Notice that the cooperation can be carried out either only between myself and the reader, or even better, between myself and the institution, organization, family, or group of friends which the reader represents - if with the consent of all participants the reader manages to involve its entire institution, organization, family, etc., to the task of implementation of this historically groundbreaking moral, social, economic, political and civilization experiment.
       However, in order this main goal to be achieved, namely to be achieved the historical breakthrough in the principles of inspiring people to voluntarily perform useful "moral work" in order to maintain their "happiness of nirvana" (instead of forcing them with "money" to do work of slaves), it is first necessary to carry out a whole series of partial breakthroughs - to achieve each one of which can contribute virtually every individual person, as well as every institution, party, community, country, etc. So let us now list the most important and necessary goals and the partial breakthroughs, which are components of this experiment. They include at least:
(1) The development of instruction for achieving "happiness of nirvana" - means the development of simple but effective guidelines describing how practically every person can develop nirvana through hard physical work [hps], which meets all the moral requirements imposed on it and which therefore I named "moral work". Although such instruction has already been included in my publications for around 20 years - for an example of it see items #D3, #D2 and #C6 from the web page named nirvana.htm. However, judging by the lack of people who would report to me that they have successfully used it, it requires rewording. Furthermore, so-far I personally neither supervised nor checked, even a single person who according to it would achieve happiness of nirvana - although on the Internet I came across someone's description that based on my publications someone actually managed to achieve such nirvana happiness.
(2) Preparation and publication of a handy instruction for achieving the earned nirvana by any person - which instruction would contain these simple but effective guidelines. Such an instruction should be simple to use, clearly presented, proven to be effective in action, and already checked on several actual users who have already used it by themselves to achieve nirvana.
(3) Checking on several people living and working in different conditions, and possible confirmation, whether meeting the same set of guidelines for achieving nirvana will actually work for all of them in practice - means to try determine which of the requirements of "moral work" is the most important for attaining nirvana. In other words, an attempt to answer the question "why on a close to nature tropical island of Borneo, I reached nirvana relatively quickly and easily and maintained it for about 9 months without problems, however, in New Zealand doing the same 'moral work' as in Borneo, I could NOT keep this nirvana for myself anymore?" On the basis of empirical experiences of sensual feeling of a particularly low level of "moral energy" in NZ, which feeling I described, among others, in the final paragraph of item #E1 from the web page named newzealand_visit.htm I personally believe that the reason for my inability to achieve nirvana in NZ is too rapid dissipation of my "moral energy" caused by an excessively low average level of moral energy in the surrounding society. This my conclusion also seems to be confirmed by the prevailing frequency of depression and suicides in NZ (after all, the main reasons for depression and suicide usually include the lack of "moral energy" - as explain it more thoroughly the descriptions from item #C6 from my web page named nirvana.htm).
(4) Creating a group of several individual people who would be able to stay permanently in the state of earned nirvana, and thus who could start to serve as an "example to follow" for many other people. These people could also become subjects of research on the impact of nirvana on the situation of people who experience it. For example, from my personal experiences it seems that the experiencing of nirvana protects a person from being infected with viruses or with bacteria of any disease - after all, living on a tropical Borneo full of tropical diseases I did NOT notice getting infected with any disease in times when I experienced nirvana, although at other times I am rather sickly person who suffers from various health problems all the time. In addition, it is known that someone's earning nirvana is a proof and a sign that such a person acts pedantically morally in whatever he/she does - hence as such he/she is protected by God from suffering various misfortunes and accidents that may haunt other people, and additionally is generously rewarded after the so-called return time).
(5) Completed on several people who have already achieved nirvana, practical verification of various quantitative data collected during my own research on nirvana. For example, verification of the amount of "moral work" in [hps] needed to achieve the state of nirvana - i.e. quantities such as: E, Emax, Enirvana, µ, etc.
(6) The experiment of checking in practice whether young and physically fit people are able to develop for themselves the phenomenon of nirvana during the performing of their normal (physical) professional employment work - if they strictly meet in their job the requirements of "moral work". This check can be obtained, among others by helping several people, e.g. the reader, or someone from the reader's environment, to empirically earn nirvana with their physical employment work. (In my experience, nirvana is most easily achieved by nurses - if they do their work with the right motivation and focus on the good of others, means NOT on their own convenience and income.) As a result of this experiment, it would be possible to check in practice how correct are the guidelines and the data which I hope that we will rewrite and published in the form of a simple but effective instruction as a result of the cooperation described here.
(7) Farsighted, wise and cautious refinement of the details of the "statute of the Party of Totalizm" quoted below - the goal of the creation of which will be the implementation of the "nirvana political system". After all, this statute is still preliminary and created only to be subjected to further improvements.
(8) Organizing (or financing) the Party of Totalizm. This action already requires the collective work of larger groups of people, institutions, political parties, or even entire countries. (For example, some existing political party could change its name to the "Party of Totalizm", and adopt the statute developed by a collective effort from the draft version which I present below.) Fortunately, making this effort will also be a message sent to God by a given group of people that they drastically changed their conduct and actions, and thus that for the benefit of future generations this group is worth protecting them from the forthcoming "The Great Purification of the 2030s" and help in achieving the success of the implementation of the "nirvana political system".
(9) Developing a wise and far-sighted vision and a detailed plan on how the Party of Totalizm should begin and then gradually carry out the implementation of the "nirvana political system". After all, the very fact that God created and made available for the use of people such a perfect tool as the happiness of nirvana does NOT mean that several imperfect and incompetent or even stupid people would NOT be able to "mess up" the implementation of the "nirvana political system". At the same time, from the experience and mistakes of implementing e.g. communism, we already perfectly remember that too rude, reckless, coerced and undemocratic implementation of the new political system may discourage to this system people from a given country or even from the whole world. On the other hand, the features and benefits of the "nirvana political system" indicate that if its implementation is wisely and far-sightedly designed and democratically carried out, then certainly this system will gradually create the future "paradise on Earth".
       My inspiration and motivation to present this cooperation proposal is the fact of my personal experiencing the "happiness of nirvana" lasting for about 9 months and thoroughly researched on myself at that time. Although during my research I also developed some "guidelines for other people on how they can achieve nirvana happiness", so far the effectiveness of these guidelines has NOT been tested on other people who would achieve nirvana under my supervision and verification - although I found a case on the Internet when someone (unfortunately unknown to me) claims to have achieved nirvana using versions of my guidelines that worked for him. Therefore, I hope that in the cooperation proposed here my guidelines can be tested on several other people - preferably on readers who accept this call for volunteering to implementation of the moral breakthrough described here, or on people most suited to the requirements of "moral work" - which will be selected from among their friends or family members who are already working physically, e.g. on a farm or in other type of hard physical work.
       Now a bit of history to explain to the reader what created the scientific foundations, pool of knowledge, competence, and personal experience for my research on the happiness of nirvana. And so, I am a former professor who taught two different disciplines, namely Mechanical Engineering and Computer Sciences, at four universities from four different countries in the world (such as Northern Cyprus, Malaysia, Borneo and South Korea - see the information about me, which you can find on Google, e.g. at In addition, I was born, educated, worked and lived in communist Poland for 36 years, then emigrated to capitalist New Zealand in which I worked and lived until my unemployment caused by the economic depression of NZ, and after 7 years of travelling around the world "in search of bread" I have returned to and currently live in NZ on a retirement pension - which course of my fate allowed me to get to know the pros and cons of living in both these different political systems. (Please note that God created our physical world so wisely that there is nothing that would have only drawbacks or only advantages.) During the last stage of my professorship at "University Malaysia Sarawak" from the tropical island of Borneo, during research on the results of hard physical work with pedantically moral intentions and internal attitudes, that is, during performing work, which I later named "moral work", I unexpectedly experienced a state of indescribable happiness at an extremely high level, the maintaining of which by carrying out the same "moral work" I managed to continue for about 9 months and which I later identified as a deliberately earned "nirvana" that appears when we are still in our physical body. The intensity of my happiness during this "earned nirvana" was enormous - the only other feeling which I could compare with it was "a sexual orgasm that lasts without end". Experiencing this nirvana, I was aware that I was the only professional scientist in the world who practically experienced such an "earned nirvana". Hence, while feeling this unearthly happiness, at the same time I researched it earnestly - especially from the point of view of "how each person can earn it", "how it works in our bodies and soul" and "what does it change or do for a person who earned it". (For example, I noticed then that a person who is just experiencing nirvana probably cannot be infected with any illness - at least I did not get infected then, although tropical Borneo is famous for various diseases.) I described later the results of my research, amongst others, on the web page named nirvana.htm. (I invite you to familiarize yourself with that web page, especially with items #D3, #D2 and #C6 - which describe the guidelines and requirements established by my research that must be met when performing "moral work" while developing nirvana.) Because the results of my research may be useful for developing methods of achieving earned nirvana by virtually all people from any country, i.e. to enable similar nirvana happiness to be achieved both in the reader's environment and in any other country of the world, I decided to encourage the reader to start our possible cooperation, the objectives of which I explained above.
       Unfortunately, the so-called "Asian crisis of 1998" - incidentally also caused by "money" (see:, which, among other things, paralyzed the economy of tropical Borneo, also caused that I had to leave the close to nature island of Borneo and return to New Zealand. Unfortunately, my attempts to maintain nirvana in New Zealand by doing the same "moral work" as in Borneo were thwarted by missing some very important component (I believe that this component was a required high level of "moral energy" in the society that surrounds me). In the result, in NZ I was unable to continue my staying in the state of "happiness of earned nirvana". So for me the experience of nirvana ended after the last 9 months of the professorship in Borneo - although the research carried out there assured me that in favourable conditions and circumstances the "nirvana" earned due to performing "moral work" could be sustained for almost the entire life. (Hence future experiments should try to explain: what are the most important requirements and conditions that must be minimally met by the environment in which someone performs his/her "moral work" so that this environment allows to earn nirvana by anyone willing so?) Despite the inability to maintain nirvana, I continued my research in New Zealand - only that theoretically, NOT empirically. In addition to "earned nirvana" I undertook in there theoretical research on all other varieties and types of "nirvana". During this time, I determined, for example, that all "narcotics/drug addictions" occur because people who are unable to experience the happiness of true nirvana are trying to experience a narcotic imitation of the happiness of nirvana. I also determined that e.g. addictions to watching sporting events and meditation occur because during these activities some people may temporarily experience the happiness of "nirvana of crowd" or "resonance nirvana" - although these two versions of nirvana last only for very short periods of time.
       The results of this research, which revealed to me the power of nirvana in function of an inspiration to do everything that is necessary to continue to experience the happiness of nirvana, inspired me to undertake research on the possibility of replacing the function of "money" by "happiness of nirvana". The point is that "money" is the equally as narcotics addictive source of all evil on Earth - as I explained it in more detail in items #A1 to #A4 from my web page named partia_totalizmu_uk.htm and in posts #320E and #320 to blogs of totalizm. So if people would succeed in replacing money with happiness of nirvana, then our civilization would cease to experience all the evil that we see around us today. That is why, in 2006, I developed and published, among others, on the above-mentioned web page named partia_totalizmu_uk.htm, an idea stating that all existing political systems, including current capitalism and communism, can be replaced by a new political system, which I later named "nirvana political system" (in Polish wording: "ustrój nirwany"), in which the current forcing to work for earning "money" would be replaced by voluntary "moral work" to earn "happiness of nirvana". Unfortunately, in 2006 my publications regarding this new "nirvana political system", which would operate without the use of "money", were NOT well received. Thus, although my web page partia_totalizmu_uk.htm and its suggestion to replace evil-causing "money" with "nirvana" was available to everyone in Polish and in English all the time, still in the meantime "money" gained the possibility of generating further types of evil on Earth. So in 2020 it came to a situation which now strikes the eyes around us, namely, when there is probably more volume of plastics in the seas than fish, when many species of animals are just dying out, when people have changed the Earth's climate so much that the lives of most nations are becoming hell, when food already accumulates so much chemicals in it that make sick most of eaters, when the economies of many countries almost collapse, when many elites and heads of state almost openly practice corruption, when increasingly deadly epidemics and pandemics kill thousands of people (including "coronavirus" troubling the world since the end of 2019), when our entire civilization is already on the brink of collapse, etc., etc. Therefore, in February 2020 I decided to update and improve my web page partia_totalizmu_uk.htm, in items from #A1 to #A4 of which this time I explained without any restraint why my "nirvana political system" has incomparably more advantages and incomparably fewer flaws than even the best out of the previous political systems on Earth - including both, today's capitalism and communism. Furthermore, I also published descriptions of my "nirvana political system" in posts #320E and #320 to blogs of totalizm with addresses provided in item #Z2 of this web page - and collected together in my publication [13] available via the web page named tekst_13.htm. (I invite you to read these publications easily accessible via the Internet - it is also worth reviewing our YouTube videos described below in "Film #A3a" to "Film # A3c" and available, among others, via the web page named djp.htm.) Currently I noted that due to today's highly tragic situation in the world (also caused by "money"), many people began to pay attention to the advantages of my "nirvana political system", which instead of buying human labour for "money" that only intensifies evil, creates for people the hope for protection against cataclysms and illnesses while simultaneously makes them volunteering for earning the "happiness of nirvana" by performing productive "moral work" which has the power to eliminate "money". (Note here the message and truth of the English saying happy go lucky.)
       I should also mention here that the scope of my scientific competence and practical life experiences is much broader than just developing the "nirvana political system" - what provides a kind of assurance that also in the matter of nirvana political system my findings probably show people the most progressive path. This scope is best demonstrated by my previous research achievements in life. I should list here at least some of the most important among them. And yes, they also include the development of: (1) the so-called Cyclic Table for Propelling Devices which allowed me to invent principles of operation for most important kinds of Future Propulsions - numerous inventions of futuristic propelling devices and starships resulting from this Cyclic Table are described, amongst others, in items #J4.1 to #J4.6 from the web page named propulsion.htm and are shown on a 34-minute-long free YouTube film entitled "Future Propulsions" while available at the address as well as via links from the "Film #A3b" below (one of my starships named "Magnocraft" is shown during landing on a distant planet on a 26-second-long silent movie-film named Alien Planet 4K from the address while described more comprehensively on my web page called magnocraft.htm); (2) the first and so far the only scientific Theory of Everything of 1985 also called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity while described, amongst others, on the web page named dipolar_gravity.htm; (3) an extremely moral philosophy called "Totalizm" (the one spelled by the letter "z" - see and explained in more detail on the web page named totalizm.htm; (4) the formal scientific proof that God does exist, the definition of God, a description of sources of God's power, and a physical explanation that God is a huge self-aware program living in the memory of counter-matter from the counter-world; and (5) also a number of further scientific and inventive achievements described in my monographs and partly illustrated, for example, with the movie-film entitled "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio" (in English) from the address and with other films available, e.g. via my web page called djp.htm. No wonder that for the results of my research to-date, I was included while still alive in the list of "world category identities" - see where I have some highly honourable comrades - listed e.g. at:
       I hope that the growing knowledge of people about what the future will bring to humanity (the description of which I have included in "part #H" from my web page named prophecies.htm - e.g. see in there (ii) from item #H1), allows us to cooperate - and I also hope that the reader is personally interested in a way of increasing the happiness through earning "nirvana" by performing "moral work", and that such cooperation will allow all people to develop the happiness of earned nirvana and that it would contribute to providing our world with first experimental data, which in the not too distant future could result in the emergence of the "nirvana political system" that does NOT use "money", but allows people to voluntarily perform all productive work simply to be able to maintain the happiness of earned nirvana for the duration of their entire life.
       I should also mention that it would be best if our cooperation was possible to work remotely via the Internet. Because such cooperation would NOT require personal contacts, hence it could begin immediately - despite e.g. the persistence of the "coronavirus" pandemic (through which people who earned nirvana probably could survive without harm). This in turn would allow that our first results may appear earlier than the "calm before the storm" which I will describe in the next paragraph. I should also add that my only goal of this cooperation is to collect further experimental data and empirical experience regarding ways of achieving "earned nirvana" by ordinary people, thus I am NOT looking for any financial gain (i.e. everything that our cooperation would require I intend to do for free - after all, I am a scientist who wants to cause that the entire our civilization gets rid of "money").
       Let me also explain here the warning about the deceptive potential of "calm before the storm". Well, the results of research that I conducted on a typical course of any cataclysm and discussed e.g. in (7) from item #B5 of my web page named seismograph.htm, inform that in typical situations at least three subsequent cataclysms of increasing intensity are sent, which I call (1) "warning cataclysm", (2) "urging cataclysm" and (3) "annihilating cataclysm". Between them there are kinds of "calm" which duration is aimed at checking whether people have already undertaken the process of changing their behaviours. According to this research, e.g. the "coronavirus" of 2020 does NOT yet represent the punishment of the strongest "annihilating cataclysm", but is probably an "urging cataclysm". So it will be followed by a period of "calm", deliberately granted to people so that they can demonstrate their changes in behaviour. On the basis of my research I am personally convinced that if during this "calm" which would follow the disappearance of the "coronavirus" pandemic some country demonstrated that it seriously and energetically prepares, for example, to implement the "nirvana political system", or takes implementation of any action symbolically indicated by the descriptions for the biblical city of Nineveh, then the "annihilating cataclysm" of the 2030s would have been alleviated for it, or even the altogether cancelled. Unfortunately, knowing the behaviour of today's scientists and elites, if the "urging cataclysm" almost disappears gradually by itself after completing its goal, then noisy "propaganda of success" will be undertaken and it will attribute to scientists and to elites the alleged success of extinguishing this cataclysm - in order to be able to use the economic revival and human needs of the calm to multiply their profits. In turn this propaganda of success is to make it difficult or even impossible to use such period of "calm before the storm" to carry out the moral "breakthrough" described here which would reduce or completely postpone the arrival of the "annihilating cataclysm". Therefore, because of this reason, the annihilating cataclysm probably will NOT be reduced nor cancelled - about which fact the people may find out too late to change anything or to save themselves. This is why it would be best if the cooperation described here is to bring valuable fruit that would be implemented in practice before the arrival, or already during this period of "calm before the storm" - which in fact will be the most favourable period for accomplishing the described here moral breakthrough in the history of humanity.
       I hope that the above made us aware of positive sides of the possibility of establishing our cooperation, which, if it leads to final success, will allow for achieving lasting "happiness of nirvana" by many people not only from the immediate area, but will also create a positive example for the rest of our world.
* * *
       There are numerous movie-films in YouTube for which I am a co-author and which show information related to descriptions from the above item #A3. One of these, linked from "Film #A3c" below is entitled (in Polish) "Zagłada Ludzkości 2030" - which title in English can be interpreted as meaning "The Great Purification of Humanity in 2030s" from the Hopi Indian prophecy (USA). The content of this film is based on my web page named 2030_uk.htm. I intended to translate that web page into English, but somehow so-far I have no spare time to do it - so only small sections of it are in English. However, Internet usually offers a free translation of web pages - which you can use to see what that web page is all about.
       By the way, this Polish film "Zagłada Ludzkości 2030" is the most successful of all films that together with my talented friend Dominic from Germany we produced so-far. (I do hope that even better than this one, will be our next film about the "nirvana political system", on researching of which I work since 2006 and the main idea of which is described in items #A1 to #A4 from my English web page named partia_totalizmu_uk.htm - as that other film will be aimed at convincing our civilization to get rid of money since "money is the source of all evil on Earth". But so-far the filming part of this next film is NOT started yet, while the preparation of such filming part in any our film usually takes at least one full year - so there may be enough time to include into it also outcomes of our possible cooperation - if it is successful.) Links to all four our films, as well as my interviews via Skype, the reader can find on the web page djp.htm (over there the English versions of films are shown in second column) - but notice that because this djp.htm web page contains a lot of films, it may load quite long, so you need to be patient with it. Although the film "Zagłada Ludzkości 2030" uses only the language of the small country of Poland and it belongs to category of "educational films" which usually are viewed by small proportion of people, it already passed the threshold of two millions of views and in April 2020 its viewership is already close to three millions.

Film #A3a: Here is the starter of a silent movie-film lasting only 17 seconds while illustrating how regularities contained in my Cyclic Table for Propelling Devices forecast the operation of human propulsions from the sixth technical era of humanity. In above film shown is the operation of devices that construct a section of the so-called "Inca Wall" - several examples of which are shown e.g. on my web page named p_nfi.htm. (Notice that currently on Earth prevails only the second technical era.) In that sixth technical era that is to arrive in future, the mastery of the skills of counter-matter programming by people will allow that invisible counter-matter from the counter-world is either transformed into material of any substance, wall, building, object, etc., from our physical world - or with the reversed programming process any object from our physical world is annihilated due to dispersal of counter-matter that forms this object. These processes of transformation or annihilation are described in more details in item #J4.6 from my web page named propulsion.htm. They can be implemented telepathically at any distance - so that people who master them will be able to create or annihilate objects on other planets and even on other star systems, using for this purpose the so-called telepathic telescopes and projectors. The mastery of these skills by people will allow the production or annihilation in any selected places of any amounts of any substance shaped into any objects and at the moment of initiation characterized by any parameters. After all, the physical structures and attributes of these objects, coded into programs from the memory of the counter-matter that transforms itself into the hardware shape of these objects, include the software descriptions of all attributes and parameters of these objects - similarly like the controlling software from today "3D printers" or from today "computer-controlled machine tools", also contains in itself all attributes and parameters of objects that these "3D printers" or "numerically controlled machine tools" later shape into their physical forms. So when in the sixth technical era people learn to program counter-matter, then they will be able to create from (or annihilate into) invisible counter-matter any physical objects in a similar manner as it is done today using "3D printers" or "computer-controlled machine tools". It is interesting that ancient legends of nations from areas where until today exist megalithic walls or buildings with features that cannot be repeated by today's physical human technology, confirm that by using just such programmed transformation of counter-matter were created, for example, Inca Walls, Great Pyramids, and a number of other architectural wonders of ancient world. (Note that also the Bible is confirming that everything that is visible was so created - see verse 11:3 from "Hebrews", or see (5) from item #C12 of my web page named bible.htm.) The above film I am showing here to make the reader aware of how powerful weapon it would be for morally immature rulers with belligerent tendencies to acquire the skills of similarly building, producing, or annihilating substances or structures that they would intend to use for destroying nations or countries which they would consider to be their enemies. After all, with such weapons in just seconds they would be able, for example, to wall up with a crust or lava, sink in some poisonous liquid, or annihilate the entire opposing to them nations or countries. So in order that some morally immature people do NOT get their hands on a similar weapon - a power of which would outgrow their level of morality, until the time when humanity abandons the use of "money" which distorts its morality, the access of all nations to these powerful devices and powerful skills for the time being will be blocked by moral mechanisms which I described in my publications under the Polish names and keywords "przekleństwo wynalazców" (meaning the "curse of inventors") and "wynalazcza impotencja" (meaning the "inventive impotence") - for links to my Polish web pages elaborating on topics named with these keywords see my web page with "index of keywords", named skorowidz.htm. (Note that each my Polish web page has also another version programmed in the English language.) The above short silent film, available for free under the title Wall 4K from the address, was originally designed as part of a half-hour-long English-language educational film entitled Future Propulsions available below in "Film #A3b". (Click on the above starter to watch this 17-second short film.)

Film #A3b: Here is the starter of a half-hour-long free educational film (in English) from YouTube entitled Future Propulsions - available to everyone at the address It illustrates the most important types of powerful propelling devices, the future construction of which is already forecasted by my Cyclic Table for Propelling Devices, while the descriptions of which (also in English) are provided in items #J4.1 to #J4.6 from my web page named propulsion.htm and in posts #319E to #309E to blogs of totalizm. For now, however, the construction of these devices is prevented by the action of moral mechanisms which I described in publications linked from my Polish web page named skorowidz.htm by Polish keywords "przekleństwo wynalazców" (meaning "curse of inventors") and "wynalazcza impotencja" (meaning "inventive impotence") - note that each my Polish publication linked from the above Polish "index page" named "skorowidz.htm" has also a version translated and programmed in English. This preventing of construction of these powerful devices is still a necessity because the insistence of the earthly ruling elites to continually use "money" (means to use the addictive source of all evil on Earth that is well known from its ability to spoil the morality of virtually every person and to ruin the growth of civilization in entire humanity). Therefore, this insistence prevents us all from reaching the moral level, at which the possession of these powerful propelling devices would become safe and would NOT threaten that any of morally immature politicians with belligerent tendencies will cause the destruction of all inhabitants of the Earth. Fortunately, the postulated, for example, by this web page partia_totalizmu_statute.htm and by related to it web page named partia_totalizmu_uk.htm the implementation of the "nirvana political system" which would completely eliminate money from use, brings the potential to reverse the current trend of the moral decline of humanity and thus could open the people's access to these powerful propelling drives of our future. There is a chance that "in one way or the other" the humanity still will develop for itself the "nirvana political system". For example, even if everyone ignores the postulated here peaceful implementation of the "nirvana political system" which would begin the straightening of people's morality warped by money - while simultaneously stopping or reducing further punishments from God, still the continuation of the moral fall of humanity is to create conditions that soon it will be this fall that will lead to automatic "implementation" of the "nirvana political system" as a result of the arrival of the "Great Purification of Humanity in 2030s" illustrated below by "Film #A3c" (in Polish) available from the YouTube address This is because the "Great Purification of Humanity in 2030s" is to remove from Earth both "money" and also almost all people used to live for money (for details "how" and "why" see the caption under the next starter below labelled "Film #A3c"). Click on the starter of the above half-hour movie-film #A3b to view it.

Film #A3c: Although human thinking habits treat each cataclysm as an event with only negative consequences, our physical world is so wisely and far-sightedly designed that "absolutely everything has advantages and disadvantages (or both pros and cons)", and that it adheres to the principles best expressed in the well-known Polish proverb stating "there is NO so such evil that some good would not come out of it" and its reverse stating "there is NO such good that would not give rise to some form of evil" - i.e. it adheres to these two principles described more comprehensively e.g. in item #F3 from my web page named wszewilki_uk.htm. For example, one of the positive consequences of the "Great Purification of Humanity in 2030s" illustrated by the above film in the Polish language, may be that it spontaneously is to interrupt the thousand-year-long cycles of addictive use of "money" which brings all kinds of evil to people, and that it is to spontaneously replace money with "happiness of nirvana" which in the very end may lead to the spontaneous replacement of the to-date existing political systems with the new "nirvana political system" described here. After all, these extremely few people who manage to survive the "Great Purification of Humanity in 2030s" (see the address ) will NOT have any other option than to abandon the use of money to concentrate on improving chances of survival for themselves and for their neighbours by personal, actual, heavily physical "moral work" with which they will produce for themselves and for other survivors the required food and useful goods that they will need for living and for working. In turn this heavily physical "moral work", carried out then for the common good of all survivors, will start to generate a lot of "moral energy" in so working people - as I described this in item #D2 from my web page named nirvana.htm. In turn "moral energy" generated by this "moral work" will begin to bring into them the happiness of nirvana - getting used to experiencing which will later cause the intentional continuation of heavily physical "moral work" even if only to extend the duration of this happiness of nirvana. Such continuation of "moral work" will cause almost spontaneous implementation amongst them the initially unaware form of the "nirvana political system". In turn after its implementation, someone finally either guesses the advantages and potential of his/her feelings of indescribable happiness, or recollects my publications - which explain this happiness of nirvana thoroughly. Means, he/she will recollect my descriptions of the "nirvana political system", the operation of which maintains the following uninterrupted mechanism: (1) the compliance of human physical efforts with moral requirements provided in the content of the Bible causes the fulfilment of the requirements of "moral work" and thus generates "moral energy"; (2) God's improvement of human bodies and souls, which I described in item #A1 of the web page named evolution_pl.htm causes that the gathering in the soul of the required amount of "moral energy" that exceeds the threshold value of "µnirvana" will trigger the appearance of "earned nirvana"; (3) the phenomenon of "earned nirvana" (also called the totaliztic nirvana) will create a feeling of overwhelming happiness that everyone who experiences it once will try to maintain throughout the entire life; (4) the long-lasting persistence in the state of "nirvana happiness" through doing heavily physical "moral work" in the situation of lack of access to money and the inability to print money will cause that people will work only to maintain their happiness of nirvana (while money will completely cease to be needed by them) - that is, those who actually are to survive through the "Great Purification of Humanity in 2030s" will create among themselves and among their fellow men the unconscious "nirvana political system"; (5) someone from those who survived through the "Great Purification" will remember the reported in items #A1 to #A4 from the web page named partia_totalizmu_uk.htm and in item #A3 of this web page named partia_totalizmu_statute.htm, the knowledge about the operation of the "nirvana political system" - hence he/she will announce, that they formally establish for themselves a "nirvana political system" and that they will never in the future intend to return to using evilly-addictive money that distorts people's characters and destroys the entire humanity. So, even if this my call here for peaceful implementation of the "nirvana political system" is ignored, this system can still be implemented on its own - it is just a pity that it will have to happen at the cost of losing the lives of almost all people too used to living from money, to destroying nature due to money, to spreading immorality because of money, to turning away from God and from their neighbours because of money, etc., so that they cannot change their destructive behaviours. (Click on the starter of this half hour movie-film in Polish to view it.)
       Notice that in spite the narration of the above film is in Polish, the film is full of Biblical symbolism. Thus, one should understand what it tries to say about the human future without knowing the Polish language. For example, if one sees legs of a black horse, one knows that these are references to Biblical riders of Apocalypse. If the black horse from slow walking starts to accelerate to increasingly fast galloped, it means that incoming cataclysms are to increase in destructive power. If one sees sculls or skeletons, it means death is coming to the entire population. If one sees money, it means because this civilization is so obsessed with money and wealth that it forgotten about loving the neighbours, nature and God. If one sees employers yelling at people or suppressing results of research, it symbolises the official oppression from ruling elites. If one sees robbers, it means that are coming times of lawlessness, killing and robberies. If one sees trees torn from earth out of roots, they symbolise God's anger which will cause removal of many ungodly nations from the surface of earth. If one sees tanks shooting, it means wars. If one sees passenger airplanes and people leaving it, it means the illnesses, like coronavirus, spreading around the world by travellers. Etc., etc. Note that this film was the first in YouTube that started the alarm about what is wrong with our civilization and where the present sins of nations lead us to. Other similar films started to appear only after ours one was trailblazing for the change of human behaviours. The above film turned out to be very successful. In spite that it is educational in nature (which most of people do NOT like to watch), and that it only is in the language of small Poland, still so-far it was watched by over two millions of viewers - for details click here to see its commemorative badge.

Part #B: Statute:


(initial proposal)



Name, logo, legal foundations, and the location of the political "party of totalizm":
1. The political "party of totalizm" - in the further parts called the "party of totalizm" or "the party", is a political party. The "party of totalizm" utilises the abbreviation "TOT". The graphical symbol of the party of totalizm is presented on the "Fig. #B1" included.
2. The name and symbols of the party of totalizm are defined and accepted by the national assembly of the members called the "central convention".
3. The party of totalizm operates and shapes its structures on the basis of currently prevailing laws, especially laws concerning political parties, and according to this statute.
4. The headquarters of the party of totalizm is the capitol city of the nation.



Goals of the party of totalizm:
1. To accomplish the primary goal of totalizm, means to work out the situation when every citizen who lives in the area of influence of this party will receive a chance for the maximisation of happiness.
2. To strive towards additional accomplishing in the future the long-term goals of the philosophy of moral totalizm, which include (amongst others): (a) the formation of social, political, and economical conditions which would allow to eventuate the situation when every citizen who lives in the area of influence of this party would obtain a chance for continuous increase the level of his or her happiness - including the giving to everyone a chance for accomplishing the level of happiness in which he or she could continually maintain the state of totaliztic nirvana; (b) the technical defeating death and giving to people infinitively long lives through lifting of human awareness (e.g. lifting the awareness of the proof that time elapses in jumps described in item #A1 of the web page timevehicle.htm - about time, time travel, and time vehicles and depending on noticing in daylight the apparent reversal of the direction of rotation of spinning objects), and also through lifting the level of science and technology (especially the knowledge of the so-called Oscillatory Chambers of the third generation which are devices able to shift time back) up to the situation when the entire society governed by the party of totalizm willingly and enthusiastically is going to undertake the construction of time vehicles which allow people to defeat death and live forever through the repetitive shifting back to years of their youth; (c) the accomplishing the atmosphere, conditions, and legal environment that are required to reward through shifting back to years of their youth with the use of time vehicles only these people which accomplished the state of continuous nirvana, and in this way reassuring that the society as a whole will accomplish the access to the version of immortality experienced in conditions of everlasting happiness.
3. Continuous lifting in the society the level of happiness of individual people, which is expressed by (amongst others) the lifting the access to such searched for quantities of our lives as:
- the level of morality;
- prosperity;
- health;
- availability of work;
- individual happiness;
- awareness of the destructiveness of addictions and other social evils;
- and other factors which improve the quality of life in the nation.
4. To eliminate from the society:
- forced labour and wherever applicable to replace it with the voluntarily labour;
- the endangering of safety of people;
- unemployment;
- crime;
- lack of goals in life;
- bans and limitations imposed on law obeying citizens;
- secrets and limitations over the access of citizens to reliable information of a public nature;
- negative models of behaviour;
- and other factors which worsen the quality of life of the nation.
5. To promote the development of these directions of scientific research, which so-far were discriminated while they contain a potential for the civilisational advanced of the humanity.
6. To simplify and to improve the existing:
- laws;
- taxes;
- systems of governing the country;
- justice;
- public heath system;
- industry;
- production;
- farming;
- ecology;
- assistance in loosing additions.
7. To form the postulated by the philosophy of totalizm social structures, organisations, and methods of acting which are to guarantee the continuous improvement of just, consistent, responsible, equal, and friendly treating of all citizens.
8. The moral, civilisational, and economical development of the nation.
9. To support the development of new forms of democracy, obedience of laws, and peaceful coexistence within the nation, amongst all neighbours, and on the entire planet.
10. The active participation in the political life of the nation, aimed at the improvement of this life and on the prosperity of the nation.
11. To exert influence on the activities of the government and on the situation of the nation via all methods available in democracy that are agreeable with the law.
12. To delegate candidates for posts in governmental and administrative institutions, and to direct and supervise activities these candidates.


Philosophical foundations of the "party of totalizm":
1. For its philosophical foundation the political party of totalizm openly adopts the finding of the "totaliztic science" stating that "people are intentionally created by God as highly imperfect creatures". Basing on this finding, the "party of totalizm" acknowledges that the path to accomplishing goals that it assumed for itself leads through a continuous effort of gradual building-in to practically every area of human activities various safeguards which are to protect outcomes of human works against all human imperfections - as the "totaliztic science" explains this in presentations from the web page named humanity.htm. In turn the work of these safeguards is to cause, that standards of living of all people are to gradually be lifted, because imperfect individuals are to be deprived opportunities to spoil and destroy these standards.


Principles of totalizm that are utilised by the "party of totalizm":
1. The creation of moral and political system of public reinforcement, which enable each citizen to earn the state of nirvana and the continual maintaining this state.
2. Pedantic obedience of moral laws that are already known - in the form in which these laws are described by the philosophy of totalizm.
3. Personal responsibility of members and officers of the party of totalizm for political decisions undertaken by these people.
4. Implementation in real life the dominating wishes of the nation expressed via members of the "party of totalizm".


Principles from beyond totalizm for the implementation of which the party of totalizm is devoted:
1. The equality of all citizens in face of county and law, independently of their: gender, race, age, religion, wealth, profession, position, etc., unless for vital reasons it is differentiated by the existing law.
2. The independence of science from the government and from the political system, the freedom of scientists to select the topic of their research, and the scientific equality of all topics of research and all areas of potential research.
3. The obliging of the country to take care of its citizens through reassuring their safety, peace, moral atmosphere of the society which rewards moral behaviour and condemns immorality, decent living conditions, food, medical care, clean air, water, and the environment, free education, and the right for free speaking out the views.
4. The right of every individual citizen to decent means of living (i.e. either reassuring the work and appropriate income for everyone, or supplying everyone with means of living).
5. Aligning the activity of the "party of totalizm" with current laws, statute of the party, resolutions of the members, and decisions of the party officers.
6. Obedience towards principles of democratic decision making described by the statute.



The stand and principles in matters of faith, religion, God, etc.:
1. The promotion of reliable and secular research on all subjects relating to God, soul, other world, miracles, supernatural phenomena, etc., and the promotion of the open and unambiguous dissemination of outcomes of these research amongst all interested people.
2. The recognition of rights of every person for treating the matters of God, faith, church, views (in this atheistic), etc., exclusively as the private matter of every citizen.
3. The separation of religion, faith, and church from the government, and the secularization of all governmental institutions.
4. The balancing of the obligatory education so as to accomplish the equilibrium between atheistic scientific views and religious views. This balancing is to be aimed at the elimination of the present monopole of views exclusively atheistic promoted by present official science, and also elimination of views exclusively religious disseminated by some present religious schools. It should be obtained through inclusion to programs of obligatory education e.g. the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, proof for the existence of God, secular knowledge about God, and also the inclusion of the basic knowledge on the subject of philosophies and key statements of at least 5 most populous religions on Earth.
5. The inclusion of churches and religious institutions onto the list of carriers of culture and tradition of the nation which require the same care and assistance as other similar carriers, e.g. as historic buildings, museums, libraries, etc.
6. The prevention of discrimination or punishment of anyone on the basis of religious beliefs, faith, and other inner attitudes which do NOT manifest themselves externally in actions that would be contradictive to morality, to the prevailing laws, to health, hygiene and safety, or to cultural traditions of a given nation.



People entitled to membership in the "party of totalizm":
1. Every person who lives permanently in the area included to the territory of competence of any branch of the "party of totalizm" is entitled to become a member of this party, if this person: (a) is at least 18 years old, (b) he or she accepted the statute and program of this party, and (c) it is NOT belonging to any category listed below which would disqualify it from the entitlement to become a member.
2. CANNOT become a member of the "party of totalizm" any adult person which can be qualified to at least to one amongst categories listed below:
       1) got publicly known for the undertaking an action that demonstrates a legally unacceptable breaking of moral laws, which influenced harmfully fate of people other than this person,
       2) is included into the list of members of any other political party,
       3) exceeded that age of 75 years old,
       4) was declared mentally unfit (partially or completely),
       5) was deprived of public rights by the legal verdict of courts of law,
       6) was excluded from the list of members of the "party of totalizm" by the decision of "Statute Commission" of any branch of this party.


Accepting new members by the "party of totalizm":
1. A "member-organiser" of the "party of totalizm" becomes every adult person of a moral character which is entitled to the membership of this party and which is able to demonstrate the knowledge of the philosophy of totalizm and which voluntarily included his or hers personal data, the PESEL number, and signature, to the list of required (1000) members-organisers of this party that is needed for the legal registration of the "party of totalizm".
2. A "member" of the "party of totalizm" becomes every adult person of a moral character that is entitled to membership in this party if he or she correctly fills in and signed the membership declaration, and if he or she is declared for this declaration by two other introducing members of this party, who accept for this person the responsibility of the referees of his or hers moral character.
3. A "honorary member" of the "party of totalizm" becomes every adult person that is entitled to the membership in this party, which in reward for some exceptional actions devoted for the good of some branch of this party is lifted to the honour of a "honorary member" of that branch via a secretive voting during a convention of members of that branch.


Rights, duties, and privileges of members of the "party of totalizm":
1. Members of the "party of totalizm" have the duty to:
       1) obey the statute and implement in life decisions of the governing bodies of the "party of totalizm",
       2) implementing commands (received in writing from the governing bodies of a given branch not later that 14 days before the deadline specified for implementation of a given command) - after personal verification that these commands do NOT run against the statute of the "party of totalizm" nor against the content of moral laws. In case of finding that any received command is contradictive to the statute of party or to the content of moral laws, members have the right and duty to consult this command with the "statutory commission", before the authority of that commission they formally refuse the completion of a given party command. This consultation and refusal of the implementing must be done before the deadline given for the completing a given command.
       3) watch carefully the life in which they take part, detect imperfections and problems that decrease the quality of that life, work out manners in which these imperfections and problems could be removed by the "party of totalizm", and write down to the "register of improvements" of their branch, proposals for ways of removing these imperfections and problems,
       4) regular paying membership fees in their own branch, means in the branch to which a given member is assigned,
       5) active participation in conventions of own branch of the "party of totalizm", and in conventions of the branch of a higher instance to which a given member was delegated to represent in there the mandate of his or her own branch,
       6) moral acting in the private and public life, so that the good name of the "party of totalizm" is not tarnished by this member.
2. Members of the "party of totalizm" have the rights to:
       1) shape their own electoral programme of the "party of totalizm",
       2) mandate to vote in all conventions of their own branch,
       3) electing and being elected to governing bodies of the "party of totalizm" on principles defined by the current statute of this party,
       4) benefit from all rewards, privileges, and honours that members can receive for their service for the "party of totalizm",
3. Members-organisers and honorary members of the "party of totalizm" can be rewarded with additional privileges which are defined by the extension of statute from their branch. These privileges include at least:
       1) release from the duty of paying membership fees,
       2) placing in a honorary register of rewards granted to members of this party, or to the register of members-organisers of this party, and
       3) the lack of upper age limit for their membership (i.e. they can become members of this party, or continue their membership, after ecxeeding the age of 75 years old),
       4) members-organisers are also eligible to all privileges granted to long-term members, independently how many years passed since the date of organising the "party of totalizm",
       5) honorary members are released from all duties that result from the membership in this party, although they retain all the rights and privileges that result from this membership.


Registers of: members, rewards, punishments, improvements:
1. Every branch of the "party of totalizm" is arranging for 4 registers. These are following registers: (1) members of a given branch, (2) rewards granted to outstanding members, (3) punishments issued to members, (4) improvements suggested by members of a given branch. Wherever it is possible these registers should have an electronic form (i.e. form of computer files).
2. Every member of the "party of totalizm" is assigned to a specific branch of this party. All activities of members are concentrating around actions of that particular branch. The area of permanent residence of a given member must lie in the range of competences of a given branch.
3. Each branch of the "party of totalizm" has and updates its own register of members that belong to this branch and that is based on membership declarations.
4. Each branch of the "party of totalizm" has and updates its own register of rewards and punishments, in which are written all rewards and punishments issued to members of this branch.
5. Presidents of all branches that belong to a given branch, or these members of such subordinate branches to whom formally was delegated the representation of their branch on the convention of the branch of a higher rank, have legal rights of members of a given branch. Thus they are written, and also have rights to write into, all registers of a given branch of the higher instance.
6. Templates for registers of members, rewards, punishments, improvements, and also requirements imposed onto their update, are issued by the secretary of the central branch of the "party of totalizm".
7. Once a year, a given branch of the "party of totalizm" sends to the secretary of the central branch the updated version of its registers of members, while on the request of the central branch, also registers of rewards, punishments, improvements.
8. The content of the register of improvements should be made available to ordinary citizens of the local community, if they ask for it.
9. It is encouraged that the governing body of subsequent branches utilise in their activities the newest accomplishments of the technology, e.g. internet. For example, if the level of expertise in a given branch allows it, the branch should have its own internet web page with the assistance of which it is going to communicate its activities to members and to the local community.


Termination of memberships in the "party of totalizm":
1. Membership in the "party of totalizm" extinguishes in following cases:
       1) resignation in writing of a given member,
       2) voluntarily suspension of someone's own membership e.g. because of leaving the country for a longer period of time and thus being unable to pay membership fees and to fulfil membership duties (voluntarily suspended members do NOT pay the membership fees),
       3) accomplishing the age of 75 years, with the exception to cases when a given member was rewarded with the honorary membership, or is the member-organiser of this party,
       4) death of given the member,
       5) removal from the register of members,
       6) excluding from the membership of the party.
2. A member of the "party of totalizm" at any moment is allowed to resign in writing from the membership in this party. He or she is NOT obliged to give reasons for this resignation.
3. A member of the "party of totalizm" at any moment is allowed to suspend his membership for important reasons. For the suspending of ones own membership must be applied in writing. The suspending is confirmed by the president with the appropriate note on the membership declaration.
4. A member of the "party of totalizm" can be excluded from this party for failing to fulfil his or her duties and obligations.
5. A member of the "party of totalizm" can be excluded from this party for failing to obey the party statute, for a disobedience to governing body of the party, for acting in manner that is inappropriate for members of that party, or for acting in immoral or disgraceful manner.


Rewarding members of the "party of totalizm" for their accomplishments:
1. Conventions and the governing body of a given branch of the "party of totalizm" can reward and honour their members for accomplishments earned by these members, in any way that they decide and that lies in their capabilities and in the range of their competences.
2. It is highly recommended that conventions and governing bodies in branches of the "party of totalizm" use their rights to reward, in order to express their understanding for difficult conditions and for additional amounts of work that members of their branch voluntarily accept for themselves. The rewarding of members of this party should also be one amongst ways of tightening the friendly ties between various members of a given branch and their families. In ideal circumstances all members of a given branch should be like a large family which voluntarily carries out common activities and provides the model of a social coexistence for the rest of community. To the matters of rewarding is delegated a special, third in hierarchy officer for matters of everyday activities. To his duties belong, amongst others, the organising meetings for rewarding and organising all gatherings which have the form of rewards for members and their families (i.e. field trips, picnics, social barbeques, cultural gatherings, trips to theatres or concerts, vacations and social gatherings, sightseeing expeditions, visiting historic places and museums, Christmas trees for children, etc., etc.).
3. Members-organisers are automatically rewarded for their vital contribution into the organisation of the party with the life-long membership of the party and with the instant inclusion into the list of long-term members of the party.
4. All rewards and honours granted to individual members of a given branch should be recorded into a special "registers of rewards" of this branch, while references to these rewards should be recorded on membership declarations of rewarded persons, and also to the membership declarations of both introductory members who recommended a moral character of a given rewarded person.


Punishing of members of the "party of totalizm" after disciplinary proceedings or after failing to properly carry out their duties:
1. The "party of totalizm" symbolically recognises all its members as soldiers who voluntarily and exclusively in a moral manner fight for the better tomorrow for their country, nation, and for the entire humanity. Similarly like from soldiers, the party expects the devotion and discipline amongst its members in fulfilling the party duties that were delegated to them.
2. The president of a given branch of the "party of totalizm" can issue in writing a warning to these members of its branch who displayed the lack of party discipline, or who in any other way broke the statements of the statute of this party.
3. The president can remove a given party member from the "register of members" of a given branch in case of not-fulfilling the duty of paying membership fees for the duration of longer than 6 months from the date of earlier request to pay, or if the member was absent in 3 (or more) conventions of this branch and did NOT excuse in writing reasons for this absence. From the decision of the president interested member can appeal to the "statutory commission" of this branch within the duration of 14 days since it was delivered. After the removal from the "register of members" a given member has no right to fill up the membership declaration again and to become a member of the "party of totalizm", until the date of expiry of cadence of the president who caused the removal of this member.
4. The "statutory commission" of a given branch can suggest a disciplinary exclusion of a given person from the party membership. The decision to exclude from membership must be forwarded in writing to a given member. A member has the right to appeal to a higher instance from such an exclusion within 14 days from the date of receiving the order of exclusion.
5. The exclusion of a member of the "party of totalizm" is carried out on the recommendation of the "statutory commission", or also in the result of a secret voting during a convention of members of a given branch. About the decision to exclude a member must be notified by the "statutory commission".
6. In the situation when the decision of the "statutory commission" of a given branch is difficult for some reasons, and also in other justified circumstances, the decision about the exclusion of a member can be made by the "statutory commission" of the central branch.
7. From the decision to exclude from the "party of totalizm" a given member can appeal to the "statutory commission" of the higher rank branch, or to the "statutory commission" of the central branch, within 14 days from the delivery of the decision to exclude.
8. If two or more members that were recommended by a introductory member is excluded from this party, also a given introductory member is automatically excluded from the "party of totalizm" for the "introduction to the party people that display doubtful character or immoral behaviour".
9. All punishments that are issued to members of a given branch must be written to a special "register of punishments" of this branch, while references to these punishments are written to membership declarations of punished members and also introductory members who recommended the moral character of given punished person.


Freezing and unfreezing activity of members of the "party of totalizm":
1. The freezing and unfreezing of activities of the "party of totalizm is a safety mechanism intended to make difficult or impossible the inner (secretive) sabotage of activities of this party and to overcome impasses of the activities of that party. If it is NOT defined otherwise by the freezing person, the freezing is for the duration of the cadence of the one that freezes. The frozen members of this party maintain all passive rights and privileges of membership, but preventively are deprived the right to vote, to take active part in discussions, to ask questions, and to comment someone's speeches. The presence of frozen members on conventions and working meetings is NOT required for the obtaining the "quorum".
2. The president has the right to freeze the activities of any member, officer, or member of the "statutory commission" of his branch, about which he has a based on facts suspicions that a given member tries to secretly sabotage the activities of a given branch. In justified circumstances the president has also the right to order the vacating the meeting hall or convention hall by all frozen members. In cases when the frozen members refuse to leave the hall voluntarily, officers of the "statutory commission" have then duties to remove them from the hall.
3. The convention of all members of a given branch has the right to freeze the president of this branch. Simultaneously with this freezing the convention must indicate who is to replace the frozen president in fulfilling his duties. In justified cases the convention has the right to order the vacating the hall by all frozen members (including the frozen president).
4. The president and the convention have also rights to temporary or permanent unfreezing the activities of previously frozen members of president. After such unfreezing these members are gaining all rights that were frozen because of their freezing.
5. The fact and duration of freezing and unfreezing, and also the justification of the freezer for reasons to freeze or defreeze, the currently managing president has the duty to write into the membership declaration of a frozen member.
6. The freezing (and also temporally unfreezing) of activities, expires automatically after the end of the period of time for which these were defined.
7. The freezing and unfreezing of activities of members do NOT represent a punishment nor reward, and in NO case can be treated as punishment or reward. It is just a friendly prevention activity taken in crisis situations and aimed at more effective and more disciplined work of branches of the "party of totalizm", on the cooling down emotions, and on cutting down fruitless discussions, ceasing arguing, etc., etc.



The organizational structure of the "party of totalizm":
1. Every branch of the "party of totalizm" has exactly the same organisation. Namely, every branch has its own statute, its owner, president, officers, the "statutory commission", and members. Every branch receives from the branch that establishes it appropriate territory of competence on which it is to act.
2. Every branch of the "party of totalizm" has the right to create subordinate branches, to which it delegates the responsibility and competence for a strictly defined fragment of the own territory of competence.
3. Every branch of the "party of totalizm" has also the right to remove the previously created subordinate branches, if the convention of its members approves such a removal with a secret voting.
4. All branches of the "party of totalizm" are organised into a hierarchical structure, which in computer sciences is called a "tree". In this structure the highest instance is the central branch, the territory of competence of which includes all areas on which this party extends its activities (i.e. the territory of the entire country). The central branch creates (and removes - if this is required) all subordinate branches of a lower instance, assigning to these the selected sections of its own area of competence (e.g. provinces). In turn these branches of a lower instance create (and when necessary - also remove) their own subordinate branches of still lower instance, for which they assign sections of their own territories. These are entitled to create branches of even lower instances, etc., etc.
5. The statute of a given branch of the "party of totalizm" is every document which regulates all matters of the activities of that branch, which acknowledges the specific circumstances and conditions of operation of a given branch, and which in every item is NOT contradictive morally to the statute that is accepted for the entire "party of totalizm" by members of the central branch of this party. In typical situations this statute can be a copy of the statute for the central branch of the party.
6. The legal owner of every branch of the "party of totalizm" is the convention (a general assembly) of all members of a given branch and delegates from subordinate branches. This convention confirms the statute of a given branch, and also democratically elects the president of that branch in a secret voting, as well as elects the entire governing body described by its statute (i.e. officers, the "statutory commission", and possible candidates for governmental elections - if for these candidates are NOT nominate automatically the president and officers of a given branch). The convention decides also about general fate of a given branch. The president of a given branch are responsible primarily to the convention, and secondary to governing bodies of branches of the higher instances.
7. The president of a given branch of the "party of totalizm" is a person responsible for all aspects of activities of that branch. It is an equivalent of a "director" or "CEO" from the industry. It represents the branch externally in all matters - unless he decides to delegate this representation onto selected from his officers. He also automatically becomes a candidate of this branch for a governmental election - unless he decides to delegate his candidacy to some amongst his officers. The statute of a given branch can delegate automatically a selected fragment of responsibilities of the president to indicated officers of the branch.
8. Officers of a given branch of the "party of totalizm" are people to which is permanently delegated authority over areas of competence defined for them by the statute. Every branch of the "party of totalizm" should have a minimal number of officers which in addition to the president is required for efficient operation of this branch. It is permissible to organise branches of the third or further instances (e.g. on the level of a factory of a township) which do NOT have any officers, although they need to have the "statutory commission".
9. The "statutory commission" of a given branch of the "party of totalizm" is an organ composed of at least three people, which guards the obedience to the statute and morality in all activities of that branch. It statutory verifies and confirms the coincidence of decisions of the president and officers of this branch with the statute, moral laws, prevailing country laws, etc. The commission, amongst others, has the right to suspend and to exclude members of the branch.
10. Members of a given branch of the "party of totalizm" are all members of the "party of totalizm" that placed their membership declarations in this branch, plus delegates from all subordinate branches that belong to a given branch. Delegates to a given branch are presidents of all branches that were created by a given branch, or officers that were delegated by these presidents to represent mandate of their branches.


Cadence of the governing bodies of the "party of totalizm":
1. The cadence of all governing bodies of the "party of totalizm" extends for five years.
2. Before finishing their cadence the outgoing governing bodies have the duty to organise and to implement an election for the next cadence.
3. Mandates of all delegates and representatives of the "party of totalizm" also extend to five years starting from the date when they were elected to their roles.


Territory of competence of a given branch of the "party of totalizm":
1. Every branch of the "party of totalizm" has a "territory of competence" assigned to it. This territory is an area on which this branch is designated to concentrate its activities, and for which its activities have the legal power. The assigning of the territory of competence is carried out by the branch which is one step (immediately) higher than a given branch.
2. The territory of competence for the central (country wide) branch of the "party of totalizm" includes the entire country.
3. In order to facilitate the administration of subsequent branches, the territories of competence assigned to these branches should coincide with the administrative borders, or with electoral districts, established by government of the country.
4. Subsequent branches of the "party of totalizm" can voluntarily take under their sponsorship, or the higher rank branch can assign to them, a group intellect which is located beyond the borders of the country (i.e. some other country, island, race, continent, etc.). For this intellect the branch can perform the function of a link and facilitator with the "party of totalizm", and also a moral sponsor, helper, teacher, promoter, defender against immoral threats from inside or outside, etc., etc.


"Conventions" (general assembles) of members - as actual owners of subsequent branches of the "party of totalizm":
1. The highest authority for the central branch of the "party of totalizm" is the convention (general assembly) of members of the central branch of the "party of totalizm" and the delegates from all subordinate branches. In the legal sense the convention is an owner of the entire "party of totalizm" and has the right to decide about all aspects of this party.
2. The highest authority of every other branch of the "party of totalizm" is the convention (general assembly) of all members of this branch and delegates from branches that are subordinate to this branch. In the legal sense this convention is the owner of a given branch of the "party of totalizm" and has the right to decide about all aspects of this branch.
3. The convention is a formal assembly on which the presence of members and delegates is compulsory. It must be clearly distinguished from working meetings or social gatherings of members of this branch on which the presence is always voluntary. The central purpose of convention and the most vital goal for which it is organised is to take the most important decisions with the common wisdom of all its participants, and also to carry out elections. However, the convention should also be used for other purposes, e.g. for reporting activities of governing bodies and highlighting accomplishments and activities, for discussing future directions, strategies, principles of operation, etc. Conventions, however, should NOT be used for financial gains, e.g. by imposing any entrance tickets, or compulsory payments of the participants.
4. Delegates for the convention of a given branch that have mandates for voting are all members written into the "register of members" of this branch, and additionally also presidents of all subordinate branches of the "party of totalizm" that were created by a given branch, or these members from such subordinate branches which their presidents delegated their mandates. The cadence of a delegate of a given branch for the convention of the branch of a higher instance extends to the entire period of the cadence of a given president.
5. The convention has the power of voting if participates in it at least 51% of mandate carriers for a given convention. If for a convention arrives less than 51% of quorum entitled for voting according tot he "register of members", the convention must be dissolved and called again with the deadline not earlier than after 14 days.
6. In case of the necessity of dissolving a given convention because of the lack of "quorum", the president of a given branch should carry out the required deleting from the register of members of this branch before the deadline of the next convention of this branch, so that in the next convention the quorum is established on the basis of an updated "register of members".
7. The convention decides democratically via a secretive voting about all aspects of the branch that lie in the area of its competency and that re subjected to voting by bodies that are entitled for this. It also includes the democratic elections to governing bodies of the next cadence.
8. The convention is called on the request of the "statutory commission" or the president of a given branch. The exact date of the next convention determines the "statutory commission" or a voting during the previous convention. Apart for the critical cases, calling the convention of a given branch should NOT occur more frequently than once per year. The participation of members and delegates in conventions of their branch belongs to main duties of membership in the "party of totalizm".
9. Dates of conventions of subsequent instances should be selected in distances not shorter than one month from each other. In this way outcomes of conventions of lower instances can be reported by delegates and subjected for voting on conventions of branches of higher instances. For example, if the convention of the central branch is planed for December of a given year, then conventions of provincial branches should assembly not later than in November, conventions of towns and electoral districts not later than in October, etc., etc.


Voting during a convention of the "party of totalizm":
1. The voting is the most vital component of every convention. With the use of voting members of a given branch and delegates to this branch express their group will, draw the inspiration from their common wisdom, and execute their democratic rights. For voting at a convention are subjected all decision of the branch, which lie outside of the decision competence of elected governing body of this branch. Voting should be well prepared and efficiently carried out, so that it does NOT discourage nor waste time of the participants of the convention.
2. The convention expresses its will democratically via a secret voting on every matter that is placed in front of it for deciding. If an individual statute of a given branch does NOT state it differently, the matter subjected for voting is considered to be accepted if FOR it votes not less than 51% of members and delegates of a given convention that carry valid voting mandates.
3. If outcomes of voting are inconclusive for some reasons, then the convention may decide to carry out more than one sessions of voting over a given matter. In case of impasse the convention may also try to reformulate the mater that is voted in order to receive a more conclusive outcomes.
4. The matters subjected for voting on a given convention can be proposed by every member and every delegate for a given convention. Members who do NOT perform any function in elected governing bodies must however propose their matter for voting via the ":statutory commission" of a given branch.
5. All matters that are designated for voting in a given convention should be made available in their final formulation to carriers of voting mandates not later than 14 days before the date of the convention. (For example, these can be published on the web page of a given branch, published in the press, or their final formulation can be send by post to carriers of voting mandates). In this way the voters receive time for making up their mind and for asking their conscience in each voted matter, for personal analysis of a given matter, for asking their friends and interested people, and also for "lobbying" of specific decisions amongst other voters. However, it is NOT permitted to "lobby", convince, or try to influence voting in any way, in the very day of convention, although voters have rights to publicly ask questions before voting addressed to the person who proposed a given matter for voting at the convention.
6. The final formulation of every matter subjected for voting on a given convention (with exception of lists of candidates for election) should be worded in such a manner that their deciding should take the character of reply "YES" (FOR), or "NO" (AGAINST).
7. For every post included into the election must be proposed at least two candidates. One of them can be a person who held this post during the previous cadence. During the election voters must also have the right to select still other option that the two proposed candidates, e.g. to choose the option "none from the proposed candidates".
8. If the final formulation of any matter or any list of candidates subjected for voting must be defined in the duration less that 14 days before the date of voting, e.g. it results from the discussion at the convention itself, then before this matter is subjected for voting it must be voted the question whether the convention is ready to vote on this matter in such short notice for thinking it over. If a given matter is NOT accepted for voting, then it needs to await for a next convention, or the decision about it is moved to the president of a given branch.


Presidents of branches of the "party of totalizm":
1. The president of the central branch of the "party of totalizm" is a person elected by the central convention of the "party of totalizm" in a secret voting, to whom passed is the responsibility for everyday administration of the activities of the entire party and the responsibility for all decisions of this party.
2. The president of a given branch of the "party of totalizm" is a person elected by members of that branch in a secret voting, to whom passed is the responsibility for everyday administration of the activities of this branch and the responsibility for all decisions of this branch.
3. All decisions of the president of a given branch must be coinciding with the statute of that branch. The responsibility for this coinciding assumes the "statutory commission".
4. Presidents take the personal responsibility for all aspects of the activities of the branch that they supervise which lie in the area of their competence. They also have the right to passive insight to decisions, activities and documentation of all subordinate officers (but without the right to influence these decisions of their officers, for which these officers take their own personal responsibility). They also have the right of a passive insight to meetings of the subordinate "statutory commission" (but without the right to influence the decisions of the commission).
5. Presidents legally represent outside their branches in all matters that require representing.
6. Within 14 days from the date of appearance of a new writing in the "register of improvements" of a given branch, the president of this branch has the duty to explain in addition to this writing what steps were taken to implement a given improvement. In turn when this improvement is implemented, they also have the duty to write this in the register of improvements to explain what are outcomes of this implementation.
7. The president of a given branch have the right to issue to any member tasks to be completed. These tasks must however limit themselves to matters that are subjects of activities of a given branch. (I.e. presidents have no rights to issue commands which are somehow contradictive, or do not serve, the activities carried out by the given branch.)
8. Presidents of given branches, or the entire "party of totalizm", have the right to delegate in writing a section of their responsibilities, rights, and decision making, to other members of this party. This delegating can either be imposed by the content of the statute of a given branch - and then it is automatic, or takes the power via a writing decision of these presidents. After delegating a given section of their responsibilities, the person which take this responsibility is personally responsible for all decisions that it makes (but the president maintains the right to a passive insight to these decisions and their documentation).


Officers of branches of the "party of totalizm":
1. The statute of every branch decides about a number and the area of competence of officers of this branch.
2. In order to avoid bureaucracy, the maximal number of officers which a given branch can have in support of the work of their president, is 7. Each of these officers have a number in the hierarchy. Areas of competence of each officer can be as follows:
       1) Finances. His competences: finances, membership fees, assets, accountancy, taxes, trade, incomes. The financial officer is responsible practically for all decisions that concern finances and assets of a given branch.
       2) Secretariat. His competences: registers, documentation, archives, history, library, flow of information, statistics, post, correspondence, internet.
       3) Life. His competence: coexistence of people, rewarding, punishment, human resources, membership, society, citizens, religion, faith, law, justice, statute, polis, traffic, passenger communication, accidents, prisons, flats, buildings.
       4) Knowledge. His competences: education, teaching, science, research, schools, universities, granting rights based on qualifications.
       5) Production. His competences: production, technology, mining, natural resources, energy and non-polluting generation of energy, economic development, management, farming, infrastructure.
       6) Environment. His competences: universe, cosmos, planets, Earth, territory, land, living creatures, animals, forests, nature, farming production, food, air, water, oceans.
       7) Country. His competences: coexistence with neighbour countries, peace, diplomacy, embassies and consulates, international matters, army, defence, intelligence.


"Statutory commissions" in branches of the "party of totalizm":
1. To the duties of the "statutory commission" belong:
       1) Reassuring that all decisions taken by the president, officers, and members of a given branch are agreeable with the statute of a given branch of the "party of totalizm" as well as in the spirit of the philosophy of totalizm.
       2) Making decisions in all controversial matters and in all arguments.
       3) Exclusion of members of the "party of totalizm" in the area of competence of a given commission.
       4) Determining of dates of conventions and also organising and supervising these conventions and elections, including the elections for governing bodies of the next cadence.
       5) Reassuring that all registers of a given branch are updated and have "backups" that are well protected from a destruction, and in this way preventing the destruction of registers.



Everyday activities of the "party of totalizm":
1. Members of the "party of totalizm" express their trust in morality, wisdom, level of expertise, experience, foresight,, and the level of responsibility of specific people by electing these people to appropriate positions in the governing bodies of this party.
2. Presidents and officers on positions of responsibility in the "party of totalizm", that are provided with the credit of trust of their members by being elected to these positions, take all decisions that lie in the area and territory of their competence, and run the apparatus which implement these decisions in real life. Wherever it is possible, the decision making should be carried out in consultations with the interested members of the party in order to enrich these with the group wisdom of these members.
3. Every decision taken by the president or an officer of the "party of totalizm", which affects at least one person other than this president or officer, must be registered somewhere in an appropriate written form.
4. Presidents and officers of the "party of totalizm" take a personal responsibility for all decisions that they make.
5. All decisions about which it is estimated that are going to affect between 500 to 5000 people, before the implementation must be rectified by the "statutory commission" of the same instance at which works the decision maker.
6. All decisions about which it is estimated that they affect over 5000 people, before implementation must be rectified by the central (for the entire country) "statutory commission" (of the highest rank).
7. The rectifying a given decision by the appropriate "statutory commission" does NOT remove the personal responsibility for its outcomes from the officer who make this decision.
8. In case the "statutory commission" finds a given decision disagreeable with the statute of the "party of totalizm" or with the statements of the philosophy of totalizm (e.g. because it runs against the action of any moral law), and thus this commission suspends the implementation of this decision, the decision needs to be transformed in such a manner that it eliminates the reservations of the commission, while after the transformation can be presented again to the same commission for rectification.
9. In case the decision maker does NOT agree with reservations of a given statutory commission, he or she can appeal to the statutory commission of a higher instance for reconsidering his or her decision. From reservations of the statutory commission of the highest rank there is no appeal.


Introduction of changes to the statute of the "party of totalizm":
1. Presidents, statutory commissions, and conventions of members, have rights to propose changes to the statute of a given branch.
2. A change of the statute of a given branch, the essence of which is morally contradictive to the statute of the central (country wide) branch of the "party of totalizm", or is contradictive to moral laws described by the philosophy of totalizm, is illegal and must be withdrawn.
3. The proposed changes and improvements of the statute acquire the power only after they are voted in a secret voting of the convention of a given branch, and after their agreeability with the central statute and with the content of moral laws is confirmed by the "statutory commission" of the higher rank or the central rank.
4. The long-term members of the "party of totalizm" which are affected in a undesirable manner changes to this statute, should obtain a choice whether their membership is going to be based on the old, or on the new formulation of this statute. (A long-term member is every member whose membership extends for at lest 10 years, as well as every member-organiser.)



Origins and management of assets and funds of the "party of totalizm":
1. Assets of the "party of totalizm" originate from membership fees, donations, and other sources allowed by laws concerning political parties and by other laws. Responsible for gathering the assets of the party, and also for accounting of all incomes and expenses of a given branch of the "party of totalizm" can be delegated by the president of a given branch to the treasurer of that branch.
2. The amount of membership fees is defined by decisions of presidents of subsequent branches of the 'party of totalizm". The president have the right to delegate this decision to the treasurer of a given branch.
3. Members-organisers, and also honorary members of the "party of totalizm", are released from the duty to pay membership fees.
4. All matters regarding membership fees of delegates for conventions of higher hierarchy branches, are regulated by their own branches, means by the branches that these delegates represent.
5. The external representation of given branches of the party of totalizm in all matters relating to finances and to party ownerships, as well as the rights to take credits on behalf of given party branches, are entitled presidents of given branches. But these presidents have the right to delegate their entitlements to treasurers of their branches.
6. The president of a given branch of the "party of totalizm", or the treasurer acting on behalf of that president, can establish legal and financial representatives who are to represent externally given branch of the "party of totalizm" and to draw credits, to the level and at conditions defined legally in the appropriate representation document.
7. All incomes and expenses of the divisions of the "party of totalizm" must be accounted accordingly to the currently prevailing financial laws.

Part #C: Explanation of the above statute:


#C1. The text of the above statut is an attachement to the web page about the political "party of totalizm":

       The text of the above statute is just an enclosure to a separate web page about the political "party of totalizm". Therefore this web page should be read as an addition to that web page with the physical name partia_totalizmu_uk.htm.

Part #?: ...(These parts of thie web page are reserved for future use)...


#?1. ...(Items reserved for the future development and use)...


Part #Z: Summary and the final information of this web page:


#Z1. Summary of this web page:

       The majority of people already "gave up" the matter of the "improvement of our life quality" through the improvement of the social and political system in which we live. But this is quite an erroneous approach. After all, if we do NOT improve ourselves our standards of living, then NO-ONE else is going to do this for us. The proposed on this web page political "party of totalizm", with its peaceful and progressive status, indicates for people the path for the least "painful" way to accomplish such an improvement. After all, it establishes "moral mechanisms of the improvements" which in a long-run must yield a significant gains for all people. Thus, it is an attractive "alternative" for commonly used to-date manners of accomplishing such an improvement, of the kind of "coups", "revolutions", "rebellions", "strikes" etc. - which typically spill a lot of human blood, unnecessarily take a lot of human lives, while in the final effect still do NOT bring the expected results. (How in the world ruled by virtuous God a new "group intellect" which starts its existence from the spill of human blood, from unleashing terror, and from causing harm, could possibly introduce any improvement to the world?) So it is worth to know, that such a peaceful alternative for the improvement of our lives do exist at all. It is also worth to learn what it is all about. Just for these reasons it is worth to read this web page.

#Z2. Blogs of totalizm:

       It is also worth to check periodically blogs of totalizm available under addresses: (posts from #89 = i.e. from 2006/11/11) (posts from #293 = i.e. from 2018/2/23) (posts from #293 = i.e. from 2018/3/16)
All posts to blogs of totalizm (almost each one of which is translated and published again in English) are also available in my publication [13] which is disseminated free of charge via the web page named tekst_13.htm.
       Notice that all these addresses hold the same blog with the same content of messages. On the blogs many matters discussed here are also explained with additional details written as new events unveil before our eyes.

#Z3. How with the web page named "skorowidz_links.htm" one can find totaliztic descriptions of topics in which he is interested:

       A whole array of topics equally interesting as these from the above web page, is also discussed from the angle that is unique to the philosophy of totalizm. All these related topics can be found and identified with the use of content index prepared especially to make easier finding these web pages and topics. The name "index" means a list of "key words" usually provided at the end of textbooks, which allows to find fast the description or the topic in which we are interested. My web pages also has such a content "index" - only that it is additionally supplied in green links which after "clicking" at them with a mouse immediately open the web page with the topic that interest the reader. This content "index" is provided on the web page named skorowidz_links.htm. It can be called from the "organising" part of "Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would recommend to look at it and to begin using it systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to everyone.

#Z4. Emails to the author of this web page:

       Current email addresses to the author of this web page, i.e. officially to Dr Eng. Jan Pająk while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pająk, at which readers can post possible comments, opinions, descriptions, or information which in their opinion I should learn, are provided in item #L3 from the web page named pajak_jan_uk.htm (for its version in the HTML language), or the web page named pajak_jan_uk.pdf (for the version of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.pdf" in safe PDF format - which safe PDF versions of further web pages by the author can also be downloaded via links from item #B1 of the web page named text_11.htm).
       The author's right for the use of courteous title of "Professor" stems from the custom that "with professors is like with generals", namely when someone is once a professor, than he or she courteously remains a professor forever. In turn the author of this web page was a professor at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them, from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998, as an "Associate Professor" from English-based educational system, while on one university as a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till 31 December 2007 - means at the last place of employment in his professional life).
       However, please notice that because of my rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly reply to emails which contain JUST time consuming requests, while simultaneously they document a complete ignorance of their author in the topic area which I am researching.

#Z5. A copy of this web page is also disseminated as a brochure from series [11] in the safe format "PDF":

       This web page is also available in the form of a brochure marked [11], which is prepared in "PDF" ("Portable Document Format") - currently considered to be the most safe amongst all internet formats, as normally viruses cannot cling to PDF. This clear brochure is ready both, for printing, as well as for reading from a computer screen. It also has all its green links still active. Thus, if it is read from the computer screen connected to internet, then after clicking onto these green links, the linked web pages and illustrations will open. Unfortunately, because the volume of it is around a double of the volume of web page which this brochure publishes, the memory limitations on a significant number of free servers which I use, do NOT allow to offer it from them (so if it does NOT download from this address, because it is NOT available on this server, then you should click onto any other address from Menu 3, and then check whether in there it is available). In order to open this brochure (and/or download it to own computer), it suffices to either click on the following green link or to open from any totaliztic web site the PDF file named as in the above green link.
       If the reader wishes to check, whether some other totaliztic web page which he or she just is studying, is also available in the form of such PDF brochure, then should check whether it is listed amongst links from "part #B" of the web page named text_11.htm. This is because links from there indicate all totaliztic web pages, which are already published as such brochures from series [11] in PDF format. I wish you a fruitful reading!

#Z6. Copyrights © 2025 by Dr Eng. Jan Pajak:

       Copyrights © 2025 by dr inż. Jan Pająk. All rights reserved. This web page is a report from outcomes of research of the author - only that is written in a popular language (so that it can be understood by readers with non-scientific orientation). Ideas presented on this web page (and also in other publications by the author) are unique for the author’s research, and thus from the same angle these ideas were NOT presented by any other researcher. As such, this web page presents ideas which are the intellectual property of the author. Therefore, the content of this web page is the subject to the same laws of intellectual ownership as every other scientific publication. Especially the author reserves for himself the moral credit and copyrights for the scientific theories, discoveries and inventions mentioned or described on this web page. Therefore, the author reserves that during repeating any idea presented on this web page (i.e. any theory, principle, explanation, deduction, interpretation, device, evidence, proof, nvention, photograph, illustration, table, etc.), the repeating person revealed and confirmed who is the original author of this idea (means, as it is used to say in creative circles, the repeating person provided a full moral "credit" and recognition to the author of this web page), through a clear explanation that a given idea is repeated from the web page authorised by Dr Jan Pajak, through indication of the internet address of this web page under which this idea was originally explained, and through mentioning the date of most recent update of this web page (i.e. the date indicated below).
Date of initiation this web page: 11 November 2011
Date of the most recent update: 28 January 2025

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